Drama Time - How Bad Can LFR Really Be?

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[Music] hold on bowlers and the brofist to you all because you know why you know why the drama is surrounding us can you feel it in the air it's electric it's electric because blizzcon blizzcon online great sadness in my heart blizzcon online is in just a few hours and we're going to be here we're going to be sipping martinis by the shoreline as we ultimately get to revisit all the things that got leaked yesterday son of a [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] blizzard themselves causing the drama this time blizzard doing it to them damn cells revealing all the sneaky information early sad times all around but that's okay because we don't uh of course i was exposed to it i have not been well the last couple of days which sucks because being ill is a giant waste of time but that's okay because my phone went crazy and it was all the stuff including blizzard saying oops oopsies oopsies oh well what we don't have is all the cool cutscenes and all the cool cinematics i personally am looking forward to some cool diablo 4 stuff hope to get to see that i'm not a big fan of the game but god damn they like watching movies i will take some of that action and also hoping to see what they're gonna do what is blizzard going to do with all these little ips that seem to have stagnated what is going to happen with starcraft 2 heroes of the storm what is overwatch's next move i don't know i don't know but hopefully we're going to find out hopefully we're going to find out what they're going to do there as many have said well unlikely to get a new ip or a new game for those who don't know ip is uh from blizzard this time around with all the coronavirus stuff but hope remains in my heart that we see something overwatch two if we get wow two unlikely man unlikely i can't see them delving again into the mmo market unless they really have a good idea uh but i i who knows who knows what secrets lie under the hood at blizzard uh it's nice to know where we're going in world of warcraft stuff which is good happy days uh but it would still be still tantalizing blizzcon is always such an exciting time such an exciting time and i do want to extend it out there to the many thousands of you who i see when i get to go to blizzcon i am sorry it is one of my favorite if not my favorite times of the year is to go to blizzcon and meet everybody uh i do spend so three or four days just literally hugging people from around the world and not being able to do that is quite sad it is quite sad i don't really go to blizzcon for the announcements or anything like that that's all well and good but it's nice that i get to see so many of our us audience especially uh except isaac because he's you know he's a prick so there you go there you go well that's not why you're here right now we will be back on stream uh if you are live here right now these wonderful people here see them uh we will be back in a few hours we're going to start off the stream for blizzcon in about five hours from right now an hour before blizzcon starts to get all warmed up and get excited and talk about all those things it's going to be good it's going to be good um i'll be we will be with you for about three and a half ish three and a half ish to four hours because they have if you haven't seen the schedule we have the opening ceremony of course uh then they're going to have the wow what's next panel so all the stuff that's upcoming in world of warcraft and then immediately after that they're doing the wow deep dive where they're going to talk a little bit more in detail about all these things and that's where as nerds start rubbing our legs because we're going to find out about the mechanics of a lot of the new stuff that is coming please no benthic pearls please no bentik pearls stay strong we're not going back to benthic pearls right guys there's gonna be no stygian armor or whatever nonsense it's going to be uh none of that none of that none of that it is in six hours so we'll be live in five uh five hours there'll be no stingy in an army or anything like that veiled agonize i do want to talk about it now like what's the worst thing you would expect to see them revamp from the old era uh we we feel we haven't done enough with uh anime anime power so there's gonna be a much bigger focus on your anime power no please not please don't do that anyway while we're here right now let's have some drama let's have some fun let's have some giggles uh our favorite game and what is always the funniest part of world of warcraft it is of course loot and the craziness that people feel towards those purple pixels and the abuse that people suffer at the hands of people who want those shiny shiny shiny purple pixels especially if they have a big item level number oh my god a giant iso level number wow so big look at that i can now finally get into a mythic plus lies lies lies oh also if you did miss our conversation about raider io that we had after our video the other day is up on the pg stream highlights you know if someone can link that uh so if you missed that sort of big conversation with many thousands of people uh then you can check it out there it's about an hour and a half long so it's a much longer discussion than we can have in a video now i do need a guild name here for my live audience i do need a guild name if you could uh if you could offer up a wonderful guild name maybe something that is appropriate to our current situation here that would be great the leakers i like that actually the leakers that is a wonderful name thank you for going straight in with the boomers appreciate that always well wonderful people to take any opportunity to try and harass me thank you look man i'm getting my hair back not just don't look at the back don't look at the back look at the front the front that's growing in just ignore this bit all right look at this bit that's growing in look ignore that ignore that bit as long as you look at me face on it's fine as long as you look at me face on it's fine that will be so good there all right let's go hello preacher and that wonderful chat oh you're being buttered up already