Mr. Dalvin Tells the Story of Jodeci, Puffy, Suge Knight & 2Pac (Full Interview)

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mr. Galvin if are one of the greatest R&B groups of all time appreciate that precision undoubtedly and everyone's top lists yes Jodeci what is good that's a blessing managers here grinding men out doing - oh man I am such a big Jodeci fan and I'm not even an R&B fan like that it seems like an elite army yeah yeah those fellows could listen to and still and he'll feel like men you know what an RV you know we purposely set out to to make it like that you know so it'd be cool for God to listen to it like not lean just some softening this riotous thing oh yeah so he knows more than that and so let's start from the beginning you guys are all from North Carolina yeah well me and if I feel actually born in Hampton Virginia okay and we moved to North Carolina really really young age so we basically from loculi right and you into voluntary brothers and casein Jojo brothers absolutely you guys formed into a group and then you guys decided one day to just go to New York yeah a little more detail than that that's pretty much to the nothing both yeah okay and what happened the first day you guys got to New York we got to do and we are a crazy thing is we didn't even know we had never been to New York no never said never been to New York and we looked in the yellow pages and felt uptown MC because all our favorite artists at the time we're on MCA in Uptown which was you know he had no additional MC Bobby Brown you know you have be VDD had an upside of a guy which was on MC as well Heavy D you know in so on his own so you guys walked into the record label well you guys hustled into the regular hustle hustle cuz you guys showed up and they won't let you in they would let us think it was clothes after hours it took us all day trying to find it in New York and we couldn't we had no idea what was going you know finally something it was after hours so you know it was like well you have an appointment we can see it was nobody's here to listen to you guys anyone okay basically so then you guys got in though we got in as much persuasion we got in okay and the you guys met was an A&R I guess ya know I know he fell asleep what let's go back in escalada he wasn't ready so how did you guys get past that um what we you know we beg and plead that he listened to a couple more song he's like well he kept falling asleep I'm thinking his thing's ready to go home and uh we started singing her I want to say come and talk to me started singing acapella and a Heavy D's dancer was his name was um a workshop so Troy his mother passed away it was a g-wiz okay the other dancer and I knocked on the door and he's like what did you guys he's like yeah he's held on for say anybody got Heavy D and something heavy heaven we got under the rail and hundred came in and he made us sing a couple more songs and he said grab your coats and he took her to dinner and that was it I mean history was made after that and you guys died to deal right then and there got an interim deal meaning that we wasn't gonna talk about us interested and he wanted to bring his right back to New York so he sent it to Melky Lama and brothers back okay and how close for you guys is a group by that point in terms of musically and friendship-wise uh we're brothers I'm inseparable no brothers and yeah he's you couldn't break the chain news that's all it was it was us Oh yet you know he took it from multiliner even not come on a start and we always together you know music music many day Emmys day out you know left in New York that's we didn't know anybody so we had no choice but to build a better bond because in the projects in the Bronx and so that's what we stuck yeah yeah Rose Avenue you know okay so because I heard originally when you met Casey he pulled a gun out on he did he did that was original meeting a a girl group actually a gospel girl group called unity and it was like you know being herded by each other in North Carolina because they did the gospel circuit but they are more like a quartet you know my brother more like a contemporary gospel and he's like you know y'all got some me got to be some amazing together and you know they always heard the great brothers we heard Haley Brothers and uh you know there's like you know gots to do something has to do something so when I was okay tickets to meet him and we went to the studio they had it whatever whatever was in case you thought I was talking to one is his little girlfriend excuse in the group and at the time people were pissed about them so yeah and you actually became cool after that well not exactly never know what the vibe they actually saved me in case he got a little altercation in the hallway blah blah and the vodka just went off to a room started working on music so therefore Josie was born my did but it was Davonte and Jojo it wasn't man Casey Casey went back to Merlin he was working on some other stuff and with his gospel group and I went my separate ways you know and after long brothers like you know many really cool man come on down like man no God look come on really I mean did you think he's gonna shoot you I'll go see him because my cousin had a gun too so it's like a Casey I found out let his gun even worked it's like a little rinky-dink 22 but you know it's going to be all bad well you know God works in mysterious ways so it didn't happen like that then then you know medication became best friends and a group after that you know that's long after that bogey and those friends yes okay so you guys get signed you're in the Bronx you start working on your first album right forever my lady how many those songs were