How to use Pix4D Capture & Pix4D Cloud

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today I'm gonna walk you through some simple steps to creating a quick sporty capture music flying that mission and then uploading into the pics 40 cloud and now I'll show you some tips and tricks on how to use the pics will be cloud it's got some great tools in there alright let's get started okay let's get right into it the first thing that we need to do is complete a site survey and make sure we can fly legally so let's hop on to Google when we'll go to maps I will be flying at a location today beachside that I have permission from the owner to fly at so we're gonna transfer over to satellite images and we will find the location we're going to fly once we find the location we can use Google Maps to not only find any hazards among the flight but locate power lines light poles trees anything like that let's go ahead and click the what's here this is going to give us the coordinates for where we are and this will allow us to copy and paste those into a sectional to see where we are in the National Airspace System so let's head over to sky vector dot-com go ahead and open that up and we'll select the flight plan option which will allow us to copy and paste those coordinates in and it will pop up right on the map where we are so once we punch in the coordinates we'll hit enter and you'll see a little dot appear on the map and we'll go ahead and we'll put it in from Daytona airspace to see how far we are from the airport and we are 3.6 nautical miles which means indeed that we are at the surface in Class C airspace so we need to get permission to fly there so the next thing that we are going to do is go on over to our map comm now this is also an app that you can use on your iPad provided by G AI but sometimes it's just easier to use the website so we'll hit this little plus here and we will go into the flight planning well we're in a 300-foot block which means we can fly up to 300 feet with permission from the FAA I already have a location in there from before so I'm just going to adjust it ever so slightly to get the full place that I'm flying and then I will answer some simple questions on the right-hand side you can see enter in time date how long my flights going to be my name the type of aircraft I am flying will it occur over people no and will it remain in visual line of sight that yes the way to the aircraft and then we will go ahead and we will hit a brief flight plan this will bring up our weather it's actually a pretty cloudy day here which is good for 3d maps so then we hit submit flight plan but remember we are not actually able to fly there until we get text message verification from the FAA that says we can fly there so we'll wait for that our flight plan is submitted successfully and let's wait for the text message [Music] the site survey out of the way let's go ahead and plan a mission in pics for to capture we'll open up the app and we'll go to settings in the top left-hand corner this will bring up the type of aircraft that we need to select we're doing a Mavic Pro today and we'll go to double grid right there in the center for a 3d map now on the maps we need to find the location that we are going to be flying and you can do that a couple ways one is dead reckoning just figuring out where you are and another is using this little blue dot that's gonna be your Wi-Fi location so it's not always accurate when it is you go ahead and just tap right on the map and it will bring the flight plan over to where you are adjusted s so and remember that you always wanted to extend a little bit beyond what you're trying to map because they won't include exactly everything but again remember you don't want to fly in airspace or at a location that you do not have permission so make sure you get it set up correctly here and then you're gonna go ahead and adjust the height 50 feet above the highest obstacles it's always a safe bet here we're at 115 now go into settings in the top right hand corner and this will allow you to change the overlap and the speed of the drone you want the overlap to be as good as possible done higher overlap the better the image quality will come out and we want the drone to fly essentially as slow as possible to take the most crisp pictures we go to a dance settings there's one thing to check down on the bottom ignore home point make sure that's set to no it automatically is but it's always good to give it a second chance and we'll just go ahead and change the picture trigger mode to safe mode this is going to make the drone stop at every picture the last thing that we're gonna do is go back to our main screen and we are going to save this we'll press the bottom right floppy disc and it will save it and we can see that there's a map loading feature in the top right hand corner [Music] you've completed all the pre-flight work let's grab a check listen held side here I'm using a digital form of a checklist which will soon be available to everyone let's go ahead and check out the status of the aircraft by pressing the status tab on the right hand side make sure everything's good to go and next we move down and we will hit that start button which will bring up a screen to confirm that we are connected we'll hit the next button and we will wait for the aircraft to perform its self checklist wait for a little green check marks on all of those and we'll hit the start button to take off the aircraft and launch it into the air what does the air be prepared to follow along with you and your visual observers to ensure that you remain within visual line of sight of the aircraft at all times [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] at the end of the mission here I hit the pause button on the screen so I've been coming for a manual landing this was probably not necessary but seeing as there was a few trees around me and I was a little bored I thought I might take over [Music] [Music] [Music] the drones off and remove the SD card from the drum plug the SD card into an adapter with the USB and plug the USB into your computer and navigate to the files page once you navigate to the files page go ahead and open up where all your pictures are right click on your desktop and you're going to want to create a new folder to copy and paste all of those pictures remember data management is extremely important so label the folder according to the pictures and you can go ahead select mall drag them in there and wait for them to copy over the reason we're going to save it on the desktop is so that we can upload it and not worry about the communication from the SD card to the server rather from the