ladies and gents i come to you from team usa team usa i come to you with a humble story of standing up for what is right for fighting back against depression and beating down those bullies and those slaves to epgp and dkp systems there is no [ __ ] in the world still using a dkp system like there's no way there is no way someone is still using a dkp system in 2021 there is no [ __ ] way man this is a story of a guild that was run by the worst kind of person this type of person who thinks he could take his presence that's in inverted commons within world of warcraft and turn it into harm of the real world but let me get you to him shortly i take you to the beginning of my time i started world of warcraft in mists of pandaria and i currently play through the shadowlands with my close-knit group of irl friends i am by no means sweaty [Laughter] but i enjoy clearing concert with friends over some beers look i i i resent this okay i resent the players good players and players who play a lot of sweaty okay not all some for sure but i i resent this we all live in different cities and it's nice for us to stay in touch because we are very close just not geographically usually if one person is online we all are online when classic came back out we wanted to see what we could do as far as leveling and clearing content the old-fashioned way oh god it's classic people are so serious and classic why why are you so seriously classic why we had me a druid a warrior named hawk of course one of the most knowledgeable classic people i know what does that mean what does that mean and a mage dog owes gear and my brother we are extremely lenient and don't flame anyone ever even if people are bad in dungeons from time to time we soldier on as a team and get it done it's just not in us all worth our time to get upset about trivial things all right we're all good-natured honest individuals the best people you could find we do what we know best and clear content at a nice slow and steady pace we're having a great time as we move through dungeons and some open world pvp god this sounds like the intro to one of them guilds you know no drama we're here to have fun everybody whoo it's all gonna be good as we near level 60 we start to think it's probably time we should probably look for a raiding guild and work on the gear to farm sets and get ready it's the obvious next step in our reading cap is to get up to that level so we start to scan general and trade chat imagine starting classic and not already having a guild we begin scanning general and trade chat to see who is currently recruiting and if there were open spots for raiding my brother doggos had a lot of time on his hands during this moment so he was fairly geared compared to us my wife and i just had a little baby so my time was limited to get on at night which was fine i would find time to play when i was able and the other two had a little bit less responsibility so they were more free to play my brother finds as a guild that was recruiting and had been clearing content now this is in quotations consistently of all the words to be in quotations consistently is not one of them enter the leakers the leakers welcome us with open arms because they need a healer me playing good druid i'm more dps to fill out the roles my brother doggos whispers me and says these guys look alright let's go for it this seems like a good chance for us all all right then we're in i checked that discord out of curiosity full of messages jokes guildies flexing gear they are receiving from dungeons and raids all right seems like a decent place to start and so we introduce ourselves we start getting into more dungeon groups to farm more gear and get decent pieces so we can move up to the raid this is where the gm comes in offbeat fox i had an issue and call me a dick but i really thought everything i needed to know about this guy from his discord picture oh our beatbox is here in the chat with us hello feet fox i'm about to describe you are you ready the first thing i could tell from offbeat fox's image and discord was he was just over five feet tall i could see a door behind him for scale oh my god what a magnificent neckbeard it was so bushy and thick now i'm not judging him just something i noticed when i looked at his discord picture he's a fury warrior that would spec protection for our rates i thought to myself nice he looks like a real [ __ ] nerd and he's our gm raid leader this is going to be good wow this guy definitely has no real life score this is what we needed yeah i can tell from the picture yes oh this is gonna we're on a winner winner guys oh oh lucky offbeat fox we might have a solid group here to make moves on actual progress let's fast forward a little bit then we get enough gear to be considered to join the raid group hawk doggos and eyes sit in team speaking and in-game as well as being in the guild discord we do this so we could talk to each other still and then just mutant discord as it didn't really matter what we had to say ah don't do this please i beg of you this is a big red flag for guilds like even if you think it's innocent please don't do this one of you is gonna [ __ ] up one of you is gonna [ __ ] up and answer some question in the discord and not in your team speak and everyone's gonna know that you have a different comms going on right it's just a bad idea please don't do this it's the first step to calamity don't do this i know it's innocent i know i know just please don't do this we enter discord to 40 people talking over each other and what i would imagine a slaughterhouse would sound like in the background it was chaos only briefly everyone tamed themselves as the raid began to start we are moving to zul'gurub and this is new to me i'm a healer so it doesn't really matter no matter where we are we make health bars go up we do fine and start clearing the trash another healer officer just said to follow him and just heal the tank i thank him for his words of wisdom we started to pull bigger packs and people start chit-chatting a lot more who to attack what mechanic to do and out of nowhere we all hear big heels of fox big heels of the fox there was only one mob on fox not a boss we heal him