Dragon Age: Inquisition | Full Cullen Romance - Female Circle Elf! (True 60fps!!!)

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[Applause] [Music] sealed has before you are becoming quite proficient at this let's hope it works on the big one lady Cassandra you managed to close the rift well done do not congratulate me commander this is the prisoners doing is it I hope they're right about you we've lost a lot of people getting you here I can't promise anything but I'll try my best that's all we can ask the waiter the temple should be clear Liliana will try to meet you there then we'd best move quickly give us time commander make her watch over you for all our sakes you that there's a shield in your hand block with it if this man were your enemy you'd be dead lieutenant don't hold back the recruits must prepare for a real fight not a practice one yes commander we've received a number of recruits locals from Haven and some pilgrims non made quite the entrance you did I just hope I can help as do we all there's enough that you would try I was recruited to the Inquisition in Kirk or myself I was there during the major uprising I saw firsthand the devastation of course sir Cassandra sought a solution when she offered me a position I left the Templars to join her cause now it seems we face something far worse the Conclave destroyed a giant hole in the sky things aren't looking good which is why we're needed the Chantry lost control of both Templars and mages now they argue over a new divine while the breach remains the Inquisition could act when the Chantry cannot our followers would be part of that there's so much we can forgive me I doubt you came here for a lecture no but if you have one prepared I'd love to hear it another time perhaps oh yeah there's still a lot of work ahead commander so Ryden has a report at our supply lines hmm as I was saying you traveled some distance to reach Haven you're from the circle in ostrich I spent the better part of my life there it feels strange to be away it does at times I'm still getting used to it myself it's been interesting I'm sorry the circle isn't the most pleasant topic of conversation right now or ever shall we speak of something else I'd like to know more about the Templars if you need insight into what the order is doing now I'm afraid I can't offer more than you already now anything else I will answer as best I can prior to the Conclave for I'd only encountered Templars in the circle did they do anything besides guard mages Templars protect against the dangers of magic before the order left the Chantry that meant serving in a circle they were also tasked with tracking apostates or fighting demons inevitably summoned by the weak or malicious what do you think of mages are they all the threats I've seen the suffering magic can inflict I've treated majors with distrust because of it the times without cause that was unworthy of me I will try not to do so here not that I want majors moving through our base completely unchecked we need safeguards in place to protect people including majors from possession the least why did you join the order I could think of no better calling than to protect those in need I used to beg the Templars as our local Chantry to teach me the first they merely humored me you I must have shown promise for at least a willingness to learn the night captain spoke to my parents on my behalf they agreed to send me for training I was 13 when I left hand 13 that's still so young I wasn't the youngest there some children are promised to the order at infancy still I didn't take on full responsibilities until I was 18 the order sees you trained and educated first what about your family did you miss them of course but there were many my age you felt the same we learned to look out for one another I know how I spent my time in the circle but what was a typical day for a Templar the last time I was in a circle was right before it fell apart nothing was typical before that then certain rituals require a full guard a mages howling for instance I've attended a few most of the time you merely maintain a presence on patrol or in the circle ready to respond if needed mages pretend to ignore that presence but they're watching you just as closely we would spend all day with Templars and yet they rarely spoke to us a habit often mistaken for coldness I'm sure but we are expected to keep a certain distance from our charges if a mage is possessed or uses blood magic you must act quickly without hesitation your judgment cannot be clouded of course ignoring one another does nothing to foster understand what does Templar training involved there is weapon and combat training even without their abilities Templars are among the best warriors in faders initiates must also memorized portions of the chant of light study history and improved their mental focus did you enjoy your training if I was giving my life to this I would be the best Templar I could you were a model student I wanted to be I wasn't always successful watching a candle burned down while reciting the chants of transfigurations wasn't the most exciting task I admit my mind sometimes wandered do Templars take vows I swear to the Maker to watch all the majors that sort of thing there's a vigil first you're meant to be at peace during that time but your life is about to change when it's over