Dragon Age Inquisition: Trespasser DLC Full - Male Lavellan / Dorian Romance (All Cutscenes)

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[Music] another parade another bloody negotiation Smiles everyone we must be careful how we present ourselves why did div Victoria call the exalted Council she's kept all from bothering us for the last 2 years at increasing political costs yes she has done all she can but the exalted Council has become necessary orlay would control us and based on their many marriage proposals they have specific plans for you our real concern is felon they would see us disbanded entirely [Music] [Applause] Inquisitor it has been too long I hope the years have been kind to you how have you been mother Gizelle I spent last summer in impr D Leon Distributing food sent from the exalted Plains The Dales are finally recovering cfus left a great deal of damage for us to repair I appreciate your efforts and I yours your worship the Inquisition forces were of great help tending the sick the alian soldiers at suedine keep somewhat less So Divine Victoria asked me to greet you on her behalf she is currently attending to the Faldon ambassador's concerns you can probably just call her Liliana in private conversation you can Inquisitor I prefer to use her Divine name our last Divine once joked about why I insisted upon calling her justinia she called it my way of reassuring her that I had not completely forgotten who was in charge how do you think Divine Victoria has done these last two years it is hardly for me to say Inquisitor with respect that's never stopped you before Mother jaizelle Victoria is proving to be a woman that few dare to disagree with she has already won concessions for the Inquisition you are fortunate to have her support I'll speak to Divine Victoria I believe she would appreciate that your worship the Divine sees the good that you can do and have done Duke Siro will wish to greet you on behalf of oay I believe he is currently speaking with the tenta Ambassador many of your friends have returned as well I hope you have a chance to speak with them before the exalted Council Begins the Imperium sent an ambassador yes your worship Dorian pavas has taken the chance to return from tenta it will be good to see him again I owe him my apology I allowed my distrust of tenta to allowed my judgment I am glad you saw more clearly than I did you're going to apologize to Dorian I have little patience for those who cannot admit they were wrong your worship myself included I will have to make my apologies somewhere public he will want an audience for his reaction who has returned for the exalted Council your Dwarven friend Master tetras for one I understand he spent much of the last few years years in kirkwall I believe sir blackwall has returned as well although he now uses the name Tom the Ranier enjoy time with them while you can your worship I doubt you will have the chance once the exalted council is underway thank you mother Gizelle your worship a final question if I may this exalted Council thalon would have the Inquisition disband Olay sees its power as another feather in a chevalier's helmet what do you wish to do with the Inquisition the Inquisition still has work to do we can't let someone's fear push us into disbanding then I wish you luck in the negotiations to come make a watch over you Inquisitor I will not keep you any longer [Music] wa the prince of Stark Haven wrote to you again of course he did just put that one in the pile with letters from the merant guild and the captain of the city guard had a very colorful message for me to deliver to you as well Inquisitor andrae's ass am I ever glad to see you and The Inquisitor comes to the rescue once again is that what you call it this is bran Caven until recently he was the vi count provisional vicount of Kirk wall and what are you doing now I have resumed my post as Cal now that Master tethis has been elected vicount you're the vicount of kirkwall now well it seems the two of you have a great deal to discuss why don't I just leave you to it so it turns out you fund enough reconstruction efforts in a city state the Nobles give you the worst job they can think of that's fantastic you'll make an excellent VI count I think the nobility fig figured after darar and perin what's the worst that could happen if we put the dwarf in charge they voted me in because I got the harbor and businesses up and running again they want [ __ ] fixed and I can do that anyway I was hoping I'd catch you before the summit got underway I got you a sort of present it's official recognition of your title and holdings in kirkwall congratulations you're a compt now you can't actually do that without too late already did it you should stop by high toown sometime to see your estate it's pretty nice for kirkwall anyway proper disposition of empty Estates is supposed to you were leaving us to talk remember what are you up to I feel like I should be suspicious look it's really not that big a deal oh that reminds me it's the key to the city you can't give that away without approval from the council and a special ceremony it it's just symbolic anyway it controls one of the giant chain Nets in the harbor really that is so much better than I thought you can't give me me the actual key that closes kirkwall's Harbor that's absurd finally someone with sense I don't know how this Council thing is going to end for the Inquisition but whatever gets decided you've got a place lined up in kirkwall if you want it also uh control of the harbor I guess anyway you should meet with the diplomats and it we'll get in a game of wicked grace before I go back though right I wouldn't miss it don't don't bet any public buildings this time you there you're to dodge not catch if that ball were a fireball you'd be dead you found a dog they don't breed mabari in Olay the merchant said he was a abandoned perhaps his owner is tired of the novelty Tire of you with that positive attitude and fetching ability he's not supposed to fetch it I don't think you understand how this works another falden Trapped At The Winter Palace I couldn't leave him to that fate besides I think he likes me I never expected you to make friends at a political Council our times have changed so they have the Inquisition will change after this not yet sure what that will mean whatever happens our people you Liliana Josephine will have my support in whatever form you require I can't imagine the Inquisition without you I am honored and likewise Inquisitor you can help Dodge this and I'll find overpriced orian dog treats before we go Inquisitor I see you have time for afternoon Refreshments did you know that a merchant in the courtyard is selling gemstones the same color as your eyes what a not thing to say h I must see this for