The REAL Cause of Abdominal Pain and Bloating - Dr. Berg

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i'm going to share with you the real underlying cause of abdominal pain now i've never done a video on this specific link so this might be new information for you i've had some serious abdominal pain for years and i searched out everywhere i could to find how to fix it i've done colon cleanses i've done combination of enemas and cleanses and i've been on every single diet to try to fix it looking back now i was simply missing some crucial basic information that you're going to learn today unfortunately when you go to the doctor right now with abdominal pain you'll get a diagnosis and then you're going to get management of that symptom okay you're good they're going to manage your symptom there's not going to be a lot of getting to the root cause and fixing it it's going to be more managing it with a medication now anything that i say is not meant to invalidate your medical doctor so check with your doctor before doing what i'm going to tell you maybe you'll get a diagnosis like biliary dyskinesia which basically means there's a sludge in your bile ducts okay things aren't moving bile is not moving it's kind of stuck there and when we're dealing with abdominal pain we're really dealing with pressure from gas fluids fecal matter or food backing up somewhere causing pressure in some of the plumbing going on whether it's from the liver to the gallbladder or the pancreas to the small intestine or maybe it's in your large intestine maybe you get a diagnosis diabetic gastroparesis which basically is a fancy term for the nerves are so damaged in your digestive system that everything is very very slow so the transit time of food going through these tubes is very sluggish which is going to cause a lot of bloating and pain maybe you'll get a diagnosis with gastritis or heartburn or acid reflux or indigestion or maybe you'll get a diagnosis with gastro esophageal reflux disorder which means this little valve on the top of the stomach is not closing so food is kind of backing up through your esophagus and maybe you're diagnosed with an ulcer regardless of what condition you have there's something very very simple and very powerful that i'm going to show you but in order to put things back into place you have to understand some basic anatomy and where things are in location to your abdomen where you have pain because that will give you a clue okay okay i have my friend right here if we take a look at the abdominal area and we break it down into sections we have this upper right part right here you have the middle upper part right here and the left upper part right here okay so over here on the right side you have the liver and the gallbladder and you have the connections okay those are called ducts like your bile ducts okay in the center you have the stomach okay and you also have this thing that's crossing over called the pancreas all right and then on the left side you have part of the pancreas and then you have the spleen over here and then right in the center right here you have the small intestine okay and it connects to the large intestine that comes up through here crosses over and comes down this way and then in the middle part right here on the right side okay a little lower than the upper part you have the kidney area you have in the little connection between the kidney and the bladder it's called the ureter and then on the left side you have the kidney over here with the ureter and of course right on top of the kidneys you have the adrenals and they're way back over here and then in the lower part right here in the center you have the uterus and you have a prostate in that area and then if you're female in the lower left and lower right you'll have ovaries so in other words if you know where you have pain and you know the organs that are connected then it's pretty easy to kind of narrow it down the problem is that the pancreas crosses over from not just the left side but the middle and even the right side so sometimes it's a little confusing and sometimes the gallbladder if there's stones can cause pain a little lower and sometimes the kidney stone can cause pain a little bit higher up so there are certain things you can do to differentiate between the two but i just wanted to give you a little orientation of where certain organs are located so the first thing i want to cover something very very common yet it's not well known okay and that is this problem in the right upper quadrant right through in here okay you have the gallbladder you have the liver in this area and i kind of drew a picture out right here typically the symptoms that are related to gallbladder are bloating burping and belching but it can definitely be abdominal distension or pain so we have the liver here that makes bile okay so bile comes down from a little tube through here and gets stored in the gallbladder and then when you eat the gallbladder contracts it's a storage bile and now that bile can squeeze into this little tube down here okay and go into the small intestine to mix with the food that just came out of the stomach and then with the help of the pancreas certain enzymes specifically lipase which digests lipids which can help further break down the fat into smaller particles so we have this bile that breaks down fat to a certain level and then the enzyme lipase breaks it down to smaller levels so now you can digest and use the fats as in your fat soluble vitamins omega-3 fatty acids all the fatty acids okay so that's those two fluids right there now of course