#DragonSpirit Dragon Spirit: The New Legend - NES - ULTIMATE GUIDE - ALL Areas, ALL Bosses, 100%!

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foreign [Music] Spirit The New Legend is one of the most exciting vertical Shoot Em Up Games for the NES like many other games from this era Dragon Spirit was originally an arcade game and this one was developed by Namco Namco was one of the most famous Japanese arcade developers and they made some of the most iconic video games of all time including Galaga galaxian and Pac-Man although nowhere near as popular as Pac-Man Namco had a big hit in 1982 with a game called xevius xevius is one of the earliest Auto scrolling vertical Shoot Em Up games and is one of the most influential in the genre the gameplay is fairly simple but with one interesting wrinkle you have two forms of attack your standard zapper shots are used to clear flying enemies but you have to drop bombs to destroy Targets on the ground five years later in 1987 Namco released Dragon Spirit in the arcade and although the graphics are more advanced this game follows the template established by xevius your character is a fire-breathing dragon instead of a spaceship and you'll find all sorts of power-ups to upgrade your dragon including ones that will allow you to grow up to three heads for triple the Firepower your breath attack will roast flying enemies and you'll drop bombs on monsters that attack from below the game has nine stages each ending with an epic boss battle against a large monster the arcade game was popular so of course it was ported to a number of Home systems the NES version was developed by a Japanese studio called now production a studio whose name might not sound familiar because they typically did contract work for other companies but you would probably recognize a lot of the games they made including Jackie Chan's action Kung Fu yo noid and adventure Islands 2 and 3. for the NES version of Dragon Spirit now production decided not to try to exactly replicate what you'd see in the arcade and instead redesigned the game from the ground up with a Home console experience in mind they positioned their NES game as a sequel to the arcade original calling it Dragon Spirit The New Legend the new Legend includes a lot more story elements and begins with a prologue level where the player battles an easy version of zawell the arcade game's final boss failing this battle unlocks the Gold Dragon which is The Game's easy mode unfortunately as gold dragon you won't get to play all of the levels or fight the true final boss but it is nice that the developers included an easier mode players could use for practice the normal blue dragon mode has nine levels featuring enemies and settings from the arcade original most of the memorable parts of the arcade game are here and these levels play like remixed versions of the ones in the arcade the developers even added an all-new final boss battle to finish the story the music was composed by masakatsu mikawa credited as kiyoshi his soundtrack takes good advantage of the NES Hardware creating music that seamlessly integrates with the setting and you'll find yourself humming along with it as you lay waste to the monsters in your path meikawa did a lot of work for now production and also composed music for Jackie Chan's action Kung Fu and Adventure Island 3. the game was published by Bandai in North America and in 2006 they would merge with original publisher Namco to become Bandai Namco entertainment Dragon Spirit The New Legend was not extremely popular when it released in North America in June of 1990 and I wonder how many people saw the box art and thought this was an RPG still for players that liked arcade style shoot em ups this game delivered on its promise of exciting action beautiful graphics and a great 8-bit soundtrack if you'd like to play Dragon Spirit The New Legend on a modern platform it is available as part of the Namco Museum archives collection for PlayStation 4 Xbox Nintendo switch and steam modern players that attempt this game will still have to deal with all of the challenges the NES is notorious for the action is Fast and Furious sometimes with tons of projectiles on screen Your Dragon can survive a couple hits before dying but each time you take damage you'll lose a level of Firepower and one of your heads if you run out of lives you get to continues but after that it'll be game over but what if I told you the best way to survive all nine treacherous levels what if I told you the secret for getting each of the six Maiden bonuses at the end of the early stages and what if I showed you the best way to defeat every boss even Golda himself well on today's episode of you can beat video games we'll learn all of that and more if you're new to the channel we're doing deep Dives on retro video games and giving you the professional strategies that can be used by the Casual Gamer please make sure to subscribe and check out you can beatvideogames.com for episode lists news and official you can beat video games merchandise and also join our exclusive Discord community on patreon let's get started [Music] [Music] all right Dragon Spirit The New Legend before we get started if you'd like to access the game's sound test on controller 2 hold a b and up as you reset the game and you'll reload onto this screen once you're in the sound test still on controller 2 Press B up up B down down B and another number will appear under the sound test that is the stage select and using controller 1 press right and left to change that number and then press start to begin on any of the game's nine stages so that's a great way to practice some of the more difficult stages in the game if you'd like to begin with 20 lives after the prologue as you press Start hold down a and b on controller 2 and keep them held down until this cut scene finishes and you'll see that you've begun the game with 20 lives 20 lives will definitely help but this game can be difficult even with a hundred lives so if you need some practice you may want to start out by playing as the gold dragon and there's no options menu in this game if you want to be the Gold Dragon you have to die here in the prologue level it seems that the hero amuru has disguised himself as a blue dragon but I don't think too many other people can transform into dragons so I don't think that zowell is going to be fooled in any case if you let yourself die here you'll be able to become