already done before you guys got sign let's get hoping I'll see you guys here a couple like the Beast I was like gotta love wasn't done with you the idea and okay couple other selves with the domain that main meet if their album was done their songs you know written in ocean liner and you know ideas there wasn't perfect it like they were what they were basically done right and it sounded like it was like gospel but it was R&B and it was hip-hop and it was kind of like this weird melding that you never really heard before cuz at the time New Jack Swing and all that really poppy you know Dancy type stuff came out you guys came out like rock like on some other [ __ ] well you know what it was was Josie is a self-contained group and I think at the time we were so young I was 15 I first got to New York you know and we were so young and the sound was so big and it was just it was more than just on be because we listened to you know listen to Def Leppard van Halen we listened to you know those parents Michael Jackson Luther Vandross it was everybody Donny Hathaway and all oh oh great that we listen to we just incorporated everything as well as gospel with us to the Winans Commission at the time and we just put it a multiplying straight up and you got what you got out of it as well as well Teddy Riley you know Japanese explain because there was big at the time and I was a big influence on a lot of a lot of our music and stuff too but as far as like the harmonies you know people doing like four-four harmonies as well we're doing six and seven and eight 400 so right so I was really big it's really big so yeah we're fine notes now that thing Geordie sound it's like what the Jodeci sound it will find notes that what is traditionally I mean you know that would go into harm and so we made it work yeah and you know you and Davonte were having the production right and Casey and Jo Jo were doing the vocals well no we all did vote with it Casey was the lead vocalist and that was just a talent you guys found that was just out of this world right so how involved was puffy in the early process on that first album uh he was it was a big visionary you know probably got a big vision you know that's waiting so successful today and people like you know public are talented but he really is you know that's a talent himself and as far as the way we saw he saw we saw but it's hard for us to conveyed it to to Arjun irrelevant uptown because our being with the suits the sequin suits and the routines in the choreography and networking us and we you know we had our only we want to be Street we want to be you know like like like the homeboy on the corner said to make people want to listen to us like not be just cool I'm just stiff and he you know he translated that to Andre and telltale like you know see what he's gone and he kind of we kind of put on the shoulders and risk everything from him being an intern actually working into uptown because he believed in we believe this okay so when you guys first came out I thought the first thing was forever my lady that's what I was first introduced to rent to Jonas II but I guess there were something else first well we did actually yeah we did gotta love was the record company hated it in and but you know it was cool because it wasn't about it we wasn't known for up tempos and we wanted to set the tone for Josie wasn't really looking at ourselves like a ballad group but he said we're more like a rock hip-hop just like this garage everything anything goes type of group that did beautiful music and uh so undulate so fuzzy if this don't work you're going to lose your job and then job was right on its got to love the single hit or not and it didn't hit no it I didn't miss big-time but but what was important about that single data set the tone what Joseph was coming with whether it be a slow song and I felt my lady came solely out there and you know it we all know that success my friend my lady know it so forth so on right so I feel like from forever my lady you guys were were out of here right like it was just like hit after hit after hit after hit and Jodeci was just always around because I mean you guys ended up having forever my lady get on up stay stay come and talk to me come and talk to me freaking you and my favorite song Phoenix that was my personal favorite you know because it's just that because you guys like the whole begging for [ __ ] thing you guys were the best at it after you know hello no no we only beg when what so else keeps ready debated we always baiting cross me raining make my money my house and my car I've got game one here you go you were tricking off but she following the thing is about that it was given guys they did would have gained a mouthpiece of what to say okay you know said I wish we just live here is here the blueprint you try to eat Holly get late can you give the lyrics right here that's baby was doing you know says okay well anyway that's how I saw I thought it was incredible thank you and each album when Tommy tiles platinum of three four I'm not sure no no no no I mean just a resurgence of Jodeci Alison a couple years ago so I don't know now when you look at the way Jodeci is put together you got Casey and Jo Jo there's like that the lead vocals right right Devante is a producer and you know he's kind of touted as the produce as like D producer the group but you're also the producer the glue right explain the symmetry and how you guys all work together to create music um well it's like you know we as far as a songwriter producer I if I have idea and just been sometimes you've been singing you don't hear what I hear from the song so sometimes before Casey and Johto going to steal I've got to lay down