Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Jack Romance Complete

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if we hack that control every door on the cell block opens it's the only way to get jack out of cryo i'm doing it be ready that's jack stop cerberus what the hell do you want my name is shepard and i'm here to get you off this [ __ ] i'm not going anywhere with you you're cerberus why does it matter if i'm with cerberus they've been on my ass for years anytime i get free they put a huge bounty on me that's why warden cural figured he'd struck gold when he caught me she's destroyed cerberus property and killed several people hence the bounty you die first i'm here to ask for your help you show up in a cerberus frigate to take me away somewhere you think i'm stupid this ship is going down in flames we can get you to safety and we're asking for your help we could just knock her out and take her i'd like to see you try we're not gonna attack her good move look you want me to come with you make it worth my while join my team and i'll do what i can for you don't make promises you can't keep i bet your ship's got lots of cerberus databases i want to look at those files see what cerberus got on me you want me on your team let me go through those databases i'll give you full access shepard you're not authorized to do that oh it upsets the cheerleader even better you better be straight up with me so why the hell are we standing here move up welcome to the normandy jack i'm miranda shepard's second in command on the ship we follow orders tell the cerberus cheerleader to back off shepard i'm here because of our deal miranda will let you into the system let me know what you find hear that precious we're going to be friends you me and every embarrassing little secret i'll be reading down in the hold or somewhere near the bottom i don't like a lot of through traffic keep your people off me better that way jack's tattoos are beautiful as colorful as her past i'm sure i have concerns with her temper though you have worries about jack i know she'll be solid under fire but her attitude suggests deep personal issues she pushes people away yet approaches sex casually i don't think she understands her own motivations i wouldn't be surprised if she makes advances on you if you want her respect think twice i'll do my best not to piss her off please warn me if you fail i want a chance to hide anyway what's up that'll be all it's always nice chatting with you hey what do you think of miranda and jacob jacob doesn't know who he is but that's not my problem miranda's a cerberus [ __ ] knew that before she opened her mouth tell me about you jack i'm still finding out about me thanks for letting me look at these files what's in them your friends at cerberus are into some nasty things i'm gonna find something i can use i just know it what if the answers aren't what you expect i'm not looking for answers i'm looking for names dates places what happens when you find what you're looking for i go hunting anyone who's screwed with me pays their associates pay their friends pay the galaxy's gonna be a lot emptier when i'm done what's your history with cerberus they raised me in a research facility i escaped when i was a kid been on the run ever since and they've been chasing me ever since but soon i'm gonna chase then you think about this a lot don't you i go to sleep with this i wake up with it everyone i kill i pretend it's the ones that did this to me you don't have to live in this pit you know it's dark quiet and hard to find that spells safety to me you know this ship is a powerhouse you could go pirate live like a king i could help you'd be my first mate i'd lead the boarding party and handle the executions what is it about killing that fascinates you so much i figure every time someone dies and it's not me my chances of survival go up simple i should go hey tell me about you jack what are you up to still checking out your ship wouldn't mind putting her through her paces when you're not around i doubt joker would appreciate that at least not while we're working relax joyriding doesn't have the thrill it used to besides if i wanted it i'd take it that's all i've been around ran with gangs wiped out some gangs joined a cult kept the haircut i learned how to survive and not be a victim it's hard to imagine you in a cult that usually involves a lot of rules i was looking for answers drugs and sex and going to a better place a better place right it was all about money they wanted to take a colony shake the suckers down to fund their spread and guess who was their ace in the hole they were just like the rest didn't give one [ __ ] about me what did you do when you found out what do you think you must have met some good people too everybody wants something and because of that everything is fair game murder assault kidnapping drugs stealing arson not at all and that's the boring [ __ ] piracy theft of military craft destruction of a space station and vandalism that was a good one military's a hard target bet that made you some friends shouldn't have left the thing unlocked besides parades are boring i helped a space station you're pushing what i can believe ain't saying it was easy not everything is spur of the moment sometimes you gotta work to give people what they deserve had some people i hung with for a while outlaw colony felt like they were like me guess that made us a nice target taurians think they know something about a scorched earth response [ __ ] them you were a pirate too ties in with the kidnapping if you hijack a passenger ship and don't kill everyone anyway good lesson simpler to just kill them all i'm surprised you'd even mention vandalism at that bunch that's what the hannah call it when you crash that space station i mentioned into one of their moons and make a new crater they really liked that moon do you ever wonder if you could have done things differently no shouldn't you there's no reason i should be alive but i am you know why instinct it's worked for me so far and i'm not going to change hey shepherd no one's ever asked me about this [ __ ] it's strange to talk about so [ __ ] you and thanks for asking hey tell me something i don't know about you nothing to tell why i want to know more and i'm not going away i'm here to fight for you nothing says we have to be friends but whatever something you don't know huh obvious stuff like what's up with my ink or something else just as boring you're not really interested unless it affects you i've been through all this [ __ ] before i could be genuine you have no way of knowing i have eyes and i have history you'll back off as soon as you realize you're not the first and i'm immune to your health oh fight what's with the tattoos some are for prisons i've been in summer for kills you know good ones some are for things i've lost those aren't your business they're nobody's business and some are because hey why the [ __ ] not you work pretty hard at not letting people get close i've been with lots of people if you're asking about a boyfriend or a girlfriend no it's a waste of time and it never works you let someone get that close it just means they need a shorter knife lonely and alive works just fine thanks you're tough but you can't have survived alone all these years when i was starting out i ran with this girl minara and her boyfriend they knew their way around i thought they'd help me right they helped me into their bed and when we finally did take down something big they helped themselves to my share of the take i knew where it was heading and i got them first never bothered with friends after that they sound like selfish pricks that doesn't mean they were gonna kill you i get feelings i don't need proof i did the smart thing i always do the smart thing if people [ __ ] with me that's probably something you should remember i have to go but we should do this again wait my turn with the questions people usually walk by now why are you really asking all these things are you eyeing me up because if this is just about sex maybe you should just [ __ ] say so i'm in no hurry i want to know what makes you tick first you don't need to know someone to sleep with them you just have to know where to put it okay maybe we'll talk later maybe not i got thoughts like little bugs crawling in and out of my head i can't stop them you know i have a history with cerberus you know how far back it goes i'll listen to anything you have to say jack your pal the elusive man never seen him before but cerberus raised me first thing i remember is my cell door in a cerberus base they did experiments drugged me tortured me whatever chance i had to be normal they stole it by trying to turn me into some superbiotic the doctors the other kids every one of them hated me they let me suffer what did they hope to gain by torturing a little girl it was something about pain breaking down mental barriers and how it might clear the way for a more biotic power i'm sure there was a payoff due at some point but i wasn't going to see it i was wired up in a cell they tortured you just to see if they could make a strong biotic that's it wasn't in a position to ask shepard all i know is a little girl crying in a cell begging for the pain to stop you love the power they gave you they never gave me a choice how did you get out of there there was some kind of emergency and i made a break for it the other kids came out of their cells and attacked me so did the guards i just killed everything in my way and ran i guess my biotics had developed faster than they thought i managed to get a shuttle off the ground drifted until a freighter picked me up the crew used me and sold me that's my uplifting escape story there were other children in the base i didn't know much about them i was kept separate they hated me just like everyone else there when i broke out i had to fight through them all i showed them but there's a loose end i need to deal with you're absolutely certain that cerberus was running the facility i was a kid but i wasn't dumb i know how to listen it was cerberus don't care how far down the chain it was they thought they were so clever turns out messed with someone's head enough and you can turn a scared kid into an all-powerful [ __ ] [ __ ] idiots i'm gonna talk to the elusive man and he'd better have some answers he'll just deny everything that's not what i'm after anyway i found the coordinates in your files i want to go to the telton facility on pravia where they tortured and drugged me i want to go to the center of the place myself i want to deploy a big [ __ ] bomb and i want to watch from orbit when it goes i'll set a course for pragya i owe you shepard i forgot how much i hate this place see the landing pad has to be on the roof or the vegetation would over grow it in a few hours shepard i am picking up thermal signatures everywhere except at your landing zone something's distorting the sensors this was a secret cerberus facility yeah they built their equipment to