Dragon Age Inquisition: Josephine Romance Complete All Scenes

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you've met Commander Cullen leader of the inquisition's forces it was only for a moment on the field I'm pleased you survived this is Lady Josephine montier our ambassador and Chief Diplomat you're even taller than I'd heard and of course you know Sister Lana my position here involves a degree of she is our spy Master if yes tactfully put Cassandra pleased to meet you all I mentioned that your Mark needs more power to close the breach for good which means we must approach the rebel majes for help and I still disagree the Templars could serve just as well we need Power Commander enough magic poured into that Mark might destroy us all Templars could suppress the breach weaken it so pure speculation are you was a Templar I know what they're capable of unfortunately neither group will even speak to us yet the Chantry has denounced the Inquisition and you specifically can't you simply ignore them if any that were possible some are calling you a kunari The Herald of andraste that frightens the Chantry the remaining clerics have declared it blasphemy and we Heretics for harboring you Chancellor Rod's doing no doubt it limits our options approaching the Mages or Templars for help is currently out of the question they aren't more concerned about the breach the real threat they do know it's a threat they just don't think we can stop it the Chantry is telling everyone you'll make it worse there is something you can do a Chantry cleric by the name of mother Gizelle has asked to speak to you she is not far and knows those involved D far better than I her assistance could be invaluable why would someone from the Chantry help a declared heretic I understand she's a reasonable sort perhaps she does not agree with her sisters you will find Mother gazelle tending to the Wen in the Hinterlands near redcliffe look for other opportunities to expand the inquisition's influence while you're there we need agents to extend our reach Beyond this Valley and you're better suited than anyone to rec R them in the meantime let's think of other options I won't leave this all to the herald the Inquisition cannot remain Ambassador if you can't prove it was founded on justina's orders this is an inopportune time Marque more of the faithful flock here each day but allow me to introduce you to the brave soul who risked his life to slow the magic of the bridge Master radar this is the mar durelon one of divine justina's greatest supporters and the rightful owner of Haven how these lands for pilgrimage this Inquisition is not a beneficiary of this Arrangement demons are pouring from the sky and you're worried about land claims Haven is the duron's rightful property has Empress elen officially acknowledged your possession of Haven I was unaware her Imperial Majesty had conversed with fend and's monarchs on this matter the empress has not yet had the opportunity to do so we Face a dark time your grace Divine justinia would not want her passing to divide us she would in fact trust us to forge new alliances to the benefit of all no matter how strange they might seem I'll think on it lady montier the Inquisition might stay in the meanwhile I apologize for the intrusion I didn't realize you were meeting with the Marquee you did little harm in truth the debate was most beneficial as practice for those to come you expect more people in Haven undoubtedly and each visitor will spread the story of the Inquisition after they depart an ambassador should ensure the tale is as complimentary as possible the Inquisition is lucky to have you as an advocate lady montier thank you let us hope so the's politics have become agitated as of late I hope to guide us down smoother paths but please excuse me I've have much work to do before the day is done greetings what business are the Mes in exactly we began as Merchants my ancestors founded the first trade routes to rain we once sent entire fleets across the waking sea but not anymore ah no these days our vessels are are a touch more modest what did you do before coming here I had the great honor of serving antiva Crown as ambassador to orlay I'm also first in line to become the head of house montier though my siblings attend to our Mercantile Affairs how strong are your past loyalties I would never have given up my position if I did not intend to fully commit to the Inquisition we cannot fall back on borders antiva is as threatened as any country by the rebellions if anything the alliances I forged there may help our current cause do you think the Inquisition will continue after we seal the breach if we prove ourselves by healing the breach people may turn to us for other things protection counsel Justice the Inquisition offered these once to those in need tell me do you believe I was saved by andraste at the Temple of sacred ashes I should much like to believe so your worship the Miracles and R they performed for so long ago they're difficult to picture if it were truly her in the fade who saved you well in any case many already believe you walk in the Maker's light let's speak later goodbye has anyone D ask no I do not think ah Master radar may I have a word what did you need well as you are Talos people have asked you grew up outside the canar Homeland but there is no easy way to ask your thoughts on the C the cun runs things differently I've wondered what it's like to grow up with it please be careful not to praise it out loud people ask how a kunari could be and R is Herald it worries them if they believe it