Drama Time - This Made Preach Rage

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[Music] hold on bowlers and a brofist to you all and we're sat here in this bright sunshiny day after an extraordinary nine hours of chilling and streaming and doing all those wonderful things with that 9.1 ptr that live world of warcraft all characters now have their base gear so we could start diving into some fun with those guys their first steps into m plus and reliving and redreaming all those specs as well as smashing some challenging modes in isaac and of course you probably heard the news by now i will be sitting down on tuesday with mr ian has acostas the lead game director of world of warcraft and looking at the simple announcement i made on twitter and the over 800 suggestions of questions asked the community has a lot of queries don't they the community has a lot they would like answers to they would like to have discussed i have only one hour i could tell you now i have only one hour to try and muddle my way through as much as possible while having a good conversation obviously throwing in my own suggestions and questions as well i will be doing all that what's up with that horror maze begins we're gonna have a precursor horror may start next week a lovely post on our website with some of the games we're gonna be checking out over horror may including return we are gonna be checking out resident evil village all this stuff is to come in the next little while needless to say we are busy busy bees and it's very cool including tonight's where another large scale video will be going out nice lengthy one with lots of editing from mr chris to keep your interest for a good little while it's all going on it's all going on ask him if it's a mr ryan fan and yes for those who are our stream audience mr rhyme has arrived from japan there he is the dancing shoes have arrived well i fear that pokemon snap will have to wait for a month waden is here walden is here yes debating into ordering a mr rhyme no jinx shall step foot into this house there shall be no jinx in and around my presence that is not going to happen it is friday it is drama time let us get underway because last week you might recall we had a drama story where judgment was requested our gavels were at the ready yet there seemed to be a lack of information didn't there there seems it didn't seem to make sense we had a raid leader who wanted to know whether he was responsible for killing his guild yet nothing in his story could really clarify that i felt at the end of the story that judgment could not be delivered because it just didn't seem right that an entire guild or in fact officers on their own would turn and betray their glorious raid leader simply because of a night where his mic was muted that was the reason we were given thankfully his fellow raiders have responded ladies and gentlemen his fellow raiders have responded with their context as to this situation uh so we can maybe deliver a verdict today we have had the side of the raid leader himself our keyboard is not behaving nicely which is annoying let me move it a bit closer response all right okay [Music] now the names that bex has provided me for our tale here that requires none other than the swiftest of twitch chats uh has no names okay no names all right fair enough no names are involved here we go a note from methuselah who does go through our drama time stories for us so i can go in blind we had a total of three responses to the story from last week my rl killed my guild this one comes from one of the offices in the story during the tale he was assigned the name huber i've also included a short response from a raider at the guild as well so three members of this guild heard that story and got in contact with us hmm preacher i love your content i was an officer in the guild that is no doubt the one in the spotlight of your most recent topic my raid leader killed my guild in this story i was definitely the person who was known as hoover hopefully i can give what somewhat third-party perspective on the unraveling of that story as a preface i am friends with the raid leader mr tumnus and have blocked the gm on all platforms however i am trying to portray everything below as unbiased as possible okay all right so hooba i believe if i remember correctly maybe bex can clarify this uber and mr tumnus was the were the pair the officers who the guild master declared as the usurpers these were the ones that moved on and moved into their newer roles and left that guild behind and led to with like the linchpins of its destruction so let's see what they have to say preacher you were correct in your suspicions that the guild master was not to be absolved of blame our suspicions were true ladies and gentlemen what he wrote was ultimately accurate but the reason half of us chose to leave was his anger childish behavior and attitude and unwillingness to listen to the other officers it's easy to paint yourself in a good light when you were the storyteller and that's why our suspicions were raised that's why the hair on the back of our neck stood up my friend although unquestionably he was accurate in calling himself a dick oh he could take that checkbox that part was true but the recounting of the story barely involves me at all you see mr tumnus so mr tumnus it was the raid leader right mr thomas was the person who was supposed to be in charge of planning the strategies uh etc for the bosses and was the person when they got to the boss who said i don't know yeah i don't know what's going on here you guys anybody got suggestions that was what was part of the story mr tumnus was in charge of leading the raid he was in charge of coming up with strategies and what we all needed to do in order to succeed which is what happened up until the blood council however this is what was missing throughout our progression the guild master was consistently flaming people on the spot with some members reaching out and addressing they had a problem with how he dealt with cock-ups we told him an officer he needed to calm it down his solution was not that he muted himself because he didn't feel good it was to mute his mic to stop his rage when he was asked to do things or not act in an aggressive or certain way his answer to this was almost always i will just mute myself because that seems to be what solves all the problems oh my god e4 can you just stop [ __ ] raging at everybody please