Dr. Zomboss is INSANELY Overpowered Now! (Plants VS Zombies 2)

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you all have spoken what's going on everybody my name's Ryan or Tootsie and today we're gonna be jumping back into bvz 2 because you guys have spoken I went through the comments section and I kind of read through when I did the last PVC video and you guys really enjoyed it and honestly I had a lot of fun doing it as well so I thought well we're not gonna get rid of PVC just yet we're gonna hang around it we're just gonna play it and we're just gonna have a good time like the good ol day you guys so if you want to see more plants vs. zombies make sure to hit that like button subscribe and turn on notifications know I'm actually really excited because the zps is at 75 percent which means we're gonna be able to fight doctors zomboss this episode of course we're not there just yet we need to do a little bit of stuff before we can find them like we're gonna have to play in this level but I'm really really excited about this and it's gonna be a lot of fun obviously we're gonna play on oh this is a puzzle 1 wait I don't know what I don't know what the puzzle I don't know what a puzzle thing is I don't know what we're gonna have to play here what do we what do we have to do I'm ready ok I'm so ready alright um level objectives survive while Sun bombs fall okay and so by the way some people said for the bonus objectives did some most people the top rated comment actually in the last video just said don't let the zombies like don't worry about it dude you literally just survived the level don't worry about bonus objectives so we're gonna do just that we're not gonna worry about bonus objectives okay so I like the ones that gives us the Sun stuff like the Sun is just so nice to have plant food zombies let's actually get let's get a mine launcher and we'll play with the mine launcher and kind of see how it goes this looks like okay so I'm not exactly sure what kind of level we're gonna have to go up against here but there's a lot of metal people there's a lot of metal we got some flying guys this is gonna be a little bit annoying I think one thing we're gonna want is the EMP CHH I think the EMP CH is gonna be really nice just to kind of take this guy out right so let's try to find where are those electric things I always have a really really hard time trying to find like certain plants and stuff I don't know why maybe because I'm just bad the game I think is because I'm bad at the game where's the EMP CH am i stupid oh there he is okay there's the EMP CH um what else do we want to fight these guys with these guys are gonna be tough cookies okay these guys are not gonna be messing around in the slightest okay these guys are not I think actually caller powers gonna be really good mainly cuz like look how powerful most of these zombies aren't right we're gonna need something that's gonna help take these zombies out and we're gonna want the exploder up we're also gonna want to get ourselves the there we go we want a power lily and we have two more slots open we don't really have anything that just kind of casually attacks and does damage over time maybe I feel like the blueberry could be pretty cool let's go ahead and see if we can grab the blueberry umm oh you know let's get an impair when it turns Dom bees into em so no no no I don't want the impair I want the the Zoe bean pod and it grows zombies to help us fight look at all these awesome new plants I want to try out some of these plants I don't know how we're supposed to get them but oh wait what's this protects and logs I don't want to use this thing I want to try what would be a good plant to use I guess we'll use our Goldblum let's see hopefully this is gonna work out for us if it doesn't it's not the end of the world but okay so we're gonna throw you down and let's put our plants here okay so is that oh wait I think those are good to have I don't know um here let's put these down yeah oh and so I that's right that's right if you click on these it it gives you son okay so we're also gonna want to put down Kali powers as well as many of these as we can at least okay mine launcher perk okay cool there we go get him zombie get him cabbage head zombie alright so wait uh we can go ahead and we're gonna put this guy down we need more Sun as well Sun break oh my goodness look at all the Sun this is glorious I need I want more soybeans that's what I want there we go we can get another one the reason I want to get these guys is that way we can summon just three gargantuars right wait is this guy gonna explode room no it right cuz he's on our team okay I would I would have been a little upset if that's we have so much Sun like I feel like we have so much Sun right now this is awesome let's let's boost this and put another collie power down okay lies so now we can do we can actually boost this guy and then we're gonna get oh look at this now look at all the gargantuars go my army of gargantuan yes okay oh this is only the halfway point this isn't looking good this is not looking good I totally forgot oh no we didn't complete the bonus objective I don't think being in there but actually that's right we're not really worried about bonus objectives I don't know what Oh where's our EMP there we go here let's put our EMP sound booms and just break these guys out we're not we're not having any of that okay none of those shenanigans okay we almost have I want to put more Kali powers down for sure