the Gold Dragon and first we'll see this cutscene which has been censored for the North American version you can see what the Japanese version looks like on the left someone decided to put a shirt on that guy I'm not sure who thought that was necessary but whoever it was I Hope they've never played pro wrestling or Mike Tyson's punch out because those games must be downright scandalous censorship aside it's time to pick up the sword and transform into the Gold Dragon and I'm not going to spend a ton of time on the Gold Dragon mode since it is a lot easier but I did want to touch on it for just a moment you'll see right away when we start up the game that you have two life bars in the lower left corner instead of just one and if you just hold down the fire button you have rapid fire automatically built in without any power-ups so that's definitely going to make the game a lot easier the problem of course with the gold dragon is that you don't get to play all of the levels and you'll see that after we finish the first stage you will always get the maiden at the end of each stage and those maidens will have different messages for the Gold Dragon I'm going to show those as we play the blue dragon mode so you won't miss out on that bit of the story after this cutscene you'll see that we're going to go directly to Area 3 skipping over area two as the gold dragon you'll also skip areas five six and eight and whenever you get to area 9 it is much shorter and easier than the area 9 you would play as the blue dragon at the end of that area 9 you'll face the final boss but you'll only face the first form of the bosses the Gold Dragon and this boss is super easy you just have to get right in front of it if you're powered up and just unload on galda as soon as he opens his arms as the gold dragon we're going to get a different ending and this ending is considered the bad ending but it's not really bad it's just different it seems that the whole thing was just a dream and that makes a lot of sense considering that in the previous cut scene we were in bed I'm scared of the dark but my sister iris is the scariest and well I guess that wraps things up here for the legend of dragon the end yeah okay that's pretty strange let's try the game as the blue dragon and we'll start back here at the prologue this prologue level is pretty easy but if you do happen to die unintentionally and you wanted to play the game as the blue dragon you're going to have to reset just trying to kill all of the flashing enemies some of them need to be taken out with your bombs and you should get a ton of power ups which is going to make the boss very easy when you get to the end of the stage stay in the upper left corner until the boss appears and then float down to the middle this will keep the boss from going all the way to the bottom of the screen and as soon as he moves the rod just rapidly shoot at zawell and he will easily be defeated this time instead of censored Beefcake we get a little bit of a family history lesson about some of the characters in this game amru and orisha had twins named lace and Iris meanwhile someone named Golda just kind of casually started Conquering the Earth as galdas do Golda kidnapped Iris but that was a big mistake lace took the sword which his father left and with it transformed into the blue dragon and this is where the game truly begins if you've found any power-ups or scored any points in the prologue none of that actually counts area one is called the Paleozoic Era and based on that name you'd think that we might be doing some time traveling but actually the entire game takes place in the Paleozoic Era you'll find some flashing enemies at the very beginning of the stage which will help you get some early power-ups and you just want to avoid the Fireballs you can't actually destroy those so stay in the lower part of the screen whenever you see those coming that will give you a lot of time to get out of their way as we fly over the water here we're attacked by a squadron of sauropods and you'll need to take them out using your ground bomb attacks if you don't kill them quickly they'll spit three projectiles which spread in a wide pattern so you certainly don't want too many of them on the screen at once as you're flying along look for blue and red eggs on the ground you need to hit them with your ground bomb attack for them to hatch but the blue ones will always give you a power up that gives you an additional head and the red ones will give you the standard Firepower upgrade on the snow below you'll see some pink enemies that will jump up and attack you from the air these guys can be taken out while they're still on the ground using your bombs but the bombs have short range so you may be better off just staying at the bottom of the screen and aim to shoot these guys as soon as they jump they make a little move on the ground before they jump so it's easy to tell when it's about to happen these pink birds explode in a shower of feathers whenever you hit them so make sure you're far away when you're targeting those guys the third one dropped a dual dragons power up and that makes you have a smaller hitbox which is nice and it also creates two smaller dragons on the left and the right giving you triple Firepower the downside is you lose any hedge you had before you got the power up so if we take a hit we'll turn back into a normal single head dragon without the ones on the side and if we find a head power up we'll become a normal two-headed dragon now we just found the earthquake bombs so for a short time any enemies on the ground that are on screen whenever we drop our bombs will be defeated so that's a nice power up but you won't find it very often and it does not last very long when you see the second set of pink birds you're almost to the end of the stage watch out for a fireball that's coming down the middle but once it passes you want to move into the center here so that you'll avoid the next two sets of fireballs and you'll also be able to shoot that flashing enemy which drops an extra life so make sure to collect that then watch out for a set of fireballs on the left then another one on the right and here's the boss the Plesiosaurus if you get here with a bunch of power ups this boss is almost too easy but what if you have to fight this guy with an underpowered dragon well in that case you might need a bit more strategy the boss's weak point is its head and to be safe