and angers some if they do not convincing them of your good intentions will be tasking you'll think of something Ambassador I hope so it will be interesting strangely your merary work is not so inflammatory people are fabricating extravagant stairs of your heroics wasn't a group around that didn't want my help when a tough assignment came up if you needed it done Adar was at the top of the list I noticed Leana found a letter from the captain of your last company he had nothing but praise for your skill in battle but doesn't mention what part you play a friend of a friend got us a barrel of gatlocke stuff the bandits we were fighting found that out when their reinforcements tried to cross the bridge how exciting I hope life in Haven doesn't for you compared to such exploits there are some people who've made staying worthwhile how wonderful oh you must tell me who they are I'll take my leave good day who was she Ambassador a merchant I thought we should reach out to the dwarfs to secure lium for the inquisition's Mages according to lady corpin it raised the ey of the Chantry oh access to lium makes us rather more formidable than they anticipated we're becoming a challenge sadly the remaining Grand clerics appear to be consolidating the chantry's power instead of comforting the masses the Chantry couldn't solve its own problems when it had a Divine yet many people continue to Bear it great love we will not benefit from its decline little but the Chantry ties orlay Nara felon antiva and even rain to a common cause has the Chantry truly promoted such peace andas this chant is familiar across kingdoms a source of many shared Customs that is the crucial Point common ground is the start of all negotiations I suppose the shared faith can be useful when talking with strangers precisely and these similar interests are merely where we begin we must learn to think beyond our own wants to secure peace in TAS how did someone so lovely and selfless go into our Legion politics lady maltier well that is um really you give me too much credit while you're here I do have a question the remaining Grand cleric sent a missive inquiring about the events at the Temple of sacred ashes they demand to know whether the Inquisition official sh claims that andraste saved you from the bridge if it were up to you how would you reply I tell the Chantry I was saved by circumstance not divine intervention yet as rumors your Andres Herald grow the grand clerics may not believe such a humbl reply a difficult situation and I thank you for your answer a good day to you I've made some inquiries into the Imperial Court the sooner we deal with the threats to the empress the better the political situation in the Empire is dangerously unstable it will complicate matters everything in the Empire complicates matters it's the oian national Pastime turn your nose up at the Grand game if you like Commander but we play for the higher stakes and to the death the Court's disapproval can be as great a threat as the venatori we must be vigilant to avert disaster don't worry Josephine we'll protect the empress no matter what I pray you're right if your vision of the future comes to pass the death of the empress Heralds the destruction of everything or holds tentor at Bay all of theas could be lost if the Empire Falls to corus Seline is holding peace talks under the opes of a grand masquerade every Power in norl will be there it's the perfect place for an assassin to hide a grand masquerade I need to go shopping I'll arrange for an invitation at your discretion Inquisitor Inquisitor I was just inspecting our new headquarters foundation cracks nesting animals and miles from any centers of civilization the staff must make it presentable if we're to receive any visitors of Distinction the people coming know we just survived chifus and a dragon and they must be confident we are able to do so again the Mages will be gauging the inquisition's fortitude they should feel safe here do you not feel safe here I've had difficulty forgetting corus's attack on Haven do you know who first left to Arms our workers they were so proud of our cause corus simply cut them down so much screaming after that first blast of fire so many people turn to Ash we lost far too many good people to that monster I'm sure they'll find rest with the maker well before I return to my duties allow me to congratulate you on your appointment as Inquisitor my Lord I will now bring diplomatic issues to your attention and I'm more than happy to help with any situation that arise I'm loathed to part from such Pleasant company would you care to walk the castle with me oh well a tour then let me fetch the steward that isn't precisely what I was hoping for well do let me know if you change your mind now I must find someone to prepare the guest quarters and what else did Lady Foria say that she'd rather drown herself and help the Inquisition anything else she said she'd have us flogged alive if we allied with her brother that does sound like her cheer up Joy we at least have our attention you always do find the brighter side of things we are in the midst of cementing an alliance with Lady Foria of nada worship it's become a somewhat delicate task can I do anything to help negotiations thank you but I believe I have matters in hand I dissuaded her from sending soldiers when she learned we'd struck an accord with a brother she's feuding with Lady Foria simply employs a colorful manner of speech dealing with so many demanding strong-willed people can't be easy it's no less intense than my days at cour Inquisitor I assure you but