Dragon Age Inquisition: Complete Dorian Romance / Lavellan (All Cutscenes & Background Story)

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good you're finally here now help me close this would you fascinating how does that work exactly you don't even know do you you just wiggle your fingers and boom with closes who are you ah getting ahead of myself again I see Dorian of house parvis most recently of minrath how do you do another tenta be cautious with this one suspicious friends you have here Magister Alexus was once my mentor so my assistance should be valuable as I'm sure you can imagine I was expecting Felix to be here I'm I'm sure he's on his way he was to give you the note then meet us here after ditching his father Alexis couldn't jump to Felix's side fast enough when he pretended to be faint is something wrong with him he's had some lingering illness for months Felix is an only child and Alexius is being a mother hen most likely are you a ma all right let's say this once I'm a mage from tenta but not a member of the magisterium I know Southerners use the terms interchangeably but that only makes you sound like barbarians are you the one who sent that note then I am someone had to warn you after all look you must know there's danger that should be obvious even without the note let's start with Alexus claiming the allegiance of the Mage Rebels out from under you as if by Magic yes which is exactly right to reach redcliffe before the Inquisition Alexus distorted time itself he arranged it so he could arrive here just after the Divine died you catch on quick that is fascinating if true and almost certainly dangerous the rift you closed here you saw how it twisted time around itself sped some things up and slowed others down soon there will be more like it and they'll appear further and further away from redcliffe the magic Alexus is using is wildly unstable and it's unraveling the world you're asking me to take a lot on faith I know what I'm talking about I helped develop this magic when I was still his Apprentice it was pure Theory Alexus could never get it to work what I don't understand is why he's doing it ripping time to shreds just to gain a few hundred lackeys he didn't do it for them took you long enough is he getting suspicious no but I shouldn't have played the illness card I thought he'd be fussing over me all day my father's joined a cult to Vince a supremacists they call themselves venatori and I can tell you one thing whatever he's done for them he's done it to get to you Alexus is your father why are you working against him for the same reason Dorian works against him I love my father and I love my country but this Cults time magic what he's doing now is madness for his own sake you have to stop him it would also be nice if he didn't rip a hole in time there's already a hole in the sky why would he rearrange time and indenture the Mage Rebellion just to get to me they're obsessed with you but I don't know why perhaps because you survived the temple of sacred ashes you can close the Rifts maybe there's a connection or they see you as a threat if the venatoria behind those Rifts saw the breach in the sky they're even worse than I thought all this for me and I didn't get Alexus anything send him a fruit basket everyone loves those you know you're his Target expecting the Trap is the first step in turning it to your advantage I can't stay in redcliffe Alexus doesn't know I'm here and I want to keep it that way for now but whenever you're ready to deal with him I want to be there I'll be in touch oh and Felix try not to get yourself killed there are worse things than dying Dorian we don't have the manpower to take the castle either we find another way in or give up this nonsense and go and get the Templars redcliff is in the hands of a maest this cannot be allowed to stand the letter from Alexius asked for the herald of andraste by name it's an obvious trap isn't that kind of him what does Alexus say about me he's so complimentary that we are certain he wants to kill you not this again redcliffe Castle is one of the most defensible fortresses in Faldon it has repelled thousands of assaults if you go in there you'll die and we'll lose the only means we have of closing these Rifts I won't allow it and if we don't even try to meet Alexus we lose the Mages and leave a hostile foreign power on our doorstep even if we could assault the keep it would be for not an Orlean inquisition's Army marching into falden will provoke a war our hands are tied the Magister has outplayed us we can't just give up there has to be something we can do we cannot accept defeat now there must be a solution other than the main gate there's got to be another way into the castle a sewer a water course something there's nothing I know of that would work wait there is a secret passage into the castle an escape rout for family it's too narrow for our troops but we could send agents through too risky those agents will be discovered well before they reach the mag that's why we need a distraction perhaps the envoy alexxus want so badly while they're focused on lallan we break the mag's defenses it could work but it's a huge risk fortunately you'll have help this man says he has information about the Magister and his methods Commander your spies will never get past Alexia's magic without my help so if you're going after him I'm coming along the plan puts you in the most danger we can't in good conscience order you to do this we can still go after the Templars if you'd rather not play The Bait it's up to you announce us the invitation was for master lellan only the rest of you must wait here they have to accompany me you wouldn't deprive me of my attaches would you my Lord maest the Agents of the Inquisition have arrived my friend it's so good to see you again and your Associates of course I'm sure we can work out some arrangement that is Equitable to all parties are we Mages to have no voice in deciding Our Fate you would not have turned your followers over to my care if you did not trust me with their lives if the grand enchanter wants to be part of these talks then I welcome her as a guest of the Inquisition thank you the Inquisition needs Mages to close the breach and I have them so what shall you offer in exchange the Inquisition has many backers among the oian nobility I'm sure we can find suitable compensation I'm not sure what the orian nobility have to offer that I don't already possess he knows everything father Felix what have you done your son is concerned that you're involved in something terrible so speaks the thief do you think you can turn my son against me you walk into my stronghold with your stolen Mark a gift you don't even understand and think you're in control you're nothing but a mistake what do you know about the divine's death it was the Elder one's moment and you were unworthy even to stand in his presence father listen to yourself do you know what you sound like he sounds exactly like the sort of villainous cliche everyone expects us to be Dorian I gave you a chance to be a part of this you turned me down the Elder one has power you would not believe he will raise the