last [ __ ] it was a mistake coming back here shepard get a hold of yourself it'll be okay i'm fine okay let's get on the ground [Music] this looks like an arena that's right they used to stage fights here hit me against other kids i loved it only time i was ever out of my son what were they study hell if i know maybe that's how they got their kicks i never understood anything that happened here often did they do this i was in a cell my whole life sometimes they took me out and made me fight filled me with drugs other stuff time gets funnier did other children die in these fights i was a kid filled with drugs i got shocked when i hesitated narcotics flooded my veins when i attacked they actually rewarded you for attacking i still get warm feelings during a fight what the hell was wrong with those people i don't know doesn't matter now let's keep moving security officers impel tellton facility the subjects are out of their sales they're tearing the place up subject zero is going to get loose i need permission to terminate i repeat permission to terminate all subjects besides zero are expendable keep jack alive understood i'll begin them that's not right i broke out when my guards disappeared i started that riot things might have happened that you didn't see the other kids attacked me the guards attacked me the automated systems attacked me that doesn't leave lots of room for interpretation entry 1054 telton facility the latest iteration of pergnam went poorly subjects one four and six died no biotic change among the survivors we lowered core temperatures of surviving subjects but no biotically beneficial reactions occurred as a side effect all subjects died so we'll not try that on zero i hope our supply of biotic potential subjects holds up we are going through them fast this is [ __ ] they weren't experimenting on the other children from my safety you can't help what they did to others you don't get it shepard i survived this place because i was tougher than the rest that's who i am you move on harder and tougher it's all fallen to pieces the subjects are rampaging and zero is loose we're shutting tilton down what a disaster we'll infiltrate and piggyback onto the alliance's ascension program shepard they started up somewhere else ascension is an alliance program it's a school for biotic kids they don't torture children there a lot of this isn't the way i remember it there was a lot going on i was dumb i keep my eyes open now and i always shoot first we're getting close to myself the place i came from let's keep going come out we know you're here who are you my name is aresh and you're breaking into my home i know you subject zero so many years have passed and i thought i was the only survivor my name is jack how the hell do you know me we all knew your face jack they inflicted horrors on us so their experiments wouldn't kill you you were the question and i'm still looking for the answer looks like you're not the only one pulled back here jack i tried to forget this but a place like this it doesn't forget you it follows you i hired these mercs and came back almost a solar year ago we're rebuilding it piece by piece i'm gonna find out what they knew how to unlock true biotic potential in humans i'm restarting the telton facility it will be beautiful i wanted a hole in the ground he's trying to justify what happened by using it we can blow up the place but that still leaves him what do we do with another you that's easy just leave me here this is where i belong [ __ ] that jack he's trapped in his past you need to move on from yours he wants to restart this place he needs to die he's crazy and he's never going to restart this facility you have to let it go your past doesn't have to control you get out of here go he's not worth chasing none of it is you did the right thing jack maybe this room was my whole childhood give me a minute to look around go ahead nothing's changed but it's all different i used this table for everything it was like my best friend i'd crawl under it to cry i was pathetic sometimes i dream that i'm back in this bed being tortured i used to tie the sheets around my wrists and try to rip them off i want to stop coming back here i thought that room out there was the rest of the world i'd pound and yell never did any good see the scarring on the wall here that's where i killed my first man one of the guards tried to stop me instead i stopped him okay no more wallowing let's blow this place to hell i needed to wipe that place off the map you took me there to do it and i owe you you don't know what it's like shepard to have garbage like that following you it marks you in ways you you don't expect i've made a lot of hard choices jack like what to let go hard to walk away from it you'd think it would get easier now that the place is a crater but what else do i know i never thought i'd see you show mercy but you let a wretch live he was trapped in the past reliving it every day you showed how that could be me i'm not getting stuck like that i'm better than him and i'm sure as hell not carrying that crater around with me do you think you're different now i know that place is gone but i still kind of want to kill every person i see no offense i'll take what i can get with you jack you did a lot shepard [ __ ] i'm not good at this soft stuff just thanks okay let's let's get back to work hey what's happening you got a lot of questions don't you i miss your friendly nature when you're not around been thinking we've seen a lot of [ __ ] together now and you're always coming to talk to me shepard you got feelings for me because i don't need the complication yes freaks you up doesn't it leave me alone shepard i don't want this you're lying don't tell me what i feel i've been here before and i know what i need for me go away i don't want you coming around here for a while hey talk to me jack why i'm not interested in some dumb [ __ ] love affair never goes right why do you put so much distance between us murtaugh a guy used me like the rest for sex for biotics it was fun and he ruined everything we tagged a weapons frigate with a batarian escort and got separated he had a choice leave with the guns or come back for me idiot dumped the score and waded into the i made the shuttle but no way he was getting out and i fly for a day or so and then the shuttle kicks out this recording he set it to play if he hadn't checked in he figured that would mean he was dead talked about the future we were supposed to have how he had planned to set us up a home how he how he loved me and he was sorry it wasn't going to happen you feel like his death was your fault no he did it to himself you feel you get sloppy it's that damn simple he found out and you'll find out if he had left you you would have died so what you ever see me flinch or run death is easy [ __ ] on off switch but this it just burrows in like those husks you end up with nothing inside i'm supposed to take that and say thanks dead guy i can't make all of that go away jack not in a few talks no kidding told you we wouldn't work guess you'll be spending more time upstairs no i'll be here with you but you just said i said i couldn't fix it i didn't say you weren't worth staying for anyway okay what the [ __ ] shepard so you're crazy so what let's practically stand on the boarding pass for this mission it's just gonna hurt or you'll mess around or i'll end up killing you or something and and that sucks so it'll suck but how much fun is it gonna be on the way i i need some time to think all right really just leave me alone god damn it jack and miranda in the middle of a disagreement can you head it off before they tear out a bulkhead i'll deal with it take pictures touch me and i will smear the world with you [ __ ] enough stand down both of the you won't admit what cerberus did to me was wrong it wasn't cerberus not really but clearly you were a mistake screw you you've got no idea what they put me through maybe it's time i showed you our mission is too important to let personal feelings get in the way [ __ ] your feelings i just want her dead you both know what we're up against save your anger for the collectors i can put aside my differences until the mission's over sure i'll do my part i'd hate to see her die before i get a chance to fillet her myself you two gonna be okay it's a good thing you came by when you did as long as she does her job we'll be fine thanks shepard hey we need to discuss our relationship i said i want to think about everything but just you know what it's like to think you're alone and find out you're not pretty much yeah you don't have to agree so fast you [ __ ] if you need to think i can wait for a while i just this is so strange for me and you just keep pushing and what am i supposed to do with that you're weird shepard that kind of gets me off shepard how can i help have you got a minute to talk actually wanted to talk medical matters aware that mission is dangerous different species react differently to stress aware that you and jack are sexually active or planning to be suggest caution emotionally unstable biotics dangerous during intercourse i'm aware that jack is dangerous but i want to see where this goes of course hormones will be here to set broken bones later you have a recommendation as a doctor can give biotic inhibitor to dampen neural receptors weaken unintentional biotic effects no guarantees suggest padding walls biotic ability also gives benefits forwarding booklet to your quarters includes diagrams exercises inventive uses of mass effect fields can supply oils or ointments to reduce discomfort gave ed electronic relationship a demonstration bids to use as necessary wait a minute gordon you're just yanking me around aren't you shocking suggestion doctor patient confidentiality a sacred trust would never dream of mockery enjoy yourself while possible shepard will be here studying cell reproduction much simpler less alcohol and mood music required shepard i wasn't expecting you jack i was thinking about you and maybe you're right that i need it's all right no more questions good job blowing that collector base all to hell no way the elusive man should get the chance to [ __ ] with it besides awesome explosion right i should go good i can't take much more of your face anyway jack shepard everyone get down this thing's out of your league shepard keep it off kaylee said she was putting out an sos i had no idea that king of the boy scouts would show up all right amp check prangley those fields were weak cerberus isn't gonna lie down out of pity like that girl you took to prom grab juice in an energy bar we move in five that was for leaving dumbass i turned myself into the alliance jack yeah and how'd that work out for you did they listen didn't think so you could have stayed instead you decided to go play soldier sounds like you're doing that yourself these days yeah i guess so i can't think of anybody who could care about them more well i had some free time while you were off playing hero alliance