I confess I do miss my staff from the embassy ntiva it was always useful to discuss the day's visitors with them I have time if you'd like to review things with me I wouldn't wish to impose if it were imposing I wouldn't have offered well I admit there are a few potential alliances it would be good to discuss right on the Parlor floor in front of everyone at the Suare who does such a thing in front of their guests the Duke of kton apparently and then there's calls lurking it frightens our guests half to death Lord jar still won't respond to our letters and Sarah can she not find a single overshirt without mustard tains on it then there's Dorian the man refuses to take anything seriously unless it suits its whim not to mention oh goodness have we been here an hour already it went by so quickly I didn't even notice you're far too polite I didn't intend to go on for so long you must think me quite the gossip spending time with such an engaging woman is never unpleasant lady montier goodness I'm well I'm I'm glad I haven't wasted your day well I've taken up quite enough of your time on already until next time your worship Inquisitor is it true is the mark on your hand Magic cast by corus chifus claimed it's a spell gone wrong I wanted to think it was a blessing a sign the maker was returning to his creation how credulous of me perhaps the maker set these events in motion so long ago we can no longer see his hand to them it would be fitting if that were true does it hurt the anchor that is only when I laugh very good Inquisitor Inquisitor I must speak with you what is it I must explain something first about the moner's fortunes I remember you said your family had been forbidden from trading in orlay it devastated our finances the Monas have in fact been in debt for over a 100 years I had no idea your family's situation was so precarious hardly anyone outside the family does for Generations we've done everything to keep creditors at Bay sold our lands to save off interest it's just it is infuriating to see my family still reduced to this I'm to become head of our house if I sell any more of our land my family will become destitute that cannot be my legacy to them is there anything I can do I'd almost solved our problems for a while I negotiated a chance to reinstate the Monti's as landed traders in orlay we could rebuild with that but when I dispatched paperwork to valo I've just learned my carriers were murdered and the documents restoring my family's trading status destroyed do you have any idea who murdered them Lana made inquiries that bore success K Bo a nobleman in val Roo claims to know who killed my messengers he has a request that you come when I meet him so he seen publicly conferring with you if that's what it takes to get to the bottom of this I'll meet this compt with you thank you Inquisitor it means you are too kind I must know who killed my couriers just to harm my family welcome my friend thank you for seeing us k b y know is mine please sit it's an honor to assist two such distinguished guests please tell us what you know straight to business then after the murder of Lady Mon's people I don't suppose I can blame you have you heard of the House of repose the Assassins League my contacts are a copy of a document in the archiv contract for Life the house of repos is hereby sworn to eliminate anyone attempting to overturn the moner's trading Exile in orlay who's sending these assassins the contract was signed by Noble family the D parets but the D parets died out as a noble line over 60 years ago indeed but the contract was signed 109 years ago how can a family try to kill you after they died out the D parats were our rals they drove the moner from Val rool this contract was drawn up over a 100 years ago but it wasn't invoked until I tried to overturn my family's Exile unpleasant though it may be the house of repose is merely fulfilling his contractual duties so we destroy this house of repose before assassins appear at Sky hole's doorstep there may be a less confrontational way to end this the do paret still have descendants under the common Branch if we Elevate them to nobility a d paret could anull the contract on my life that will take time lady Monier time during which the house of repose will be obliged to haunt you will they now you are exceedingly well informed not to have said you'd heard rumors at best a bit of subterfuge this contact on your life is an ugly business when the house of repose deeply regrets but this is all eh even an Assassin's world is his bond I thought you were remarkably well informed about a secret Assassin's Guild we are hardly secret my dear Inquisitor just normally much more reclusive the contract on lady Monti's life is so unusual we felt the courtesy of an explanation was in order it is appreciated M your idea to seek out a d paret to revoke our orders is an interesting one I wish you luck I did not come to shed blood today Inquisitor only to speak might I pass why warn us about your contract and let us go in aray it is only decent to inform those involved in a contract when extraordinary circumstances conspire and the Guild's reputation would suffer if you ignored the contract I quite understand thank you my lady may we conclude with my departure go then good day you worship my lady I pray we never meet again well I didn't think our meeting would end like this we'll deal with these assassins I have some thoughts let's discuss them back at skyhold I'll feel safer with the Castle's walls around me do you hear something oh goodness com PO is that you the Lock's been broken off