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continue you've listened to a long and complex case murder in the first degree a premeditated murder is the most serious charge tried in our criminal courts you've listened to the testimony you've had the law read to you and interpret it as it applies in this case it's now your duty to sit down and try and separate the facts from the fancy one man is dead another man's life is at stake if there's a reasonable doubt in your minds as to the guilt of the accused a reasonable doubt then you must bring me a verdict of not guilty now if however there's no reasonable doubt then you must in good conscience find the accused guilty however you decide your verdict must be unanimous in the event that you find the accused guilty the bench will not entertain a recommendation for mercy the death sentence is mandatory in this case you're already charged here and if we vote the accused guilty uh we've got to send him to the chair um that's mandatory i think we know that yeah let's see who's where okay um anyone doesn't want to vote with me okay then uh just remember that this has to be 12 to nothing either way that's the law okay are we ready uh all those voting guilty please raise your hands one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven okay that's eleven guilty one's body not guilty one right eleven guilty one not guilty well now we know where we are boy oh boy there's always one oh what are we doing now i guess we talk boy [Music] it's a very unusual knife i've never seen one like it neither had the storekeeper who sold it to the boy aren't you asking us to accept a pretty incredible coincidence i'm just saying a coincidence is possible and i say it's not possible [Music] vote by a secret written ballot i'll abstain they're 11 votes for guilty i won't stand alone we'll take him a guilty verdict to the judge right now but if anyone votes not guilty you stay here and talk it out guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty not guilty guilty this kid is guilty pal it's as plain as a nose on your face so why don't we stop wasting our time here we're going to all get sore throats if we keep it up you know my differences make it to get it here at the ball game let's take two pieces of testimony and try to put them together first the old man in the apartment downstairs he says he heard the boy say i'm going to kill you and a split second later heard a body hit the floor one second later right that's right second the woman across the street swore positively she looked out of the window and saw the killing through the last two cars of a passing elevated train right the last two cars well what are you giving us here just now just a minute we've agreed that it takes 10 seconds for a train to pass a given point since the woman saw the killing through the last two cars we can assume that the body hit the floor just as the train went by therefore the train had been roaring by the old man's window a full 10 seconds before the body hit the floor the old man according to his own testimony i'm going to kill you body hitting the floor a split second later would have had to hear the boy make this statement with the el roaring pastors knows it's not possible he could have heard it that's it i'm an ignorant slob he don't even speak good english he doesn't even speak good english mr foreman i'd like to change my vote to not guilty you come on speed it up he walked twice as fast as that you want me to walk faster than that i will [Music] so lock door stop right what's the time uh exactly 41 seconds when i pull the switch ever since you walked into this room you've been acting like a self-appointed public avenger you want to see this boy die because you personally want it not because of the facts you're a sadist [Music] you don't really mean you'll kill me do you call out our votes you know let's see who stands where well that sounds fair to me uh anyone object okay i'll call off your jury numbers one oh that's me i could vote guilty two not guilty number three guilty number four guilty number five not guilty number six not guilty number seven guilty number eight not guilty number nine not guilty number ten guilty 11 not guilty number 12 number 12 guilty the boat is now six to six yeah there was this whole business about the stab wound and how it was made the downward angle of it you know don't tell me we're gonna start with that again they've been overwritten over it well i know they did but i don't go along with it now the boy was five feet seven inches tall his father was six two that's a difference of seven inches it's a very awkward thing to stab down into the chest of someone who's more than half a foot taller than you are give me a bag and i'll make myself about six or seven inches shorter okay it's about right maybe a little more okay a little more okay there's another vote call for i guess the quickest way is show of hands anyone object okay always voting not guilty raise your hands one two three four five six seven eight well the boat's nine to three in favor of acquittal now why were you rubbing your nose like that well if it's any of your business i was rubbing it because it bothers me a little oh i'm sorry is it is it because of your eyeglasses it is now couldn't get onto something else your eyeglasses made those two deep impressions from the size of your nose i hadn't noticed that before that must be annoying it is very annoying oh i wouldn't know about that i've never worn eyeglasses 20 20. listen will you come on already with the optometrist bit the woman who testified that she saw the killing had those same marks on the sides of her nose oh he's smoke you know he's right you think he's guilty i think he's guilty you no i'm convinced not guilty what's the matter with you rotten kids you work your life out yoho
Channel: Alex Polymath
Views: 67,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C5VEm7RB1o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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