Imperium from its own ashes what's better than turning back time he will make the world bow to Mages once more we will rule from the boric ocean to the Frozen Seas you can't involve my people in this Alexus this is exactly what you and I talked about never wanting to happen why would you support this stop it father give up the venator let the southern Mages fight the breach and let's go home no it's the only way Felix he can save you save me there is a way the Elder one promised if I undo the mistake at the temple I'm going to die you need to accept that seize them venator the Elder one demands this man's life your men are dead Alexus you are a mistake you should never have existed no displacement interesting it's probably not what Alexus intended the rift must have moved us to what the closest Confluence of Arcane energy the last thing I remember we were in the castle Hall let's see if we're still in the castle it isn't oh of course it's not simply where it's when Alexius used the amulet as a focus it moved us through time did we go forward in time or back and how far those are excellent questions we'll have to find out won't we let's look around see where the rift took then we can figure out how to get back if we can what was Alexus trying to do I believe his original plan was to remove you from time completely if that happened you would never have been at the Temple of sacred ashes or mangled his Elder one's plan I think your surprise in the castle Hall made him Reckless he tossed us into the rift before he was ready I counted it the magic went wild and here we are are make sense it just seems so insane I don't even want to think about what this will do to the fabric of the world we didn't travel through time so much as punch a hole through it and toss it into the privy but don't worry I'm here I'll protect you there were others in the hall could they have been drawn through the rift I doubt it was large enough to bring the whole room through Alexus wouldn't R catching himself or Felix in it they're probably still where and when we left them in some sense anyway lexius mentioned an elder one in the hall do you know who he was talking about leader of the venator I suspect some magest a aspiring to godhood it's the same old tune let's play with magic we don't understand it will make us incredibly powerful evidently it doesn't matter if you rip apart the fabric of time in the process what happens if we can't get back then we get comfortable in our new present Alexius it's time to answer for your crimes and here you are finally I knew you would appear again not that it would be now but I knew I hadn't destroyed you my final failure was it worth it everything you did to the world to yourself it doesn't matter now all we can do is wait for the end what do you mean what's ending the irony that you should appear now of all the possibilities all that I fought for all that I betrayed and what have I wrought ruin and death that is nothing else the Elder one comes for me for you for us all Felix that's Felix makeer breath Alexius what have you done he would have died Dorian I saved him please don't hurt my son I'll do anything you ask hand over the amulet and we let him go let him go and I swear you get what you want I want the world back no no he wanted to die didn't he all those lies he told himself the justifications he lost Felix long ago didn't even notice oh Alexus this Alexus was too far gone the Alexus in our time might still be reasoned with I suppose that's true this is the same amulet he used used before I think it's the same one we made in minus that's a relief give me an hour to work out the spell he used and I should be able to reopen the rift an hour that's impossible you must go now the Elder one you cannot stay here we'll hold the outer door when they get past us it'll be your turn no I won't let you commit suicide look at us we're already dead the only way we live is if this day never comes cast your spell you have as much time as I have Arrow though Darkness closes I am shielded By Flame andrasi guide me maker Take Me to Your Side you move and we all die you'll have to do better than that is that the best you've got you won there is no point extending this sherard Felix it's going to be all right father you'll die everyone [Music] dies well I'm glad that's over with or not Grand enchanter imagine how surprised I was to learn you'd given redcliffe Castle away to a tenta Magister King aliser especially since I'm fairly sure redcliffe belongs to Al Tan Your Majesty we never intended I know what you intended I wanted to help help you but you've made it impossible you and your followers are no longer welcome in Falon but we have hundreds who need protection where will we go the Inquisition might be willing to take in the Mages and what are the terms of this Arrangement hopefully better than what Alexus gave you the Inquisition is better than that yes they have lost all possible supporters the Inquisition is their only remaining chance for Freedom no one fights well for their captors it seems we have little choice but to accept whatever you offer we would be honored to have you fight as allies at the inquisition's side A Generous offer but will the rest of the Inquisition honor it the breach threatens all of thus we cannot afford to be divided now we can't fight it without you any chance of success requires your full support I'd take that offer if I were you one way or another you're leaving my [Music] kingdom we accept it would be Madness not to I will gather my people and ready them for the journey to Haven the breach will be closed you will not regret giving us this [Music] chance not a matter for debate there will be Abominations among the Mages and we must be prepared if we resend the offer of an alliance it makes the Inquisition appear in competent at best a tyrannical at worst what were you thinking turning Mages loose with no oversight the veil is torn open we're not monsters we can control ourselves without any outside help this is not an issue of self-control even the strongest Mages can be overcome by demons in conditions like these enough arguing none of us were there we cannot afford to second guess our people the sole point of the Herald's mission was to gain the mage's aid and that was accomplished the voice of pragmatism speaks and here I was just starting to enjoy the circular arguments closing the breach is all that matters I got a taste of the consequences if we fail let's make sure we don't we will not fail we should look into the things you saw in this dark future the assassination of emperess Seline a demon Army sounds like something Ain cult might do oay Falls the Imperium Rises chaos for everyone one battle at a time it's going to to take time to organize our troops and the Mage recruits let's take this to the War Room join us none of this means anything without your mark after all and I'd hope to sit out the assault on the breach take a nap maybe go for a walk what is it they say no rest for the wicked meet us there when you're ready I'll skip the war council but I would like to see this breach up close if you don't mind the then you're staying oh didn't