Dragon Ball: Every Race's Strongest Character

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there can be only one today's video is breaking down the strongest characters from each of the major races seen in the Dragon Ball franchise who is coming out on top let's get right into it sorry Goku even though you're the star of the show you're not the strongest saying that honor belongs to the legendary Super Saiyan bro Lee whose power is probably strong enough to open that one difficult jar of pickles that you haven't been able to twist off for a while yeah the guys that's wrong the legendary super saiyan is a being of immense power who only appears once every 1,000 years and that should be some sort of sign any time in pop culture that something only appears once every 1000 years you just know that thing is going to be incredibly powerful but yeah bro Lee is the strongest Saiyan around and it's not even close like if you look at all the things Broll is able to do there's just no denying that he is leagues ahead of any other Saiyan he shattered Dimensions by going toe-to-toe with Gogeta can retain his powered-up stayed for a lot longer than Goku generally can and has even survived the Soul Punisher technique which is supposed to disintegrate an enemy from the inside even with all of this you could argue that bro Lee hasn't even reached his full potential yet which is a terrifying thought as the franchise has grown and evolved one thing has become abundantly clear Cubans are pretty weak and sure to be fair every human fighter we've seen a Dragonball could probably whip yours and mines combined but without so much as lifting a finger but I'm just saying in the grand scheme of things the human fighters have been left in the dust as we're introduced to more and more alien species but despite that there's got to be a strongest human right and taking everything into consideration that honor goes to Krillin he's just proven time and time again that he can overcome a lot of challenges thrown at him and even though he's weak compared to some other races he's still a serious threat to almost anyone who gets in his way now when the show first started it seemed like Crillon was just as capable as becoming a fearsome warrior like anyone else but then he started kicking the bucket with more and more frequency that it became somewhat comical first by Tambourine then Frieza then boo than Android 17 well 17 is kind of weird cuz you know GT and all that regardless even though we all love Crillon and he's still the strongest human that might not be worth celebrating I'm dangerously close to coming up with my own name for frieza's race because to go this long and not know their actual name just blows my mind but it shouldn't be surprising that the strongest member of what we like to call freezes races Frieza himself everything we've learned about Frieza and the rest of his people prove that the mysterious white lizard looking creature is the strongest among his people and his family line early on and Dragon Balls run it's clear that Frieza was scary powerful but it was hard to gauge just how strong the villain was then we learned that he'd been coasting a little bit on his strength without much training which is scary to think about like if he was already a threat to Goku without any actual practice then what would happen if he set his mind to becoming stronger well this of course was answered when Frieza was able to Train long and hard enough to unlock his own type of transformation for his race which he lovingly called golden Frieza so maybe this will someday change once we know more about his people but for now on Frieza can rest comfortably at the top of his races rankings I wish I could just build a bunch of androids in my garage and have them be some of the most powerful beings in the universe but somehow I don't think a broken blender wrapped in aluminium foil is really gonna cut it you know my little creation unfortunately wouldn't hold a candle to most the androids and Dragon Ball which have proven to be insanely strong over the years and the absolute strongest Android of them all that's super 17 maybe not canonically but still the origins of this Android are just nuts dr. zero and dr. mu came up with the idea for this Android while hanging out in the one place you probably don't want to hang out in but the end result was terrifying they created a duplicate of android 17 and then had the brilliant idea to fuse him with the original android 17 on earth creating super 17 now take all this with a big ol grain of salt because it comes from Dragon Ball GT but this Super 17 was able to fight Super Saiyan 4 Goku anything that can do that is definitely worth watching out for but now I'm inspired to build my own Android quick to the garage even though his name is piccolo jr. I'm just gonna call him piccolo because that's well what we all call him anyway right anyways piccolo is the strongest namekian and we couldn't be prouder of the big green guy who would have thought when Goku punched a hole through King Piccolo's chest that the egg King Piccolo would spit out would grow to become the world's strongest namekian not me and even though he started off young and cute he would grow to be the towering and imposing green alien we've all come to love and sure I know piccolo didn't just automatically start off as this super-powerful warrior but it's been a joy watching him train and become stronger over the years due to all the experience he's gone through Mike piccolo was always a good fighter but maybe not the most respected from the people around him and certainly he wasn't doing anything that made him stronger than any other namekian but then everything finally came together in the freezer saga when he fused with mail this huge powerup granted him amazing strength mandy was able to match freezes power level at least for that transformation which is still a pretty impressive feat so for that piccolo is the strongest namekian come forth divine dragon and grant my wish peas and carrots oh don't mind me I'm just summoning super Shenron aka the strongest and most powerful dragon of