Draft Doc Template V1.0.2 Guide

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welcome back to the channel and this is going to be more of a video talking about a draft doc template for a pokemon giraffe that i made simple basically so this is more like a guides if you have ever seen like ball hawks team prep docs and he makes videos talking about how to use it and about it um this is something similar to that but more time more about a draft doc rather than team prep doc so where should i start with this um let me explain for making this in the first place um because there is other templates but the problem with the template there's like many problems with templates that i've seen so the first thing about a template that i see like for a draft doc is that what's the customization it's a template yes but it's if every single league uses it then why use it if you want your league to be more unique than another league your dogs is going to be the same thing so it's not going to be unique in a way it might be unique in the tears and other stuff but if the dog doesn't look different then what's the point of it it's basically just the exact same dock and so that's that leads me to making this stock in the first place or this template and just trying to make it to be more able to be customized make it much more unique and so here it is the draft doc that has customization basically i don't have a name for it i just have it to be a draft dog template um you can call it whatever you want i honestly could care less basically if someone gives me a good enough name i'll probably use it but uh i just don't have the name but that's the main reason for the stock as you can read in the description about this stock um i made this song because i just noticed how not everyone knows how to do crazy things i know many people and other leagues including igl spdl a new one which is just trying to start up which is a vdl which is venus draft league which uh you should check that out and maybe consider joining because they're trying they're going they're trying to start but they don't have enough people and so it would always be nice if people knew that i exist and might want to help them out um but yeah so like um i just know many people that just don't know how to make a good enough draft doc or even know what how to do certain things in google sheets because google sheets to be honest is kind of confusing in a way and for me when i was learning it luckily i have like programming knowledge like i basically understand how certain things like how things work in google sheets but even then it's it's sometimes weird if like how they do things with formulas and so that is basically the problem i see is that people just don't know how to do certain things and that's fine and sometimes they don't even have the time to i know many people that don't even have the time to even run their lease so they have moderators or admins doing them for them but they just help create the idea or make the leak and such but they're not always able to be there to make the dock also just so then they don't steal other people's stocks because that's just why would you do that but yeah so that's why i made this and i've made it to be highly customizable of course it's not exactly highly customizable as of right now but later on in future updates it will always be much more customizable than it was before but it's always going to be much more responsive bold than other ones so this is actually using more of a configuration system than other docs where it doesn't even have anything that would be able to be configured so right here has a description about all the basic configurations which i'll go over i'll talk about how and what things do and um like how to do certain things with this this might be a long video i don't know figure it out um but anyways then we can also make sashies you may be wondering where's all the stat sheets well you see the thing is i have it to be where there's a template for making like the stat sheets you customize that basically um but there is some warnings there which will be fixed later on um probably in the next update i'll fix that but um you just customize it and you just create the size sheets and it'll use the template for all of them and throw everything in there for you you don't have to go through each one and customize it which i know this is a problem because i made igls vdls spdl a few other league stocks so i basically work with multiple leagues but the main ones is going to be igo and spdl and vdl now not too much with vdl right now but i did make their dock but um the um making the sat sheets is time consuming you just copy and paste it yes but you have to throw everything in there if you don't have a really good system or a good formulas that allow you just edit one thing it's going to be time-consuming hint uh spdos was actually much faster than igl's because i spoil spl now a lot more than igl sadly which i should start spoiling igl more now so i'll show you that suggestions and feedbacks and bugs found so this stock is more it needs suggestions it needs feedback it needs people to look for bugs it's my nature mostly like when i'm making something my nature is usually is more having the community to be more involved with the project i'm making so this is more of like a community involvement in a way um i need suggestions i need feedback i need people to find bugs because i'm one person i can't obviously do that on my own i only have a pair of eyes two eyes that's it i can't always see what other people need or want or um i don't even know if it's even helping or if it's harder if there's a bug or such i can't find that i'm the one that made it so i know how everything works and i know what to do not to break in so it's hard for me to even try to break it which i try to break it and so far has broken just yet um but yeah and then match uh sat page right here um this is from john king's uh porygon donk um i i took this by modify it so it's much easier um as you can see here i have this he doesn't actually have this in here and this actually makes it much easier uh if if you're watching this john can you actually take this if you want this might actually help you help your doc much much better but he doesn't have that also uh you can take whatever you want from this stock but just just make sure