Dream And George Share Private Stories...

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according to youtube statistics only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you enjoy the video please consider subscribing youtube sometimes glitches and unsubscribes you so if you think you're subscribed already please make sure to check you still are and enjoy the video story time story time so oh my god there's this hilarious story so dream was like he made this bet against me and he won he won the back you can't think of like he won the bet but then like he went on to lose the next three bats you baited me with the dumb nametag i wanted to do good items at first i would have been a good item so do you have a story to tell the classroom i don't know i can't think of any um story i'm thinking of a story i'm thinking think there's probably a good story we can tell no what about like a good like like a good like sap nap story it'd be funny because oh there's loads of funny setting up stories there's like loads of funny stuff now stories that i just can't say it's like i could probably think of like we could go on for hours here i have won this kind of borderline that i could i could maybe say okay pop off it's not like that bad it's kind of it's more funny though go ahead go ahead if someone says oh no actually oh they just stopped yeah if someone subs you have to tell the story they just subbed well no actually tell us come on tell me all right message me the story i think you can tell that story i probably probably could but like it's also i guess it's um it's just kind of it's just a good that's a good story that's so weird though why would he do that yeah i don't know it was funny though it was funny when we found out because we were just roasting him oh yeah i was oh this is oh this is oh this is funny this this is this is a good one we can we can tell it's kind of like mimi but so like okay sapnap how can i say this without like saying anything weird stopping up like i don't remember how long ago it was it was quite a while ago it was like dating this girl all right and and well he was and then he sent a picture of her like just with his face like a picture of a picture of himself to her and then like george sent it to him the next day that was like how the hell did you get that picture where did you get that picture from and george was like don't worry about it he's like what did you get where did you get the picture from i don't know i went to the picture and it was like i think that and like she had like a screenshot or something and like sent it to george it's like a joke and said i was like that was matt was mad he didn't understand how he had gotten the picture and it was so funny but george was just like roasting him but it's funny because like then like then like a little bit later like it was like i think it's actually is it still on his instagram i think it's still on his instagram i think it wait like there's no way let's see no no it's a picture it's that picture that was the picture he put it up later he like put it on oh it's it's all good he removed it it used to be there it was like a picture of him like it was bad with like a snapchat filter on or something he's got these like french bed sheets oh hold on cause that's how it happened he said like oh he said i think he was i think he might have been talking about his bed cheese oh and i said oh they were like the ones that have their own yeah they have the french writing on he was like what do you wait oh no i must have sent you that i must have sent you like the photo at the time i must have sent you it and you're like no you didn't i don't think i did when i must have you're like no i know no he didn't i just memed him that's a good south nap story what's a good what's a good dream story ah dream stories dream stories this this story i remember the story now it's like it's like a funny story but also it's like uh it's kind of it's kind of like a telling story like of how you shouldn't you shouldn't let like your emotions like control you i guess so the inside there there's this there was like you're right when i quoted the basketball game yeah like in minecraft so there's this we i coded this this game where it's basketball and minecraft it took a long time and it was a lot of fun and means i know we're playing it and we were like we like bet money on it right so we were like betting money on the game no we were betting money i i wasn't that much it was like before it was before i did youtube so i guess i know i was yeah it was before i did youtube this is must have been before that yeah before i did youtube like at least a year and a half ago and um it was probably like it was probably something like 100 bucks or something like i mean it's a lot of money but not like you know so much that it's crazy um we were writing like 100 bucks probably and then like we we we would do like a series right and it was like so we're playing like actually like like pretending it's like like like nba star it's like seven games and so sapnap like went up like three to oh right and he was being so like so cocky and up to that point i was being like so whatever right like so like so reasonable and everything being like just no i'm competitive but i don't get like toxic in that way right so he's up through and he's being like super toxic oh yeah because i was stuck before before i was like talking all this crap before it right so after he got up three he was being so whatever and i was like all right i know like i know his i know his weakness it's kind of it's kind of like a dick move to like exploit it yeah no yeah his weakness is he like he he like i don't i like i've said this before and people shouldn't play stuff doesn't get to me things people say don't don't really get to me and so but i know what snapchat does like with with certain things like i know like competitively if you're like calling him trash to his face like oh he does he does like he does not take it well and so i just became like the biggest trash talker like of the century i was like talking about his mom