you'll give yourself to a life of service that's when you're given a filter your first draft of lyrium as template we are not to seek wealth or acknowledgement our lives belong to the maker and the path we have chosen a life of service and sacrifice our Templars also expected to give up physical temptations physical why why would you that's not expected Templars can marry although there are rules around it and the order must grant permission some may choose to give up to prove their devotion but it's required have you know I've taken though such barrels breakers breath can we speak of something else I should get to know you better we are working together after all what would you like to know alright where are you from I grew up in Ferelden near hominy I was transferred to Kirkwall shortly after the blight this is the first I've returned in almost 10 years you haven't seen Ferelden in 10 years are you glad to be back I was not sorry to leave at the time but I did not expect to return now between the Divine's murder in the breach I've arrived to find nothing but chaos you were in Ferelden during the blind did you fight darkspawn no I was stationed at Ferelden Circle tower the circle had troubles of its own I remained what happened at the circle Tower you who survived the blight have fond memories about time what was Kirkwall like while I was there qunari occupied and then attacked the city the by counts murder caused political unrest relations between mages and Templars fell apart an apostate blew up the Chantry nine commander went mad what happens between Kirk walls mages and Templars you were at the Conclave must have heard people speak on yes but you were there there was tension between mages and Templars long before I arrived eventually it reached a breaking point there was fighting in the streets abominations began killing both sides it was a nightmare what happens then the Templars should have restored order but red lyrium had driven night commander marriages mad she threatened to kill Kirk wars champion turned on her own men I'm not sure how far she would have gone too far so you opposed her I stood with the champion against her in the end I should have seen through Meredith sooner verax thinker Paul did you two know each other I knew he was friends with the champion of Kirk but little else we've spoken more since I joined the Inquisition largely at barracks and sisters apparently I spend too much time with a serious expression and it's bad for my health why would Templars break away from the Chantry the order believes the Chantry no longer supports their efforts not of the extent they should but the Templars have served the Chantry for ages in that time we have come to take the order services for granted Templars risked their lives against blood magic demons abominations to feel as if those efforts are dismissed I may disagree with the orders actions that I'm here is proof of that but I sympathize with their frustrations the majors are ready to approach the breach I pray this will be enough to close it I know you're worried about having the majors here give them a chance to prove themselves I'm not questioning their ability or their intentions but we cannot ignore the risks the majors submitted to our authority their safety and our followers is my responsibility I take it seriously I recommend caution that's all Harold our position is not good that Dragons stole back any time you might have earned us I've seen an Archdemon I was in the fade but it looked like that I don't care what it looks like it's cut a path for that army they'll kill everyone in Haven the older one doesn't care about the village he only wants the herald if it will save these people he can have me it won't he wants to kill you no one else matters but he'll crush them kill them anyway I don't like him you don't like Harold there are no tactics to make this survivable the only thing that slowed them was the Avalanche we could turn the remaining trebuchet cause one last slide we're overrun to hit the enemy we'd bury Haven we'd die but we can decide how many don't get that choice what about it Cullen will it work possibly if he shows us the part but what if your escape perhaps you will surprise it find a way Inquisition follow Chancellor Roderick through the Chantry move they'll load the trebuchet keep the elder ones attention until we're above the treeline if we are to have a chance if you are to have a chance let that thing hear you send men to scout the area we need to know what's out there yes sir commander soldiers have been assigned temporary quarters very good I'll need an update on the armory as well now we set up as best we could at Haven but could never prepare for an Archdemon or whatever it was with some warning we might have do you ever sleep if Korea strikes again we may not be able to withdraw I wouldn't want to we must be ready work on skyhold is underway guard rotations established we should have everything on course within the week we will not run from here Inquisitor how many were lost most of our people made it to sky hold it could have been worse morale was low but has improved greatly since you accepted the role of Inquisitor Inquisitor love Ellen it sounds odd don't you think not at all is that the official response I suppose it is but it's the truth we needed a leader you have proven yourself Thank