DRINK CHAMPS: Episode 63 w/ Stevie J | Talks Bad Boy Records, Hitmen, Biggie, Love & Hip Hop + more

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hey hey Sakuya we shall finish your boy in or eat what up is DJ efn industry chance wanna [ __ ] podcast me at first all not only do we have one of the arguably best producers of all [ __ ] times Wow in the building with us we're also at what is a Lana's only grad place cuz I've been in Atlanta I think I caught crabs on a relaxed who's arguably one of the people who crafted Biggie Smalls sound one of the people who crafted bad boys and regional hitmen one of the people original original people who crafted Puff Daddy sound may sound every like he single-handedly was the person that did that and today if the I don't understand who we're talking about right now let's make some noise for Stevie see a lot of people get it twisted hmm and they say Stevie J from Love & Hip Hop Atlanta and I know you don't like this much more deep making a lot of money I'm making some cool paper but I know that it's like when somebody tell me um you know nori from whatever whatever and I'm like damn you can't tell me the war report right right you know all the other accolades I did and this it's it's wonderful to see a person like you of your caliber continuing and and it's do your thing so let now my first question is okay um how was you approached to do Love & Hip Hop originally well I was approached by own Moana Scott mmm you know she um acts directly more okay yeah she asked me if I was interested in doing Love & Hip Hop Atlanta you know being as though I just got off of hiatus of producing 100 million records for grandma's make some noise but he said I hunted me your records goddammit you said a hundred million continues maybe you know that you know I just got back into our Lance and I was you know rebuilding myself and I was looking for the look you know I'm saying so when she called me that was the look that I needed I felt you know I reached the pinnacle in the music game you know the same cats that you know saying I'm a rich wasn't [ __ ] with me which it's not cool it's not it's not a problem to me you know nobody told me [ __ ] and love for hip-hop was over New York was already in place okay New York was already in place and you know but I was the first one to bring the two ladies to the table we took one Mimi and job yeah that's big let's just bring them to the table I was [ __ ] with him at the same time they would each other and I'm so when you look at all these Duke Leto you is ready good raw that early when you look at all the carbon copies and the stunt doubles and all that I created that I see yeah yeah so um now you you came out the favorite Stevie J face mm-hmm was that something you did from the beginning or you doing that oh you've been doing that no I'm saying yes because I'm one of the people that looked at it and I'm one of the people that corrected everybody every Sundays like this guy is you know he's doing it for TV I'm like yeah I don't know we have to dumb it down for TV yeah yeah DJ Stevie J and all that you know yeah the Stevie J let's talk about that because I always wondered was you actually do you take it a certain way because taking nowhere look at his homage you know say mmm has he ever pay how we talk to Houston and you know Sam we hung out and everything was cool everything is gravy you know I said much respect so there was no harm is paid don't mean it was homage paid a little bit yeah you know I feel like you were satisfied I mean you know we'll take that in you know saying you know you know these these younger guys we just got to take what we can get and keep it pushing yeah we made guys we put working I respect so let's now bring it too early biggie no okay now puff tells you I got this guy yeah name biggie did he say biggie smalls or biggie biggie all right and he says I got this guy named biggie now you look at big right and he's not traditional rapper looking right I think puff came on our podcast and describes him as disruptive yeah it was a swimmer sense definitely disrupt so how did you know to give him these classic upscale beats because it was just you know the way we described what he wanted to do how do you want to approach life at the death he would just say the words he would just spit rhymes and be like y'all need something like that feel like this like you know saying like armed and dangerous ain't really conveying with us straight up we know angel does label as notorious now guest [ __ ] a lot of buses playing us we describe the Bone Thugs record right now like you know send it's like you know he would give you what he wanted to to sound like you know she had a couple of lyrics and let you go there prior to even having a beat yeah do so Brown his right yeah most of the time no I'm saying that he'll just be like yo I got it I got it any sound for like like if somebody got to die mmm but you said life after death didn't you work over ready to die as well just like that don't like my life at the devic and he would just give me titles of songs and I will go in and just the tie wait wait wait wait I'm up come on Tyler so wait he would come to you and give you titles and then tell you to work around that yeah nasty boy ask you will work off the feel of the title yeah I'm gonna be honest one time we paid permit whatever form it was asking for for price and I paid it for me up front but I couldn't get a beat that I love from him and so I actually gave him the title but I had no idea but I'm saying that's how we producers really you guys the title and we like you know we like producers and we like scientists we want to go ahead and create the formula you know doesn't made it to the title that you give us like whatever absolutely has the sound just like the fish so how do you want puff initially connect um me and puff connected arm I was on a job she tour with Jody a bad boy and you know said I never met puff I you know I was doing on the day you want Joe to see yeah yeah I was singing backgrounds for them playing guitar for the keyboards on backgrounds so you was on tour with Joe to see a mr. Hatta III Nestle's on the torso wet wet I'm saying even you being on tour with Joe to see you one the