talking about like his friends about everything and it just like threw him off so bad and i like and then i i won them like all the rest he just destroyed him and then he was like i remember on the last game he got so mad and he like he muted his team speaks and was like just playing the game muted to try and come back to try because i was like winning by a lot and then i still barely won i had a big enough lead and then he came on he was like so pissed and he was like he was he was saying a lot of me and stuff but he was like oh yeah yeah he was he was so mad he was so mad but it's funny because it's like to me it was like oh well i mean yeah that was a week he was doing it to me it doesn't do anything but when i did it back to him like three times as hard it like totally like threw him off i think that's something that's like it's it's like when you which one has a weakness like that in like a game you remember like bad bet money with you right and it was something like it was something absurd like because he was like so much better than you no yeah he was like i'll bet you money that you can't that he that you can't no and then and then he doubled or nothing like twice yeah and then he ended up owning like 500 dollars i don't think he i don't think he ever paid me well no no because this is what happened so like bad got so mad because that was like that we were all betting money on this back of the day that's funny um but like so bad was betting money with george that he would like beat george by more than 10 points right because like he like he's played george so many times and he's like crushed him like every time like he was playing because george george would like george first of all he's ping and stuff because it's like a us server but also he just wasn't as good at the game and so like bad was like so confident he's like oh you can't content george like you know what like i'll do it back because and bad didn't make him put up any that was just like oh cause he really really wanted to play he's like all right i'll put up a hundred dollars and then george like i think that's how i started because i just didn't want to play and he really wanted it yeah he was like i'll buy you 100 cause he was so sure that he would win he was so sure he was gonna win and so he bet a hundred dollars and then george like george got george actually like i destroyed it literally like beat him like no you just barely beat him but the thing is like you had never beaten him before like so not only did you beat him by more than 10 points but you beat him like you actually beat him and so bad was like so mad and i was like oh double or nothing double or nothing double or nothing and then you're like um but that george wouldn't do it for double or nothing so he made it raise it up to 500 instead of 100 and george was like fine i'll do it for dollars and so they they got down to it and then um george like there was one glitch with the code so george like george had the george had to not win the game but it had to get within ten right and george was george was down by nine points like one point from being out of this like this radar thing and um bad like people don't understand basketball but bad mist missed a point and it went out the back and it should have been his ball but it switched it to george because of a glitch george just like hugged like hogged the ball for the last 30 seconds and then won and then that was like i wouldn't accept that no bad would not accept that bad was like oh i would have totally gotten even though well he might not have but like he might as well probably it was like 50 50 like it was 50 50 between whether he did or he didn't and it was funny because he just like he was he was like oh i'll compromise i'll compromise i'll give you 200. oh yeah because then we split i remember we split i think that's what and then he's i don't think he ever paid it because like yeah he was like 200 he paid 200 or whatever yeah he paid you because he paid you like 200 because he was saying like i'll pay you half or whatever i don't think you there's a glitch i don't think you deserve the full thing but then i'm pretty sure we like i think technically we we bet again and i lost it all and then we were even i'm pretty sure that happened no no i'm pretty sure that happened but i don't know no you didn't those are funny though so there were so many funny moments out of out of those like was it you were me and wait what does it mean it was me and you that went against callahan and bad right not me not me and sap never oh when we completely destroyed them oh and we had i have that do i see that audio flip is so so funny like i i honestly think that it like in my life if i had to pick like my top 10 funniest i would say that that would be in the top ten and the thing is like george has done a recording so it's so i don't know i don't know if i still have it anymore what happened was like bad bad and callahan were both like so confident they were going to beat us like they're like talking so much crap i think i don't think they bet money but they're like so confident and then we like totally like i think we won by like 40 points it was not even that's like a ton and like that that is a lot like you have to actually literally like be like curb stomping them into the ground they're like they're like little kids that's how bad it was and so like every time we would score a point we'd just be like talking trash like with together so hard and like when we go for like 20 minutes george has a threes point they're up 300 to zero and it was so funny because we were um like yeah that wasn't talking and there was another like we kept we kept like memeing it it's like george would like just come and take these crazy shots and just hit them like and the three of the three it's like a half court it just chucks it up we're already up by 30. it goes in it's like 33. we're both just like screaming of like joy and then when we do and then when we do win like we're sitting there for the next like 10 minutes just and i'm like wheezing i can't even breathe like i was laughing so