Dropping tall trees, climbing and felling.

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[Music] all right friends good morning we're on a job we've worked on the property before a big dirty cedar beside the house here it's all it's dying at the top you can't see it because it's a rat's nest up there maples growing into it and everything we got three here we got that one there we got a dead fur which is surprising to me and then we got another fur that are dying two furs that are dying it's usually balsam we're taking out but we're cutting fur today and uh so hogan's got one and i got one and uh we're just getting right at it here's the deal here's the deal up and here there's ganges tree over there and uh yeah it's all close to the house that one septic and stuff down in here i think it's a gravity fed uh 120 footers good size i'm thinking about maybe i don't know we'll see what happens here see if we can let a good size stem go with that fur up this way but away we go no balsam snag there there's ganges heading over to his all right so there's uh there's bucking going up his thing there's my tree there's this little maple here that's also got to come out so we'll see i might come down and tie into what i might tie into that fur before i do anything with that fur and then go over and just kind of get rid of that or i might leave it and then repel into it all my way down and get it we'll see once i once i'm above it i'll decide tree there see these dead limbs they kind of just kind of fall out of the socket once they're once they're finished they're course that's a good-sized tree to climb friends just take small steps there's no panic oh kind of like that hanging that saw off the hip now i never used to oh yeah we're gonna leave i'm gonna leave that maple that little maple shoot because my bag's right under it and branches are deflecting off of it so it's working out in my favor started doing a hole in here i'll just show you a couple limbs and i'll turn you off again you can see we just got limbs there's no rigging no nothing [Music] straightforward see what i can do here [Applause] there's that deck right there so i don't want this to swing out backwards too far try and muster it out of this maple tree there we go i just really don't want stuff no jack before getting caught in my rope back all righty i'll shut you down now just wanted to let you know what we're doing here there's bucket over there little ways above me wow oh okay we got a septic field down there on this side so i'm going to strip up one side of this tree which is my right foot up here and then let it go back in there which is actually against the wind but i don't want it down there wow see what i just did there you go [Applause] oh [Music] wow wow wow this will be my last stand that's it now i can climb down or i can rappel down and to be honest by the time i get tied in i'll be down all right friends we're up here i've stripped up this tree in good ways winds blowing our our way it's going to rappel down and uh repel down and top it down there that looks good yeah it should be good i'm still on my steel core oh [Music] soft ground there boy good shot friends i'm here with the old man um we're going through the timmy's to get a coffee dad say hi to everybody how you doing folks um friends i i don't know where my top i i made a little blurb for instagram there and it's on instagram me letting my top go hogan didn't catch it i did catch it but i don't know where it is but listen this might be a good opportunity for everybody to go over if you haven't signed up with my uh whatever you hold on hold on you got to let these people go because you'll block this off yeah just wait here totally yeah um and then there you go now you can roll head over to my instagram like i'm billy ray smith uh and it'll show the top going off in a small blurb uh i don't know i can't find it friends i can't fight it so anyway uh it's in there it'll be in the instagram if you want to see the top going over which i feel silly but that is i thought i'd give you a little tipperone and to get you to follow my instagram at the same time pretty tricky really wouldn't you think so oh yeah oh yeah back to the show hey maybe we should get somebody's let's get this coffee behind us let's do it yeah we're going to do it do you guys want to watch us do that again it doesn't matter we're going to buy that freaking guy's coffee back there that's what we're doing i'm going to get it it's a girl is it a girl let's buy her coffee how much how much yep okay we'll take it so she just bought herself a large coffee that's what it is it's 210 so she's got you got that so yeah so we'll get her coffee it's simple friends two dollars and ten cents it's just the thought she's gonna be like that felt nice thank you and uh she may do it next time she goes through and this whole world's gonna be a wonderful giving loving place i like it thank you thanks dad back to the show okay back to work i honestly think this stem will fit straight up there it'll go it'll come through here this is a big size tree so friends i i gotta take a big deep undercutter i'm just gonna be fighting myself like mad do you know what i mean by that like like mad [Applause] boom the thing jumped off it literally just jumped here we go now okay so the spurs topped out i'm just repelling out of it now and uh see if i can get my because i got to go down i got to rappel down and uh get rid of that maple so i'll take you guys for the ride down and uh we'll jump over into there do a little bit of cutting and then that'll be that for this we'll just follow this stem i hung a rope in it we're going to dump this stem in there beautiful weather today we've been having a heatwave here in uh on the island it's been way too hot well not too hot but you know it really sucks working in it us canucks aren't used to 30 degree weather it was 38 degrees one day that's the hottest weather i've ever even been in maybe on vacation