I mention the south is so charming and rustic I adore it to little pieces I must admit I'm surprised we both saw what could happen what this elder one and his cult are trying to do not everything from taina is terrible some of us have fought for eons against this sort of Madness it's my duty to stand with you that future will not come to pass past there's no one I'd rather be stranded in time with future or present excellent choice but let's not get stranded again anytime soon yes I'll begin preparations to march on the summit make a willing the majors will be enough to grant us Victory brilliant isn't it one moment you're trying to restore order in a world gone mad that should be enough for anyone to handle yes then out of nowhere an arch demon appears and kicks you in the head what you thought this would be easy no I was just hoping you wouldn't Crush our village like an antill sorry about that Arch demons like to crush you know can't be helped am I speaking too quickly for you I was distracted that's all distracted by my wit and charm I have plenty of both how interesting to find someone so aware of his strengths I'm a man of many talents what can I say I always assumed the Elder one behind the venatori was a Magister but this is something else completely in tenta they say the chantry's tales of magers starting the blight are just that Tales but here we are one of those very maesters a dark spawn who does the Imperium say started the BL you know how it is not us they say dark spawn were always there maesters and the blight aren't even related is that a surprise no one wants to admit they [ __ ] the bed but if corus is one of the magisters who entered the black City and he's dark spawn what other explanation is there we only know what chifus claims to be true he might be a convincing liar or delusional or insane but how many delusional Maniacs are going to have that knowledge he broke open the fade I knew what I was taught couldn't be the whole truth but I assumed there had to be a kernel of it somewhere but no it was us all along we destroyed the world you didn't do anything those men did thousand years ago true except that one of them is up and walking around right now not to mention I have idiot Countryman who would happily follow him down that path again no one will thank me whatever happens no one will thank you either you know that yes that's not why I'm doing this I knew there was something clever about you all I know is this chifus needs to be St stopped men like him ruined my homeland I won't stand by and let him ruin the world oh and congratulations on that whole leading the Inquisition thing by the way you have remarkably little here on early toin history all these gifts to the Inquisition and the best they can do is the malefica IO trite propaganda but if you want 20 volumes on whether Divine galetea took a [ __ ] on Sunday this is evidently the place to find it that's the Dorian I know critiquing every book in my library I wouldn't have to if you could find some rebellious heretic archist to join the cause are there rebellious archists other than you that is if chifus ever starts burning Masterworks of literature I'm sure a few will pop up did I see something by genitivi here I could have sworn what is this about Dorian what else could it be about what happened at adamant of course we went into the fade physically went in are you all right it was like walking in a nightmare but everything was real I couldn't the fade is an ordeal under normal circumstances to be the only real thing there Beyond description that any of us made it out alive is difficult to believe you do realize this feat hasn't been performed in over a thousand years chifus and his contemporaries entered the fade and began the blights in comparison at least you were at my side no offense but I'd almost rather I hadn't been no sense of adventure that's surprising I've not your talent for survival and not everyone is as Discerning as I if you can walk in the fade others will try to follow who knows what Secrets gfus has revealed not all of them will be as lucky as you what they could unleash my advice keep this quiet let them speculate too many will see this as a challenge that's a good idea there are enough idiots in the world who think if they just use enough blood magic they're prob s will vanish it's exactly the sort of thing I want to stop back home this this I don't need what I do need is a copy of the liberum I'll wager I can find corus's real name if I can prove he was a grasping ankle bit with no family to speak of the luster would come right off wish me luck anything in interesting a letter regarding Felix Alexius his son he went to the magisterium stood on the senate floor and told them of you a glowing testimonial I'm informed no news on the reaction but everyone back home is talking Felix always was as good as his word was he's dead the blight caught up with him are you all right he was ill and thus on borrowed time anyhow that doesn't mean you can't regret his death I know Felix used to sneak me treats from the kitchens when I was working late in his father's study don't get into trouble on my behalf I tell him I like trouble he'd say tenta could use more Mages like him those who put the good of others above themselves with the two of you Felix and I what an odd question no I had no intention of abusing Alexis's Hospitality by seducing his son not that I've been proper my whole life by any means it wasn't like that even in illness Felix was the best of us with him around you knew things could be better you make it sound like he was a better person than you what a mad thing to say few people are better than I very well a better person clearly not nearly as handsome thankfully Felix wasn't the only decent sword kicking around thus this is all so familiar I half expect my mother to materialize from the crowd and criticize my manners is this how the elite of taina carry on you could almost mistake this for a Suare in the Imperium the same double dealing elegant poison canipes it's lacking only a few sacrificial slaves and some blood magic but the Knight is still young have you seen anything I should know about I'm trying to keep watch for magic you know to Vines we can't cross a room without casting a spell if there aren't aent agents here we'll find them what if your mother around actually here where would we be then short one Mage after he's dragged out by his earlobe I'm having difficulty picturing that picture me a young boy of 5 years then she certainly always has don't wear yourself out mingling I expect a dance before this is over dancing with the evil ma in full view of every noble in Olay how shocking they'll live you say that now if you can find me 10 silk SCS I've got a dance that will really shock them there was an ancient Dowager looking for you said she had 12 daughters I told her you'd left already you can thank me later or now but you look lost in thought something on your mind things went according to plan for once I couldn't be happier it was a nice if sh King change of Bas you should be celebrating enjoy yourself while you can what you need is a distraction I have just