Building a House Start to Finish: Sawmilling a Timber Frame by Themselves

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it's another chilly fall morning burning all the oils and the gasolines and the diesels to get everything warmed up doesn't mean our me here today this is a made there's already a pretty good group of people but I think we have for shelter crew or arriving sometime this afternoon they left at 4 a.m. Eastern hopefully they'll be here about noon I've got to get these four logs right here by the mill turned into rafters that will take it'll take most of the day my cumulative total if anybody's interested it would be 55 logs 55 logs interestingly that's exactly the number that I thought we would need but I don't think that it worked the way I thought it would work so for more rafters to go Elissa is working on planing I know that Pat's working on layout and doing some of the preliminary cutting Gabe who will be arriving today with blueberry Gabe will probably take over braces we wanted to get those done and I might actually be able to work on them this afternoon but let's just not count on it I didn't want to share something though we needed to do a lot of maintenance on the backhoe right and we've lost a tire alternator another tire battery but one of the most important things to do on these pieces of equipment is to grease them especially when you use them in dust and rain and stuff like that and we have needed to do that for a long time so my sister Anna is jumping in with the grease gun I picked up a new grease gun but we don't have any grease my old grease guns got grease in it so she's gonna track down a few grease zerks and try to get some Lube in there things are getting a little tight in the backhoe making things dangerous moving things around but I found something that I think we're gonna like or I hope at least I want to share it and we'll see how it works out probably one of the most annoying parts of greasing is getting the nipple on the zerk or the grease gun on the zurk and then having the grease go all over or whatever you're doing instead of in the machine or on the wherever you're trying to grease so I picked up this coupler called a lock and lube and it goes on the end of any grease gun and I got one that's got a hose so hopefully that'll be a lot easier to get to some of the tight spots the grease gun is using right now has a solid hose or whatever so it's kind of hard to get into some of the type faces but with this one you squeeze this the jaws come out you clamp it on the zerk and go for it so we're going to attach it and see if it works do you think it's worth putting this thing on there absolutely for those who may not be super equipment savvy each of these pins and a lot of these connections in moving where Greece can be forced into that connection to keep things lubricated so back here on the backhoe pin there's enough research they're down here on these side hydraulics whatever they're grease zerk they're got one here on the kingpin for dry oil I guess this is probably the kingpin so this is the boom pin yeah the boom pin here there's I can't remember how many are on this machine but there is a lot these machines require constant greasing it's not like we run him in the mud the muck the sawdust and dust all that other stuff - this is the new grease gun that I picked up I got it because I wanted a pistol grip and it also comes with a rigid connection as well as the hose and a lot of the reviews I did get this off of Amazon a lot of the reviews said it was fantastic but apparently you need to read the instructions carefully because priming this gun correctly is super important I think it's rated for 7,500 psi so good solid gun ratings were good hopefully this gun will help us keep that backhoe lubricated nicely for years so tests that have nothing to do with being ready for the workshop are just as important looping the backhoe which anna has under control and the other one is trying to insulate our water I guess our pipes and our trench because we did not get that back filled we came really close but we have some extremely cold weather in the forecast and the trench won't be filled in time and Jessie said that it could freeze but it won't do damage so we figure that all of these shavings we can use to inflate the pipes apparently people used to use sawdust and stuff in their house for insulation we'll see I think my dad is going to tackle that in his free time and that's something that I could probably help with - my dad has hiked to the entire John Muir Trail so hiking up and down this Hills nothing pretty much like hiking to the top of Mount Whitney a few times right no don't worry about that that's backfilled okay so start there see where the encasement on Wow Jessie said it only needs to be like a few inches thick so we could try to spread the sawdust out over the entire trench it's good idea my dad's cooking on that I'm gonna go ahead and a help Jesse load a on the mill could someone else help Jesse load a lock on the middle probably except we feel that it is kind of dangerous and I've been doing it for three weeks so I really know what to expect what could go wrong what the backhoe is gonna do what the log is gonna do how to act quick and not that someone else couldn't do those things but I don't know we try to reduce risk where we can so I'll go ahead and be available for that ready it's my beer last day a million for a while or you said I could not know a log it's kind of funny how we're so excited to get a sawmill and we still love it but it's also pretty crazy how the last thing you want to do right now is no logs that's right what's deceptive about our life yes a lot of people share our excitement and we get something new but the problem is everything you get is anymore work it's like look at the new backhoe he's the work that we got yeah everything that shows up here like we have zero toys the only thing we have that even comes close is the hot tub and it's not much work you know so yeah I will share in a future video some things I've learned can be a great video that sawmill cuz I have this I'll show you my head has been this far from this sawmill for three weeks I've learned a thing or two