Antoni Porowski Gets a Drag Makeover from Miz Cracker | Drag Me | them.

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I think that you're disgustingly beautiful oh my goodness she's disgusting hey everybody it's me miss cracker and I'm here at them where we are going to be launching Pride Month this year with a makeover video today I'm gonna be making over Anthony parofsky from queer eye on Netflix I'm usually the food and wine expert but today I'm getting my first makeover make better call it what you will from the one the only Ms cracker I'm going full drag I'm a little nervous but it's attributed to anticipate ory anxiety oh wow big words so early in the day I'm really excited yeah I'm excited to just medium caffeinated because I know you're gonna have to spend a lot of time in close proximity so I didn't want to like overwhelm you that's okay we have some Listerine spray perfect and you know what that means we can both have coffee two coffees please yeah on the rocks have you done this before at all like even for Halloween never well actually yes no I dressed up as a girl in the fifth grade for Halloween yeah a really terrible job I borrowed one of my sisters dresses right and it was kind of like but you lived your life it was like an Herve Leger a style dress and I shoved tennis balls in and they were popping out all the time it was my terrible hit and then I was Britney Spears lip sync battle okay that was like a 20 minute job just like the space okay I want you to take your mind off the whole idea of the glamour moment and think more about just becoming someone brand new Oh Bob the drag queen I don't know if you know her but she was the first person that painted my face and if Bob's paint can make me feel a fantasy than you know anything is possible if anything bothers your drag mother mother so yeah she like got a sharpie and was like oh my god so what we're gonna do today I'm gonna do some makeup on your face so where did you put you put duct tape on the top and on the sides yeah to smart my eyes pulled back a little yeah you know you never look tired on the show what I have dark circles everywhere or they try to like come yeah but your mom origins to you I'll talk circles under your abso-fuckin'-lutely yeah I have like full I have fun luggage under my eyes what is up with our people having that I don't know we've been through a lot you know we're exhausted right do you speak Polish so polish is my first language really yeah you have an accent at all what did you okay with my father most of the time I can only speak Polish and with family members were not allowed to speak English well languages you speak yes you were a tutor right yes big shitty French and I speak wolof which is the official language or one of the official languages of Senegal I used to work for a museum that specialized in Africa and particularly West African art so I wasn't there for work and I had brushed up on my French so that I could speak to people easily and I got there and most of the artists that I was working with spoke senic the Senegalese language for it's full of like I would go once a year over for three years and I went that whole time without learning to the word no which tells you a lot about me yeah Misha Dias dish could open your pink now was that I think that you're disgustingly beautiful oh my goodness she's disgusting you have a very interesting heritage mm-hmm how did your family respond to you being gay I never really had a coming-out it was never a conversation even to this day that I've ever had really with any member of my family right because I I've always kept my relationships hidden I lost my virginity to a much older woman and then I dated a guy and then I dated women again for like six years it's never been this like clear linear stereotypical path you know and my close friends would always know and I would have talks with like my straight guy friends and be like so I'm dating a guy and then some of them would be like oh that makes total sense and then and be like I'm surprised but wait that makes total sense right so it was just more like hey here's this person that I'm dating and I would just introduce them and we wouldn't really have a conversation about it yeah what about you well I mean I never really had come out to my family either I just told them what I was doing at the time sort of like sounds like sort of like with you at some point I stopped having the desire to see women romantically and I didn't see any reason to force myself and my mom just sort of was like a pull toy on this whole thing just trying to keep up she's like okay all right okay okay all right right at first it was I think in part because I was afraid of being labeled or being anything and then I think it was GSI just stop [ __ ] caring how does that feel to be someone that's like in the public eye as a queer guy as a queer figure and like not have a sort of label that's easy to to put on yourself I think at the beginning it was a little intimidating when we started filming because it was just assumed that I was gay even though that was never discussed during the chemistry testing in the whole audition process yeah but there was a there was a certain moment and actually in season one with one of our heroes AJ the young young man who didn't have a chance to come out to his father so he was gonna come out to it is all right and that was like I basically tagged along on Tanz field trip to Lacoste and then I started sharing it like I've been in relationships with women and then they did a guy and then back to women again yeah and I think some of the producers were kind of surprised and by referring to myself as gay I felt like in somehow it like it wasn't honoring the relationships and the real love that I had for the women that I've been in relationships with right yes I think the word that I'm most comfortable with us I guess fluid and it's so shocking to me how that surprises people because it's like call yourself whatever the hell you want to refer to yourself as and like it just it's not something that should be judged or questions question yeah it should just be kind embraced so pride is coming up and everybody has their own way of celebrating it you know whether you're a jack or a will you know and how do you celebrate pride with your with your friends I mean it's very different out of the past two years why before it was kind of on the sidelines and now I have all these wonderful opportunities to basically practice visibility is showing up it's an opportunity for me to put my