Dragonball Z Abridged Creator Commentary | Episode 1

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kaiser we've been doing this for nearly 15 years now why would you start with that because the march of time never ceases some of the people watching this who may have discovered dbza like way later might not have even been born when we started that one hurts hi uh this is a shitty intro [Music] do you want to go back and talk about our old stuff sure why not sounds like i mean we're both here we're both sitting here with headphones and i brought a laptop with all of our episodes on it that i figured we could talk over and annoy people with our voices and cringe very heavily at all the stuff we used to do because did we already do this maybe but 15 years which we're coming up on is a very long time i did bring antacids to soothe season one especially yep which oh boy uh filled with reference humor fourth wall breaks and uh that just happened lots of that kind of stuff uh i wouldn't call us great writers back then i wouldn't call us great writers now i wouldn't call us writers back then we were just kind of filling in spaces and just got in way over our heads with something that grew beyond our possible expectations thank you by the way yeah i uh honestly when you brought up doing this there was a part of me that was like huh you know we already did the commentary video like that we did a couple of anniversary streams we watched but with this we can get a little bit more granular yeah being able to stop the footage when we want to talk about something skip over things that we hate remembering we won't do that but honestly there's a part of me that really does love talking about all of the my new details that went into this and there's there's a lot in the first season because like there's a lot of things that like because we were playing really fast and loose in the first season oh yeah i mean oh really this was almost a fluke like we opened up this video with do you want a blank i guess and that was kind of how dvza you know happened in a way like it was it wasn't 100 percent like a total fluke but yeah it all started late one night in a skype conversation yep where uh you talk and i had become friends and you guys like you really wanted to do dragon ball z i was currently in the middle of doing a hockey show bridge don't look it up uh you were doing loop on the third bridge impossible to look up pretty sure it's gone i think there's like one or two episodes online maybe and taka was doing a g gundama bridge unclear on that thing whether it still exists i don't think you could find it even if you found internet archivists yeah have at it uh but you you guys really wanted to do dragon ball z i was currently working on the like i think i had done like the first two movies world's strongest and dead zone with uh moscow and vegeta of naruto bridged back way back in the day this is 2007 is when i [ __ ] started so neighborhood clucks neighborhood club productions i don't know if archives of the original two videos still exist out there i don't know if i have a hard drive with either of them on it but we did an original dead zone in original world's strongest uh so you talked and was like hey do you want to do dragon ball z abridged as long as you're editing and the three of us are writing and i get to be vegeta that was my big caveat back then because i didn't get a chance yeah it was uh it all came together so quickly and i think you can really you can tell um especially since we were still kind of getting a grasp for like how like the roles that we would take as writers moving forward like we really definitely fell into certain roles on the team and uh i think this is actually a good chance to plug a separate video because we did actually do a in-depth interview with uh totally not mark on a lot of behind the scenes stuff of the season specifically like their overall themes and stuff and we'll probably touch on that yeah a bit but you can if you want a full in-depth thing check out those behind the scenes videos that he uh produced for us yeah you can actually find the first one on our channel and you can find parts two and three over on totally not marx but with that i i feel like we've been like holding back on peeling off this band-aid oh yeah when we begin episode one of dragon ball super bridge karen doll let's go let's do it the simple beginnings yeah i believe the track for this is like morgan stone them or something just all public domain music oh this certainly wasn't this this wasn't public domain i know you like got a lot of ren and stimpy stuff early then technically the song is this orchestration was not first [Music] it's been so long that i don't even really know i don't know oh god your reference internet archive let's figure that one out no it's an island holy [ __ ] finally on this dead plan oh hey look it's it's recycled shots kakarot screw this up oh god damn it i knew we should have sent turles better think of something cool to say to make him stop humor [Music] genius farmer peach humor reference how the joke isn't funny and it makes it funny yep what's your power level little human five god