Dragonball Z Abridged Creator Commentary | Episode 38

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Jesse we need to cook yeah [ __ ] I'm just about to go to the grocery store we don't need a grocery store Jesse because with hellofresh I get delicious Chef crafted meals delivered directly to my doorstep whoa sounds like it's gonna cost me though you would think that but in reality hellofresh is incredibly affordable and convenient way more affordable than that takeout I know you've been living off of yo but are the ingredients fresh are the ingredients of course they're fresh Jesse each shipment takes under seven days Farm to house all right all right what's what's on the menu tonight pineapple chicken tacos but if you don't want pineapple chicken tacos there are over 40 weekly recipes to choose from including calories smart veggie smart and carb smart options to name a few you'll never find yourself at all man sounds like you've had a lot of success with hellofresh indeed I have and if you go to hellofresh.com and use the code Bento 50 you'll get 50 off plus free shipping on your first box now here wow hell yeah that was delicious you're goddamn right you weren't lying Mr White hello fresh is legit wait Mr White yeah like like Walter White because we do it's like the because we're doing the bit because I'm guessing what the hell are you talking about then why are why are you doing a voice and you don't wear you wear those glasses from I threw my voice out during a recording session and I finally went to the optometrist uh turns out I have insurance and I'm legally blind why did why did you bust my door down why didn't you knock like a normal person I'm not the one who knocks uh go to hellofresh.com and use the code Bento 50 for 50 off plus your first box ships freeze so you should go do that oh no they they're they show up yeah no at this point I would get the shirt on all right still have to wear this compression wear for a bit while my back Settles oh what somehow it's even hotter than if you were just shirtless how does that work because it doesn't show all of my fat patches just it's damn appreciate it I'm working very hard for that girl you know I appreciate you I know welcome back I don't know if we're keeping that part in or not but hey you know [Music] [Applause] we're here to talk about Androids Androids Androids now available on sharkrobot.com team dashboard star for a limited time or click the link in the description you can click the link in the description well and I mean a lot of people commented last time I wore this this is legitimately one of my favorite designs so no me too because a great part about this design is that some of our crossovers are stretching Julie a little bit this one's just makes a legitimate parody I would have I would get this shirt if like I if I wasn't us yeah I love that shirt and now if you want it you can get on a shark by the way limited time yeah we I think for like the next few weeks or a month I don't know one of those things unless it sells very well and then they have to keep it up legally ah yeah no they are legally required buy all of them and then they'll have to keep making more that's that's capitalism but yeah uh that I'm I'm super ready for this episode yeah we're finally getting to the actual Android the Androids which uh we finally get to hear uh mark sawkin back uh and now is 17. and Amber Lee Connors has honestly I mean no disrespect to any dub actors out there but she's the best 18. I'm sorry I mean look Emily Connors it was really interesting because we got to know a lot of voice actors who are now getting really big in the industry and she's [ __ ] great yeah yeah she really Nails this and honestly her and Mark just kill as the Androids and so the interesting thing about 17 and 18 for me when we were writing them is that I wanted 18 to not be a stick in the month I she was ultimately because of the footage gonna have to be more of this yeah like but but she's also just like we wanted to make her like more so less of like you know a kill Joy I'm more of like I'm done with this I don't really like look I just want to go off and do our own thing right now and whatever this is I'm not about yeah and it was a lot of fun to write for her the moment we allowed her to also have fun and not just be the straight man to 17 being a goofball and they they work together sometimes sometimes they're in sync and when they are I love it and and you call 17 a goofball but I mean he's he's a goofball in that sort of like uh kind of sardonic these are much drier witty characters yes as as I said previously we are about to get into a long stretch of a lot of straight men and scene in the same scene together so we had to figure out a way to still make everything funny to have had the dialogue bounce off of each other um and 17. I guess I should probably say it now 17s when we are initially writing it was very possible he was going to be a wankster no that no that that was never going to be the case like I fought hard against that because that's what so many people expected it's the same thing when people are like are you going to make Android 16 the Terminator I it's like no did people expect wanksters 17 it's there were a lot of people that I was actually referencing like saying you should they can like this you know like make him like write him like he's Eminem or something it's like no well like no we do we do try and keep them like a little bit how do I put this uh more contemporary yeah like in in fact we actually like poke fun of that whole like idea of writing him like that when cell is pretending to be his exactly yeah yeah um which ultimately obviously I'm glad we just didn't go with that it would not have worked um but yeah it also oh man I don't know how because initially we were like