about this little sawmill we're like little homies were we're besties I can almost hear its blade turning in my sleep so yeah last day of milling hopefully we'll blow through those four logs I'm feeling it and then I don't have to load a log on this mill for a long time here's the pasture watch out path here everybody on your manners best behavior Joana worked on greasing tobacco a little bit she's got to go to town later and get some grease too but we got a new grease gun and all that stuff finally get that stuff to use she worked on greasing the backhoe arm but we need a rubber hose to get into some of the fittings on the kingpin that's what's making the backhoe kind of sticky yep when you side be swinging the boom side to side so she's gonna tackle that when the back goes down whenever it's not in use get that thing all lubed up it'll make make it run like a whole new kittens so that's really helpful um yeah and then I think they're gonna tackle that lumber snickering to was even really helpful so we just need need about ten people yeah that's it we need to feed him house them and work them to death poor guys I I can't believe people still come after we call it yeah hey they all came willingly could you come for like a day or two and they're all smiling [Music] hmm can't tell which end is the butt end here looks good [Music] breakfast has arrived [Music] okay just clip it and then we'll cut now good morning guys Fila quorum necessary floor joists how has it been taking care of this large group ankle the feds appreciated by everybody this will be hopping in a day or so yes that weakens me okay so strengths expressing so if there's a weak link you want it up not down okay so that's in compression mm-hmm there's yep okay that big sense are you putting the the top up or the side to be planed up okay are the Wayne and that's not a structural thing that's just a cosmetic thing Wow trenches just as treacherous as it was the day we dug it if you haven't seen that video pretty wild it's one of the best performing videos on our entire Channel this looks so good yeah you're totally gonna have enough sawdust - I'd say dump it all in here it's gonna buy us a little time thanks for doing this be frugal he's a good nut tyre there we go yeah beautiful something else Jesse thought my dad could help with his decommissioning whoa our water system our old water system I wouldn't be shocked if it's frozen in there right now this has been sitting unused most of the summer say if she froze no she's not frozen we're probably gonna have to get this tank off with a truck or something in a trailer but everything else we're pretty much done with a PVC cutter you know I think we do somewhere we also have like a pole saw that works pretty well could cut through pretty quick my dad turned in his pizza tonight that's for sure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there anymore rafters that's it [Music] [Applause] [Music] like to get three more before I lose my sanity we win yeah that last one what takes the cake for a beam from hell like I cut it really I spent 20 minutes calibrating that sawmill and then I cut it and it was over a quarter of an inch really in the end I just about lost wow you get it back and adjust it again and I'll bet it's all out of whack again so I have to share something if if Alisa is is this clip on the back of this tape measure his tree diameter if you just flip it over the back shows the diameter of a tree I cannot fathom for that there are trees oh it stops it does stop at a hundred and twenty inches so this tape measure can only measure trees that are ten feet in diameter it does stop I was thinking of it all the way to the end and I thought that's got to be a practical joke [Music] [Music] [Music] long as you got blades and gas you can sawmill forever and ever and ever and ever but you don't want to right I'm very happy there are 3 blades left and the right and 3 logs to log left three blades two logs it's good that we had a backup blade because at any moment you can hit a rock or something in this in the log and it'll just take a blade out that quick hey sounds like we had a extra blade because we're not out of the woods yet thank you yeah you're welcome I try not to make boards but some of this stuff I don't know just removing the interim water solution this is not needed this pipe is some of its good some of its brittle II so it all goes to the dam to be used again yeah earplugs in good [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the last log hallelujah so therefore we must document it on every camera we own that's in commission ready got to get the head cam too and to capture the arrival the rest of the shelter crew because they should be here soon and there's a small chance I'm gonna miss it okay good are you had to use that last time I have to clamp I'm so done with you clamps and ready to move on to the next chapter of our lives I am done with you grapple I'm so done with you no more a bruised shins no more bruised or swollen elbows and also done with ugh clamp [Music] nice drum work don't worry we'll be able to mill something else again I'm pretty sure you're tired of being in a hunched back position I am tired of putting you in that position that's what I'm tired of I don't I feel that that's safe but I don't like it it can be done and it can be done safely but I just don't enjoy it very nerve-wracking but one thing if it was just some guy but it's not it's my love he's a tough sucker my boat was vibrating I checked it thought it might be blueberry it was blueberry they should be here any minute now oh that's except she was asking about restaurants you know what I was thinking why don't we instead of making this such a difficult thing why don't we just changed the night of the social we can we'll talk about it's not the easiest solution to the whole madness just bad idea if everybody's close just move it to a different night and then we don't have this this complex original place that would be good yeah I'm just saying like that I just dawned on me while I was thinking about it I'm like because the paper is printed yeah but I think our attendees are smart and all but we have a printer and it can be reprinted we didn't