myself you're useful to have around Cole I still don't understand or lesions and them masks but it makes him happy and I needed the table for bread crumbs birds like breadcrumbs oh Cole good day I didn't see you there but I saw you as lovely as your songs I'm pleased for both of you the world has ample pain Inquisitor the kindness found in Cole is rare indeed her songs bring happiness to those who hear and I can make her happy in return well then carry on oh is everything all right yes well I wanted to speak with you and now you're here this seems serious it's not about me it's about you maybe you should sit I can stand maybe I should sit Inquisitor I want you to know that I am your friend I will always be your friend oh well that's so I hope to give you sound advice on this momentous day do what is in your heart my friend no matter what anyone might tell you maybe I should leave and come back I think I missed the beginning I'm talking about marriage marriage of course Dorian being toin will raise eyebrows across the Empire but if that is you you're not proposing to anyone I am going to kill veric why do I believe everything he says why I might get married I've thought about it I suspected as much being Inquisitor has brought you good things many good things but only a few have been by your choice take What happiness you can from those and do not let them go that is all I meant to say advice from a friend for the days to come fashionably late I thought you weren't going to show I gave you my word we would talk and I I never break my word easy there I was just teasing so tell me everything that happened while I was away and after the Betrayal and what I put those men through my sories were worth about as much as [ __ ] are you glad you at least tried to apologize it's hard to say I go back and forth most days they needed to know that there's a way to come back from anything and I wanted to help them if I could I thought going up there on the Gallows was difficult this was worse 100 times worse anyway it's nice to be back though I'm not sure what to think of this Council no matter what you know you can always count on my swordarm and my friendship I'm getting a little worried for the palace and any passes by worship I'm glad you're here listen I need you to keep the chief distracted while we sneak this dragon skull through the room behind him I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes it's for his birthday I'll see what I can do KB all right here he comes just keep him talking he loves talking hey boss good to see you it's good to see that the veil has largely healed now that most of the major Rifts are closed you might think otherwise but the veil isn't technically a physical barrier if it's more like a magical vibration that repels the fade H do you think news of the exalted council could affect the lium shipments from Oar uh maybe I'm sorry I can't do this sure you can they must have that thing almost across the room by now right Ben hastra remember surprise happy birthday Chief oh you guys you got me it's been quite a day so far has it not I've been speaking with representatives from everywhere have they given you trouble not at all it is quite alarming it means they are all saving themselves up for later would you walk with me I should like to take some air before the exalted Council becomes inescapable the palace has been most accommodating we are after all here at their insistence but the ministers May no no more talk of the council this meeting was to spend time with you in a more relaxed fashion then why can I still see those wheels turning in your head work carries a certain momentum the truth is there is a small entertainment happening tonight to which I may be able to find a pair of invitations you'd like me to go with you very much so in all the years you worked with orlay you had so little time to enjoy its culture perhaps you're right these meetings and talks don't allow for much leisure time and then back to skyhold without a moment's pause to take in where we are with all that's been happening I promised myself a single evening out I'd very much like to go with a friend and what is this small entertainment something to ease our minds I would very much like to surprise you with the details thank you for thinking of me I'd be delighted to attend Splendid I will arrange things at once the past years have been so busy we have earned at least a few moments of rest a calm night out sounds Bravo this was your idea of a restful evening oh wasn't it lovely it's been so long since I've gone to the Opera but tell me did you enjoy the performance that was one of the greatest things I've ever seen truly that PO with the glittery and and they actually set fire to yes I I truly enjoyed it then I call tonight a great success Oh look The Encore signal Divine Victoria am I interrupting of course not Inquisitor I was catching up with red Cliff's AR is here to represent Falon at the summit Inquisitor good to meet you I are things in redcliffe my Lord blessedly quiet the mayor conveys his greetings redcliffe remembers its savior I had hoped to steal a moment of the divine's time very well we'll continue this later your Perfection many are frightened of the inquisition's power but I will do all I can to allay their fears when world powers want to discuss plans for the future I get nervous good someone should keep you on your toes we don't want you to get bored Inquisitor I have much to do but let me say this I may no longer be your spy Master but I am always here if you require I'm glad you finally arrived Inquisitor the Crown's anxious for news and your thoughts on felon's position the breach is long gone yet Sky hold's Army remains Faldon can't continue to ignore soldiers on its borders the Inquisition has grown I can see how its presence might cause concern then you understand why we must demand a reduction of your military forces a power without allegiance to either Faldon or oray even I see neither of our countries can let it rest I won't keep you longer we'll have words enough when the exalted Council begins o is on your side Lord parvis the Inquisition support is not a thing to lose lightly which is why the oian court is circling it with a net and collar but you'll have to excuse me I see an old friend I misre a mar who waiting through all the Pomp and Circumstance I see you're back after being away into vinta for a month and this is how you greet me I have an apology ready what have you learned about this Council oay wants the Inquisition tamed Faldon wants had gone the Chantry medals and to Vin sends but one Ambassador that's me by the way a reward for my interest in the South thankfully Ambassador pavis is a token appointment call on me as you like Inquisitor Duke siril mfor member of the Council of