you can have a gallstone right so some people have gallstones some people don't but a lot of people have sluggishness within this duct right here in other words the bile material is like sludge and that's an actual medical thing and it can back up into these tubes and cause tremendous amount of pain that then can refer up to your right shoulder and even the right scapula and the right trap through here now this little duct right here also joins with the with the pancreatic duct or tube okay it joins right here so a blockage in this area can not only back up material back up within the liver causing pain up into the right side but it can back up into the pancreas causing pancreatitis or pain that goes in the middle part or even the left side that then can refer to your left shoulder so it can be a little complex but this problem is very very common and the real cause of this is simply a lack of bile okay because when you add more bile into this area it dilutes and it makes the bile flow real nicely through there so the bile that flows through here is combined with bile acids and cholesterol and so if there's too much cholesterol and not enough bile acids then you get this sludge but when you increase this ratio of more bile acids to the cholesterol then it can flow a very good remedy which i'm going to cover a little bit more later is tudka and tutka is a type of bile salt that if you take it an empty stomach a few times a day it can open up the flow of this bile and get rid of a lot of pain in this right upper quadrant i also recommend that when you eat food you take some bile salts after you eat not before because it's alkaline and we don't want to add an alkaline thing before you eat we add it after and that'll help the system build up more bile so you can now have more bile to be able to digest the fats now i will be talking about what originally caused you to be deficient about in the first place but i want to kind of give you an overview of everything first okay all right so this is very common okay this problem on the right side i had this problem for about 12 years i had no idea what it was and boy did i suffer and unfortunately i started taking antacids and so one of the root causes of a lack of bile okay a bile deficiency is having weakened stomach acids you just don't have enough hydrochloric acid to trigger the bile production and with me i was taking all these antacids right that then i ended up with a gallbladder problem so i started out with a stomach issue okay a lot of bloating in my stomach and then i ended up with a gallbladder problem probably because of the quantity of antacids i was taking at the time but eventually i ended up with an ulcer so just so you know if you have an ulcer there's a very specific way to correct that you don't want to add more acid but typically the biggest symptom for the stomach if you don't have enough acid is indigestion so you feel like the food just is not being processed at this level right in the center right here so a simple remedy unless you have an ulcer is betaine hydrochloride i will cover that in a little bit as well as apple cider vinegar now you also have to realize that the stomach has these acid sensors that are connected with the valve on the top so if the stomach acid is not where it should be between one and three which is extremely acid then this valve won't close and now you're gonna start getting regurgitation okay acid reflux and you're gonna get heartburn and then eventually you'll get an ulcer so if you have heartburn or acid reflux or gerd but no ulcers you want to take betaine hydrochloride okay and you want to take like five of those as a remedy before a meal and then also apple cider vinegar on a regular basis if you have an ulcer you can't take apple cider vinegar or obtain hydrochloride because that's going to make it worse you want to take something else like chlorophyll and zinc carnosine okay that's the remedy for an ulcer that one of the best foods for an ulcer is actually cabbage cabbage has something in it that can actually heal an ulcer but zinc also is very effective now if you have problems on the left side right here the upper quadrant it could be the pancreas that's coming from this bio sludge or it could be that you have been eating like junk food and refined foods and cooked foods for many many years or you're a diabetic or a pre-diabetic and because diabetes is a problem with the pancreas not only are you going to have problems with the hormone insulin but you also have problems with the other part of the pancreas that releases enzymes so you're not going to be able to release enough enzymes for digestion so this is why diabetics usually always have digestive issues i will cover what to do about that potentially you could have a spleen problem if it's on the upper left hand side but that's rare now if you have pain in the mid part right here or the right part or the left part and the middle part and this is the belly button right here so to the right of the belly button to the left or right in the center typically that's going to be some type of inflammation in your gut and you can label it as irritable bowel syndrome diverticulitis celiac now if it's on the right side of the left side potentially it could be a kidney stone and i'll show you what to do with that but there's one more thing i want to share with you there's something called sibo small intestinal bacterial overgrowth this is a situation that usually is caused because you don't have enough stomach acid okay and then you have certain microbes that are starting to grow in your small intestine