look into so it can be reprinted to say whatever we want it to say and I think blueberry and all of her wisdom will see the wisdom of this decision right blueberry right right blueberry doesn't agree this won't make it to the video blueberry doesn't agree I have a sawmill over here that could persuade her and I have a backhoe and very loud generators put a threat or a promise okay I just sits and I have things that could be persuaded persuasive that's all can you help me my ear thing he's always got stuck in my brain to that and I can't get it out this is quite a deal yeah oh and the free [Music] [Music] like hey everyone come to the end of the earth it'll be great to be sure we have it at another Canadian coming over there oh yeah all right they're gonna like gang up on us right two verses thirty American play gosh inside of a like there's some sign coming in that's it like you can win the lottery in Canadian so you down the last blast tree I am on the last turn in the last time addict does play do you think it happens so I could go home you guys no no it's good that would be awesome yeah about the time-lapse shoot okay this is the last turn hold on before you do it is there anything that I need to be aware about of things moving anywhere okay yeah you can do it later it's not good this tree was living yesterday morning and is now among the dead trees all missing the snow to start falling from the sky still heavy with two people holy cow I am done with you Peavy I counted I have thirty boozes on this leg alone and it's mostly from this stuff you gotta be careful sailing on camera people think I beat you yeah it's good I love wood i film woodworking stuff before so this is just on a different scale [Music] it's gonna be a wild thought bill all your work you build an army I think this is like seeing your best friend you're really excited you spend a month with them and then you're like I love you but it's time for a break Wow that's five logs 85 Timbers three weeks to the day to the out the workshop starts at 1:00 p.m. tomorrow so what time is it maybe use way to use every hour I finished like 22 hours or 2321 really 21 hours to go quiet that's cuz your dad's gassing up the generator this is just one less combustion engine that we have to feel up every day you know I mean I'm pretty excited about that I'm pretty excited at the point where those gas cans get cobwebs on them mm-hmm that would be a really good day yeah and your dad doesn't have to make any more soapy water what's the soapy water for lubricant for the blade that's right yeah like soapy water every like three logs I'm like Paul I brought some of my own logs and so we're actually not if you pull up with the trailer go away all right let's move this are we gonna do the whole caution tation we're gonna be like a finish line with the backhoe oh yeah help me apparently Levi's Sprinter van is named Florence that's the furthest city he made it to on his honeymoon with his wife so I think Florence is gonna have to move the Traverse is gonna have to move the rental car is gonna have to move this is a really big deal Jesse says there's ribbon in here we have a right for just a moment take ourselves not too and then back to it we don't even have a single alcoholic beverage on hands they've got to have a suppose all right we have to get ready it's as the lamest ribbon ever yeah I think that looks great hold tight ready go oh it's not breaking [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah horrible name so probably can't forget I mean I'll give me a lot of good dresses right yeah give me a lot of people yeah and I'm nearly cover this week so so we cut all this is these are braces yeah so basically they're gonna go diagonal from the beat the post to the beam yeah missions these should be pre-cut for the class because there's no time it's just way too much to do so our goal was for Jesse and I to have all these cut tonight obviously we're dumped the wire syrup Gabe is the brief cutting guru I guess so so we kind of have a station set up there mostly cut on the chop saw and then I believe he has to run them through the table saw so you know I gave full work on these sitting tomorrow the bigwig meeting we're gonna stay down here and work well that does so Levi's had my camera it's underexposed and the manual focus is on you left the toilet seat up I keep trying to end this video keep having distractions oh I don't want to be wearing my baseball Cup I want my beanie I might have to grab that um today was a great day things kind of came to a grinding halt once shelter showed up because they haven't seen each other in a while Levi showed up and things were just extremely chaotic so they all took off to go have a big group meeting and kind of hash out the week and see what needs to be done and we're gonna call it quits too I think we're definitely at a good stopping point my mom has dinner ready so we're all gonna go over there where it's warm sold we met a couple of attendee 30 and I think it's gonna be a great workshop I think they're gonna have a lot of energy which is good because I don't yeah I think Oh give us energy maybe I think our our journal and tanks pretty much Ani we've already like run out of Red Bull and monster and adrenaline and sugar and caffeine and my dad thinks he has to hike to dinner do you want a ride hey gum my way dear oh this thing will hold like 15 people we got room for one more you gettin in the deck high school social here after class one night make just the first time meeting we buy in person but he's pretty cool cuz like he has the same exact dude we gotta try not to yours look about like mine and mine are brand new this is not a blunt stone - times the amount of blunt stone yeah I the length [Laughter]
Channel: Pure Living for Life
Views: 620,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sawmill, mill, milling, timber frame, timber framing, shelter institute, wood-mizer, woodmizer, woodmizer sawmill, timber frame house, log to lumber, sawmilling lumber, woodmizer lt15
Id: R540drOaXW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 18sec (1998 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2017
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