my microphone sucks so much everyone's microphones sucks so much oh man voted for bush now that that okay now so uh obviously if that joke were today it would have been trump it's just so we would have also made an illegal alien joke probably i don't know oh we already we're starting we're busting some out yeah you know what you know what just hit me up i'll keep some for later orange cream not the worst flavor all right let's keep going we got this human human so this is why dad said i couldn't keep a pool get it because we're referencing a pool and he's so weak he's basically a dog so by the way this is actually the second version of the intro that i made i don't know if you've ever seen the original intro that i might have but it's been so long yeah it's it was really bad also the original dragon ball z bridge logo back uh back before we uh changed it for season two yeah intro to piccolo some kick ass already introduced piccolo damn it i'm lonely that that sticks that sticks throughout myspace references oh gee myspace like super duper oh space before they tried to be cool i only had a myspace because like there was a girl that i liked who was like oh have you seen this and like look at how you can decorate i'm like okay first instance of me talking to myself won't be the last planet it's really important don't you love having characters talking off screen oh yeah it's a lot easier than uh but i mean you changed the game when you started actually lip flapping people so many other people oh you take it for granted now with like the [ __ ] that we do but back in the day this this [ __ ] like you go through frame by frame so hold on before we go stopping that right now because that deserves a conversation um actually so it was sort of interesting with the lip sync i was a little bit more la say fair uh with the lip sync originally where it is generally matching the flaps but i was actually just green skin pointy ears and a turban oh yeah this looks like so many others yeah well i this was before i was doing frame by frame so you're just taking like groups of loud yeah that just happened to match which honestly and this is gonna be sort of funny to say looks better than a lot of the flaps in season two where i made them more exact i thought that more exact would be more impressive but it really just kind of makes it look more awkward and like a little bit more uncanny yeah it makes it look way more uncanny uh so i'm actually way happier with the flaps that i was giving say in season three when i started being a little bit more um fast and loose with matching vowels and stuff well yeah where it it it felt closer to say an actual dub of the show it'll be nice being able to see that evolution as we go forward here because right now this is like ground floor welcome and then oh a smart ass huh i don't appreciate smart asses prepare yourself for my signature attack double sun give me the mic i'm gonna let this play out man give here take it i'll just go practice my vegeta ass backstory uh vegeta 3986 the man who's going to be playing rats from this point forward who plays oolong right now and i think even gohan in this episode yeah he plays gohan here uh and yamcha yeah he like he and i we work together like good friend hope you're doing good out there brendan one of his favorite characters like he loves the underappreciated characters raditz and yamcha specifically uh so he does play yanchen uh season one as well now i can't really explain why we made this fourth wall breaky joke i think i think it's because back in the day uh my vocal tone was very much compared to justin cooks and we're like yeah let's just start that out and then make joke about it and then we repeat that joke later in the bardock special too but brandon really really liked the original dub actor for that's right and like keep your eye on the birdie was like a big deal he was uh so he was a very big fan of the dub uh ocean specifically yeah specifically ocean uh he also had a love for like underdog characters characters that uh basically kind of got shafted by toriyama well shafted they kind of they got forgotten about i mean radice shows up he's goku's brother that's so cool and bi yeah um now of course he could have done more with his brother but he decided not to and that kind of like plays in a lot of places very well to toriyama because like it's a little cliche to have the brother be there and and not to mention it doesn't it it's not important to goku but they they make that whole point that goku doesn't need his saiyan heritage yeah brother so much so he really loved the ocean dub which yeah there were a lot of different dubs of dragon ball look them up it's actually kind of fun to compare uh and they had like different attack names and he really loved keep your eye on the birdie and he just really wanted to play his favorite characters and i'm not gonna begrudge the man that i literally demanded to play vegeta as being a part of this even though turns out i think piccolo is actually my favorite character but well and there was also like yeah he we also did want to at least make the joke that you at the time were so compared to justin cook so