Drink At Night to POOP OUT all BAD FATS and TOXINS in the Morning! Lose 20LBS In 30 Days!!

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hey y'all today I am showing you one of my fat burning juices that I have been taking along with some healthy meals and a little exercise that have helped me trim down after all the damage I have done during the holidays and I know you done done some damage too okay y'all this recipe is easy it tastes great let's go ahead and get into it the first thing I am going to do is to prepare some strong green tea so I have some filtered water here and you do want to use like some filtered water bottled water or something like that especially since you're going to put it in this fresh juice and then I also have some green tea you can either use caffeinated or decaffeinated green tea I am using three bags but you can really even use up to about five bags depending on how strong of a green tea flavor you can tolerate I'm going to feel this cup up with about 2 cups of water and just let this sit and cool down to the side while I prepare the rest of the fruit and do everything else once it Steeps for about 15 minutes I actually end up putting it in the refrigerator so that it can cool down and actually become chill I have washed off all of my fruit especially you want to use a veggie cleaner because you don't want any extra pesticides or anything getting into your juice then I'm going to cut the skin off my pineapple in a previous juicing video you saw me make a pineapple syrup with this however I'm not doing this today because I'm using that green tea so I'm just going to compost any parts of the pineapple like the skin or the core that I'm not using then you want to cut this up and if you're anything like me I know you snuck and ate a few of those pineapple slices which is fine because pineapples are loaded with vitamin C as well as other antioxidants that are wonderful for your body I'm going to place that to the side in a bowl and then I'm going to prep my carrots now y'all some of y'all might be like girl why did you peel those carrots honey I just don't like the earthy flavor of the skin I know it does have some nutrients but I prefer to peel it so I'm just going to take this off and then I am going to cut my carrots into smaller pieces whether you use a blender or a juicer you have to remember that carrots are very fibrous and so sometimes they can be a little difficult for your juicer or your blender to break down so make them kind of small for this recipe you can use any Red Apple that you like except red delicious cuz I feel like those taste terrible okay so I would choose something like a honey crisp or like a pink lady I'm going to choose red instead of green because the colors match the other fruits and I like one cohesive vibrant juice one of the powerhouses of this juice is the Ging Ginger This Ginger is spicy however it is wonderful for digestion your liver your colon it is really great for you but you have to decide how much you can tolerate I'm going to be using about a half of a cup of ginger it is going to add a strong kick if you're new to Ginger you may want to start off a little bit lower just so you can build up a tolerance to it I'm then going to juice one lemon this is a Meer lemon so it's going to be sweeter and a little bit juicier than your typical lemon and then I am going to squeeze it all over the apples this is going to help prevent them from coming Brown while my green tea is getting nice and chilled and in fact you can actually put all of these fruits back into the refrigerator if you want to keep them cold so that you can have like a super cold juice now at this point my green tea is ready it's still slightly warm um but it's cooled down enough I want you to know not that you do not want to squeeze out the tea bag okay green tea has tannins um and it's going to make your tea kind of very bitter and strong so don't squeeze out to try to get all the extra don't do that okay I don't have a juicer so what I'm going to do is use the green tea to help me blend up the different fruits and vegetables let me know in the comments if you think it is worth investing in a juice ucer and if so let me know if you have any suggestions for some affordably priced ones that are easy to clean because honey the ones I have seen be $500 plus and of course yeah I'm sure they work well but they're so expensive or they're so cheap and then they barely operate and they're difficult as heck to clean so I don't know but for now I'm going to stick to just blending them up very finely in my blender and then squeezing everything out in a nut milk bag I like to make sure it is very finely puree especially the ginger and carrot because they do have a bit of a hard time breaking down I will link in the description box where you can get a very inexpensive nutmilk bag I love these because they're so fine and they barely let any pulp or anything like that through so I'm going to go ahead and do a nice squeeze okay y'all are use them little stress balls okay you just working everything out that's pretty much what you are going to do I'm actually going to take that pulp and I'm going to stick it back into the blender because I have some more fruits to blend and I just want to make sure I'm getting all my money worth all right cuz y'all know this stuff is not cheap out here in these streets I'm going to add the rest of the green tea and a little bit of water just to clean out the bowl and I'm going to finally blend this again and then of course I'm going to strain out the rest of that juice to slightly sweeten this because the ginger is so strong I'm going to use a little bit of Truvia now this has half of the carbs of sugar it doesn't Spike blood sugar readily I don't suggest honey because honey will spike your blood sugar and I'm going to add about a tablespoon or so so not very much when I go to serve this I'm going to add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar because this is proven to curb your appetite as well as slow down blood sugar spikes and then I am putting in some chia seeds I'm going to use about a teaspoon maybe half a teaspoon you just start off where you can because chia seeds are full of fiber they're also loaded with Omega 3s they're very healthy for you but they are going to release a kind of mucus when the juice hits it and you let this sit for about 10 15 minutes or so and it's actually going to become like Boba if you've ever had boba tea which is a quite lovely sensation but it fills up your gut and makes you feel full y'all this is so good and let me tell y'all how I you know how I've been drinking this how I do this now this is working for me okay I ain't your doctor doctor so don't come at me like some type of way I'm just telling you how this is working for me and what I like to do so what I like to do is to drink about 8 O before my dinner okay this is like my nighttime juice all right we firing up everything because that Ginger baby that Ginger is going to clear you out all right that's all I'm going to say okay I will say this though if you have problems with caffeine at night like with the green tea then instead you can either do this at lunch or the morning it's pretty flexible you want to pair this with a healthy dinner so what I like to do is have half my plate full of non-starchy vegetables another part of it with my protein and then a little bit of a complex carbohydrate maybe like a half a cup of brown rice so let me know if you try this I'll see you next time Tomic cir's kitchen goodbye and God bless
Channel: Camirra's Kitchen
Views: 395,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to lose belly fat, burn fat, belly fat
Id: L-pFc0tpBjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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