10 Things You MUST Know in Pool

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balls that are frozen to the rail are probably one of the most difficult shots for a lot of beginners and the theory when playing such shots is to actually hit the rail and the object ball pretty much at the same time that way you will be able to make those shots but where this is pretty simple with more angle it becomes a lot more difficult and here we're going to use a really clever and simple trick all we need to do is just add left spin to the cue ball because we're cutting the temple to the left and that way you can actually hit the rail a bit earlier because as you can see with the left spin the cue ball goes towards the temple so if you don't hit perfectly here the cue ball still goes to the left and makes the temple so let's have a look at this huge cut all i have to do is still aim to the rail and the object ball at the same time use left spin and you can see how easy i can hit this ball and still able to make this shot this is the first position we're trying to get into and i want you to pause the video right now and think about it yourself how you would get into this position zone believe it or not it's actually very simple all we have to do is a center ball hit and then we just have to hit the right speed as you can see the cue ball will travel long rail long rail maybe we'll hit the short rail as you can see here and end perfectly in that position zone to get into this position zone all we have to do is hit center ball again but we're just adding a tiny tiny bit of left spin and this will shallow the angle on the first rail and as you can see we're going long rail long rail and then we end perfectly in the position zone with the right speed of course so we're playing eight ball we are on this ball and wanna get a nice position on the eight ball right around here what i'm trying to do is to go around one two three rails maybe hit the fourth rail and have a nice position on the 8 ball what is very important when we're playing shots like this we don't just want to hit this rail here on a random position no we actually want to pick a point for our keyboard to hit that last rail and i'm going to pick that point here so the cue ball should come hit the rail where the shock is and then we have a nice position on the eight ball this is very important to have a clear target on the last rail to visualize your cue ball control will definitely improve alright this is low ride and of course the thickness of the hit or off the cut also plays a big role so let's see how close i'm getting to actually hitting that point on the rail [Music] and this was pretty close and as you can see we have a nice shot on the eight ball so as you can see it's very important pick a point on the table and then you will definitely improve we are playing nine ball again and we have to make the eight ball this time you can see it's impossible to hit the right point on the 8 ball to make it directly into the pocket here i passed the 9 ball as closely as possible and still i had no chance to make the 8 ball but don't worry we're just going to use right spin on the cue ball to use the effect of swerve and spin and use throw just hit it soft with maximum ride spin and the 8 bulb will drop a really simple but very clever shot we're playing 8 ball both of our balls are frozen to the rail but we have to get position 48 ball which is all the way up table again usually you're just able to follow into this pocket or draw into this pocket but i'm going to show you a really clever shot to actually get position so just aim the 11 ball in this case straight and low then just use some backhand english this means your arm goes to the outside and then all you have to do is shoot [Music] and you can see we get the perfect position on the eight ball by the way this also works for follow so we're going to play high this time we're moving our arm a bit to the inside [Music] and again perfect position on the eight [Music] ball well there's a huge difference when we're trying to get from the one ball to the two ball and we're just having a tiny bit of an angle well we have more angle on the cue ball so if we're just having a bit of an angle we need to work with draw on the cue ball this means i'm adding no spin and i'm just hitting below center on the cue ball to drift over you can see nice position on the two ball now however if we have a bit more angle on that one ball compared to that flat angle we just had so something similar to this then i'm using no low on the cue ball i'm just working with spin in this case so see here i'm just using right spin on this kind of shot spinning the cue ball in and the keyboard travels the same line with a nice shot on the two ball again today we're playing nine ball and we're almost straight on the five ball the problem is from the five ball we have to get position on the green six and the six ball only passes into this corner pocket so we need to get position into this area for the sixth ball well how do we get there don't worry i have a really clever shot for you again what we're trying to do is is to actually make the cue ball hop onto the rail from the rail it rolls down and should roll into a nice area for the six bowl all you have to do for that is aim to the left part of the pocket elevate your q hit with a medium speed but don't hit too hard because you don't want to make the cue ball jump off the table and i'm adding no spin by the way and you can see we have a very very nice position on the six ball today we're playing eight ball and we're in the following situation we are on solids we just have the two ball left and we have to get position 48 ball which is all the way down table the problem with this shot is is that if we're going to play the two ball into the corner pocket the cue ball has no other way than to bump into the stripes and we have no way to get position but don't worry i have a really clever shot for you all you have to do is just aim the two ball as you would usually do and then we're just going to elevate a bit play the shot and that way we will be able to jump over the stripes and get a nice position on the eight and you can see we have a perfect position on the eight ball so really clever and really easy to execute shots how often has this happened to you were perfectly straight on an eyeball but we have to get position for the temple well don't worry there's a really clever shot we're going to play first of all we're going to apply maximum right spin because we want the keyboard to go to the right after we make the 9 ball and we also have to elevate our cube quite a lot but keep in mind with elevating the cue ball will make a curve to the right that's why we actually have to aim to the left part of the nine ball because the cue ball will curve and then should go down table so have a look at how i'm executing this shot you see elevated with right spin aiming to the left [Music] and you see how nicely the cue ball goes down perfectly to the temple well a bit more to the left to the right would have been nice but this should be makeable if i can reach it and there you have it a really clever shot we're playing eight ball and we're in the following situation we have to make the eight ball but this side pocket is blocked by the temple and also the bank shot into this side pocket is blocked by the nine ball but don't worry we're still going to make the eight ball into this pocket by making the 8 ball jump over the 9 into the pocket and all you have to do for that is just aim the bank shot as you would usually do like this then elevate your q and hit hard and you're making the eight ball a very simple shot well to be honest it's not that simple it took me seven tries to perform the shot and this by the way was my first attempt [Music] yes i know some of those shots are a bit more like a trick shot but in my opinion it's important to understand how they're working and why they're working in order to understand the cueva physics a bit better and imagine you're pulling one of those shots off in a real match that would be insane if you liked this video leave a thumbs up subscribe to my channel and we will see you soon on my channel take care guys
Channel: Sharivari
Views: 2,750,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 Things You MUST Know in Pool, must know shots, Shots That Will Leave Your Opponent Speechless, Amazing Pool Shot, Impress Your Friends, Pool Trickshot, Pool Trick Shots, Efren Reyes, Efren Shots, The Magician, Billiards, Pool, Lesson, Training, Tip, Tutorial, Billiards Training, Pool Training, Billiards Lesson, Pool Lesson, Billiards Advice, Pool Advice, Billiards Tutorial, Pool Tutorial, Improve, Get Better
Id: d22Q2ZlBTMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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