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foreign [Laughter] no you're in this ravine it's not over literally you're dead George Bye by George one yes all right bye dream all right bye dream where am I how are you still alive where am I okay oh what do you mean where are you you're in the middle how are you still alive three you do land on the Cobble teen 17 16. what what I'm freaking out please just die in the lava please yes yes it's perfect time it's perfectly time it's perfectly timed it's perfectly timed it's perfectly timed it's what oh yes yes please please [Music] [Music] [Music] yes yes oh my God um looking for iron you know [Laughter] we'll find out how good it really is wait what how are you here what are you doing what are you doing I have a shovel wait am I gonna die from this should I die die die die die come on what are you serious yeah yes yes what [Music] [Applause] we'll bring some boxes burning I'm running I'm running no no dream yes that yes yes come on George you gotta hit him off you gotta hit him off I'm trying what are you doing getting mad yes I broke the water yes my dreams yes my dream you're so bad yes wait what George he survived no way what don't you idiot hold again what no I gotta hit him yes oh my God come on dreams right behind him go George yes he's on the trees he's on the trees he's so dead yes are you joking yes yes there's three eyes in the portal too I took a risk when I brewed the potion yeah what no please please no he's going to escape come on what is he doing right yeah wait who's dead what why isn't he dead [Music] oh yes oh my gosh you have 18 seconds 18 seconds come on get in get in no one yes oh my God go go gotcha come on [Music] I don't see him oh my God he's right behind us he's so dead what's he doing keep rocking something up he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead wait what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we're invisible which one is he who is this he's chasing you there you go he's right here God get him nice here pick it up shoot him shoot him kill him he's gone he's dead how did he survive oh my God where is he he's so done I just want to see him die come on oh he's on the edge oh my god get him what what are you doing oh my God what how what what did he do he's going down he's going down he's going down what stay with him what he's dead he's done what what oh he jumps I almost just jumping on it I'm all the way back I've got it wait what no no kill it kill him oh my God oh my God [Music] there's no helping it you will die [Music] what what what what George no oh [Music] my God yes I'm so close no I don't what is this George how what happened oh no I'm here how many boosts does this guy have dude those axes do so much I'm gonna kill him I'm gonna kill him I'm right behind him I'm right behind him Aunt are you here okay answer me stay with me how did he kill you both you had two people on him oh my God he's right here wait I am oh [Music] oh my God oh my God no yes are you kidding me hey do not waddle away dream get back here oh my God the truck is down keep him away punch him away don't let him get to it oh no no [Music] [Music] what what please [Music] that was so much fun wait for us wait for us going together going together George hurry up thank you oh you were getting the muffin what the heck where are we now you have nowhere to run you have nowhere to run what what you have nowhere to run you have nowhere to run no you have nowhere to run how did you get up here oh my God leave me alone nowhere how are we like getting out of here it's going back stop and stop him oh my God [Music] oh my God [Music] stay on him use the shield and we're just gonna get close easy if I turn the place blocks he's gonna hit me just be careful no we don't need a big box we can we can just use this Shield he can't hit us we don't need place blocks anymore we don't even build safely we can just get really close I'm getting yourself back oh my God where are you we're so far away where are you oh what are you doing I'm sorry oh I see him Sam now are you almost on him get him get him yes I'm going I'm going for him he's powering he's going back up I know let's get ready everybody [Applause] watch George I'm getting some dirt okay just keep an eye on these things what [Music] hello above you know oh my God what guys he's trying anymore he's doing more he's doing more watch out careful everybody wait did you get my stuff more TNT no oh can I speak no oh get him oh my God oh my God what did he do it flew off in a boat wait did he do this stupid boat thing again and I'm here where are you hurt everyone I can't get out he's teaching us wrong no no no no oh my God oh my God yes [Music] this is gonna lose guess what we have a chance keep your eyes are you AFK no I'm here I'm just smelting he's right here oh my God I'm dying what what just happened oh he's going on [Music] [Applause] me again losing my voice but I don't care I don't have a shield I'm getting what is he down here remember believed me exactly I don't have any food I'm here guys I got some good hits on him I got some good hits oh he's going