because more Kali powers oh my gosh he hit oh I can't believe you actually ended up doing that that's amazing all right we're gonna have so many Kali powers in just a second oh we need to get rid of this guy no this guy's got to go this guy's got to go all right we're gonna take the grapeshot I do not want this guy okay we ended up getting nice okay so let's put a Kali power there and let's boost it to get one more there we go so now we have a whole bunch of collar collars this is great oh wait we can do one more oh wait wait I we just got so many Kali powers okay all Kali Bowers we're good we have 300 sons I totally forgot I need to use that because it does like it does some pretty decent damage okay let's put the Explo doughnut right there you know let's boost this and let's get a whole bunch of our gargantuan Wars now that we are Oh EMP ch let's put the EMP s right there boom and literally shut it down both of those guys that's awesome okay is that the foe here comes the final leg okay we gotta be patient here we go oh here we go Oh literally all we have to do is just use all these grape shots go grape shots go my grape shots okay I'm pretty sure we're good we have nothing to worry about here one more grapeshot to get rid of this guy oh all right oh wait this guy oh we have we are bad guys down here here at the M Peach okay and there we go guys victory is ours a hundred percent we can go and fight doctors on boss now I'm ready I'm excited I don't know what's gonna happen okay no clue I think we're just gonna play on medium difficulty and let's see what happens guys I'm I'm nervous but I'm also excited I haven't thought doctors Hamas in so long I have no idea what what okay survive without planting on David's mold colony survive and deplete nine zomboss health bars in three minutes okay alright son we need as much Sun as we can get and wait boss Buster and flakes up to 200 we definitely want the boss buster I want double power Lily actually where's I want to power Lily's because we need to just be doing crazy amounts of damage right so there's the imitator we're gonna want a Goldblum you guys also know what's up we need to get a primal sunflower where is that batboy where's my beautiful primal sunflower ease around here okay primal sunflower oh you can boost um oh wait I didn't oh okay well now we have a boost of primal sunflower but I guess that's fine we're gonna want the bowling bulbs bowling golds are gonna be really really good because they do so much damage they're gonna just annihilate him so we probably want bowling bulbs and then as well as the grape shot I think this might work let's rock let's see if we can do this guy's alright we want all of us so we have to prepare our defenses okay we want bowling bulbs here so we want bowling bulbs on each side here we're gonna want sunflowers here here and here do we want more bowling bulbs yeah we probably want just a ton of bowling bulbs literally everywhere alright let's rock let's do this okay so alright so he has nine health bars that's crazy okay how much does this do for damage okay so let's see how this works so let's boost this oh my gosh look at his HP his HP is balling so now watch so he already took some damage all right so let's boost them so watch when we when these things get boosted they go crazy go fire fire fire fire okay look at that oh my goodness he's already down to seven oh he's already down to six oh they swapped it oh no this isn't good okay boost it oh okay okay okay um alright he's down to six okay put our to power Lily's down alright we need to boost this guy oh no I don't like that I don't like that this guy's oh no okay [Music] okay who's this guy again um oh no he's down to six but that's not enough this is not enough keep boosting him keep boosting he's down he's down to five okay I don't like oh no no we're gonna we're gonna lose it no oh no we lost it okay we can't lose any more HP on the top way no the sunflowers come back okay so we don't really have to worry about that I thought for some reason you don't have an infinite amount but it looks like we do have oh okay boost this okay we need more we need we need more let's put one of these guys down we need some Oh we don't not have enough Sun right now we do not have enough Sun okay we need to boost and we need to boost and we need to grab both of those alright now that we've grabbed both of those he's down to three how much time do we have left a minute in 30 seconds okay we can do this just boost as many things as you can okay more Sun we need a lot more Sun every chance we get I need to be putting more primal sunflowers down I totally forgot that they give just so much food or Sun you guys know what I mean okay zombies reach the house would you like to purchase a security guard what uses so you can get a security guard too high to an ad 30 seconds not now okay so we didn't beat him okay so what we need to do is we need we need to try to beat them in order to do this okay do we get to restart or is it just say or so it's just over so if you don't beat them once you just get kicked out oh wait all right no no it's okay so we can't find them okay so you do oh so you only have you only get two so you only get two okay I got it this time don't worry guys I know what's up this time so um all right I'm ready this time I thought was I got a little overwhelmed there but we're good this time I think that strategy you went pretty well so I like that and I like I like the perks that we had the perks that we had were