brass knew i helped you they offered me this and apparently the students responded well to my teaching style the psychotic biotic i will destroy you drink your juice rodriguez you couldn't destroy wet tissue paper cortez to extraction team the service cruiser is coming back how long have we got two minutes tops commander after that there's no way we'll get past them get out of here and back to the normandy we'll find another way off the station roger that good luck sir shepard to sanders the students are safe but the shuttle's a no-go i might know another way off the station but i need station-wide camera access hey let me know when we've got a new way off this station how are the students handling the war how do you think they're a bunch of teenagers until a few months ago the biggest concern was getting laid you don't think they're ready for war i don't think they have a choice so all this talk about biotic artillery strikes it's great in theory maybe they'll get it together once they've seen some action but they'd be better off as support put them in the back ranks helping with barriers and [ __ ] i don't know have you told them that no they need me to believe in them i did pick up a few things listening to your damn speeches i have to say jack you look good save it for sure leave big guy that's not what i meant yeah well maybe some of your attitude rubbed off on me i never had a family and these guys anyone screws with my students i will tear them apart what's so valuable about these students biotically i mean well what's scarier than a pissed off biotic attacker a whole bunch of them working together it's like a biotic artillery strike any [ __ ] gets in our way we rip them to shreds doesn't that exhaust them yeah sure but we've been working on conditioning improving endurance whenever they complain i tell them about the collector base holding that damn biotic bubble up against those bug things ugh i kept thinking damn let the solarian handle this he can talk him to death what's so valuable about these students biotically i mean well what's scarier than a pissed off biotic attacker a whole bunch of them working together it's like a biotic artillery strike any [ __ ] gets in our way we rip him to shreds isn't that the kind of thing you wanted to destroy on pragya you know damn well it wasn't cerberus was torturing kids on praga these guys are older and they volunteered and the only ones feeling any pain are the bad guys so about you and me hey i get it you've only got one real love in your life the reapers they're the only thing keeping you awake at night which is too bad because i'm a much better lay i'm sorry i left hell yeah you should be maybe you can apologize some more when this is over i'm glad we got the chance to talk yeah yeah whenever you've got a way out of here my guys will be ready to move everyone be ready we'll go in first and draw their fire we'll shadow you from the second level and hit those those guys from above gives them some cover too all right everyone hit them with everything you've got you ever want to cut loose see what you can really do now's your chance of grissom academy the station is sealed the alliance soldiers cannot save you all they can do is get you killed surrender peacefully and you won't be harmed [ __ ] damn it they're messaging everyone students switch your omni tools to privacy mode so they can't track you what if what if they're not lying you've already held your own against cerberus you've been trained for this by one of the best come on rodriguez they're only asking nicely because you scared him in that last fight so take your balls out of your purse and kick some ass yes ma'am let's go kaylee how's it coming shuttles are unlocked take the controls and get the students aboard wait where the hell's rodriguez she needs coverings joker we flew out on a cerberus shuttle watch your fire right i've got you on sensors thank you commander we'd have never gotten off that station if you hadn't come forget that we kicked some ass next place we dock you're all getting inked my treat what do you guys want ascension project logo glowing fist maybe a unicorn for rodriguez screw you ma'am i can't believe we got them out alive i was going to suggest that they stick to support roles but perhaps they're ready after all they're definitely ready but the alliance needs them in a support role what we trained for artillery strikes we don't need another artillery unit we need stronger barriers for our frontline squads this is [ __ ] hey if that's where they need us that's where we go besides i'm sure we'll get some shots in commander we've got a visual on you now preparing to dock hey jack now that you're military you're gonna wear a uniform or are you just getting the officer's bars tattooed on screw you f flight lieutenant ma'am how many tattoos do you have anyway hell if i know prangley i was gonna burn off the n7 i got on my ass but maybe i'll hang on to it for a while hey soldier buy a girl a drink didn't expect to find you reading duty roster for the students it's what i do for fun now they've got us spread out across alliance units reinforcing barriers modding ammo that kind of thing how are they holding up they are fine they're not the ones reading duty rosters while on shore leave complain if you like but i think military life suits you you just want to peel me out of an alliance uniform don't you perv come on plenty of combat free room and board and people you can depend on yeah yeah maybe your little suicide