you don't save all you made that you know i don't really care too much about credit but like just make sure you don't say you actually made that entire thing because we all know you didn't but anyways um so yeah so he had he made that and i actually took it and so that's why i'm giving him credit here um it says it if you have used john king's porygon doc then you already know how to use it but mine is slightly different in the way but it's basically the same okay and you can also email me and uh send a dm through discord you don't need to add me as a friend i'll add that in here uh you don't need to add me as a friend i'm i have my dm settings to be uh anyone can dm me it doesn't matter so don't send me a friend request i'll probably ignore it most of the time unless if i know who you are and such um email me you can also you can do that as well um but i do respond much faster through discord because of how discord it like works over email but yeah i use discord much more than email and i don't always look at my email like i might look at it if i see something but i might just forget about it so this course is your best option basically uh email is probably gonna be your last resort but yeah um last resort is also just angie in this dunk and just yelling at me to look at my email so discord that's also an option i forgot to add that there okay so let's just look at the configurations and talk about it so right here actually i need to say where you can find the configurations and configure it so from here you'll see this page right here it says source click on it and it will actually look more like this so these are uh i call these tabs basically so i'll be referencing them as tabs but they're actually groups um so if you click on the plus icon it will open stuff up basically those are groups basically but you want to click on the configuration um button here the plus here right here you want to click on that and it'll open the configuration tab for you okay so in here is all the configurations for this version this is version 1.0.2 there might be a version later on that might uh be a bigger major change which will be version two um but as of right now i just this is the second version of it basically so let's just start so coach information so i know some leagues like spdl likes to actually put their information the coach's information into the roster page okay so like they'll put like the team name here blah blah blah basically but i also know that leagues like igl and vdl uses the coaches page right here this looks horrible there's a reason for it i just want you to do it so i'm not the only one that's doing all the work okay but um i know leagues that do this and most leagues i know actually do this much more than uh putting stuff into the roster page so i have it to be uh to be either one you can put monster or coaches i will actually um be adding actually let's just do that right now um list of range roster there we go there we go so now so if you choose to do roster you click on that it will hide the if it will thank you it will hide the coaches page for you so you don't have to even worry about it okay i think you just come in here and hide hide these things if you want to or uh edit these formulas um what i would do what i would do is actually get a google doc i will actually make a sheet here that has all the formulas for what they do and where you place them basically i'll just put them in there but you could also just put them in a google doc just for safe keeping but i'm going to go and fix that we're going to change the coaches and unhide it there we go it might take some time this is actually using google apps scripts to do this um so just give it some time don't freak out if it's taking too long it's just that it needs some time to do stuff okay um so yeah okay so we do that so next one is using different um dave's which is using divisions um if you are not using divisions you don't really don't need to worry about this too much but only just me do is unclick if you're not using it and then what ends up happening is in the set sheets right here it will not show the divisions simple enough but i'm just going to say we are using divisions right here um dave's this is just like the divisions like names or such um i only have it to be supporting two divisions but you can change these you can have it be like um like a caterpie division and weedle division if you want to you just make sure you separate them by a comma so i can actually do here is um chatter pi caterpie um and then weedle and it will change that and now be the divisions now but i'm going to change this and it's going to be b there we go i also have it so if every if there's something that's missing here so if i were to do that it would be red but if i do that it's not there so just if you see red know that you need to do that okay now here mount players so this is mostly just saying um how many players are there most leagues is going to be 16. this only supports up to 16 players but the lowest you can go is four players um main reason is because what kind of league only has one player i mean as a joke maybe but still so only have it supporting between four and 16. and this will change the amount of players there is also when you create the stat sheets which i'll show later um it will only create that amount so there now we get into the pokemon database so the pokemon database is basically its way of getting all of your tiers i actually have it to do this over than having it to be where you can just put it into the dog because one it's just bad it's a bad idea doing in the long run main reason is just say you have maybe four leagues and they're using the same daw but let's say you need to tier shift okay or you forgot something it should be banned right um instead of going through each stock and changing it you can actually go into the database and change that and it'll change every all the docs for you that's why i really like doing a database and this is this idea is from igl i was not the one that created the database uh hardbar did if you don't know who harvard is he's the one that created porygon bot but he created a database but i basically just basically abused it basically that's basically what i just did i just abused it um so yeah so this is just put the url of your database basically now the pokemon range