and he calms down i was really confused was this guy having a stroke but he did this on every pull he would scream big heels fox needs big heels though big heels on me over and over i may or may not stop healing him because he was actually getting on my tits with his shouting but either way i don't really want one of the tanks to die so you know we'll push on we get the kill and some purples drop on the bus and people are enamored and gets and some dps get abyss piece at the time he proclaims that he is the king and has the most epgp and used his points i wasn't aware of what the hell epgp was but my little group filled me in easy enough to understand clear content with guildies earn some points use it to buy some loot however long you're in the dungeon you get more points this was a big part of the system a time to point ratio we clear the raid and needless to say my group got no items because we have no epgp makes sense sure the next night we group together and start farming dungeons putting in tons of points to make sure we're at least contributing towards some epgp goals we start to climb the list looks nice we can feel it coming where we can choose to buy an item success in the meantime all right i don't have this in the list so whether it was missed whatever but i did not expect this plot twist in the meantime big fox gm recruits a lady oh a lady hunter called zombie oh my god and wait till she sees that beard and that five-foot chad now she's chilling in discord all the time with fox because she's new to the raid scene well that's cool it's cool you have to start somewhere he upgrades her rank to priority immediately he boosts her ebgp so she can get started in understanding the system [Laughter] one of the ways he does this is to spend three plus hours in each dungeon with her so they earn more points and they were doing it all day their epgp points were exploding past everybody else's but nobody was saying anything because he's a gm the next raid comes and we're doing zulgrub again it's clear gear you know gotta make that bank needless to say zombie had now earned so many points from epgp that she was claiming nearly everything that dropped that she could wear i'm not jealous of this girl i want to be clear on that but it really annoyed everybody in the group she was constantly talking over everyone and the gm fox just laughed at everything she [ __ ] said at one point she she said i'm using misdirect and he started pissing himself that is hilarious but that wasn't the case she was worse than the typical classic hunter oh because he hasn't got mr x i get the joke she was the worst the typical classic hunter her pet pulled she would multi-shot random packs it caused multiple wipes but was never told to leave this grace would never be given to any other player but oh well she's new to raiding she's a girl let's be nice after multiple wipes we do eventually though reach the big boy himself as himself her car the hunter is supposed to kite the sun and wait to bring it to the platform this was not gonna happen we wipe again people are starting to get pissy zg is a farm raid pretty clear and we've wiped so many times under their breath though whispers are starting to fly the pink is lighting up we can't upset the balance of power we thought as fox had an extremely short fuse he would kick people for virtually nothing and then laugh about it within the officer ranks not only was he padding his epgps but he's kind of a dick when it comes to being a gm so after almost an hour of wiping and gear fixes we kill her car and wouldn't you note it the hunter gets even more loot offbeat fox has also picked up some healing gear for himself because he said he wanted to be able to heal himself and he was testing out some new tactics as he described it all of the healing team could have used the gear but he said it's mine and i have the most points at this point i have the most points so what are you gonna do at this point i lost motivation to even come to the [ __ ] raid what is this it wasn't worth getting worked up in the limited amount of time i even had to play world of warcraft especially if i was no longer getting gear so i pugged the next week and got more gear than i'd done in the entire guild our little group also decided they probably weren't going to the raids any further with mr fox box stole loot flamed everyone except zombie why would we bother so a week or so goes by and i see a note in discord sad news ladies and gentlemen zombie has been fired from her job says she's been harassed by the owner no jokes not funny within seconds within seconds all caps all bold big fox comes in [ __ ] this bar let's ruin it let's ruin it with internet justice now mind you covey had started to happen as small businesses were going down pretty fast he decided he would use his time to orchestrate a virtual attack on google reviews to lower the bar's rating he said he wanted to [ __ ] this place up everyone in the guild who writes a one star review of this bar will get 250 epgb points which is an equivalent of two and a half hours of content clearing also if you don't do it he's going to note you down on the list yeah not laughing now i on the [ __ ] list think about it the white knight himself clad in his golden pearly armor was the first to make a review 25 or so bad reviews started to go in and the bar's score plummeted you bastards i mean team speak with doggos and hawk and i am dumbfounded these slaves to the looting system allowed something like this to happen attacking a real life company for loot especially classic loot although it has to be said classic loot is really nice you dick you [ __ ] dick i work for a small business i know what harm a bad review can have so naturally i take it to the discord wtf is wrong with you guys how are you going to attack this business and you don't even know what happened in the first place how immature and disgusting are you to try and ruin this person's business but loot points everyone here needs to grow up and learn to be better human beings this is disgusting that you would do this all of you should be ashamed of yourselves round of applause round of applause it was something of that nature shockingly i was