main character I was in the studio with total playing guitar and singing was ever in the booth puff came in the booth like Stevie J right I got a contract for your mic up no left and we just sat and talked for a while and I'm saying man was like you're all right out here I was [ __ ] up right Wow I was wounded but you said you was around good actually you good like paper wire right I'll use wounded like that was was now he's like all right he had it all figured out you know yet right you just hold this down right well I saw a band I mean come see me in the morn he gave you that they were big was big big was already big big I'm ready to die they're million million some change soul no sin and we just will vibe out in the studio so now that's one of your first records you ever worked on this for biggie smalls yeah yeah like that the day was a record the first record man I can't really remember the first record all I remember we was in Trinidad and doing all the hit man was in Trinidad I gotta say it's true dad yeah very rich a big came down no saying and we was just we did like 50 tracks down yeah I mean like and will you say the hit man let's describe what it means ever came that yeah I mean rod not she Brody he did to your a while Wallace Brody oh damn I don't want to miss them buddy prestige Oh time ii Townsend that's where the blood can somebody pass me a blow yeah busy for sure not really just it was just like it was like we teamed up we teamed up down the Trinidad you know saying it was like but yeah no fish it was just like y'all know we would sign hitmen and it was like oh and Carlos would be on the team right um DDOT and I'm and I will be on the team Chucky and prestes and me and puff squads and if you like you who could make the best joint now we see we seen pictures of you back in the days which you are Mariah Carey which is sure at all pretty loose wave even back then loose what about her she was loose too that's true I don't know where you go on Stevie J but I'm willing to go wherever you I'm definitely happy with she called me a fat muffin man yeah Mariah came to the lab and what I'm missing the hood lab we had crates in her lab I'm talking about she drank Pinot Grigio I have a phone cup she's like I love Maury she was like no you both favor her yo oh that's my buddies are now Stevie yeah when Pop initially approached you did you know who puff was or no no I did okay so saying I was just you know I was rocking on jealousy that was it no that's not it should be Jodeci though um I met Jodeci I was armed singing at a fashion show in Rochester and you know after I was over there was like you who did the track she was singing all yo you don't woman I was like they're singing on your own try yeah and as I yo you should his dope I'm like I cool actually from upstate you know absolute little notice absolutely New York all day so I and I was like it's a piano in the back I know all your [ __ ] there's like you'll get the [ __ ] out of here went to the back started planning [ __ ] singing a [ __ ] is like yo you would us mmm so you actually really know how to play the piano like there's a lot of producers yeah that play the piano too MP son I call it Donkin around me you know Sam putted Stevie Wonder's Josh torch those self-taught Wow yeah let's make some noise so now piano is just one of the issues so now I see - so now pop sees you hmm says I want you to be with us right and then biggie is is already biggie yeah yeah so man you get in the studio how do you know what tracks to give biggie because I suggest cuz if big is already big he could shut you down I get back relax relax but he was like give me all them choice you got let me get all don't don't relax give me am a B track that I hand it in he was like yo y'all need that let me write on that's one let me get that shot so now F day does that how do you night relax you know it was no saying all the cause because a lot of people don't really really understand like I the bad boy era was our era like none other yeah I respect I respect on baby noon cash money in them but I really invented the bling-bling spending some a non-jew L ah back then back did yeah it doesn't make some noise TV keep a good kid right right yeah so so 12 put you in charge or the biggie [ __ ] that's how that's how the people well it was like DDOT big up to dee da dee de insulated my big bro okay savage with the he could put together damn a trap the mad rapper hey it was great at a and on and putting together directions for the album be that spent sleepless nights putting together their album and thanks to him you know I'm saying I was able to get the direction the right direction between him and puff too you know saying give biggie everything you need but how does this phone call happen because this is what I'm trying to get to is you said biggie was already biggie right right yeah so now you get puff puff says it's all good we're gonna bring you through but now this is still biggie yeah how do you hand select lead pick these tracks it was like yo Steve you go to the MIDI room puff yo Stevie goes to the medieval a MIDI or mini mini mini my idea yeah many room daddy's house studio yes do you're in a MIDI room yeah going in crank him out D that will coming in check all my human like he just shake his head every time you come in like like no like yeah you know big ever check again big he would love it wasn't one track that I gave big that he didn't run that was my album I did pop album no way out so did 95% of it oh yeah yeah and that was a double album right now Biggie's was the devil biggie biggie for you so I'm gonna get a little dark for a second because at one point you left a hit man you left and you was like I'm not I'm not doing how was that period and why was that period happy I mean why did you leave you know we could do when we do this imma give you that when we get that i'ma give you that and I'm like yeah but it was it never happens at the exact time it never happened sometime at all no it didn't happen I'm like you know all right cool you know I'm saying you're 50% oh yeah [ __ ] everybody everybody you know then kickin up and all that and I I'm just kidding you know sin washes and all that I want to kick up all work Marshalls morsel