Heralds and Lord of chatau ha I have long followed your work it is extraordinary is that sentiment shared by the rest of the court of course oay wishes only to offer respectful guidance to the Inquisition does your grace feel the Inquisition should continue to rule itself I would rather see the Inquisition join us freely than be carved into pieces for the chessboard I have not forgotten justina's death I had friends who perished at the Temple of sacred ashes more than the good you have done it is a good we may do together I don't wish to lose whatever happens Inquisitor I wish you well as the most eloquent dwarf you know Sparkles speech speeech way too much speech varic there's really no need what's going on Inquisitor You're Just in Time Sparkles the Imperium doesn't deserve you or want you it it may even kill you but we'll miss you if it counts and you didn't know okay folks time to take the party elsewhere Tom never wanted any I swear leave him it's true I couldn't stay away from tenta forever I'm leaving as soon as the exalted council is done you said you weren't going back what's changed I don't want to leave am matus my father is dead assassinated I believe I received notice this morning a perversely cheerful letter congratulating me on assuming his seat in the magisterium we only met a few times while I was home he didn't say anything about keeping me as his Heir this ambassadorship his doing I'm told he must have wanted me away when the trouble began I have to go back I know it was complicated but I'm sorry about your father thank you it still doesn't feel real what of us this is it then nonsense there will always be an us we'll just be farther apart for a time now now don't pout they'll put that expression on a statue and then you'll be sorry you think this is funny nothing about this is funny I am sorry for what it's worth so you'll truly be a Magister oh yes I can't wait to degrade the magisterium with my presence a new outfit is required and then what I find my father's killers and kill them back then I find those giving to Vinter a bad name and kill them they're most likely the same people so that should make the job easier you'll need help I could go with you you not this time amatus I won't be entirely without support May Veris has gathered other magisters who feel as we do we'll be an actual faction in the magisterium I'll teach them manners take them shopping it'll be fun you don't have to go back Dorian you put it behind you you still could give up a golden opportunity for martyrdom perish the thought a present a going away present it's ascending Crystal amazing what friendship with the Inquisition gives you access to if I get in over my head or you're overwhelmed with sorrow for lack of my velvety voice magic what you didn't think I would just leave and you'd never hear from me again did you you are the man I love amatus nothing will truly keep us apart now let's finish the goodwine before the others get back thank you your Holiness now Alan as to your concerns the Inquisition established an armed presence in Faldon territory specifically the Hinterlands outside redcliffe our goal was to keep more Faldon citizens from dying not to seize power your help was appreciated 2 years ago Inquisitor now order has been restored yet you remain invading under pretext of restoring order is exactly what the gray wardens did to us centuries ago and we exiled them now the Inquisition is doing the same thing with gray wardens in their ranks your concern is ill found in the grey wardens have proven their worth time and again of course oay tolerates this interference the Inquisition is the only reason Gaspard sits upon the throne rest assured tan the Empire of O will not stand Idol if the Inquisition oversteps its bounds unlike foron however o understands that these were the well-intentioned mistakes of a young organization an organization in need of a guiding hand yours no doubt pardon me Inquisitor Divine Victoria wishes to speak with you in private but the Divine Victoria who's sitting just up there yes and who was once your spy Master it's a pressing matter your worship something has come up I'll be back what this is highly irregular perhaps it would be best if we took a short recess the guard said we should both see this I believe she was correct a canari warrior in full armor how did he get into the Winter Palace we need to find out what's going on can Josephine manage the diplomats while I look around she will be fine it's all speeches and posturing for the first few days anyway I will extend the recess as long as possible I will also have our friends ready themselves for battle if need be you think that's likely I think the exalted Council may be more exciting than we expected said canari was bad enough now we have more and they're hostile this makes no sense the canar may not be friendly to the Inquisition but they have no reason to attack us they also have no reason to be here or using eluvians at all I've had the mirror placed under guard for now your Holiness colen please just call me Liliana yes you're good Liliana it appears the relative peace and quiet of the last two years is coming to an end first the blight then Mages and Templars then corus and now this can't we go 10 years without the world falling to pieces we must ensure that the canari do not not disrupt the negotiations the exalted council is in a very delicate state I'm certain you can soothe the Noble's ruffled feathers while we solve the real problem not when The Inquisitor insults everyone present by walking out in the middle of the talks our only Advantage is that orlay and felon are divided in goal and grievance if they unite against us Divine Victoria will have no choice but to support their claims we could lose everything I know we're asking a lot of you Ambassador I promise we won't make this any harder for you than necessary my apologies I will attend to the exalted Council and while Josie does that we will investigate we your Holiness you do Josie I'll head back to the crossroads we need to find out what the canari are doing and why they attacked and I'll have a question quiet word with our Honor Guard need me for anything you're more comfortable being called by your real name now comfortable not quite yet I didn't want to be Rainer for such a long time to be quite Frank he was an ass but he's I've changed and reclaiming my name has allowed me to reconnect with people I haven't seen in years is family it wouldn't have happened without you what do you think is going to happen at the exalted Council maker I have no idea politics always makes my head spin the Inquisition shouldn't have to give in whenever some prissy Noble gets their knickers wedged somewhere it's nice to have everyone back in the same place again I have to admit I missed