where they really should be mostly in the large intestine and so now we have this competition with your food where you have these microbes that are eating the food as it comes down and it's producing a lot of gas one way to know if you have sibo is that you feel worse you get more bloating when you take probiotics as well as fiber so if you do have sibo you should not be consuming any fiber in fact you should probably go carnivore for a couple months and the same thing with the ibs because people with inflammation the colon cannot tolerate a lot of fiber now if you have pain in the abdomen area within the very lower part that could potentially be a fibroid if you're female or even a prostate enlargement if you're a male if it's on the right lower quadrant potentially could be the appendix that's rare but it could be or it could be just some type of inflammation in the lower right hand of the large intestine now if you go on the lower part on the right side and left side if you're female potentially could be an ovary issue now just as a really quick thing if you have issues with the ovaries or the prostate one really important thing to eliminate from the diet is milk okay because milk has all sorts of things that can aggravate this because it can swell up the ovaries because it has growth hormones in it all right now let's zoom out and take kind of a an overall view of what's happening and really what's missing okay when you go to a doctor for help with with abdominal pain they definitely do not look at the connection or relationship between various things and they definitely omit the topic of food okay they don't look at your diet enough that's actually number two in the list it's not the most important thing but it's the second most important thing and there's not a lot of emphasis on that that important uh topic with food but basically that's why we have digestive organs to help you digest food we have acid coming down from the stomach to help you break down protein we have bile from the gallbladder that helps you break down fats enzymes from your pancreas that help you break down carbohydrates proteins and fats and we also have enzymes from our small intestine that help break that down as well in fact 90 of all the digestion occurs in the small intestine and then if anything doesn't get digested primarily fibers the microbiome your friendly bacteria digest it in the large intestine now if you can imagine let's say you are deficient in hydrochloric acid you're going to have heartburn what are you going to be given an antacid so now we're gonna treat low hydrochloric acid with something to take that last little bit that you have left and remove that that is going to make everything worse because this is the start of the chain of events that occurs all the way down through here and so the person ends up taking stronger drugs and more drugs the more that you're going to create a deficiency in bile salts so now we don't have enough bile salts so then all the supplements you take like the omega-3 fatty acids don't get absorbed you don't get vitamin a d e and k and we have all sorts of problems and also one really important thing about bile is the elimination of cholesterol so now cholesterol kind of just stays up into the liver and then you have all and backs up into the arteries and you create all sorts of issues so a couple things with the stomach acid antacids will deplete your hydrochloric acid just aging will deplete your hydrochloric acid a low salt diet will deplete the hydrochloric acid and then when we get to bile what would create a bile deficiency well number one antacids right number two not consuming enough fat the production of bile is stimulated by eating dietary fat so if you're a low-fat diet it's going to dry up the bile salts now you also have gastric bypass surgery would do it and this right here when you have a lot of insulin or insulin resistance you start lowering the bile pool or accumulation or reserve that you have so that's probably a very common cause now estrogen let's say you're on birth control pills let's say for example you're pregnant that's going to lower your bowel salts this is why women that get pregnant sometimes have gall stones because the gallstone is created from lack of bile antacids i just mentioned that steroids as in prednisone or cortisone cream things like that and also a fatty liver because if you don't have the full function of the liver you're not going to produce the bile without bile you get bloating and a lot of pain that goes up on the right side right here and pain on the upper right quadrant right here now by fixing the bile problem by actually taking bile salts or tutka a lot of times you'll actually end up helping the pancreas especially if it's like pancreatitis or there's some problem in this little duct but the other big problem is people that are consuming too many carbohydrates have burnt out their pancreas or they eat a lot of cooked foods and what's in raw foods is enzymes so when you cook everything especially vegetables you destroy the enzymes and you force your pancreas to work harder and of course here's another big problem antibiotics if you had an antibiotic before it destroys all the good bacteria and now what happens is you're not going to have as much help from the microbiome to actually break down the fiber and you can get all sorts of issues like inflammation and deficiency of bile because guess what your microbiome also makes bile salts other common causes of abdominal pain food allergies could be dairy it could be nuts it could be soy it could be egg it could be