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Hey guys Dan here Welcome back to another video where today we're gonna try and take on the world and become the greatest artist to ever live. We've got good competition check that out. It's a moose. How are people drawing so well. This is a game called, let's draw it. It's like an online Pictionary game where everyone's giving a word and then they have to draw it and everyone else has to guess it simple But I tried this out just now and these people on here are Incredibly good at drawing. I haven't had a go at drawing yet. But my goodness we need to try this out This looks this looks upse- BLEAH. This is exceptional So I am the name #blah that that's me already have 144 points. Just saying I'm in third place I haven't got to draw yet, but that is a camel. Yes Get in there got it straight away that was going to be a phenomenal drawer and look at the head beautiful Let's rate this drawing a smiley face. I'm second the guy in first has 1525 points That's crazy. How long have you been playing? I've literally played like four rounds. Come on. Let's see what you got here, buddy So I'm only in the animal room right now. We can change it. That's the Sun wait the sun's not an animal Hedgehog. Hey heeeeeedge hog No Did I spell it wrong? It was a lion. Of course. It was man. They just overtook me as well I want to draw I want to draw please. Let me draw I need points But yeah, I'm just in the animal room right now because it had the most people and I think there's others as well Did I just miss the button to draw? Did I just miss it? Annoying. Okay. Let's get our fingers cracked ready to go. I need them warmed up so I can type as fast as possible What is this? What is this? What is this? Is it got fur? That's not a camel again. Is it? It's not a camel. It's a frog It is a frog it is a frog. Yes. That person has the shakiest hand I have ever seen I want to draw this time. I'm looking out for the button. I want to draw come on. He's still going It's still guessing Oh in first place, I would like to draw. Yes. Okay, what is milk juice bit gross? Oh, this is hard. I'm going parakeet. Let's give it a go. Let's see what happens are parakeets Green and yellow, I think they are But I'm Going to go for a black outline first and let's do this. Here we go. Oh my goodness. That's massive. Undo that help. There we go Look at it a little bit horrible right now, isn't it? We've got a beak as well There we go It looks like a pigeon. It actually looks like a pigeon someone's guess pigeon. It's gonna be like that Like this and then we're gonna give it a body feet Beautiful. We need to pick a color though yellow. We need to color it in like different colors. Maybe green first I only got 24 seconds. That's yellow. I didn't want yellow. I want it green. Come on. Come on guys Guess this you have to guess this I need the points Come on What is wrong with his face oh no I haven't quite grasped the concept of um of coloring in no one's guessed it come on There was no winner I got no points. Someone guessed a scarlet macaw That was a little bit more difficult to guess than parakeet But I tried my best what a beautiful drawing it was. HA HA HA. I am still winning though. So I'm doing okay That was a difficult one. I've got terrible words, like milk juice. no one was gonna guess that who's up next? Why do their drawings look so much smoother than the mine? That's a rabbit? It's not a rabbit That is a fox UHHHHH What d-o Is he's spelling it out? Donkey. Donkey. Yes It doesn't count if you just spell it out. That's bad. I want to draw. Yes. Okay, this is better This is where I get my points. I'm drawing a turtle it's going to be green It's gonna have four stubby legs and a real stubby head then I might try and find another website Because this one's getting lame. All right, here we go. let's gooooooo Big body. There we go The tongues coming out they means I'm concentrating. Mmm. Someone gets the circle. That's not quite an animal Here's my turtle people will guess this now 100% guys guys OI, you need to guess this it's a turtle. Someone's someone's guessed. It want to finish your drawing I'm gonna do this this this yes, do I get points if someone guesses it? I think I do someone gave me a smiley face. Yeah, I made it. This is a snake It's not a snake It's what is that? Why are people guessing it's an animal a wasp? Yes, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Maybe I'm not the best drawer in the game, but you're boy is definitely a good guesser Look at that face though. Do wasps have legs that long Wow See the coloring in is definitely really difficult. He's still drawing. Are you done? Can we can we move on please? Hello, platypus kitten hammerhead shark. Let's do hammerhead shark. That's got to be a difficult one I'm gonna I'm gonna fake them out a little bit I'm gonna draw the body first and then I'm gonna draw the head. Here we go. We need a gray Let's go. This is gonna be fantastic. So we needs Fins and then the big shark fin. There we go So people are gonna start guessing shark Or dolphin and then we're gonna hit them with a hammer. Look he's guessed shark already