morsels I don't know things like Marcia was the same puffing see you tomorrow skated off to LA went and work with the Jackson family the whole Jackson that's when I gained all my information on the industry no Sam working with the Jackson family you know Jackie Jackson at the time one of my best friends and mentors showed me the game you know I'm saying that Jackie Jackson Jackson brother like on the site you know said almond you know I'm saying all the business how many men they taught you how crazy [ __ ] is - yeah they taught me how crazy shooters but they taught me the business how to handle my business and deal with the business and [ __ ] all the flash and science shiny suits and the flashing lights let's handle this business do you like the shiny suits right what other shiny shoes I'm mad I'm mad at nothing you just handle the business first I also I also was mad that it's not that I was mad that they was dancing I was mad that I couldn't dance yeah I just can't gangsta's can't dance like to step good job was dancing and [ __ ] all the [ __ ] this make some nice bad boy ever got money so you know after that it was like you know I'm gonna come hey my boo today is very steep as well but I went in but very busy no crap yeah yeah busy no crabs it was amazing yeah man it's a bad case of breakdown you know so you know after that um you know some things start to happen in LA where you know I'm saying I was just cool with all the you know saying the D boys and these getting money and all that some things happening with you know somebody got kidnapped from my crib mm that's not a good thing not a good thing I'm saying and [ __ ] know me and know my energy no I'm not with none of the [ __ ] [ __ ] but it was my house so but your family it's me yeah absolutely so you know saying that's when she got really dark I know I'm saying there was like I [ __ ] Jackson's was like oh all right we're not [ __ ] with you no more this exact mom Mike we talked my mic Sprague's and [ __ ] yeah Mike Mike's in oh yeah no Mike yeah okay yeah exactly so is this like it got real ugly at that point in and that's when it was like I let me let me get out of here and go back to the a mmm you know saying and that's because you were written where I lived enable yeah I lived in a before it's like I live in like a couple times I'm saying so at the end of the day when I came back here it was like I had to start all over right you know sending back to the streets back to whatever I was doing and and that's what I got the call about Mona okay so now now I'm before we go back into Mona all right um but now big big was probably arguably everybody's on everybody's top five you you work with Jodeci mmm-hmm and then you get this call from puff mm-hmm so when I was 12 album the total album in the bigge album black Rob album and no way out album everything that been [ __ ] me up I was gonna go just shoot that boy dope all right but all right I want to go to overalls by the way but biggs album did you know how great big was did you know you you've record with the greatest rapper what time yes I mean based upon just you know saying man and man and aura yeah you know I'm saying what I felt from the guy you know man Great Spirit humble always laughing always laugh and be mad Joe yeah yeah yeah yeah I remember one time my arm brought some chicks from Philly to the studio my your big hold them down I'm going to get to the UM don't parry your own malleable cranberry pineapple juice and I'm going to press that the Stevie J that's that's biggie that's what he's so with the Branson came back big was in the booth getting letters from both of the chicks so now Stevie J you sit there and you're working with big and you said you already recognize big was the greatest all-time absolutely at what moment did you feel like maybe big will never be here again never right I mean it was you you you're at this party let's be clear let's make some noise to Stevie J Smith he's there like I spent everybody oh listen listen every time we describe and God bless me for the full weight of him I'm saying it no no way I'm saying it every time you speak about Biggie Smalls death a lot of people like with like pots last picture was that good right there and what a lot of people don't realize that in that worry it's you puffs and big you're actually there right absolutely so that night did you feel funny oh no of course you know said that wait wait wait wait wait wait you guys just say cause before he would know like a vibe no I'm saying cuz it was a vile party to us did you fill a vibe at that party or you fought the vibe for the whole tray entire night that entire night at a time and now can you describe that to me more or less it just felt funny you know I'm saying was that Andre warehouse and everybody like me going out boom you know I'm saying but and it was like alright let's go out when like enthusiastic in that you know and then got to the party we turned up in it just felt like you know at a certain point you know the crowd just started getting thin relax everybody over that guy I'm saying probably started getting him and it was like you saw people dissipate no because what I heard was there was people when hypnotized came on is people actually like Sam [ __ ] y'all in there yeah I never heard this part of the state the crowd got then like yeah and when you mean you got then you what you're saying is people laugh what big game that one became like you know Cemetery pod certain point in the party's like you know saying we not about to close his joint down but that was bad boy style bad boy style was taking over the whole party and closing it but it wasn't that time he's what he's saying no I'm saying I'm really yeah could we in LA after Papa died right pop pastor were absolutely and for you you saying it felt weird absolutely like it didn't feel like any other time bad boy how about know what time we get nothing yeah you felt it yeah and then you know you heard [ __ ] making a little comments I was like you to walk in I lay people yeah so you know what kind of comments though like [ __ ] the East Coast long Sambo's that vibe yeah listen at the big dodge I'm sorry to cut you off at the big dot even when I went to LA the record label were