i'll just mute myself then is that what makes you happy as opposed to just you know changing his behavior a bit his response was that he can't change who he is inside i can't change who i am inside it was incredibly toxic childish and unproductive for everybody i didn't like this this wasn't the way to handle things as a leader of a guild i talked to private messages with him to address what happened here i will come back to that later what he said about the raid though is true some of the members came to him and were concerned about pace and wanted to leave the guild what people didn't see was what went on in officer chat and voice chat he and chubbula wanted to push even harder enforce hard harsher rules on the raid to get us further quicker this was fueled by the people wanting to leave because we weren't killing bosses right okay so you've got a situation where your guild has slowed down and being able to kill bosses and your suggestion then is that we should just push harder right this is just like dry anal this is incredibly rough the vibe of the raid died and so did everyone's willingness to participate and work hard for progression motivation to even turn up to the raid became very low including mr tumnus's preparedness we were in a complete downward spirals okay so nobody's denying then that the raid leader did stop preparing strategies and things okay so that does suck for sure i need to give you context on our raid rules oh my [ __ ] god is this a [Laughter] manifesto there's a raiding manifesto guys are you prepared are you prepared for the raiding manifesto you can judge the rules for yourself all right here we go participation in raiding mandatory add-ons mandatory the usual stuff the money to fuel the guild bank repairs and consumables etc was made by donations but also a 50-50 split on any boes that dropped in the raid okay everyone was in agreeance pretty fair considering free cumulable consumables and repairs okay then someone got a 213 drop they already had a 213 item but the one that dropped was biss stats and they asked they decided to keep it rage ensued in officer chat unfair need to spread loot out etcetera etcetera oh okay all right i thought the guild was going to sell it instead of letting someone have it but that's not what happened this boe drops and the guy says it dropped for me it's mine the gm wanted to make a rule that anything you can trade if it's an upgrade for someone else must be traded essentially bring in master looter i had a big problem with this and so did many others ultimately the rule didn't go through but we were encouraged we encouraged raiders to look out for your fellow teammates more rules were starting to take over the raid we accused ourselves of becoming too hardcore which sparked a whole other argument and small things started to tear us apart look okay look obviously you know my feelings on master loot but building a stronger team is not hardcore okay it's not building an overall stronger team is not hardcore and i have i personally do have if there's somebody running around i don't know when this was if somebody's running around in like an item level 200 belt and this guy's like well this one has a bit more crit or whatever so i'm keeping it i'm not happy about that i'm not happy about that i'm just going to put it out there i am not happy with that that's that's not my jam that's not my jam for reference in bald fat and ugly the boes were all given to the guild bank and stored alongside i have to be i have to be open about how amazingly awesome laws in particular and crusher were with boes is they would have alts on every server and just be buying the guild boes they spent many millions of gold doing this uh and they kept every boe until we hit a hard boss and then the whole raid got their pick of boys i can't think of a better system than that our guild bank had full of boes and it's like oh we're at the hard boss now who needs what uh and they just passed it out that's how our guild did it and it was really good so the whole guild just got massive upgrades like that uh and also i mean we were kind of spoiled i was definitely spoiled we had a spreadsheet where you could write down which boes you wanted and they would go and buy them for you with guild bank gold but we were we boosted we did we were boost guild so we had a lot of we had a lot of gold so they would then just go and buy all your boys you literally gave them a list of the bees you wanted and they would just go and buy them for you oh yeah it was pretty good and then they were like you just get all your buoys in the mail it was pretty good okay we started using the term being too hardcore but i think what we were trying to get across was don't put in too many rules however four of us ended up raiding with this new hardcore raiding guild before we decided to leave the the reason the guild would become full of toxic elitist [ __ ] so after leaving a guild because of too many rules and disagreements only to land in another filled with toxicity and elitism it finally clicked for the rest of us regardless of how far we get or what achievement we unlock in the game we're having fun with friends we then joined a 2 out of 10 mythic guild because we when we trialled they were straight up just nice people a pleasure to be around we are still there now mr tumnus ultimately has taken a break from mmos after the original guild disbanded so i tell you what really killed that guild i cannot speak for the majority of the members or how they felt but for a small group of us who are still playing together we were just sick of the gm's attitude the four of us who were friends agreed we wanted to leave before all that drama really started hitting the fan in conclusion did mr tumnus the raid leader really kill that guild the mismanagement of the later bosses that caused for a horrible raid experience is a damning argument perhaps for some it was but i'd argue for the majority it was the culmination of a lot of what led to those raid days we can all agree it didn't help right when your raid leader stops researching the bosses and that's his job that definitely doesn't help right for sure if you're already like pretty pissed off with raiding and now you're getting to bosses and no one knows what the [ __ ] happening yeah that's not going to help right if the gm legitimately doesn't know why people do not like him let me make it clear it's because you're a dick well