Dream Accused Me of Murder.. (Among Us)

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i know i know another among us video you could say you could say i'm addicted but i think you guys are too the support in the previous videos for among us have been absolutely crazy so if we can smash 100 000 likes that'd be awesome go and spend the time right now leave a like good thanks this one's a special one i was invited by scott to an among us lobby that has dream tubbo filzer wilbur scott shovel and a few others and this was a great lobby we had a lot of fun and um dream calls me out and tries to figure out whether i'm the murderer or not we'll see if he gets it right guys i hope you enjoyed this video if you hit that subscribe button before you watch should we greatly appreciate it because most of you that watch these videos aren't subscribed and excited um enjoy excited i'm so excited butts oh god this is not a good start bro this is not a good start at all oh no i'm stuck why is sparkles there what is going to be found oh no so i saw the body right as it was about to right as the report came in uh it was in nav i think cara was the last person i saw running from there actually yeah but you also didn't walk up towards canteen you walked down towards nav no i walked up to navigation no no [Laughter] everyone do the fastest vote in history just fan the button why you like this that's quick okay i will skip for now but i am very suspicious i just wanted to tell you why i called the meeting it was because will tried to fake bottom engine before doing top engine oh wait no no let me explain that's a misunderstanding i wanted to see how quickly david would react so i stopped and watched him because i wanted to see if he was going to hit if he was the one who hit it and he was going to run back oh my god i'll note guys that wilbur voted very very late after everyone said it was a joke why why are you like this to me i'm gonna concentrate on this one guys it's my chance [Music] i'm gonna let them kill one because i don't wanna i don't wanna do it i'm just happy that i killed scott to be honest with you oh i need to get some alibi let's go get an alibi that could be our alibi i've got an alibi i don't know what dream is doing they saw me go in there with him i was going to do it this round is so long he needs to kill someone wilbur what are you doing for this what is top right of cafeteria i think it's kara not me wait so cara you just went in the cafeteria from the left side so did um dan oh wait dan you found the body i went into med bay because i saw cara come out to check body and then there was none there where was the body top right cafeteria yeah it's all bright top right no way the time frame in my mind you literally like had just entered cafeteria like two seconds before so you got to talk right and found the body and cara just went in there like there's no car would have missed that body yeah there was no body there unless it was way at the top there's no way because i went straight to weapons i think it's damp if she didn't see the body and she assuming she didn't do the kill which i don't think car is the imposter then it has to be damn because kara walked by and didn't see a body i didn't unless dan's trying to frame kara which could be the no i didn't accuse kara i didn't see her i saw her go into med bay and then i followed in to see if there was a body in there wasn't a body and by that time i was going into cafeteria i couldn't see where she was like top right i can't remember which task it is top right the time frame doesn't make sense to me i'm going down like he just walked in the cafeteria there's no one he got to that fast he just got in the cabin unless we know for sure it's dan i'm going to skip forward i'm telling you okay be very wary of them it wasn't even it wasn't even me and he's accusing me it wasn't even me okay i need to not be suss i kind of need to follow dream there's dream but if dream dies then it's superstars of me what is happening toss to going up i want some time to some more time to talk this through because you explain what i'm talking about so i was on cams and i was i was watching and kara goes into med bay and then uh dan goes in a little bit after her and then she goes out and she walks into cafeteria and she goes across dan follows and i'm telling you the body was called within two seconds of him entering cafeteria there's no way you said it was top right cafeteria cara walk by sorry unless it's kara which i'm pretty sure it's not cara she's not everything i know she must have missed it i just timed it myself and walking from the entrance it takes like seven to eight seconds to get the top right from that area there's no way it was that long i'm telling you like the body there's no way the body would stop right unless he's just misremembering where the body was but so by the task by the task i don't know if we're misunderstanding where top right is but the body was right by the task right by the panel i can't remember which task it is it'll be wires the one that's closest to the door whichever one is closest to the opening that goes through to weapons and then we can vote i watch stream do this little timing thing i'm pretty certain dream is head on dead on with this because he was watching cameras as well so i think yeah i missed my voice oh god i didn't hit skip then i was about to hit skip so he just got me i should have hit skip that was my bad i missed out on the thing and then i could have made it a tie oh i messed up so bad dude but he thinks that that kill was me that kill was not me was not me right i need to go and follow wilbur i can't believe he thinks he timed it at everything i don't believe that there's no way i did not want to impost the first round i need to be i need to not leave my votes until the last minute a terrible idea i may have been imposter but i didn't do that kill and if i'd have skipped vote it would have been tied and then i could have oh that was my bad completely my bad he's gonna try and do a stack kill and mess it up i don't know if he can get away with this the task is almost done he needs hard alibis and kills someone else dream's brain is large i don't know how much he's played this game i still feel like oh he's done it oh he's done it yes bro hmm i can't sabotage anything right now oh no oh that looks sus no that looks really sus i'm gonna hit reactor so that everyone goes away from the body hopefully that doesn't mess them up because now everyone's really far away from the body i don't know how many people are left is it it's so funny how dream's big brain worked oh wait wait last time dream dream listen to me listen to me i did not kill that body really that was not me that was me i