You Cullen our escape from Haven it was close I'm relieved that you that so many made it out SMI you stayed behind you could have I will not allow the events at Haven to happen again you have my word did you leave anyone behind in Kirkwall no I fear I made a few friends there and my family's in Ferelden no one special caught your interest not in Kirkwall Inquisitor I've found whether red Templars come from there in full readout the Knights were fed red lyrium until they turned into monsters Samson took over after their corruption was complete how do you know Samson he was a Templar in Kirkwall until he was expelled from the order I knew he was an addict but this red lyrium is nothing like delirium given by the Chantry its power comes with a terrible madness the red Templar swarming Haven were proof enough we cannot allow them to gain strength the red Templars still require lyrium if we find their source we can weaken them and their leader I like finding the red Templars vulnerabilities before fighting them head-on we'll need every advantage against what courses through their veins caravans of red lyrium are being smuggled along trade roads investigating them could lead to where it's being mined if you confront them be wary anything connected to Samson will be well-guarded as leader of the Inquisition you there's something I must tell you whatever it is I'm willing to listen right Thank You lyrium grants Templars our abilities but it controls us as well those cut offs suffer some go mad others die we have secured a reliable source of lyrium for the Templars here but I no longer take it you stopped when I joined the Inquisition it's been months now Cullen if this can kill you it hasn't yet after what happened in Kirkwall I couldn't I will not be bound to the order or that life any longer whatever the suffering I accept it but I would not put the Inquisition at risk I've asked Cassandra to watch me if my ability to lead is compromised I will be relieved from duty are you in pain I can endure it thank you for telling me I respect what you're doing Thank You Inquisitor the Inquisition's army must always take priority should anything happen I will defer to Cassandra's judgment did you ever cross paths with Hawke in Kirkwall when the city fell to chaos Hawke fought alongside the Templars Kirkwall would be in ruins if not for him I'm grateful for any help he can offer you and the red Templars leader seem to have personal history when I arrived in Kirkwall Sampson and I shared courses he seemed a decent man at first Knight Commander Meredith later expelled Sampson for erratic behavior he ended up begging on Kirkwall streets he committed further crimes but managed to evade the orders justice now Sampson serves Karissa's is loyal general why do you think Sampson joined creepiest he had a chronic lyrium addiction he spent every last coin buying it from local smugglers perhaps corypheus flattered his vanity gave him purpose as well as lyrium perhaps that's all it took you can't deny being a general as an improvement to living on the streets I'd rather die than kneel to kur if is clearly Sampson felt otherwise I don't understand how he became so powerful even with red lyrium Samson's glory days are long behind him is there anything I should know I'm glad to have the charges on our side Bulls men are professionals despite evidence to the contrary repairs to sky holds fortifications are progressing our scouts report no immediate threats in the surrounding area we are fortunate solace knew of this place I got news to majors disliking me on principal Vivian's views on Templars are surprisingly traditional I've never disliked you on principal thank you Sarah brought me a piece of cake she thought I looked hungry why are you telling me this because it was either an act of kindness or a trap I was hoping you knew which I believed Agnes has settled in well she's certainly very cheerful is that a bad thing I'm concerned she'll cheerfully blow up skyhold with one of her experiments the risk is small at present glows all you like I have this one are you sassing me commander I didn't know you had it in you why do I even Inquisitor leaving are you does this mean I win are you two playing nice I'm always nice you need to come to terms with my inevitable victory you'll feel much better really because I just won I feel fine don't get smug there will be no living with you I should return to my duties as well unless you would care for a game prepare the board commander as a child I played this with my sister she would get this stuck-up grin whenever she won which was all the time my brother and I practiced together for weeks another look on her face the day I finally won between serving the Templars and the Inquisition I haven't seen him in years I wonder if she still plays you have siblings two sisters and a brother where are they now they moved to South reach after the blight I do not write to them as often as I should know it's my turn all right let's see what you've got this may be the longest we've gone without discussing the Inquisition or related matters to be honest I appreciate the distraction we should spend more time together I would like that me too you said that we should finish our game right my turn I believe this one is yours well played we shall have to try again sometime I thought we could talk alone alone