the thing let's dance I was hoping you'd ask thank goodness one of us has a little initiative marvelous business The Winter Palace an empress dead an emperor under your spell and that Elven Harpy eating out of your hand if she doesn't bite it off all this dancing politics and murder makes me a bit homesick that's something you'd like to do more often then watch as you twist an entire Empire around your little finger yes please of course that leaves only tenta and it wouldn't work as well there no why not our dances are so much more intense if an evening Lacks a murder we Sniff and call it a boore I hope you tried the ham they were serving by the way tasted of Despair it's fasinating it occurs to me that I barely know anything about you beyond my being a mage from dein you mean beyond that yes and beyond my being so charming and well-dressed which is obvious to anyone I'm well aware of your finer qualities believe me of course I believe you the moment I I saw you I thought there's a man who knows quality now what was I talking about ah yes me I am the cion of house parvis a product of generations of careful breeding and the repository of its hopes and dreams naturally I despised it all the lies the scheming the illusions of Supremacy that's tenta in a nutshell isn't it needless to say my family was not happy with my choices what do you mean by generations of careful breeding the great families of dinta don't have children they refine traits weed out the undesirable and promote the rest my mother was chosen for my father because magic runs strongly in her blood never mind that they loathed each other they wanted a son who could become Aron to make house Paris the Envy of the Imperium they got me a cautionary taale that you should be careful what you wish for why would your family be upset with your choices because I rejected their idilic plan if they had their way by now I'd be married to some unlucky girl from a powerful family we'd live in luxurious despair despising each other as I waited to take my father's place in the magisterium I declin the honor and thus it's best I'm far from home less of an embarrassment that way you see I'm getting the impression that you don't care much for your Homeland on the contrary I care for my homeland a great deal there's so much potential sadly we squander it we refuse to acknowledge How Far We've Fallen because pretending is easier we pretend the canari can be beaten we pretend that we're Superior to everyone even our own people not everyone feels that way I don't sadly with a minority it just seems so much of what you say about the Imperium is entirely negative it might sound that way for all our faults my people have many virtues we are Laden with history and culture tenta is where thas truly began remember we treasure our past and preserve it you can walk down a side street and find nothing built during the modern ages and despite appearances we care deeply about everything we have no Reserve not in war and not in love if I truly believed my homeland was beyond all hope I wouldn't miss it so much why remain with the Inquisition why not go back to denta I'm not exactly welcome back home not that it matters I'm quite accustomed to being a pariah it adds to my charm I can do more for to Venta here if the venator succeed it'll set my homeland back a thousand years I'm sure some maest would disagree but that's why we killed them I think I've heard enough that's too bad I never Tire of talking about myself I'd like to ask you about tenta ah yes everyone outside the Imperium always seems quite fascinated by it probably why they come up with so many ridiculous tales flying cows over menus that's Madness all right that one's actually true but the cows didn't have wings I digress anything in particular you wanted to know just how often is blood magic used there oh not at all not at all that's what any magest would tell you they'd be convincingly offended by the notion too of course what people call blood magic here and what we consider blood magic are two different things what's considered actual blood magic is into Vin blood magic isn't inherently dangerous using your own blood or that of a willing participant what's the harm the problem is that what's permitted only gets you so much power and what if you need more you always need more that's where we get into sacrifices and demon summoning none of that is done not officially behind closed doors it's a different story real blood magic can give you an edge a leg up against your opponents it's safe to assume that any mage of rank does it the rest are quietly shut out of power to put it bluntly you'd think the Templars would object I imagine they did long ago once their investigations might have been sincere then their balls were cut off too inconvenient nowadays only the friendless are accused and most of them probably innocent there must be some Mages who oppose this of course I do and I'm not entirely alone occasionally there'll be a magest who makes noise and then the reform talk begins all very patriotic meanwhile that magest will be quietly shunned chances are surprise it's learned he was a maleficar all along most learn to keep quiet me I enjoy the Allure of prood anyone who talks about the Imperium mentions slavery it's the center of the slave trade ah that is true and did you have slaves not personally but my family does and treats them well honestly I never thought much about it until I came South back home it's how it is slaves are everywhere you don't question it not even certain many slaves do well we don't have slaves in the south in the South you have alien ages slums both human and Elven the desperate have no way out back home a poor man can sell himself as a slave he could have a position of respect comfort and could even support a family some slaves are treated poorly it's true but do you honestly think inescapable poverty is better is that what you call it treed poorly abuse heaped upon those without power isn't limited to tenta my friend I don't know what it's like to be a slave true I never thought about it until I saw how different it was here but I suspect you don't know either nor should you believe that every tale of toin excess is the norm it seems strange that an entire Empire would be ruled by Mages I find it strange that your Mages don't rule anything at all actually the fiction in the Imperium is that Mages don't rule the magisterium rules that magisters are all Mages is considered a convenient technicality what is the magisterium exactly the Upper House of the Imperial Senate and the only part worth having a seat on those seats are split among the circles of magi the Chantry and the major families all Mages now it's odd that outside the Imperium you use magest like it applies to every toin Mage if you're not a Magister then what are you called no special title I'm an Altus which is almost as good as a Magister depending on who you ask I've never heard of an alus upper class those families who Trace descent from the dreamers the first prophets of the old gods if you're a Mage and you're not Altus then you're later lower class if you're not a mage at all you're sarati that's