Star Wars Movies Tier List! - "Rank The World"

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everybody ranks things but nobody's ranked everything and that's where I come in this is rank the world where I'm going to rank everything on this planet no matter how long it takes me special thanks to at Republic 10 for suggesting this topic if you have something you want ranked let me know in the comments this was bound to happen eventually Star Wars what started off as a small sci-fi movie taking cues from everything from westerns to Samurai movies quickly evolved into one of the biggest media franch on the planet spawning not only 14 more movies in the series but TV shows video games Comics and More toys than you could ever imagine the same cousins that introduced me to Pokemon showed me the phantom menace when I was just a little kid side note I was a weird Al fan before I ever saw Star Wars so when I saw the phantom menace I was sitting there like they're just ripping off the Weird Al song from then on I was hooked I had the toys the books rented the movies rocked a Yoda shirt whenever I could I even got to skip school to watch revenge of the and even though I'm no longer the Star Wars obsessed kid that I used to be I still love these movies and figure it's time to do my due diligence as a nerdy adult and rank them all let me say I have a feeling this could be a little controversial so just remember these are my opinions everyone's welcome to their own and these are in fact about space Wizards intended for children all right so I am only doing the official Star Wars movies in the series so no Ewoks or holiday special but if you're really curious about that I would go d c and like a [ __ ] W or something also I have not watched Clone Wars movie yet so I'm going to throw that down here to get that out of the way uh let me know if I should watch it I've heard mixed things but just never got around to it all right so we're going to be doing this in release order so obviously starting off first we got a new hope the one that started it all I think this movie is one of the best jumping off points for any franchise it tosses you right into this new crazy world and throws so much lore at you but doesn't like beat you over the head with it or with the exposition it basically brings up all these crazy things in the universe and it's like but we'll get to that later the plot's pretty simple but I feel like that's kind of needed when you're tasking a movie with bringing on like an entirely new world and concept if the plot was too overly complicated Star Wars never would have taken off everything about this movie works though sometimes just not as well as it could you know the Polish isn't there that you get in the movies following it but the heart and the storytelling definitely are and that's kind of what you need with something like a new hope it's a great starting off point for the franchise and I mean obviously it led to all of this so we're going to throw New Hope on a now where A New Hope is a great jumping off point I firmly believe Empire is one of the best middle child movies in any Trilogy we'll see if that holds true when the Paddington Trilogy is done but until then I think Empire takes the crown it carries on the or original story while being darker more emotional and having more of a sense of wonder and mystery around it it had incredible effects at the time of its release and it also introduces some of the biggest characters in the universe like Yoda and Boba Fett and it has probably the biggest scene in all of Star Wars media I'm sure during its release people weren't too pleased with the ending on a cliffhanger but watching it now as part of the series this is the most exciting part of the original trilogy if not the entire movie series as a whole empire is s tier all right Return of the Jedi you know this was the conclusion to the original trilogy but I think it was a great conclusion the movie has so much good going for it the set pieces are amazing you've got Jabba's Palace the sarlac pit indoor the Empire's Throne Room even the whole movie just looks great and out of the three this one has the best action scenes you've got the speeder chase the final battle between Luke and Vader this might not be the best movie out of the originals but I think it might be the most entertaining plus it's a really fitting into the story so even though I think it's the weaker out of the three it's still a great time I'm going to throw this one on I'm going to throw it on a as well okay this might be where it starts getting controversial depending on how old you were when this came out but next up we have Phantom Menace and this was the first Star Wars I ever saw and I think that turned out to be a good thing it's kind of like baby's first Star Wars I can definitely see why people who grew up on the originals would dislike it but I think as a kid I was the Prime audience for this it looks decent it's not the best looking it's definitely aged a bit and it's got some funny moments even if jar jar is the worst thing in all of Star Wars media but it's still full of that like Wonder and awe that Star Wars has always been known for the dialogue and the plot are a bit iffy at times but I think this movie is better than a lot of people give it credit for I mean this movie gave us the Duel of the Fate scene that speaks for itself also I still think jar jar might have been a Sith Lord originally but we'll get into that some other time I'm going to put Phantom at at B because I can do what I want all right next up we have attack of the Clones you know how can a movie that contains some of the best action scenes in the entire Series be so boring like when this movie is going it's going but that's so far and few in between compared to the rest of the movie which is just walking and talking and you know like there's a time and a place for that a little bit here and there sure sprinkle it in but this is Star Wars we're talking about I want some damn Star Wars the chase scene at the beginning great the entire ending sequence from getting captured