DreamWorks Animation Tier List! - "Rank The World"

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everybody ranks things but nobody's ranked everything and that's where I come in this is rank the world where I'm going to rank everything on this planet no matter how long it takes me shout out to at Spike Gess ov2 PD for recommending this topic if you have something you want me to cover let me know in the comments now I love animated movies and I think DreamWorks has made not only some of the most funny but some of the most beautiful animated movies too when Pixar releases a movie everyone knows they're going to knock it out of the park usually these guys feel more like an underdog but I truly think that some of DreamWork stuff should be in the conversation too when it comes to the best animated films so today I'm going to start ranking all of their movies and by start I mean I'll only be ranking the ones I've seen so sorry to fans of these movies right here which are ones I either haven't gotten around to or haven't seen recently enough to actually have a good opinion on but I will be getting to those down the road so feel free to subscribe so you don't miss out on part two and even though I've omitted quite a few movies there's still 25 to get through so I'm not going to be getting super in- depth with any of these or else we could be here for hours all right so I have these set in pretty much uh release order I think if that's not right who cares starting off with Road to El Dorado this is one of the few traditionally animated ones now I enjoyed this movie a lot as a kid it's silly and it's fun and it's a great time you know this isn't a movie that's trying to invoke some like deep lesson or even tell something very meaningful in its story but it's funny it's animated well and it's a blast to watch I don't think this is quite top tier but I'm going to put this on B I'm comfortable with that all right next up we've got chicken run so it's been a few years since I've seen this movie but man I remember it being super dark I know we literally see a chicken being killed I mean I don't think we like see the actual murder but it it's implied but even with the bit of Darkness this movie has a bit of sweetness to it as well you know it's witty it's Charming but it's also thrilling uh and you know it being stop motion animated it looks so good you can really tell that a lot of hard work and Care went into this movie it it's a classic and I'm probably going to show it to my kids someday but not anytime soon cuz I don't want to scar them uh but Chicken Run is going to go on a all right and the next up we've got the big one Shrek Is there any movie from the mid 2000s more iconic than this Spy Kids 3D maybe this movie is a cultural Touchstone and for good reason it's hilarious it's heartfelt exciting has great vocal performances great animation and a really fascinating and original story I think without Shrek DreamWorks Never Would Have Become what it is today and I feel like they know that since it's spawned three sequels video games theme park rides even a Broadway musical this movie really started a dynasty of a franchise and for good reason all right surprise face reveal but I'm editing and look at this I ain't even mean to do this Shrek is love Shrek his life Shrek is s tier but except the S has the little like Shrek horn things on it all right next up we've got another traditionally animated movie and that is spirit stallion of the simmeron it's been years since I've seen this movie but I loved it as a kid looking back at it now though this movie holds up incredibly well it's beautifully animated from everything from the backgrounds to the horses themselves speaking of that this is one of the only animated animal movies I can think of where the animals don't talk unless you count you know like the Matt Damon in her monologue but other than that they just went full facial expression for most of it which was ballsy but it works even then the human characters are great as well uh you've got Spirits friend Little Creek and the antagonist the colonel he might be one of the best cartoon antagonists out there uh this movie is great it's got an insanely emotional and bittersweet ending I think spirit is also s tier now shreku I have a hard time deciding if this is better than the first but if it's not it comes damn close this is a great continuation of the story while also being just a great time in itself the story is entertaining it's hilarious it introduces some great characters like Puss and Boots and the songs in it are some of the best in any animated movie you've got I need a hero live in Lavita Loca and that's not even including the Far Far Away Idol which is one of the best DVD extras out there I love this movie so much as a kid and I will watch it anytime I get the chance Shrek 2 is joining its predecessor and here also with the little Shrek horn things you know what let's put let's put two extra Shrek horns on it shark tail first things first I hate the way the fish look in this movie but outside of that I love this movie as a kid I watched the DVD of it so much I'm surprised it's not ruined I even had the soundtrack gold digger was an absolute Vibe now this movie isn't great but man I really enjoyed it as a kid it's got a pretty original story uh rag s Rich's plotline with Oscar mixed with a mafia fatherson story with Lenny it's a fun time and I loved it and this movie still seeps into my daily life as an adult I can't tell you how often my wife and I quote and the price oh my gosh that being said I think this is some of the worst animation DreamWorks done but the movie is still decent I'm going to throw this on B as well Madagascar another one that I grew up loving but this movie is really funny it has a great cast a fun story and honestly some pretty tense scenes for a kids movie it ain't no chicken run but it still gets a little dark there uh the animation's a little jarring and choppy but I feel like it works for this it just sort of adds to it but I mean the story and the performances are both great but I will say I think both of its sequels are better so I'm going to toss Madagascar on B as well all right Over the Hedge I think this movie is so underrated it's a shame that this movie didn't get a sequel but boss baby did we'll get to that I mean I love the story here I love all the