DREAM COMES TRUE: Young Couple Gets Sawmill to Build Debt-Free Home

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there's a question I never thought we'd have to answer where the heck do you put a sawmill so we bought five acres and thought we're good we have plenty of room I don't think uh something's going anywhere up there and a half after that I'm mourning a little right now she planted this cover crop but it's finally growing and now we're thinking about putting something over here yeah look at that that's like five inches well pretty good to go so we started doing an analysis of the property and realized that we've done a really good job of kind of keeping things where where they're most useful or practical or out of the way but we had never planned on having a 30-foot sawmill and then it's not just a sawmill you got to put the log somewhere great which is a whole nother problem yes then you've got to put all the cants and all the beams and everything rings and you can't put it where your house is going to be because you're going to have cement trucks and other big machinery and excavators and that codes over there's okay you're either which really only leaves one spot for it so we've got this kind of long slender spot but early on we identified it's not really super usable for a lot of other stuff so we put our septic here yeah so there's our septic tank lid and so our tanks right here in our drain field actually is pretty pretty tight to the hillside yeah it's just far enough away from the hillside that you know the the water is that comes off the hillside doesn't saturate the leach field so we're thinking if we put it maybe like just over here that worked pretty good so then comes the problem of logs so we've got this driveway right and we don't have any equipment and I think we're going to be using a self loader log truck click with the logs right there then all we have to do is roll them right here where Alyssa is and mill them oh good theory so I guess what we're doing today is we're trying to mark out the dimensions of the samel basically it has four or six little feet it's probably bigger than that her bed extension and we don't want to put it directly on the soil we really would rather put them on pavers so we want to make sure that we're good to go when the samel awry we don't have to worry about a sentence what we going to do today yeah our fear if we put it straight on the soil and we roll those big logs on there I think the legs are pretty small Rob said they're only about this big and so if we roll a monster log on there we think it's just going to sink and I don't think you want to spend all that time trying to level the bed constantly so we're hoping that we can get kind of like this paver with a bigger foot and that will kind of spread that weight out a little bit that shirt looks really good on you against the blue sky oh thanks [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I'm not done for tonight losing daylight but so far oh hey buggy fish I always loved you he's lovey till mom starts to drown then he'll be out of here oh here she comes run Bugaboo run well we have an absolutely ridiculous amount of work to get done today in preparation for the band mill workshop tomorrow ELISA is going to give me a hand yay ELISA thank you so we've got to get logs decked over here and we have this little toy Boop that's going to help us do it but the logs unfortunately are yonder backside of the property so les is going to help me get those on this trailer over here and then I'm not sure what we're working on after that do you know we have no idea one thing at a time [Music] [Music] well I'd say it was a hugely successful afternoon we're hoping that with just a can't hook I know it's a lot of labor the sawmill is going to be located right here we should be able to just roll all of those logs over there hopefully this will be a good test run for when things get serious hopefully we have a fantastic workshop tomorrow we're excited to meet everyone and share this experience although I have to say everything went smoothly and that in our book is a fantastic day what we want to do is we're going to you a preset on each leg so you have a square bowl RCP hit square net and a regular nut square one is the top and the adjusters the bottom those stress those legs you get set up [Music] no no no I want to see the saw in action things I get your hazard level business definitely gets triggered I can see that would be agreeable at a level concrete that we were talking to rob about that and I'm like I don't know Rob I don't know I will be afraid of pouring a flash any we can hold on to people Oh what has happened over here oh thanks don't have some fuel I didn't hear to put it in then come with it well it comes with us I think I think there's a negative column yeah that's an extra an accessory it was either that or some of us to stand here and make the noise sure is a pretty motor horsepower careful is a little fuel okay so we got to figure out which one's the return line this biggest one is the supply line that's got a filter on supply line big black one yes remem do we know the clear one is the lubricant line that goes over here which is been going work about chocolate yeah what's that sucker okay so over by the trailer there's a gallon jug yeah that has like a soapy fine sold stuff whatever you okay that can get filled up dice figures ten ounces is way you know we whatever rob was mean and he brought with a log room already with remote control that he can just go off to there under no obligation to take it right you're doing it because you won't do this yeah no I don't know that I'm going to take this I might take that yes no no is a leveling miss prettier well to the eye if all the legs are tight and they still get here and then to the naked eye you look at it and it's allowable control that's little so we're just about done with setup it went pretty well and I think we're going to take a mandatory lunch for actually guys make everyone get some calories and want one so everybody survived lunch no casualties which is good so now we get to actually play with this big toy which is what everybody came for we told everyone they can go home if they want but then took us up on the offer they know how to get home they got here they do yeah all right look so the manual we have a safety set up operations okay this first part of it you'll be in a lot there's a triangle icons recommended hours okay for doing service and then parts breaks down information on the motor auditions you can get for them and blades kind of so you got a pretty big blade there's three ways to pull it out two ways are wrong so you tell me that you the method is just slow it and let's go into so you can do that too okay so I'm going to take these two figures right here and I'm going to tuck them in okay then I'm going to grab these to hold them okay my thumb let go and then I'm going to come over and grab this one okay okay we're out really tight it's okay to turn it to get it on there there we go you want the back want the back of the blade okay to be flush the back of the flange of the roller that water on the open also I'm scared legitimately like in Hokkien house almost scared they don't scare me to Tsavo scared ask if your beard makes me hotter on the hot day this is not pretty