Dragonflight Leveling Guide for WoW Patch 10.2.5 - Hit Level 70 FAST!

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[Music] we're in the middle of dragonflight season 3 right now progression rating is in the rear view for most players the Mythic plus season is in a pretty chill State approaching the end game and it's a great time to level a new character that's exactly what I've been doing lately I've spent a ton of time leveling characters and working on this video playing specs that I haven't touched in a while it's pretty interesting to see how range DPS are working right now they're a lot of fun as a tank I'm super jealous L tanks usually get like one set of balance changes in the first patch of an expansion and then totally forgotten I've really been enjoying demonology Warlock and Arcane Mage would you like to see a guide on either of them let me know in the comments if you do before I jump into this I've divided this video into chapters so you can skip around to the important parts maybe you're just leveling to 50 to unlock Heritage armor maybe you only need to level from 60 to 70 you got an old alt or something like that either way we've got you covered all right let's get into it and we'll start with some basic tips for leveling the levels at which you unlock Mount speed upgrades are 10 for slow ground Mount riding 20 for fast ground Mount riding 30 for slow flying and 40 for fast flying now the big change that's happened in Dragon flight is that this is all learned automatically you don't have to go back to Stormwind oramar to learn how to fly you just get it as soon as you roll over to 30 going to the dragon Isles at level 60 will automatically unlock dragon riding as well this is a huge quality of life Improvement that I think flew under the radar for a lot of players including myself it was a real Delight to realize that this stuff is all automatic now next is war mode War mode unlocks at level 20 and it turns on world PVP it requires going back to Stormwind or oramar to turn on but it can be turned off at any end in the world war mode grants a 10% XP buff and War mode talents which can add a lot of damage or useful utility depending on what spec you're playing War mode starts out with one talent and then you learn a second at 30 and a third at level 40 more importantly the war mode bonus applies to mob kills and Quest XP so it really really adds a lot of experience because of quest stacking and War mode talents this actually shaves off more than 10% of the leveling process now it does mean you might get ganked I haven't run into even the slightest bit of world PVP in the 1 to 60 range or I guess 20 to 60 range but in the 60 to 70 range I'll talk about that a little more in the 60 to 70 section but I did I did find some PVP in the dragon ises I think it's worth running at all times but it's not totally mandatory now I want to cover some things that you can use to make leveling faster first and foremost heirloom armor heirloom armor is purchasable from vendors in oramar and Stormwind for gold it's a little expensive it's also available for most holiday events for the relevant holiday currency during the Love Is in the Air event for example you can use love tokens to buy heirloom upgrades the deal with heirloom armor now is that it's basically just blue quality gear rare quality gear there's no direct XP bonuses provided by it anymore so it's not mandatory it's still great to have though it keeps you strong it's just not a gargantuan difference in leveling speed like it was in the olden days it just makes it so that you're not worried about upgrading your gear throughout the whole leveling process SK scouting map toys scouting map toys are also purchasable with gold from heirloom vendors in Stormwind and orgar and they give you exploration of every Zone and Grant all of the flight paths these are super helpful to have really good for any new character to be able to just open up their toy menu hit all of the scouting map toys one after another after another after another get a million achievements and also have explored the entire world all right let's talk about add-ons rare scanner is probably the only add-on that I think is more or less mandatory for leveling rares in a lot of zones give a full quest's worth of bonus XP so having an add-on to help find them is super valuable rare scanner is the add-on I've been using you can also use Silver Dragon or NPC scan any add-on that will help you find rares without having to like specifically go look for them is really good gold you start out with basically no gold on a new character personally I can't level a character without at least fixing my transmog so I like to mail over some gold from a level 70 character to make things a little smoother bags I also like to spend some of that gold on bags even Cheapo bags will massively increase your inventory space I think 32 slot bags are like 40 gold right now man vanilla me did not know how good things would get having a talent plan is really important as well if you're playing an unfamiliar spec a guide is a great help while leveling so you can know what talents and abilities you want to prioritize now personally I prefer not to follow alongside a specific leveling guide because they generally aren't all that wellmaintained by creators in a lot of situations now if you find one that is first of all kudos to that Creator they're doing a good job but second of all go for it but case in point I made a prop Warrior leveling guide all the way back in patch 10.0 have I updated it for 10.2.4 well no or at least not yet instead I prefer to use the amazing website archon Dogg which is made by the wonderful Warcraft logs team they automate the process of finding the most popular Talent setups for Mythic plus and raid and running a common Mythic plus Talent setup while leveling is both good for leveling cuz they're generally oriented around AOE and you kind of do AOE a lot while leveling and it's good for getting practiced with playing how you will at max level in Mythic plus I will sort of make