instantly abandoning gkix my comment was deleted from discord lol doggos and hawk was still in there dying laughing i didn't care that it happened but i messaged fox i was on ignore immediately i messaged the knowledgeable healing officer who had told me to follow him once and heal tanks he said sorry can't do anything now you shouldn't have said anything that goes against fox what is wrong with you guys what is wrong with you guys don't go against the gm of a wow guild are you crazy are you crazy offbeat fox unaware of my little group being in there started talking [ __ ] and saying how bad i was and i got kicked and i wasn't even healing enough tbh i laughed because these messages were obviously being relayed back to me in real time by my bros that night i watched the reviews pile in on this guy's business and i had to do something more where can i find the ulterior soul this is so sad oh my god what to do though where can i find a bigger pile of degenerates than a wow classic guild i decided to seek help in the classic wow subreddit huge brain honestly huge brain oh you oh you started some [ __ ] now you started some [ __ ] now oh god he started some [ __ ] i explained there what happened obviously not giving out anyone's information even though those [ __ ] deserved it i only put the restaurant's name on the post and the glorious community took over their reviews piled in i was obviously flamed for being a white knight by some people on reddit but the response was genius five star reviews floof like the [ __ ] phoenix from the sun the negative one star reviews and the owners started responding to some of those negative reviews it turned out that our girl zombie and her boyfriend both worked at the bar and they were both just dog [ __ ] multiple reviews prior to the attack stated that the the biggest problem people had with the bar were her specifically and that her service was trash she had been let go because she was just bad not because she was sexually harassed or anything like that this was picked up from the reviews and shared into the discord and she didn't say a word she said it was all a lie and of course she wasn't bad at her job as this was happening more and more positive reviews reigned from the reddit gods along with support saying things like sorry you're being attacked here's a five star review heard there are some video game points at stake here's a five star review here's a five star review can i have magister's blade okay those are reddit reviews a day passes 24 hours later ready has blown up with support and the odd you're just here for backpacks you [ __ ] obviously not disclosing anyone's name the reviewers did some digging of their own zombie was found the reddit sleuths had made the connection the post was removed shortly after as the reviews continued to come in on the negative side from the guild the owner combated their views with i'll be getting my lawyer involved in whatever the hell this is can you imagine a small business owner probably boomer to the max i don't know what's going on all these people are circling my reviews i don't know what's happening something to do with world of warcraft i have no idea what's going on right now so zombie told everyone please stop doing the reviews and that has gone way way out of control and she'd be she'd be contacted about this naturally fox had to agree and say oh man this joke is probably done now guys haha what a funny joke should probably stop doing those reviews now everyone has their points those [ __ ] sent reviews from their personal google accounts their reviews stayed up and the owner just kept combating them i did get a kind message in my dms on reddit from the owner saying that he was forever grateful and if i were to come in he would give me a free dinner round of applause clearly there is judgement for the gm offbeat fox from the audience and the turds that are slaves to a loot system however i will let your jury decide for themselves hopefully my actions were taken with kind regard from the chat and if you all run into something like this in your lives i hope you have the ability to stand up for what is right also [ __ ] zombie and offbeat fox what a prick thank you for the 15 quid off beat fox appreciate it what a prick i'm small and bearded what a dick thank you again they deserve each other thank you for your time preacher in chat and i hope you have a wonderful weekend round of applause yes do what's right really really innocent yes well played the subreddit that's hard work getting getting ready to fight the arm that army is just waiting look at jimmy he just likes the stock man he just likes the stock that was a lovely story okay we have a question that has come in a question that has come in what do you expect me to do okay it seems like stark contrast to our last one is this a story of inaction what do you expect me to do question mark guilty okay all right calm down we don't even know what's happened yet give him a chance uh bex can you make a note so we use hawk and doggo's names again i think they were just very briefly mentioned in another story if you could bex give me a hell's yeah on the side to put in the discord i think you're here thank you bex appreciate it guilty i don't know what do you expect me to do right this is the two names we have for this story a brewmaster monkey a wind walker monk a brewmaster monk and a windwalker monk okay monk fight good times hello preach for the chat and i write to you today from washington d.c the district of columbia this this little quick story takes place during season four of battle for azeroth in a very challenging mythic plus four dungeon good god mythic plus four this is the place where nightmares are made i have been playing world of warcraft since nilla i played off and on throughout battle for azeroth because that expansion was you know taking a break during all the year because i couldn't be even be asked to grind islands i came back from najtar then quit again because essences then came back for nia lotha only to be corruption and then took another break it totally prevented the corruption vendors god that had to have been rough for the guys who stopped starting expansion right i had