the lead the lead the reference vocal and ok this are you singing now that's right here Casey and jello sound totally different from jealousy because they'd have their have men devices for the directions now we have the vision and we have the direction to go and that's not big when you deal with vocalist sometimes they don't they don't they don't really produce so they don't hear what you hear you know it's hard to just just give a microphones ok singing song singing penis or singing freaking ass ain't coming talk to me sometime have to be guided and lit you know I work with Mariah Carey same thing you got something has a guide people lay down this is listen how you said man whatever magic you put on top of y'all you season it that's on you but isn't this is where you stay this your brothers Clayton we're here sorry I should not work you know everybody had a role to play you know nobody try to do things that there wasn't you know his thing over this thing over there us stay in our lane is Lester do what we do and you did the backup vocals as well oh yeah we all did ok so you guys all harmonized together and created that Jodeci sounds incredible incredible now at one point people talk to you broke up but you never really broke up because Casey and Jo just are doing their own projects right so what happened with the group exactly um I think I think we got to a point to where you know when you bring a when you have some some type of success you always get out sided to come in and so the inner circle gets to spread thinner and thinner and thinner so I think that people had different directions for you know even Casey and Jojo and they weren't a direction that there wasn't a judge the direction it was most Casey and go to Motown like adult direction was Josie's driving ingredient and you know just hard cold here they've kind of more a little more polished and I was a day sound of date created for themselves okay and you know we're all cowards but we never broke up you know I supported them in they that shall sign or something you know congratulate him on a success they had with all my life and you know the other songs they had but all my life of the monster tonight yeah how come you stopped seeing Joe to see group albums though we start recording together okay you know I mean we broke up we start with that song the best far as good we still know we still hung out with service our each other sometimes the county guys so you know we all hang out but as far as accordingly you know it was busy torn and the Monte's a big dunce enough dude he's doing my thing so at what point you should night start coming around uh we met shook I want to say around the Billboard Awards I was a bit of water wars in nineteen yeah do not run ninety four ninety five so sure came around and then when did you start getting really affiliated with shook and um she came around and he he he taught us about the business a lot okay you know although we are sort of gang albums there was no sign that we they were more successful disk reseller hundred you know me guys were all broke basically I mean I went to the thing the artists go through these all right where was going on we're happy to be in public and selling millions of Records and writing fine well I assume that when you guys stepped into that office for the first time inside a record deal that same day essentially it was not best record deal no oh no yeah well it probably want to worry but you know if there's there's no there's no manual to set you up for anything I'm just happy to be there and you got just happy to okay well I don't know what's gonna happen you don't you never could imagine the kind of success that we had coming us God don't let me love to do you guys are just teenager was teenagers okay teenagers so then what it should do um sir came here Tommy explain to us what the business was about you know he'd never access or anything you know he never eat it's like you know I like you guys and he knows they were fairly Jodeci and we affairs of smooth and Ray and he made a connection between us and death row and you know he started educated on the business you know look around snooping and they got ten and twelve cars and jewelry and we just you know we just like oh you know at the time we were just neck and neck in record sales and he'd be looking at them I live in how we live in and it wasn't adding up yeah so we start asking questions you know and nobody was giving us straight answers and it was just okay well listening well let me help you guys okay and that's just how the whole des roses night Josie relationships right and sugar that's reputation of quote-unquote helping people out of their bad record deal situations in fact that's how we started with the vanilla icing situation and then with the dr. Dre easy situation so now you have sug helping you out of your record situation right do you think he strong-armed his way into a better deal for you guys how depends on what you call strong I mean it's like it is if somebody takes of me a little brother you want to get it back you want to get it back they wouldn't give it back what would you do I mean how did you get it back well you want write him a love letter I mean it's like right well you either do it legally or you you know do it with what force right I mean I just think that he was he was wise enough to know how far to go he was educated to know how to sit down and talk you know I was both sides of him being angry and him being email politician so you know I've never I've never witnessed that him result the violence on our behalf now you know I've heard stories and stuff but I'm not behalf I've never seen result the violence I've seen him sit down and have