Drill Bit Sharpening Tool/Jig | PANGHASA NG DRILL BIT
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Channel: I Build ThingZ
Views: 7,299
Rating: 4.8956523 out of 5
Keywords: I Build ThingZ, homemade drill bit sharpening tool, drill bit sharpening, drill bit sharpener, drill bit sharpening jig, diy drill bit sharpening tool, drill bit jig, homemade drill bit jig, bit sharpening, easy drill bit sharpening, easy way to sharpen bit, Drill bit sharpening Machine, Ostrzałka do wierteł, Drill Grinding Attachment, Afiador de broca caseiro, twist drill sharpening, twist drill
Id: sBsGLxZ0c3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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