everyone else we do love our fancy words I thought the archon ruled over the Imperium well yes technically he can overrule laws passed by the magisterium but that never happens even so he gets to appoint new magisters which means all the families V madly for his favor thus the archon gets invited to all the parties the truest path to defin influence let me tell you if it's a fiction that means Mages do rule then yes and no let me put it this way Maes do rule but not all Mages are equal if you're not from the right family chances are you don't rule anything maybe you're even a slave the idea that anyone could be a mage however keeps the m licated can anyone be a mage technically the potential runs mostly in Bloodlines but it's been known to happen more importantly commoners believe it can div Legend is chalk full of Mage heroes from Humble Origins so they hold out hope someday my son or my son's son will be a mage someday poor swords don't realize that means he'll be a quor at the AR of the 100 pillars at best being a qu store isn't a good thing I imagine the average non-mage likes to think so counting numbers and shuffling papers all day is better than many occupations after all if you're a second class citizen among a pack of piranha however your outlook changes let me ask you something else of course there's an imperial Chantry isn't there with its own Divine you people aren't supposed to talk about the black Divine are you if you mention him outside the Imperium people make that face like you're urinating in public but yes we do have the Chantry or a version of it night and day comparing it to yours is the Imperial Chantry so different from ours not in theory the main difference is in the whole Magic is meant to serve man not rule over him business back home ruling the unwashed masses is serving them for the good of the Imperium perhaps it started with good intentions but these days it's academic the circles are in command there are circles of Magi in the Imperium we don't have dismal little Mage prisons if that's what you mean they're academies prestigious ones we have Templars as well but they don't cancel spells or whatever your Templars do they're soldiers they watch for abuse of magic yes but only those who are weak or who fall out of favor get dealt with mostly they enforce the magisterium edicts the Chantry smiles and nods from the sidelines you really call him the black Divine we don't call him that oh no in the Imperium he's the True Divine the woman sitting on the Sunburst Throne is some Backwater Pretender it all stems from a disagreement over andraste marvelous isn't it why would they disagree over andraste it's not my field of expertise but the Imperium believes andraste was a mortal woman a mage down south they say no she's the Bride of the maker ascended to his side Divine Providence a blah blah blah we feel better believing andrese was one of us makes executing her less damning you see so we elected a man as Divine the South declared war and we've been feuding cousins ever since so the Imperial Divine is always a man all the better to distinguish him from that other one yes don't think there aren't a number of female maesters who bristl that why can't they be divine after all same reason you never see a man on the Sunburst Throne because that's how it's always been done excellent reasoning do you consider yourself andrastian ah the big question it might surprise you that I do consider myself andrastian I simply do not believe in the Chantry it is a relic whether back home or here in the South something from a bygone age desperately clinging to relevance it's not an opinion that makes me popular I share your your opinion actually that's not surprising considering what the Inquisition represents I'll say this I may not believe in the Chantry but I believe in you in me that the maker sent you whether through andrasta your fate Cassandra is not wrong you saw that in the future without you chifus prevails you are our bullwark against evil you don't seem like the religious sort to be honest if you Define religious as sitting in a Chantry and listening to a blithering hen tell you how to live then no if you define it as believing in the possibility that something larger than yourself exists then yes by all means the world is bigger than I even bigger than you it laughs at all the things we think we know the maker doesn't need me to believe but I do the thought of no one at all watching out for us is too frightening let me ask you something else so many questions I'm wondering if the Imperium would be a useful Ally I'd think you'd be more concerned whether or not they'd support the venatori they won't of course at least not officially they'll disavow all knowledge of dangerous cultists secretly many maesters Will Rejoice at the idea and if the South Falls to chaos in the meantime all the better it would be in the imperium's best interest to help shiot could use allies I think the Imperium gave up on the idea of allies a long time ago we've been fighting the canari for what 200 years off and on it's a point of Pride that we go It Alone they'll sneer at the South behind their silk handkerchiefs and say you've had it easy for far too long let's not forget that the Inquisition seems to be an arm of the oian Chantry anathemus so far as they're concerned we're not part of the Chantry the Chantry opposed the inquisition's formation you think that matters don't be silly The Herald of andraste your very title smacks of the Southern Chantry you may as well be a heathen I think they're far more frightened what you'll do if you succeed that's all I wanted to know fair enough you said Alexius was a mentor of yours he was my Patron sponsoring me to the higher levels of the circle of Magi in return my successes were his I had a lot of successes naturally Alexus was most pleased he and I used to talk over Brandy about the corruption how we could one day make real change in the Imperium and then he gave up he stopped trying why did he give up on a journey to hosur a darkborn raid killed his wife and sickened his son I remember hearing the news he hadn't been there you see Alexius was convinced he could have protected them the guilt tore him up I helped him with his research for a while and then we drifted apart it must have been difficult back then I was Furious I told him to snap out of it move on I thought I had all the answers later I regretted my Hasty words but we didn't speak again until he approached me for the venatori too much pride I suppose plus I was busy drinking one must have priorities was it hard being away from him it was hard not having a patron yes I'm not exactly built to fit in at any rate he's fallen so low I doubt he'll ever get up sad really have you gone to see Alexus yet he's in the cells not yet no I saw him before they locked him up he looked despondent broken not the man I remember nor the one I want to I realize it's now your job to judge him all I ask is if you do show him Mercy he hardly deserves it but for Felix's sake I can't help hoping there's something left of the man I once knew my Lord Inquisitor it's good of you to speak with me I have news regarding