back he's going back again he's all the way down what are you doing son of you're gonna die you're gonna die you're gonna die yeah wait where did he go is he all the way what happened what's happening guys you'll go through don't go through oh my gosh oh my God wait what happened he's got a trap he's turning across like into the void come on dream oh he jumped come on George I only get knocked in the lava um I'm towering I'm gonna go I'm gonna go above him so he can't go he's drinking he's drinking oh my gosh oh my gosh you're fighting under the lava I'm hitting me sitting there with you [Applause] oh my God what just happened oh my God he's right here he's right here go come on break it wait what what is even happening doing this watch out for the blaze what is he doing what's happening how is he doing this he's just floating on Sky wait it's gone oh my gosh wait how is he getting down he's right there he's right there he's supposed to DT back up back up back up what back up oh my God oh my God what happened let's go let's go [Music] oh look at that hey hey hey literally you can't kill what what guys guys what what City my dream wait what oh my gosh get him can I have this are you serious yes whatever ever go through the same time come on yeah George hurry up let's all get together your eyes peeled all right where is he where is he where is he yeah I might need down there's a cave where is it it's this way there's TNT here what what no no no oh my God why is there DND oh my God oh my God go on what what's happening what what wait what what what what is this what's happening [Music] [Applause] [Music] what just happened dream dream s come on wait he died [Music] come on I don't think he's gonna make it that's too far oh my gosh oh my God I almost died oh my God that was actually terrifying oh my God oh put some there wait wait what is it wait dreams oh my God wait what he's able to kill us from there he's up there still up there he's not destroying anything though can we kill these Enderman oh my god let's go he's flying away awesome you drop your ball I have arrows go [Music] about oh let's let's go it refills your hunger yeah he must have let's go [Laughter] anywhere okay okay guys [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my gosh oh my God that would have been very annoying sapnap oh my gosh [Music] there's another Fortress test there's a fortress here yeah come on oh my God [Music] I'm going up he's in the library you have spiders [Applause] oh you're gonna break the Little Pond strike me hey strike come on yes yes what what did he trade oh my gosh I'm behind you what here wait just take my bucket he's taking on food [Music] every time every time you get this massive Advantage he gets him I want to chase them in somewhere something dumb and then he gets resources that somehow meets us we need to go in now come on let's go let's go let's go let's go okay okay [Music] he's below me he's eating oh my goodness come on wait what what flew across you're our best player get him get him the trees on top of the trees [Music] I'll stop him I'll stop him let's keep going come on but you actually might make it I think you're gonna make it you're gonna make it you're going to get to the races to the radio now you need to go now go down [Music] [Music] watch out and watch out watch out watch out where are you I'm down here at the bottom oh my God [Music] Roblox [Music] he's still alive he didn't die I mean I mean I don't know I have blocks but we can't go through that let's go do it or something hit some blocks get some blocks [Music] yes oh my God for their head than you should be I like how am I too far ahead what do you mean well well you've beaten 500 before so I think I should help these guys out server make him float wait float that makes a lot of sense yes wait wait make me float wait wait what I don't even have a water bucket Mr Beast I'm just dead I'm just dead you'll figure it out good luck for horses uh I'm gonna I'm getting up high wait there's a horse all the way over here there's no way he's wait kill that other horse next to you stand up I have two minutes and a half left and yeah he might be able to find a horse and get to it there's none over here he is so high up right now I don't think I don't think he could make it over this spot no he's done he's done he's still going up how high up is he he's gonna reach the sky limit no way I'm gonna live I think [Music] wait what wait he's running down George don't move stop moving I'm dead looking at you and trying to get to you I think I think it might not be able to get you can't see it oh my God yes oh my God again [Music] [Music] oh my God wait what wait what knock him off knock him off you might die he's just going away he's done he's dead what is he doing what I swear to God oh my God
Channel: Nelmat
Views: 1,563,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft manhunt, Dream, speedrunner vs hunter, Dream best moment, minecraft
Id: ZyQpCyDoCqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 56sec (2036 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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