20 years later is Shark tales any good anymore? a Movie Review

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hello everyone and welcome to my channel in today's video we're going to be taking a look at sharktales Cu uh this is the beginning of the happy month of May which also happens to be the month I was born in which means for the next month we're going to be taking a look at movies that I grew up watching aside from the third or fourth week of the month uh where we will take a look at a new movie that has come out this or is going to be coming out this month if [Music] so like I said in the the intro I'm I'm going to be taking a look at movies that I really enjoyed growing up and I'm going to be kind of breaking them down from a more adult standpoint and uh I thought I would start off strong or correction I thought I was going to be starting off strong with sharktales growing up I loved this movie I thought the comedy in it was hilarious I thought it was well you know animated I thought it was well acted I I just really enjoyed this movie but looking at it now in uh 2024 at the age of soon to be 23 the comedy doesn't really land anymore it's not it's not bad necessarily it's it's just it falls into the category of a lot of early 2000s and late '90s movies did uh of like super meta [Music] comedy and I think I think scream started that and it just kind of went on like for about a decade of only super meta heavy comedy like there are so many references to like real life things and real life um people and and just there's a lot of there's a lot of references and it's it's a little I wouldn't say weird because it was supposed to be that way it was supposed to be super meta comedy but it was I don't know I thought it was a little cringy now taking taking a look at it nowadays cuz even a superstar macdaddy fish like me has to have the basic necessity yeah like money come on shorty why y'all messing with my fantasy and speaking on the references there were so many references to like jaws and the Titanic and I I think it's because of Steven Spielberg for those of you who don't know this movie was made by Dreamworks and Steven Spielberg was one of the founders of of DreamWorks and Steph also had a part of I think Jaws I'm not sure about Titanic but he had a part of one of those two and it is the I mean like they they are the the the shark Mafia which we'll get into in a minute but the shark Mafia has like their base in the Titanic and how I know it's the Titanic is because of the painting on the wall that um oh what is his name the the Blowfish gets knocked into it's the it's the painting that uh Leonardo DiCaprio's character from the Titanic movie painted Sykes that was the that was the guy's name he gets he gets knocked into that specific painting and it is actually really funny if you if you think about it you're fire and on top of that you're going to have to stop paying me and speaking of like the the specific characters if we take a even a even a quick glance just a brief like look at the people who were in this movie it's kind of insane because because some of them weren't all that big back then and grew into really big people now and then some of them were really big back then and are still kind of big now I mean there's there's Will Smith obviously he played Oscar the main character and um he was he was really big back then and he's he's not nearly as as popular nowadays but especially back then it was I mean like it was insane that he was in an anime animated movie at least from my point of view there was also Robert daero who played as the dawn um uh loo Don Leno he's the he's the like shark mafia boss guy um which when I realized who was playing him I I genuinely had to take a step back and be like why is he in this movie cuz it's just it I mean like it literally it's literally Robert dairo playing the the dawn of a mafia of sharks in a movie about a small town fish making it big by killing a shark air quotes it's wild and if you were like wow spoilers I'm sorry this movie came out in what um 2004 if that spoiled it for you I'm sorry but it's it's been out for literally 10 years now when it comes to the voice acting the the people who who did a really good job I think were uh Will Smith I think Robert daero also did a fantastic job Angelina Jolie who played Lola the like gold digger character also did a pretty good job and most of the side characters did a really good job the only person that I think kind of kind of flopped um and maybe it was because it was pretty early in his career was Jack Black and it's kind of surprising because he he he became a prolific voice actor for a little while in with like Kung Fu Panda and stuff and did a really good job back like with those movies but specifically this one I don't know what he was going for I don't know it just didn't sound good um especially when he was literally talking to Robert dairo it just the the the quality didn't quite match in or maybe it was the experience didn't quite match and it's kind of sad cuz I mean the he he was like it was it was it was really kind of blatant because he was the only one that I kind of had like issues the wrong word but the his when he was on screen and speaking it just didn't like it didn't like feel like it was it was done well I guess is probably the best way I can put it going back back to what I brought up earlier the fact that this movie has a shark Mafia I mean like let's objectively look at the story real quick because it is a wild ride