Drawing the WORST Rainbow Friends! | Draw The Criminal

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the rainbow friends are criminals and the only way to catch them is by drawing them very very badly let's get them [Music] hello everybody i'm kindly keen and today we're capturing the rainbow friends with the power of art and lining them up against the wall let's see who our first criminal is he's dizzy who's a dizzy character from rainbow friends i would say green is pretty dizzy because he's he's blind and he's disoriented we're going with that let's try to draw green so as we all know green is basically just a noodle he's one of those floppy noodle things that car dealerships put in front of their store you know you know what i'm talking about so we need to give him noodly arms but do we start with his head i guess so okay there's his head he looks a lot like a human not at all actually and then i need to bring up his his noodle arms there's his noodle hands oh gosh what have i created oh no okay so i need to give him big long noodly arms and then there there's his hands he kind of has normal looking hands and we just follow the noodly arm back there you go noodle arm number one nailed it he kind of his legs kind of like bow out but we can't draw that far down so we'll just draw a noodle arm number two and we'll really get noodly he's oh my goodness look at this comes back around kind of like he's got his hand in his pocket that's what green the noodle bandit does he's beautiful i just need to color him in so basically what we're gonna figure out today is what would green look like if he was trying to look like a human he's basically pretending to be one of us to like blend in but we all know he's truly out there to i don't know eat people is that what the rainbow friends do do they eat people is that their whole thing is that their schtick we're the rainbow friends we eat people i mean what do they eat if they don't eat people if you have noodle arms like this how many elbows do you think you have i would say that green has like seven elbows in each arm it's disgusting but also kind of awesome beautiful now he needs a face i mean his face is basically just a big old mouth with like sharp teeth in it right he also well he has like a big tongue he's like he's like a lizard we'll attempt to give him some sharp teeth oh gosh we'll attempt to give him some sharp teeth that's pretty good i like that and then he has dizzy eyes so we just need like it's pretty good it's not like he's a complicated character design but but i'm kind of happy with it that indicates dizzy he was wearing a brown hat well you know what green was trying a new style i don't think brown is a character in the rainbow but if he was i think we all know what he would be okay let's see who matches green here he looks dizzy but he's wearing a red hat no go next you're not dizzy you're not wearing a hat you're dizzy but not wearing a hat you are dizzy and wearing a brown hat and i might mention if he's trying to disguise himself as a human but is still green underneath this human suit that he's wearing i suspect that he wouldn't wear green that would be too obvious too easy let's double check here but i think that might be our green rainbow friend it is it's you get him look see there's even like green oohs coming out see it's like it's like part of his i don't know his noodle arms are coming out of the mouth we saw it you think you got us full look at that oh it's creepy it's like a finger i'm on to you green she was wearing an orange skirt huh orange you say orange you glad i didn't say banana no but you know where i'm going with this orange is tricky because he's a dinosaur but that's who this is the person that we find in this lineup is actually orange dressed as a human now i just need to draw orange oh gosh step one face i mean he's got a lizard face so i'm gonna do a side like a profile shot of orange this is basically his mouth in case you were wondering which just goes directly to his neck and then we need funny little like dino arms and he's got like three prongs there he's like reaching out he's like please help me i'm so hungry i love orange he's little and he's hungry pretty much just like me i even replied to fragment games when they posted this thread which rainbow friend is your favorite orange orange he's short he hungry he me what can i say i like orange okay now we'll draw down here and we need obviously a tail so there's his little tail and then we need feet how do you differentiate his feet from his his arms i don't really know this is the best i can do he looks like he has four arms now what have i created oh my gosh it's hideous let's color him in and then we'll get his eyes and like his teeth and stuff oh it's so bad there i've drawn an orange dinosaur kind of but he needs those big old dumb eyes so obviously they're very large and they just kind of pop out of the top of his head that seems pretty good and then he's got kind of like like lizard eyes right like that there you go that's not bad it's getting some character going here i like it just need teeth now i don't have white so i'm doing his teeth in gray which is not ideal it kind of makes him look like he has braces or dentures he looks kind of sad like what happened to my sharp good teeth he looks like he had no teeth but either way that's my orange and he's my favorite he has blonde hair how about a blonde mullet i mean that's pretty sick business in the front party in the back let's go orange with a mullet only on this channel are you gonna get that kind of high quality content you're welcome what were the actual things though okay no i remember so we're looking for an orange skirt this is who orange is dressed as aha hello you don't have blonde hair though so you're out get out of my face you you know i could see her having a mouth full of sharp teeth she's actually a lizard we found orange arrest that rainbow friend for eating people it's not cool stop eating people all right no we're on to you rainbow friends you're not fooling us anymore next case red hair huh what about a red face and a lab coat and just really really big weird eyes you guys know where i'm going with this let's see if we can draw red who is really the villain in rainbow friends like the leader at least that's our assumption no one really knows that's the one who's leading us and kind of like guiding us and tricking us so basically red is still pretty human looking but they have a very very large redhead and yes this is the best circle i could draw it kind of looks like a potato i would say red's most defining feature though is just the giant creepy eyeballs that they have or it's a meatball maybe red's head is actually made of made of ground beef loaded up with some marinara sauce sounds pretty good but then also red is wearing a white suit now unfortunately we can't