we'll find a saw I realize the cabinet is quite valuable compt but surely a locksmith then as you [Music] wish I'm so sorry Inquisitor I never thought my family's trading status would trap us in an Assassin's plot between our soldiers and spies skyhold safer than anywhere else in thus yet the problem persists I've Tracked Down the last D paretts if they become Gentry they can anol the contract on my life will require a noble from valo to sponsor them a judge to provide documents a minister to ratify them it's so like you to take the longest course of action even when your life is at stake I assume you already know everything about this mess there is a faster way Josephine the original contract on your life is in the vaults of the House of repose if my agents infiltrate it and destroy the original the Assassin will have no obligation to chase you Liliana please I want no more Bloodshed over a personal Affair don't be so stubborn Josie how long will it take you to gather these favors in val rol give me some time to think this over I'll post a watch on our ambassador in case the house of repose visits I appreciate it but I still believe elevating the D parets will solve this first we need to perform some favors in Baro I'd be happy to discuss where we could begin I must return to valot to see that everything is not order please join me when you can I read liliana's report her people infiltrated the League of Assassins targeting you the contract on your life has been destroyed you should be safe now and thus we outweight the house of repose it's an unpleasant business but you're safe now I have no doubt that the Gil was staffed by vicious men and women Inquisitor it's simply did I ever mention I used to be a Bart you were a singer Barts entertain the oan courts they sing play music make Charming conversation and spy many young Nobles put on a mask and practice playing the game in such a fashion what made you interested in becoming a Bard I was attending a university in val Royo when I learned about bards there was such an air of romance about them stories of Secrets tsts and Fascinating People a group of us young Gentry from antia decided this exciting life was for us you seem a bit steady for such an outgoing Lifestyle the life of an Entertainer didn't suit me at all during one particular Intrigue I encountered The Bard sent to kill my Patron we fought or perhaps scrapped is the better word both of us terrified we were at the top of a steep flight of stairs the other Bal threw a knife and I pushed him away from me you can imagine the result you've drawn a clear enough picture but it was such a waste Inquisitor when I took off his mask I knew him we'd attended parties together if I'd stopped to reason if I'd used my voice instead of scuffling like a common Thug I'll always wonder who that young man would have grown into he seemed willing enough to murder you for the game perhaps I feel I'm the last to judge whether or not he would have actually used the blade in all the commotion forgive me I don't believe I ever thanked you for helping me with this I do it again in a heartbeat such a gracious woman deserves nothing less I such talk I'm quite overcome should I stop no I mean yes I meant no I I I don't well if you meant to draw a blush to my cheeks you've completely succeeded let's return to Sky hold before anyone notices Inquisitor may I have a word I noticed you've paid lady montier quite a number of compliments yes I enjoy her company very much an entanglement with our ambassador seems most unwise I asked Josephine to join the Inquisition because we needed a diplomat not so she could be toyed with whatever is between me and Josephine is none of your concern I disagree Inquisitor I brought her here Josephine's new stranger to courtly inrig but love there she's an innocent she has no idea you are truly attracted to her if indeed you are yes I'm very attracted to Josephine is that so whatever is between you I ask that you treat her with kindness for her sake as well as yours whatever happens I'm glad to see Josephine has a concerned friend here I have so few true friends these days those that are left I deeply cherish I will not trouble you any further but I do watch over my friends good day your worship well the lyana just gave me quite the speech what about about us oh she is impossible might we discuss this somewhere more private Lana said I was an innocent in love more or less of all the I'm quite capable of understanding our association I've never thought your intentions were overly romantic Inquisitor I I assure you would my attentions be unwelcome if they were romantic what oh no that is we've only just I didn't wish to presume you harbored any tender feelings for me but I am attracted to you quite in fact but we haven't even known each other a few short months how can you declare this liking for me after such a brief time [Music] together I've never met anyone whose presence affects me like you do perhaps it just means I'm a hopeless romantic but there you have it I would not object to a closer relationship between us my Lord if that sounds agreeable to [Music] you you have no idea how happy I am to hear that well [Music] [Music] then how are you my lord always better for the side of you lady multier oh my you flatter me much too much how far do your roots go back to orlay very far the mon used to have vast Holdings in val Roo itself I wish I could have seen them especially the ones bearing the family crest the original crest design was abandoned when we were exiled from the city I've always wanted to find a copy