there you go and if he has any retorts or anything i've said above in his words i hard don't care my heart don't care thanks for reading huber and we also had especially from a raider in that guild hi mike i was a member of a uh and a core raid member of the guild in your april 17th drama time segment as you identified the author has not given the entire story though i am sure with how up his own rc is you are not well liked my dude well i'm sure with how up his own rc is he thinks that he has disclosed everything that needs to be disclosed i was not an officer nor somebody that had too much invested in the guild in the first place i was just happy to be raiding this entire thing reads like a [ __ ] narcissist talking about how it's the fault of the people they abused but they were they abused for being abused i'd like to add some little context the author is correct he is a dick on that that seems to be pretty much check-marked anybody who tries the excuse of i am just honest is just trying to avoid accountability for the shitty ways they treat other people he's arrogant never at fault in his own opinion and a just total dick i witnessed on multiple occasions him pop off in rage directed at the raid leader the officers and individual members of the guild he would do this in a way he believed to be sly by not mentioning names oh well somebody around here is not doing enough healing somebody around here isn't doing enough raid leading right i don't know who but somebody around here is doing that just saying people in this raid some people aren't doing enough damage some people aren't doing tanking well enough not mentioning names well providing as much identifying information as possible who was complaining about so they had the benefit of the doubt should anybody call him on it everyone who was to pick up other slack except him if somebody missed a mechanic i i placed upheaval in the wrong place your average person would move a foot to avoid dying he would refuse to do this and let the raid wiped because that person got it wrong [ __ ] kill me now kill me now when people do that honestly you [ __ ] suck you suck so [ __ ] bad you suck so bad for doing that i have to tell you this story lich king 10 man heroic right pretty hard boss if you're a 10 man guild which we were at the time we were we only raided on a saturday afternoon yet we were one of the highest rated guilds on the server really tremendously good players anyway we had to bring in a friend because somebody was missing because it was a 10 man guild that had 10 people so we brought in a friend to come in from one of the top guilds in the world all right so should have been good anyway i'm tanking right and i get defile on me which means that if i move from where i was i would have wiped the raid considering where i was there was one of this person was a rep paladin who was right in front of me so i instead of panicking a cue cool as a cucumber because i was expecting this to happen like i teach you guys this could happen what am i going to do i already had plans so i just keyed up hey can you move a bit because i can't really move with this defile because i had one of the ads or something i was like i can't really move i'm going to just drop it here and move over there and it was it was the only solution to this problem should it happen he didn't move wiped the raid the defile spread all over the platform and killed everybody so afterwards i'm going why didn't you move like i asked you i gave you like at least five seconds of notice which is forever in this kind of raid it's like why don't you move you went oh we don't move uh the person with defile moves like yeah but i told you i couldn't do that and you just needed to move like four yards and you would have been you know we wouldn't have whites or anything like that he's like yeah but the person with defile moves and i was like right but you understand i couldn't do that there right because that would have like a weed everybody and killed everybody at that timing so we can't do that it's like yeah it sucks i was like so why didn't you move it's like because the person with the file moves and i'm just like oh god i swear to god if i had a sword i could reach across the [ __ ] planet i swear to god oh it killed me it killed my [ __ ] soul everybody else was laughing though because they all got it right and that but like it just did not click did not [ __ ] click anyway i remember that to this day it annoyed me so much uh he's overall an absence absentee guild leader his officers were engaged in the community and friends with the ray team he would show up for the raids be an honest dick in his words in the discord or guild chat and then log off officer meetings were described to me as being fights rather than meetings the officers engaged with the community would bring complaints to the officer council jesus christ and everything would get shut down the phrase why would we bother asking the guild from the guild master came up more than once according to several officers when discussing what was best for everyone why would we ask the people it affects [Music] caesar does not ask the people caesar does not bestow upon him why would we bother asking the guild okay it's called guild leader uh in your story who's named count chubbula was his real life close friend and handled everything related to what was described as hr meaning nobody felt comfortable bringing complaints to the guild leader about him that's a bad plan yeah your rl friend is in charge of complaints many members of the guild still play together whether or not they went to the new guild nobody plays with the author because as he says he's a dick he proudly posted this video in the discord where he knew that people on the other side would see it and i'm 100 positive that he took the lack of verdict against him as some kind of you posted this drama time in the guild discord are you going to post this one i really want to know you're you gotta post this one i was wondering why we got so many replies to the original drama story he [ __ ] posted it in the kill discord oh my god i'm sure he took the lack of guilty verdict against him with some kind of confirmation that he never did anything wrong he did and i am sure many other people in that discord will be providing updates as well they did happy to answer any more questions i don't think we need any more questions swing it guilty guilty as [ __ ] decision