gluten okay that's a real common one or you can have a gluten intolerance or you can have a lactose intolerance in milk that's the milk sugar or a gluten intolerance okay that's the protein in certain grains or just sensitivity to certain foods it's not a true allergy but your body just reacts to it also certain foods have enzyme inhibitors okay especially nuts okay when you eat a lot of nuts or peanut butter with enzyme inhibitors that can irritate the gallbladder as well and create pain underneath the right rib cage versus if you were to take those nuts and germinate them okay soak them in water and dry them out you would find a lot less discomfort in the right upper quadrant then you have foods that have anti-nutrients and that could be oxalates like in spinach or phytates in the grains or lectins in the nightshade family of vegetables some people are more sensitive to these than other people but it's definitely something to discuss and then this thing right here is very very common consuming things that are inflammatory and that would be mainly the omega-6 fatty acids the omega-3 are anti-inflammatory and the omega-6 are inflammatory so unfortunately the omega-6 oils have replaced the saturated fats as far as the dietary guidelines so people are consuming massive quantities of soy oil corn oil canola cottonseed oil and it's creating a lot of inflammation in their guts and then we get the fiber okay i'm not talking about the fiber from vegetables i'm talking about the fiber that is in virtually most foods nowadays they're putting these synthetic fibers in these keto bars and the keto snacks in so many foods they're called functional fibers they're synthetic fibers even a certain type of maltodextrin is a synthetic fiber you have dextrin itself is a synthetic fiber then you have very badly processed fiber like soluble corn fiber soluble tapioca fiber all these fibers are really irritating the gut and causing a lot of pain and you won't know it until you don't eat it anymore and you'll say wow man my stomach feels so much better all right and this is the part you've been waiting for okay the number one cause of your abdominal pain is not necessarily what you're eating it's just that you're eating too frequently the frequency of eating is literally cramming so much food down our plumbing system that the plumbing doesn't have a chance to process the food it overwhelms the whole system never letting the system have a chance to reset or breathe our bodies were not designed to graze like a cow that has four stomachs okay in fact i have like i think eight or nine cows and a cow will graze most of the day and then they will sit down through the day and regurgitate the grass coming up and spend time to re-chew it and bring it back with humans we don't do that we're doing snacks for the day and at night it's a constant eating right after dinner until you go to bed so the amount of snacking is really the big problem if you just stop the snacking i would venture to say 80 percent of your digestive problems would clear up immediately and it's called intermittent fasting all right number two is all about the foods that you're eating they're the wrong foods grains are the biggest culprit not just gluten but grains in general that have all sorts of things that create inflammation in the body not to mention the seed oils that are connected with the grains highly inflammatory a lot of abdominal pain you get rid of these and your abdominal pain goes away and then you have the third main cause which is a side effect from antibiotics that then leave you with all sorts of problems as a cascade effect and as well as other medications like antacids so in summary if your pain is on the upper right quadrant you take tuttle on an empty stomach and then you would take bile salts okay with your meals and i'm going to put all this in the description down below if your pain is in the middle part right here retain hydrochloride okay unless you have an ulcer then if you have pain on the upper left side you're going to need more raw foods okay don't cook your foods as much and it might help to take an enzyme to help you as well as decrease the insulin with the diet that i'm going to recommend down below if you have sibo garlic oregano will help kill the microbes with intermittent fasting very very important if you have a kidney stone you need a lot of lemon water and to drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid every single day and that will dilute your urine enough so you really never develop a stone even if you're susceptible to getting stones all right if your pain is in the lower part right here you need probiotics you need fermented foods or if there's a problem with a prostate uterus or ovaries you need to eliminate dairy all right now that you know that now you need to start intermittent fasting if you haven't seen my video on that you need to check it out right here
Channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC
Views: 1,745,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abdominal pain, abdominal pain causes, abdominal pain dr berg, abdominal pain explained, abdominal pain left side, abdominal pain relief, abdominal pain right side, chronic abdominal pain, chronic pain, dr berg abdominal pain, dr. berg, dr. berg on abdominal pain, dr. eric berg, eric berg, lower abdominal pain causes, pain, pain in abdomen, pancreatitis, referred pain, sharp pain, stomach pain, upper abdominal pain causes, what causes abdominal pain
Id: O4vu_cY43QU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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