comfortable any night none of those things yeah I wouldn't have it but my wife insists this oh you're on that roller I'm pretty good no more there you go go ahead and run this down there's a particular size you really like to get the largest possible can't out of there so so I think we can do it Rob so I'm just kind of wanting to eyeball where a 10-inch ant would be sins at my finger right here okay we got their ears on a square in the way [Music] [Music] you know everybody pay attention learn on my woods I got to buy decide if we get a 1 by 12 I'm going to be a little bit of one myself so let's go ahead and done it fits all hit that direction it kidding that off and then let's see what's going on with kick it off nothing fancy hmm so pretty now looks a nice blue in there too so right up in where you guys are at scatter I see it here yeah not bad though not long not bouncing or anything yeah my consistent feel it where's the chatter Anton well I would say cos it right at auction do you feel a little but it's very little yeah I had to adjust that blade guide arm so I kept pushing here so when I bumped the blade guide arm in I was a headstand for I stopped so that's where I was wondering if I was going to have any chatter okay not not really oh no that one came out pretty good all right boys that is so pretty we leveraged pretty easy to roll it one person didn't feel better than ever see if it's just I mean it's okay I mean you're like power stance here never touching one fan place it there it is into it as your levering [Music] these are one-way loot Italy wet noodle almost here [Music] [Music] [Music] all right thank you thank you hey guys you know what you know how to reach us thank you I'll send a wicked screenshot and I'll send it to you souvenir hi have a good time back yes smile you had fun thanks for the reminder that's what you think in a socket okay everybody smile we're sending rumen and Ana home with the board ah we expect photos guys some kind of a craft umbrella truck right well what a day we had all these wonderful folks come and help us get the wood-mizer set up and running we made some pine and we made one per beam took a little longer to set up than I thought but the experience was awesome we're glad that Robin DN could join us in all these awesome folks so now we're all going to go grab a beer dinner well deserved it's been a scorcher today and we're super excited to share this mill with people in the future if you're watching this and you're one of those folks that came and joined us for the workshop thank you so much for joining us thank you for being safe we enjoyed having you here and we look forward to hopefully having you at a future workshop and sharing this debt-free home build with us have you thought this movin around on the excavator this morning oh yeah man love now an excavator fit right in with the locals nice way to everybody on the ways life I'm really happy I discovered after like months that I could control this with my feet oh yeah before I was standing here go like am i honest like God my arms like I am like oh oh show us how the feet work forward reverse to reverse ah see ya come on except this one back today yeah it's got to go back so we got to get some logs done come on we got to get work done here people we've got all these logs the hard part really isn't actually getting the logs onto the mill it's getting the cans off the mill because we make them square and square things don't roll very good yeah well it's a beautiful morning completely new day in fact it's been two days it's been a couple of days and you know what I couldn't help but notice this morning the darn logs have not milled themselves we put them right next to the sawmill thinking the closer we put them the greater the chance that they'll just Mel themselves now they didn't so time to make some sawdust first up we got this little tiny blue pine guy we got to get him put into boards and then get them off the mill so we can use the excavator before it goes home and get one of these big guys up here [Music] so need to judge the height eight one eight and you measure that on the other side yeah [Music] they were people that were painful they were thinking [Music] Oh [Music] Vader's leaving our excavator got yoinked from us they took it on time darn it so now we're not sure how we're going to get that off it's pretty big so my deficit until next time we have an excavator yup but we could finish milling it yep let's mill it [Music] okay [Music] well there you have it we've done a lot of test cuts it's been a really great week and weekend it's pretty surreal to have this on our property we were loving and enjoying the chainsaw mill but you can't deny that this opens up a lot more doors for us and I think it'll help us build our debt-free home with these not only that but we feel that this will build many homes whether it's for us friends family I mean the enjoyment doesn't stop at us there aren't too many tools in the world where you can build a community around them yep it's exciting to have this thing it's I don't think it's just that it's a sawmill it's that it's like it represents opportunity for us empowerment I guess is maybe a better word we're surrounded by resources but the ability to capture and use those resources to build something that keeps us from using mortgages honestly a few years ago I knew that wood came from trees but that was kind of where my knowledge ended I had no idea that you could just cut a tree down in the forest take 4 sides off of it and have structural components for your home and that's not your full home obviously they're siding and things which you can do with wood in a sawmill but it helps get you started and for us we really feel like that's going to make this home build affordable and even me I don't have a ton of physical strengths not that Jesse is much better when it comes to trees and stuff can I say that I'm stronger than a tree come on but I feel that with a chainsaw and some equipment and just knowing what tools you have at your disposal you actually can create a lot and it once you learn how to do it it's not that intimidating I mean just a little bit but I'll go it with time once you start down this path though you start to see resources everywhere yep and so it's a way of thinking sawmills just a small part of it but yeah it's exciting to have this piece of equipment it's the ability I guess is younger to move forward on our dream of building a debt-free home and this is just one more tool that helps us toward that goal so with that said we are still planning on getting our home up and dried in before winter it's a lofty goal but so far things are going well we plan on doing a huge milling month where all we do is mill mill mill right now we're in the process of finalized our plans and they're very close to being finalized and buildable yes we'll do a lot more videos but it's going to be an exciting year so we hope you will join us and stick with us through this entire project [Music] [Music]
Channel: Pure Living for Life
Views: 1,648,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sawmill, portable sawmill, wood-mizer, woodmizer, woodmizer sawmill, milling lumber, timber frame, timber framing
Id: fenWwYdq9Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2017
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