one of your companions thein has Dorian done something wrong no thank for it's nothing like that I have been in contact with his family house pavas out of kenas are you familiar with them he's mentioned his family they don't appear to be on good terms yes I believe you're correct s family sent a letter describing the estrangement from their son and pleading for my Aid they've asked to arrange a meeting quietly without telling him they fear it's the only way he'll come since you seem to be on good terms with the young man I'd hoped are you sure this isn't some kind of trap I mean the secrecy but did occur to me what if it is a plot of those Mages the Veni another reason to put this in your hands Inquisitor I pray that isn't the case but if it is you are far better equipped than I to respond to such treachery just what kind of meeting do you have in mind I believe they just want to talk to understand why Dorian felt he had to come here somewhere private away from skyhold but not inin you make them nervous I think they don't understand why he's here with the Inquisition they want him to come home I'd be worried too if my son ran off to join some go foreigners on a crusade so would I although I suspect there's more to it than either of us understands why would his family contact you because they don't know you Inquisitor I am not of the Imperial Chantry but they know what I represent these are parents concerned about the welfare of their son how could I not do whatever possible I would speak to the young man myself but he does not care for me thus I come come to you if any good can come of this we must try they don't want Dorian to know that seems odd they believe the young man would refuse and the letter implies he'd have calls yet they are remorseful for whatever came before this is a chance for dialogue there is deceit in bringing the young man to this meeting without his for knowledge I know but does it not lead to a greater kindness if there is potential for reconciliation if you think I'm going to trick Dorian into meeting his family I feared you might say that the family will send o Dino to meet the young man at the Red Cliff Tav to take him onward if he truly does not wish this reunion he can always end the matter there I pray you change your mind Inquisitor perhaps their letter will persuade you if there is any chance of suc sucess in this it behooves us to act the Inquisition supports free Mages what's next elves running halam sheral cows milking Farmers I take it you don't agree on the contrary I approve heartly I do wonder if you've considered what this support of yours will do for majors in general I mean the Inquisition is seen as an authority you've given Southern Mages license to well be like Mages back home if that means they're anything like you I approve ha there aren't many majes back home like me I'd believe that I never fit in blood stains are so difficult to clean you see so we're doomed to a future of blood magic then not at first but you'd be a fool not to see where this could lead thing is the Imperium was once just like the South Templars proper circles all that rot then it changed by inches not that this is reason to oppress us still my homeland should be a cautionary taale not a source of inspiration Dorian there's a letter you need to see a letter is it a naughty letter A humorous proposal from some anti and daer not quite it's from your father from my father I see and what does Magister hallwood want prel a meeting show me this letter I know my son what my father knows of me would barely fill a thimble this is so typical I'm willing to bet this retainer is a henchman hire to knock me on the head and drag me back to tenta that would be hard to do while I stood there he expects me to travel with Mother jaizelle although make a no knows why he'd think I would let's go let's meet this so-called family retainer if it's a trap we escape and kill everyone you're good at that if it's not I send the man back to my father with a message that he can stick his alarm in his Wit's End there seems to be bad blood between you and your family interesting turn of phrase but you're correct they don't care for my choices nor I for their say because you wouldn't get married because you left that too I think you should meet with this retainer find out what your family wants I didn't ask what you thought did I that was unworthy I apologize there'd be no harm in hearing what this man of my father's has to say if I don't like it however I want to leave your parents are reaching out to you doesn't that mean something only that they're trying to choke me don't mind me let's see what comes of this uh-oh nobody's here this doesn't bode well Doran father so the whole story about the family retainer was just what a smoke screen then you were told I apologize for the deception Inquisitor I never intended for you to be involved of course not majester parvis couldn't come to skyhold and be seen with the dread Inquisitor what would people think what is this exactly father Ambush kidnapping warm family reunion this is how it has always been you went through all of this to get Dorian here talk to him yes Father talk to me let me hear how mystified you are by my anger Dorian there's no need to I prefer the company of men my father disapproves I'll need you to explain that did I stutter men and the company ver of as insect surely you've heard of it I've more than heard of it actually no The Herald of andraste I am shocked and scandalized such sarcasm you're not exactly subtle oh Lord Inquisitor I should have known that's what this was about no you don't get to make those assumptions you know nothing about the Inquisition visitor this is not what I wanted I'm never what you wanted father or had you forgotten that's a big concern intervin then only if you're trying to live up to an impossible standard every tenta family is intermarrying to distill the perfect Mage perfect body perfect mind the perfect leader it means every perceived flaw every aberration is deviant and shameful it must be hidden your father might be here to reach out you could give him a chance let's just go Dorian please if you only listen to me why so you can spout more convenient lies he taught me to hate blood magic the resort of the weak mind those are his words but what was the first thing you did when your precious Heir refused to play pretend for the rest of his life you Tred to change me I only wanted what was best for you you wanted the best for you your [ __ ] Legacy anything for that don't leave it like this Dorian you'll never forgive yourself tell me why you came if I knew I would drive you to the Inquisition you didn't I joined the Inquisition because it's the right thing to do once I had a father who would have known that once I had a son who trusted me a trust I betrayed I only wanted to talk to him to hear his voice again to ask him to forgive me he says we're alike too much pride once I would have been Overjoyed to hear him say that now I'm not certain I don't know if I can forgive [Music] him he tried to change you out of desperation I wouldn't put on a show marry the girl keep everything unsavory private