I mean of course it's a nice day what it's there was something you wish to discuss Cullen I care for you and what's wrong you left the Templars but do you trust majors could you think of me as anything more I could I mean I do think of you and what I might say in this sort of situation what's stopping you you're the Inquisitor were at war and you I didn't think it was possible and yet I'm still here so you are it seems too much to ask but I want you commander you wanted a copy of sister leliana's report what sister Leslie honours report you wanted it delivered without delay or to your office right if you need to [Music] I'm sorry I was really nice [Music] you don't regret it do you no no not at all do you have some time of course the commander of the Inquisition and the herald of Andraste that will have people talking you wouldn't believe how quickly gossip spreads through the barracks does it bother you I would rather might our private affairs remain that way but if there were nothing here for people to talk about I would regret it more the day you kissed me on the battlements how long had you wanted to do that longer than I should admit the time dalish never bothered you I hadn't considered elves weren't treated differently in the circles I served I didn't think what it might mean to you I hope that doesn't I mean does it bother you no if you care for me that's all the matters I wasn't trying to put you on the spot I'm not very good at this how am i if I seem unsure it's because it's been a long time since I've wanted anyone in my life I wasn't expecting to find out here who you think you could slip away I believe sir wait for me [Music] first the Templars now the Grey Wardens both devoted their lives to fighting evil now they serve it if I was possessed by a demon would you please don't ask me this I think I know the answer I don't think you do it's not that simple and I I would rather not think of it [Applause] the papers you found on the red lyrium smugglers were exactly what we needed we have the location of the red Templars main supply of lyrium you'll never guess where wherever it is do you seem happy about it I have cause Sonia you've already dealt with the red Templars there that was some sons red lyrium supply the past tense is apt we should send some people to sift through what's left with some luck we can track the shipments from the quarry to Samson's headquarters I've been reading the letters found in the quarry Sampson is making red lyrium from people not anymore not in that mine I knew Samson had fallen but this it's monstrous we have to put an end to him look at these orders from the encampment that Armour must give Samson extraordinary power we may not be able to stop him take away his armor and the lyrium and Samson's just another man I couldn't say how Templars are trained not to destroy expensive magical equipment perhaps dagmer has some ideas she crafts the impossible every day dag No what have you learned of Samson he should be dead I mean you can make a hat out of red lyrium and kill people especially the wearer Samson's armors genius to do all this and not go insane it must be resistant or he is insane or both you're not comforting me dag nah he's dangerous either way Oh fine I just need time and tools people and red lyrium for tests you see is that wise everything is safe if handled properly and you don't touch it long or breathe it I've mentioned the Hat right no hat time and resources Inquisitor I'll get what you want now shoo I've work to do no red lyrium no allies and soon Samson will have no armor I hope you hope that nurse started work on her red lyrium samples but she needs more details on the armor we found orders in the mind they mentioned Maddox the name I did not expect to hear some sense letter said something about taking over as the vessel perhaps it's a rank among the red Templars it could be a title from ancient to vinter or it's some other role corypheus is planned for Samson and Maddox is part of it another voice from your past in a way this is complicated Maddox was a mage in Kirkwall circle Samson smuggled letters between him and his sweetheart eventually Samson was caught that's why he was cast out of the order Maddox was made tranquil and became a skilled craftsman of magical items Samson must have rescued him I can't believe they made a man tranquil over a few love letters the official charge was corrupting the moral integrity of a Templar Knight Commander Meredith wielded the brand for far lesser offenses believe me why would Maddox need saving when the majors rebelled in Kirkwall the worst battles took place at the gallows in the circle itself and I thought Maddox had died in the fighting or was eking out a living on the streets a hard fate for a tranquil in Kirkwall Samson must have found him taking him in having an Inside Man among Samson's forces would be invaluable if we could convince him I couldn't say I've lived around tranquil most of my life and I've never understood them it seems Maddox built Samson's armor for him and maintains it still tranquil in Kirkwall needed rare and expensive supplies for their enchantments supplies we can trace I can have our men kicked down some doors Inquisitor Samson's armor might lead us right to his stronghold what have you found we have an Inquisitor we found Samson's lair my Duty's usually keep me here