we needed at least a small moment where not only we could have you as raditz but also make a joke about the dubs difference yeah but it's weird that we went from funimation to ocean yes jumping back but uh either way it was just to get vegeta in as raditz and you know like we're back in the day just having fun goofing around we thought that like uh role equity was important or at least there was like a bit of a theory to that like we were trying to divvy things up a bit more fairly back then even though i already had the lion's share so i was okay with it one percent it's really funny nowadays when we talk about role equity when i am eight characters a lot of them are side characters that show up i got like intermittently yeah i got a bunch of characters where oh right this we gave this character a line they only have one line who's gonna play them and i'm like i've got a decent impression yeah just let's go with it and you know what that works because you're also editing it's like i just need to slip this in here we don't have somebody for this guy [ __ ] it i'll play corrin [ __ ] it i'll play yajirobe my voices for those are good anyway yeah it's it's really funny all right so let's continue on here roll has been switched this by the way my least favorite joke we ever made i i think it is my least favorite in terms of uh just in terms of like i really hate that fourth wall break it it's executed fairly awkwardly no offense oh no no yeah yeah no yeah yeah this this right here is like my kryptonite yeah i i would have done it very differently yourself for my signature attack keep your eye on the bird oh a higher power level also you're going to hear a lot of stock like uh rises and crescendos oh yeah a lot of budakai sound effects well i just mean about like the um instruments the stingers a lot of i didn't want stingers company anyway right tom oh piccolo i do like the running joke that was created from this of him being very lonely so lonely hey i'm here hi we had we didn't have characters for anybody yet how did anybody watch past our first episode i don't know people are doing let's watches that just started earlier this year that watched episode one and kept going it has to be because people said no wait it gets better i love the joke okay sorry hold on real quick oh the uh yeah and uh like two two jokes in here that i don't like i i love the beer joke i really like the beer joke it's fun because like you get to poke at like the censorship oh jay now it's apple juice now it's beef it's beer and i think that was one of the jokes in the first episode that went over the best too yeah cause we referenced it later and i like that joke very specifically because uh i if we're going to poke fun at edits in the dub i'd rather do them more subtly or at least more creatively than as we did with that switch over joke so that one i am actually a big fan of that one because like is that the first joke you're proud of i'd say that in this episode yes it's probably the first joke i'm actually from okay oh looks like yeah i think our implication was that he was [ __ ] a shape-shifting what i can't say you're choir then man krillin put it away dude yeah and krillin the idea that krillin would be interested in bulma krillin is very jerk assy in the first oh yeah yeah like he's always a little bit like irreverent but he's especially jerk assy here because uh that's a writing crutch and we used it we leaned on it hard yeah um we wrote a lot of our characters early on to be [ __ ] i'm not happy with it hey guys because it's so much easier to write an [ __ ] wait what uh cuckoo i can't help but notice that five-year-old you're carrying goku just because we picked you up in the middle of the woods when you were a kid doesn't mean you can go around stealing she unabridged episode two okay uh okay especially my son oh my gosh oh my gosh a joke from robot chicken everybody robot chicken joke uh okay how many people in the comments can name the person what are those noises you're making okay i like i like the bow chick while i joke yes so what's a little guy gonna start training well actually chichi is making him study young gohan is adorable go up and be what's it called a productive and responsible member of society yeah lame that's it hey son come here stop playing with a turtle we don't need people saying things i don't know what we're replying about what was the implication i don't know i think we just needed i think that i think that is uh something a reference that we'll make a lot will be a placeholder joke yeah that we just never went back and replaced we just put that there it's like it sounds kind of funny whatever it it like it's it's a throw it out there and forget it i think i think with proper delivery that joke could be funny of wait what is the implication there yeah like i think if you wanted to lean into that there are a lot of jokes early on that could have possibly worked on people i think if we were to make that joke now it had been like leave that turtle alone it's not even close to supper time like you know implying that goku would eat the turtle i think is more along the lines of it yes we don't eat friends yeah