and locked away selfish I suppose not to want to spend my entire life screaming on the inside he was going to do a blood ritual alter my mind make me acceptable I found out I left can blood magic actually do that maybe it could also have left me a drooling vegetable it crushed me to think he found that absurd risk preferable to Scandal part of me has always hoped he didn't really want to go through with it if he had I can't even imagine the person I would be [Music] now I wouldn't like that Dorian are you all right no not really thank you for bringing me out there it wasn't what I expected but it's something maker knows what you must think of me now after that whole display I don't think less of you more if possible the things you you say I mean it my father never understood living a lie it festers inside of you like poison you have to fight for what's in your heart I [Music] agree I see you enjoy playing with fire Inquisitor at any rate time to drink myself into a stuper it's been that sort of day join me sometime if you a [Music] mind oh I what's going on here it seems the revered mother is concerned about my undue influence over you it is just concern your worship you must know how this looks you might need to spell it out my dear this man is of t his presence at your side the rum is alone what's wrong with him being from toin specifically I'm fully aware that not everyone from the Imperium is the same how kind of you to notice yet still you bow to the opinion of the masses the opinion of the masses is based on centuries of evidence what would you have me tell them the truth the truth is I do not know you and neither do they thus these rumors will continue the concerns of the Chantry are no concern of the Inquisition mother Gizelle I'm aware of that you risk however not only the chantry's opinion and if I asked from where these rumors originated I see I meant no disrespect Inquisitor only to ask after this man's intention if you feel he is without ulterior motive then I humbly beg forgiveness of you both well that's something she didn't get to you did she no it takes more to get to me than thinly veiled accusations you don't think she'll do anything do what you yours is the good opinion I care about not hers it does make me wonder is my influence over you undue perhaps but it's the kind of undue influence I enjoy no one accused you of being politically astute not today I tease you too much I know oh I probably deserve it I'll have to find something we can do that that doesn't involve teasing soon ideally so I take it your dish is that the correct word here yes that's right we don't have Dish Clans coming northward for obvious reasons so I've never met one of your people before although I've heard about them little I hope this won't be an issue between us I am here to help you deal with the venatori after all there's no need for us to dredge up the past is there more than it's already been what with ancient magisters running about not at all I need to talk to you just talk Such a Pity I was hoping to steal a moment alone with you I need to talk to you he says have it your way but let's go where a 100 onlookers won't think I'm stealing the inquisitor's soul I do love how you're always on the go it's tiring to watch you I need to talk to you about how much you adore me I assume I hear that so often let's do something interesting more interesting than wandering the countryside killing random strangers perish the thought this castle of yours isn't exactly filled with diversions but we can figure something out Inquisitor good good this is exactly what I was hoping for what is that why we're here how do you even know about the amulet I hope you you aren't intending to help me get it back I can do this myself I apologize but that won't be possible do forgive me Inquisitor but when I heard of your association with M pis I could not resist you see the young man sold me a rather valuable amulet many months ago then he returned asking to buy it back why would I simply sell it not only is it useful there are others who could offer much more you loathsome little kettin that's why you were so stubborn there is no need for insults M I am interested only in doing good business aren't you a merchant why not just sell it back I am not offense M I only bought your friend's amulet because of what it is I do business in the Imperium having a Birthright even one not your own is most use useful in select situations huh he's got the right of it there that's why I gave the young man so much if he relinquished it how is that by doing you want something from me what would you like the league de Celestine is an organization of wealthy nobl men in orlay I would join but I lack the lineage if someone like you applied pressure they would admit me that would be worth the return of the amulet what do you think Dorian leave the man be I got myself into this I should get myself out of it perhaps you should accept your friend's help Miss cfas I know what you think and he's not my friend he's never mind what he is as you desire even so that is a price I shall accept no other perhaps you haven't heard the news from The Winter Palace or the part I played there well yes but I didn't realize an orian Merchant could be so Blas about offending the Imperial Throne of oay forgive me your worship if it is your desire I will have the amulet delivered to skyhold immediately please just think of me kindly I meant no offense huh I'd feel badly for the fellow if he wasn't a toad here it is now I'm indebted to you I never wanted this I told you I didn't do this so you would be indebted to me Dorian I did it for you that's the problem how is that a problem someone intelligent would cozy up to The Inquisitor if they could it be foolish not to he can open doors get you whatever you want shower you with gifts and power that's what they'll say I'm the Magister who's using you is that all go ahead and use me Dorian or are you all talk oh you are glorious I am apparently an incredible ass at except ing gifts I apologize and thank you I'm going to stop before I say something syrupy but I won't forget this and I will repay you count on it have you been to your quarters Lately by chance not recently do when you have the time there's something there that might interest you I should go so long as you promise to return so it's all very nice this flirting business I am however not a nice man so here is my proposal we dispense with the chitchat and move on to something more Primal it'll set tongues wagging of course not that they aren't already wagging I suppose it really depends how bad does The Inquisitor want to be I thought you'd never ask I like playing hard to get and now I'm gotten I like your quarters do you now don't misunderstand I'm not suggesting we venture into mutual Domesticity I just like your appointments ah not that I couldn't suggest some changes your taste is a little AER you seem a little distracted sex will do that it's distracting I heard a rumor very well you've rooted me out there is something I want I'm curious where this goes you and I we've had fun perfectly reasonable to leave it here get on with the business of