only shoot at the boss when it's moving towards you not when it's moving away from you it will keep moving in One Direction until it hits one of the edges of the screen or gets about three quarters of the way down and try to avoid going behind the boss because it will launch a bunch of fireballs from its shell even if you don't have a lot of power ups if you follow those strategies you should have no problem defeating the Plesiosaurus and then it's time to meet the first Maiden [Music] there's no trick to this one you always get the first Maiden however you don't get anything from her so I guess nothing ventured nothing gained she says that her friends are also prisoners and they will be helpful if they turn up it's only area two but we're already turning up the heat it's time for the volcano start at this stage in the lower Corners so that you can quickly clear out lines of phoenixes as they fly on screen many of them will be flashing so this is a good opportunity to get easy power-ups and we even found a green dragon upgrade which gives us the game's highest level of Firepower now we just replaced that with the white dragon upgrade and this is not as powerful as the green dragon but it offers a wider angle of fire and it lets you shoot more streams of flame well I'd say the green dragon is better the white dragon is still pretty good in this area small volcanoes erupt and at the top of the lava a phoenix emerges stay at the bottom of the screen here look for the eruptions and shoot those birds as soon as they appear on screen stay in the lower Corners here to take out another couple lines of phoenixes and we got our Green Dragon upgrade back nice when you see these large flaming balls stay in the center of the screen and as soon as they start moving towards you move in an L-shaped pattern to avoid them the other thing you can do is shoot the ball in the middle and then move to the top of the screen that will also work as we cross this large sea of lava Phoenix's dart out from below you can avoid most of them by just flying up to the top of the screen where your score is but make sure to move down a bit whenever you cross that land mass to collect the power-ups and as soon as that land mass drifts off the bottom of the screen you'll face two more sets of the Flaming balls and once the background turns to a solid red it'll be time to fight the magma Phoenix this boss always starts out in the middle and moves to the left so if you have a powered up dragon just follow along with it staying close and rapidly shooting now if you're working with a weaker Dragon I'll start out by showing that alternate strategy for the fireballs just shoot out the middle one move to the top and then go back to the center and here's what to do with a weaker dragon against the magma Phoenix you're going to start out the same way staying between the two rows of orbs and just following along with the bird whenever it stops moving get away from it the boss will split into an array of smaller birds that will be very hard to avoid if you're close to it but they won't damage you when they come back onto the screen so as soon as you see where the boss is reappearing you can get right up next to it and resume your attack so you can see one of the birds flew right through my dragon that time and with a little bit of effort you should have no problem defeating the magma Phoenix and that brings us to a cut scene with the Fire Maiden the Fire Maiden only appears when you do not have the highest levels of Firepower so if you have the green dragon or if your blue dragon spits the big Fireballs instead you'll just get a shadow and the shadow has a different message for us but you won't get the benefit from the maiden which is that she would restore your health in this game the only way other than a maiden to refill your health is to die so you'll want to take advantage of those opportunities when you can and that brings us to Area 3 the jungle there's a head power up at the very beginning and after you collect it you just want to drift down here to the lower left corner where you'll be able to avoid most of these enemies but whenever you see one stop and open up you just want to slide out and shoot it most of the time the projectiles it fires would miss you anyway but you don't want to take too many chances that flashing frog not only has a power up for you but if you don't bomb those frogs quickly enough they'll launch Five projectiles onto the screen and that can be quite a lot with all the dragonflies that are flying around as well so keep your eyes open for those frogs and try to bomb them as soon as they appear if you can't bomb them right away try to get behind them because they always shoot their projectiles down screen we've managed to find the green dragon upgrade again which should make this area a lot easier assuming we can manage to not get hit by an enemy which would cause us to lose it oh and now we have three heads as well that is very good in this area you want to stay low on the screen you're going to be attacked by all sorts of insects and you also need to clear out these green vines that appear in the middle if you stay at the bottom these butterflies will wait at the top of the screen until several of them have clustered together and then they'll all start flying towards you once you see them move in your direction all you need to do is move straight up the screen to the top and they will harmlessly fly out below you pass the butterflies will encounter these brightly colored birds and they're very similar to the pink birds that we've bought in area one except these ones will shoot feathers straight down at you if you don't kill them quickly enough over here we're going to encounter another enemy type these are known as Honeycombs and I actually like the wide angle of the white dragon for these guys you can get right in the middle and just keep shooting and The Wider shots will take out the Spheres that are released from the left and the right if you have a high level of power these Honeycombs aren't too bad but if you're a weaker Dragon you should focus on the Spheres that they release and don't worry about killing the honeycomb itself if you have the green dragon a fully powered up blue dragon the white dragon or even the pink Dragon you can get right up on these things and keep shooting them and this strategy will work just fine I think this is the last one but you'll know you've reached the