squad taught me something about teamwork speaking of which thanks my guys are handling the support stuff well still see some action but they're not on the front lines they've saved a lot of lives that's what pisses me off we're doing good work if we were useless i could drop this [ __ ] and come with you but we're not and they need me so we gotta call it quits i get it you're not getting rid of me that either god you make the best mistakes all right shepard no strings but if we get out of this alive come on what the duty rosters can wait right now you're on shorely shepherd everybody knows you can't dance hey glad you can make it i've got us set up ladies and gentlemen [Music] arena i'm gonna beat you until candy comes out damn he you turned on right now as i am you want to have sex in the middle of a combat simulator no i want to make love all right no matter what happens keep shooting what about you uh-huh pop your thermal clip you're cute so what a private cabin on a stealth warship isn't enough for you i'm watching the place for a friend what are you doing it's a surprise i like surprises good get undressed this isn't what i was expecting it's why they call it a surprise dumbass what's squirming you do this a lot early on yeah trying to cover up the cerberus crap hard to keep your hands steady while you're doing yourself though no i meant have you ever done one for anybody else oh no nobody else ever mattered enough you still haven't told me what i'm getting you're getting this i hope you like it because it's too late now it's nice nice it's not about nice on this one bad drop on palavin i had to pull rodriguez out from under a pile of husks and if i hadn't recognized her ugly [ __ ] boot i wouldn't have seen her she'd have died under there yeah okay we're done good enough for an id good enough so that if you're ever hurt barely breathing lying under a pile of rubble at the ass end of this war you're gonna have hey you worry too much hey shepherd you're gonna have a drink sure how's everyone doing ask me after five more of these as long as you keep control of those biotics of yours so what does happen to a biotic when they're completely boracho stick around muscles maybe you'll find out yeah muscles i like that hey thanks for doing this i kind of needed to unwind a bit even just for a night i think we've all learned to rest that we have steve here's to taking a damn break don't get me wrong i'd follow shepard to the ends of the galaxy uh you already did but cerberus too much bad blood for me to ever trust any of them ever i'm with you on that ladies i see we've all gotten enough to drink relax shepard i'm not gonna smear the walls with her this time and i couldn't possibly think of anything worse to do to her than that haircut hey cheerleader my hair and i have been fighting fruits and marauders on the front lines of this war meanwhile you got your big bubbly butt kicked by some guy with a sword you see shepard best of friends honestly i thought it might help if you two just kissed and got it over with what i mean this is all just sexual tension right do powerful biotics forceful personalities confident in their sexuality you are [ __ ] me oh my god i'm ready to record i'm pretty sure there's a market fit kasumi i will find you and i will hurt you badly ugh i need another drink one for me too no ice don't worry shepard the cheerleader and i are just messing around you sure you do seem pretty serious nah she fights better when she's pissed off i'm just trying to keep her primed hell yeah captain on deck has he always been like this shopper is saving the galaxy you have to forgive a few eccentricities it's very enthusiastic it is impressive we should record this and broadcast it for the reapers they'll either run away melt down or fall in love don't tire yourself out flailing like that shepard we're doing it on the table later hey some of us eat at that table buddy you got that right hey everyone come over here for a minute let's get a photo to remember this arrange yourselves on the sofa an excellent suggestion shepard great idea i want a copy make way thanks for coming everyone here's to us ready glyph of course if you could all please direct your attention this way okay everyone say normandy oh what a night but look who's here that was nice it's good to just relax every once in a while relax are you even hungover nope you want me to find some vodka and we can go again let's see if anyone else is up [Music] break time's over huh at least we threw one hell of a party probably the last one knock that [ __ ] off you're gonna blow the reapers to hell and then you're coming back and taking me out dancing [Music] you know for all the ship we've been through we've had a damn good ride the best shepard shepard is that you jack how are you guys good so far we're away south of your position we saved some resistance fighters with barrier support bringing a bit more firepower your way i'll see you on the other side don't get killed dumbass when this is over i'm getting laid i love you too [Music] you
Channel: Jaguar550
Views: 274,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jack romance, mass effect jack, mass effect 3 jack romance, mass effect jack romance, jack romance mass effect 2, mass effect romance, mass effect legendary romance, jack romance me3, jaguar550
Id: yN479OdXgLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 56sec (3176 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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