5 Tips that INSTANTLY Boosted my AIMING

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Can you spot the mistake fixing this little issue made me a better player literally overnight and I'm going to share exactly what I did along with a bunch of other simple things that made me a better shot maker I've actually gathered five of my biggest aha moments that instantly took my game to a new level what I'm doing here is a mistake that a lot of beginners make in some cases you can actually aim the shot correctly and still Miss because of this and doing this will also make it more difficult to shoot well when you're nervous the good news is that it's a super easy fix you just need a simple adjustment in your mindset here's the thing stop slow rolling balls study Pro players and you'll almost never see them baby the shots they often utilize longer cubble paths they use perhaps two or even three rails instead of one and they do this to be able to play with more more speed and Authority a firmer hit is actually easier to execute especially when you're nervous and you'll also avoid cut induced throw which is the Q ball actually sticking to the object ball at impact driving the object ball forward so a lot of times you can actually aim correctly but still miss the shot because of throw especially on thinner shots Slow Rolling will result in a lot of throw So to avoid the need to compensate for that you need to use more speed and and let's not forget tables aren't always level not even in pro events now let's go back to the first real aha moment that took my shot making abilities to a whole new level use a pre-shot routine a pre-shot routine is basically a set of things you do before you shoot just look at what Albin ocean is doing here a pre-shot routine is absolutely vital if you want to increase your consistency just remember to do it on all shots don't forget the easy ones or the ones you thought were easy you should actually devote some practice time to really ingrain it in your mind and body by doing this you sort of increase the size of your comfort zone you're doing something that is familiar and safe to you and this is shown to calm athletes during pressure it definitely helps with aiming because a huge part of the routine is to visualize the shot and a part of that is locking in on the target not only when you're standing up but also right before before you pull the trigger we actually have scientific research from other sports suggesting that pre-shot routines help athletes Focus attention reduce anxiety eliminate distractions and enhance confidence so if you are struggling with your consistency you absolutely need to implement a pre-shot routine to understand the third aha moment we can take a look at Players like Jason Shaw and Joshua filler and even other Pro players they're all doing something that I think a lot of players need to do study them yourself and you'll probably come to the same conclusion as I did the way they were hitting the balls proved to me that I needed to shorten the backstroke for me it's simple a long flamboyant stroke might look cool but for most amateur players a shorter more compact stroke is much more reliable we often hear that smooth acceleration is the key to a good stroke and yeah if you want the smoothest stroke possible you need to utilize a long stroke to be able to build up the speed as gradually as possible but the longer backstroke you have the harder it is to be accurate think of it this way if so many top Pros aren't in need of a long backstroke why do you need it most shots do not require a lot of power so consider shortening your backstroke at least you should give it a try and don't be fooled by how you play during practice there's literally no pressure during practice so anything will work what matters is how reliable your stroke is during competition so maybe you won't look like feder gor or coping Chong but you'll Pock in more balls and win more games I'm almost sure about that all right let's go on to the next aha moment where do you aim this shot a lot of players will aim here now look what happens if I put some speed on it what you need to do especially on modern pool tables with tighter pockets is to aim for the pocket opening and depending on where the object ball is played from the pocket opening isn't always the center of the pocket a lot of times the true pocket opening is to one of the sides and this should be your target you will increase the chances of making the ball especially if you're putting some speed on the shot a lot of times players get punished for thinking the pocket plays bigger than it really is is even on higher levels the next aha moment is a practice strategy to sort of bring all the pieces together and to understand this we need to reflect on a piece of advice that is often given that's sort of a double-edged sword and the advice I'm referring to is to get up and reset if the shot doesn't feel right so why is this not the best advice because it sort of tells you that you're allowed to feel doubt while down on the shot the problem with that is that this how can you guarantee yourself that the doubt won't come sneaking in just as you pull the trigger it's this doubt that causes us to Twitch to jump up or to decelerate and Mis ke realizing this problem was an aha moment for me and I found a practice method that works as a cure aim go down shoot no practice strokes no adjustments while down no possibility to get up I don't care how wrong it looks you have to shoot what does this do well it forces you to really commit committing to the aim point you found while standing which is the same aim point you had while going down it shows you the power of the pre-shot routine and it removes doubt while down on the shot the cool thing is that it boosts your confidence trust me you'll be surprised of how good you're able to shoot I have even played tournaments like this and it's actually unbelievable how well it works and I'm not saying you should play like this forever but use it as a practice strategy to work on the entire thinking process before you go down on the shot but guys I hate to break it to you while shot making is important there are other things you need to improve as well to win more games you need to really hone your position play as well in this video I present another aha moment that significantly improved that aspect of my game it covers a super important important aspect of position play which is often overlooked
Channel: Pool Problems
Views: 421,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OdrBujOwJQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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