I'll play Trunks and 17. how do you think that would have worked for real you're saying that in front of me what yeah but like you don't have two characters who are in the exact same vocal range separated by a rasp and yeah in in the exact same scene as each other but at the same time gone plays 17 in Tien luckily that's less of an issue because they don't talk to each other yeah honestly going back I was like we really did have him play both tension Han and 17. they are different like they do sound different but that's still a risky maneuver there a bit but yeah so um I don't know how long we've spent Preamble we actually watched the episode so let's watch the episode let's get to it the following is a non-profit fan-based parody unfortunately we'll have to say goodbye are all learned by FUNimation utility animation Fuji TV and Akira Toriyama please support the official release oh yeah this is one of my favorite was your lives oh wow pretty sure it was about to be a wish there I like that and represent oh God I almost died yeah sure you are oh don't worry trunky it was just an explosion those those happen a lot around mommy yeah they could have sworn I saw somebody else in the car with you hmm I what is it Corin why don't you go help out the game oh sure Cory why not what's the worst that could happen I love that bit because it's you talking to yourself when you already play the other character who he's talking like knocking two in his head yeah but you had him doing an impression of what he hears foreign do that [Music] oh you've gotta be kidding me he got away again and not a nut or bolt to be found but you had any nuts to begin with look I don't mean to tell you bobblehead Vegeta incoming bam hold on is this this is don't listen to bastards yeah oh my God okay this is maybe Vegeta's most mean-spirited and cold line in the show Vegeta like we wanted to get like off the cuff just be like no he's an absolute [ __ ] to Trunks and like this this is the complete deconstruction of trunks's entire Mythos yeah my what and my son wait you mean you two never got married what is that some kind of food no just listen when two people love each other oh wow I'm just [ __ ] with you my God who doesn't know what marriage also love each other making a lot of assumptions here so I thought I thought row here [Music] worked for the Red Ribbon Army adequate with robotics adequate how to get that jab in there I'm trying to blow her up by the way Mr can't I love that joke I love that callback a plus still don't know you hey Mr can't say you [ __ ] failure hold on a second you told us two Androids May 12th 10 a.m South City well nine miles off and what happens we waste our time on the wrong [ __ ] Android sorry can you go back just a frame so here's yeah uh you know to the prior just back back there okay fun fact what do you think the edit I did here was is it the fist or is it the face it is the fist but what about the fist [Music] um is he pointing no or is he supposed to be pointing normally in the original shot they forgot to put his gloves on oh [ __ ] so yeah I had to actually yeah this episode you make a lot of Corrections there I do a lot of Corrections to a lot of things moving forward check out the episode breakdowns actually specifically for these episodes because uh you go in depth on some of them oh yeah gosh hey if you like the commentaries over on the teamforest our main Channel there I actually did a bunch of episode and movie breakdowns back when he had the time to do them yeah like I talked in depth about a bunch of the episodes what it took to edit them definitely give those a watch if you're if you're interested in this if you like the supplemental it's like the DVD extremes menu yeah oh my gosh yeah thank you those are great to point out yeah happens we waste our time on the wrong [ __ ] Androids look I was how old is that baby about 10 months 10 months old at the time how about next time you come back to give someone a heads up you give them a goddamn photo just listen I think at least a description she have caused a butterfly effect the Androids that kill you in the future could still appear I don't give a [ __ ] about butterflies with all this time we've wasted Dr zero has probably made it back to his lab already I don't know why but I just love Vegeta saying I don't give a [ __ ] about butterflies I don't give a [ __ ] about butterflies God only knows where that is I know where that is you do you do why why'd you tell me because this never came up before no I meant never mind never mind how do you know also just know where all the scientists labs are Dr Frapp Dr wheelo by the way trunks is just having like a panic attack right now by the way the the all scientists knew where other scientist labs are that doesn't make any sense it's not supposed to when we wrote that it was like that's good we wrote that because somehow she knows where his lab is it's like oh yeah all scientists know where other scientist labs are yeah why wouldn't they yeah that's just how this world Works total ridiculous nonsense long story last time I checked Giro had a secret lab right outside north city well I'm sad we never brought up slump until uh world's strongest although technically he's Dr nonimaki no no but whatever oh yeah here it is you can't just take off on your own are you giving me orders no I'm trying to help you oh well I'm sorry but I don't listen to bastards ow yeah Gohan yeah you're a good kid thanks a weird one for like some people because like what did he mean by that exactly is it because Goku and Chichi are married no no it's because he's like he just he just saw like this brutalization of this man's child is like go you know go go Hans you know he's he's having a rough childhood too I'm just gonna give him a little pep up here epicolas trying