higher security whether I wanted it or not like I was land and they will already be there and me out you know I surprised myself with not having security but that was the only place where they would say shut the [ __ ] up you got security out there at the big time so I can actually but but you could describe a situation better than anybody else because like a lot of people see again I want to reiterate what I said I'll do see box last picture and they see him and sure but that's after they drove wall if you look at Biggs last pictures it's DJ big and puff and I am i lyin like absolutely correct like I'm tellin ya but so you're telling me Dad even in the party even being comfortable even being you know smoking and drinking spending it on Dom pérignon you kind of felt something you couldn't knew he was gonna die because the street understand like no one should just stop feeling funny and I'm saying this time to get up like that [ __ ] you know saying you know it was time to go and we'd laugh and you know we went through the light I was in the car with puffy right you know they use cars I was in the truck for you how many calls back y'all was from biggie it was I mean love went to light him big I'm begging them was right behind this big a season yeah yeah and just what a dumb people out there please Stevie J please say this this puff had nothing to do with their not of course no I just hate when people say no as long whole documentary saying that pop killed big like I just had the sugar conspiracy but the yeah I just hate that oh yeah I hate them so much I didn't even walk did this oh it's not know he ever after what he did he did this show and I didn't I didn't even want to say it because I just felt so dumb even even even bringing out certain things go I said yes so that was his men's I was just you know said Starsky and Hutch you know I said stick the clutch and all that now how was bad boy after that thanks I mean it was uh it because I'm not gonna want to say ruin but it was it was a loose dog major off-balance it was dog you know I'm saying after everybody was hurt you know I'm saying right wheeze in the studio everybody was in the studio was like candles lit and you know Santa and we listening to cuz big was y'all funny guy like I remember going to the up bad boy and I remember recorded T or and walk because I recorded - you're a bad boy and I have to see it yeah actually my recent callers I'm Rory and I remember going and I remember seeing y'all always smile yeah and then I remember after big styles and nobody was smiling like everybody was just sitting there and don't get me wrong yeah I would still give me beats y'all still but ain't nothing smile about yeah because you know because was in your opinion was it a dark day from there well it was a dark it was a dark year from there it was a dog gear from there pretty much because you know even if you look at all the interviews were big talking about the situation went pot he would never entertained a bull Jared you know he was never like positive it wasn't trying he was positive you know I'm saying that's why I mean he was sitting down in LA I was having his son around the time and he was having a son around a time and you know say he was like yo I'm gonna be your son Godfather you gonna be my son got 500 so Chris I'm Chris got 500 sense what the a little Babli like he would just tell me like you know I don't entertain [ __ ] cuz I don't want to be a part of the negativity you know I'm saying then the next day for this to happen I [ __ ] everything up and then for you the crazy [ __ ] is because you got to experience the first rappers that ever got killed right so well [ __ ] so we'll get all this [ __ ] that's going on now all right I don't take a serious right yeah yeah that's a young drove [ __ ] you know young drove out here all I know is you know I'm kind I'm a flag guy you know that you know I like here we make noise for you being on that yeah oh please please okay so you know now I just pay attention in my inbox be going on hmm we start over your damn yeah my dear stories to tell about people like the young young no I mean like no they're like I could diems from all type of communities like the transgender community [Music] huh you don't see me you doing me mi you know but you know at the end of the day you know I just I just be bowling my lanes so I advise cast a bowling lane you know there I own my bowling alley mmm they got a R in a ball oh do they really written bowls since we live we love we live and be lab busy no scrappy no scrappy trap Zeno's crab trap Xero's crab trap yeah all right we go do it like this okay how's your brother Cheney's house your drinks we drink him ask al by the way and Marte and and so Roth is two blocks I'm only doing a Syrah I got a relax is the podcast quite flustered right now and then she's looking then it says he's looking quite I will you are my king what and no he looks away you know shoutout to um bad boy into ten nine pages on we in the building this election what I just read you know I'm just saying dude's got a bowling lane you know I'm up listen I'm in the gym and you know I wouldn't call up and [ __ ] school clothes man you know what I'm talking about I'm gonna let him live you know Sanford don't mention me no way a good guy in all fairness this is what he said when he came on a talk show like that yeah Young Dro yeah cuz when he came Harshaw can't I can't she said I can't speak about everything else what he said he said that he just didn't appreciate that you called him the thing is he felt like this should be joseline it don't matter it don't matter if you g call you you handle that big Meech in my phone I've never met him a day in my life he he text me I'm a Texan bag right that's a respecting mm-hmm now you write about that no but you know it's all good don't go on The Breakfast Club saying oh this debt and making a little jokes and all to keep your jokes to yourself cuz I can make same thing make you laugh make you cry and I'm the good guy let's make some noise for the good guy but also because you know I [ __ ] what we all know but also I'll [ __ ] with me not you know sin you can both great people I would love to be the person to bring it together anything