pokemon sprite range and pokemon tier range is basically going to change these these are the uh fields or the columns that are going to be used for your point tier list this only supports point tears over tears okay so don't come crying to me if you're doing tears and it doesn't work because it will not work it was not designed to do that just yet and i know many leagues don't do uh just regular tears so that's why i'm not too worried about it but basically so right here is just saying the ranges so let's say example here my pokemon names are in column b i'm going to raw which is raw is the stat or the sheet name then i'm going to put the range this is kind of like any regular um any regular like subs um what is it as not stat sheet uh any like regular call on a cell it's like our range it's just like that so this one's gonna be like that then you do your sprites so right here is the sprites then we also have the tiers here okay and tears are going to be here so a tip about this and actually know about this is that for pokemon are banned make sure they're zero because of how query function works in google sheets um it's kind of dumb of how it works but it really hates when it is trying to search for uh both a either a string or a number it needs to only treat one of them so either a string or a number in this case most things are most of the tiers are numbers or actually all the tiers are numbers except for the band list so i may i want to make sure that's zero because that's the only way it's going to i should be able to read it so don't freak out if it's not working it's probably because you put band not zero i'll put a note here um saying that it needs to be zero for bands if you want something to be hidden such as your one point tier is too long because that happens a lot most of the time it's going to be that that's the case um just put a string instead that will hide because it will not look for a string so it will not do it will not put it in but i do have it as n slash a as a one point um mod but it will not be shown okay i'll put that out as well in for you next thing is standings wayne's lost division uh not division uh wins lost death that's basically what it is it's just saying what's the order of um you're like how are you doing this so when's first law second um pokemon diffs third or wins this loss last wednesday i don't know why you would do that different slots something like that um that's there for you to customize that will affect the stainings page okay or the the coaches stainings basically amount of weeks is basically just saying how many weeks are there in the league it only uh supports up to 10 weeks but with the schedule page 10 works the best or eight not nine sadly mainly because of look how look at this i don't know i didn't know of another way of doing this i'll probably be making another sheet where you can use that and it'll be only show one week but it's automatic and it's basically an on ties uh schedule basically it will show the current week in stuff i know some links don't like that but i love it because why not it's it does it automatic guys it's the only reason why i love it um so yeah so yeah that also will affect the schedules here so if i were to have 18 or 19 uh eight players here and then i were to do like four weeks that will change this as well okay just letting you know i can even show you they'll complain to me watch no complain it's there you go it's complaining and you'll see it changed it everything should be 16 and that should be 10. i okay next playoffs so this is mainly just saying uh do you want to show the playoff bracket right here or not if you don't want it just unclick it and it will hide it for you you don't need to do anything else it will hide it for you and if you want it and it's hidden just check it and it'll show it um how you would use this is normal i need to fix this because of how sizing works um you just put one in there you go this is basically the scores of the match and i forgot to mention this this is for bo1 i didn't really make this for bl3 because of the match um stats if you've noticed it's made mainly for bo1 so i forgot to mention that beforehand and forgot to put that in the description but this is only for bo1 i'll be making a bo3 dog forest like a bo3 version um which will be slightly different because of how bo3 and bo1 works if you don't know what i'm saying best of one best of three just be a one or b three um so yeah that is the problem there for people that are using it for bo three don't because it will not work that well for you as if you figure out some system to do it then go ahead but i just can't right now it's way it's the process of doing it it's going to be a lot longer than it should be um but yeah uh but yeah so you just go through it and then you go down here so we can do like three let's just see i completely destroyed this no one and then there we go uh that simple basically you can change this if you want to okay now use player names and this uh in schedule so if i were to check that it's going to complain but it will now be searching for team names instead of coaches and if i were to schedule it will also be instead of this it will show the team names basically but no one cares okay right here is the default coaches logo so let me quickly grab my logo for igl copy that now go to source now if you die now i forgot to roster it now all these the ones that don't have a logo will be this logo now it's the default logo so use that for like your like a leak logo if you want to it's what i do for igl simple and if you go back to here it does enjoy okay now we get into this part which i kind of already just described was so point tiers um right now it only supports some point tiers but later on will be other tier like other type of drafts uh i guess i can do a bgc but i don't really like doing btc that much it's too much work um but show band pokemon um so if you uncheck that you get to point tears it's going to hide the band list for you and if you have it ticked then it will be shown okay and then this only supports up to 20 point tiers as you can see but the list you can go is one of course we're going to do 18 which is standard for most places for most leagues actually and then now the total pokemon for this version um it only works best with 12. i need to look into it the main reason is just how i