to have been rough every time you came back there was another new grind waiting for you on top of the old one like it's not like the old one disappeared it's like well here's another one and here's another one jesus christ that must have been tough that must have been [ __ ] tough before taking this final break in battle for azeroth i had been playing a wind walker monk and i've been had him decently geared sitting around around 468 level with a few decent pieces of corruption including the swaggiest of the swag praise be in the chat twilight devastation rank 3. um rng dps forever with corruption vendors announced i decided i'll come back kill some time and get ready for the next expansion the shadowlands since it's been a while since i played i decided to do some lower level and plus dungeons to you know shake off the ring rust how to play in low pressure environment just get used to things again and grab myself a key of my own that i could push things with my i o was dog [ __ ] that shouldn't matter i don't think i was that relevant and i was never going to get into higher keys without using my own special key my guilt at times on hiatus until the shadow lands with so many raiders burnt out from the last two years of awfulness that was bfa so there wasn't much opportunity to do keys uh or high rating outside of pugs i open up the group finder and i find a group for one of the worst dungeons of all time told to go it's all the goals are right how about how dare you a plus four told a girl i figured this would be a good opportunity to practice and help some lower geared less skilled or even just alt players get a timed key it's all the goes all right yeah the camera was bad boy then it was cool had shortcuts it had extra buffs you could go in a little cannon do you remember that seasonal affix where the cannons could come back to life and chase you that was good times man that was pretty good i liked that i was quickly invited to the group and the living hell began okay any guesses where this goes wrong [Laughter] i've seen many soul soda goal groups fall apart in the first area but i think we'll get past that i'm gonna say it's gonna be in the middle right it's gotta be it's gonna be in the middle the run started off fine we quickly made our way to the sand queen and killed her with relative ease but it took longer than expected for a plus four i inspected people at this point wait a minute what's this dps meter time to investigate i realized i was playing with some very very very good god almighty poorly geared people but i decided to check out details to see what was going on because even their gear did not amount to what the dps meter was saying to my surprise i found that despite nobody plays windwalker now right is it dead now that meme are you still going all right to my surprise i found that despite not dying at all during the fight sullivan a wind walker monk didn't do any damage he was last in the dps behind our holy paladin now i know that holy pallies are pumpers but it was bizarre but it was fine the boss was dead i did enough damage that i could have solo dps to run anyway given that i really outgeared this so i mean who cares right who cares maybe he had lagged out maybe something irl had come up benefited the doubt thrown his way i'm sure it's fine but then but then cthulhu showed up we started making our way through the disgusting abomination of a dungeon that blizzard had created towards jess hallis a few packs in i noticed that sullivan is still not doing any damage i mean he's there his color pops up but no damage i do a quick inspect let's have a double check of old sully boy see what's going on i notice our friend is wearing a two-handed weapon now wind walkers can't use a two-handed weapon in bfa it turns out our friend was in his brewmaster set before starting the dungeon and forgot to switch weapons so his abilities were grayed out we let him know sully did you notice that you can't attack anything we have him run back out of the dungeon to switch gear and things go much more smoothly on the following pull sullivan is now appearing on the damage meter round of applause for sullivan round of applause doesn't end there though nope that's not fixed this plus four i noticed that we're waiting around 45 seconds to a minute between the poles inside of the prison we're just standing there doing nothing i'm jumping around backwards and forth waiting for the pull after the weapon fiasco i'm starting to get a little frustrated with this group i'm here to practice and i've already practiced not playing world of warcraft so i would like to practice playing it i get a little frustrated so i s i i pipe up a surfer can we pull a little quicker there is a timer in mythic plus dude i'm texting can you text after the run to do that we could do with timing the key dude i have a life okay it's not all about world of warcraft he replies i mean i've kind of just given up i don't even need anything from here right i mean what am i doing so i do what every group absolutely hates and i think [ __ ] it i'll just pull for him and see if he reacts and this continues throughout all of the trash on the way to jess harlis i should just leave your chat is probably saying it right now but i've kind of committed 20 minutes of my life to a plus four tall to go i want to help out the other couple of dudes who are clearly just genuinely trying to get their key done so jess howlis dies and it's time to move on to the next boss bros i've gotta go this dungeon's taken too long man what do you mean you've gotta go we're in the middle of a key you were the one not pulling what what what do you mean you've run out of time i was in disbelief look at the time man i've got to go make my lunch lunch what do you mean we've been sat here for 15 minutes while you were texting and now you're going to leave in the middle of the run to make lunch what are you doing i look back at it now and surfer's response might actually be the genuinely most funniest thing i've ever heard someone say to me in 15 years of world of warcraft as if confused his reply to my outburst was quite simple i mean what are you what are you what can we do what do you expect me to do not eat