Drop Shotting River Walleye! "Angler's Xperience Episode 19"

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well folks as you can see the day we're fishing for walleyes we're going to be going after them in this fast current we're going to be fishing Eddie's it's the middle of March right now these fish are currently getting ready to spawn you're gonna be talking jig heads with small soft clap it's got this one all tore it up we go with the wall on just like this stay tuned you the anglers experience is proudly sponsored by crest liner leader by innovation center rods the American Way Sidewinder planer boards fight the fish not the board Cobra marina your one-stop boat shop easy loader all boat trailers are not created equal ox are your single source supplier Lincoln Electric the welding experts and Honda marine it's all about power feels good yeah I'm not big I just fighting good come everybody meet this little guy I'll hail that dude you got that weight out in there he's a aggressive fish right there get that out of your mouth bud it's back in there chose why okay partner we're the girls that buddy this little scar a little male if he's in here the females aren't too far away all right buddy there you go folks when we first pulled up to the river today I had a true intent to use big jig heads 3/8 ounce half ounce and four inch curly tailed grubs and even some three-inch curly tail grubs and I had it all rigged up and traditionally when I hit the river this is the bait that I go to it never seems to fail me but for some reason today were picking up a lot of a lot of small fish and I got a feeling that the male's the thing to remember what the male's is they're real aggressive and this jig the way we're fishing it we're popping it through the current it's moving real fast and the males are grabbing and it's not getting a chance to get to the females so what we're going to do is we're going to make a transition and we're going to go to a drop shot rig fishing in the kernel this is not something that you would typically do but what we've done is we've rigged up our other pole with a drop shot bait what we're going to try to do is manipulate this current with the drop shot rig and kind of plunk the bait along we're going to throw it up into the eddy let it hit the bottom lift it set it down lift it set it down and basically what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to control the presentation and put it into a real real slow slow presentation instead of a fast presentation like we were doing with this jig head and I got to believe it's going to work because these females are just not as aggressive as the males and we're picking up a lot of small males so we've got a whole variety of colors in weight sizes we're going to go through and experiment with some different sizes of weight and some Turnage bass mils and I think we're going to pick up some females khari official picnic take this big fish big fish Oh too fast I toured patients happy patient mmm are we go on all right if this there is a load folks I am Telling You this fish has got taking it too this is a tag fish oh holy smokes well that fish ate it up good Wow that right there folks is it big big spring walleye look at the girth on that fish top of that that's fish right there is a big beautiful beautiful fish folks on the big fish like this use full eggs and you don't want to hold her in this position if you want you'll see when I hug them I grab him real quick and I support them like this now fish is not made to be supported like this so always try to hold it flat like that that way you won't hurt that fish we all get to swim back in the water alright girls what do you think thank you very much I appreciate it let me appreciate it it's real thanks baby these little figure Eddie's here so my favorite holds the fish as you can see if you look up forwarders actually what we got one two three four five looks like I can see about five points coming out behind each one of those points there's an eddy sometimes they're real small they're real hard to fish but a lot of times they'll hold some of your biggest fish in the reason being is a small eddy like that two or three big females could get in there and occupy it they get real defensive they don't let any more fish into there but it'll never pass up these small Eddie's like this pull in there try to get the boat control down line yourself up and fishing because it could be some of the best fishing in the whole area on these little Eddie's like this always got way down his mouth dude I can feel it hitting the teeth well if it's a big fish or not coming in pretty easy oh I'm getting on that motor oh you got me on the motor not only I could get off more dami magnet jobs have a head start out of you gacho there's nice walleye guys look there fish are eaten up this drop shot rig today that's another nice spring wall I gotta get off the couch get out here and do this at the kick in the pants guys I'm telling you this big fissure in here will he need that is fun teeth on that one alright girls let's get you back ah ah beautiful beautiful fish thanks girl folks what are you coming to these Eddie's like this the big mistake that people make is they try to slip into the head of the Eddy and they try to get the boat trapped in the head what you want to do if you're floating downriver just like we are here and I spotted this Eddy here with this fold in it what I want to do is come into the back of the Eddy because there's actually a backdraft of water coming up that shoreline so I don't have the motor on right now I'm just floating I'll kick it on periodically to keep the boat straight it'll want to drift past the hole slightly and I'm looking for where the backdraft starts it looks like it's just about 20 yards up from this big tree that's laying in the water so what I'll do a lot of people panic they turn it over on high and they try to get there real fast and you don't need to do it I don't have any motor on right now what I'm going to do kind of angle the boat towards the shoreline turn my power down a little bit now I'm just going to kind of quietly slide the boat over on and off the motor I'm off the motor now let it pull in there let it straighten up see how it's just sucking me over and I have no motor on right now now what I'll do is I'll just hit it again to kind of straighten the boat up into this