is rendered guilty dude you [ __ ] up in that guild man you [ __ ] up those guys like those guys do not like you now that's a unified front i'm afraid oh my god that is one unified front of people the sunshine though invading drama time as always i'm gonna have this glistening majestic god-like face thank you very much all right jean luca let's get jean luca in here how are we doing jean luca oh my keyboard is like dying or something it sucks and i'm blind now oh wow this is just a whole field of issues jean luca and couch mafia thank you very much for your support ladies and gentlemen whether it's on the website or on the old patreon thank you very very much a pleasure to do this okay this one is called i'm a little worried about this don't get you try and keep your try and keep your balls together all right the case we have a case of the sexy tank slot marks tanks hmm we have a case first live drama welcome everybody who comes to drama time always great to see you okay we have a case they have a case of the sexy tank [ __ ] i'm in a drama i don't think so isaac justice preach and the wise wise jury you're so guilty if you're putting up the jury you're so guilty the burning crusade is becoming classic and it has revived a very old argument maybe you and the jury can settle this argument for me my best friend in late vanilla was the main tank of our guild his name was jean luca deluca was a dedicated tank he never missed a raid and i remember him volunteering to run gildi's through dungeons constantly a true tank bro it's fair to say i had an enormous crush on john luca he never spoke he growled his words he had a voice like a mustang engine with my headset turned up to 11 i could feel the vibration of his deep georgia accent in my legs oh john luca oh god damn god damn literally vibrating the legs with his voice boo yeah yeah luke is going to turn out to be like 11. some [ __ ] isn't he i used to stay up chatting with him late into the night farming consumables and you know what chatting was easy because jean luca was smart he was a senior at ucla uh university of columbia in los angeles university college of los angeles something like that majoring in math and dinosaurs ah yes ah yes have you ever majored i don't think it was called dinosaurs right they don't call it that once you get to uh college i don't think university of california los angeles yeah i don't think they call it dinosaurs anymore he spoke fluent greek and knew how to fly a helicopter he knew everything about politics and wars and stuff in the news and stuff in the news i'm taking it you didn't say you didn't he knows everything about politics and wars and stuff in the news and he had real opinions he was always reading books telling me about authors i had never heard of before like terry pratchett what you don't know who terry pratchett is come on now like you found out after this though right i mean luca put you on to this guilty yeah you've just annoyed a lot of people you just annoyed a lot of people mostly i just wanted to listen to him speak [ __ ] i want to hear john lucas speak jesus christ oh my god this is what it actually says after this let's give this a control v mostly i just wanted to listen to him speak um [Music] and jean luca seemed to like me back he called me ploppy is this the actual name from the story bex or is this what john luca referred to them as is ploppy the affectionate name or have you put this name in this is the actual affection name this is the pet name ploppy he called her ploppy okay all right i know it sounds weird out of context but i love that name this guy could call you beach whale you'd be like oh yeah i am your beach whale gianluca poppy just the way he says beach whale though in that growly voice i [ __ ] love it i remember i imagined he looked like my dream man a lumberjack body blue eyes craggy face and thick chestnut hair a lot of lumberjacks doing dinosaurs and playing world of warcraft a lot of them but my favorite thing is the magic i am not i'm not adding to this this is word for word gianluca was an award-winning magician no he's an actual magician shut up the lumberjack magician studying dinosaurs what an all-rounder i tell you what sometimes you could be overly successful crazy he was an award-winning magician and honestly there's nothing sexier than a really good magic trick there is though like there really is there really there totally is so i like jean lucas jean luca liked me there was one problem though couch oh [ __ ] who's couch couch mafia was a fairly average mage oh god the the changing tone as you typed this is unbelievable from that description of john luca to couch mafia was a fairly average mage he was also a graduate physiotherapist and my rl fiance wow this is you describing your fiance it took you 10 words to describe your fiance and three paragraphs involving an um with john luca the magician the dinosaur magician oh [ __ ] this is about to get heavy as [ __ ] oh no couch mafia and i were living together in habadu habidu where's habedu behind his uncle's house in dc i googled and i still have no idea what the [ __ ] a habitu is apart from slang for happy birthday so maybe maybe they live in a birthday cake oh this is from bex oh bex had the same question as me all right this is a message from bex i tried to find out what a [ __ ] i think it's a location right a habitu is a granny flat is this a like a an american thing i've never heard of habitu so uh beck's found out that habitu is a slang is slang for happy birthday so perhaps they live in a birthday cake i don't think so i've never heard that time yeah i've never heard that one it must be a a local a local thing i rolled my dwarf priest which is still in my account on an ancient mac in order to play with couch mafia when he was spending all his time all right this is in quotations so i already i feel so bad for you couch mafia right now she played on a mac while couch matthew would spend all his time in quotations raiding with his in quotations again guild instead of with me couch mafia upgraded an old pc just so i could play properly what a nice guy he got me into his raid team what a nice guy which i thought was amazing but in retrospect they just needed healers cold [ __ ] poor couch mafia man [ __ ] poor couch i feel really bad for couch mafia right now couch mafia did not like jean luca really the guy you spend all night up night with farming herbs it wasn't about