we don't eat friends yeah see i think that's more along the lines of where we would have gone if we would uh redo a lot of this stuff oh come on i beat piccolo i'm strong enough to beat anyone who holy black on a popo what is that i don't mind that one bigger than then krillin's losing streak by this point not entirely earned i go to therapy so actually wow we could we barely make it through this episode without me having to talk about something but i will say that we uh one of the things we lean on way too early in the show is making a bunch of jokes about things that will only really make more sense later after they've happened yeah like having the because we have plans for things obviously and it's like yeah and then we try to write around those plans but early in the day it'd be like we're writing towards those plans and it doesn't make much sense yeah like we really emphasize early on that goku's a bad father when goku being a somewhat questionable father figure hasn't even come up yet they're like we've leaned so hard into it early on that we never got to like let it happen to start actually making the jokes when they mattered yeah because it was a meme in the community already so that becomes more of an issue on namek yeah also i will say this people think like we there are some people out there who i think think we started the goku is a bad i think we can talk about that when we like get to it yeah because like it'll be worth addressing when he arrives to save them from raccoon yeah we grab gohan and put him inside oh son it took me a while to get here but i finally found you kakarot why did he whisper that that's your name right what the name you were given before we sent you to this planet why that was pretty good i liked that hit your head as a child didn't you [Applause] what nobody counts on rule of four listen you were sent here as a child take over the planet oh my god it's so quiet yeah you probably would have added music oh yeah there would have been music yeah there'd be music everywhere if you were like i am your brother [Music] so you're his brother huh wow that must mean you'll be involved in a lot of future events fourth wall yeah [ __ ] you krillin's going through the fourth wall welcome our longest running gag hey my most personally polarizing because we break the rules of that thing all the [ __ ] time house so what are you here for i wonder the dragon balls the the dragons what the dragon balls you know there are seven of them they grant you any wish you want like immortality or bulbas petty inside just listening i guess oh yeah we're totally going to earth to get our wish yeah we're gonna get panties i mean immortality immortality is what i meant right vegeta just get in the damn entertainer yeah no i'm here for you kakarot so what are we gonna do it's really distracting too because of the difference my qualities like some of us sound like we're talking into a tin can some of us just sound like we're talking through five sweaters oh well i think moscow's microphone is the best by far yeah 100 due respect like moscow is actually the person uh who told me what microphone i should get when i first started out doing stuff like he was the guy i talked to about that so he knew what was up classic damn it krillin hey i was bitch-slapped through a house what's your excuse i was kneed in the stomach you guys are pathetic what oh jeez hey look i know you totally want to kill me and all but today's kind of a bad day my brother just showed up turns out i'm an alien he stole my kid oh yeah i was watching that that was priceless [Laughter] my fake laughs got so much better sorry for your loss yeah anyway wanna help me get him back i do like that shot myspace tom you've been replaced we didn't even switch over to the yeah no it's a nestle crunch bar oh no i guess we were just really proud of the uh now it's napa wait what the hell also by this point we already knew that people were going to like napa because we loved what we had for napa yeah it's uh interesting when early on you have a character and i think uh when you realize you're gonna have a character that people are just generally gonna like is when you're having a lot of fun writing for a character of course that isn't necessarily always true i definitely think there are characters in shows where you can tell that only the writers are having fun with them um but it definitely felt like napa was the character who we could just write anything for because he was completely irreverent so that was the journey from the first episode tune back in because we're going to be doing this for the whole series we'll we'll probably be bunching up a bunch of the episodes though since we yeah yeah this one had a lot of preamble the next ones are probably just going to be the episodes um oh man this is going to be a lot of fun sparking so [Music] you
Channel: FourStarBento
Views: 700,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dbza, teamfourstar, dbza commentary, dragonball, abridged, commentary, directors commentary, creator commentary
Id: r_gUBzVryxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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