did that i didn't do that body i was trying i was like no how it's us again bro what i need to wait until these guys are done it's not pressed the wrong button i need a alibi no oh first down double you should have ran up top with me electrical i literally got there as someone vented but i didn't see who i am this would make for great comedy okay are you ready okay good content so first of all wilbur isn't dead so wilbur must be the imposter so please vote him off it's amazing content he has to be i don't think i wanted to cry if you guys kill me based on a meme then i'm not muting i'm just going to talk to you while you do it film the next meeting not okay i will haunt you scott i really want to kill a dream because he kind of knows i keep forgetting my god oh it it's taboo it's tubbo or phil cause david dave i thought it was dave because the way you stood back when you shut the door on me but then he left and tubber and phil both shut the door me immediately as i go to storage dreams no dream was so sure it was well and that was dead i've had people it's scott it is scotty i've been with everyone let's get started just because two you vote doesn't mean the rest well who's voting and my brain hurts guys i will just say i will just say dan is silent when she does normally when he's at you i'm trying to listen my ears are being bombarded with noise oh yeah a group of four and a group of three would mean dan's the only one not involved who are people voting for i'm confused it's probably dan i think i'm gonna david [Laughter] scott just got me at the end scott needs to go i think no taboo oh i could have framed will but then but i don't think i'm going to man everyone knows everyone's next to each other ah wait who just went down there i haven't had a safe chance to kill anyone yet what is all we're doing hello hello hi i thought phil had died because he didn't come to react well he was saying i can actually confirm him i'm gonna die too so phil went down to o2 for some reason it didn't come with us from the reactor and shelby's confirmed them i just i said waiting for phil to finish this oh okay okay i think we just skip and finish because we're almost done oh god i don't think we're gonna win this one everyone's together and i don't know what to do i don't think we're gonna be able to do this i don't know what to do oh i almost pressed it with some cap no that definitely wasn't me i came down from i came from the left-hand side i must have missed it so the reason i'm saying that is literally the rest of us were all together we could throw out that and then see how many tasks we've got left and just do it i think he's down why are you laughing i think tendencies tonight but like it's fine oh this is hard i need to frame wilbur oh i think we need to get a double kill here he's definitely killed it right and he's getting alibi [Music] he didn't kill her bro okay i'm not going to say who but my fellow imposter right why why have i been doing this on my own i was with wilbur and dan at o2 and the door closed behind her in front of me and i feel like the only reason he didn't kill me was because dan was there so scotty tubbo it is me you're right okay definitely wilbur listen we let you live for a lot longer than you should have had a lovely time playing with you guys you know what i've it's made it all worth it i don't think i can win this [Laughter] med bay yeah he's gonna you should have he's no way okay phil okay the only issue was you killed the person that had been confirmed so listen listen kara why did you you moved at the perfect time the perfect time i'm so mad on purpose chopped my head off okay i'm gonna get car on my side she's she's good well shovel's not coming over ah done yes why are you running away from the corpse i was running towards reactor i was behind phil are were running away from reactor i was running towards i was just there why would i run away me and phil were like already super close to it yeah damn was with me the whole time uh not the whole time though but yeah we killed someone and then ran away right outside of um reactor that is a bold point because we were all on our way to reactors that was a ball exactly i was with just training when i was walking into why did you turn around huh i turned around because i saw dreams stood in the in the hallway like waiting and i was like i said out loud this is a double kill waiting to happen dream why were you not pressing your hand on the thing when i went up there i was i was i was the one who made it nominal though i don't think we know it's enough but if you guys lots of dan be careful as well keep an eye out i'm very sure hey cara who killed you i'm about to dream about the ball trouble oh okay outrageous i'm going to avoid dan i'm sorry if i die i don't know how i got away with that one bro i didn't know he was there i was going to vent afterwards beams on to me bro dreams to see me go in here with him i can't really do anything i can't kill i can't kill him why o2 trying this question to our van no phil your heart wouldn't fit in the vehicle where was the body uh phil trying to sneak away but he's too thick he keeps attracting the guard the uh david's also herself could have self-reported those two bodies if it wasn't right we're gonna learn i did self-report both of them you've all been fooled he's done it on purpose bro okay so i was calling this meeting to be on the safe side what i cannot tell you dreams definitely was phil's of minecraft but yeah because they died yeah we would have died it also wasn't dreaming because that he was on med vein and i went to doing it and i i i have because of the fact that i i believe that it was phil then i i don't think it was david and if it wasn't david then then it makes sense that would be dan because dan was on the first round so i'm voting dan you saw me do the uh the droppers i went back for my second dropper task i david why are you walking i did not know you were there i snuck up on both of them i can't believe we couldn't get away with that i didn't the one reason that we didn't get away with that is because i only thought that shovel was following me she was the only one that i crossed so what must have happened is david came up from the bottom of cafeteria and then cut me off i i was gonna kill them go into the vent and then no one would have known and i almost got away with it as well oh so unfortunate that was close getting better was going okay that wasn't too bad canvas sofa fork rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,333,670
Rating: 4.9673748 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, among us
Id: ra3urFPkgfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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