me lots of the guild avoided john luca outside of raid times john lucas said that nobody liked him because they were jealous of his gear yeah i hate it when my tanks are well geared what a bastard that is not going to play with him anymore tell you what as soon as i see a well geared tank you know what i think to myself never playing with that guy absolutely not it must be the gear it must imagine playing with a well geared tank what a [ __ ] nightmare that would be ugh worst day of my life i figured they probably hated magicians that's more likely honestly it's more likely i started juggling oh this sentence is horrific oh my [ __ ] god bex why have you given me this i feel sick i started juggling both couch mafia and john luca for several months as our wedding day approached jesus [ __ ] christ i switched to herbalism and alchemy so i could take care of potion farming just for john luca while he studied couch mafia said that that was a weird thing to do oh you told him why you were doing it oh my god yeah i'm gonna re-roll my profession to stay up all night farming for jean luca what [Laughter] is this oh that's what he started to suspect you swap professions for him is there something going on he asked me if there is something he should know i told the truth couch mafia and i were just buddies and that i wouldn't be jealous if he made friends with a girl in the guild couch mafia pointed out that i am the only girl in the guild i said it's not my fault the burning crusade got announced and filled the guild with fresh energy i felt like a new start i felt it felt like a new start and it put me in the mood to make changes in my real life as well oh can we already get some [ __ ] hearts in the chat for couch mafia i asked john luca again to send me a picture and he finally did couch mafia saw it and i just and and i dismissed it as nothing making a big show of deleting it but secretly that photo made me drool all over my keyboard gianluca was standing waist deep in a swimming pool his body muscular tanned his face strong dependable his face was strong and dependable his hair thick and curly and i could make out his package through the water nice nice jean luca explained that he built that swimming pool himself when he was 15 digging it all by hand with a shovel over a summer why because his dad said he probably couldn't do it around this time jean luca also posted poetry on the guild forum and even on the official tank forum i read it so many times i know it mostly by heart even now i think it's genuinely really good here it is you've sent me jean lucas poep what bex what the [ __ ] have you got me into ladies and gentlemen a reading from the tank forums the poetry of jean luca the dinosaur studying poetry writing magician of california if you can keep the threat when all the raiders are blowing cooldowns on random trash if you can stay alive through healer failures and dps whose pcs crash if you can pull a pack together and hold them during aoe with extra aggro on whichever targets chosen by mali if you can raid the million hours scheduled weekly by your guild when you'd rather go and pick some flowers but stay until the boss is killed if you can farm the best defensive potions foods and other stuff without complaining it's expensive or giving up a single buff if you could take the pants you looted and trade them to a week off tank and grass him when he gets recruited and never claim his dkp if you can die when almost winning because raiders ate a tile swipe a tail swipe and resin clear the trash from the beginning and never [ __ ] and moan about the wipe if you can pull an entire room of casters using line of sight and stay alive while your healer zoom with whipper roots and seal of light if you can progress the 300th minute as cool as when the raid began yours is the game and everything that's in it and better still you'll be a tank my man no man like sploosh sploosh oh my god damn it i need to you better get married to jean luca by the end of this i also luca turns out to be a fish living in a bowl i admit i fostered little dreams of leaving couch mafia and flying to los angeles to meet jean luca i even dropped jean luca a few hints but he always changed the subject he said he wouldn't be able to meet me because when he wasn't playing wow or studying he was training to join the marines a magician in the marines imagine directly after graduation that would be unfair right if the marines had magicians and [ __ ] like [ __ ] merlin flying through they had approached him oh he said the marines had approached him become one of the fast-moving specialists who does nighttime extraction missions honestly it turned me on even more did you really buy this [ __ ] did you i can't this guy does so much stuff i can't even remember it all and i'm trying i'm actually trying magician paleontologist mathematician marine pool builder lumberjack poe poetry i mean uh yeah poet laureate it all blew up of course as you no doubt expected it all blew up in the night couch mafi oh my god it all blew up on the night couch mafia got up at 2am wondering where i was and found me still chatting with gianluca unfortunately couch mafia overheard me saying i was looking forward to walking through the dark portal with him more than i was looking forward to walking down the aisle that's some cold [ __ ] man that is [ __ ] cold as ice dude oh [ __ ] hell my soul is on fire right now couch mafia and i had one of the biggest domestics of our entire relationship we both said things we regretted i said he should mind his own business he said i was turning into the guild [ __ ] i said john luca was a better man than him in every way he said jean lucas full of [ __ ] i said i have a photo he called me a [ __ ] and that photo was of some 70s movie star please tell me it was like tom selleck or something and you didn't know who it was i said john luca would break his arm just for saying that he tried to get my head set i ripped the cables out so hard of the panel with the sockets broke off the motherboard couch mafia spent the rest of the night on his uncle's couch i locked the door and failed to fix my broken pc and i called my mother and sobbed the entire story down the phone ending with couch mafia is so mean and rude and i just want my life to be with john luca my mother listened patiently oh god is this gonna be the mother hammer i think the mother's about to deliver the guilty verdict because mums don't