Druid Levelling Guide SoD PHASE 2 | Feral & Balance

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this is the ultimate and only leveling guide you're going to need for Druids in phase two of season of Discovery hello my name is Javier and I'm here to make your life a lot easier in all aspects of World of Warcraft we're going to be going over two different builds today one in feral and one in balance and they both come with their own pros and cons starting off with the balance build then first things first on the leg Rune you're going to want to get star surge if you are hoard this is going to take a little bit of effort and it took me 1 hour I timed myself on my iPhone it literally took about 1 hour and 5 minutes I explained it all in my level 1 to 25 leveling guide from Phase 1 link down below it looks like this and even though it does take a while to get this when you do go and get it literally when I tell you it will One-Shot everything for at least level 10 to 15 I mean it it is incredible sometimes it might leave the enemy with like 5% health and then you just use Raph and literally kill them um it is literally the best it may take an hour to get for hoorde a lot quicker if your alliance but seriously it's instant and the Mana cost is like one Mana it scales and it is basically nothing it's Insanity so if you want to do that go for it if you're like I can't be bothered with that that's also fine but what you should do then is at level two and this is also really good Fury of storm rage so getting this Rune first which you could just get to level two and then go get the other one um but getting this one first is going to make you really good getting the star surge one is going to make you like Godly at low levels um and up to like level 15 20 so Fury of storm rage reduces the Mana cost of Wrath this is like your first spell you get and it's just kind of a filler spell so it being mana free is insane it means that unlike a lot of Caster classes especially early on in the game we're not going to need to drink at all so it reduces the Mana cost 100% And every time you use it you've got 12% chance to make your next Healing Touch uh instant so if you are getting attacked by mobs and you know how annoying it is when they interrupt your spellcasting when you're trying to heal well this will make your next Healing Touch instant meaning that it's going to be just ping oh I've got loads of Health back which is fantastic this is the one you get at level two let's say then we're getting up to about level 10 now and we've been doing some questing in our starting area what are we going to take first in our talents well I'm going to take Nature's grasp when you activate this on a one minute cooldown basically when an enemies attack you they're going to have a chance to be entangled in routs and won't be able to move at all what you can then do is run away at range and start casting your Spells at them again you can also then it's up to you what you do for the next four points up to level 15 you could put four points into improved Nature's grasp increasing the chance of that to happen when they attack you or you could put five out five into improved rft so I would actually recommend doing both of these things while leveling but in which order you do them is up to you reducing the cast time of RA means you can get more refs out higher proc chance therefore on getting the free healing touches Etc overall these are both winners then I would go and put two into Nature's reach when you're actually starting to attack an enemy being as far away as possible so that they take longer to get to you to even start doing melee damage to you before the Nature's grasp gets them you know it gives you more of a chance that they'll never even C reach up to you um so this increases the range of a lot of your spells and that will include star surge as well so after that I'm going to put three out of three in to improve THS THS basically is how it sounds when the enemy attacks you it's a buff you can put on yourself for 10 minutes and it's going to increase the Damage Done by it by 75% meaning when they are Mele attacking you they're going to die even faster cuz you're you know just passively hurting them from those Thorns the next five points I'm going to put into improv Moonfire increasing the damage and critical strike of Moonfire by 10% and while I think the enemies are going to die quite fast and you can use Moonfire and Sunfire you should also get this um this is before level 25 by the way we're getting up to you should also get Sunfire um so you can use it your Moonfire these are both to damage overtime effects and these are going to be quite good however when you're using star Surge and WRA these two Sunfire and Moonfire are arly quite Mana um Mana exp Mana expensive um so do be careful that you don't run out of mana and don't have any healing touches because remember even though it may make your next Healing Touch instant with the fury of the stormrage Rune it's still going to cost Mana it may be instant but it's not free so we want to make sure that we've got some Mana still that we can use that instant proc this is actually an issue I ran into myself a lot early on when I was leveling is that I would use my Sunfire and Moonfire and then I'd be out of Mana to get that proc to heal myself so anyway we're improving that it's giving a lot more crit chance we're then going to put our next five points into Vengeance increasing the crit strike damage bonus of our um Starfire Moonfire and raft and star surge is actually going to trigger from anything that affects Starfire so star surge is going to have any effect from Starfire so things like this that affect our Starfire will also affect our star surge making our star surge even more powerful and increasing the rate at the you know with the damage of the crits the rate at which we are