current and I want to line up into that that slack line coming through here where that Eddie's being created up in the front up in the head there got the power on I'm only on about 50% here this is 100 one pound with Kota it having a big powerful Dakota or a built motor guide electric motor whatever brand you run is important for doing this kind of fishing if you've got something that's underpowered for your boat you're really going to fight it but what you got to do is learn how to use the current I'm sitting there now and I don't have any engine on and we're just sitting right in this slack portion of water and I don't have to fight it now if I want to pull the boat forward all I do is I'll kick my power down even more to say about 30 percent I'll get over here next to the shore line and then what it'll do that back draft a little bit more power this back draft will just kind of suck before and I can move around in the hole without making a lot of motion a lot of noise on the motor and I can sneak around into these fish this hole looks pretty good here so we're going to set up and fish it see if we can get something out of it you push off oh man Oh oh there's like a good fish swimming at us here I know if this fish knows it's hooked yet oh there it is look at that fish early spring walleyes folks I'm telling you you got to get out there and do it you will catch fish like this come on baby let's just get you up here just want to get you up here darling oh man this is a big fish this is a big big fish yeah I gotta put the net away she's not ready yet hold on we're gonna be real careful with you promise I promise I'm gonna go back a bow it's a big fish oh man folks this right here is what we come to do catch spring walleye fishing right here see if I can get this fish in here for you don't only hard to cut the net got it now folks I'm telling you right here this is what happens when you go catching spring why right there look at the size of that fish hit that casted drop shot again that is a nice big chunky spring walleye boy the gold and greens and that fish's head what a beauty what a beauty all right there folks if you can get boat control down and select the right baits you can get in here in spring when these fish are coming up in here to spawn and catch these big female but you got to be super careful with them we want to hear back in the water because we want her to spawn we don't want her to hurt we want to keep this strong gene pool going so let's stick her back in the water there's the Sydenham you Taylor sticks oh there it is I see the girl folks this is a big fish I don't know if I'm gonna get it in the boat or not I needed that man bad come on Seth run to a buddy to it go stop bigger net dinner yes ah Kru folks I'm telling you what this right here is a spring boy whoo all right I'm out of breath on that fish right there Holy Smoke oh man that is a spring walleye my friends you got the right gear the right knowledge you can go out and do it be careful with this fish won't hurt that bad that is spring why folks that is what it's all about right there ma'am man wish you were here whoo all right let's get her back in the water I want to hurt this fish will be very very careful with these big fish like this okay darlin thank you very much thank you very much go do your thing baby there get some air here there she goes thank you girl thank you lord whoo people think I'm crazy to stay out here and winds weather like this what I'm catching big walleyes I'm not going anywhere so you call me crazy folks a little word of advice when you're fishing in the spring like this the weather can change you know heartbeat I live in the northwest and I swear about it every 15 minutes that can change started out the smart it was bright and sunny then all sudden the storm blowing in this windy you can see how windy it is and who is always later today it might change out to be nice again that storms blowing it out but what I can tell you is make sure that you come prepared don't if it's nice out when you get up in the spring that doesn't mean it's going to be nice when you hit the water so always bring extra clothes it's easy to take clothes off but if you don't have them you can't see out fish because you can get cold so pack yourself some extra gear to spring all right inhale that baby buddy don't mic me now stay tuned for walleye action lonelier make if I tell you to drop the camera net this fish is doing okay this I can't believe this make we can't move this fish oh my god sad to go rain gear on it started raining out had to get dressed up for the weather pulled into another spot here we hit this fish another spring wall I tell you we battled the conditions today we tough it out the heart's in my throat we're hoping the better weather's cold looks like the sun's going to come out we're going to get a good evening in but I tell you what that is a big big fish right there I had to have the cameraman drop the camera to met it for me what a beauty we're gonna put this fish back catch a breath you got me out of breath you're right Mary yeah fish fought a hard battle there she goes healthier the rocks yeah yeah put the teeth on that's it well folks that right there is a fish we're going to call it down hope you enjoyed the show on fishing current I know I did I'd love catching these big walleyes like this keep in mind when you're up here in the spring doing this you want to make sure and take good care of these big fish like this because if we don't take care of them our grandkids and maybe even our kids won't get to enjoy them so until next time hope you enjoyed the show you for a list of today's gear and techniques logon to ax fishing calm and select ax journals you
Channel: AnglersXperience
Views: 96,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Episodes, walleye, walleye fishing, walleye fishing tips and techniques, walleye fishing tips, walleye fishing at night, walleye trolling, walleye jigging, largest walleye ever caught, world record walleye, walleye lures, walleye fishing the columbia river, walleye fishing lake erie, walleye fishing minnesota, walleye fishing tackle, walleye rigs, how to catch walleye, walleye fishing wisconsin, walleye fishing great lakes, giant walleye, walleye fishing drop shot
Id: T4RACt4E7Io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2013
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