end of the Honeycombs when you start seeing the sparse grasses pop up again in the background so you're just looking for some grass to appear and you'll know you're in the clear and there it is there's another flashing enemy for a last minute power up before the boss the boss here is going to be one that will use our bombs on and we just found an invincibility power up so that's going to make this last stretch very easy and as The Last Enemy drops off the screen and the large Roots come into view you'll know that it's time to fight the boss and this one is called greathrius if you have multiple heads you should be able to position your dragon so that you can take out the two pods in the front at the same time to defeat this boss you need to get rid of all four of those flashing pods using your bombs but you'll also need to use your Air Attack occasionally to clear out some of the seeds that the boss shoots at you otherwise they'll hit your dragon the boss releases the seeds in waves so between each wave you should have a moment to drop your bombs once you clear out the first four flashing pods four more pop-up but this time they're spread out in a different way so you won't be able to remove two at the same time you'll need to take out each one of these individually and when you clear out the fourth pod this time the boss's true weak point will emerge it's a pink flower in the middle you'll have to get kind of close to it and drop bombs on the flower and you'll also need to keep using your Air Attack to clear out those seeds that it continues to spew at you now that of course is what you do if you had a fully powered up dragon and you may think that because we were mostly attacking this boss with our bombs that having a lower powered Dragon wouldn't be that big of a deal but that is not the case at all this is by far one of the most difficult bosses in the game to beat with an underpowered dragon and there's a good reason for that with the weakest level of Firepower it takes multiple shots to clear those seeds that the boss spews at you and if some of those seeds are stacked on top of each other that could be a big problem for your dragon you want to try to stay low on the screen so that you have more time to clear out those seeds but you'll need to go high up on the screen to take out the two pods in the upper left and the upper right so those are the most difficult ones to hit you may need to move in and drop bombs as the boss is launching a wave of seeds and then drop down on the screen as they fall to try to avoid them once you get to the middle it certainly doesn't get easier you'll continue to have to avoid the seeds while trying to drop bombs on the boss and you want to try to navigate around those seeds when possible you'll notice that there aren't that many in the middle so you should be able to find a hole to weave into if you're looking hard enough once we cut down this giant tree we'll meet the flower maiden and unfortunately there's no real trick to this one it's pure luck you have a 50 chance of getting the flower maiden and if she does show up she'll give you an extra life so that is very lucky if you're playing as the gold dragon the flower Maiden will have some more interesting information for you she tells you a bit about Golda who is the final boss if you're not lucky enough to see the flower Maiden you'll instead meet with her Shadow the shadow has a sad message for us the forest was once peaceful but now the plants and birds are gone only you can restore the beauty and peace again and that brings us to area four the graveyard flashing enemies will start flying in from both sides so you want to stay in the lower middle to try to collect all the power-ups that they drop in this area you need to watch out for these Rock tosser enemies they'll come in from the bottom of the screen and if you don't bomb them quickly they'll throw rocks at you so either take them out fast or get away from them and we got an invincibility power up which will make this area a bit easier and we're going to avoid that dual dragons because we already have three heads and essentially it would be a downgrade taking out that flashing enemy on the right gave us an extra life and watch out for skull power-ups which are going to start appearing if you collect one of those it will reduce your Firepower and take away one of your heads so while some of the power-ups in this game are situationally bad the skull is pretty much always bad there are a lot of ground-based enemies here in the graveyard so you'll definitely want to take those out with your bombs otherwise you'll be dealing with a lot of projectiles on screen when you come to this next section you'll see a lot of Darkness below and out of that Darkness ghosts will emerge if you stay about mid-level on the screen and keep shooting the specters will just jump right into your shots if you don't have a higher level of Firepower they might still jump through your shots and Into Your Dragon so you may need to maneuver around them if you have a lower power and over here we're very close to the end but before we get to the boss these green spiders will appear and you just want to be on either the left or the right side when they pop up and just strafe across the screen to clear them and once you get rid of three waves of spiders it'll be time to face the death Guardian the glowing orb at its Center is the weak point of the death guardian and like most bosses in this game if you have a powered up dragon you should be able to defeat it easily however if you're using a weak Dragon it's going to be a bit harder the key to defeating this boss is to only shoot it when it's moving towards you and only shoot it when it's in the upper half of the screen because whenever it breaks apart you don't want it to be in the lower part of the screen because then the ghosts that come out can get you if it's in the upper half of the screen the blue ghosts won't be able to reach you and you'll only need to dodge the pink pieces of the boss that come flying out and then you can focus on shooting the orb some more just like the Phoenix boss you do not need to dodge the pieces of the boss when they come back onto the screen only when they go flying off so right now we can focus on shooting the orb and when those pink pieces of the boss come flying back onto the screen we can focus on shooting the orb but only when the boss is moving towards us so that we don't