at this point i'm just speechless it was a response i didn't expect and he caught me off guard that i i just i just i don't even know what to say i just sat there dumbfounded as his character sat down for 20 seconds and then the offline status appeared over his unit frame he actually just logged off just to go make his lunch in the middle of a key that he signed up for i wish i could tell you that this little story had a better ending for the rest of my group they were kind and determined they were newbie sure but that's not the ending i just alt f4 i stole it from my computer my still my jaw still lying on the floor and i went and made myself some lunch because it was lunch time i'm not saying that ironically i hope you enjoyed my little quick drama story a bit of advice to the listeners of the chat if you have to have lunch at a very specific time maybe don't sign up to pug a dungeon a few minutes before that time okay what did you expect him to do oh also never pug plus fours i don't think that's fair you can put a plus four just be prepared for the worst right that's all it took too long man this is taking forever you know i've had to text people this has been really stressful i mean i need some lunch dude i need some carbs or something okay look i want to be clear before i read this i don't know what i don't know what's gonna happen here but i'm okay with lfr all right you don't like lfr don't go okay all right if you don't like it just don't go [Laughter] but it can be bad remember in bfa i sat in that lfr on my druid all day to test out what's he called eyeball man laser beam boy is off i have paid my dues i have paid my dues right we need a guild name wait for it before you start spamming it's a oh my god is this real bex is this the description from the story oh sweet jesus we need two guild names but one of them needs to represent a guild that is for mature women only and another guild name simping for bessie cosmopolitan i like that cosmopolitan all right we'll go with cosmopolitan cosmopolitan and uh the bessies oh the besties is good i wish we could have the best in there it's a little inside for those people who don't see our other games play through the golden girls oh no because people think it's a piss thing yeah i see it's already went from golden girls to golden showers in less than one line um brackets karen town i don't like it the carrots of callum door and we need another guild name that's nothing to do with that subject at all all right the leakers oh bro all right we'll have the leakers for the next story as well okay oh we're doing lfr with the mature ladies okay dear preacher and he's mello he's many more walker mates i am one of the millions of old raiders who resubbed during the sunset of battle for azeroth after a few years absence playing my draenei shaman female i hope i felt like coming home the only problem is that my guild was stone cold dead feel that dude purely out of loneliness and looking for friends i joined a trade chat guild during my very very first visit to barales wow okay i joined a women-only guild named cosmopolitan their ad requested specifically mature sensible ladies for easy good times that sounds like a whorehouse like for real that sounds like such a red light area i'm i'm not even meaning like that's that's exactly what that sounds like that sounds like a craigslist ad for future porn stars right doesn't it it exactly what that sounds like that line alone should have been a red flag i'm not exactly mature and never join a guild that describes its needs like a 45 year old divorced dad on e-harmony it was the kind of guild where the message of the day is an inspirational quote from the yoga subreddit oh my [ __ ] god [Laughter] i need some examples chat can you google some examples i need some examples there this was the kind of guild where the weekly calendar has two officer meetings and no raids where you don't tell anyone you're going to do an m plus because the same five terrible warriors will always beg to come along and you refuse to invite them because you're not a masochist and then you get whispers from the officially ranked social officer who calls you missy and lectures you about guild spirit jesus christ now you listen here missy don't let yesterday take up too much of today oh oh magnificent lift la live laugh lfr oh they're horrific get me out no we're in we're don't you don't you drop the stream we're in for the long haul here all right stick with me obviously i didn't want to do shadow lands with these people i'm not insane but as a professional golf coach irl i generally take my time making decisions okay so we've got a golf influence here when i finally got on discord with my ladies only guild and discovered all the officers were actually men oh it's a milf trap nightmare milf trap it's like sticky paper i got suspicious when one of them heard my voice and asked me my age i g quit on the spot i'm out how old are you it's a milk truck oh my god it's a total milk trap i opened my guilt oh that's it is that the end of that guild oh boo boo we want more man oh you're leaving us hanging that's the end of the milf guild god damn it man i wanna cause where's cosmopolitan i'm joining i'll send in a spy bax i have a mission for you i need you and stormy on a mission okay we need to infiltrate this like asap and find out what's going on in the milf trap one of the officers of the new guild is a shadow priest called rarer all right so we're in a new guild now we're in the leakers all right oh oh [ __ ] i skipped a bit i'm sorry i opened my guild finder and applied to a dozen heroic raiding guilds it wasn't hard my new guild name the leakers is full of wonderful easy-going but competent people we're making slow progress through heroic nathria and i enjoy every raid well pretty much every raid one of the officers of the new guild is a shadow priest called raider raera has raided every tear since blackwing lair but kovid cost him his nail salon job and now he does evening shifts at a petrol station bummer dude he can't make the guild raids anymore instead raira does lfr at first he said he loved the convenience but his dissatisfact dissatisfaction had increased week by week yesterday