let's speak later goodbye I what's this you said you wanted to see your original family crest I found one for you I'm astonished I I'd given up hope that any example of the early family crest still existed it even has our first motto back from when we had a trading feet to speak of from sea to shore we tame the waves anything to see you smile you've certainly succeeded thank you there you are I've been looking all over for you I've just received the most terrible news what is it I'm engaged to me for the past year my mother and father has searched antiva for a match for me they had no idea you and I had grown so close today I received a letter declaring they've betrothed me to Lord Ador noello I must deal with this but until then we cannot be seen in a compromising situation I'm so sorry are you saying we should act like nothing has happened between us no no not at all but it is not right that we carry on while I am betrodd I must break off the match first I assume your parents have political alliances resting on this engagement for once that is something quite far from my mind oh this is not what I wanted to happen I barely remember Lord Tanto I must see to this and to my other duties if I can keep my mind on them today at all [Music] I Am Lord ranto ativa rightfully betroth of Lady Josephine [Music] moner songs of your exploits have spread to my city Inquisitor it's humbling to make your [Music] acquaintance it is a Pity it will not last longer before we duel I trust you find the weapon to your satisfaction absolutely then let us begin an admirable start Inquisitor perhaps not all kunari are the simple peasants rumors paint them to [Music] be I'm glad lady montia isn't here Exquisite as I've heard her appearance to [Music] be cutting you down in front of Josephine would have given a poor fres impression of house Otranto to my bride strange I would think the Otranto already have enough blood on their hands after cheating the tatas who told you you dare to bring up that slander [Music] here Inquisitor I will personally stop Josephine lady Monier what a pleasure to what are you doing Josephine I can't take the chance that you might have to marry him that's not your decision the Inquisition needs you I need you yet you threw yourself into danger why do this why risk everything we've built why risk your life because CU I love you you you do he does and I mean it every word I love you [Music] too well fought lanto I'd assumed your liason with The Inquisitor was an affair of passion or convenience lady Monti but I'm not fool enough to stand in the way of true affection the atanos regretfully withdraw the terms of our betro thank you do not thank me I know when I'm outmatched Josephine I've never been happier in my life we're tempting fate with such talk but neither have I just do kiss me [Music] again I can't stop thinking thinking about your duel in valo running into the middle of the crowd the noise the swords flashing I was so worried for you but at the same time well it was the most exciting thing I've seen in ages I was worried you'd still be angry that I started that duel in the first place I was only worried for your safety her position allows for so little of it you know when I first laid eyes on you back at Haven I hadn't an inkling we become so close but you at least told yourself my what a stunningly handsome man you are too much these moments seem so dear especially given your greater calling sometimes I must remind myself that I'm required to share you with the rest of the world the world may want my time Josephine but you have my heart then I count myself happy beyond [Music] compare it's good to see you has our being together said any tongue lagging undoubtedly a rumor already gave you a dozen sutors the moment you took your title who were these rumors pairing me with I can only speak to what was whispered in several courts Josephine to begin with Cassandra Lana colen Dorian mother Gizelle enchanter Fiona Chancellor rodri three hours two counts and man named Phillip honestly I don't think he even exists why was Lana so set against us being together Josephine I'll think nothing of it she'd disapprove of anyone I chose to keep serious company with back in val Royo Lana was practically my older sister so you two never had a romantic history together a romantic you did hear me say Lana was like a sister to me she's a most dear friend and nothing more I came to see if I could steal you away for a few minutes for myself oh goodness quickly then before anyone needs something from us look who showed up everybody deal him in would you Ruffles I do hope I recall the rules it's been ages since I've played a game of wicked Grace grab a SE we're ready to start are we playing cards or what are three Drakes better than a pair of Swords I can never remember Seeker remember how I said don't show anyone your hand that rule includes a announcing it to the table there's a crown on his head but a sword too his head didn't want either don't talk to the face cards kid you seem to have enough people I have a thousand things to do losing money can be both relaxing and habit forming give it a try curly If any man in history ever needed a hobby it's you dealer starts oh I believe I'll start at three coppers do you think that's too daring maybe I'll make it one no boldness three it is seriously who starts at three coppers silver or go home sounds good I'm in Bolder the better right I'm in me too well are you in of course deal me in Josephine oh wonderful I'm glad you're joining us antie up [Music] Inquisitor the poor recruit ran out into