some modifications to a spec to pick up more movement speed talents and I don't feel like you need every possible defensive or crowd control Talent while leveling all right this next one is kind of a big one it's the draft of tin lands it's available from provisioner mukra in zazar or provision or Stout Forge in Bales it requires battle for Azeroth currency and it grants 10% increased XP but it stops at level 49 this is a really good use of currency if you played during battle for Azeroth and still have some left over otherwise I don't think it's worth the effort at all and finally let's talk about consumables gun shoes I think are the main one they are a huge movement speed boost on a 3-minute coold down this makes them great for cutting down travel time before you've learned to fly at level 30 you can buy them on the auction house or get a legion engineer to craft them they're pretty cheap to just buy and they're usable at any level now I specifically didn't use them in any of my leveling routes just just to kind of compare the worst case scenario but there are absolutely a ton of spots where they would have saved me several minutes a good time saving for a a 50 a couple hundred gold maybe they're definitely worth the tradeoff if you're trying to go as fast as you can as for other consumables I don't think they're as important enchants are powerful and because they're permanent you can just slap them onto a set of heirlooms and then reuse those items on other characters for a pretty good boost to power without any real extra hassle I think that's good especially when it comes to weapon enchants those are pretty huge the only problem is that dragonflight enchants require level 60 so I probably wouldn't bother with them prior to that point movement speed en chance from dragonflight gear you know homebound speed and uh speed to bracers those are pretty good though I I am a big fan of speed I think most other consumables are not really worth the hassle you can use like potions of prolonged power but those have a level 40 minimum requirement you can use old flask but again depending on what expansion they're from they'll have different level requirements you could use buff food but it's the same sort of deal I think other consumables are a good option if you want to add the extra effort to really shave down the time you spend leveling they're certainly good to remember if you have any lying around on alts but they're probably not worth the effort otherwise I think the time spent making them could just be spent leveling and you'd probably level faster instead okay I just want to make a couple of quick points here first off Heritage armor maybe you just want to unlock Heritage armor on Allied races and then not actually level a character all the way up currently you only have to reach level 50 on an Allied race to unlock Heritage armor there is a very brief Quest once you've done that you'll get just immediately breadcrumbed into a quest it'll tell you to go back to your like capital city and talk to a guy then they'll give you the Armor that's it it's really quick and easy and getting 250 on a fresh character really only takes a few hours there's nothing else to this I just wanted to specifically point this out because some people might not realize you don't have to go all the way to 60 or 70 on a Allied race character to unlock that Heritage armor okay next should you run dungeons if you can tank or heal and you want to do dungeons then yes you should the best approach for leveling as fast as possible is to queue for Dungeons and do quests while you're waiting for the queue and basically bounce back and forth between both doing dungeons gives a fair amount of XP dungeon quests stacked on top of that gives a lot of XP and this is all faster than straight questing but maybe you don't want to be relying on other people for your success I know I don't want to require doing dungeons in a leveling strategy that I'm recommending so I chose to leave it out but know that if you want to be Turbo FAST doing a mix of the two strategies is the fastest possible approach and just to make sure there's no uncertainty you can Q for and run dungeons as a DPS as well the q's will be longer than they are as a tank or a Healer but honestly maybe not actually all that long okay I want to cover chromy time chromy lets you choose which expansions content you want to level through so maybe you want to do mop content maybe you'd prefer to do Wrath of the Lich King whatever you want anything is possible it's tuned so that doing one expansion will take you all the way from Level 10 to level 60 you can freely swap back and forth at any time by talking to chromy and oramar or Stormwind all of the expansions are doable they're all fine but your chosen expansion will dictate which dungeons you get burning Crusade dungeons are quick and great for Quest stacking mop dungeons are extremely fast and easy battle for aerov is the default new player experience so you'll probably have the fastest dungeon cues there if that's really a priority for you Warlords of dror is the fastest expansion to level in so there probably will be like-minded fast leveling people in the Warlords of TR or or dungeon que now let's talk about my preferred leveling route for 1 to 10 you just want to do Exiles reach it's really efficient it's a great tutorial section for newer players or if you're just unfamiliar with a class but it's also modern in a way that all the old starting areas are not so it has a much better flow and it's just faster Allied races start at level 10 death Knights and Demon hunters start at level eight for some reason and evokers start at level 58 demon Hunters death Knights and evokers all have an opening scenario they have to complete before they're able to interact with the World At Large there is one exception here and that's Allied race death Knights which just have a conversation with bolar but they start at level 10 before you move on set your Hearthstone to oramar if you're horde or Stormwind if you're playing Alliance then set your