his frustration boiled over into guild chat and he spammed us with complaints the bosses are boring the players are bad the loot is useless and the atmosphere is [ __ ] miserable i have never done lfr it's below me so i just replied lol in all caps [Music] after all how bad can alpha even be the game makes the group for you the bosses are easy it's just free crappy loot right i expressed these thoughts to rarely just replied the three dots of shame and give me the old well why don't you come along smart ass and see what i'm talking about confident as the day i was born sure let's go i said without thinking it through raider invited me and we're queuing for the first wing of belafont uh which which time period are we in i feel like i'm playing chrono trigger are we in north korea is this first wing of nafta well it's wrathion right the first thing to know about elephant is that queueing his dps is a commitment like marriage i never expected the wait time i can on the minimap would show over an hour i didn't even think that was possible a two-hour queue question mark i asked yeah it's not too bad today said raira but you can't afk because the way lfr works the invite can come at any time that's the most exciting part okay sure opening my map the multitude of world quests available suddenly made sense oh you see in the pug pug world oh my god bex what have you got me into i'm not i know i'm not in a good place right now with the pug world you understand that right you understand that bex i just want to be clear this is not my story all right this is an entertainment show all right i am the delivery system okay i'm the ups driver right i'm fedex right now okay that's all i'm doing i take it from here and i bring it over here okay that's what i'm doing that's what i'm doing what's in the box there's nothing to do with me you see in the pug world world quests aren't just a daily chore for the rep hungry they're magazines in the waiting room of pug life oh my god that is the best description i've ever heard wow that's so good that's actually amazing oh jesus christ that's good i had just reached the tremeculum to fight oh this isn't uh oh it's modern it's shadowlands alpha okay i just reached the tremeculum to farm some stigia when the queue popped one hour and 10 minutes early raiders said full of enthusiasm the next thing to know about lfr okay number two the next thing to know about lfr is that you seldom get invited at the start of the raid raider and i entered the raid already up to huntsman altimore three stacks said raira stacks i asked and raider explained it you explain it to us i think we know but still it turns out that when you fail in lfr everyone gets a raid buff called determination that increases your damage healing and health it's supposed to enable noobs to beat the bosses eventually no matter how terrible they are again i'm the ups i'm just a delivery guy like don't at me i [ __ ] swear to god don't email me oh that's cool i could properly blast with 50 extra damage rayra just sighed you have no idea we arrived i like the naivety oh [ __ ] i get 15 more damage dude i'm going to blast this is gonna be awesome we arrived in huntsman's room to the scene of chaos in one corner guys were playing with train sets another three hunters were having some kind of bounce off there were mage tables feasts skeletons hellstone fountains and companion pets all over the place and a warlock yellowing something about abortion okay i've been hella far i've not seen a scene like this hey i ate from the nearest piece and sharpened my weapons i decided not to flask even though it was a raid oh you pour some a child it's a rain i should flask right that's what my muscles are telling me to do i'm in a raid now i should oil i should buff my chest i should uh but flasking didn't seem important because we had this determination buff which is pretty good then i just stood and watched the circus as minutes and minutes passed what's happening i said to her eventually we haven't got any tanks he replied oh oh yeah sure enough my rayframe showed there were zero tanks in this group another five minutes went by the raid had now moved on to discussing covert lockdowns genius i can't think of a better place to have this discussion however they would talk about covert lockdowns the welfare of racehorses and whether or not subsidizing sanitary pads for teenage girls was communism the [ __ ] cart with this game man [ __ ] cartman a monk used the gammon's braid toy which sparked a trend and so the whole room was was gammons good [ __ ] okay now we're picking up the pace i was just looking for an excuse to leave this was a hassle when two two tanks joined the group we had a demon hunter and a paladin four warlocks all made summoning stones to expedite their journey from the entrance the demon hunter hero pulled the instant he arrived this took most of the raid by complete surprise especially the pally tank who was not in the room yet one of the many gamons screamed what are you doing as we tried to get into position kill boss all caps says hero we killed the first big fuzzy bear but tanking huntsman and uh bargas together bear number two just was not gonna work and our wonderful demon hunter hero ironically went down losers one heal of course he said all caps taking a res and dying again our paladin tank then seemingly pulling from the paladin quote book got quite uppity with himself this is what you get for being impatient said kitthy in the paladin shut up slow paladin says hero as we wiped as we ran back i checked my meter let me tell you something if you're a heroic raider and want to feel really good about yourself go ahead and do lfr how do you think mythic raiders feel i was 3k ahead of the rep paladin number two raeru was number four in the position and none of the bottom 10 had broken through that mystical 2k barrier even with three stacks of determination i linked the meter to rare and his response surprised me you need to do less damage smiley i said no i'm serious when i asked him why he just said to trust him i'm confused why why would you do less i'm really intrigued now what's what's this what's this we made it back to huntsman while we waited for