them all just looking at all the other dragons of the franchise it's clear that super Shenron is in a complete league of his own he's a big boy like I mean larger than a cluster of galaxies if you can imagine and his powers vastly exceed that of any other creature like you know how the earth version of Shenron has limitations when it comes to wishes well super Shenron has got no limits and he can grant you anything you desire so if you really want that trumpet playing golden retriever and aren't sure if Shenron can grant it then it's better to go to super Shenron instead we don't know how strong super Shenron actually is but given his sheer size and magical abilities i'm gonna go ahead and say that you do not want to fight this dragon he could beat you up and destroy you without intentionally doing it and he would never know the difference one time when he was summoned he swallowed a whole planet he's not only the strongest dragon but he's also one of the strongest beings ever sure when you look at the grand priests you don't get scared immediately he's a sure little dude with weird teal skin and bright white hair he looks more like a rejected uber Loompa than a serious being of immense or this little guys actually one of the strongest beings in the entire multiverse yeah that's right not just the strongest in a single universe but in all of the universes the grand priest is a serious contender for power King which is the title I just made up we already know that the grand priest is almost all-powerful but our tiny Minds probably couldn't comprehend just how powerful the angel actually is I'm pretty sure if we were exposed to even the tiniest sliver of grand priests true power every molecule in our body would be destroyed recreated and then destroyed again actually yeah I take back all the mean things I said about him the beginning of this and I'm afraid that even though he's an anime character he's still powerful enough to cross over to our world and take me out so do I even have to say this grand priest is the most powerful angel of the angel race demons are just a pain right you're just out trying to have a perfectly normal day when all of a sudden a super-powerful demon shows up out of nowhere and starts wreaking havoc so yeah throughout the Dragon Ball franchise there have been a lot of troublesome demons but the most powerful member of the demon race is Mechi Kagura aka the demon king now at first the demon king is nothing special he's just an old wrinkly demon but after crossing paths with the dark Dragon Balls he's able to regain his youth and caused a lot of trouble for our heroes and even though they tried to throw him into the time labyrinth he was able to escape and become even stronger on top of being SuperDuper strong he's also got one of the best capes in all of Dragon Ball which I'm sure shouldn't be a deciding factor in determining the strongest being of each race but I'm just saying the cape leaves an impression no other demon has posed as much of a threat as this guy has and his abilities like his perfect state as well as being able to take on the time power unleashed state definitely makes him the top demon regardless if he's canon or not when there's a mortal that even a god of destruction can't defeat then you should definitely be afraid that's the case with Jairam the mysterious protector of universe 11 who can successfully beat down both Goku and Vegeta at the same time not a lot is known about the bug-eyed alien or his race but after he was introduced in the tournament of power arc it was clear that jiren was one of the most powerful mortals in the multi like we know that he most likely should have been a god of destruction but he passed on the job which maybe was a good thing overall it's hard to say but from what we've seen of jiren we know that he's an honorable fighter who believes in justice so we should just count ourselves lucky that he falls on more the site of good than evil if he ever went rogue the whole multiverse might be in serious trouble and yes I know we haven't met any other of gerron's race officially yet but jiren is already one of the strongest mortals and the multiverse so I'm just making an educated guess that he's probably the strongest of his people I think the core people are a little strange they're the true race all Kai and the Supreme Kai come from before being given their respective roles their origins are a little funny as they're born from magical fruits which isn't really important to the point I'm making but thought that you'd all like to know it the strongest of the core people is the grand supreme Kai who as the name suggests is the highest of all supreme Kai's and actually ruled over the entire universe seven before the series officially started like even though he's a peace-loving food junkie he's still incredibly powerful millions of years ago he had to give up a lot of his godly power to seal away the evil Morrow's magic which caused some serious problems for him later when majin buu came a-knockin it wasn't long before Buu absorbed the grand supreme kai and took on his general shape and size it was a shame because I feel like if it was any other villain besides Buu and the grand supreme kai was working at full power things would have been really different on the plus side his general presence within Buu made him less dangerous to our heroes for a time which was helpful I still can't get over how powerful something like super Shenron actually is what about you guys what do you think is the strongest overall Dragon Ball character let us know in the comments and don't forget to hit that old subscribe button for more awesome Dragon Ball content as always thanks a whole bunch for watching [Music]
Channel: CBR
Views: 875,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball franchise, strongest Dragon Ball character, most powerful Dragon Ball race, Goku, Vegeta, Broly, Super Shenron, Dragon, Frieza, Piccolo, Angel, Grand Priest power, major Dragon Ball races, Super saiyan, strongest Saiyan, CBR
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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