get hit by those tongues of flame that it spits out and whenever the orb is just floating around on the screen that's a good time to get some free hits on it but you can see as long as we're only shooting it when it's in the upper part of the screen and when it's moving towards us we'll be mostly safe the fourth Maiden is the flower fairy and she will appear if you have two or fewer heads just like the Fire Maiden the flower fairy will restore your health now if you're playing as the gold dragon you will play through area four so you'll get the flower fairy at the end and she tells us a little bit more about Golda and then asks us to slay Godda to change the people back to their true forms strangely enough if you get the shadow form of the flower fairy because you were playing on Blue Dragon mode and had all three of your heads she has the exact same message that she had in the Gold Dragon mode so a little bit of overlap there whether you found the real flower fairy or her shadow that brings us to area 5 Cave Road and this one is tough the sides of the stage move in and out and if you bump into them you'll take damage there's also some posts that keep popping up in the middle of the area which makes the whole thing even more claustrophobic even more annoying are the enemies that get so close to the walls that you won't be able to remove them but they can definitely take shots at you and that happens a lot with the spiders that appear on webs you might think that these rolling pill bugs would also be very annoying but enemies that you have to remove using bombs are actually easier to deal with in these tight spaces while your Air Attack can be blocked by the walls your bombs actually go right over them in this area it gets even tighter so you'll want to stay low on the screen so that you can shoot any enemies that come in and you'll notice that Your Dragon's hitbox is a little bit smaller than it appears you can actually touch the sides with the edges of your wings and you won't get damaged if anything touches the head or middle of your dragon those hits will definitely count so be careful and over here we'll encounter some jumping frogs these frogs start out as very small grain circles which you can hit with your bums but as soon as they jump up into the air you'll be able to hit them with your hair attack but if you don't hit them fast enough they will release a ton of projectiles so make sure to clear them quickly either way if you thought it was tight before it gets even tighter up here so avoid the edges like you're playing Operation stay low on the screen and keep moving along with the background so you don't get hit luckily it's not going to get any tighter than this once you see the second set of green frog enemies we're almost to the end just watch out for the posts that block the mouth of the cave and you'll be able to slide out and finally have some room to breathe up here a few more bats attack before the boss but once you see the large web you'll know it's time to fight the Spider Queen the Spider Queen always starts out in the middle of the web so get ready to bomb her on the abdomen as soon as she comes within range whenever the queen jumps you can hit her with your air attack and if your dragons powered up she will not last long the low power strategy for this boss starts out the same way but you need to survive for much longer so we're going to have to do something about these additional spiders that spawn you want to focus most of your attacks on the queen herself but any of the spiders that appear in the lower part of the web are going to be in the way and you're going to need to clear them out there can only be five additional spiders on screen at once so if most of them are on the upper part of the screen they'll be a lot easier to avoid and that brings us to our fifth Maiden this one has a strange horn in the middle of her head and she appears at random just like the flower Maiden did just like the flower Maiden she has a 50 chance of appearing and if she does she gives you a one up otherwise you'll just get this message from her shadow and then it will be time to move on to Glacier land at first glance you might think that Glacier land is very similar to the first area but it won't be long before you realize how different these areas are at the beginning a bunch of flying enemies will swoop in and shower you with projectiles try to take out as many of them as you can a lot of those enemies are flashing and will draw power-ups when defeated we just were able to collect an invincibility power up which will make the beginning of this part easy we need to use our bombs to remove these walrus enemies and they will shoot you constantly if you don't kill them fast you'll encounter some snow drifts that block your way in these narrow corridors and you'll need to shoot through them using your Air Attack watch out for enemies that attack from below though you may need to switch to your bombs occasionally as you clear the snow drifts you'll find some power-ups that are frozen within them although occasionally they'll be the bad power ups like the skull so be careful that you don't pick up any of those after dealing with the extremely narrow spaces in Cave Road this doesn't seem so bad but we're still moving at the normal speed when we get to the next narrow section in this area we're going to be moving much faster and that's going to make things a little bit more difficult when you emerge in this wide open space use this opportunity to grab a couple power-ups and then buckle up because here's the fast speed part it may not look that much faster but when you're playing the game and you're used to the normal slow speed this feels very fast if you have an invincibility power up like we do now you can fly right through the snow drifts so you don't have to worry about shooting them and whenever you come to a fork there is a dead end on the left right there so when in doubt go to the right that was the one and only dead end so as long as you avoid that one you just need to shoot your way through the snow drifts and the rocks that get in your way navigate the narrow passages and eventually you'll come to the end where you'll emerge near a body of water and that's where we're going to fight the boss gubriya if you're fully powered up waiting over here on the right side will cause gubria to fly off screen and come right back down in the Middle where you can be waiting