about that I'm cool just hanging with my kids I don't even need no extra [ __ ] but my thing is just like I'm a man you know Sam be a man about [ __ ] no no don't try to get no rap and catch no wreck off me you know I'm saying that we gonna really just have to get it in well period I'm just I'm from that word that's right like I told you in the beginning of the video I'm gonna be all over the place now what was your relationship with Tupac Oh to pot we just [ __ ] all the same to this day still Tupac knock relax don't ask questions gonna bring you down the wrong yeah don't actually oh yeah we just we just you know like we associated with all the same girls and we couldn't ever hang out you know saying we just it's kept accident what after the beef you could hang out I mean it was like when did the beef at the end bro right it was straight like that busy no I notice your spot but I might actually relax come on Z no you had a biggest problem right now so you had no musical puck I had no musical time yeah but you know we couldn't do it it could have happened because you know so you shame my loyalty try to get beats from us and I'm saying we rock with all the same joints and his chicks would be like now smaller sticks would be like yo you know say won't you I'm like you know say we can't even do that my loyalty lies with lies what prior to the beef did he try to get beats for you I wasn't even you know I'm saying he was death row no I didn't I'm bad boy yeah but okay was that environment though yeah exactly we bad we bad man a rock with Chado [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't want you I would I wouldn't and I can't and I won't describe that situation because well name right here today bad boy is just happy dead yeah you know we are chilling to the public right to the public yeah happy chilling and here's this guy comes out and he shits on y'all I mean he like let's be clear for sure he's super shits on y'all and how do you say cool this is how I remember the whole [ __ ] going down because you I'm Lu to the host no San I just remember [ __ ] in the office listen to hit them up and I just want kind of office in opposed of me they ain't late listener to it in the office which all my bad boy must have been crazy Oh Oh daddy's house that's his story okay hold on so you walk in daddy's house and they already listen to it oh yeah they already listen okay this is and it was like you know you know you walk through those steel doors I remember it's I thought it was gold okay you walk those doors and then the office is right to the left mad [ __ ] in there right listen and it hit him up and I'm just like I walk a baby's not in there no okay and I'm like no no no I mean before I've been hardest you know I see [ __ ] is like group I'm listening to the record I'm like shits about to get done no man no regard or guy will dog the organelle who shot you what's the timeline of the time - confused about the timeline yeah was who shot you made directly after that it was because originally done DJ's was sold it was made prior well you know I I don't recall I respect it I respected my calling as the East Coast [ __ ] I got a roll I'm new to know what things like um I'm a New York [ __ ] flat right never sounds so bigger too you know and it's like you know [ __ ] just happened the way it happened and it just it just you know through our whole Coast off but after all that I you 100% but your lack of answer could be a dancer bro all right I'm just saying yeah we're cool no he's right though boy Oh Rob's back then yeah this make somebody do a lot of drugs so now you still using I mean I'm matter of fact you somebody bought for me a block of song saluton lose that light they gotta go before was that just lets you feel like they gotta go yeah you know we're doing another note don't get gassy no I have nothing but the utmost respect for you you know Sam I got numbers I'm saying you and this is what I'm saying don't what you know I'm gonna take a bottle so Rock you grasp absolute thank you sir open without one open already alright thank you guys you're not came in the game it was like I came in with Jodeci you know I'm saying I know I'm still money straight [ __ ] boom boom I was like let me cut you up for one second because let me just tell you so Yodas he was beating [ __ ] up they were all right so you know shook started managing mmm alright so boom so you know I get a call from Devon say you know I'm working on the jokes yeah but I'm really with Devon Devon my man I'm rock describe Devon take the light-skinned yeah Devon seems to put down his laces brother supposed to be the gangster know worst about me from example kill on yeah okay yeah I might say Devante uh sure Raymond produce us arraignment everybody [ __ ] we [ __ ] Madonna all that those his brother don't worry you can't just say it let's make sure those [ __ ] ass on that slide over you can't just say that you know if I get the call like you what's going on down there you know say who [ __ ] the homelite listen man I'm not [ __ ] none of these bras I'm saying he's like I'll be back tomorrow we'll come back to the studio we have a meeting at the studio all right so at the time it was Davonte had Missy Timbaland what Porter Tara will bring us sorry continue Missy Timberland player tweet sister GU wide body Pharrell alright so all I was in the studio no sense so you know say he walk in he's smacking everybody genuine cymbal him Missy literally smacking them nor are we saying the want a was the RBI remember who told me the story okay I'm gonna tell you who else told me the story what I was doing you know what's funny man can't be smacking girls around Z no fee no relax make some crimes let's get back to Devante the gangster he's walking in the studio just random people back oh no no no not randomly with the pit bulls oh yeah dog suit and with the bus what is he saying you shoot your father I ask down the ball make some change we're destroyed smacking chicks and all that boom so you get to me like yo you cool you with my brother but he's a little cousin come around to the same thing you get to me late let me smack you [ __ ] you smack me I'm killing everybody right saying I was up things hit me in here with a bottle