characters uh the performances are great including a career best from Steve Carell as hammy you even got Ben Folds doing some original songs for the soundtrack I I absolutely adored this movie and I still do I am going to throw Over the Hedge on a all right Shrek II let me say Justin Timberlake as Arthur is the worst character in the entire Shrek re Saga that was the main takeaway from this movie comparing this to the first two is kind of sad it has some fun moments like the scenes with Prince Charming and the villains attacking far far away it's got some funny jokes like when they find out the king is sick well somebody better be dying I'm dying or gingi's whole flashback but I feel like outside of those few moments it just was a lot of missed opportunity there was The Body Spot of donkey and puss which I feel like they could have done a lot more with and the entire inclusion of Arthur and Merlin which I feel like could have been good fun characters to include but they really didn't feel like they belonged this movie is honestly just a little disappointing both as a kid and as an adult so I'm going to put it on c for letting me down B movie is this the best DreamWorks movie definitely not but is this the one I've seen the most yeah I I have a friend who is obsessed with watching bad movies and gets sucked at into them for like months at a time and he had a be movie phase I'd be willing to bet that I watch this movie dozens of times All In Like A 6-month period but honestly it gets better every single time you watch it it's not the worst movie ever but it's so stupid and ridiculous that it's somehow simultaneously terrible and fantastic also this movie is just full of meme potential you like jazz like there's dialogue and scenes in this movie that shouldn't be funny and they aren't funny but after watching them over and over for dozens of times they become the funniest things in the world these are winter boots now the story here is absolutely insane it's about a bee who not only falls in love with a human woman but then ends up suing the entire human race it's absolutely ridiculous and I kind of love it now in a perfect world B movie would be B tier because you know bees but this is the real world and it's going on D now Kung Fu Panda I remember when this movie first came out and seeing the trailer for it as a kid and I was like oh it's Jack Black is a fat Panda who does karate that'll be hilarious and it was but little did I know how absolutely beautiful and heartfelt this movie was going to be too this movie has some great messages fun performances and honestly some really astounding animation especially during the fight scenes which are just topnotch for a kids movie this series is one of the best dreamor has and I need to check out three and four cuz I just haven't gotten around to it yet but Kung Fu Panda 1 is going on a tier Madagascar escaped to Africa I think this one's better than the first it's funnier and it has more emotional moments and it also introduces some fun characters like Alex's family and and moto moto for God's sake Alec Baldwin plays the villain here and it fits well because iing hate Alec Baldwin but we'll get to that later and it even brings back the old lady with the purse from the first one but in an extended more villainous role it takes everything enjoyable from the first and just UPS it this movie is a fun time and like I said I think it's better than the first but not much so I'm going to put that on B as well all right Monsters versus Aliens this is definitely not the best DreamWorks movie but I think it's one of the most creative the idea of a team of monsters going up against invading aliens is just guaranteed to be a fun time the best thing about this movie though is definitely the characters the entire Monster Squad is a blast to watch also Steven be as the president was outstanding casting and for some reason him playing axle F on the keyboard is a core memory of mine it's got some fun action scenes as well making good use of all the monsters quirks and Powers I'm going to toss this one on B all right Shrek Forever After now the plot of this movie is a little out there compared to the first three but it's at least a lot more entertaining than number three Shrek pretty much pulls and it's a wonderful life because he's sick of being famous and having a family boo who Shrek should have worn a condom but so he makes a deal with Rumple still skin to have his old life back uh but I mean it's it's a pretty fun movie I love the Montage of him causing havoc and going back to his old ways and seeing all the other characters in this new alternate world is great too you got fat puss and boots and then donkey is absolutely terrified of Shrek it's a fun way to spin this series on its head for a movie I don't think it's on par with the first two but it's a much better followup than number three so I'm going to throw this above three on B all right next up we've got mega mind this is another one I think is severely underrated as someone who grew up loving superhero stuff I don't know how I missed this movie as a kid I didn't see this until a couple of years ago and I really did myself a disservice waiting so long it does such a great job playing with superhero movie tropes and if this came out a few years later like after the superhero boom from the MCU I think it would have been a huge hit it's funny has a great and original concept and mega M's character Arc is pulled off incredibly well this movie should have gotten the same attention if not more that Despicable Me got that year mega mind is is going on a tier all right Kung Fu Panda 2 now Kung Fu Panda like we established was a great movie and following it up was a tricky situation but DreamWorks pulled it off and I think they made one even better than the first instead of trying to rehash the story from the first it takes the ending of that and runs with it with po being the Dragon Warrior and having earned the respect from his teammates he's more competent and wiser making him a better fighter while also still being the same funny and lovable character the villain Shen is frightful and powerful and has a really engaging backstory but this movie is also just beautiful it's funny it's tragic and it's just so entertaining Kung Fu Panda 2 is s tier next up we've got not only a sequel but a spin-off puss and boots