chromy time to Legion and talk to hogar stormx if you're horde or recruiter Lee as Alliance this is unrelated but man horde NPCs have so much better names apologies to anyone named Lee I guess no apologies necessary to anyone named hogar storm ax instead of completing the quest select the second option from that NPC that will let you skip right to dalaran this will unlock your dalaran Hearthstone which gives a quick teleport back to oramar or Stormwind just by using the Hearthstone then taking the portal all this quest line only takes about 60 to 90 seconds so it's absolutely worth the time the dalaran and Garrison hearth stones were converted to to in Dragon flight but you still need to do the intro quest lines in order to be able to use them so once you have the doar and Hearthstone take that portal back to orar or Stormwind okay now I'm going to talk about how to level from 10 to 60 quickly these are my preferred routes they do differ slightly for hord and Alliance and they're not necessarily the fastest possible route in the entire world but it is quick and it doesn't involve any gimmicks or confusing jumps back and forth from expansion to expansion you you don't have to do it this way you can do whatever you like this is just what I recommend for keeping things quick and easy but if you want to like I don't know level in every him at nessing War he zone go from negr and burning crusade to sholazar Basin to Valley of the Four Winds and mop you can do that it's fine so start off by going back to chromy and setting your chromy time to Warlords of dror and follow the quest instructions this is a very easy guided series of quests it will handhold you but it also grants tons of XP really quickly and it gives you insanely good XP per hour it's tuned for not being able to fly everything we do before level 40 is built around not flying or flying slowly so we want to stay in zones that were built for walking basically once the scenario is totally finished do the quests to set up your Garrison at this point you should be level 15 there are a lot of great XP quests in and around your Garrison most of them are tutorials for ancient system C don't really matter anymore but they still give a ton of XP complete all the quests in your Garrison and do both quests and bonus objectives within that zone so frostfire Ridge as horde or Shadow Moon Valley as Alliance until you hit Level 20 Warlords of dror is the best leveling expansion ever you can complete bonus objectives and open treasures and those will both give lots of bonus XP the quest stacking is also pretty good whenever you're in a drain or Zone be sure that you use your Garrison Zone ability on cool down as that will help you kill enemies a lot faster dren also has the best leveling zone of all time gorron but we kind of want to wait for that until we're level 40 so that we can fly around quickly through that zone and really make it as efficient as possible there's a lot of Hills and Valleys there it's really not that fun to do if you're not able to fly I remember leveling at Warlords of Trainor initially once you are Level 20 the next set of zones you do will be determined by which faction you're playing now if you want to keep things simple you can just do warlords of drain or from start to finish but it is slower than going back to some vanilla zones you want to hang out in low-level areas near capital cities they're designed for walking and there is much less chance of being pvpd regardless of what approach you take at level 20 you want to go back to your capital city and turn on war mode regardless of whether you're playing Alliance or Horde if you're going back to vanilla areas make sure you kill rares in all of those zones they give a full quest's worth of XP if you're playing horde start in silverpine Forest you want to start at The Forsaken High command and the North End of a Zone silverpine Forest is the Zone that's Southwest of the under City Northern end of Eastern kingdoms do that whole Zone then proceed into Hills Brad Foothills you want to start at the South Point gate the west side of Zone where it borders into silverpine forest and you just want to full clear both zones there is only one exception here don't do the quest stag witches and Hills Brad Foothills it can take like 25 minutes it's very bugged I've read plenty of comments over the years about how to fix the bug I've played around with it sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't just ignore that Quest The Horde has extremely good leveling in quest stacking in these two zones like just to give an example at one point I went from level 31 to 32 in about 2 and 1/2 minutes once you finish these two zones you'll be around level 38 or so from there I like to just go into a wrathy Highlands and just stay there until I hit Level 40 this won't require clearing the Zone probably less than half depending on how many rares you find along the way once you've hit 40 you're off to gorron now if you're playing Alliance you want to start in lock Madan that's east of Iron Forge and you'll just start in tham are the main city this Zone has incredible Quest stacking and it was intended for not even having a mount I think so it's really tightly packed and you can be level 28 or 29 by the time you're done here once you're done there you want to head to duskwood and start in dark Shire on the east side of the Zone full clear the zone that should get you to around level 34 then you move on to Red Ridge Mountains which is one of my favorite Alliance zones it's important to wait until you're 30 plus to fly over the hills and cliffs in this area it is a lot slower if you're trying to do it purely on a ground Mount you want to start at three corners on the southwest side of the Zone the border to duskwood and elwin Forest you can leave immediately upon hitting level 40 or keep going until you're done with the Zone I actually prefer to say because it is a really good Zone and that kind of saves you a little time at the end of the world Lords of dror section now I want to make a special