the dining hall in nothing but his knickers and this profound silence fell over the hall as 70 Mages and 30 Templars all turned to stare at once then a slow Round of Applause began and spread until Every Soul was on their feet a standing Ovation what what did he do saluted turned on his heel and marched out like he was in full armor he did not good man you're [ __ ] us that's how you know it's true I could never put that in a book too unlikely I've got one for you so my kith was hired for a simple Caravan escort in southern naara 12 days of walking alongside donkeys and Men Who smelled like donkeys across flat [Music] nothingness Shak rard turned to the donkey and said we'll let this go if you will and walked away not bad you don't mind if I steal that one do you well done you ought to tell story stor is more often I like the part with the rabbit there should be more rabbits in stories that was scandalous it would ruin the Inquisition if anyone found out tell it again and the dealer takes everything I win again deal again I figured out your tells lady Ambassador Commander everyone knows a lady has no deaths then let's see if you're good Fortune lasts one more hand I want another chance to win my dignity back deal me [Music] in don't say a word dwarf I tried to warn you curly you won the whole part I knew you could do it my love I'm leaving I don't want to witness our Commander's Walk of Shame back to the barracks well I do it comes off I didn't know it came [Music] [Music] off I'm glad you decided to to join us tonight it's too easy to mistake you for The Inquisitor I enjoyed this see that's what I mean it's easy to forget you're not just an icon or symbol like those statues of andraste holding bowls of fire at least it is for me you up for another game when this is all over Inquisitor I wouldn't miss it good it'll take me a while to talk Cullen into it maybe I'll work the Revenge [Music] angle who is that did I [Music] win Inquisitor a moment if you please I must warn you before you go inside how you speak to the court is a matter of life and death it is no simple matter of etiquette and protocol every word every gesture is measured and evaluated for weakness I'll keep my guard up don't worry the game is like Wicked Grace played to the death you must never reveal your guards when you meet the empress the eyes of the entire c will be upon you you are safer in the fade with the fear demon it might be a good idea for the others to hear this warning the bull in particular I'll have a few discreet words everything will be fine and rest they watch over us all Bastian Josephine oh Josephine is this him Inquisitor please allow me to present to you my younger sister IET Gabriella Monier delighted to meet you lady Monier Inquisitor I've heard so much about you but not as much as I want Josephine writes but she never tells me anything is it true you and Josephine are going to a lope and move to the anderfels and join the great wardens and fight dark spor evet I want to know I already packed our bags didn't I darling I knew it Inquisitor please give her no more ammunition I beg you this may be my only chance to hear about when Josephine was a girl oh yes as she told you about when she was 10 and IET stop fine what about when we were climbing the cliffs by the no she once told the Juke of absolutely not H she still plays with Ault collection when no one's looking evet that's absurd absolutely preposterous I'll see you later another [Music] [Music] time is everything all right you look troubled things went according to plan for once I couldn't be happier night was a Triumph you should be proud is there anything I can do um can I get you anything a drink perhaps would you care to dance with me lady Josephine I was hoping you'd ask my Lord how bra seem to be in the thick of the game again the last time I was at Alam shiral was Countess lean's wedding there were a dozen Affairs five secret alliances and a d duel between two chevaliers over the Vintage of an anti Port but until the duchess was on mass I've never seen The Winter Palace in shock the nobility needed a shock kif has played them all for fools I agree completely the game's become increasingly insular in the past last few years corus skillfully took advantage it's disturbing so few people in the orian court were aware of the dut's minations the empress realized she was in danger she's always in danger those loyal to her should have practiced more vigilance but let's not lose sight of Victory your actions at the ball have secured us allies and favors alike playing the game was thrilling we did just make history indeed Tales of this affair have begun circulating in val Royo although I do wish varic would show a bit more restraint in his accounts of the evening I was hoping you'd be by we've received letters from Aron ranus of dein and King Marcus of Nevada for both monarchs to come to us is nearly unheard of more proof the inquisition's fame has spread Fame is one thing asking for help is another Aron redan's request that the Inquisition as a neutral party destroy a venator cult on the Naran tter border King Marcus asks the same but demands we pledge allegiance to Nara instead of tter inform King Marcus the Inquisition will wipe the venatori from his borders very well it will be done Inquisitor I hear this eluvian lies in a temple nearby no doubt you're departing for it now be safe promise me you'll leave the instant the fight comes closer I promise return once you can we must plan for you to fight one last duel my darling this time for all of us once you find Cor is I suppose