have everything set up is that i was mostly being dumb and was focusing on having everything worked for a 12-point mod as you can see here it will look weird with live in pokemon or 10 pokemon so i'm sorry i guess i'll fix it just not in this version okay um but this works best with it but then the uh the range of it is nine through 12. okay just muscles are like that um now we get into the matches which is basically talking about forfeits basically so ff w is forfeit win ffl is forfeit loss so this is just the pokemon differential which you kind of saw that maybe in here um this is what's different about my version of matchstats versus john kins is that i actually have it to be where if i to do this you see that it doesn't have anything and if i were to do that and then that it will do that johnkins doesn't do this actually doesn't really it doesn't really work well with the whole forfeits like he has he has these like check boxes here but it doesn't really work too well so that's another benefit of this uh dog is that of course um but it also if i were to change this to be three you will see here in match stats you'll only be three pokemon then we'll get it if it's a forfeit went and it's going to be the first six pokemon that's going to do it and you will see here that um so i'm going to change that back to b4 actually i'm going to change that to b6 because i think that's going to be more reasonable um and then if it goes back to here it will show that there you go six and negative six okay and there we go so that's that's how that works okay i can hide that and we're gonna hide this now okay now i can talk about um how to make stat sheets so it's very very simple i really like how i did this but why is this happening gosh darn it let me just quickly you know um so yeah so um the problem with this is when you're trying to customize this is that i have it set to be on every like the team name to be on set on l6 um because everything relies on it as you can see l6 uh everything relies on it and if and that's also where i'm placing the team name um and through the apps script which is what's creating the stat sheets and and putting the data in for you automatically um it's going to put that in there so if you were to move this then you try to run it it will still put everything it'll put the team name in l6 it does not matter it will do that it'll even overwrite stuff it will do that and later on i will face that i will change it to be where um in here i'll probably have it to be like a section for stat sheets and you can put in where you want your uh the team name to be and stuff and then like i was saying i'll make a a sheet for um basically uh with all the functions and everything so it's easier for you but how do you make them go here stat sheets this is a custom menu that i made then you go to create stat sheets and then now it will create it will probably ask you for permissions to do this but if it does just just click on like advanced and then go to untitled project or something like that and they'll give you permissions it might not work right away you might have to try again but yeah um as you can see it's working as planned uh you might need to give it some time with creating side sheets it takes more time because it needs to do more things than removing sashes which i'll show how to do that very soon um it also depends on how many there is so it's going to take longer because of 16 players and as you can see but it's automatically adding everything for you you'll need to anything else awesome right almost done and we should be done about now there we go now we're going to just come over to the one and as you can see here everything's there nothing needs to be done but it does everything for you which is very nice okay so yeah i'll be making an another version where you can say where you want the team name to be and then have everything rely on that cell instead of the l6 cell but for now just you either use this or not um the the next thing i might do for this is actually going to add a match-up page on the right side um which is basically saying um what the match up like uh for each week so like um the player versus another player what their team's looking like against each other um there might i could use some suggestions of how that should look um let's hear what else is there um as you can see the divisions is right here all that also have a about um coaches page right here so you can um write about your coach to say how horrible they are because i know that's what i would do um trust me if i would probably do that uh actually uh in here i would just change that and say that this coach sucks and all that kind of stuff that's what i would probably do just just for fun who and all of them gets the love of it because it will be all the same um so yeah and then if you want to remove all of them just click on remove stat sheets and it'll start removing them as you can see it'll it'll need to one by one but yeah okay there we go and we're done with that so yeah and also depending on how many players there is will differ on how many stat sheets will be created and such okay now i get into the part talking about uh customization like what can be customized and how should be customized everything can be customized except for maybe like uh the size sheets for now because of the problem with the l6 cell for now um also right here mostly in the source page you should probably not touch except for the configuration section and the schedules section everything else you should not really need to touch if you know what you're doing and you want to add something here go ahead feel free to do it but if it doesn't work and you come talking to me saying it doesn't work and it's something i didn't add i will probably not be able to help you because i didn't make it so i don't even know how it works you could probably still tell me how it works but i probably won't be able to help you because you're the one that made it so i will try to help you as much as i can but i won't be able to fully help you because i don't know what's happening um like talking about the variables on tab mostly because that one's very sensitive all these rely on that so if anything happens to the variables tab your doc is doomed unless if i come and fix it or you get a new doc but yeah so yeah that's basically it for this guy