it what does it mean when we need a hug huge diplomatic talk or the world ending just to bring us together I got the chance to have a few drinks with Sarah miss that girl it's still a little awkward talking to Cassandra but the commander appears to have forgiven me finally until later take care everything going all right so far any word from Hawk I got a message from well best not to an entire chain of smuggling syndicates and like company anyway Weiss hoop is apparently the special kind of vest that only appears when Hawk shows up I'm not entirely sure how it'll all play out but my money's on Hawk walking away from the warden's Fortress as it explodes I'm surprised no one from the Council of Heralds wants your autograph you just missed them Duke sirel keeps asking me for spoilers from my next book I don't understand how you could just become a vicount when the ruler of a marcher State dies and there's no air the Nobles of the city pick a new ruler only none of kirkwall's nobles actually want the throne most of them think it's cursed actually they can't leave it empty though or some other state like starkhaven or ansburg will probably in vain I complained about the empty office when it interfered with my reconstruction effort they took that as volunteering so bran used to be VI count and now he just follows you around provisional vicount pretty much with a permanent appointee finally in the vi Count's office I am free to return to my post as cop he means my true calling is arrogantly telling people they can't talk to the viout he's good at it too we'll talk more another time I'll be here if you need me hello and shh I'm trying to figure out why everyone is acting so weird I mean besides because canari assassins and everything you see it right there's something going with the elf servants makes sense after that ruin right when you start going on about elves it's hard to tell if it's about them or you yes yes you're ever so clever ass point is is the servants have no complaints no asking for a Jenny they serve this lot but don't want them done for anything so the Nobles are nice and the servants are happy two things that have never been true mark that I said it we're fighting canari but something else is on the up it's been a couple of years how's everything sitting with you it's weird meeting back up and seeing everyone get their gray first time I've been anywhere long enough to get fond of things Lana is friendly when she wants to be my people sometimes do things for her like I do for you all that blood and thunder just so everyone can live well an our once suround good lesson I suppose if there had to be one I suppose you've a lot to say about that Elven ruin about the creators they're not even demons just big magy knobs punching down and yes the shits who use them to make me feel broken can still eat it but always wait for that fight is way too much work it's like doing half the hurt for them maybe we're old now but I'm tired of it we've new fights to look forward to we always do seems like we'll talk later count on seeing you yeah Divine Victoria please don't it would be nice to just be Liliana again for a few days as you command Most Holy do you miss being our spy master I think I miss the people more than the work Josie Cen I didn't notice how much I liked having them near until they weren't we're right of course but it's not the same tell me about your nugs did you get any new ones oh yes AA was born just a month ago we are weaning them right now if you are hoping for one I'm afraid they're already spoken for have your agents any news I should hear about there is activity in the Tian strange elves like those of the Temple of methal no news of Solus however perhaps later Liliana I'll be right here if you need anything I do hope you recovered from your night at the Opera any ear ringing should go away in a day or two tell me these strange space is past the alvian are they safe to explore we're taking every precaution we can Josephine I will take your word for it and yet you've accomplished so much in the column of these past years I wish you did not have to imperil yourself for us again I don't like to worry you but thank you Josephine you're most welcome tell me if there's anything I can do to help I will do what I can here once the canari dealt with brace yourself the council is just as Relentless wish I hadn't burned all my contacts with the Ben Hast be nice to have some idea what they're doing right now yeah but then you'd be on their side Chief yes but i' know things I like knowing things the Chargers have been with the Inquisition for a while now is everyone still happy complaints your worship the inquisition's been good to us we disband and join the Inquisition officially but the chief gets this sad dog look than we suggest it the loyalty is touching creme I'll talk to you later anytime boss I'm moving up in the world to Vinter Ambassador fancy sad that it doesn't come with a stipend or at least a decorative pit what is this ambassadorship about exactly I believe my father set it up but the Imperium certainly didn't object they'd love for the Inquisition to fall apart so they're happy if it seems they consider this Council a waste of time that makes no sense no if dreg to to actually pushed for the inquisition's end everyone else would disagree on principle so they send a nobody Pari and hope for the best makes perfect sense to me any thoughts about the exalted Council a few Divine Victoria needs a new tailor for one from the paintings of Liliana in that enormous robe you'd think she was pregnant could cause a delicious Scandal as for this whole exalted Council business well I warned you once that no one would thank you for saving the world sadly I'm always right so long as the inquisitions around to remind them they're not really in charge they'll never sleep comfortably whether they have the gut to take action I suppose we'll see another time I look forward to it was that something you needed is there anything I should know we were permitted soldiers here our every move is watched something's never change have you had a chance to speak with Liliana away from work I mean some yes lilana has kept in contact unofficially of course but it's good to see her again arguing with her in person is far more satisfying do you remember the first time we came to the Winter Palace all too well I've already answered a half dozen questions about my personal life the reason we're here is because we made a difference that's worth enduring the political Small Talk Is there any news from felon how's your family my sister Mia keeps me informed as I understand she's training my nephew to best me at chess all good news then not all but most of it is and that's good enough I should go Inquisitor if you leave and come back the