and a really weird I don't know if it was based off anything I didn't look it up or anything but like what what is what is this movie cuz you've got you've got uh Sykes who runs a whale Wash which it's clear reference to a car car wash um you have whales as buses and also like Signs osar slay sharks oh hey Oscar I'm just trying to I'm trying to figure out the like hierarchy I know in the movie they show the food chain but at the same time it doesn't make a lot of sense cuz like you have you have shrimp who seem to be at the like bottom of the tier list but they run prawn shops where oysters sell there like pearls and stuff I don't know there's also a sushi shop which I thought was really funny I I got lost for a second there just trying to wrap my head around the whole society they have going on in this uh in this movie it is it is it is weird it is genuinely bizarre and I mean like I don't know how to I don't know how to describe it because if you think about it there are police orcas there's a crime syndicate run by sharks and it's set in the modern time and it and it and it really looks like it's set in like or I guess '90s time it feels like it's set in in like New York but for fish they have MTV and TV programs that's great well got to go my show's [Music] on which how do they have TV programs but all at the same time we know that humans exist because the the very beginning of the movie uh Lenny Jack Black's character saved uh saved a worm on a hook like what what is this like movie I don't understand the society that is being constructed uh maybe it's just because it was so chalk full of references and and like Niche comedy that most of the most I I maybe maybe I'm just looking too deep into it it's probably what it is is I'm just trying to wrap my head around something that doesn't need its need to be wrapped around I guess and like I said I thought I was starting this this month off strong with this movie uh next week's movie I think is better than this by a lot but that's just because it was genuinely one of my most favorite movies uh you'll find out what it is next week but as a kid I thought this was freaking hilarious and if I was still a kid I'd probably find it hilarious it has a lot of uh value towards uh teaching some lessons because it the boiling it down there is like three lessons that are very or I guess two two main lessons that are very crucial and it's like appreciate what you have while you have it because it's not going to be there forever and accept people for who they are and and I I really like those two lessons and I think this this movie does a really good job of expressing those two lessons in a easy to swallow way for children so I think it does have a lot of rewatch abilities because if need be you can always re-watch it to see what coca colola reference you missed or whatever it happened to be right and for those of you who don't know my scoring system isn't necessarily on how good the movie I mean it is boils down to it is how good is the movie because you can have movies that are genuinely garbage in the quality the acting or whatever but it's like it's like a it's like a guilty pleasure right so you're going to watch it over and over and over again or you're going to have movies like uh last week's which was really really high quality production it was really really good acting it was just genuinely a good like experience but you're only going to watch it once and when I think of a movie I think of something you're going to watch more than one time you're going to experience it you're going to want to to go back and re-experience those feelings and for me and that's that's the scoring system is if it scores below a five or or uh uh you know below a five it's I'm not I'm never going to watch it again I'm never going to be wanting to watch it it's I have no desire to watch it I I genuinely didn't enjoy it or you'll have uh up towards the top where I will watch the crap out of that thing I think the the lessons and the movie and the quality or or even just the acting and and the the the emotions the movie makes me feel made me want to rewatch it that's the whole scaling system that I have and for this I'm going to give it a six I'm going to give it a six out of 10 I think this movie if you're a child has a lot of re rewatchability I think it has a lot of great lessons I think it is genuinely a good movie to a certain degree but as a soon to be 23-year-old man I'm probably never going to watch this again it was it was great to relive some of the emotions that I felt watching this movie but I didn't have a good time with the metac comedy it it just didn't hit with me I maybe it maybe it's cuz I grew out of the concept of metac Comedy being all that funny and or I don't know what it is but it's it was just like ah I'm good I'm good I don't need to watch this again it once I finished watching it I was like all right cool that that was a that was a movie that was certainly something that I've seen but let me know what you guys think in the comments I'm really curious as to what your opinions on this movie are I think uh I think it's a good kids movie I think it's you know and with that I think I'm going to leave it there so I'll catch you guys in the next video see you [Music]
Channel: Jilly O Wisp
Views: 198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shark Tales, Movie reviews, family movie
Id: MZjnCht2Axc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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