now, we hit him with the hammerheads. Oh That's great This is basically out of documentary. Are you kidding me? Hammershark, that's wrong. Come on. Come on You've got to get this you've got to get this. He's a kowai little shock. It's a shark hammerhead shark. Come on.Guess. What the flip someone says hammerhead, come on add shark to the end Come on, don't make me add a smiley face I'm adding a smiley face. Come on guys. Don't let me down here hammer shark Come on, no one's guessed it he guessed it three times with the wrong amount of words. I can't believe it. I'm findin another game to play. Okay, obviously won that one that one was too easy, so I went to Scribble.IO we love an IO game. We also love somewhere Where we can have a mono brow and a mustache at exactly the same time and be pink I am pink Guy or girl, who knows? Let's play. Whoa. Whoa. Okay that that's too that's too quick. What is this? So this is not just animals Bald, this is bald. It can literally be any word ever which is kind of cool. I've already got 80 points amazing So this can be any word in the world. It could be really really tricky Definitely harder, is that a gun it's gun, police? Who knows? heh,shoot Targets people have guessed already trigger bullets Pistol yes, this game is fun. I used to play these games when I was supposed to be learning in school so much fun Look at the sad man. He's got a blue body and a giant head Di di di di dit I got 245 points for that. Okay. We're actually doing well here as well. I found my true calling I'm here to draw and guess words on the Internet. Come on now. Nice. Good eye. Is that it just an eye What is that? the sushi No, so something's gone. Very wrong here. Is it a yo-yo? Definitely yo-yo. What is this? Someone's get. No. I thought someone guessed it. Um Fishing fishing rod Someone's voted to kick them food water food What is happening fish there can they be two words? Someone's guest did the person who came in guessed it. What's what is it? Something e seaweed seaweed Oh, Someone else has put that okay, it's not that no You can't be guessing in the word like this C + C + cheese sea cheese (THAT IS THE BEST ANSWER EVER) Can't be seaweed. I've already typed seaweeds Seafood. AHH I can't believe it. I can't believe I got that wrong. Someone got so many points for that You wait till' I draw you're gonna be guessing it straight away. Someone's someone's laughing at me saying seacheese lol Anime no Dragon Ball Z No, this a good drawer. Maybe I'm not the world's best online Drawer. Oh, my goodness is great Yugi Oh, Pokemon I don't know any more animes Death Note is someone just trying to show off their drawing and the word is like Pigeon or something. There's only four letters frozen That's not faller. Oh, come on, let it go Anna. No Elsa. That's an insane drawing. Look at the arms, though That's amazing, it's so good. That's the best drawing we've seen so far it's amazing So if I remember how these work you can give Guesses to the people guessing so you can give them the amount of letters and the more letters you reveal The more people guess it but the less points you get I think that was great fat Overweith, I can't even spell BELLY It's not belly sumo No, I need to stop guessing oh it's a really long word as well. What is this What could that possibly be? It's not a sumo wrestler Then what is it Hulk? I guessed overweight. Oh, no, I'm actually upset by that I can't believe it. I guess overweight spelt it wrong I was like, no can't be it I could have got so many points so many, you know, I could be using the magic pen maybe in the future Maybe maybe I'll do it again. But with the magic pen, what do we have here huh? we have a whole lot of black and A tiny bit of blue and a smidgen more yellow. That's a beach K definitely not a beach people are voting to kick you if people are going to kick you that's to two out of three bike No, definitely not bike by-cy-cle! What is that? Do I kick? Do I kick him happy pop-tart what's going on? Oh, yeah I forgot it shows the letters H-A han, hand Handlebar No handicap Were you trying were you trying to draw a wheelchair? That's awful. Mama is choosing a word. Come on mama. I want to draw I haven't had a choice I've haven't had the chance to draw on this site. Yeah, this is a two worder Er, this is a a dead tree ooh something fire Ooh forest fire Someone's guessed the word What? Oh, man. What is it see? Ah It's something fire c-o See a cold fire it can't be a cold fire. I don't know the word for it run out of time I can hear I can hear the ticks. I can hear the ticks. I can hear the ticks Coral reef HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAH it wasn't It wasn't a fire at all. OOOOOH What is this word it's got like a hyphen in it. Someone's just someone's just typing it out, um picks Picksar. Oh Moana No, Moan-a?LOLOL Wait, it's a Pixar film something a-l Oh Get out of town Wall-e. Did I guess it first don't know how I didn't fantastic. Hey, that's a good start to a drawing Hey Oh wait, I've lost already. I don't even get a chance to draw Amazing. Okay. Well, we've got here a skate board Not a skateboard roller skaaaaaate Oh, I keep forgetting that. It's got the top thing. It's got an N in it space space n oh It's got a capital letter. Oh wait, this is not this is not a stroller. It's always someone in like, what is it? It's like a toboggan or something Minotaur you definitely don't know What a Minotaur is. This is a Minotaur Definitely doesn't look like that. There's only four people I should get a chance to draw after this treasure Treasure map that's not one word. Definitely looks like a treasure map campfire -campfire?