social anxiety to the side because part of me like doesn't like to be at the center of it you have social anxiety I do I get it a lot it really depends on the day like I have days where I wake up and I'm feeling very tight a yeah and I could just be somewhat sociable and like speak to anyone in the night other days where I wake up very shy and I just want to be kind of closed off and wear sunglasses and like being my own head now being social with people is so often associated with like especially if you're gay is so often associated with getting drunk with the girls you know it was our early 20s and not that this experience is the same for everybody but for me all I associated with pride was just basically going out and getting smashed and all the party drugs and all of that where I even stepped away from it at one point because it was like I can't do this anymore to my body right and kind of like took a break from it and then it actually all shifted when I was invited to walk through Montreal pride my hometowns and I suddenly I saw it through a totally different lens of just seeing all of these like straight couples with their kids and like people actually celebrate it they're like being out in the day and not seeing it like at nighttime in the club with right you know not that it's bad to go out and but my experience of going to those clubs is very different than people who just go to dance and have a good time right I just want you to know that this is a really vulnerable thing for you to talk about on camera especially and while you're talking about it you look fabulous oh no no but I think that it's important and I think that it is this tricky balance with public life of trying to conserve certain things that are intimate and that are private but at the same time I kind of feel like I have a responsibility to share a lot of these things with people because you never know when you might need somebody who's going through the same thing you know what pride is for me like recognizing that we have so far to go as queer people in America but we have so [ __ ] much to be grateful for ups that the world like doesn't not everyone in the world has access to what we have and I'm so grateful it totally all right sweetheart can't spend forever in the in the in the boudoir so let's get you in some clothes and some hair I'd like it when you call me [ __ ] okay [ __ ] yeah or snap into it here we go all right here we are now this is one of the most important parts of the whole process it's all about proportion izing so men have broader shoulders stereotypically they carry their weight in their shoulders they walk from their shoulders if women have their weight in their hips they have broader hips and everything happens from the hips okay so we want to find an outfit that's going to minimize this cover it up and magnify this love so that we can change your body without even putting pads or heels on okay and as you can tell for me I like to choose a color that says stereotypical Halle pocket Powerpuff Barbie oh yeah okay now I don't know much about clothes but my hair looks fierce what I have done for you today is brought in a superstar designer who is working on a very special project right now but has taken time to come and be with us so please welcome Kristin cow into the round now I know what it's like not to be able to like fully get a cheek kiss yeah thank you for coming and help again oh yeah darling I don't care about getting my makeup on people so this is our little model today she's a lady got things here that like Beyonce's worn I've got things that like fabulous people I'm gonna favor her but like I'll give you options like could you a little like slinky crystal this is built it with us and this is slinky a crystal number you can also Punk - yeah 10,000 alright my top favorite is this one is this like past all to pop up girl that is face to her please this will be so key and also it gives you illusion as well I love to try I love the little mock turtleneck oh there you know I don't have but you do so this will help yeah decided yeah okay I'm pushing we can't manage to get your nuts inside your body again for a full talk can we have some fo are some safety yeah maybe that I think you could be okay okay this is what I want I want you to to go into the interior delusions loud yes and slip into this little garment while I'm gonna go get my favorite thing the wig do I remove my socks as well and you got to call me we're Catholics in the dress and watch because your hairy legs what deaf oh that's rude and that's you're gonna shave right now no if you don't have children oh do you want this yeah be pair of kids these are these have been through they have a story yeah well and yeah I'm dismissing [Music] yeah oh come on Cinderella yeah if the shoe fits yeah feels so natural we're out here come on bringing these [Music] look this hair these are your bones the only thing that has changed is like a millimeter of makeup and elongated my face my eyes look twice as big I have an ass for the first time in my life yeah because of the avocado obsession that is related to you we're gonna give the people what they want exactly so you're thinking a [ __ ] makan oh girl you're into it Ava all right everybody is sent to you right now now that you're just not looking yourself I feel like and I say I use air quotes for this but like my feminine side yeah it's something that's always been internal yeah with how I consider myself like an emotionally sensitive person right and to see those like stereotypical things come up on like the outside of my outward appearance it's like it feels very naked you are a person that is used to doing things with an egg timer everything is very regimented I wanted to kick you out of that [Music] it's pride you're in your look goddamn it let's get the party started let's get cooking let's get cooking
Channel: them
Views: 3,869,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antoni porowski, drag makeover, drag me, drag me 2019, miz cracker, celeb drag makeover, antoni porowski interview, queer eye antoni porowski, anthony porowski, drag queen makeover, celebrity drag, celebrity drag makeover, drag transformation, celeb drag transformation, drag race makeover, queer eye makeover, them drag me, antoni porowski 2019, lgtbq, lgbtq celebrity, draq queen 2019, queer eye drag makeover, christian cowan, christian cowan designer, lgbtq pride, pride
Id: tUw1Q2NP9As
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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