Doctor Who: The Greatest Regeneration Ever

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so jody whittaker is leaving doctor who or maybe she isn't british tabloids are usually so reliable i guess we'll just have to wait and see the fact remains even if this isn't true and jody whittaker isn't actually going the end of her tenure is of course inevitable the day will one day come where the 13th doctoral with the next time lord to regenerate and that got me thinking about all the regenerations we've been treated to since 2005. when russell t davies revived the show regeneration regenerated you're trying to be funny now with a revamped but unified style for all time lords a cascade of fiery orange energy would burst out of every pore as the process rewrites every cell of a timelord's dna [Music] this was a really great creative choice but with each regeneration of course comes the end for each respective doctor their regeneration scenes work as a goodbye for the incarnation as well as the actor with measured degrees of success regardless of whether the episode is good or bad the regeneration scene in each respective doctor's final story is a whole different beast you can still have a kick-ass final send-off in a middling special equally a rather good episode i'd be proud of what if you were my dad could be kiboshed by a flat regeneration scene so what makes a really good swansong regeneration what makes them memorable where have they missed the mark and at the end of all this i'll be telling you my personal favorites what is in my opinion the greatest regeneration ever dodge this if you like the matrix fleabag mr robot or chucks all three then check out my video essays on them on the amazon prime video uk youtube channel i'd really appreciate it if you left a like and a comment if you enjoy them and thank you for checking them out it was an awesome chance to get to collaborate with them the opportune moment where we can really feel it if you like docky who you like instagram art then why not check out the full fat videos instagram page where i do edits like the doctor actors playing masters the doctors as jedi and much more and finally if you like this content on youtube and you want to see more please subscribe with notifications on now onto those all-important regenerations i need to point out i like things about all of these regenerations and both rtd and the moth contributed some fantastic and memorable moments within every single one of these scenes but there are also things i don't like in all of them but one and i'm going to delve into all of that of course okay so let's get out of the way right [Applause] yes yes yes yes yes yes the 10th doctor regenerated twice he had vanity issues we're going to briefly talk about it so i don't get comments telling me about it oh and by the way please for the love of god please stop telling me i forgot about the metacrisis doctor when counting the sequential incarnations of the doctor on my day of the doctor video metacrisis doesn't count towards the number of incarnations like the war doctor does only the number of regenerations in the cycle anyway yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes the fake out regeneration is cool even if you didn't really believe that david tennant would go so suddenly it's the kind of zeitgeist watercolor telly moments they've got everybody talking bless you russell but the real vail deckham regeneration is of veldeken of course the one with royal dukkham vale deckham it's got the dope song in it it's so good murray gold delivers one of his very best tracks during the final moments of end of time part two it's somber yet mighty obviously i can't play any of it to you because the bbc has become twice as hot on copyright claiming in the past year so you'll just have to imagine the fire [Music] the 10th doctor's regeneration is obviously moulded by the fact that it was russell t davies last episode of showrunner 2. it is both a goodbye to the 10th doctor but also that entire era of doctor who and while some of it is a little strange and feels a little rushed yeah let's just put our only two prominent black characters together even though they were never really interacting beforehand i do largely enjoy the end of time parts one and two aside from one little thing i don't want to go i'll get to that when razelon and the master are sent back and ten makes the ultimate sacrifice to save will for he goes on a pilgrimage to seek out his past companions friends and one-off special people i'm not really sure how to categorize his dead human alter ego's lover's great-granddaughter hmm rusty davies figured that stephen moffatt would probably create his own stable of characters and so wanted to give the viewers a chance to say goodbye to the people that made tenants tenure tenants tenure tenants tenure unique new york unique new york the human torch was denied a bank loan it pushes it at points but it's just about the right balance of nostalgic callbacks and well-meaning catch-ups with all of our favorites this extended goodbye sequence hits when it wants to and surprisingly it knows when less is more finding jack drowning his sorrows at a bar glancing up at the perfect moment to give the doctor one last salute is perfect on the flip side i don't think i much needed the doctor stalking 19-year-old rose tyler yeah him standing there in the shadows it's it's a bit weird isn't it maybe it would have been less creepy if he hadn't have interacted with her or maybe if he had people watched a younger version of himself and rose happy together one last peekaboo once was if he was watching the doctor with rose it wouldn't feel like he was just creeping you know but when it comes time for the oods to sing him to his sleep murray gold's score and david tennant's four lawn expression get me every single time russell was smart to restrict this to just a few words unlike the more egregious moffett moments rtd is happy to sit back and let your memories of this era wash over you as ten walks into the tardis and the score booms it is suitably epic for a doctor that made the show an iconic landmark of british television in the 2000s not since baker had a doctor had such a heart hold over the viewing public but then david goes and spoils it all by saying something stupid like i don't want to go 903 years ago when i was at school david's departure was a big deal as soon as he was announced many of my friends and classmates were off put by the idea of the next doctor no matter who they were going to be in the years that followed i saw my peers fall away from the show uninterested in giving smith a chance granted this was probably an anecdotal sign that the casual viewership who felt tenant was their doctor had fallen away but i can't help but wonder if the misconception that who got worse once tenant left was propagated by the narrative of the end of time even if i change it feels like dying everything