10 Strange Rules Every Angel Must Follow In Dragon Ball

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[Music] everyone knows the angels of the Dragon Ball universe are intimidatingly powerful associated with gods of destruction and seemingly couldn't care less about entire universes being wiped out in the blink of an eye no matter what happens in fanfiction and angel could never fall for a god of destruction and believe it or not all the Angels are actually related to one another dating prospects but these guys are pretty limited but somehow we don't think they're losing any sleep over it today we're going to be taking a look at these fascinating deities and talking about some strange rules they all seemingly have to follow love in the Dragon Ball universe the gods of destruction are characters who should not be underestimated they have massive amounts of power and can tear apart worlds in the blink of an eye but being a god of destruction is a tough job and you can't clown around well unless you're Velma the god of destruction for universe 11 who literally looks like a clown despite having a penchant for destruction and looking like a very scary clown Velma is a perfectly chill guy most of the time he also has an angel assistant named margarita and the two make a very familiar pair in fact it's hard not to notice that between belmonts clown paint and margaritas pigtails the two of them look like a regular Joker and Harley Quinn pair in fact this was even taken to the extreme in the manga where the two were frequently depicted as more than just coworkers instead belmont and margaritas seemed to be in love with one another at least until akira toriyama put a stop to it he corrected his successor Toya Toro and claimed that there was no way an angel would ever fall in love with the god of destruction since the angel ultimately take orders from Zeno they don't have dispensation for office romances we're sure there's plenty of fan fiction out there that disagrees but we have to defer to Toriyama on this one revived as you've probably noticed by now angels are some of the most powerful beings in the cosmology of Dragonball not only do they assess the gods of destruction and keep them in check but they're also responsible for training them Weese is even able to warp so quickly he can affect the flow of time in addition to having powers of divination and incredible healing the angels can also resurrect characters who've fallen in battle Weesa was able to resurrect Frieza without batting an eye but there are some limitations to the powers of the Angels although quite frankly they're few and far between while we Spade bringing Frieza back look easy he can't revive someone who has been killed by a demon in the Dragon Ball super manga jiren is trying to resurrect his former master Juran's on a quest received the super Dragon Balls because it's the only way to bring him back to life since he was killed by a demon even the power of an angel wouldn't be enough to revive him under such circumstances gods of destruction we mentioned that angels are stronger than the gods of destruction they accompany because it's their responsibility to train them and make them strong but it's also out of necessity since they are occasionally called upon to keep them in line the angels and gods of destruction have a kind of strange relationship in which the angels serve the gods of destruction but also keep them in check when the situation calls for it like the time beerus from universe 7 and Champa from universe 6 started to get into it forcing their respective angels Wiese and vados to intervene as you've probably guessed from their titles to God the destruction well they destroy things people places planets you get the picture but there have to be limits and the angels have to enforce them we've seen Wiis easily put a stop to beerus when he nearly went on a wasabi fuelled rampage in Dragon Ball super frankly beerus has caused more than his fair share of destruction over the year so it's good that Lisa's around to keep him in check although apparently no force in the universe can stop him from nap erased there are many ways to meet your end in the Dragon Ball universe in fact there are way too many to list but as you can probably imagine it's not easy to take down an angel in fact we've seen them survive the destruction of their entire universes during the tournament of power we watched Asano destroy the losing universes in the blink of an eye yet their angels were unharmed when instead of wiped out universe 9 its angel mojito even smiled when it happened things like this have served to convince some fans that there's something up with the angels who may not be as impartial and benevolent as they appear what we don't know for sure that they're up to no good it's definitely an interesting theory at the very least or it could just mean mojito isn't a sentimental type either way it's clear the angels are nearly indestructible and it's interesting to note their existence doesn't rely on the existence of their associated universe it's no wonder fans wonder if the Angels are all that attach to the universes they call home sleep despite their vast powers the angels can act pretty human from time to time they even love indulging in food to quite an extreme extent but although they love to eat it turns out the Angels don't need to sleep at all it makes sense that these ultra powerful beings probably function quite differently than we do but we've seen some other powerful beings in the Dragon Ball universe sleep the most notable of whom is probably beerus the god of destruction for universe 7 even though he's feared by many majorly powerful characters including the supreme kai as Frieza and Shenlong he still can't resist a good cat nap from time to time he pretty much causes massive amounts of destruction while awakened then slips into a peaceful slumber just like a real cat perhaps his most notable map happened during the all universe hide-and-seek tournament where he derailed the event by sleeping for 50 years but the Angels don't have to experience sleeping and really it seems to make sense considering how powerful they are in fact it's even strange that the literal gods need to get their shut-eye and can easily spend decades slumbering Halos we're not gonna lie