boom I'm fighting [ __ ] got to cut off my lab Havarti no I'm only security guys wait Devante tried to tell you too no it wasn't it was his cousin's cousin so Devin Capades so making a long story she got a shoot of our table next time I see him because I like Lucci he tried to ask me for a verse one time he was way too aggressive why continue I'm sorry anyway you know after that happened no the next day you know Sena I'm talking to Missy and similarly oh yeah y'all [ __ ] still [ __ ] with this [ __ ] no yeah but you are you down with WAP at this time we're not down okay you know sir but you don't like the was going there at all but you a Rochester my hometown when I can make the call on it right oh you ain't watch just at the studio yes okay kids I'm saying make a long story short I'm saying [ __ ] all left on mrs. Emily thanks to the guy having the fight what what guy having a fight whoever play Oh what Devante yeah squared or wooden I mean you know fighting whoever our for now it was like three of them ladies but thanks about fight everybody won cuz that's why you fight and thanks to that fight everybody left genuine I miss eat wheat play and help them get out this situation heard this story before while my being honest I heard Devante was the show man are we should swear to God really you know saying wanted to be we had here the credit he let them lose know he's let it out publicly but I'm saying I'll let that let everybody out of this [ __ ] provider by you getting in that situation in front of it cuz they wouldn't have done it Wow let's see that's what I'm saying yo yo Ching Ming hit that well see that's what I'm saying wow this is the reason why when when yo you know people say Stevie J from Love & Hip Hop I always as I hate my life and I all I always be Superman even though I know that's your new boss but you know it's not even a hustle it's like you got to look at it like this hunting me records five Grammys so excuse me nobody but check it out but the big you up for that said again would you join any records five Grammys okay I'll hundred million records and five Grammys make some young-ja X girl relax I'm so sorry I'm so sorry a lot of publishing come over here to buy but you know it's more less like with dope after that you know it's like where are you gonna go how high can you go you know so I had to create another lane for myself and you know saying I'm blessed to have created a lane where number one show on vh1 for six seasons and the number to show my executive production on two shows number two shows for vh1 oddly with the Steve you leave it to Stevie and Stevie J and joseline number two show vh1 you know say and I got more shows coming on vh1 this [ __ ] let's make some noise for that goddamn so you know say what you want you know I'm saying I ain't got touch the drum machine even though none of these [ __ ] can't even scuff my timberlands none of you producers know Sam but I'll let y'all live let's talk just talking to Alicia one more time then tell him leave the game from they can't [ __ ] me play the piano or the guitar oh the violin on the saxophone of the trumpet of the drums Oh baby they play dead I play anything but dead look at that copy that think that yeah don't don't want to see me on that y'all got go ahead yeah yeah young boys do what y'all do I want to be sure I mean that's cool that's cool you know I'm a different kind of guy no no your track record I'm the good guy that's right baby I'm so sorry she's so spent ass to get I like come on come on come on Cisco misses I like that's my sister right there as a sister me - yeah I like yung Joc is going in and not like this we New York understand cuz you know you know what it is there's so many gay [ __ ] in Atlanta I'm so sorry flagrant [ __ ] in Atlanta [ __ ] funny we go out here we small and big top in a great way meaning in the crab trap and then everybody's were like yeah like that like what why you think great guys that come here we feel like they if people don't appreciate a woman in Atlanta well you know so that's why maybe that's why I'm able to have - that's so beautiful you say my wife I'm just doing it out of there but you feel like guys don't appreciate just here because it's too many women don't shoot nobody let's relax they got [ __ ] with that there's not a good boyfriend but he's a good guy it's our personal business young kids 500 so sorry I know I forgot I'm do remember that I'm a big fan I know every come on [Applause] now that you broke it up yeah that's me you brung it up that's bum I'll see a lot of people think and I and me knowing you I know that everything you do or no camera is you I know that but a lot of you can't tell them right well so when they they bring up you and joseline relations and I didn't want to bring it up but you did it so I mean I love myself up I mean why are you disappointed from certain acts that she made oh it's just like [ __ ] it's not a disappointment thing you know Santurce you know I've been in this game for years I've been doing this growing chicks telling lies selling pies committing felonies and she's new to this you know Zen Soto cigarette to that it's like I've been I've been that seeing it all machine you know it's all new to her all the flashing lights and all that so more or less it's like you know I'm not one to judge you know sir I just hope all her you know whatever she goes to make it stronger you know I say nah but um as a [ __ ] as a [ __ ] mm-hmm well don't quit I should nephew I hear my nephew right there as a [ __ ] because I got my ground and I've been in power for almost 20 years so any woman around me they might say oh cool whatever she's gonna be with you for that and you have to face the same way adversity as our face mmm so did you ever feel like for the beginning that you met her that she was there for that reason oh you fall like damn this is this is my right here [ __ ] win on this actually no no no no real talk we was rocking I'm saying that's all I get it like I gotta be me mom's never mind me at joseline I gotta get I can't understand around so I like dad I couldn't tell the court the family court but do you understand like so we're not st. you dinner like I related to you so much and even when they say Oh Stevie's