an educated conversation with lawyers and Rec nominees okay no maybe a little heated at times but it was you know it came across as how this mostly okay because I remember the first time that I heard Jodeci affiliated with death row was Devante did a song on Tupac's all eyes on me right was that the beginning of you guys already messing with each other that yeah well we did the first time day with them's uh murders the case aha we did come up to my room but the dog huh right now okay that was the first record that we did with this okay then uh we started doing like production stuff around certain R's of the studio right and then uh you know popped him after that let it later on after this okay right and then Casey and Jojo did tossed it up definitely one of the Fox best songs um so how well did you know Tupac and how much more did you guys do together alright to know very well we had a couple in-depth conversations and I got to know very well because I he bought um how do you want it he bought that he bought the idea to me first and he's like you know I would I want to put doted on his record because he was singing a hook actually at first Oh two pot dude pops it up look no he was how do you want it oh how do you want it how do you want he was saying a deep baritone how did you pawning howdy and he's I don't like my voice in out but it sounds good because it sounded really eerie so it was a whole different vibe but it's on areas that everyone's got to do something to it so that's when I call I called a kid I was like you know I met no Tupac want to do the circuit and uh you know so we got to the studio and if you listed a record because I kept his voice and they told me take it out but his voice at the bottom what's in that Oh so Tupac is actually underlying over the fourth I'm naughty one so so crazy and that makes him in with the harmony but it worked because I mean I know what I knew the vision II was going with the song and he just know we put the harmony that made it sound big and he the verse here originally he went back and did it always I'll crush me I'm gonna do my verses but I mean I was like I told her my to release all the verses that he didn't put out because he would go back and if he felt like you outside on a sign would go back and rewrite his verse but yeah his verses was so dope unlike all the material had but he would go back and rewrite it real quick so right I mean I've talked to various people about Tupac's work ethic and they said that he had this feeling that he needed to hurry up and get as much music out as possible because he didn't think he was going to be around for that long you're right like that like that universities come like that she goes definitely so yes so you were there producing with him and he's just like that I'm here do you get mad at producers that weren't quick enough he will get he will get I sought me to aggravate when little things they didn't know about like the production side of it like everyday understand Simon's video and II saw that she was little frustrated because someone naira teachers equipment he would get angry but he was just really passionate about what he did okay and you guys have more songs I heard you guys did together and everything came out not to do any moment I just worked on how do you want to win and just other stuff around death-row well just to progress um when I really work hand-in-hand welcome you know you guys had an interesting situation because you guys came up with puffy right and then now you guys are rolling with death row and the East Coast West Coast beef breaks out right and you guys are cool of both sides all right so what happened with you guys in the middle of all this well I mean Pub got upset he I mean wouldn't they the whole thing that people know it's really stupid why this whole thing happened was that I'm not gonna get into but it's really stupid the whole thing was really stupid could have been avoided and at the time it was Brewin you know I was like man come on this is really [ __ ] and it started the people in it first it was to individuals is always something really stupid sugar puffy well you know to people but it really could have been avoided to start off as a joke in energy escalated the guy's escalated and uh you know I mean now and I'll coach example no I that's why I wanted to see like that doesn't have to be like that and a 1/4 Cummings like what side you I see man from the South for my undo it now Selma selling of me I'm gonna sell so it's like you know I'm not thinking he thought that I betrayed him but I didn't you know for me I don't have anything to do with none of it none of it I wouldn't rival sink I went around with today I was just both y'all my friend and it's like I don't have any probably anybody and that's that's the position that jealousy took as a group because it was cool was surgeon and was cool you know we're part from big and everybody so right well I mean I guess Jonah see sorta showing up wait but now I guess that was a that wasn't a biggie dis I guess some of the source of would well yeah you guys were the source of war yeah we presented biggie with that let the war though you guys for this award were you on stage with should when he said with the other it was nothing this year there was nothing that I would like what he said as like a hobo so you sat there he said jog you're tired [ __ ] off any head you know it's come to death row go death row yeah wherever boom milliohm and then then snoop came on came and said you know y'all got love for ya know that booing kept going and it is there that was it I mean we left it was just chaos and I was like man it's about to get ugly there's it could have been avoided in avoid