even for the most ardent Dragon Ball fan the cosmology of the universe can be kind of confusing of course we have the Angels with a capital A who are each associated with the god of destruction and have amazing magical powers but then there are the angels with a lowercase a who just deceased people who have managed to retain their bodies in the Otherworld during the fortune-teller bhava scene in Dragon Ball we saw dear old grandpa Gohan return to the land of the living supporting a halo hovering over his head in fact the presence of a halo is used to denote the existence of angels with a lowercase a in various series and the four kids dub of Dragon Ball Kai the halos are blurred to look like glowing orbs instead for some reason we're way to question the wisdom of four kids but the uppercase Angels have halos as well they just look quite different from the ones we're used to seeing their halos are blue instead of gold and in most cases they're located around the angels necks the exception to this rule is the Grand Minister whose halo floats behind his head there's another form of angel in the Dragon Ball universe referred to as the angels of hell and these ones don't seem to have halos instead they appear as cute cuddly cheerful creatures who are absolute torture to characters like Frieza seriously this version of the underworld looks kind of fun but apparently freezes in the fan names everyone knows the characters and the Dragon Ball universe tend to have themed names like how sans are named after vegetables for some reason the angels are all named after alcoholic beverages some of which are more obvious than others the angel for universe one is Alamo who's named after al amore a distilled rice beverage from Okinawa the universe too has sour who's named after the sour variety of mixed drinks and universe 3 has Kim parity who's named after Campari an Italian liqueur then we have the universe for angel cognac named after a type of brandy from cognac France the angel from universe 5 is coca tale whose name is a reference to the word cocktail god of destruction Champa from universe 6 is accompanied by vatos whose name is based on Calvados a brandy from Normandy next we have Lise the angel of universe 7 whose name has a slightly funny origin story or maybe we should say slightly punny the universe 7 god of destruction beerus was named by screenwriter Yusuke Watanabe and his Japanese name is Vita su a pun on the word virus but accurate Toriyama thought he was named after beer so he named his assistant Wiese after whiskey then we have universe 8 with corn who contrary to popular belief isn't named after the new metal band but rather a type of spirit called corn or corn brand we also have mojito from universe 9 named after well mojitos and universe tens kusu named after an aged pomorie you could probably figure out Universal Evans margarita and universes 12 as Martina emotion we know Akira Toriyama thinks it's impossible for angel to fall for a god of destruction and will take his word for that but it does seem like overall the Angels displays surprising lack of emotion for the most part during the tournament of power entire universes are blinked out of existence and none of the Angels really seemed to care of course to an extent this makes sense considering how ancient and powerful they are but still there's something unsettling about their lack of reactions during major moments there are a couple of exceptions to this rule though Campari has been shown to care about other beings and fake care about him as well when universe 3 is being erased Newell even leaves his robot suit in order to thank him party for all of his help gusu is the angel from universe 10 and she actually looked sad to see her universe get erased we know that may not sound like much but when he consider her fellow angel mojito actually smiled when his universe was erased you can see why it's kind of a big deal elimination earlier we talked about the fact that angels survived even when Zeno erases their universes from existence in fact while most angels seem pretty invulnerable to harm they do have a completely reasonable fear of Zeno in fact pretty much everyone except for Goku is smart enough to know to tread lightly around the Omni King Zeno seems to be the one anime the angels could never defeat and some fans believe they may be hoping to change that but that's band theory for another video however there's also futures that Oh to worry about and we've seen him wipe out everything in the future including angels the only beings to survive from his timeline were himself Future Trunks and future my rank although the Angels have a lot in common with one another there's definitely one who stands out as being at a higher ranked wallet angels accompany gods of destruction the Grand Minister serves Zeno himself and has done so for thousands of years unlike the other angels the Grand Minister doesn't rely on a staff to use his incredible powers but apparently he's been doing more than just serving Zano for all of this time considering he's had time to father all of the other angels that's right the angels are all related to one another and their father is none other than the grand minister himself gusu is the oldest despite looking more childlike than her siblings we're not sure what's stranger fact that the Grand Minister has so many kids or the fact that they're all named after alcoholic beverages apparently there isn't any kind of angel child protection agency in the Dragon Ball universe what are your thoughts about the angels in the Dragon Ball universe do you think they're definitely up to something or is there something about them you want to know share your thoughts with us in the comment section below and then click on that subscribe button for more videos from us here at CBR bye for now
Channel: CBR
Views: 991,257
Rating: 4.7757893 out of 5
Keywords: strange rules, Dragon Ball Angels, Must Follow, types of Angels, blue halo, all related, universe erased, plotting something, name references, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, Tournament of Power, Grand Minister, God of Destruction, Future Zeno, Grand Priest, Whis, Akira Tori, CBR
Id: QlJdf63p5cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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