chest gives you another that's how we know too much they made bodies from the Earth and the Earth was afraid it fought back but they made it forget being this being me it's harder but better I like me Meridan laughs at things I say your hand hurts a heartbeat not yours hammering the beat of a song in its final verse I'm sorry he did not want a body but she asked him to come he left a scar when he burned her off his face she killed the girl to save herself she thinks about the eyes going black a weapon is an order not a gift his friend had to die because he thought they were people a slow Arrow breaks in the sad Wolf's Jaws he died in the darkness so a blue rose could bloom the spirits have fled flying fluttering fast to the farthest fade they're afraid of the veil tearing again barefaced but free frolicking fighting Fierce he wants to give wisdom not orders it was the same boy his mother on the ship his father in their Homeland he grew up lonely or didn't her name is different now Victoria the old name slips away further each time she's glad you're here the guardian's spirit stayed not bound but biding because he asked he knows how to speak so Spirits listen hello how did veric of all people become the vi count of kiril a mystery for the ages so what do you think of the Chantry you ask me just to poke at me and see if I react don't you it is what it is most holies reforms are interesting to say the least I hope they last once Lani is gone regardless of what I think it could have been far worse you and I both remember the dark times we faced sadly others have far shorter memories I hear you've been rebuilding The Seekers slowly but yes I managed to find a few of my former comrades who'd scattered to the winds some of them were unsuitable and I did not ask them to return others felt as I did once they read the Lord seeker's tone we've since recruited a few candidates who are going through training now with full disclosure what comes after this I cannot be certain I'm making it up as I go along I'm sure you'll be fine Cassandra I need to be better than fine I want to build something that is worthy of lasting what do you think of the exalted Council they are frightened of your power and there is no longer a hole in the sky to remind them that it was needed they might be right do not say that near them unless you want to give them the scent of blood even so I would wait and see where this leads calmer heads may yet Prevail when has that ever been the case I'm an optimist just ask veric I'll see you later farewell wait your hand Are You The Inquisitor odd to find a human down in the Deep roads at all let alone surrounded by kunari we don't have much time please what the vidala is doing you have to stop her the vidala that's a high ranking bastra specializes in Magic finding studying stopping not anymore I don't care whether you sir Fen Harel or not someone has to stop her why do the canari think that the the Inquisition serves Fen herel I don't know the vidala said it and we you're dish it made as much sense as anything we've had agents of fen Harel causing trouble all over the crossroads sabotage making spirits attack us I assume the Inquisition was their army that you came here because Fen herel told you to who are you exactly my name is jiren Sir jiren once I was a Templar in kirkwall until I joined the C your canari kirkwall was Madness chaos the Canario like the eye of a storm I stand for order and discipline protecting the innocent from Magic but this plan it's as mad as Meredith ever was what do you mean this vidala is not doing her job anymore almost a complete reversal actually this place Is aium Mining and processing center the canari need it for have you ever heard of sarbas dangerous thing it's what the cun calls Mages even as a Templar I've never seen anything like the power sarbas can unleash and now vidala is giving them lium a lot of lium it's part of something she calls dragon's breath that's a load of crap there's no way the vidala would let any Cabas within a th000 ft of lium then there's more to it than that but I couldn't find out what the canari don't like it when you ask too many questions where are we why are there Elven mirrors in the Deep roads this place is close to something like a lium spring the more we mine the more there seems to be as for the mirrors I don't know maybe the elves were mining here too what are you doing down here the canari wanted me to teach them everything I knew about lium where it comes from everything it can do how we put it to use I knew enough from my time in the order they figured out more I'm not sure how maybe they got to the Carter the canari can't be mining their own lium it kills anyone who tries other than dwarves it killed the canari at first the canari workers have a discipline only tranquil can match and they quick Learners they figured it out that's not seriously the name of the plan is it dragon's breath you know that most dragons breath destroys everything in its path right she said it would save the South that can mean only one thing an invasion this mine is the only source of lium the canari have they're using gatlocke explosive powder in the round cks to mine so they don't don't have to touch raw lium if you get the primers from Central Supply you can prime the Gat loock and detonate it the mines will go up inflamed even if I succeed will that really stop the vidala it would be a start deep stalkers and Cavin will cut off reinforcements but they'll still come when they hear trouble you've got to find the vidala to end this war before it begins there's no telling how bad things will get when I destroy the mine you'd better get moving oh will good luck Inquisitor let's go we have ayum mind to ruin dragon's breath the canari always enjoy their metaphors but what does it mean who knows canari agents moving through eluvians to attack the south is bad enough already I still do not understand why they accused the Inquisition of serving fenel we know that mithal actually exists it's possible Fen Harel is still here in some form too what you describe in the ruins certainly implies that the dread wolf of Alvin Legend is a real person but how does that implicate us what made them decide that the Inquisition serves this Fen herel hopefully we will learn more after we have stopped them let's see the exalted Council try to disband the Inquisition after we've saved them from this dragon's breath we must find out what dragon's breath is first for now our only lead is the canari leader the vidala gentlemen my apologies lady Josephine there has been an incident with one of your soldiers how dare you it was bad enough that the Inquisition chose not to inform the exalted Council of the kunari corpse o would have been happy to help in the matter but now your own Gods are