to quickly finish him off now if you don't have a fully powered up dragon there is another strategy that you can use there's actually a safe spot over here on the far right side of the screen next to this icy Island so you can just hang out over here and rapidly match the attack button but you want to watch and see if gubria gets down to his last five sections because when it gets too small you do need to move out of this position so right now once he's too small you just want to start leading him across the screen shooting him when he's slightly behind your dragon stay at the bottom so that you can more easily avoid his attacks and just keep blasting the head until it explodes once gubriya is defeated we'll meet the game's final Maiden this one known as the mermaiden only appears if you have two or fewer heads and she'll refill your health remember that the only other way to refill your health is to die so if you need to take a hit at the end of that boss battle so that you can get refilled right here you may want to do that if you have three heads you'll see our final Shadow message this one tells us that Golda is under the iceberg and we should do our very best that brings us to area 7 the deep sea and you might think that our Dragon wouldn't be very effective under the water but surprise it works the exact same way unlike the previous two stages that featured a lot of narrow spaces this one is wide open and you don't have to worry about bumping into the sides we just found the earthquake bombs so that'll make clearing the ground enemies easier for a few moments and there's another power up you can find that looks like a red circle with an x on it that one makes earthquakes happen even when you're not dropping bombs so it's even better over here on the right side you'll see a flashing scallop enemy and whenever you kill it it'll drop a one up so don't miss that you're going to need every life you can get for the last few areas in the next part of this area we're going to meet a very dangerous enemy type the shell Shooters these guys Mount themselves to a spiky green shell and they will just launch projectiles at you which you can clear with your air attack so whenever these things appear on the screen you just want to get rid of them very quickly so that they don't catch you from behind however you're going to come across a couple that are positioned in such a way that you can't actually shoot them because they're mounted to the top of a spiky shell and here they are right there your best bet with these two is to stay below their level until they scroll all the way off the screen then you can resume dealing with the other enemies luckily those are the only two that appear that way so you'll be able to shoot the rest of them and there's only a few more left at this point so take out the last few up here watching out for enemies that drop bad power ups and once you get past this last spiky shell we'll be on to the next section in here you'll see these green lizard enemies you want to wait about a third of the way up the screen until they float up there and then just slide down to the bottom to avoid them and in this area you're going to see some sea dragons that pop out of a hole be on the lookout for those Sea Dragon holes and whenever you see the dragon pop out immediately shoot it in the face once you can get behind the Sea Dragon it won't be able to hit you but if you don't take them out fast they will shoot a stream of purple Fireballs that will wreck Your Dragon the boss of area 7 is the sea devil and if you're a powered up dragon you just want to position yourself slightly to the right of Center on the boss and keep shooting it as you move along with it to the right if you're an underpowered Dragon this boss is much much harder The Sea Devil moves back and forth but it always stays on the same horizontal plane it can only be damaged when the mouth opens and it will open its mouth to shoot a wave of projectiles at you or to release a small fish which will orbit the boss and will also drop projectiles on you if you don't remove the smaller fish fast enough they'll come swimming towards you so stay at the bottom of the screen do your best to weave between the projectiles and just keep shooting at the boss until it explodes there's no cut scene and no Maiden this time we're just on to area 8 the dark quarters in the arcade this area is completely dark and your dragon carries a flashlight which illuminates the space in front of it here on the NES the lights fade in and out so sometimes it's completely dark but other times you can see perfectly try to make note of where the enemies are whenever the lights are on and whenever it's dark keep shooting if your shots are hitting something right in front of you it's probably a spiky ball and you need to move out of the way you'll actually be able to see the enemies that you need to kill with your bombs whenever the lights are off but the ones that you need to clear with your air attack will be completely invisible so whenever it's dark you want to be using that Air Attack this octo eyeball is right in the middle of the stage you can take it out with your bombs but it's not actually that dangerous don't be distracted by it and get killed by something else the snails in this area shoot a lot of projectiles so try to avoid those but at least you can see them in the dark and here in the last part of this stage are some glowing spiders which you'll need to clear using your bombs the spiders themselves aren't the real problem here there is a lot of spiky balls in this area and whenever the lights go off if you're trying to hit ground-based enemies you might not notice some of those spiky balls and get hit the lights fade down one more time and when they come back up it's time to fight the boss the wall face there's a spot that's safe from the tongue attack in the lower left corner you are not safe from the tongue in the lower right it's going to do two tongue attacks and then the eyes will light up and start shooting beams at you you can only damage the eyes when they're flashing and the tongue can actually block your shots so you want to lure the tongue off to the side so that you can hit the eyes behind it with a lower powered Dragon I don't like to use the safe spot as much and instead on the sides of the path there is a thick black line and you can line your dragon's head up with it and it will put you in the exact position where