like idiot we came back and let's just like sometimes as a good person you just want to forgive [ __ ] you want you want to patch it you know it's not even pretty much about the idiot thing is more or less like ah [ __ ] if I'm [ __ ] with this person I'm [ __ ] with them you know saying I don't give a [ __ ] with nobody think if I'll [ __ ] with you I'm a [ __ ] what you are that's [ __ ] no you know saying if I rock with you I turns you know since you you're gonna pop for me imma pop the trigger for you we go rock out and that's how you was system please cuz cuz [ __ ] [ __ ] since you want to love my apartment sale you gotta relax no because you kept you kept going back and they just want to knock you down in New York so much right here right right right hand else Pete state you know we got a see this you know you know yeah that's finite like how did Holly feeling cuz you know national TV no on national TV you know like you kinda had the show that you weren't lying to another girl well always remember that we're talking about television first of all so you say miss faith never use the word fing it always remember that we're doing you it's not fake and this is our life and we choose to show our life in the way that we chose to show it to you oh you can't really analyze all I know you know say you've been to absolutely but for you to be able to open up and give the world a glimpse at your life absolutely I applaud you let's give it up because a lot of us looked in and we see how beautiful and gorgeous she were and a lot of us like you know hold on our she's gorgeous she's beyond sisters books that was yeah I say well she's amazing but a lot of us sat back and we thought it was the only scheffers yes new shot glass this is the lyrical shot yeah but a lot of them sorry and thought that it was phony because we're looking at you and we're saying she's way too beautiful to deal with what she was dealing with but here's the thing it's not me yeah I'm all those things I'm a nurse I have a radio show I'm art I'm smart I'm relaxed come with us the point is I'm doing what I'm doing - but sometimes people can't find themselves so in that they are when we're running in circles you want to come soon are we breaking up I don't want to make it sound like that it but are we breaking in new artists see artists yes also I would love to see everything move while you're saucing okay can you sit there so in Vegas again I don't want to I don't want to seem like I'm giving away his kid well he went to the bathroom god damn man Judas for baby and puppy she's a grown woman she's a woman so what do we cost EB jail but I saw what you call woman okay I just I just respect her for being a hustler you know a year good guy I'm the good guy and you know you know your accent your body this is what it is I'm adding she's not running from anything she's not gonna run for me but I just advise her just to stick to the plan let's get to the money and now Stevie J yes what happens when onyx I told you let's go get some lemon pepper all right okay lemon pepper me and you were in lemon pepper right we sit in there there's no denying that she is gorgeous okay she's a tease I can what's the step above gorgeous because whatever it is whatever it is she's gonna take a shot what stimulus will continue if I'm if I'm your ex girl I'm not but but you understand baby bro but I found you from your people what I'm saying is like like I'm just saying that's your ex-girl that's not this is not what this is about this is about you know danger zone Latino you know I'm saying this is about you know my brand this is about me present new artists to the table that hustle that that that are great artisan you know that you know have that look in ambition and the talent to do what they do you know saying and I'm not gonna put my neck out on the limb for nobody that's not that I don't feel is appropriate you know I'm saying that's know we know that already but the point we're trying to say let's relax the point we're trying to say is it's gonna be taking the wrong way so night right now if you go to awnings and then joseline walks in what's gonna happen tonight what's gonna happen he's gonna be like she's cute are we taking a home she's definitely gonna respect that I respect that I was inspecting the fire and you know some things were said of notice in it is your baby right right I gotta be yep absolutely so that's why you know so I'll respect these dudes these young dudes going on the radio trying to make jokes and all I keep your jokes here so I don't play my family I don't you know Shh I listen they can lie about mine die about mine Point Blank everybody feel the same way about their kids right I didn't take a shot was your shot at so already gun not taking nothing take another one like there's a bottle on me come on sis that was some rock is the best I had a world and I respect you ignore you for a lot of different reasons you never switched up no sir I status I'm just saying you always been the same dude no said man never switched up no thank you for that but what Stevie J you know what I'm one of the people that campaign your campaign because when people kept saying Stevie J from Love & Hip Hop I was single-handedly the person that that I didn't want I mean I get love in hip-hop I get it but you know I just wanted people to recognize your career look my nephews a young boy he's a millennium right quaint oh my ghoul he's one of my artists right he he's a millennial these dudes only know me from loving hip hop Atlanta I said unless you go ahead and Google how many Google [ __ ] we got out as Google is around Google is you know saying and and all my nephew be like yo aren't they know you know said for the producer they they do they research they know you from love of hip-hop person I know you know so my nephew makes sure that all these young [ __ ] know what's up yeah you don't say yeah with you I just you know said I applaud you I respect you and I support you whatever nobody nothing but not never say that follow me same clothes now when when you get because yo you get booked for shows a lot and when they say you know Stevie J from Love & Hip Hop hot a Stevie J belt and that's what I'm always like you don't forget - Stevie