going to oneshot our enemies with it after that one out of one into Nature's Grace all spells criticals graci a blessing of nature reducing the cast time of your next spell by 0.5% and then I would just put the next four points into Moon Fury this really simply is going to increase the Damage Done by Starfire Moonfire and WFT by 8% and then your last point which at this point we're not actually leveling anymore is going to be moonin so at that point this isn't a leveling guide but that's going to be where you're going to kind of you know then we're going to go over at 40 to my balance Druid guide if you're continuing with balance again Link in the description for that regarding the next two runes then these are going to be after level 25 so nourish is quite a high level Rune gener the mobs you're going to have to kill to get this Rune are level 40 in dust wellow Marsh and therefore I would advise at level 30 that you go and get your Eclipse runes so once you've got level 30 you can get your Eclipse Rune I'm not going to go through how to get the runes I feel like there's enough guides out there and Wowhead Etc telling you how to do those um but at level 30 that's roughly when you're going to get this Eclipse rune Starfire increases the crit strike of your next two rafts and Rh increases the crit strike of your next two star fires of your next Starfire Sorry by 30% both affects stack both spells also gain 70% chance at all times to not lose casting time when you take damage again meaning when those mobs are attacking you you can get more spells out on them and reducing the interruption that you may take and I think that is really good for leveling on the last Rune then the foot Rune it's going to be dream state your damaging spell crits Grant you 50% Mana regen while casting Etc again is going to help with that Mana as you get to those higher levels the way that you start this is by killing cental in uh desus and then it's like starts the whole situation um but yeah so quite high level for that one as well but generally like these um these four runes are going to get you you know pretty much nearly all of the way there anyway especially Fury the storage and star surge being available so incredibly early these are the backbone of this leveling build now going on to the feral counterpart of this leveling build so this this is interesting and I'm going to go through the priority of this really halfway through the build is where it gets really exciting I personally would put five out of five into ferocity reducing the cost of mole swipe claw and rake by five energy meaning we can do more quicker and get those enemies down I would definitely put five out of five into fi hide increasing our armor contribution so that we're a bit more sturdy then this is where it gets really exciting two points into feline swiftness now while this not this may not be the absolute most efficient way of leveling I do believe the balance one is better for that at being efficient F line swiftness increases your movement speed by 30% while outdoors in cat form if you're leveling you're going to be outdoors and increases your chance to dodge while in cat form by 4% so this is adding a bit of survivability while you're leveling and a massive 30% movement speed which I think we can all agree that movement speed while leveling Outdoors is going to be absolutely fantastic and it's just going to make feeling it's going to make make leveling feel sorry so much quicker and just getting around especially Before 40 where you're you're not getting a mount and you know I think you're either going to go one or two ways you're going to go balance because it's just boom boom boom one shot one shot or you're going to go this way because you're zooming around so much faster I would then take feral charge you can charge an enemy immobilizing them for 4 seconds interrupting any spellcasting meaning boom you've charged in you've immobilized them boom boom boom you're doing your DPS and they're not even attacking you yet because they are immobilized um and I think this would be really good as well so basically you're just zooming around AER off like a lunatic um while leveling up and this is like a really really fun way to level I would then put one two three points into sharpened claws increasing your crit strike Chance by 6% while in cap form and now I put two into blood frenzy your critical strikes from cap form abilities that add combo points have 100% chance to add on an additional combo Point again just meaning that we can get through those combo points and the finishing moves quicker to finish everyone off because we're going boom boom boom remember um like you saying B again predatory strikes is really good three points into here increasing your melee attack power and Cat by 100 50% of your level as you level up more and more this gets more and more um more and more efficient fairy fire I think is fantastic decreasing the armor of the Target by 175 um and it's only on a 6C coold down which is like hello you know so you can charge in put the fairy fire on and then go boom boom boom and and and kill them in like two seconds um after that you could put two points into improve shred reducing the energy cost and then two into Savage Fury increasing the damage by your claw rake M and swipe again depending on how you're playing um this is great for the last five points I wouldn't for the leveling build go into heart of the wild and leader of the pack I'd probably go over into fur all so that you can um do a lot more power shifting and you could do this as your first five points or four points that might be the actual better way to go um or you can put Mark um points into improve Mark of the wild as well um that could also be a good way to go I think in leveling it's more about how you like to play and you know we're not looking for the best in slot we're not looking