computer to the server take out the middleman alright now let's go ahead and open up Safari or Chrome whatever you'd like and we'll go to pity pics for T cloud so we'll put that link right here cloud up pics for you comm slash pro if you need the login information please reach out to me from here we're gonna go ahead and select new project and you again will put in the title of your project whether it's your school name or this test project whatever it is put it in make sure to label it with a date as well now go ahead and select the images from the file that you just created on your desktop you can select one and then prints ctrl a to highlight them all go ahead and hit open then hit uploaded process and all you have to do is sit back relax and wait for those to upload all right now let's go ahead and we can see that our project has indeed processed with this green little process badge at the top right hand corner we'll go down and we'll hit open now keep in mind that this is going to actually depend a lot on your internet connectivity so if you're on Wi-Fi it might be better for you to get plugged in so let's try and do that all right first thing that comes up is our DSM DSM is a digital surface model and that's going to be all over the 2d ortho mosaic map so this tells us the altitude of the different objects within the map obviously we can see that the trees are at the highest here looks like we have a power line that might be high over here as well and here as well very simple easy to use anything that's in red is usually the highest and the lighter blue it is is lower it is alright let's go ahead and take that DSM off and we can see that we have a great TD map here it's very updated way better than Google Maps in fact it just happened a few minutes ago what we're really interested in today is the 3d map so let's go ahead and hit the 3d button down here in the left hand corner and here it is it will take a minute some load but that's alright by right-clicking you can move around the map like so and by left-clicking you can pull and drag the map as well go ahead and get a good visual position while the map still loads you can see that we can zoom in you can do a whole lot right off the bat here it looks like we have some patches that we need to fill so let's go ahead and use our marker tool on the left hand side here and we'll add in some markers to remind ourselves to go take pictures in the future [Music] and we'll make that a green tag all right and then we can add a couple more of those and we can just make them green so that we know what it means let's look at the top here all right we can see there are some some patches in the roof we can throw a marker in there and we'll say possible roof damage and we will make that color red all right we'll hit enter and we'll find a couple more roof damage places that may look possible again this just might be the 3d map is a little incomplete all right so we had those labeled the next thing we want to do is actually find out the length of this driveway let's see we'll go up here and we'll use our measure and distance tool so we can click on that and we'll drop the 4-step point right there with the left click and it'll come all the way out to the street with the right click and when you right click that actually ends the shape as well and we can see that we have a fifty three point four seven seven foot driveway and if we go over here and we use generate elevation profile now this is a pretty even driveway but we're gonna go ahead and see if there's any slope in there or anything like that it will take a minute to generate but it's actually an extremely useful tool not so much for driveways but for different things like parking garages where they need to control water flow while that's loading let's take a look at our other tools up here in the top right hand corner we have a measuring area the option which just like the line option you can highlight an area and it will tell you the exact square footage of it all right very cool it looks like our image has been generated so let's go ahead over to our driveway here and by using this we can see exactly where it jumps up we do see it has a gradual slope down what does this jump up though maybe I selected something wrong so let's keep it right about there it looks like I might have selected the tree and we'll zoom in whoops yeah you can see that I actually selected the roof there instead of the driveway so more accurate finding would have been found from this angle so let's go ahead and go back to our marker here and we'll select something that looks a little bit better so this looks a little bit better and we'll right-click the end that and we can see that it's a little bit straighter not too much of a slope we basically followed the driveway old thing so that's a very useful tool again we were talking about the square footage tool so we can go ahead and select that let's figure out the square footage of this room over here on the back side of the house and we'll right-click to end it and it's 278 feet squared which is pretty good there's a 1 foot elevation difference that could be due to the the model itself or whatnot we can also use the inspect tool so now let's go back to these images and we'll go ahead and select right here and all of our image images associated with that image will pop up so we can see we have all the different images down here and all the different images down here and actually there's quite a lot of them but as we can see there's really nothing in there that proves there is a damage to the roof it looks like it's just a glitch in the software so we'll go ahead and look at our other tools here the only last one that we have left is the volumetric tool nothing in here is gonna be very useful for the volumetric tool as it's usually mainly used to measure the amount of sand on a pile of sand or something like that but go ahead and you can play around with it and you can figure out the volume of a whole bunch of different things if we look at this shed for instance in the back here go down here and then we can calculate the volume by triangulating it now this does take a little while something I can I show you today but feel free to go out fly mission do this and have some fun and then go ahead and mess around with all the different settings until you get acquainted with them alright thanks for tuning in [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gaetz Aerospace Institute - a SMART-ER K20 Program
Views: 4,604
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Id: S21C2aVTP1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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