you need to be to hit those eyeballs those eyes are a small Target and with a lower powered Dragon they're a little bit harder to hit so just wait here near the path on the second tongue movement you're going to move over onto the other line so wait here second tongue move over to the line and then don't stay in one spot for too long or you'll get hit by one of the eyes lightning bolts or the tongue itself so you only get a quick second to make some shots whenever you have the opportunity but it actually works pretty well use the sides of the path as a guide and you should be able to defeat this boss I always thought that the wall face was a very cool looking boss very neat design Beyond the Wall face is The Game's final stage area 9 the Dark Castle this stage is long and has a number of different sections here at the very beginning we need to navigate around these spiky balls while taking out a bunch of enemies most of which need to be removed with your ground bombs there are a few bats that you'll need to hit though using your hair attack and if you see a blue mask attached to the wall you can use your Air Attack to kill those as well while there are a lot of flashing enemies in this stage that you can kill for items they drop the skull power up at a very high frequency so you need to watch out for those there is going to be a dead end up here on the right but the screen is scrolling pretty slowly right now so you should have no problem avoiding it however right near that dead end we're going to find an interesting power up you need to bomb the torch that you see there and sometimes it will drop an exclamation point the exclamation point is a combination item it gives you invincibility and shrinks Your Dragon so while the shrinking part might be undesirable the invincibility is certainly good at the end of each part of this area you'll find a flashing travel door that when touched will teleport you directly to the next segment in here there's a bunch of Spears that pop out of the wall and the corridors get very narrow you want to wait until the spear is retracting into the wall to move past it so wait until it's retracting and move past and the game is going to start moving a bit faster here but don't panic and get hit by the Spears you definitely need to get around the walls though if you get caught in a dead end or smashed behind a wall you'll either take a bunch of damage or just straight up die the good news is the higher speed makes this segment a very short one and once you get past this next Corridor full of Spears you're going to find the travel door that will bring you to the next segment this is one of the shorter sections but this is where the ninjas first appear and they're one of the most dangerous enemy types in the game you can only kill the ninjas with your bombs but if they throw a knife at you you'll want to clear that using your Air Attack otherwise those knives will follow you all around the screen you can see here that we found the pink Dragon item and the pink dragon has very strong Firepower but you can only have one head as a pink dragon and if you had more heads before you collected the power up you'll be reduced down to one so if you had two or more heads you probably don't want to pick up a pink Dragon power up otherwise it could be useful but now we have the green dragon form and if we can hold this one all the way to the end it would make the final boss much easier we need to clear through some bricks in this area so make sure that you keep shooting and watch out for dead ends the screen is scrolling slowly though so you should be able to get through there no problem we're getting very close to the end now there's more ninjas in this section and lots of flashing enemies that drop items but many of them are going to be skulls so make sure you dodge the skulls and only get the power ups that you actually want make sure that you clear out any knives that the ninjas throw at you the knives are a much bigger problem than the ninjas themselves and up here we'll come to a more narrow hallway and inside are the statue guards the statue guards attack you with their mace balls which have a very far range so don't think that just because you're at the bottom of the screen they can't reach you however if you can shoot the statue in the face it will destroy the statue and the mace ball so you won't have to worry about being hit by it these statues take quite a few hits if you have low fire power so you will need to dodge the mace balls a few times before you'll be able to take them out if you're not working with a more powerful Dragon and at the end you see the travel door if you don't have a very high level of power you may just want to try to fly up between the last two statues without killing them this is the final segment before we start fighting bosses in addition to the annoying Jumping Frog enemies we have to deal with some spiders that are positioned on the edges of the screen where they are very difficult to hit so you're just going to have to avoid the projectiles that they shoot at you try to stay low on the screen and when the projectiles come your way move up towards the center and when you come to this blue section it's time to fight the first of the final three bosses this is the Hydra and it's possible to actually take out two of the heads at once if you position yourself in between them with the green dragon or the highest level of blue dragon Firepower getting rid of the Hydra will take mere seconds this path across the lava will take us to the final confrontation with galda but first will be attacked by some Fireballs just stay in the middle of the path down at the bottom and keep shooting and you should be able to clear any Fireballs out that come your way so we'll just stay down here shoot through some fireballs and up here you'll find some flashing enemies that will give you some last minute power ups before the Final Bosses make sure not to grab any power ups that you don't want and here is Golda's first form the boss always starts here in the middle and if you're fully powered up you can just get right in front of them start rapidly shooting and as soon as he spreads his arms he will be immediately defeated and that brings us to the final boss the Golda machine with a fully powered up dragon just way to the left of the boss until the hands move then get right in front of them and rapidly attack if you have enough Firepower he'll