hard and that because because yeah because george would be like but it's a yeah it's it he goes down he takes the last shot it's in they lose by 100. like like just these dumb memes where it's like everything there but it was so funny it was funny because it was the second time like the first time we beat them really badly and they're like oh again and we beat them like double as bad the next time so it was like it was so much funnier oh there is some funny omegle stories those are those are so funny oh those are funny those are more there's like really recent though most of it like all of them pretty much all right go ahead oh those are funny though those are funny go ahead tell the story uh you've been you've actually you've done it way more than i have i can't i don't i can't think of an individual funny moment it's just funny in general but yeah yeah it's just it's like collectively funny yeah i'm trying to think of like i don't know i'm trying to think of a funny story i guess i don't know i don't know i can't think i can't think of something right now it's just like it's just funny in general right yeah it's mostly just like just funny in general like carl will go on or conor or george or skeppy or whoever like would go on with like their face came on like on omegle and to random tags like not only like minecraft tags just like random tags and minecraft tags and then um and they're like screen sharing discord so we can yeah they'll screen sharing discord so so we can see and we can hear what's going on and then they can hear us and then we'll just like tell them things to say and stuff and then we'll they'll just act super dumb and just like try and like troll people basically but and like with carl it's funny because like everyone notices him basically i was like recognized i would say like twenty percent of the time yeah like twenty percent of the time like one of them it's so funny when like it's so funny when like it's like there was one time carl could like tell the guy i recognized him like the guy was like kind of like he had his face when he first came and then like he tried to act normal and they're having a normal conversation the car was like wait do i think i think i might recognize you and the guy was like no i recognize you though and then you just skipped him right when he said and carl was like got him i knew he i knew he reckoned because he like doesn't like when we're like on random tags he doesn't he doesn't like having people that recognize him because it's more funny when they don't because we just can do dumb memes with them yeah and the micro character is funny though we just like we don't like we just do more more like generic stuff like ask them who their favorite youtuber is or something um so recognizable yeah yes well it's cause he's in all it's cause he's in like he's in like all of our streams and then he's in all of mr beast's videos and then so it's like the demographic people who recognize him like all the kids recognize them all the teenagers recognize him all the adults recognize him like like yeah everyone like a lot of people know carl like i feel like mr beast is probably like mr beast is obviously more recognizable than carl but like carl's extremely recognizable this is fun it's funny though yeah he's doing this dumb bit where like he starts like he's just like he's taking screenshots like on his on his like ipad and like he's like acting like he's taking photos though of the person he's like talking to who's on his ipad he's like he's like hey guys let's take a photo and he's just like he starts like screenshotting it yeah and then he pulls out i remember like a lot of times you'll like tell someone to do something they start to do it just skips them like as soon as they they start doing it there was this one guy that he was just like i remember there's two specific situations but one guy was like it's like oh he's telling some stories oh yeah and the other day you go oh no i don't think we have all day in the car i was like no no i have all day and then i was like yeah well the other day skips like right there now he's like about to go into this story i remember there was one it was i think this one the minecraft tag there was some there was some girl i think i i saw her like a tick tock that she made about it afterwards but it was like carl like she was carl like she had a guitar in the background or something and carl was like oh can you play um can you play guitar and she was like yeah i could play guitar he was like oh play me play me a song and she was like okay and then she goes to she's like she goes to get it when she had it as soon as she got back it was like a minute later at least like she went like through all this effort got the guitar sat down and the card just skipped her and then like oh yeah she went and got the guitar she got back and she plays the first first note and then he leaves and then and then like we got her again like like like it was like an hour later or something we got her again and he was like no he skipped um oh yes it's no then he's like all right just play me please i actually want to hear it and then like i was yelling i was like skip when she plays the first note skip again when she plays the first note and carl's like listening and then then she grabs the guitar she comes back she starts to play the first note and carl just skips her again and we never saw her again but yeah i mean that is kind of rude but it is funny yeah it's rude but it's funny too call's good there's okay listen i'm gonna clear this up right now ponk says there's like this picture where i'm like blacked out drunk that's like literally impossible to have happened i've never even been drunk before yeah i mean i have drunk alcohol before but like i've never been drunk yeah i've never i've never dr i've never i've never drinking alcohol intention i like like a single drop actually i've actually twice i've accidentally drank an alcohol but dream accidentally drunk alcohol yeah i had they won once it was how was that rum in a root beer bottle that might because we were on a we're on like