Drills for Beginner Pool Players - (Pool Lessons)

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hey gang it's Brian from FX Billiards I got a special request a gentleman asked me can you put together a video with five best drills for beginner players well this video I'm going to do something a little in Reverse I'm going to show you the best drills I can think of for intermediate players and then I'm going to show you how to make them easier depending on your level the problem with putting together a video for beginner players is that beginner is a relative term does beginner mean you just learned how to hold a queue a month ago and now you're trying to play or does it mean that you've been around for a couple years but you're still maybe an APA 3 or you're not winning a lot of games or you just haven't had any exposure to fundamentals or you've never done drills before and you want some beginner drills and if you're an advanced player you can use some of these drills to coach someone else now we're we're going to make certain assumptions here we're going to assume that you already know how to apply chalk to your cube step back and step into the shot line with your right foot lined up with the shot and you're stepping into the shot line of course it's different if you're left-handed how to make a bridge whether it is a open Bridge or a closed bridge and how to execute a shot this is a simple drill for intermediate players to learn to shoot balls the length of the table if this is too difficult for you as an intermediate make the shots shorter bring the balls closer to the pocket and shoot them down table if you are a beginner what you're going to do is you're going to shoot the same shots this time without the Q ball get accustomed to stepping into the line of the shot send your shots down table now very important point for you beginners and intermediate players want you to watch the path of this ball versus the next one and then we have this one if you notice the second shot hit the side of this rail and went in the pocket that's okay we're allowed to do that in pool but your target when your object ball is close to the rail your target is not the back of the pocket if you aim for the back of the pocket you're going to log a lot of Misses as you get closer to this rail your target is going to be the edge of the pocket right here this also applies to all those side pocket shots you hate you're aiming here not here this is a very very small Target this is a very large Target relative to this so ideally your shot does not touch the long rail first as it heads down table it hits the edge of the pocket here and falls in if you hit the rail first that's okay it's not a Miss if it goes in the pocket right this is also a very good time for you guys to work on your speed the next item is not even a drill it is more of a process and that is simply rack the balls 15 balls break them and shoot them off in any order this is something that is way way underutilized by a lot of players you want to rack and play eightball against yourself or you want to play your friends and and call it practice that is not practice when you're playing your friends that is not practiced you're actually moving backwards because only two things can happen either okay maybe more than two but your friend is better than you but they're not a coach they're better than you because you're a beginner and now they're giving you information that they picked up from some knucklehead who doesn't know what they're talking about and now you got generation after generation after generation of guys teaching each other bad stuff that doesn't work if they're not running racks they shouldn't be coaching you okay that's the bottom line speaking of position play how should you practice learning to play position just throw four balls on on the table now you don't have 15 you just have four start shooting them off and try to get position on your next shot if you're a beginner and you see this layout chances are you're not going to make these four balls in any order at all if you're an intermediate player there's a good chance that you won't make these four balls off in any order at all but this is a way for you to practice you can use three balls you can use five you can can use seven we already talked about using the entire rack is actually a totally different drill let's shoot these off and we'll just talk our way through so I see my five ball over here on the rail this is a problem you want to get your balls that are on the rail as you can because they create issues I'm going to shoot a little stun here on the five ball that's going to put me on the six the six I don't have the angle that I want it so I will roll this seven ball in and I will still be on the six you're just running four balls off any order guys this is helping your game substantially now you may notice I called out each shot and said what I was going to do with each one I called an auto on that six ball that's fine this is something you want to do not just shoot the balls off but shoot them off with a plan get in the habit of knowing why you're shooting that ball first get in the habit of knowing that despise ball is a problem shot get in the habit of knowing if I shoot the six now which is makeable it won't put me on the seven talk it through if not out loud at least in your head okay and if you do make the mistake of practicing with someone else the two of you talk back and forth a more advanced variation of the first drill we did where we just threw four balls on the table and shot them off in any order would be to do the same thing now but get the eightball involved now we're simulating the end of an eightball game our opponent has run their balls off and missed we just have ours to run off want you to try to identify the pattern as best you can you may not have the skill set to run them through that pattern but try to identify a pattern that makes sense if you're a beginner player just because you don't have the skill set to shoot them off in that particular pattern it's still a good idea to try to shoot that pattern so I'm going to play 7 1 3 6 and just to show off I play the eight in the same pocket as the six but what you're going to do is identify your pattern if you ever get out of line call an audible and shoot something different if you miss take ball in hand please and start from the point where you started or at least the point where you missed do not set them up all over again that is a bad habit you do not need to run five balls as a beginner player all you need to do is get through the rack so give yourself ball in hand after a miss and and finish them off and if you do that you will learn to see the patterns when all the balls are on the table the reason you can't see the patterns now is because the table is too busy learn to shoot them with just the solids on the table then later on we'll run entire racks but if you can't see a four ball and five ball pattern by itself you're not going to see it with all the obstacles on the table as well if you're a more advanced player how many of those five ball runs can you do in a row what's your best number let's look at something else just about anyone who has ever taken lessons from me is going to recognize this as what we call the two below drill what you're doing is you're taking two balls two solids two stripes doesn't matter and you're simulating the end of an eightball game you have to make those two balls get on the eight and play the eight without banking it or anything crazy in one of these Corner Pockets doesn't matter which one okay you should have an idea what you're going to do before you shoot it but that's always the case in pool so if I say I'm going to play the 15 there the 11 there and let's play the eight in the same pocket as the 11 just for the uh fun of it you're just going to run them off first let me warn you this is not as easy as it looks okay guys look at this and they think they can do it and I've seen APA 7s struggle their way through making this stuff like two even three times in a row just put the balls anywhere you want one of the bonuses of the two below drill is that you learn a very good lesson if you're playing eightball when you have your seven balls on the table when you have balls that are below the eight like this you'll get rid of them you'll get rid of them early in the rack these are problem shots why are they problem shots when you do the 2bl low drill you'll realize why it is very difficult to get out with balls that are below the eightball and still get shape to play your eightball here particularly if you're a beginner or intermediate player what I make look easy because I've done it hundreds and hundreds of thousands of times is not easy guys next time you're on a table set up that two below drill do it four or five times in a row it's not a layup at all but that will teach you number one how to get through it because you will have done it so many times but number two that you don't want to have that situation at the end of an eightball game because it is not as easy as it looks so make sure you get that drill in your game [Music] l
Channel: FXBilliards
Views: 30,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 8 ball pool, angles in pool, best pool, billiards, billiards lesson, billiards training, cue ball, cue ball control, how to play pool, playing position in pool, pool game, pool lesson, pool lessons, pool position, pool tips, pool training, pool trick, pool tutorial, position play, side spin, tutorial, bank shots in pool, pool aiming, draw shot, screw back, 8 ball break, 8 ball strategy, draw shot in pool, 9 ball tips, pool drills, billiards drills, best pool drills
Id: RNNP13XhbGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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