attacking servants you have overstepped your bounds thank you for bringing this to my attention gentlemen I'll see to this personally thank you Inquisitor always stands ready to assist the Inquisition as always secrets and lies do you understand why we fear your Inquisition you act as if you're the solution to every problem how long before you drag us into another War what's going on here the alians try to take one of our people Inquisitor we've secured the area this is the Winter Palace you cannot simply seize control when one of your guards attacks a servant the Inquisition is handling this when some Noble commits a crime of fashion you can take over I only asked what he was doing and when I refused to bow to the inquisition's dogs you attacked me how would you like us to handle the situation Inquisitor that Barrel there where did it come from I was ordered to bring wine for the guests your lion your Inquisition soldiers are completely out of control no we're in control keep talking and you'll find yourself in Chains I apologize for my guard's actions my people will take her into custody with your permission as you say Inquisitor Lord s will hear about this Inquisitor I also found this by the barrel I can't read the language did you resolve the problem with the Guard the guard is the least of our problems someone smuggled gatlocke smile Inquisitor there are many eyes upon us at least now we know the true extent of the dragon's breath how are you still smiling years of training as a Bard Inquisitor we cannot show weakness now enemies could be watching or we can let them see is Idle conversation between two friends you think the dragon's breath is these Gat loock barrels of course a surprise attack even through the eluvians would have met Fierce resistance but if everyone at the exalted Council died in an explosion the South would be rather less vulnerable to attack this is what cfus should have done after the explosion at the Temple of sacred ashes an attack as Swift and Unstoppable able as the breath of a dragon the guard who confronted the servant said she found this note near one of the barrels it looks like kunari writing let me see I picked some up from the ironball though I'm told my accent is atrocious these are orders for positioning the Gat loock in the palace when Duty has been performed report to the vidala through the mirror marked by a bookcase if we're going to find the vidala and stop this dragon's breath this is our chance good while you do that I will have agents locate the Gat lock barrels and remove them safely I will also send word to my foreign contacts we must see where else this Dragon could strike methra Elven more ancient Elven if you wish honored Elven I will speak so your guests understand I am study I am a learning thirst come know what has not been lost new words new stories the kunari would not approach but we learned their words as well if you wish to exchange knowledge they congregate by the Lower Gate what did the old elves use this place for this is theara the living knowledge of the Empire the libraries of every city the wisdom of every Court a connecting place whose paths are in disarray what put this place into disarray theara was made with world and fade when they suered so did we Hearts broke knowledge fragmented many were trapped I preserve their last words what were these old elves last words what happened where are the paths where are the paths God save me theor door is gone do not let me fall do not let me on this spot that is all thanks really paints a picture I'm looking for a kunari called Vidal do you know what she wants here viala yes she uses Scholars and mages for study they fear this place but they seek to know the Veil what does vidala want to know about the veil I regret I do not have more information I am suered from myself if you discover another one of me nearer the kunari I may know more kindly give it my greetings I have not thought with myself for some time I could learn so much about my people what would they like how long is our history I will try to recall honored Patron but there are gaps breaks greetings laughter Emar andas forms out of air light memories andless there are so many broken parts at every missing missing missing stop please stop you don't need to hurt yourself yes I wisdom from compassion yes I will stop apologies I knew all once we knew with the break only fragments or knowledge new since the fall we'll be going now know this an unknown person not of the kunari recently woke the Librarians an unknown person could this be our agent of fen herel The Librarians facilitated learning before the fracture before the fall now beware them they are unwell welcome welcome listen to the last words of those who lived past the fall how could The Dread Wolf cast a veil between the world that wakes and the world that dreams the evanuris will send people they will save us when have you last heard from the gods when the veil came down they went silent what is this Veil what has Fen herel done are these records saying fenarel created the veil between our world and the fade they're saying some guy just made the veil we must have been ass deep in demons before then if it's true that means the fade and the waking world were once one in the same welcome and listen to the last words of those who walked this place if we get out of here I will end Fen har after he held back the sky to imprison the gods The Dread wolf disappeared lies we must tear down the veil the cities the pathways without magic they're crumbling you're wasting your time fal's veil has turned our Empire to ruins so the ancient Elven Empire collapsed because the veil weakened magic if the old elves relied on Magic even more than the Vince no wonder things went to crap when it dried up do you realize what this means what this place is the actual history of the elves could change everything survivor of the breach Harold of Change Hero of the South the viala I presume after fulfilling your purpose at the breach it is astonishing to hear you still walked free among your people your duty is done Inquisitor it is time time to end your magic it's not too late to put our weapons down and talk there's no need to pretend that you're blind to what you've begun I am no stranger to catastrophe but this chaos in the South defies comprehension the cune left your people to curve your own magic you've amply proven we should have stepped in long ago is that what dragon breath is full murdering our heads of state just to control our magic do you believe closing the breach solved everything that it's consequences sto there the day we saw the breach the cun decided its action we would remove your leaders and spare those who toil this agent of fenel has disrupted everything lives that were to be spared lost for him who