and it was like one situation like why but then you think my letter me is it was like maybe was inevitable for this to happen like water things like this happened so were you cool biggie oh yeah I know big for big added before he put his first song out right because biggie was kind of use dual songs with Heavy D yeah and biggie had a song how that car partying [ __ ] right people nobody I remember that sound that I remember any any ill [ __ ] yeah foreign uh and after that it gets it didn't take off like he thought and he was gonna be signed at uptown and he didn't some happenin Buffalo he lost his deal downtown and put what he puffles started to get into it with Andre Harrell's yeah well you know I didn't he he lost his deal he got fired from charity and he took biggie and even the [ __ ] in a holding pattern yeah it was a while before Punk got to do it with Clive Davis and Eric's on there so yeah and he's in the holding pen I think he got a little discouraged but you know the rest is history came out he do he's gonna do I mean when you look at that the whole East Coast West Coast be from the tragedy behind it and how you guys were in the mix not taking sides but in the mix being pulled from all directions how do you feel about it like I said I think it was it was it was from nothing we love two great talented people to the most talented you rather we probably ever see in our lifetime you know for nothing and nothing was senseless and you know they could have been avoided but you know and like I said I was cool pot I was cool digging you know and I think that the new they I think they thought we chose a side too but it was it was never that yeah it was never there and then when puffy was really working with you guys initially to sort of mold the Overlook and everything I guess he was called puffy because he would start to puff and lose the [ __ ] you know I never know why they call him puffy that's that's the name that that's what I really like all of you you get all puffy I you'd huff and puff when he wouldn't get his way and they started nicknaming I never knew that I never knew that something every time you never see puffy bug out I sent a bug out but I sent him I just I call it more passion than buggin out yeah cuz he just like eat it like what he likes you know a lot of time feels right you know argument to make a massive time he was like oh come on ha come on man buddy whenever just goes and loses there was a rumor that the TLC's creep was about you either to that room actually actually about that she said no but somebody said she said it was or who knows okay yeah what are some of the craziest moments in your heyday because you guys were one of the biggest groups in the world and between the concerts and the tours and the record sales and everything else like that what are some of the biggest things that stood out to you um I think I think for everybody as the artist had some sort of success you know remotely close to Jodeci or they going to another cutting head people that they can say your name in English don't you're not speaking or recognize you and know your words sing the songs word for word but can't speak a lick of English I think that in itself is somewhat surreal you know just strangers all across the corners of the earth and know who you are I was like when Casey started dating marriage advice for me that's really what about with the beat I mean it was it was it was job with him you know I don't think it affected I don't think it affected his performance as any I'm his personal life I got whatever went through but far as Casey's always ready to go he's he's trained to go something at the microphone antenna he go so whatever affects him personally I think got I think got a lot of bad bad raps about things that happen a lot of one side he not respected for not really responding to it because a lot of thing I know personally really didn't happen that I heard him give me cues up so here's a story that I heard be legit said the story during a class that we were we were hosting and Brad Berkeley one day be legit was rolling around with Tupac and he was rolling down I guess like LA or something and he's seen Casey and mary j blige arguing on the street and he pulled over and got in the middle of the argument and told Casey that he shouldn't bother with mary j blige cuz him a marriage advice used to mess with each other and this ain't the type of woman they should be messing with he asked me this room this is a story that I heard that I don't know there was no one to me but there was a lot of drama between between Casey marriage advice oh yeah it was about John by John me but you know it is what it is they're both young successful and in the public eye and you know it is what it is man there was a situation where Davonte got robbed at gunpoint right in his home how bad was that situation it was at first half of my birthday okay and we didn't know anything about it we didn't want surprise birthday party was working on let's be alone on the sounds on the die of a madman album and with wait on Devante waiting awaiting excited lady everybody studio wait in the back and kept column kong-kong and it was like something right man he just wasn't not so upward or come to the studio something so you know America's PD was like nah only invited to divide 2009 somebody's broken well we know the severity of the situation and you know they broken his house try to kill him but they try to kill him well many split his skull oven asleep they pistol-whipped him here tied him up man he is fighting back he did what a guy singers off and we he bit one of the guys tears off I mean it was bad so and uh that was that do they know who was behind the attack