play that [ __ ] mom listen patiently and then she gave me both barrels oh [ __ ] she told me couch mafia has done nothing wrong she told me i knew nothing about john luca she demanded to know what the hell i was doing flirting with some guy on the internet while my fiance slept just a few rooms away and she reminded me that i was lucky to be engaged to a man who loved me and i should grow the hell up she was right he was totally right i apologized immediately to couch mafia in the morning and we took a long break from world of warcraft sneaking back in towards the end of burning crusade and playing on and off all the way to the shadowlands we got married as planned and have a little girl who reminds me of that kid from the story who arcane explodes through mythic plus she even loves league of legends surprise in the intervening years have brought plenty of fresh trouble young living is the devil but the topic of jean lucas still comes up occasionally couch mafia says he was a complete liar and i fell for his crap but i point to the poem which has never shown up on google anywhere else as proof that he was a clever man who really liked me and was telling the truth that's your evidence are you out of your mind are you actually insane okay the last line of this justice preach jury who is right am i guilty of stupidity i would smash this [ __ ] hammer to pieces if i didn't need it in for upcoming shows that poem is [ __ ] okay like actual [ __ ] right we didn't know we were using that as evidence yet you saw this here i would literally stuff this up my ass and swing myself into a wall what in the [ __ ] you really believe i even still have doubts in your mind to this day that out there somewhere is the pool building marine dinosaur loving mathematician [ __ ] magician you still think that guy is floating around like the wizard of pissing us flying around on his magic [ __ ] banana just treating ladies like aladdin or some [ __ ] what in the what are you thinking what are you thinking are you crazy of course not no it's just some dude with a deep vice he sat there covered in butter with waffles stuffed up his ass going oh i'm going to be i can write a poem jesus christ i can't believe there's still potentially a thought in your brain that that might be real oh my god oh that's painful oh [ __ ] me oh i'm angry i'm angry can i can you give me couch mafia's email address i need to speak to him i need a word i need a word in his shell i need a word in his shell oh my god oh okay let's all calm down it's all calm down all right you don't know it could be real dude i have met some ridiculous overachievers in my life they don't achieve that much believe i have met crazy crazy overachievers they still don't achieve that much holy crap oh yeah i dug out a swimming pool at 15. you know my dad used to build airports right and they wanted to make sure employment was hired so you know what they did they had all the locals dig the runway it takes so long to dig out ground like so long and when you're 15 you're just there i bet you pitched him as you know what's worse you pictured some [ __ ] giga chad stud right with a 25-inch dick in like booty shorts topless with sweat glistening down him with his bottle of water in the pool like ah and his [ __ ] giant shovel just digging away i'm just digging away and his muscles were all flexing he was vascular as [ __ ] and i'm ah yeah and then you know what he did he [ __ ] conjured up some magic [ __ ] soiled wheelbarrow [ __ ] and just swooshed it across as wiping his brow with his chestnut hair and all that [ __ ] nuts no you ever seen a [ __ ] builder at work they're knackered and they're sweaty and grumpy that's how it works the marines approached him yeah they knocked on his door he's like mate you that magician who built that pool we need you for night spec ops and he was like maybe once i've finished studying dinosaurs i'll give you a chance but for right now i'm in the middle of something you know what i mean because i'm raiding in world of warcraft i'll get back to you marines i'm so angry for couch mafia so i'm mad for you all right you should have waved i don't know what this is hopefully is this lighthearted because i'm i'm literally drenched in anger right now all right yes this name is really one of our supporters okay it's called ted diabetes is that supposed to be a mix of ted dibiase oh ted diabetes oh sweet god all right oh okay let's have some lighthearted to finish up oh i'm fuming greetings and salutations mike i'm that chat i'm a long time viewer first time writer this is a short story that takes place in the late og vanilla we're going back to 2000 r6 i was a human mage and my irl buddy diabetes was an elf drude we were just a couple of newbies leveling in the mid 50s in the western plaguelands all the way back then we were questing in the northern area along the path to hearth glenn and we started making our way towards that tower with the scarlet dudes off to the side i stopped and told ted to wait as i noticed the scarlet [ __ ] were dead and i wanted to know who was responsible in case it was a hoardie he immediately went into stealth kitty farm and we approached the tower inside that tower on the spiral staircase ramp and where there was there a level 60 undead rouge i didn't know anything about level 60 gear at the time but he looked like he was kitted out a true murderer right in front of us we both stopped dead in our tracks i told ted that we should wave at him to see if he was friendly to which he responded red equals dead i decided i would wave at him anyway i slash waved and to my relief the rouge slash waved back i walked up the ramp out of sight i said to my boy ted see not everything needs to be pvp he's friendly just give him a wave but he refused because the horde are the [ __ ] enemy he said we should kill his horde ass there's two of us one of him being a sensible person as i always i'm in games i said we're not going to be able to kill that guy i'm just going to put it out there right now he's 10 levels higher than us uh and he's probably got really good gear so that's not gonna happen as we were discussing this for a couple of minutes about how we were maybe maybe not going to take on this rogue respawn started to appear around us inside the base of the tower and we started killing them just as you know it that familiar crack bounded across our headphones the rogue emerged from stealth and beat the [ __ ] out of ted diabetes ass right in front of me as he was dying he screamed that dude is such a noob man attacking when we're killing mobs he is not friendly what a noob i just sat back and watched my friend as he struggled to survive against the higher level rogue the fight as you can imagine did not last long after the rogue finished having his way with ted diabetes he walked out of the tower mounted up and rode away leaving me completely alone i waited a few minutes as ted diabetes ran back to his body and rest he then shouted at me the usual thing his friends do bro bro where were you where were you why don't you help we could have had him i laughed and said i'm friends with that rogue as far as i'm concerned we have a secret waving code [ __ ] he said i said what what the [ __ ] was i going to do to the level 60 rogue he killed you in literally seconds i can't even hit him with my spells he argued so bros help bros i could only think of one reply you should have waved you should have waved like i told you to he didn't even touch me he had no beef with me if you had waved showed friendliness he probably left you alone too and been on the merry way as we were nearing the end of the discussion and preparing to continue on suddenly the crack sounded again the rogue was back and he was absolutely [ __ ] said diabetes he screamed what the [ __ ] i just sat there and watched again this time he managed to kill him even quicker after 10 diabetes his body fell to the ground this rogue turned to me i gave me a salute this time and then took off as ted was walking back to rez diabetes was now actually in full-on rage mode dude you're just gonna like do that to me twice me twice you should have waved bro you should have waved should have just given the little wave i've told this story to a few of my little friends and we still laugh about it from time to time we'll be playing the game like dead by daylight and if one of us is getting chased by the killer the other will say just throw him a wave and you definitely gotta be saved like you're reading my little story for anyone playing wow classic the birder crusade classic or retail with war mode maybe maybe if you're in danger you can throw yourself a little slash wave oh all right i think this is another yeah i've got eight minutes before i have to go to the main road and pick up my son so i got this i got this let's have one more i don't want to leave you high and dry because that's cheeky uh let's go with ooh thread the wonderful thread been with us for many years good to see you uh what's this my legendary affair oh god is this gonna get deep don't wave at me i don't want to see your waves just don't gank me okay all right we're speed running judgment required okay this says judgment is required gavel's not already preacher well waiting for the raid to start yesterday a couple of guildies and i were chilling in discord and reminiscing about our newbie time specifically our experiences raiding during the cataclysm i piped up and told them that an abri an abbreviated version of the tale i'm about to share with you and your merciful chat but after an awkward silence i decided i needed to elaborate further i had never spoken of this moment until then and it took me doing so to realize exactly how ridiculous this scenario was i know now that i am very much guilty but i request judgment for your chat who is guiltier oh god growing up i was only allowed to use the family pc for an hour a day for anything other than homework and i was definitely not allowed to play online games because of course pedophiles when i graduated high school i went to school out of state and there i was finally able to pick up the game that i had yearned to play for as long as i could wow i remember being on the character select screen for the very first time and seeing how gorgeous and stunning the blue elves blood elves were but as i broke a broke college student i was short on cash so i planned on only buying the expansions as i needed them so i could save up and therefore i couldn't make a blood elf since my high school friends were all playing horde i had to pick what i considered to be the second prettiest race so i made a female troll mage you asked what the [ __ ] i was hooked i stayed up countless nights and skipped class after class in order to explore azeroth during this time i met uthred a guy that was six years older than i at a local card shop while playing magic the gathering things progressed quickly and we ended up dating everything was amazing at first but since all my time was spent playing world of warcraft or being with uthred i ended up dropping out of school oh no no no no wrong wrong oof determined not to have to leave uthrid and move back home to face my parents i got a job as a waitress downtown and found a studio apartment eventually since uthrid didn't have a job he decided he'd move in with me rent free this was around the time that firelands had released my guild had a big decision to make at the start of this raid as many of you know there is a certain legendary staff and as a caster i wanted that thing more than anything i really couldn't care less about the power gain it would give me but i was told that it would turn you into a dragoon i knew that i had to be the one chosen to obtain this item oh god what are you gonna do for it it came down to either going to me or a shadow priest i knew that the shadow priest would get really nervous and awkward around girls so in the most pleading feminine voice i could manage i told him how much i really really wanted that stuff and how much i'd appreciate it if he let me get the first one oh my god you sold yourself for a staff [Laughter] oh man sure enough worked like a charm and i was chosen to be the first to get the staff even though i was always near the bottom of the meters and constantly dying to mechanics jesus [ __ ] men oh god guilty utward knew i played world of warcraft but i don't think he realized exactly how much i played when he moved in he was always complaining about how much time i would play and never with him i told him that he spent all day playing starcraft 2 while i was at work so when i got home from my job that paid the bills i wanted to play some video games as well he told me that starcraft 2 is different than world of warcraft world of warcraft ruins people's lives the argument came to a head when he gave me an ultimatum it was either i quit world of