draw in white so i'm gonna do my best to draw red in a black suit because red is fancy like that you know a real dapper individual i don't know if it's a white suit or it's like a lab coat i guess it could be like a lab coat something that a scientist or a doctor would wear maybe red is i don't know i don't know no one really knows i'd love to hear your theories on like what you think is up with red is that even red i mean i don't think in the actual rainbow friends game they say like hey i'm red we just assume they're red because they are literally red maybe i'll give red some some gray pants and then they're wearing like a red button-up shirt underneath the suit i'm not sure how i'm gonna draw that i guess i'll just do something like that and then maybe bring it down just to make it look a little bit more like there's red in there i don't know they're also wearing a black tie that looks pretty fancy and he has black gloves on so his hands are black too it's creepy all right that's the best i can do i tried to use the eraser to like draw in some white lines i think that's pretty good and then of course the most important aspect of red just these massive beetle-like eyes they're so creepy and his eyes kind of like shoot off to the side don't they like that or maybe more like a like a frog i don't even know man red is just a a unique creature it's bad but i'm pretty happy with it all right so technically this is the thief's red hair and then they have freckles we're gonna give red freckles which is kind of cute and they also had a tie on definitely onto something with this guy okay let's find red it's not you it could be you no you don't have freckles you don't have red hair we need red hair yes freckles yes tie no wait that's not red hair that's brown hair you you're the scientist known as red i think so you have a tie i like how he's trying to hide the tie by wearing the same color tie as his shirt i'm on to you red i'm on to you yeah it's definitely him arrest that red guy he's a bad dude trying to get us eaten by rainbow friends i will take my money and the world is going to be a slightly safer place as long as you don't go to the rainbow friends like production studio the stylish sinner willingly did prison work broke into restricted areas was kind of wizards i feel like breaking into restricted areas is gonna keep you in jail sorry pal this is your new life you need to not try and break out purple good old purple now we talked about this in that morph video that i did but i really really like the idea of purple literally being a great with hands and eyes purple doesn't have a body his body is the vent the ultimate imposter imagine how easy venting would be if you were the vent we need to get purple into among us i think that's what i've determined but we also need to catch purple so how do we do this i don't know i think we start with the eyes i think that's step number one these are really big eyes does purple have this big of eyes i don't know i'm not using a reference for this one okay step two i think well no actually i think step two is draw his hands no because the hands are gonna be in front of the the vent so actually we're just gonna draw the vent draw those lines there you go very nice and then he's just creepy purple hands coming out of the vent and they're very like alien-esque i kind of i feel like i can do a better job with that maybe like very skinny arm right and then like super long skinny uh fingers and i don't have enough room to actually make them any longer than that but i would if i could of course we're using some creative liberty here the robber was wearing purple and by that the game obviously means the robber had creepy purple hands coming out of a vent nailed it she had her hair tied what color hair does purple have purple hair in a ponytail there you go that's purple's ponytail all right wearing purple has their hair tied up what does that mean i don't feel like i mean maybe you're wearing purple oh you're wearing purple but you have like pigtails i don't know if that counts that's probably the best one and i love that like she's wearing glasses i feel like purple would wear glasses if they were trying to impersonate a human wearing purple hair tied up that is the only one that i can i can picture i think it's you am i right we found purple you thought you were so sneaky oh no i'm on to you rainbow friends it's time to catch our final rainbow friend criminal and there's only one left so through process of elimination i'm gonna assume that this is blue he was out in the rain that's kind of weird but sure was wearing a coat i guess technically you could say blue's entire body it's a coat a blue coat let's see if we can get the shape right i also oh i need to leave room for his crown he's got like big nubby arms there you go kind of looks like he's been working out he got big old arms it's an interesting rendition of blue but i'll take it cause it's mine i feel like if blue was actually a gorilla wearing a blue suit this is what he would look like blue is as strong as a gorilla that's what i'm learning from all of this she wore purple you think you're gonna throw me off by wearing purple blue i'm on to you let's give him his crown it's just a three point crown there you go king of the rainbow friends i do really like blue's design all the rainbow friends have really great designs they're very simple which makes it possible for me to actually draw them badly i'll admit but at least i can draw them let's give him his eyes and you know blue has the classic button eye so one of his eyes is actually one of these just a little cross there you go and then his other eye actually is an eyeball now does his other eye work i don't know his button eye i would like to think that it does work and then his mouth and another distinct part of blue of course is that he's drooling he's a bit of a drooly boy there's his drool this literally looks like my son drew this in fact my son could probably draw this better than me but then blue's trying to throw us off by wearing purple so we'll put purple pants on him okay and then we'll catch blue if he was disguising himself as a human what were the things we gotta look for someone who's wet wearing a coat and wearing purple it's you it's you so shady i love that the coat's blue though you couldn't escape it could ya that's the one get them get out of here blue you're guilty and we saved the world
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 778,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, rainbow friends, rainbow, rainbow friends blue, mobile, funny, new, new mobile, mobile game, android, ios, new game, funny game, draw the criminal, crime game, draw game, criminal game, line up draw the criminal
Id: v-bpDxqe-P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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