fighting monsters in an arena and then the Jedi and Clone Troopers showing up fantastic the rest of this movie an absolute chore to get through now this definitely isn't the worst thing Star Wars has done but man is it boring I'm throwing attack of the Clones on De now Revenge of the Sith do I think this movie is better than any of the original trilogy probably not but I do think it comes pretty damn close it's got its flaws for sure you know but man I enjoy this movie it's tragic it's compelling it looks amazing the fight scenes are some of the best in the entire series you got Obi-Wan versus Anakin the order 66 scene and it just it leads into the original trilogy so well everyone in this movie is at their best here and this is definitely the best out of the prequels I'm going to throw Revenge of the Sith on a okay now we're getting into the sequel Trilogy so the force awakens I thought this was okay it had some things I really enjoyed about it and I think think it did a good job at introducing a whole new generation of Heroes as well as bringing back some memorable ones you know it wasn't like jarring or anything it felt like a good continuation of the story and it looks amazing but it does hit pretty much the same beats as a New Hope but I mean that's not a terrible thing cuz like George Lucas says it's like poetry if they rhyme I would probably throw Force awakens on B all right next up we have Rogue one a Star Wars story if for some reason you haven't seen Rogue one and you're a fan of Star Wars you need to watch it and series of movies about people with amazing Powers Rog one really pulls back on that and focuses on the more human element in this world yeah it's still based in a world with alien planets and characters but instead of focusing on the powerful Jedi in Sith it focuses on the rebels who managed to steal the plans for the Death Star and that's what ultimately leads to the victory at the end of a new hope it's an Underdog Story that has plenty of interesting and likable characters great acting and some really fantastic storytelling the action scenes in this movie are some of the best that Star Wars has to offer and a movie series with the word wars in the title this is the closest they come to an actual War film and it pulls it off incredibly well I think this is the best Star Wars movie Disney has produced and honestly I think this might be the best movie since Empire Rogue one is also going on S tier all right here we go you thought my Phantom Menace opinion was controversial I really enjoyed the Last Jedi I didn't want this new Trilogy to just be a rehash of everything we've seen before I wanted something new something fun and entertaining and I think this movie does that this movie is fun and weird and exciting and everything I want out of a space movie about Wizards where Force awakens is about retreading the past this movie actually tries to move forward you know this is an entire movie about Hope and failure and moving on from those failures and learning from them and it gave me the same feeling the original movies did the first time I watched them and honestly just from a movie standpoint this has some of the coolest scenes in any Star Wars movie it's got the hyperdrive kamakazi Luke's standoff against Ren to the entire fight scene in snoke's chamber if you disagree with me that is totally fine your feelings about this movie and any other are completely valid but for me last Jedi is going in a tier and I'm not sorry about it and if you're still here after that thanks I appreciate it all right solo a Star Wars story I didn't dislike solo but there wasn't really a lot that stuck out to me I think Alden aronri did a fine job at inhabiting a young Han Solo but he's completely overshadowed by Donald Glover as a young Lando but this movie was a fun action flick you know it relied heavily on Nostalgia but it's everything you want from a Han Solo origin movie you've got a meeting chewaka getting the Millennium Falcon even doing the Kastle Run in less than 12 Parx but it kind of makes the entire movie feel like that whole Leo pointing at the TV meme the rest of the movie is okay you know it establishes some new fun characters and the heist scene on the train was a great time but it's pretty much just a trip down memory lane it's fan service but it's enjoyable fan service so I'm throwing solo on C and then finally we have rise of Skywalker so everything that I liked about the Last Jedi rise of Skywalker said no [ __ ] that you know Last Jedi made it seem like these stories could be about anyone it doesn't matter if your parents are some great amazing Jedi oh wait never mind your grandpa's one of the most powerful force users in the world that being said there are some good moments in this movie you know there's the lightsaber battle between Ray and kylo there's the chase scene kylo becoming Ben again and rescuing Ray all great scenes but outside of those few moments this movie doesn't really do a whole lot for me sure it looks amazing and has some fun moments but that can only carry it so far you know it really feels like course correction which I get last jot I was disliked by a lot of people but I think if they stuck to their guns and tried to pull off something different here this movie and the whole sequel Trilogy would be looked back on a lot more fondly so I'm going to throw rise of Skywalker on c as well and there you have it my official Star Wars ranking if you hated my opinions on this I am sorry but I'm also not let me know if you agree let me know if you disagree threaten me in the comments for liking Last Jedi do what you got to do and if you have something you want me to rank let me know in the comments and I'll get to it someday thanks for watching
Channel: Man Ham Productions
Views: 129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, movies, ranked, ranking, tier, list, tier list, darth vader, yoda, obi wan, skywalker, last jedi, jedi, sith, Mr Sunday movies, nerdy, star, wars
Id: DmQpI2l8jVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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