immediately go down now let's bring it back to the Hydra and talk about what to do with an underpowered dragon against this boss you don't want to kill any of the individual heads right away instead you want to keep shooting each of them evenly because while all three heads are on screen they won't all three be able to shoot you at the same time and they move more slowly so if you evenly distribute the damage across them once you clear one of the heads you'll be able to clear the other two right away so we did finish off the one on the right and we should be able to kill these other two pretty quickly because we put a lot of damage on them and you can see how they do move faster once you kill one or two of the other heads once the Hydra is out of the way we need to fly across the lava to where the final boss is but it's a little bit more difficult when your dragon's not powered up these Fireballs are a bit more dangerous now so I recommend staying at the bottom of the screen wait for the Fireballs to start moving towards you and then fly over to the opposite corner wait there until the Fireballs appear again and then fly across to the other corner and once they're out of the way you definitely want to take this opportunity to grab whatever power ups you can before you fight these bosses you'd rather not be fighting them with level 1 Firepower we're going to have to take this boss a bit more seriously this time you can only damage him whenever he opens his arms but you want to stay at the bottom of the screen start shooting at the boss when he appears get in a few shots when he opens his arms but then you need to move to one of the corners go to whichever side has more space on it because he's going to release some magic energy and there's only a gap on the left and right corner of it so you want to make sure that you stay in that Gap so that you don't get hit by the magic and that brings us to the Golda machine you're going to wish you had more Firepower against this guy whenever the boss's hands are flashing he's about to shoot some fire you want to be to the left or the right of the bus so that he shoots that fire at a 45 degree angle and doesn't throw it straight downwards because the only time you could damage this guy is when his hands are away from his body and that's right after he throws the fire if he drops the fire straight downwards you won't have much of an opportunity to shoot him but if he throws it at an angle you'll be able to slide in and get in some hits the big complication here of course are those three orbs that bounce around the room you can't destroy those your number one priority during this fight is going to be avoiding those orbs and the basic strategy looks like this you'll hang out on the left or the right side of the screen whichever one has fewer orbs and you'll need to bounce between the two sides so that you can stay away from them watch for Golda's hands to move and as soon as he moves those flashing hands you want to get in front of them and try to get some hits in if the orbs start to converge on you move out of the way of the orbs and don't worry about hitting Golda until your next opportunity sometimes the orbs will disappear that doesn't mean that they're gone forever but this could be a good opportunity to focus on shooting the boss just don't be surprised whenever those orbs spawn again from the front of the boss and get hit by them when they come out what exactly is this boss anyways is he riding some sort of hovercraft does he have a lower half to his body or is he just sort of a torso grafted onto the machine and where did he get this kind of technology in the Paleozoic Era these are questions that will probably never find the answers to so just keep avoiding the orbs watch the boss's flashing hands for movement and just keep blasting them until his head explodes and that's it we've done it we've beaten Dragon Spirit The New Legend all we can do now is sit back relax and enjoy the cheesy ending well I'm happy to report that this ending makes a lot more sense than the it was all a nightmare ending that you get whenever you beat it with the gold dragon light and peace were restored to the Earth and a new Legend was created so it seems that everything wrapped up nicely that would close the book on this game but the developers at now production added an Easter egg to this ending but it was removed for the English language version other than changing the language from Japanese to English there are very few other changes to this game so there's the shirt that was added to the guy in the Gold Dragon cut scene and then there's this well I don't think they needed to give that guy a shirt I totally understand why they took this out of the game if you press the select button 20 times it's like an intense gust of wind is blowing this woman's skirt and hair so I can see why they took that out of the game but I only mention it because the company that made this now production made another game called Splatterhouse Juan paku graffiti and in that game there's a lot of other interactive cutscenes that are similar to this one and that brings us to the final credits there were a lot of Shoot Em Up games on the NES and there's some of the most difficult games on the system this game is a little bit more forgiving in a game like grottius if you get hit by anything you're instantly killed so it's nice to have a life bar that's not to say that this game is easy but if you find games like Silver Surfer life force or grottius to be very intimidating this is a good game to start with if you like this game there is a sequel called Dragon saber that was only released for the PC engine in Japan but you don't need to be able to read Japanese to be able to play it and it's a pretty cool game itself well I hope this video was able to help you finally beat Dragon Spirit The New Legend and restore peace to the Paleozoic Era if it did make sure to give it a like and make sure to subscribe for more videos because there will always be more evil wizards threatening the eras of the ancient past and that's why we'll be back again next week with another video game you can beat thanks for watching
Channel: U Can Beat Video Games
Views: 43,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dAgz47ZRhhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 57sec (3657 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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