we must wait I'll be thinking of you every step past skyhold flattering but you have my permission to think of your battle please be sure to I I hope that you make her I wish you didn't have to go you mean the world to me Josephine montier then return to me safely I must attend to tasks before you draw out our enemy do go before I begin to cry everything's in place corus now Waits on you to approach the Temple of sacred ashes still do be careful [Music] please [Applause] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I should never have hired new caterer so late leave it be Josie everything's fine it is not I'm so sorry nothing's quite as it should be do you like the drinks I'm not sure about them the drinks are fine it's been a wonderful evening I hope you're not just saying that you're not are you what a disaster so was late the invitation to Our Guest barely went out at all and and it was so wonderful to prepare for a small banquet instead of the end of the world do you know what everyone is talking about tonight from commoners to Kings us theas is discussing the success of the Inquisition we deserve each and every compliment yes I rather think we do truly we will never forget those we lost but for tonight to Victory may I join you I wanted to catch you the celebrations appear to be winding down with the sunrise I've never witnessed such a lovely sight nor I sometimes your words are so sweet feet they ache that's love that's you it's been good to have the celebration free of what the future holds whatever awaits us my Lord I know only one thing I would never have you face it [Music] alone it's so good to see you darling I've been Fielding or Legion diplomats all afternoon have they giving you trouble not at all it is quite alarming it means they are all saving themselves up for later would you walk with me I should like to take some air before the exalted Council becomes inescapable the palace has been most accommodating we are after all here at their insistence but the me miners May no no more talk of the council this meeting was to spend time with you in a more relaxed fashion is this in your daily Notes 3 to 4:00 idle chat with The Inquisitor of course not not precisely the truth is there is a small entertainment happening tonight to which I may be able to find a pair of invitations you'd like me to go with you very much so in all the years you worked with orlay you had so little time to enjoy its culture perhaps you're right these meetings and talks don't allow for much leisure time and then back to skyhold without a moment's pause to take in where we are sometimes I'm afraid I do not make enough time for you my love please come with me tonight If It Makes You Happy how can I refuse oh wonderful I was worried we wouldn't find the time the past years have been so busy we have earned at least a few moments of rest a calm night out sounds oh bravo bravo was the woman in Gold playing a king who who is the man in feathers oh it's all very simple the first actor's mask is determined by well I will lend you the program guide but tell me did you enjoy the performance the performance pales in comparison to the lovely lady I saw it with you Sid stepping the question love leaves my tongue tied well in that case I suppose allowances can be [Music] made I do hope you recovered from your night at the Opera any ear ringing should go away in a day or two hello my love thank you your Holiness now aren as to your concerns the Inquisition established an armed presence in Faldon territory you outright seized K bronck in Crestwood we were protecting the citizens of Faldon because you couldn't the Mage Rebellion made it difficult to keep order Aran the Inquisition was only offering help invading under pretext of restoring order is exactly what the gray wardens did to us centuries ago and we exiled them now the Inquisition is doing the same thing with grey wardens in their ranks your concern is ill founded the grey wardens have proven their worth time and again of course Olay tolerates this interference without the Inquisition Seline would have neither her throne nor her Elven Maris rest assure Tegan the Empire of O will not stand Idol if the Inquisition oversteps its bounds unlike for Ron however o understands that these were the well-intentioned mistakes of a young organization an organization in need of a guiding hand yours no doubt pardon me Inquisitor sister Lan asked to speak with you in private my apologies an urgent matter has come to my attention Ambassador Monier can you handle this for a short while I of course Inquisitor This is highly irregular are we not even worth the inquisitor's time one dead canar was bad enough now we have more and they're hostile this makes no sense the canar may not be friendly to the Inquisition but they have no reason to attack us they also have no reason to to be here or using eluvians at all I've had the mirror placed under guard for now the canari can't hide forever they're inside the zivian somewhere we must ensure that the canari Do Not disrupt the negotiations the exalted council is in a very delicate state I'm certain you can sooth the Noble's ruffled feathers while we solve the real problem not when The Inquisitor insults everyone present by walking out in the middle of the talk our only Advantage is that orlay and felon are divided in goal and grievance if they unite against us Divine Victoria will have no choice but to support their claims we could lose everything I know we're asking a lot of you Ambassador I promise we won't make this any harder for you than necessary I know my