in mexico but it feels different here it's a drier climate so the heat is just brutal it's a different kind of hot okay i think i'm safe to take this thing off now i don't know why it's just peace of mind but i leave my lanyard on for most of the way repelling peace of mind you say yeah it's because it's smart young man well done hey dad can you come assess my uh climbing line please good good thank you now i should just be able to i've got lots of height here so i should just be able to jump over into that maple tree we get it on the first go he gets it on the first go i can reach him now oh nice he's up there oh of course my lanyard my head wow [Applause] hmm [Music] good very nice boy very good okay so he's got the top rope [Music] it's getting better it's good to see i used to try to explain this to him years ago and he's just he gets it now eh it's just about a plan now right that's all it is you see here's the foliage it was right over the house you see so good job no it was perfect it's faster and safer [Music] okay hey so this is where i shot my top it's right there i'm just gonna go cut out of that little hang up right there okay right there but here's where the top here's where the fur is coming see it here i want it actually right beside this fir tree right in here just it's a tight squeeze but this is where i want it [Music] here push back okay friends uh this is we gotta thread the needle on this right now uh it's it's a tight shot but i'm gonna do it anyway okay [Music] friends i'm interjecting only for a couple seconds though i need to emphasize something right now that saw that i'm running that mac 850 right there i love it i love that power saw deeply i do back to the show [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] okay we're in the back cat okay let's thread this needle friends good size stem [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] friends watch the kerf close up [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] how'd we do off the bumper eh off the bumper good all right gonna drop this peg here well it's not much of a peg it's pretty long but i'll go pro it for you guys i'll put my screen down like a like a good safe man glad i caught that i don't know how long that was like that [Music] before [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] um mmm [Music] [Music] mm-hmm [Music] [Music] no you're not son you're perfect you're not high you're right on the money here we go see i can just climb up this rope you see yeah cut a wee bit more should come now [Music] come on boy keep it going keep it going sandy [Music] here comes it's gone i'm outta here right on the money [Music] how do we make out how to make out out there did i hit that fur beauty all righty what's under that was your target i was aiming for that little fur right there i was worried about the big one i didn't want to hit it and scar it up right on i just wanted to make sure one before yeah for sure no i hear ya it hit that stump too good yeah she broke in three places right on the money great shot kid good shot boy no you're right on the money but yeah she broke in three places good good morning whoa she's been there morning chica hi baby it's been a uh it it's a heat wave here friends uh the bush is shut down power saws on gulf islands are not happening um there's a little bit of tree work going on they're not shut down in everywhere you got to be so careful right now running power saw you you this job that me and hogan are on right now it uh we took them two furs fell them dismantled them fell bucked them up with some fun power saws i think there's a little iron horse and a tin man off between the two 66s i'm gonna start doing some power saw offs when available in the buck when the situation is right but anyways friends uh summer is here uh we really enjoyed our camping trip in that little pod thing there that we rented oh myrtle just didn't even know it was on the back of her she was just flying down the highway it was a good time it's it's big and there's you can hear the eagles going eh you hear them they're over there it's the ocean's just next door there but that's a dirty big cedar dirty big well well well oh my goodness good morning friends oh look at old myrtle even old myrtle takes adrift now and again friends how are we doing this morning excuse me just a minute uh i tried to squeak a few videos in which i did um i don't like to leave it too long before i throw videos up as you guys know i used to do one every single day for five years and then uh now we now we backed a little bit off and just every second day or sometimes every day depends on what's going on so but i appreciate you being here uh hit the thumbs up check out buckingbillyraid.com for any of our merchandise our stand-up and buck get the gullet there's there's videos in there friends that we do oh there's actually updates on the forge happening uh in there i've rearranged the bunker a bit we've got this shop next door over there that we're setting up in a blacksmith shop uh the forge is built there should be pictures up on the website and an up-to-date thing on what we're doing on the forge the the wood bullet page so there's stuff over on that website friends that you may not be familiar with there's definitely videos you probably haven't seen frequently asked questions and all that and that's all at buckingbillyraid.com it'd be great if you popped over there use your thumb on this video whichever way you decide totally up to you you know what to do it's youtube you know all this stuff we're accustomed to it i really appreciate you friends being here be kind to everybody on the street your family we'll see you in the next video be kind
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 41,436
Rating: 4.9698238 out of 5
Id: uXN4y3USwyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 9sec (1929 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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