but for Samson I'll make an exception something still has that red lyrium armor all the more reason for me to go I would sleep better if I knew I would be at your side we'll departed your leave this is it the heart of Samson's command I don't see him anywhere or hear him nor I make her tell me he hasn't fled this place is already half destroyed Sampson must have ordered his Templars to sack his headquarters so we couldn't sari curly someone tipped off Samson you were coming I think you're right still we've dealt Samson a blow hello Inquisitor you know me it's Maddox Samson's tranquil something's wrong I'll send for the healers that would be a waste night captain Cullen I drank my entire supply of black cap essence it won't be long now we only wanted to ask you questions Maddox yes that is what I could not allow I destroyed the camp with fire we all agreed it was best our deaths in short Samson had time to escape you threw your lives away for Samson why Samson saved me even before he needed me he gave me purpose again I wanted to help we should check the camp Maddox may have missed something a dismal place to die it can't have been much of a place to live either under Samson's command what else do you remember about Samson the man who used to be does it matter he used to be kind only carries so far yeah Maddox died to help him escape Samson does command loyalty is there anything in the camp that could help or point us to Samson that's hard to tell all I see is smoke and ash this is Samson's idea of remaking the world I prefer yours we can't leave Maddox here you should be properly laid to rest I'll have someone take care of it if even Samson did is best for Maddox we can do no less I'll keep looking around Larian bottles looked clean drinking it wearing it growing it you can't say Samson isn't committed how much red lyrium is Simpson taking his resistance must be extraordinary Samson left a message for me what does it say drink enough lyrium and its song reveals the truth the Chantry used us you're fighting the wrong battle koreas chose me as his general and his vessel of power now there's such nonsense as if I was sympathize this must have been Maddux's rumor the fire couldn't destroy those are lyrium forging implements of remarkable design intact they'd be worth a fortune in their own tools be able to make sense of them if Maddox used these to make Samson's armor she could use them to unmake it the red lyrium deposits are being destroyed and we've cut the red Templars down to the core it's a pity Maddox thought his sacrifice was the only answer but that leaves Samson with a severely curtailed army and enchanted army he can't maintain you did it we both fought to make this happen don't sell yourself short well I thank you but my works not done yet we're getting recruits by the hour there's more than a few eggs Templars among them we've struck a blow and given people hope this is a true victory Inquisitor I finished it are you talking sorry have it anyhow you mean this rune it's not just any rune I made it with red lyrium and what's left of poor maddux's tools the rune ax on the median fissures of lyrium - it'll destroy Samson's armor he'll be powerless we should render our enemies powerless that a stroke more often Maddox covered Samson's tracks thoroughly but wherever Samson's retreated we'll find him your army stands ready Inquisitor for Samson for kur if it's for whatever you command is there anything I should know many of our recruits viewed the Grey Wardens as heroes black walls presence is helpful knowing there's one warden immune to corruption as given people hope Karissa's grasp is not inescapable Inquisitor if you need something winter palace do we track down this infiltrator the better I don't suppose you'd save a dance for me thank you oh no I didn't mean to make his breath if answer that question so many times I'm rejecting it automatically I'm not one for dancing the Templars never attended Bulls do you have any advice or lesion social events don't fall within my area of expertise there are a few here we can trust be careful who do you think the Inquisition should support Gaspard claim to the throne is fair all they need someone capable of responding to the crisis at hand a military minded leader seems the best option you've attracted a following who are all these people I don't know but they won't leave me alone not enjoying the attention then hardly anyway yours you all this is the only attention worth having have you noticed anything out of the ordinary not yet it would be easier if people would stop talking to me other people what you we'll talk later I await your signal there you are everyone's been looking for you things have calmed down for the moment are you alright I'm just worn out tonight's has been very long for all of us I'm glad it's over I know it's foolish but I was worried for you tonight I may never have another chance like this so it must ask may I have this dance milady of course I thought you didn't dance for you I'll try Inquisitor if you're looking for the commander he's going to speak with seeker Pentecost you asked for my opinion and I've given it why would you expect it to change I expect you to keep your word it's relentless I can't you give yourself too little credit if I'm unable to fulfill what vows I kept there nothing good has come of this would you