WHY This is Rushβs Greatest Song
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Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 915,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beato Ear Training, Beato Book, Quick Lessons Course, Rick Beato, music education, pop music, Music theory, Music Industry, Perfect Pitch, guitar, Music Production, music theory for beginners, ear training, chord progression, how to write a song, guitar chords, music theory, Prog Rock, Rush, alex lifeson, neil peart, Geddy Lee, song analysis, progressive rock, progressive rock instrumental, xanadu, a farewell to kings, Acoustic Guitar, 70's rock, 70's music
Id: 0UeGt2DcPHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 45sec (2265 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2022
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Xanadu is Rush. A long & complex song with many differing parts, double-neck guitars, memorable and quotable lyrics (say to any diehard Rush fan "Honeydew" and they'll reply "Xanadu").
Seriously, if I have the time to plan for my death, Xanadu from Exit Stage Left will be one of the last things I watch.
How does one choose a single greatest Rush track? Itβs not possible. I donβt think I could even narrow down a top 5.
His videos are really informative and entertaining. Also heβs a big Rush fan!
The only contenders aside from Xanadu for me are La Villa and Hemispheres.
La Villa Strangiato is Rush's best song.
I saw this too a few days ago. It's a great song but I agree, they've had better. My viewpoint changes. There will be times where I can't stop playing a song for days. Xanadu has been in that spot many times in my Playlist. Rush, to me, will always be a pinnacle of great music from 3 of the greatest musicians ever.
I think Red Barchetta is their best, but Xanadu is certainly up there.
There are about a dozen tracks I'd accept an argument for, and Xanadu is definitely one of them