love I'm sorry I will attend to the exalted Council and while Jersy does that we will investigate I'll head back to the crossroads we need to find out what the canari are doing and why they attacked and I'll have a quiet word with our Honor Guard I'm glad to see you safe after venturing into the crossroads I do not have to tell you to be careful my love but tell me these strange spaces past the alians are they safe to explore we're taking every precaution we can Josephine I will take your word for it and yet you've accomplished so much in the calm of these past years I wish you did not have to imperil yourself for us again I won't take unnecessary risks I have someone far too important to come back to and she will be happy for your return be safe my Lord please I will do what I can here once the Canaria dealt with with brace yourself the council is just as Relentless dragon's breath the canar always enjoy their metaphors but what does it mean who knows canari agents moving through eluvians to attack the south is bad enough already I still do not understand why they accused the Inquisition of serving fenel chifus tried to set himself up as a God maybe someone who knows Elven history is doing the same but how does that implicate us what made them decide that the Inquisition serves this Fen herel hopefully we will learn more after we have stopped them let's see the exalted Council try to dispan the Inquisition after we've saved them from this dragon's breath we must find out what dragon's breath is first for now our only lead is the canari leader the vi isala gentlemen my apologies lady Josephine there has been an incident with one of your soldiers how dare you it was bad enough that the Inquisition chose not to inform the exalted Council of the kunari corpse o would have been happy to help in the matter but now your own Gods are attacking servants you have overstepped your bounds we have more important things to worry about about them scuffling soldiers while the exalted council is our foremost priority The Inquisitor will of course address this matter personally thank you Inquisitor all stands ready to assist the Inquisition as always secrets and lies do you understand why we fear your Inquisition you act as if you're the solution to every problem how long before you drag us into another War the canary will F the loss of their lium it is not an easy commodity to come by you've done well the exalted Council meanwhile has deadlocked this is what you do best Josephine I should hope so but eventually your hand must be at the wheel you will be called in soon move boldly and swiftly and you may decide the outcome the world's eyes are on you my love let us remind them how you shine your agents confirm there are gatlocke battles in denin Palace yes and in valo and across of free marches The Winter Palace is not the only target the canari are one order from destroying every noble house in the Known World there is a bright side warning the ambassadors who remind them of the inquisition's value not when the Inquisition is responsible for that threat I take it you have new information the Alvin servant handling the barrels confessed to working for the canari but the servant was Orlean that implicates oay not us but the barrels arrived at the Winter Palace on the Inquisition Supply manifest how are we supposed to fight a war when we can't even trust our own people the Inquisition stopped corus and saved the world we can't let an outside threat change who we are I fought to protect the Inquisition in this exalted Council and for what so we could deceive and threaten those we claimed to protect once we locate the spies this isn't about the spies you hid the canari body you've all but seized control of The Winter Palace we did what was right not what was politically convenient do you know know what this has cost us with orlay and Faldon they are planning to dismantle us as we speak and perhaps they are right oh [ __ ] damn it we save Faldon and they're angry we save oray and they're angry we closed the breach twice and my own hand wants to kill me could one thing in this [ __ ] world just stay fixed I need to get to the darad you all can fight amongst yourselves once I'm once I'm [Music] back thank you Inquisitor would you would you like us to inform the exalted Council of the danger yes if we fail the exalted Council needs to know what happened I will inform them personally Lana I can no your job is hard enough already this is my responsibility I'll have guards ready at the aluan in case the canari attacked the palace make take a watch over [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my agents have found nothing with uans he could be anywhere maintaining the Inquisition even as a peacekeeping force leaves us vulnerable to agents of the dread wolf but also gives us the strength to respond we will need to be careful Solus knows everything about us who we are how we work our strength and weaknesses then we find people he doesn't know we will stop soulless by any means [Music] necessary
Channel: Jaguar550
Views: 60,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragon age inquisition romance josephine, josephine montilyet romance male, dragon age inquisition all romance scene, josephine romance trespasser dlc, dai josephine romance male, lady josephine and male inquisitor love, bioware romance scenes, josephine romance full, jaguar550
Id: 24jiebsDMbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 55sec (4435 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2016
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