rather say faced and admit [Applause] forgive me and people say I'm stubborn this is ridiculous Kallen told you that he's no longer taking lyrium yes and I respect his decision as do I not that he's willing to listen colin has asked that I recommend the replacement for him I refused it's not necessary besides it would destroy him he's come so far why didn't he come to me we had an agreement long before you joined us as a seeker I could evaluate the dangerous and he wouldn't want to risk your disappointment shouldn't this be Cullen's decision majors have made their suffering known but Templars never have they are bound to the order mind and soul with someone always holding their lyrium leash Cullen has a chance to break that leash to prove to himself and anyone who would follow suit that it's possible he can do this I knew that when we met in Kirkwall talk to him decide if now is the time make us breath I didn't hear you enter I forgive me Cullen if you need to talk you don't have it I never meant for this to interfere are you going to be alright yes I don't know you asked what happened to Ferelden circle it was taken over by abominations the Templars my friends were slaughtered I was tortured they tried to break my mind and I how can you be the same person after that still I want to desert they sent me to Kirkwall I trusted my knight commander and for what a fear of mages and in in madness Kirkwall circle fell innocent people died in the streets can't you see why I want nothing to do with that life of course I can I don't you should be questioning what I've done I thought this would be better that I would regain some control over my life but these thoughts won't leave me how many lives depend on how success I swore myself to this course I will not give less to the Inquisition and I did too gently I should be taking it I should be this doesn't have to be about the Inquisition is this what you want no but these memories have always haunted me if they become worse if I if I cannot endure this you can all right I wanted to thank you when you came to see me if there's anything this sounded much better in my head I trust you're feeling better I yes is it always that bad the pain comes and goes sometimes I feel as if I'm back there I should not have pushed myself so far that day I'm just glad you're all right I am I've never told anyone what truly happened to me at Ferelden circle I was not myself after that I was angry for years that anger blinded me not proud of the man that made me where I saw majors not sure I would have cared about you the thought of that sickens me now I can put some distance between myself and everything that happened it's a start for what it's worth I like who you are now even after Cullen I care about you you've done nothing to change that what about you you have troubles of your own how are you holding up honestly I'm terrified so many people depend on us on me curry fierce is still out there we've made great strides do not doubt yourself or the Inquisition just yet if there's anything I can do you have only to ask there you are were you waiting for me yes I mean no I can come back later if you'd prefer no please stay we have some dealings in Ferelden I was hoping you might accompany me when you can spare the time of course it's something wrong what no I would rather explain there if you wish to go I believe there's time now I will make the necessary arrangements where are we you walk into danger every day I wanted to take you away from that if only for a moment I grew up not far from here this place was always quiet did you come here often I loved my siblings they were very loud I would come here to clear my head of course come they always found me eventually you were happy here I was I still am alone with a mage that doesn't concern you the Templars have rules on fraternization but I'm no longer bound by them would it really have stopped you if we'd met before I don't I you could say no of course not it is hard to believe I wouldn't have noticed you the last time I was here was the day I left for Templar training my brother gave me this it just happened to be in his pocket but he said it was for luck Templars are not supposed to carry such things our faith should see us through you broke the orders rules I'm shocked until a year ago I was very good at following them most of the time this was the only thing I took from Ferelden that the Templars didn't give me humor me we don't know what you're faced before the end this card hurt I'll keep it safe I know it's foolish [Music] Rylands men will monitor the situation yes sir we'll begin preparations at once in the meantime we'll send soldiers to assist with the relief effort that will be all sir there's always something more isn't wishing we were somewhere else I barely found time to get away before this war won't last forever when it started I I hadn't considered much beyond our survival but things are different now what do you mean I find myself wondering what will happen after when this is over I want to move on not from you [Music] but I I don't know what you that is if you [Music] Cullen do you need to ask [Music] this trick again I know what you are it won't work I will stay strong the boy is exhausted and this cage I've never seen anything like it rest easy help is here enough visions if anything in you is human God kill