warcraft warcraft or he's going to leave me what the jobless stay-at-home starcraft player is going to leave you oh no i wish i had just been like okay bye but i was young and dumb and thought i was in love i begged him not to go and ended up agreeing to his terms the problem was i really did want that staff so i came up with what i thought was the perfect plan a couple of days later i informed uthred that my work schedule was changing and how i would now work split shifts on tuesdays and thursdays where i would open the restaurant have a couple of hours break in the middle and then work until the close at 11 pm are you going to be playing wow outside of the house you're paying for so he can stay at your house rent free playing starcraft you did make some goofed up decisions when you were younger right tell me it got better right tell me it improved at some point it's gotta have gotten better right it's go you can't drop out of school and this is the life you're building that's not the plan i would only work of course the opening shift on those days and for the rest of the day i would set up my laptop at a local webcam a local cafe that was open 24 hours and was commonly commonly frequented by students who were there to study i would buy an iced chai and play world of warcraft for the rest of the day then raid before packing up and heading home pretending like i just got enough of work my plan worked flawlessly for about a month before i got a text in the middle of the raid from ooh thread all it said was come home now i replied letting him know that i was still at work and i'd see him as soon as i got home i can't come home i'm at work i got an icy feeling in my stomach because i expected that i had somehow been discovered and sure enough the next message from uthrad was him informing me how he had uh how he had called my work and they told him that i wasn't there and now he knew i was lying and i needed to come home there's only half i cannot believe for a whole month your fella never dropped into the restaurant so he's like say hi right does that not seem insane to anyone else that for a month while she was supposedly working double shifts he never just dropped in to say hi that doesn't seem crazy he's busy after this game yeah after this game after this game i'll i'll go after this game do you work in a public place though isaac right it's not like dropping by an office space or something like that it's a restaurant right at least when we were working the pubs we would um emma and i would drop in the others was working just to say hi there was only half an hour left of raid so i turned off my phone and finished raiding i was not going to get behind getting the legendary staff by missing any kills just to go home and get dumped what are we going to do miss get dumped and lose the stuff that's not happening i walked into my apartment to a scene of utter chaos as uthred screamed at me relentlessly how i broken his trust now he couldn't believe i would do this to him i could barely even make out what he was saying but i realized as i was starting to cry that he kept saying things like did you have sex with him who is he tell me his name in a days i finally understood that he thought i had actually been cheating on him way worse than that way way worse i was stunned i don't know what to say i didn't know how he had come to this conclusion really you can't figure it out he finds out that for over a month you've been pretending to be at work and you can't figure out that maybe you suspect you're cheating on him and not that you're literally just staying in a cafe all day on a laptop playing world of warcraft right i didn't think he would believe me if i told him the truth and honestly i don't know if he would see me playing wow as better or worse than me cheating on him i stood there crying and apologizing he told us as an admission of guilt and he swore he would make my life a living hell oh this can only get better right this is great what happened right i tried to defend myself but he took everything i said as more and more lies he left my apartment informed me that he'd be back for the rest of his stuff while i was at work the next day when i calmed down i realized i was less upset that i thought i'd be at least now i could play while at home on the upside hey every cloud every cloud right every cloud the biggest downside of this whole scenario that he told as many people as would listen at all of the local game stores that i was a [ __ ] and it made playing magic the gathering very awkward for a couple of years especially i still see him at events i mean at least i did get my staff though what the [ __ ] is he all live what i realized that both of us made some pretty questionable decisions but i submit myself to your judgment who is guiltier you by like miles what are you kidding you you're you're [ __ ] the hannibal lecter of the story are you crazy of course it's you it's every step of the way you literally every step from sentence one it's you a whole hog regardless of the outcome thank you for reading my story and i hope you and yours have a lovely weekend we will we will can you let me know how things are now though i would really like to know are things better now i want them to be better now so badly so so badly i really do want them to be better now oh he's not innocent nobody said that the question was who's guiltier that was the question nobody's claiming he's innocent she's way guilty though like way way guiltier way way guiltier for sure 100 all the way nah okay okay okay now you're wrong exonerated gotcha yeah exactly you threat so i'm totally innocent man totally innocent okay that brings the end of drama two minutes passed i need to go pick up my son thank you for a wonderful week my guys thank you very very much guilty of being jobless thing and playing starcraft i guess good stories great great drama time as always thank you everybody for sending them in look forward to seeing more of them have a great weekend guys and i will see you soon be good bye bye where's my end it's not gonna play is it see go on you wouldn't go on
Channel: Preach Gaming
Views: 85,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Preach, wow, preachgaming, preach gaming, world of warcraft
Id: N49uyAJaQFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 30sec (3570 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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