really nice I also like this background this backgrounds crazy okay let's refresh this what was I not using I don't need all those power lilies I don't need those power lilies I don't need that way way let's boost this guy where did the primal sunflower go primal sunflower okay these guys were doing great work maybe let's get the explode or not just because they can just know cuz I think they cool down for those is too long you know so the grapeshot and those were doing a ton of damage and I like that they were doing all that damage maybe we do get some collie powers right and we put collie powers down to send the zombies back Adam Oh a jalapeno because a jalapeno will do damage to them because it'll if we do it at the right spot all right I think this is the strategy so let's do this prepare your defenses okay this is going to be much better so we can put these guys down I don't need the sunflowers oh wait oh we want Kali powers that's what we want where do we get the full Sun back we do 200 okay 215 okay 150 okay let's get a full line of Kali powers let's do this now this should be going a list should ghost a little bit smoother this time and nine eight nine bars of HP we have three minutes no no no no no I don't want to lose it I'm not gonna I'm gonna boost it I'm gonna boost it so that he doesn't okay let's do this all right we got more power more Sun let's go okay we want to put more of these guys down the more that we need to constantly be putting some flowers down also I guess when we can we definitely want to put down the excuse guys because it does extra damage it does like a crazy amount of damage look boom there we go he went from nine down to seven like that's awesome there we go let's put these guys down let's go ahead and oh I want to put down oh no I do not want to lose these guys I do not know how to lose these guys okay we ended up not losing I'm perfect okay no no jalapenos no my oh no all right we have to remember I only get two extra each so I definitely don't want to have to lose these guys oh no okay we're gonna lose one that's okay there we go we just got to keep in mind we I need to put down more sunflowers literally that's I'm not putting down enough sunflowers okay what's put down another one at these how much oh no did I miss them how did I miss him that's oh wait I need Sun all right we need to put more sunflowers down more sunflowers let's put a grape shot down more sunflowers okay okay let's boost this guy oh I boosted them at the perfect time alright more Sun literally I just gotta start spamming these guys down he's down to four okay we're doing better we're doing better now we haven't lost our all of our age people I did not want to put that down right there okay oh no I don't like this guy I don't like this I don't like oh this is going okay let's boost this guy real fast okay more let's put a grape shot down okay let's boost the grape shot put another great shot down okay it's going a little bit where are you going you're going all the way up there okay he's down to three HP we don't have we're not missing out on anything right now we got to just keep putting down plants and boosting him go boost okay boo-boo boost it all right here we go he's down to three I need more Sun we do not have enough Sun right now all right I got a focus on making we got to build our Sun up we do not have enough Sun right now okay keep going he's at 2 HP left okay I'll use our explosive use another explosive all right he's down to 2 HP are we out okay we do not have any more right there oh not a gargantuan we only have 30 seconds all right we got to just throw everything we got at this guy literally everything everything we can't lose now come on everything oh no this is not looking good this is not looking good guys we have oh no we might not be able to do it we might not be able to do this okay boost it okay come on oh no we only have like 10 seconds left I think we might be in trouble I think we might be in big trouble okay I don't think we have it no I messed up I couldn't get him I couldn't get his HP any lower no okay at extra 30 seconds all right let's get an extra 30 seconds and just see what happens if we can do it an extra 30 seconds if I can't do with an extra 30 seconds I'm gonna be a little bit upset with myself okay fun so we need more we need more okay we need to put more of these guys down if I can get okay two more of these I have 40 seconds okay come on let's see what we can do here cuz if these things if we can just keep boosting them all right we boost him again he's down to one if we hit him with one oh no no no no no no no no no wait we got I think we got him I don't know a bonus bonus prize face okay come on no we have 20 seconds left boss Buster perk okay no keep going keep going I'm so scared right now I have no money this is terrifying this was so difficult okay just keep doing gamut tool I think I have no clue I'm so scared why is there ten seconds left ah okay I think that's it I think okay wait zombies reach the house alright I guess why are them but like why are we at a why can't why is this thing happening oh because so we right now we're just trying to do as much damage to get like extra stuff I guess I don't know this is very strange I have no clue what's happening right now I guess we can oh my gosh there's so many zombies right now okay can we do an extra all right literally all extra damage oh I didn't mean to do that okay yeah we're definitely like there's no way we're gonna be able to