or pib for short Puss and Boots is one of my favorite characters from the Shrek franchise and he was honestly the perfect character to get his own spin-off series that being said I think this one does fall a little bit short from the other movies it's perfectly fine and funny adventure movie you know the new characters were good like Humpty and kitty softpaw but outside of that there wasn't anything too special or memorable about this it's just kind of like a fun middle-of the road Adventure movie I think this one's going to sit comfortably on B as well all right Madagascar 3 I think this is the best movie out of the Madagascar Trilogy it's definitely the funniest all of the new characters are hilarious you know you've got the circus animals which are great and then you've also got the villain the capiton who is also just absolutely Hil hilarious the whole movie uh this movie also has some really tender moments especially towards the end and honestly the animation is the best out of the whole series especially in the circus scene I think Madagascar 3 is going to go on a all right next up we've got turbo now I've only seen this a couple of times but I I kind of like this movie I don't I don't hate it I feel like it gets a lot of hate for some reason it's fun it's funny it's got some great vocal performances and it's got its flaws for sure but I don't think it deserves the hate that it gets I don't think it's B tier but it's definitely not B movie tier so this is going to go on C all right now next up we've got Mr Peabody and Sherman now I just watched this for the first time a couple of weeks ago so this one's pretty fresh in my brain but I've never seen any of the old cartoons I just sort of knew about the characters from seeing them here and there and other things but I mean I thought this was all right it was cute a little cringy at times but it was an okay movie with some cool period pieces in and some funny moments I didn't really care too much for it though on my watch and I probably won't be checking it out again anytime soon I'm going to toss this one on c as well all right Penguins of Madagascar growing up watching the Madagascar movies it for some reason took me a while to check this one out but I'm glad I did because I think it's better than all three of the original movies this movie is so much fun it's one of the funniest DreamWorks movies for sure but it's also got some great action scenes uh the villain is a blast and the plot is engaging with giving most of the character some nice story arcs primarily private and Skipper also it's got some great running gags through it like the Penguins never remembering the villain's name oh Daryl Daryl Daryl you got some bad news for you Dennis or how the villain just happens to somehow call out celebrities names throughout the whole movie Nicholas Cage them Helen Hunt them down William Hurt them H bury them Q Jack man the Battle Stations Kevin Bank on we're still going to need need that Victory cake uh this movie is great I love it I'll I'll watch this any day of the week this is going on a tier as well all right next up we've got the trolls series now the first trolls is all right but it feels kind of shallow it's not offensive or anything but it's definitely pretty subpar compared to most other movies on this list you know it's bright and colorful and musical which isn't a bad thing but when you look at DreamWorks as a whole it feels like this was made by an entirely different company it's got some funny bits not all the songs are super annoying this is definitely on the low end for me I'm going to throw this on D now trolls World Tour I feel like this is kind of in the same boat as the first you know it's flashy Colorful full of needle drop covers but for some reason I think I like this one more than the first one I like the new characters it introduced like the country trolls and The Rock trolls and the R&B Trolls but I I thought this one was pretty funny not going to lie I laughed a little bit at this movie and you know it tries to go for an emotional ending but doesn't quite stick the L Landing I'm going to toss this one on C it's still flashy and colorful and pretty much sugar for your eyes but I think it was a little bit more fun and engaging than the first one all right next up we've got the boss baby 2 family business now I never saw the first one I have my reasons but I was scrolling through movies with my kid one night and she wanted to watch the baby movie and man I wish she didn't this movie didn't really have much going for it I think the only redeeming part for me was Jeff gold Bloom as like an evil baby there were some funny moments but I pretty much spent the entire movie wishing I wasn't watching it also Alec Baldwin blocked me on Twitter like 12 years ago so I've still got beef with him this is going on D and then last up we have Puss and Boots the last wish this movie blew me away the first time I saw it the art Direction in it is amazing it Rivals that of the into the spiderverse movies at times the story does fall a little flat during the midsection but everything else about this movie is just topnotch it's funny it has amazing visuals a great voice cast including newcomers like John meany Florence Pew Olivia Coleman and the villain of this movie is probably the most terrifying villain in any of these movies on this list the action scenes in this movie are so entertaining though they're almost like anime inspired I love this movie and I thought it was really a breath of fresh air in this franchise so I am putting Puss and Boots on S tier and that's going to do it for this first part I will get back to this down the road once I've had some time to actually watch and rewatch The other DreamWorks movies so like And subscribe if you want to join me again when we finish this up let me know in the comments what you think the best DreamWorks movies are and what you want me to rank next thank you for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Man Ham Productions
Views: 1,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ranking, tier list, dreamworks, shrek, bee movie, madagascar, movies, animation, shark tale, ogre, mr sunday movies, puss in boots, shrek 2, donkey, movie tier list, movie ranking
Id: sRW3szptvRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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