a road trip right and we have like so we like package all this stuff and um there was like like a root beer she just like she just grabbed from somewhere like the closet or something i think because she was like oh it was root beer and threw it in there and then um uh i think my sister won it and i wanted we're like arguing over there my mom's like i'll give it to them because like i like root beer more this is like this i was like so long like 10 years ago or something and then um and it was like i think i think my sister was so young my sister was like six or something so she was really young and it was it was dressed that yes it was dressed up and um and she wanted the root beer and i wanted the root bear and so because i liked ribbon where she gave it to me and my sister was like so young and small and then i drank something well listen i'll explain why i drank some of it and then um and then i was like it kind of tastes weird and then like i gave to my mom and my mom's like that's rum like we put the rum in the root beer bottle and she was like i could have been for jerusalem you drank it i'm saying it she's like thank god you drank it and not yeah i'm not surprised hey george do you have any scars i have a story i have i do i must go on my eye can you see it i want to hear this bad boy bro okay my i didn't even realize however long i wasn't talking about my christmas or no that's actually a story that's a story you want to hear the story of the eyebrows yeah how'd you get your scar george you wanna know how i got this guy's an eyebrow scar you want to know how i got these scars yeah that scar right there so um you look like you have a peanut allergy what does that even mean how can you look like you have a peanut allergy i know someone you look like a whimper you die to a stupid little peanut all right do you want to hear how i got my scars all the peanut allergies just oppose me now you're so sensitive towards just tell it all right i'll tell the story you want to hear the story you got roasted it's like fine i'm gonna keep my story to myself fine i'll keep my secrets you want to hear the secret we want to hear it you want to hear okay i'll tell the score story for a thousand gifted subs oh george just kills himself while flying like what kind of idiot would do that no you take some of my discs i'm pretty sure you're killing me no i didn't i promised you that is killing me in prime uh no in the in the what's the story called hey thank you guys you want me to say something i did not okay no that whole okay george that's top ten that's top ten that's not even close that's probably top five should i expose bad right that's probably top five sorry oh that was so funny that's tough that's like top five then maybe that's the top dude it was it was so funny because like yeah because techno was like techno made it funnier just because it was like he's he's out he's not inside our friends standing there watching i don't think i've ever heard you guys swear so much yeah no we we were swearing so much i don't know why have you guys walked into a glass door before i actually have i actually have walked into a glass door if any of you walked into a glass door i don't know oh careful oh i'm going to get his things george tell the scar story yeah tell the scar story if you dance for them i'm not selling anything until i get my stuff back you have to come over here and dance for them george if you don't tell the star story i'm going to tell the story about you asking me for dating advice okay yeah yes but you have to tell the scar story first i'll tell him afterwards i'll try again no it's story first it's story first scarlet tell the story then you get your stuff as your calls on george here here george take these take these pants george george george here quackity oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god bad bad kill him kill him bad kill him kill him kill him kill him bad bad get him oh sorry quackity i had to help him you won is and you can oh my god okay i'm going to tell the story and i'm going to bed all right okay here's the story okay here's the story about how i got these scars i was really young and the computer was broken and then we were getting this computer repair guy oh my god the computer okay that's like actually serious that's add to the story right but i didn't even realize it's gone and this computer repair guy was going to fix the computer and my dad was like sleeping he's like having like a nap or whatever and um well like throughout the day i just kissed him like oh my god when's the guy coming was the community coming where's the computer guy coming and then he went to go have like this nap and i like ran into his room jumped on the bed whilst he was sleeping i was like when's he coming and he's like yeah he went he like freaked out and like because i just like jumped on him when he was sleeping and i he like launched me because he's like freaked out he like launched me and i hit my head on like the side of the the thingy and then like i was so weird like it didn't hurt but it was bleeding my dad i was like you have to go to the hospital because i get i had to get stitches because like it didn't even hurt but it was bleed i don't even remember it being bad but it must have been because otherwise he wouldn't have taken me to the hospital to get stitches but that that's the scar story you have why were you so excited for the computer repair guy he's not he's not a clown or like an entertainer george he has a job because i wanted the you confused yeah yeah yeah the computer guy
Channel: GeorgeNotFound Extra
Views: 2,044,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, Minecraft but, Dream And George Share Private Stories..., minecraft hunting, minecraft vs, Dream Minecraft, George Minecraft youtube, George Minecraft channel, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.14 survival, minecraft 1.15 survival, minecraft 1.16 survival, georgenotfound highlights, georgenotfound live
Id: QCc5lup2lLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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