Dragon's Dogma 2 VS. Dragon's Dogma 1 - AI & Combat System Comparison

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[Music] what free Arisen unknown Expect No Quarter in this matter this is madness train for this even the best of us has his limits I [Music] suppose now you've done it I'm unsure how best this do not test me I'm not season all's [Music] lost might as well lay down my aunt and pray Heavens preserve I've not trained for this well down stream perhaps all of interest is more sh is best to sever the [Music] tail I striking it to back streng H what's that [Music] fre trench day can't say I eny you I'll gather these now this leads down into the catacombs [Music] the Crypt was fashioned ages ago before the fith can't wait to find out what's inside oh up let me see where where did I put that little treener I [Music] there get back here where men fear to dwell monsters always [Music] close to you watch for their punches I'm coming I'll keep watch [Music] [Music] Master you're back what a gas on [Music] was a fascinating tale those soldiers outside the palace were disgusing is a tring b no they hold the advantage I'll draw it [Music] here I cannot take much more [Music] please help me [Music] quick the heart is unprotected the heart slow an opening strike when it's help [Music] me attack when it no attack the HS let's go attack an opening there Master a drink ice attacks work one G barel blame supp is too late [Music] [Music] I'll carefully conserve my strength is's a Ballista Arisen when better to use this but in the midst of battle
Channel: Bear Gaming Asia
Views: 5,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dNQCtybCP38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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