last circulation as I speculation nobody is and the guy that did they thought did it they it was too cousin want to kill each other so ones in prison for the day so oh okay and what time was this was in the Jodeci story was this one second I was working on second out okay I'm Evan were you guys with death row at this point or no who's never what does well I mean when you were rolling with death row oh no no this before death love okay so days you guys sold how many tens of millions of albums I can take but millions and millions of albums number-one hits and you have how many Grammys none why is that we've never been invited to the Grammys why is that well I think that I think that like I was telling I was a discussion I was like you know at the time we were too black for the Grammys considered too black okay meaning we're too black for the grams and it was crazy because you had people in our category that hadn't even scratch the surface of seven as many as many albums or Papa's Josie but you know the time would consider too black and I guess it was a risk for the Grammys you know we nominated never never even nominated phenomena at a leg go down said yeah never nominated everything else but Grammy okay yeah and so you guys feel like you were blacklisted in a way what itami it you know it really didn't matter it really didn't matter because what Meritage was more than grandma's him accolades a nice at the time but you know it's a good thing that but affect us our plans met more and I felt like we had sellout and we didn't cross over and the grabbers they want to come to us because of we were too intense for the grounders you know you think we too black me scared everything you're programmed is so [ __ ] right but then fast forward to 2016 you have Kendrick Lamar and Sanju in an African tribal deaths with a Khan top of a police collar and also Tasha in the Grammys but you know I think that I think that to me I think Jodeci opened a lot of those we did we ground the town for a lot of artists today yeah even to just the way they do to talk the way they do it and look the way to do and you know we went through the you know the getting shunned by awards and TV show this because the way we were eating will be still for and we're too raunchy too nasty but now it's cool you is almost mental you say [ __ ] and holding a song let me write you know right and we go I was mandatory but it is what it is I mean like when you look at like the Bryce and tillers of the world and the traps all stuff like that that to me is the Jodeci blueprint right you know they're calling it something else but it's really what y'all were doing yeah you know saying and then you got you and your brother went on to find Timberland missing missing so I discovered I discovered Missy and she bought Timlin along and you know the wrong along with Magoo and the rest of hope Stewart in people yeah the whole v8 yeah I mean you guys have any idea what you had on your hands back then I didn't when I first met Missy I knew I didn't know exactly what it was but it was something I knew I said you know and she didn't look too far like I said all times he wasn't she was part of a part of a group right she was part of group but her I saw I saw the light on her I just I just know some special vibe because like I said she wasn't typical to look in our meeting with an Icelander long hair with it she was totally different from that but heavyset yes it's heavy said in a I just looked he wasn't what he was like ah he's a sex symbol Rochus but her first song she was running a garbage bag yes I'm gonna come filled up a garbage bag looking crazy but it worked it worked for what and she was like super duper super duper fly when you saw that were you like hi I'm not I know what's hard she was always creative like that you know she's always creative like that in whatever she did I wasn't I wasn't surprised you know I feel you now there was there was talk about drug problems and so forth in the group right is any that true I mean look at like this man I think every every artist every rock'n'roll group has some kind of problem some kind of some kind of like some kind of ailment or whatever it is you want to call it and you know George is no different you know and we don't glorify drug use or whatever it is but everybody has the issues so whatever it is you know hopefully people deal with know what he's doing right I mean there was one video I think in Australia with Casey Jojo I think we're performing on says yeah just a little paint just fell off tonight I mean he said he was tired - go we said yeah he was tired flute 18 hours and he got a plane and he said it wasn't junk aha whatever he was he said he was tired I wasn't there so I can't say oh yes he was where is it how it look is fine it was a little crazy and looked crazy I mean was there ever a point where there was like an intervention or rehab or anything else like that oh I mean like I said if you look if you look at instrument everybody that has any kind of issues like me like you know if I fished I'm doing on the way I do invest you know and if people want to get help and they see how they doing what they deal with them you know I think everybody that that's healthy today has once we have at some source he knows which is a good thing if you know if you got both of them to go get help then you should yeah this is what it is I mean when you look at the impact the Jodeci has made even to this day like for example when Kanye announced Kim's pregnancy they played forever my lady you know I don't know how many weddings forever my lady has played at but since you guys did it we just like inferred in a calendar and for dear mama Leslie what two weeks ago right