survive it any longer than this it's over it's over okay wait we didn't beat dr. Sambas what do you mean we didn't beat dr. zomboss we did exactly what it said we needed to do do you need to survive until time runs out I fought him and I did exactly what it told me to do I did exactly what it wanted me to do and then it goes into a bonus face and then I loot then you how do you win I can't do it he becomes invincible and then I just lose I'm so confused let's just go crazy here okay so let's let's refresh this no I don't I don't want the Cawley power all right let's boost this guy I want to see what happens if like we just go all in on something so we're these things well let's boost those where are they if everything I have is constantly boosted I don't care about that I want that and then what is another like thing what is something we're like if it's boosted primal potato mines are pretty crazy when boosted all these are boosted and these are gonna do be like super crazy all right let's try this again so let's do all Sun let's do all the Sun stuff literally just like a ton of Sun right here literally just a full row sunshine okay and then 200 200 200 okay let's see what happens now I'm so confused about how this is supposed to work maybe I'm missing something but maybe I'm missing something and I'm just really bad which is a big possibility because I haven't played in a long time but right now it doesn't seem like that it seems like this game is bad we're about to find out okay so literally just keep putting these down okay he's down to six now okay yeah we can put down our primal potato mine which is gonna put these like all over the place okay he's down to five okay that's to be expected that's fine let's just keep putting these guys down I mean do we want to use any boosts yet okay alright boost it alright boost this thing I just keep keep throwing down boosts and stuff alright put down our let's put our on a primal potato mine oh no where's this guy going doesn't matter doesn't matter we have infinite okay it's down to two so he's down to two HP art like two HP bars for the most part right we have an infinite amount of things so we don't really care about that we're just gonna literally just keep throwing these things down okay alright so there we go okay now it's in the bonus stage so now do we just have to stay here for two minutes I'm so confused so now do I just have to run out time so I'd not only do I have to defeat him but I also have to survive for this amount of time without losing that's redonkulous so now I just have to sit here for two minutes so not only do you have to survive you also thought not only do you have to beat him you also have to survive for that maximum amount of time without any zombies getting by at all that's that's that's dumb I'm gonna come and say it that's that's so silly so I have to pull it so it that's so silly I'm sorry but I'm that is redonkulous I shouldn't have to do that and if I did they should tell me that it shouldn't just be assumed okay either way we're gonna make it work because like what if you're on the hardest difficulty right if you're on the hardest difficulty you can't do anything about it you literally just have to survive and the things that give you bonus time actually works against you because it makes it even harder because then it gets more difficult bad game design all right that's fine I'm gonna keep playing it out though we're gonna make this work all right keep playing I better get a huge bonus reward for this if it's making me sit here for like three minutes just blasting this guy with everything that I got all right keep going uh we need more Sun we're running out of Sun there we go alrighty we need more sunshine the more sunshine we have the better everything oh my gosh he's literally about to take out like every single one of my plans I don't like it he literally annihilated all of my plans because he's like technically he's already broken he's already out of the game so we just have to survive for another ten seconds okay now I on now that I understand and it's the way it works the exact way that I think it does I don't like it that makes zero sense why is so okay so let's see what the bonus reward is is there a bonus reward where's because if there's no bonus reward there's no point let's see if there's no bonus reward I'm gonna be a little I'm gonna be a little buttered I'm gonna be a little bit butthurt so there is no bonuses so literally it's just oh my god zero cents that makes zero sense to me whatsoever but I guess we were able to be defeat dr. za boss finally guys I hope you guys enjoyed if you make sure to hit that like button subscribe and turn on notifications you guys are awesome I love you all I'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome content bye guys
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 62,477
Rating: 4.8873706 out of 5
Keywords: Plants VS Zombies 2, Plants VS Zombies, PVZ 2, PVZ, Crazy dave, dave, Plants VS Zombies 2 crazy dave, plants vs zombies 2 dave, Mobile, Plants vs zombies 2 mobile, Plants VS Zombies 2 tewtiy, Plants vs zombies 2 Ryan, plants vs zombies update, plants vs zombies 2 update, plants vs zombies 2 new update, plants vs zombies 3, Funny, iphone gaming, mobile gaming, android gaming, google play store, app store, gaming, games, Tewtiy, Ryan, Dr. Zomboss, zomboss, dr zomboss crazy dave
Id: wufBhpx485M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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