J 100 million records so five Grammys in knows that yeah I don't know but so you do actually tell them to change the flyer or no I tell them when I get there this has the bag no quit they got the front in the back in people likes all my back is about so now you see our values we are now you did and we are you doing love and hip hop again whoo we heard we saw you sign back on yeah hurry yeah you know what yeah yeah yeah yeah you gotta stay tuned alright stay tuned now and in in that season did you did you feel it was like right no there's a lot of things wrong with dancing my situation but just as the ways yeah cuz when shorty rolled up on you and then you said I'm gonna show you yeah you are funny why you keep concentrating on that part cuz that [ __ ] me up it was like old [ __ ] out here yeah you make [ __ ] like I mean I mean what I feel you because the way it was it was approached it was like that was you that's yeah exactly it was like and when she come it the reason why I felt you was her approaching you exactly when she approached you I mean like ever everything and before that nobody ever remembers so when people always think about that scene or have an opinion about it they never remember the beginning when he said before the show even starting you didn't know who we were she came to my house yeah so that's be from from my house money kind of my lady now we forever have beef is right or some real tissues yeah real tough no she no she was with Jackie hip-hop game so yeah address no it was before I'm selling it's just pizza fine I think it was because she was looking for who was she felt with her man that was definitely disrespectful hey you don't come to my house but I love pops TV yeah and you know what I still root for you still be like dad you know what and you be saying you a good guy but did you give me a lot of systemic uses is over if you want leave it to Stevie yes and we we watch someone who knew Stevie this is the way all your kids did my whole now lived in one place yeah I respected that and not my son is playing Division one ball little Stevie this is no more honest in his defense let's big that up see nobody listen there at the end of the day I love my kids I love me when you say you're smelling smell bad friends [Applause] our land is like a lair certain a sense but in a different sense because it's all black and a lot is there's a lot of gay brothers out here but I respect them I see them in Linux mall I give him a head nod they gave me I had no the one thing I noticed if they're gay guy wants to bother you is cuz he knows somebody you don't know me yeah gay guys would say to me and they'd be like hey they look at me like a gangster they'd be like what up [ __ ] I'm like what up [ __ ] cheeseburger baby this woman's twin is able body when he's walking around right so I'm looking at twin and then and we walk in cheeseburger baby gangster gonna pop you I'm keeping the honey now my zoo Dean looking at me I'm a [ __ ] twin Wizards win is able but he's not handicapped so twiggles you'll give me a drink and the doing walks right behind them and say I got your drink and I don't want to be like I don't want to yeah you wanna keep it cool relax I don't want to say well if you do that then it's all mayhem well I'm doing every other thing so unlit is too late the game gonna drape he turns around and looks at me like why you ain't tell me too late so I don't know why I went there it's too late now I'm gone so now I'm looking dead let this fit they look at that at me so now the guys realize I'm nori the whole time nobody realized hey well as did you know I don't give a [ __ ] but I don't care but the thing is they always said they make you watch he go right equal rights snow white but that's right they wanted Eagle white but so this is what I did and these are my [ __ ] I respect these guys but they want ego white boys death yep thanks so what happened [Applause] great podcast tonight guys no no and my money got away with everything now I want to leave you relaxed and then they came Oh with everything somebody was the random man just fine I'm out here brother smile give me some woman I'm just playing so but this is the thing so when they left look one guy said to me Laurie I recognize you now they say is it take a flick of me and I said no he said why are you gonna flick with me cuz I feel like he's about to say you won't be on some case I said you want equal rights they say yeah and I say if you was a straightening a we would have killed you I would have definitely popped you at least in your foot you know Sam what I feel is what our spread yeah yeah I love this man oh man oh cool right [ __ ] yeah I'm worried about how feeling and it's like man let them rot how they won't let them stay y'all ain't know since that night they was Taylor link that night they they was in this our lane we it's like this to like no no so what is Miami let me stand in lane you know and and do what they do but the young draws but God bless TVs yes CBJ limit let's let's end it out completely yeah you guys do that now please please say so we're looking at her and we're saying holy moly guacamole is there no more distant no it's not it's not no it's not about an arm's Gosselin is about danger zone management new talent salsa artist beautiful person taking acting classes right he's right it's awesome to be compared to Frankie [Music] please sorry we want you to give our listeners some she - audio to the audio physics and love and hip hop Atlanta season six and you know you have everything are you waiting tonight yeah you can't lose even though I feel like I feel like used to still sing cuz I feel like you do not just the body you we just introduce your body I feel like you should change some just say two lines do you mind no you can't do it it's really not well what I stand to my grandma she let me out here yah-yah-yah itchy you already know they just ate you over mouth
Channel: Drink Champs
Views: 45,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drink champs, dj efn, nore, noreaga, stevie j
Id: I5ooqtKtvUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 29sec (4829 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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