about this thing uh everything should be customized uh this should be able to be customized if you want to just click on that make sure you have everything here is pointing to the right cell basically like logo you want to make sure it's looking here um well i forgot i did that uh i don't know why i did that because that's very long i don't know why uh but this right here just change them okay then you can customize it just change that stuff and stuff um rules you should change you don't need to worry about any formulas this is all raw so just change that as much as you want but you should change it and add your rules here i have six sections and each one has four rules in it please use it it'll make your lives much easier because then your players will be like um it doesn't say i uh it doesn't say that um baton passing stats is uh banned like if you it's common sense for it but it still needs to be said it needs to be written down so make sure you do your rules okay rosters you can customize but uh if we come over here click on that you'll see that this is for all of them so it's best if you left it x to be like this uh you can change this it's just a formula basically but you don't have to change it because this looks kind of clean in a way maybe some sizing um maybe the size resizes a little bit but it looks clean in a way point to your list you should size as much as you can if you want to um such as like the s w basically the team ones this is using abbreviations uh later i'll probably add a configuration where you can use abbreviations or the full team name or coach's name do that but you should try and customize this as much as you want stainings you should try and color this as much as you want also change a little bit but this still also looks clean schedules does not look clean i'll be honest but you can change this to make it look cleaner if you want to playoffs now um this one actually looks clean it just needs some colors it's supposed to be bland for a reason um you can change this you can actually add like your own like a conditional format to have like uh this be one color just be another color this also be another color and blah blah blah to make it pop out more if you want to um match that you really don't need to do anything about this and then right here just like i was saying l6 problem the l6 sound being as a problem it's fine and then source you should really never need to edit any of this except for the configurations and the schedule page that's the only thing i'll be moving this over here without hopefully not breaking anything but for right now it's just right there i'll probably put and i'll make a change log saying what's been changed and what's new how to use it i'll put it down whether if this was moved or not make sure you read the change logs and such so that so you can use this stock you can make a copy um if you need me you can sign a dm through discord like i was saying you don't need to send me a friend request you can just stay on me we'll be all good you can also email me i will probably not really respond fast enough through email um i respond much faster through discord like i was saying uh so discord is your best bet um you can either ask me a question or ask how would i be able to fix this i would say you could say like uh let's say like asking for a friend their dog broke and um something like their dog wrote the wrong function or something like that i'll probably tell you how to fix it um or if it's something major you can always give me the doc like a google sheet of like just give me permissions through the share um you can also just do a file when you make a copy you have this option saying um share it with the same people and i'll be the only person because i'm the only one that has access to this basically i'm allowing you to comment on this but i'm the only one that really has uh that owns this and such so you can do that um and i will be able to do that you can also just add me my emails right here you just add my gmail in there it'll send me an email saying that you gave me permissions and such um i'll probably question it and be like why am i having access to this then you probably need to explain to me um what you did wrong basically or uh something broke and um the world is going to burn and such and that kind of stuff and such also on here the main the actual docs with this one leave a suggestion feedback and bugs found it really does help me a lot and i really do need suggestions and feedback and people to look for bugs um i noticed that with our current society that people aren't that helpful in a way if they don't really think it's useful and i understand that but it's not very helpful for the person that's making them and they're going to keep on making it and make it worse so i really would love it if people actually gave feedback and suggestions and with feedback please make it be helpful you can say that this is a horrible dog but it will be it will make it really good feedback if you were to give me if like suggestions to how i could fix it and be much better than it is so now i really do need the like suggestions feedbacks and people to look for bugs like it's you're gonna help me a lot it's gonna help make this stock to be much better and be something that's going to help any league no matter what this this stock i was saying is going to be the dock that will work with any league it does not matter it will be the template for any league so please help i need it um oh why is that there that should not be there i didn't realize that until now i don't know why that's there um but yeah so please do it please um so yeah i'll see you guys later and the link to this song is in the description uh also a venus draft league if you're interested in maybe helping that out and playing in it that will also be in the link in the description um because they're trying to start but they're having a hard time with it and they might actually just not start which is kind of bad in a way because i just made them a dog so yeah if you want to help them please do and i'll see you guys later
Channel: Koreanpanda345
Views: 82
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I7JHjhmUw-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 8sec (2528 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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