note of Westfall I like Westfall I think it has a really good storyline it's one of my favorite zones it has a special place in my heart it's not very fast it sends you running all over the zone for long periods of time when you're moving very slowly so it is a really inefficient Zone and if you're worried about speed I wouldn't do it I did do it again to test and make sure that it kind of stinks and unfortunately it's not very efficient I like it though still a fun zone just not fast once you are done with old world content it's time to head back to trar and enter the best leveling Zone ever gorron once you've done the initial couple of quests and it's time to build your Garrison Outpost if you're playing horde You Want To Build The Fight Club if you're Alliance you want to build the sparring ring you want to use your Garrison skill and kill enemies this will give you quest items for the first time you've killed each type of enemy in the zone there are 11 different proof strength Quest items that you can get and these are all just free XP there's also an achievement called gorr Monster Hunter getting the achievement really isn't important but there are eight different rares that you kill for that achievement that all drop an item called a trophy of glory and each of those can also be handed in for a full quest's worth of XP just for killing one guy these mobs include like charl doomwing bioland osian a lot of named rares some of which can be kind of dangerous I have to admit so you don't have to kill all of them but if you're on a class that is comfortable soloing an elite you should do so once you have finished all of the quests in the zone except for strike while the iron is hot it's time to leave this is the Zone's final quest and it is extremely slow and not worth doing okay so gorr is good but it's not 20 levels good so when you finish up with a Zone you should be around level 55 at this point head south into tallador fly slightly Southeast from gorron into your faction's main base camp in the zone that's vulgan Pride as horde or Fort Ren as Alliance you want to construct the Arsenal as horde or the artillery Tower as Alliance this will grant you the artillery strike skill that deals just a bunch of AOE damage go to all the bonus objectives in the zone and use that Garrison ability to help kill enemies this should get you around level 56 or 57 now tador has good bonus objectives but the quests kind of suck so we want to immediately jump into spires of Iraq and do the same basic thing there as well complete the opening quest line and be sure to learn archaeology for Rashad because there are some archaeology Treasures around the zone that will give a little bit of extra XP continue the quest line until you're able to construct a Garrison Outpost build the tavern as horde or the brewery as a liance again complete all the bonus objectives in the zone and look around the tavern or Brewery for wanted quests that will send you out to kill big Elite mobs for a lot of bonus XP there is an objective in the Northeast part of the Zone called The Howling Crag it sometimes won't show up on your map it is a bit long so I would save it until last because there's a chance you won't wind up needing it and doing all of this should get you to level 60 if it doesn't you can complete a few more quest lines inspires of Iraq and you'll be there I would start with Admiral Taylor's Garrison that quest line is pretty good you'll probably be 60 before you finish the whole thing if for some reason you finish all the quests in spes of Iraq and you're still still not 60 I don't know what you did but go to NE Grand and do the same basic thing set up your Garrison Outpost do the bonus objectives in that zone you will definitely be 60 by that point as soon as you have hit 60 you'll get a quest and an item that will teleport you back to orgar or Stormwind use it and drop all of the drain or quests you had left over because you're off to the dragon ises once you've made it to the dragon Isles you'll need to complete a quick opening quest line then you'll be able to level freely throughout the aisles you'll have access to all four zones from the start and there are some breadcrumb quests that can lead you into each of them you also have the option of doing World quests in each Zone and they are generally quicker more rewarding versions of the regular quests that they're based on so I'm a huge fan of doing all the world quests I can while leveling leveling in dragonflight is fairly similar to how players leveled early on in the expansion but it is substantially faster now due to dream surges dream surges were added in patch 10.1.3 dream surges affect a single dragon is zone for a week at a time rotating through the four base dragonflight zones they Grant 25% increased XP in that zone They also give some currency you can use to buy kind of bad gear at level 70 dream surges Grant rotating Zone wide Buffs as well the Buffs change every 30 minutes you can vote on the next Buff in the Zone's main city which is clearly indicated on the map the Buffs range from damage and healing procs to move speed to extra gold from World quests there's one that stands out from the rest and that is dream surge learnings it is a 50% XP buff and it Stacks with dream surge is 25% buff and War mode for 85% more XP now if that buff isn't currently active that's okay you still want to Quest in the dream surge Zone do the main quest line do the side quest kill rares and do bonus objectives in the zone basically clear the zone out do the whole thing if you see dream surge learnings is coming up within the next half hour vote for it obviously and try to go around completing quests but not actually handing them in just stack up all the quests you can to do like you know 90% of all the world quest objectives and then leave do all of that and then Mass hand in everything you can once that buff is active clear out all the world quests and rares you can during the buff as well obviously so in terms of ranking the zones isur span is the best thasus is the worst and