to be a good uncle yeah Uncle Piccolo little monkey Piccolo stop him Uncle Luke dad oh yeah by the way that kid's your son no I'm telling you now damage already done oh wow he grows up to be a cutie and oh my God I solicited my son for sex [Laughter] it's hilarious you just learned about it and it is hilarious anyway Gohan I think Bowman the baby need to go home we do you do it would be nice to check in on my dad Yes actually I couldn't need a ride too but I actually I'd like you to take me home first but you stop worrying Gohan I'm sure Goku's fine doing great all right made a miscalculation and compromise calculations lost an Android and a hand and I think my brain case is loose but there's no way they can follow me and none of them know where to find my lap huh oh boy that's funny they're all flying right toward my 05 me in the else no there's no way they could have secured the location of my secret lab unless they know a scientist like Willow or frap or any of the brick [ __ ] oh oh yeah yeah huh yeah you never talk about Dad what was he like he was a loner had a lot of trouble making friends abrasive am I a lot like him you have his gender by the way uh playing kid trunks like that is always like kind of weird for me because yeah like pre-teen yeah like trying to age up the voice like you know of our way to cast uh like a woman yeah so um I just kind of went up here you know kind of made it a little softer a little higher I don't know if it worked I don't know if it just it's it's one scene yeah well I kind of also have to do it later too kinda oh God you know if you really wanted to help out you could stop following me around and start searching these mountains I'm trying to save your life if you just stop and listen to me the hell do you care oh come on we both know I'm your son and he was disappointed as I am this mother got son of a all right we've got a lot of ground to cover please don't say what I think you're gonna say we should probably here it comes stick together for safety oh I don't know probably cover more ground if we split up yeah why am I so scared anyway it was like a sextillion mountains around here kissing me running in the hammer immediate yeah I think this was anime lucky you if it wasn't sure should have killed him yeah right we should have anyway not that Krillin is that consequential moving forward and the only person who even got close is currently incapacity 's lab inconceivable how are you on Sabine hmm I don't know what I was expecting please if you wouldn't mind waiting for a moment uh ttn I have something I'd like to do a lovely just doesn't know who any of these people are really the only one he cares about is Goku the Androids I literally can't believe that worked have you met the apples yes it may have to resort to 17 at least it was I should measure my choice I can't be too careful with him oh my wrist calling back to dead zone thank you hello Dr Giro how are you today we just really want to try to fake out as many people I'm just messing with you man what's up doc good morning Android 17. man according to my database it's been a while since you last turned us off gone just hits that attitude just right oh yeah and I'm real broken up about that it's just every time you talked all I heard was kill me kill me kill me something with my auditory I think it's gone now though well suppose you just needed to be turned off and on again how about that you gonna wake my sister up too indeed I require both of your assistance wow must have gotten yourself in some [ __ ] here let me get it on this Myron and there's Tien right next to him by the way I um I think he purposely pitched Tien down in that scene I it sounds like he did a bit he might be pushing him down a little uh yeah no yeah Dr Jarreau here is such an idiot and honestly he was kind of an idiot in the original like in the original manga and uh series here because why in the world would you not be more prepared because if you have if you've had to turn them off in the past which he says he had to do you think you'd be taking an abundance of caution before waking these two up you think he would have built in something into his like for like his frame somewhere that would allow him to do it like mentally yeah but no he has a also his hand keeps growing back in this scene oh yeah honestly if I had caught that like I actually could have just removed you did catch it in a few scenes like where you actually cut like you actually showed me edits where it's like yeah I had to recut his hand off of this shot but you didn't catch all of them but how can you [Music] hello Dr gero how are I already did it uh you did we were supposed to do that together I know but I couldn't help myself whatever what do you want send Goku's comrades are currently knocking at a door ah my other wrist Jesus [Music] [Music] are you an Android holy [ __ ] you're an Android how I took my brain out and put it into this body how huh how did I do that okay so obviously he would have built 19 with the specific instructions of how to do that yeah yeah that's that's what actually happens but it's funner to question the idea of like how do you remove a brain like just how does he trust a machine to take out his brain the thing that he is oh you know what he probably did right no he probably tested on several different people almost certainly almost certainly he probably tested on a number of different animals and possibly people I'm gonna assume people but oh oh now I just I want to see like like the pit where he threw the people with like either probably just incinerated them it's more efficient yeah oh man there's a lot of Darkness around doctors around if you're if you think too much about it yeah I know my shoulder it's like it's made out of some kind of metal I love that we're having a