- I'm not I'm not counting. How many letters this is? Oh, it's a fireplace Christmas It's not Christmas Stocking what is it? Oh, it was fireplace Gimme dem points, please. I don't know what that thing is above it. It's supposed to be like a TV or a chimney or Just a painting. Who knows? I think that's pretty good. I don't know how more people haven't got it I got myself 285 points. Can I draw now please? NOPE. Ocean, I can't even spell it properly. It's not the ocean, boat Beach sand Brazil someone guessed Brazil. That's great. It does look like an ocean beach wut lolz Sunset no Sun Sweden someone guest Sunrise, how is this how isn't that not any kind of sunset or sunrise? It looks good, but it's obviously not the thing I think it is. Oh, I forgot to look at the top Sun No Sun Rise Sun Sun Sun it's definitely Sun something with our eye This is hurting me. This is hurting me Excuse me did I not type? Sunrise right here. I typed sunrise and you didn't give me a point and you didn't let me draw this puzzles only just joined and they're painting I got the points right away easy with the signature the bottom. That's amazing. I was quick with that one. I better get to draw next Their signing it and everything that's great four hundred and fifty points. Come on Why can't I draw oh You got kicked savage I'm actually getting kind of salty now I really want to draw this is supposed to be a quest to become the world's best drawer and it just isn't working. I Like the face, he's holding up a poster protest. Oh Sales man Presentation what that say cook active activ BLEAH Someone's guessed it poo has joined gruff Yes, guys. I just realized I'm in first place. I'm in first place and I haven't drawn yet I can be the world's greatest guesser, but not the world's greatest Drawer. That's a good drawing though. I like that Okay, I'm now second. Come on what you got for us? gywfguitwhefu qe ww sribble, this is a work of art. Is that a stick man pandas gone? He's out Someone guessed it someone guessed it How it hasn't L as the second letter poo has left. This is bad bad news How did someone guess this Oh climb? Yes Okay that was easy GOTEEM, I am still in first place hanger hut or penny. This is my time This is my time. Give me that brown let's Do a circle. Oh no, wait, they're not gonna get this are they because This is like a UK penny. Um Let me try and change it. They have to get that someone's gonna say coin but it's a penny. It's a penny It's a penny Oh No I've done bad. I'm trying to think as Is that a cent? I don't know. I can't think of what a penny looks like. That's bad. Isn't it? I know what a penny looks like in the UK What does it like in the US or wherever these guys are from? Oh, I know Penny, come on gets penny. Hello It's just one. It's just one of them POO left again? WHY DO I GET PENNY? Ready gets - oh, thank goodness. Thank goodness. We have someone with a brain. That's hard About 40 points, he's overtaking me because he guessed my word Yeah, TJ Oh Oh indeed right reddit is going to get points and beat me - this is penny again penny cookie Brown Pig It's not a pig. What is that? That's something with the huge nose Wario. It looks exactly like Wario. Oh That's actually a great drawing. Are they copying? They might actually be copying that's Pumba her from Lion King. Look at that. That's amazing. Okay I don't know what happened to the rest of him But the beginning looked great because the left look at the left I am winning. I have won and I am out of here because there's some people joining with some very very questionable names and I Don't want to blur most of this video. So guys. I hope you enjoyed this I just wanted to go back and I was going to go back in time and play Stuff that I used to play when I was younger. It was pretty fun If you do go to any of these websites, please be warned people use weird usernames and draw weird stuff. So please be careful I've edited it out so you didn't have to see it. But I hope you enjoy it Anyway, if you do, please leave a like that we greatly appreciate that. We are so close to 20 million subscribers So if you could subscribe, that would be greatly appreciated We upload new stuff every single day and I will see you all in the next one Goodbye THANK YOU ZANE TIME FOR DOING THE CAPTIONS PLEASE GO SUBSCIBE TO HIM THAT WOULD BE AMAZING!
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 6,376,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dantdm drawing, skribbl.io, pictionary, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, funny game
Id: bnc-T6I5iUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2018
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