for the absolute most efficient way we're looking at how can I not get myself killed how can I move through mobs and quests quickly um you know in the most kind of fun way I think that's the best way to look at leveling and a bit in a bit of a Different Light to how you're looking at more kind of the end game raid build I would put survival as the fittest on the chest Rune um so that you're reducing all damage taken by 10% for the leg Rune you could go with skull bash if you do take the point out of feral charge that's kind of why skull bash is there um and you can just put this maybe an extra point into feral a point an extra point to improved U Mark of the wild Etc um if not then I would go with Savage raw finishing move that increases physical damage done by 30% while in cat form and that can last up to 34 seconds so if you're taking up a group of mobs this could be really good um for that a lot of people also take Sunfire in cat um and it can be really good while in cat form as well and this gets you know another damage over time out that can be really powerful even in cat form uh and the these three are all available before level 25 after that the only options you're going to have are bazark and on the foot Rune it's going to be uh king of the jungle increasing physical damage you deal and granting you energy Etc it's really good berserk is available at level 28 so this is quite a good one you can get fairly early on as well whereas obviously eclipse is at 30 and you know the last one's like you know A Million Miles Away regarding king of the jungle this is one that you do in deadwind pass so this is a lot higher as well um so again these these last two are going to be quite high level and therefore most of the leveling build isn't going to Encompass these however berserk is available a bit earlier same with Eclipse Etc if you are looking at dungeon leveling which is personally my preferred way to level you can start off at level 15 16 by doing either the rage fire Chasm or deadmines if you are Alliance and looking to do deadmines you can just come out of Stormwind down into westf and come down to moonbrook that's where the deadmines are and go into the deadmines and do them and you can do this up until about level 23 once you're at level 23 you're going to go all the way back up to eloin Forest into Stormwind City and into the dirty old stockades if you are hoarded there is a trick to getting to the deadmines cuz rage fasm is so boring um what I do is you get say you're in oramar you get the Zeppelin over to the under City and then you go to Brill and there's another Zeppelin that will take you down uh to strangle for Vil do not get the strangle for Z Veil Zeppelin from oramar or this won't work I made that mistake myself and ended up way out here in the vile Reef let me tell you it was not pretty so you must get the one from the unders City because of where the Zeppelin comes in um you know it comes in from a different angle as soon as you load in in strangle form Veil jump off the back like downstairs off the the little balcony at the back of the Zeppelin jump off the back into the sea and you just swim up here into um in into westf here and you just come up here into moonbrook it sounds like a lot and it s it looks like on the map you're going to be swimming for ages you're really not it's actually really really quick and that's how you do deadmines like I said with Alliance um you're going to be doing The Stockade from about level 23 you can do this up to level 28 at which point you're going to want to come up to tr full Glade tiis full Glades and do Scarlet monastery and you can pretty much just do that until 40 if you are hoard what I would then recommend at about level like 18 20 is doing whaling Caverns from maybe 18 yeah about 18 to 22 and then from 22 to 25 I would come down and do Shadow fan keep down here and then from 25 to 28 I would do uh razor Fen crawl down here in the Barons up until Level 28 at which point you you will also go over to Scarlet Monastery now Scarlet Monastery is going to get you a load of gear and a load of XP however if you are new and haven't been raiding yet you must do BFD The Raid from Level from phase one at level 25 the experience you're going to get is absolutely astronomical okay it is astronomical I cannot say this enough it's crazy I at level 25 got an entire level just from doing the BFD raid it's crazy okay few other small things that you should do while leveling is make sure that you're getting some consumables from the auction house looking at Green gear on the auction house that can always be quite cheap and get your sleeping bag again in my what to do first in Phase 2 video which again I'll link below that actually shows you how to get the sleeping bag that's going to give you a load of experience as well and this is also really fantastic so I do advise you watch that didn't want to put that all in this video cuz this is been be Druid specific but it is a really good item you can get to get a ton more XP as your leveling up and apart from that guys that is it I hope you enjoyed this video let me know your thoughts Down Below in the comments and let me know which leveling guide you would like to see next if you do need any help at all please do also consider joining my Discord where we have a huge community of other players leveling up doing dungeons raiding together and also we can help you with any questions you have like UI add-ons class questions I really do mean it like anything at all I personally am there always in my Discord to help you and so are the community
Channel: Javier
Views: 19,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, wow, wow classic, Paladin, druid, hunter, priest, warlock, warrior, raid, m+, classic wow
Id: lMb3tFO9SRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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