party must be because you're late only because of this Bratz constant back chat because you flew 200 miles past north city and I'm about to put my hand 200 miles upside your head Jesus they're loud Jesus um I I cannot stress enough how much I love the banter in this in this Arc just letting the Androids be human yeah oh I mean I mean just between all the people like it's like um is there a potty must be because you're late I don't I don't know it's just God everyone's so mean and so like this is perfect it's the perfect they aren't friends this is the definition of workplace Associates exactly yeah 17 18. you two are charged with eliminating them you know I'll get right on that but first we gotta talk about these trust issues because I get this strange feeling that after we kill them you're just gonna turn us off again and I don't even know how why with this remote of course oh there's his hand yeah but uh uh I'd remote back it took him less than two hours to do it though I'ma hold on to it real tight whoops did your hand just malfunction Bro think it did sis which okay so by the way uh I want to bring this up now because I'm probably going to forget otherwise we're mentioning that they're brother and sister right away yeah which is something that I don't think the original needed to do I don't think it's better that we're doing it here but I do personally it's easier given the fact that uh again this is meant to be something that you watch after you've already watched the original first and foremost so it's information that most of the people going into it already have so why bother hiding it yeah and also I like the idea of painting them immediately that they are siblings not like friends or a couple yeah like out the gate it's like oh no they're brother and sister which is just a lot more like I feel like that opens up a lot more opportunities for them to bicker because then it's like oh okay they're family you get the dynamic a bit more yeah enough of this I'm sick of standing around we can't do this without Goku why it's a goddamn door it's a good reveal all right so where are the real Androids that's them whoosh wow you are just the Grand Central Station of disappointment aren't you how are these people friends with you making a lot of assumptions right now wow you got a whole hot mess of these guys over here and you it's this your secret project no he's in the basement I mean yes [Laughter] there's a soulless machine joke there but that's beneath me so I like how that comes back I it was I don't think it was the plan to make a comeback but I do like how that comes back but the basement or well no no the soulless machine yeah I gotcha wait what so I'm pretty sure that's three Androids you've missed do I have four no no no no no no no do not activate attacking trunks yeah properly programmed oh and how many of us are hi folks I'm Android 13. look at my truck going through a phase well let's say we open them up and get to know our new friend don't you dare your master and you'll you would say I love the drop of Your Smile there that I think the ear thing's back I said I also love this music that I used [Music] sorry doc okay my haircut following orders not that I would have helped no [Music] I'm afraid he'll either drop him or eat him out of spite I am pissed and hungry she's right to fear me we had an alternate version of that where uh they're flying and you like you just kind of get their Silhouettes you just yeah look drop the baby yeah I mean there was no way to make that work no but it was something that made us laugh in scripting yeah just the idea yeah whoops there's there's nothing I love more than having kids like in danger while laughing yeah foreign but yes 17 and 18. uh I'm I'm really happy with the end result I know they weren't like if I recall correctly they weren't particularly well received when we first introduced them because people were expecting us to do something you know Goofy haha funny with them when we were writing them a lot drier I know taka hated writing scenes with them because that is so antithetical to his sense of humor yeah I mean he get he'll definitely get what he wanted later though when a certain other Android slash bio machine shows up yeah I I feel like I feel like he took all of his frustration with having to kind of take a backseat during the a lot of the scripting of these characters when self shows up because he goes ham with cell like it's like I said a lot of us sometimes write uh the characters that we play um because we know how they'll deliver them we know we kind of like internalize how they'd respond he is because like when we're not scripting you start thinking about those scenes more in between scripting sessions it's like what what is going on with the scene what is going on with this character that I'm going to be playing at least as an actor that's how I think and how I write where it's like what's going through their head when they're doing this and this and then you start thinking about lines and that's how you end up with a lot of Piccolo and Vegeta one-liners frankly yeah and I feel like the the epitome of that is Kurt with his characters like because I feel like 90 of their lines are just him and that's amazing but yeah so ah the Androids are here uh and on sharkrobot.com team-4-star or in the link down in the description haha yeah We snuck an ad in there yeah we stuck another ad in there I'm doing good at this yeah we'll have to continue that next time on this thing that we are doing this is weird now [Laughter] I can't believe it man [Music] oh that's all these years we do have chemistry somehow [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: FourStarBento
Views: 463,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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