it is substantially behind the other three some people won't do it at all even if it is the dream surge week but I still do it's not as good but I like the bonuses I think some of the quests are fun in that zone and I like flying around the canyons and mountains I don't mind that it's not the fastest possible thing in the world sometimes it's okay to slow down friend depending on which zone is dream surging how many times you get dream Surge learnings and how well you stack quests into those dream surge learning windows that might literally be all you need to do to get from 60 to 70 just the one zone if you finish up in your close you have a couple of options what zone should you do after you finished that dream surge Zone AER span is definitely the best Zone if you haven't touched the oer span it is the most efficient Zone in dragonflight so get there and just start slamming it out if you already did the oer span head over to the waking Shore the waking Shore has great Quest stacking early on it's a good Zone overall the only downside to it is that it is the first zone of the Dragon is so there are more people hanging around more gankers all side quests in this zone are good with one major exception and that is the gardening quest line that starts with the quest a ruby life coling it's pretty slow a pretty annoying set of quests I would skip it now anaran Plains is also a good Zone there's some excellent Quest stacking especially early on but it is a little bit more spread out than the waking Shore now should you use War mode in the dragon is yes it's 10% more XP and it unlocks War mode talents these are great bonuses and absolutely worth having but unlike the zones around Stormwind and under City all the highle players are in the dragon ises right now so there will be someone trying to kill you at some point along the way because of gear scaling throughout Dragon flight even a very poorly geared level 70 character can kill you in one or two hits you can't outplay that there's no skill difference that allows you to go from like getting your whole Health pool killed in a single mortal strike to like winning that fight I've been playing this game for close to 20 years and I've always thought that ganking low-l characters was really lame for that exact reason there's so many other ways to spend your time and ganking lobes is like the digital equivalent of burning ants with a magnifying glass but that's just my opinion there are people who absolutely love making other people unhappy and they will probably be out there waiting to kill you and also you did kind of Bring it on yourself you opted into World PVP what did you think was going to happen so if someone is harassing you what should you do you have two options you can turn off War mode but I would rather not or you can just go somewhere else there is so much available XP in dragonflight so much that you could go level to 70 twice and still have quests left over so just go somewhere else if you have have to get away from a ganker a minute spent flying to another Zone can save you 30 minutes Wasted by someone griefing you so don't be afraid to just cut and run at a moment's notice crafting professions in the dragon Isles Grant you bonus XP for each time you perform a first time Craft on a dragon Isles pattern you can get this bonus XP up to 30 times this will basically Grant you a free level and at this point in the expansion crafting materials are very cheap many of the low-level crafting patterns use materials purchased from vendors so you can just craft your way at pretty much from level 69 to 70 if you want to do that I personally find it kind of boring but it is undeniably very fast so it is a really easy way to finish off that leveling experience and because it scales with your level you might as well wait until Level 69 and then just craft your way to level 70 I would be remiss if I didn't mention this method of gaining XP in dragonflight even though I prefer not to use it and there is finally one more leveling method I want to mention time walking time walking isn't always up it has different level ranges depending on which type of time walking event is currently active but for level 60 to 70 if you want to level through time walking it's pretty fast and the cues are usually very quick people love time walking including me I love time walking it's great I really been enjoying leveling my alts recently I'm having a lot of fun playing specs I haven't touched in a while and expanding my horizons I'm thinking about doing all of the Mage Tower challenges like on every single spec in the game I've already done a lot of them so if you want to see some guides on Mage Tower challenges that aren't just the tank ones let me know I think that could be pretty fun to do too working on this video took me a lot of time planning out and exploring routes making comparisons doing some things that weren't very efficient and realizing I needed to remove them from any sort of plan refamiliarizing myself with specs and and so on I had have really enjoyed it so it's definitely been worth the effort there's a possibility that blizzard does something in the next patch to speed up the leveling process especially in the 60 to 70 range it's already pretty fast right now so I wouldn't be surprised if they don't touch it at all but if they do I'll be ready to explore that and talk about it more at this point we just don't know anything about the next patch including when it's coming and I've been having fun leveling right now so I wanted to release this video without any hesitation all right that pretty much covers please like And subscribe and thanks for watching [Music] bye
Channel: WoW at Night
Views: 66,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, world of warcraft, gaming, dragonflight, tanking, warcraft, the war within, expansion, gaming news, gaming community, mmorpg, mmo, gaming guides, 10.2.5, patch, 10.2.6, wow leveling, lvl, 70
Id: V1AbQVizcqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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