me now and stop this game he's delirious he's been tortured and has probably been denied food and water I can tell here I have a skin of don't touch me stay away filthy blood mages getting in my head ah I will not break I'd rather die hello listen to anything you say now begone still here but that's always worked before I close my eyes but you are still here when I open them kill altered kill them all for what they've done they cased as like animals look for ways to breakers I'm the only one left they turned some into monsters and there was nothing I could do to think I once felt pity for the circle now I'd like nothing more than to wipe their taint off the face of fate us only mages have that much power at their fingertips only mages are so susceptible to the infernal whisperings of the demons this is a discussion for another time Irving and the other Majors who fought Aldred where are they they are in the harrowing chamber the sounds coming up from there we must hurry they are in grave danger I am sure of it you can't save them you don't know what they've become they've been surrounded by blood mages whose wicked fingers snake into your mind and corrupt your thoughts his hatred of mages is so intense the memory of his friend's deaths is still fresh in his mind you have to end it now before it's too late I knew you would make a rational decision rational how is this rational do you understand the danger I know full well of the dangers of magic but killing innocence because they might be Maleficarum is not justice I know you are angry you know nothing I am thinking about the future of the circle of Ferelden I am just willing to see the painful truth which you are content to ignore ah but what can I do as you can see I am in no position to directly influence your actions though I would love to deal with the mages myself no one ever listens not until it's far too late make her turn his gaze on you I hope your compassion hasn't doomed us all do you accept the gift that I offer [Music] [Music] leave me leave me bad dream they always are without lyrium they're worse I didn't mean to worry you you can let me worry about you a little all right you are I have never felt anything like this I love you you know that right I love you too [Music] I'd be perfectly happy never again setting foot in the Winter Palace it wasn't the gossip and backstabbing I know what the game entails the indifference to it all at least there was dancing or in attempt it is anyway I thought you did well well I'm grateful for your poor taste in dance partners may I ask you something always do you think Templars should cease to exist no I may have chosen to leave that life but I respect those who remain magic on governed could tear the world apart it's doing so now Templars are trained and able to confront such dangers what would you suggest some call the circle of prison that can only breed resentment perhaps opportunities to work outside the circle a mixed military service or healers clinics with Templar support now there must be a safer way for Templars to leave Templars can lose their memories to lyrium some call it a gift to forget the failed heroines the demons some atrocities hold me still but to lose what good I can recall I nearly lost my mind once it is no gift I like the sound of that I'm not sure it's the answer but something needs to change you still regret the man you became after leaving Ferelden after the Ferelden circle I thought all majors were like the ones there Knight Commander Meredith's methods were harsh but they kept people safe you said Meredith was unstable she was my knight commander I had no reason to distrust her she wasn't wrong about the blood mages in Kirkwall Meredith encouraged my anger towards the mages there was only so far it would go and she knew that too I was a second in command she kept decisions from me those I would question I believed she was serving the city I never thought to question her not until it was too late you can't control everything you stood up to her in the end if I hadn't would I be like her now I wanted majors locked away as much as she did I trusted they were treated reasonably well but I should have done more I should have looked into it it's not yet enough the Inquisition is my chance to atone I will see it through the Inquisition won't last forever what will you do when this is over if we are together it hardly matters if you don't mind my asking the hero of Ferelden was the circle mage did you know her I attended her harrowing actually she was a lovely woman lovely there was some youthful infatuation on my part a feeling I had forsaken until recently you never acted on it she was one of my charges even if she felt the same it would have been inappropriate I saw her once after she became a warden she freed the tower during the blight I would be dead or mad if not for her I was in a sorry state when she found me the things I said were unkind untoward I regret them now but was she knew that you've mentioned siblings with everything that's happening do you know if they're all right I've received word from my elder sister she was always good at tracking me down south reach has experienced the same chaos as everywhere else my family is fine pray they remain so your sister tracked you down she didn't know where you were I let her know I was in Haven she assumed I survived