is this agent why would you think they work for the Inquisition Kill The Inquisitor then follow me to the darad visitors patrons welcome the Halls are open can you tell me where a kunari called the vidala went yes we heard much although she fooled herself into thinking we could not hear take a keystone to the darag I will join you there soon and take stock of our remaining Gat of powder I found a keystone with one of the kunari yes and you need words for their key maras n it glows it will open the way to the davad may you find what you seek in coming here you strengthen the PA I can now raise one if you wish to go you was what the Elven called me one who guides Seekers of knowledge true I was connection one city could read the records of another one Elven feel the memories of another when the veil fell upon us I marked the end of all they knew your agents confirm there are gatlocke battles in Darin's Palace yes and in valo and across of free marches The Winter Palace is not the only target the canar are one order from destroying every noble house in the Known World there is a bright side warning the Ambassador will remind them of the inquisition's value not when the Inquisition is responsible for that threat I take it you have new information the Elven servant handling the barrels has disappeared notes in his quarter suggest he was a canar spy but the servant was orian that implicates oay not us but the barrels arrived at the Winter Palace on the Inquisition Supply manifest how are we supposed to fight a war when we can't even trust our own people do you know who got the barrels onto the Inquisition manifest yes several of the inquisition's Elven workers have gone missing I had their backgrounds checked they joined the Inquisition after fleeing the chaos in kirkwall I remember when kirkwall was at its worst many of the city's elves converted to the cun trying to find a better life and the canari turned them into spies the Inquisition stopped chifus and saved the world we can't let an outside threat change who we are I fought to protect the Inquisition in this exalted Council and for what so we could deceive and threaten those we claimed to protect once we locate the spies this isn't about the spies you hid the canar body you've all but seized control of The Winter Palace we did what was right not what was politically convenient do you know what this has cost us with orlay and felon they are planning to dismantle us as we speak and perhaps they are [Applause] [Music] right the Mark is I thought it was fine it's been under control for years all the demons I fought all the Rifts I [Music] closed I don't want to [Music] die not knowing that the world still needed me so I'm going to the dararat thank you Inquisitor would you would you like us to inform the exalted Council of the danger we can't finish this fight while worrying about the exalted Council for now we keep this to ourselves understood Inquisitor I'll have guards ready at the alvian in case the canari attacked the palace make a watch over you your hand hurts it's pulling you apart why didn't you say something I could have I don't know something whatever happens I wouldn't trade the years we've had together for anything I love you I knew you would break my heart you clotty bastard we helped all of us I won't forget it's been an honor to kick asses beside you all Anan dragon's breath is an actual Dragon te Inquisition his now please theas not a chance ma'am [Applause] [Music] hasara dear Inquisitor you have such little time left you must finally see the truth Elven magic already tore the sky apart if the Agents of fen herel are not stopped you will shatter the world as well the Inquisition has nothing to do with these agents common Inquisitor I am the eyes and ears of the canari people do you think you can deceive me you would have died from the mark on your hand but for the help of one of their Chief agents the same agent who helped seal the breach who led you to skyhold who gave chifus the orb then founded the Inquisition soulless agent of fen herel whatever Solace is involved in I am nobody's puppet even now you refuse to see the string soulless tricked us all he pushed a dying canari into the Winter Palace to lure you into opposing us without him we could have brought the south peace and wisdom along the gentle path now we must take the way of blades anah haen inquisitors if it is any consolation Soul this will not outlive you [Music] whatever else Solus was one of us I won't leave him for vidala everyone back that c be healthy perhaps Solus can help soless doesn't want to hurt people he isn't that kind of wolf the canari don't [Music] see EIT cata OST maras your forces have failed leave now and tell a canari to trouble me no further sess [Music] [Music] that should give us more time I suspect you have questions the kunari believe you're an agent for someone who has taken the name Fen herel the canari reject myth and Legend if you told them of your meeting with mthal they would attribute it to a demon I am no one's agent but my own I fear that the truth is much simpler and much worse than the canari believe your Fen herel I was soulless first Fen herel came later and in insult I took as a badge of Pride The Dread wolf inspired hope in my friends and fear in my enemies not un likee Inquisitor I suppose you also know the burden of a title that all but replaces your [Music] name our legends about you are wrong I saw the truth as we traveled the crossroads you saw another story written in desperation to give you more credit than I ever did deserved you were a hero soless I sought to set my people free from slavery to would be Gods I broke the chains of all who wish to join me the false gods called me Fen herel and when they finally went too far I formed the veil and banished them forever thus I freed the Alan people and in so doing destroyed their world how did creating the Veil destroy the world you saw the remains of Viara the library was intrinsically tied to the fade and the veil destroyed it there were countless other Marvels all dependent on the presence of the fade all destroyed your Legends are half right we were Immortal it was not the arrival of humans that caused us to begin aging it was me the veil took everything from the elves even themselves the evanuris were Elven Mages how did they come to be remembered as Gods slowly it started with a war war breeds fear fear breeds a desire for Simplicity good and evil right and wrong chains of command after the war ended generals became respected Elders then Kings finally Gods the aurus you love the fade why would you create the veil to hide it all away because every alternative was worse meaning that I not created The Veil The aurus would have destroyed the entire world you banished the false gods you didn't