so Mother's Day when you look back on it what was really the impact you feel Jodeci made on music um well I think we came from era where we were really talking about something you know what lyrical content was more than just oh I like that beat you know he used to bite now I like that beat I don't even say I like this song anymore I like that beat I don't even know what the dear so you know and we would talk about some soapy felt they could relate in some sort of way whether it made you think about the ex-girlfriend you want to fall in love if you wanna have sex maybe you want do anything make you want to dance I mean we try to target emotions and that's what was important at the time when I think we were writing the songs you wrote and you know doing songs we did I mean when you're making these songs like forever my lady and freaking you do you know how big they were going to impact I don't think a great writer songwriter on to just would not be - gonna be I think you're right from the way you feel at the moment yeah and I think that it then it dissolves it any people can identify with them that's what makes sounds hit because you can identify what somebody saying you know at the time I think when you got in I got to make a big song bigger than that my ladies and that's when you lose it you just write with it at the moment yeah you know I mean in terms of the the process what do you think you're most proud of in terms of what you put together once they're personally here um me myself first I think that I got people to believe because I was I was really really I spearheaded the campaign how we look visually as well as a lot of the sound that didn't match and I think that to get them to understand because they didn't really see all the time without how I saw is because I was always it was always important I we look because it made a statement to me every time we on board shows concerts and how ourselves came across you know cuz I put together our tours and everything had was visual for me and I think that for me outside of divided in you know the head guy charge of almost of music and I'm being write a fun I wanted to take on a role of how that we came across as a perception yeah and you know and we set the bar for everybody else down into selling don't see but to look like does he not still to this day that's almost ended you know right because when you look at how Devante look back then shirt off covered in tattoos that was weird back there right right you fast forward to 2017 it's weird if you don't have to I've covered a lot you you know I mean Tupac having stomach tattoos and everything was weird back then and now it's the standard understand I feel like you guys and Tupac sort of set a style blueprint that today everybody essentially follows exactly that's I'm saying like so back then we knew how important it was to not not follow anything that was done with that was already there to set the standards at the bar like with the first army group black guys don't have tattoos unless he was in a biker gang right now you're the first yeah let's just say that again you were the first R&B group would tattoo the tattoos and the first real black guys covered in tattoos and less use in a biker gang you know so it's like either we had to arrange well I don't think you got a gala this and that you know back then I was just it wasn't I wasn't heard of right it was like if you don't have that that that mold or that you know a blue Franco that uniform yeah because you know you look at the other army groups of time they had suits all they had there you know I'm saying they were they were smooth they had s-curl it was it was very polished right you know if you go even farther back to the Smokey Robinson the Marvin Gaye that was like suits in and bowties and everything you guys went completely the other direction and I think that I think it made a statement in that many people definitely you know look before they're admitted they saw it in my heart wait a minute then the songs and go with the look you know but like I say sometimes when you go so far left people that get it it's like it's like a white kid you know from some Calabasas loving gangster music right you know so I was like you know he's like it many times a good to time some kind of way and it's really like that and you were like the rapper in the group I just write I wasn't a fight well baby I when there was a rap in geodesy I did it mr. Dalvin was usually the person doing it well cuz I mean I bought the edge to the group as far as like you know try styling our energy and the hip-hop socks I was always a hip-hop head you know I'm saying to it but even with the music I listed I listened to Allah grams Rakim you know ll Public Enemy bighetti Kane so forth so on yeah so I always had that enemy like is in the kid and I would flip to immediate right definitely an honor to finally and finally do this bad hell of a story and I can't wait for the biopic I heard it still and uh in the adding stages right now what in our list is going to happen yeah you know we speed up deletion oh then I was beat up in this or that but yeah I can't wait for a man with such an incredible body of music let's have a couple things I didn't know the days about puffy and the the B logistic you know this is what I do I do you know you do music for a living I talk to people for a living that's what it is down hi
Channel: djvlad
Views: 1,042,170
Rating: 4.8218613 out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama, Mr. Dalvin, Jodeci
Id: OIasoWU5KPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 6sec (2286 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2017
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