it's not the first time I may have neglected to tell her when I was transferred to Kirkwall why I wasn't in a good state I wanted only to leave I received an angry letter about my disappearance two years later for all her reprimands it was a relief to hear from someone who knew me before the blight is there anything I should know only that I'm never playing cards again still can't find my doesn't matter I don't know how varrick taught me into that that's too bad watching you lose made me want to play girls more often do not need help embarrassing myself in front of you you were blushing it was adorable make us breath forgive me Inquisitor for personal interest I have relieved Josephine as you might expect Knights Templar Samson general to Carinthia straighter to the order the blood on his hands cannot be measured his head is too valuable to take Kirkwall or lay many would see him suffer I can't say I'm not one of them the headman's axe isn't enough that's an impressive amount of ill-will the red lyrium will steal your vengeance you know what it does cur if E is only delayed my corruption are you still loyal to that thing he poisoned the order used them to kill thousands Templars have always been used how many were left to rot like I was after the Chantry burned away their minds peace on it I followed him so Templars could at least die at their best same lies the Chantry the Prophet just isn't as pretty I'm looking for a reason to be merciful but you're making it difficult did I ask for mercy I know what I did I know none of you can understand why he were always weak and your leadership proves it every one of those Templars would have suffered until nothing was left and then be forced to kill and die I gave them hope just like the Chantry just like you I'm weak you're a savior do what you want I'm done talking we could use more friends in the free marches will barter you there Samson you will be given two Kirkwall for judgments let your punishment alleviate the loss of their champion do as you will Inquisitor your kind always does Samson took everything from those Templars he corrupted their souls twisted them into everything they stood against everything they would have hated I know the red Templars fight for kuru feel sorry for them they're barely human now the red lyrium left Samson's mind unaltered he knew what he was doing he dares speak as though it were a mercy the man's a monster I sent word to Kirkwall Samson will pay for his crimes there I'm sure of it Samson got what he deserved the men and women he betrayed they deserved something better Samson deserves nothing the red Templars needed to be torn down we've broken Karissa's army I might have known some of them if my life had gone differently I might have been one of them do you ever wonder what would have happened if you had not been at the Conclave if you'd never become the Inquisitor a life without you never their wall before me a shadow yet shall the maker be my guide I shall not be left to wander the drifting roads of the beyond for there is no darkness in a makers light and nothing that he has wrought shall be lost a prayer for you for those we have lost and those I am afraid to lose you're afraid of course I am kur if he has possessed that grey warden at Mathare what more is he capable of it's only a matter of time before he retaliates we must draw strength wherever we can when the time comes you will be thrown into his path again and Trust they preserve me I must send you to him what if I can't Cullen if I don't make [Music] whatever happens you will come back [Music] is that an order commander no but as one of your advisors I strongly recommend it if you say so I certainly hope so the thought of losing you the cart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] am i imagining it or do we have a moment to breathe we have a moment I think you're right you brought us here you are proof that the Inquisition made a difference that we will continue to do so that's why we're having this fancy party celebrate commander you've earned it I should be thanking you you gave me a chance to to prove myself in your place I'm not sure I would have done the same I should let you mingle I'm sure everyone desires your intention as much as I might want it for myself you managed to slip away I thought I might claim more of your attention after all I'm glad you're here hmm good battles over there will be a new divine yet I don't care about anything other than you being alive Cullen I don't know what happens after this neither do I Lilliana is to be divided it will be strange to see her go given her plans for the Chantry the months to come will be interesting
Channel: BroodyElf22
Views: 226,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon Age (Video Game Series), Dragon Age: Inquisition (Video Game), Let's Play, Winter palace, Ball, Qunari, Elf, Dalish, Dwarf, Cadash, Female, Fade, Rifts, Mark, Anchor, Magic, Warrior, Rogue, Walkthrough, Cutscene, Guide, Playthrough, Spells, Dragon, Dragons, Iron Bull, Romance, Cullen, Josephine, Leliana, Sera, In Your Heart Shall Burn, The Champion, The Inquisitor, Solas, Vidasala, Gatlock, Elves, Rutherford, Stanton
Id: a4q-lBBjpJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 47sec (4007 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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