Drone Mapping with Pix4D Capture

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if you'd like to use your drone for more than just pretty pictures why not consider drone mapping let's have a look at how you can do that with pix 4d capture now i like this app because i can access it on both ios and android and also it's not exclusive to just dji drones so you can also access parrot and unique drones as well so once you create yourself a free account you can pop in and we're going to go into this upper left hand side into settings to start with so you see on that right hand side all the different drones that you are able to connect with for this app now one thing i like to do is to turn this button off here so it's automatically turned on when you first start but this button for auto downloading images will basically mean that as soon as you land those images will be sent to your device and i don't generally like that i rather pull out my sd card so that's just a personal choice that i turn off there for that all right so let's pop out of the settings now so once we've selected the drone that we are going to fly we've got an option of the type of flight we're going to do now we're going to work with this polygon here so i'm going to tap on that and it's automatically going to drop a polygon in the location where our drone is or whether tablet is at that particular time but i'm moving that over all the way over here to this location where i'm going to plan my flight for today so once i tap in the middle of my screen where the little icon is suggesting that i do that it automatically drops this little flight plan so you can see the up and back lawnmower type pattern where it's going to capture this data which is great but it's not exactly perfect just yet so there are some bits and pieces that i want to change the first thing that i'm going to do is to change the altitude that i fly at so over here on the left hand side we've got a little scrolly bar and i'm going to increase that to 80 meters altitude and as i do that you'll actually see that my flight plan changes in terms of those white lines so you can see that now i don't have so many flight lines the next thing that i'm going to do is to change some of the overlap and side lab so i'm going to go into the settings up here and you'll see that i can keep the cam the camera angle here at 90 degrees which is nadia which is exactly what we want to do for mapping but we can change this front overlap and the side lap here as well so i want both of these to be set at 80 percent the front lap is so i want to now increase the side lap to eighty percent as well so i'm just going to slide that along and that way it's just it's sort of an easy number to remember so if we say 80 altitude 80 side lap 80 front lap is something really easy now i can also tap on over into the advanced settings here and let's have a look at what that does so i guess one of the one of the biggest options that we want to do here is we've got this safe mode or the fast mode for our picture trigger mode and that just means that is it going to stop and take the photo at each location as it moves along i generally keep that in the fast mode if i'm at a high enough altitude and the drone is going slow enough the photos will still be in focus if you do ever come back without a focus photos though one thing that you can do is to decrease this drone speed so you can always pop that down so a couple of other options of things to play with if you like all right let's tap on out of those settings though and come back to our map now if we have a look down in the bottom here it tells us how long this drone is going to fly for which is about three minutes now for me i know that i can fly for about 15 minutes and that gives me enough time to get back to my takeoff and landing points so what i'm going to do now is increase the size of the area that i'm going to fly so i'm going to move these green dots around and as i do that you'll see that it automatically changes the amount of time that i have available to fly so i'm just going to continue to do that and i can play around a little bit what we want to achieve though is a rectangular flight plan where possible it's not always possible but as much as possible we want to keep that rectangular and we do want to keep a north-south flight orientation as well particularly over water and that's that's the best for avoiding glint so when we have done that and we're we're ready we've checked our flight checked our safety or that sort of thing then when we are in the in the field all we need to do is hit start and that's actually going to then connect to the drone and send the drone off on its mission i generally like to fly manually on my takeoff and landing and then once once the drone's up in the air then i'll send it off on its way i recommend just keeping a small flight plan the first time you fly as you get used to what it's doing in automated flight so good luck flying and remember to down upload your data to giona dia when you're done
Channel: GeoNadir
Views: 6,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drone data, Geospatial, Drone images, Drone image storage, Drone photos, Drone photo storage, Drone mapping, Drone photo sharing, Aerial drone images, GeoNadir, Citizen science, Free geospatial data, Open geospatial Geospatial sharing, Geographical Information System, GIS, geospatial analysis, Geospatial analyst, geospatial data, geospatial database, geospatial data meaning, Geospatial research, Environmental research, Open science
Id: mi3iInawQjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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