killing AR demons and such tell me what you want all on me then should it be all on on me I like you more than I should more than might be wise we ended here I walk away I won't be pleased but I'd rather now than later later might be dangerous why dangerous walking away might be harder then I I want more than just fun Dorian speechless I see I was expecting something different where I come from anything between two men it's about pleasure it's accepted but taken no further you learn not to hope for more you'd be foolish to this is more Dorian right here funny I didn't recognize it then K to uh inquisit me again I'll be more specific in my directions this time show off I have to admit it does feel good to have my amulet back I'm not above a bit of attachment apparently bloody thing I need to talk to you could at least bring me wine loosens the tongue so to speak I thought we could discuss what happens after ah yes after Dreadful thing after let's see assuming one or both of us aren't slaughtered along the way what do you wish to happen we could go our separate ways if you prefer I've been a port in a storm before I would understand of course not I want us to be together as long as we can you're very sentimental for someone who's killed as many people as you have you bring it out in me sweet maker next you'll be making carf eyes at puppies I don't know what the future holds for us or anything that's my honest answer once corus is defeated when this is over I'd like to talk about it more if you would thoughts she is right about only one thing we should take the power which lies in that well so many voices they would be in your head talking over you you don't want them I don't want to risk losing you to a well enough deliberation give me your decision if anyone is to use the well it will be me so you will take what what little knowledge you can understand and let the rest go to waste and who's to say it will go to waste I do I am Forever bked by those who believe they know better than I drink if you will for the sake of us all but steal your will to do it [Music] [Music] for [Music] why am I here gfus a ma wishes to rip the veil open I must learn how to stop him if you can help me Vanquish corus take whatever price you wish Fest this bomo kavum if you don't come through this I swear I'll kill you how do you [Music] feel what happened at the Elven Temple it's got me thinking I should go back shouldn't I to tenta once this is done if we're still alive all my talk of how terribly wrong things are back home but what do I do about it nothing how does this relate to to the Elven Temple it was history right there staring Us in the face maybe my people can atone for what we've done there is something still left to restore maybe not all of us want to but that could be altered if you can change Minds so can I you would just leave what about us trust me amus it would give me no pleasure to leave your side you make Monumental decisions affecting the entire world how can I not consider some of my own why didn't I go with you take you away from all this I can't ask that of you you don't have to ask I'm offering tempting we both know you would end up doing it all yourself as much as watching my homeland beaten into submission would amuse me this is something I need to do do but I need you at my side now more than ever emotional blackmail is a fine thing to pull out of your Arsenal but I didn't I'm joking I'll think about it closely this is your fault remember you inspired me with your marvelous Antics you're shaping the world for good or ill how could I aspire to do any less if it means proving that denta can be better that there's hope even for my homeland I would do anything soless the orb I understand why you wanted to save such an important artifact it is not your fault Inquisitor are you alive then it's over how lovely and you're alive and I'm alive incredible isn't it and the sky is healed healthy whole there's just that left to remember looks that way what do we do now we go back to skyhold [Music] [Music] [Music] a moment my Lord my agents have found no trace of Solus he has simply vanished if he does not wish to be found there's likely nothing we can do but I will keep looking why would he just leave something must be wrong you said he was upset about the orb that can't be the only reason now that chifus has been defeated we have a moment to stop and celebrate afterwards you will be busy every noble in southern sadus is glamoring to meet you the fighting's over why do they want to meet me now you're joking yes they wish to bask in the glory of your Victory hoping that some of it will rub off on them everyone knows Gaspard owes you his throne the greatest Empire in thas is at your beckon call a thousand problems remain and your opinion will be sought on each one whether you wish to give it or not oh now they're lining up to meet me such is the way of things previously you were an upstart a dish elf leading a band of rebels and Heretics until cfus revealed himself they could not see the single hand behind the chaos once he did they knew a Magister and a dark spawn in one creature the ultimate Evil now you are the only Power left standing enjoy the evening while you can Inquisitor I was passing through the hall this morning and a serving girl saw me and squealed actually squealed dropped her laundry and everything such a mess she was completely breathless you were at the battle with the evil one weren't you I didn't even get a chance to answer she hugged me hugged me this is your influence admit it you're having a ball I don't trust camaraderie all these people smiling buying me drinks it's unnatural mind you I can't say I hate the notion of being the good to Vinter I suppose you can't all be evil bastards the blacksmith said that and he spat when we first met I hope my father hears he will [ __ ] his small clothes from shock I swear I'm happy you're here after all that's happened I fully expected to die it would have been thematically appropriate and you you could have been a Marty oh the songs they would have composed there will still be songs yes but they won't have the same gravitas we'll just have to be satisfied with being alive and together I've decided to stay with the Inquisition for now you will there's no you interin what else matters going somewhere amatus you didn't think one brief chat would be enough did you you do know we have all the time in the world now you say that but I'm not waiting until the sky splits open again see much better yes I'm sure you have all the things to say two things in private before you run off first you are terribly dull and I hate you what's the second I hope this ends soon
Channel: Vaelen
Views: 496,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon Age: Inquisition (Video Game), Dragon Age (Video Game Series), DA:I, DAI, Dorian, Dorian Pavus, Dragon Age, DA: Inquisiton, Video Game (Industry), Action Role-playing Game (Video Game Genre), Lavellan, Inquisitor
Id: 0cqHGsIYg68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 3sec (5463 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2015
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