kill them you met methol did you not the first of my people do not die so easily the aurists are banished forever paying the ultimate price for their misdeeds you said that the Elven Gods went too far what did they do that made you move against them they killed mythol a crime for which an eternity of Torment is the only fitting punishment I thought mithal was one of the evanuris she was the best of them she cared for her people she protected she was a voice of reason and in their lust for power they killed her that's the past what about the future I lay in dark and dreaming sleep while countless Wars and ages passed I woke still weak a year before I joined you my people fell for what I did to strike the aurist down but still some hope remains for restoration I will save the Elven people even if it means this world must [Music] die why does this world have to die for the elves to return a good question but not when I will answer you have always shown a thoughtfulness I respected it would be too easy to tell you too much I am not cfus I take no joy in this but the return of my people means the end of your it is my fight you should be more concerned about the Inquisition your Inquisition in stopping the dragon's breath you have prevented an invasion by canari forces with luck they will return their focus to denta that should give you a few years of relative peace the canari said the Inquisition was unknowingly working for agents of fen herel I gave no orders you led us to skyhold kfia should have died in locking my orb when he survived my plans were thrown into chaos when you survived I saw the Inquisition as the best hopeless world had of stopping him and you needed a home hence Sky [Music] hold you gave your orb to corus not directly my agents allowed the vanator to locate it the orb had built up magical energy while I lay unconscious for me I was not powerful enough to open it the plan was for chifus to unlock it and for the resulting explosion to kill him then I would claim the orb I did not foresee a dein magj Having learned the secret of effective immortality what would have happened if chifus had died and you had recovered the orb I would have entered the fade using the mark you now bear then I would have torn down the veil as this world burned in the Raw chaos I would have restored the world of my time the world of the elves if you destroyed the veil wouldn't the false gods be freed I had plans so at least some of the stories about the dread wolf for true I did not lead a rebellion against Immortal Mage Kings without getting my hands bloody you must understand I awoke in a world with a veil had blocked most people's conscious connection to the fade it was like walking through a world of tranquil we aren't even people to you not at first you showed me that I was wrong again that does not make what must come next any easier you never cared about us we were the means to an end you were people and you deserved better like all the rest I've used in one hopeless battle after another what's wrong with the inquis position you created a powerful organization and now It suffers the inevitable fate of such betrayal and Corruption it's not that simple do you know how I discovered the canari plot the plot I disrupted by Leading them to your doorstep the canari spies in the Inquisition tripped over my spies in the Inquisition the alven guard who led you to the canari body who intercepted the servant with the Gat loock barel M why bother disrupting the canari plot if you're going to destroy the world regardless you have shown me that there is value in this world Inquisitor I take no joy in what I must do until that day comes I would see those recovering from the breach free of the cune why because I am not a monster if they must die I would rather they die in comfort in any event it is done so you let us Do Your Dirty Work the mistake was yours to fix Inquisitor you control the eluvians now yes you remember Bala from halam sharal for a time she controlled part of the labyrinth one of my agents was supposed to take it from her but he did not succeed I had to override the magic personally the canari stumbled upon this section independently with them gone the alians are now mine there still the matter of the anchor it's getting worse yes I'm sorry and we are almost out of [Music] time the Mark will eventually kill you throwing you here gave me the chance to save you at least for now you don't need to destroy this world I'll prove it to you I would treasure the chance to be wrong once again my friend take my hand I'm sorry Live Well while time remains re something must be done but we cannot lose the Inquisition now we stand on the brink of war with a canari yes because this Solas provoked them in the first place we apologize for not informing the summit beforehand we were concerned of course you were the canari spies were inside your organization without our organization you would not be alive to complain no one has forgotten what you have done but corus is 2 years dead if the Inquisition is to continue it must do so as a legitimate organization not a glorified mercenary band Inquisitor you all know what this is a writ from Divine justinia authorizing the for of the Inquisition we pledge to close the breach find those responsible and restore order with or without anyone's approval I'm proud to say we accomplished that goal we will honor the sacrifices of those who gave their lives in defense of what we stood for and still stand for because our work is not done where we LED in war we will now serve in peace the Inquisition will act as Divine Victoria's personal Honor Guard answering directly to her we will transition from a military force into a peacekeeping organization my own adventuring days may be done but the Inquisition and its Mission will [Music] continue such changeable weather this [Music] season [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my agents have found nothing with the uans he could be anywhere maintaining the Inquisition even as a peacekeeping force leaves us vulnerable to agents of the dread wolf but also gives us the strength to respond we will need to be careful Solus knows everything about us who we are how we work our strengths and weaknesses then we find people he doesn't know we will save our friend from himself if we can
Channel: Vaelen
Views: 195,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Downloadable Content (Video Game Genre), Dragon Age (Video Game Series), Dragon Age: Inquisition (Video Game), Dragon Age Trespasser, Trespasser DLC, Dorian, Dorian Pavus, Dorian Romance, Lavellan, DAI, Pavellan
Id: 2CkToP5t6F8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 18sec (5538 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2015
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