a replacement healer as one just immediately left after this ninja pool and the five or six people who got lost on their way to find the room spamming the raid recited old tv ads that concluded with a stirring text rendition of i feel like chicken tonight like chicken tonight including some emoted clocking nice commitment to the cause the next poll started well margot went down fast even faster thanks to our four determination stacks my first sign of trouble was when hero started running madly back and forth across the room between the two tanks oh no kytheon our paladin please will you stop taunting off me okay so our paladin has clearly pulled bargast out to spawn the ads far away and our hero ironically named hero tank wants to tank all the things just heal me i'm better geared replied hero he died and in the confusion nobody noticed the shade spawn and we wiped you are all [ __ ] hero declared our parliament said please vote kick this guy or i'm leaving too i don't even need to be kicked mate because i don't play with losers as hero left the lfr group thank god for that declared kythian let us queue again i checked my meeting for that poll and my dps was even better i felt like a god in here it was honestly the only thing making me feel good about this raid was the damage meter so i said so torreira not so easy is it he replied adding and slow down your damage why why why should i do less damage lfr people don't like show-offs so [Laughter] oh my god not like a show off and what jesus christ they waiting for another tank was excruciating raera and i had cued in the early evening and now i was actually late for bed having done zero bosses and certainly not gotten any items as the minutes dragged on the group became increasingly frustrated it felt like none of the normal rules of society or world of warcraft existed anymore oh my god it's turning into the lord of the flies a lively debate sprang up about male masturbation techniques where a ready check was used to gauge the raid's performance for rubbing or tugging three guys began marching up and down in slash walk shouting maga 2024 and mage began spelling out the world penis and eternal cauldrons finally we got our new tank it was a warrior are these the same people in my youtube comments who tell me they haven't got time for raid guilds are you the same people finally we got our new tank it was a warrior who requested and received raid leader status oh jesus he began assigning tasks immediately he seemed confident competent he gave me inspiration finally i thought a tank who knows what he's doing what blew my mind was the tank did a countdown before the pull can you imagine wow everything went great through margo partly thanks to our new tank and partly thanks to the five stacks of determination we now have bargast got pulled away from the boss and tanked in the other side of the room a shade pop and got hexed into a frog it was like watching poetry and then something happened i would never have anticipated in a million years an add-on generated raid warning appeared on my screen dance macabre soon what ignoring it i helped the raid kill the shade and burn down bargas and just as hakuza spawn another raid warning appeared dance macabre now the ray chat was filling with questions what's what do i do what dance is on this bus and just huh people were starting to actually run as if the mechanic was happening while reading this in chat i noticed that one genius had done slash dance with the boss and others started joining in in case that was going to work kill the dog i started spamming ignore it but it was too late half the raid was running and dancing apparently this included the healers because both the tanks died and psy said raira talking in raid chat for the first time as i run back to the boss my bank my brain was struggling to process what i just witnessed where the [ __ ] do these people come from oh you can't say that that's rude where did they live how did they turn on computers why did they even play this game i suddenly i saw a loading screen and i was back in orobos and my jaw literally dropped did i just get vote kicked i asked in guild chat disbelief yep you got vote kicked said raira why people thought you were showing off and being elitist ladies and gentlemen this was my first and only attempt at lfr i urge anybody who has never experienced lfr to maybe go once but dedicate a whole night to it there is an entire shadow world of world a shadow world of warcraft an underground that must be seen to be believed you'll come out of it with sympathy for the downtrodden citizens of azeroth and the realization that your heroic and mythic raid difficulties really are first world problems and if you are an lfr player please i beg you find a better way to spend your time thank you well well i mean the shadowlands nightside yeah i got removed i imagine there may have been a few more comments trying to motivate the raid to do it i like the idea of using slash dance to keep things going here here here i have no words i've seen some bizarreness in lfr i have i do dread the conversation that's going in while people waiting for bosses but it's it can get rough in there it can get rough ladies and gentlemen in just under four hours i will be back with you for blizzcon oh yeah blizzcon is in a few hours time and i will be here with you to chill out talk to [ __ ] maybe have a beer and have some fun with it it is blizzcon nights it's gonna be good so be awesome and i will be back with you very as soon as i can i'm gonna spend some time in the family i'm gonna watch me some one division and then i'll be back with you all right let's hope it's all good especially for those of you not the spoilers you're in for a good time i will see you again in a little while bye-bye where's my proper exit there it is you
Channel: Preach Gaming
Views: 87,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Preach, wow, preachgaming, preach gaming, world of warcraft, wow drama, lfr drama, loot drama, loot scam, scammers
Id: DoXizEvdFQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 48sec (3648 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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