i am dies the entire story goes to such great lengths to make you feel like this is the end for the doctor and that even the prospect of regeneration is tantamount to failure the 10th doctor doesn't refuse regeneration in the context of his entire life and being like 12 does he throws a tantrum because his life his face is reaching its end some new man goes sauntering away what are you talking about you're going to be absolutely fine i find the conflict here a bit shallow and wishy-washy i have to admit i also think this whole treat regeneration like i'm dying thing is a little bit tone deaf in the context of human nature in the family of bloods the most brutally affecting thing about that story is that the third act sees martha leading the human john smith to his death then what sort of man is that and now you expect me to die he will transform into the 10th doctor but unlike 10 he will not live on his transformation will see every essence of him stamped out at the root this scene is so sad because from his perspective he is dying and there is no other way he must erase his conscious self to save the day and let the doctor take the lead that's all i want to be john smith with his life and his job and his love the temp doctor knows all of this he knows what he put his human audriego through and yet he sits here whining that it's like some other man goes sauntering off well how about that one time you were the other man sauntering off except it wasn't a case of looks like you really did kill him you took away his chance to live so that you could have your own isn't it a bit selfish to forget about that situation when you're waxing lyrical about what a bummer is to retain all of your memories and triumphs just with a new coat of paint the way in which regeneration is handled in the series when the character is anyone but the doctor is telling we see the master and river regenerate multiple times in the two most ceremonious instances derek jacobi to john simm in utopia and nina tosan white to alex kingston in lexical hitler the change is treated as an exciting story beat that is eagerly awaited by each respective character young and strong then so can i shut up dad i'm focusing on a dress size i don't want to go i understand that professor yana and mel's aren't characters the audience have had time to know and love like the 10th doctor but it becomes weird in retrospect to see so many other characters regenerate with such conviction only to see tenants piss and whine about it for upwards of two hours [Music] and look david tennant russell davies they made doctor who the household name it was in the 2000s they deserved to have the bunting put up and a big deal made about their departure but i think it bled too much into the story when i watch david tennant freak out about the end of time all i see is the actor sad about leaving the role it makes no sense for the doctor to take changing his face this badly lived too long regeneration is surely a bit of a strange existential experience and it's a great opportunity to explore questions of the self and what it really means to be the doctor but the end of time crosses the line it leans so heavily into the idea that 10 is dying that it's like it almost actively wants you to turn away when the chin arrives i was really glad the day of the doctor saw 10 faced with his future incarnation without any shred of melancholy regeneration is a lottery this was no doubt helped by the fact that moffitt likes to characterize the doctor as quote unquote one man with many faces he's not a committee of people with unusual hair that is surely reflected in the 11th doctor's regeneration times change and so must i it was stephen moffat's first chance to do a regeneration well canonical anyway and sure enough smith's best line in the scene cements the doctor as one being whilst also touching on a key point left entirely absent from tenant swansong we all change we're all different people all through our lives people change into different people all the time whether we live to 90 or 900 he doesn't change because of his face and that's okay that's good you've got to keep moving so long as you remember all the people that you used to be he changes because of his experiences and changing into someone new doesn't mean you have to reinvent yourself or throw out any semblance of your old self you carry it with you all your past triumphs and regrets and they shape you into the new doctor you'll become this was important for all the kids watching at home not just in terms of bracing them for the next doctor but preparing them for well their lives it's a fantastic positive message the kind of message that doctor who has a responsibility to deliver to its viewership i know that it was certainly good for me to hear it when i was that age watching a special and i still find it comforting and life-affirming when i hear it today the other thing that it has over the tenant regen a companion there is definitely something striking about ten regenerating alone the most human doctor the one that arguably cultivated the most friendships at one time the one that fell in love with a human being yeah that should definitely be the doctor that regenerates alone that's great having said that i think it makes for a better scene when the doctor has a companion to communicate with in their last moments before changing it gives them something to bounce off of and the companion character provides an audience surrogate this is a general rule of thumb of course tens works because he is alone but it's more the exception that proves the rule i'm glad 11 regenerates in the presence of clara having her there for the change provided all the narrative impetus needed for a fantastic and sorely underrated opener deep breath but more on that another time the 11th doctor's regeneration grows on me more and more as the years go on even if my qualms with it have remained a constant since it aired on christmas day 2013. i hate that smith begins the scene reset right back to how he usually appears for starters after we spent an entire story watching him wither and age and that was literally the point of the narrative moffat decides to use the doctor's new set of regenerations bestowed upon him by the time lords as an excuse to reset the tired aged doctor that we ended up being with across most of the episodes and i think that's a shame smith was the youngest ever actor to play the doctor but we all fell in love with his portrayal because he carried an aged wisdom behind those eyes we believed that he really was an old man masquerading in a young man's body and it was a fantastic idea to bring him to trenzolor out of regen ammo and forced to live out the rest of his days the weight of forever running away was finally catching up with him so for the love of gods make it stick for 10 minutes before smith never has to wear the bow tie ever again after all those accidental deaths sacrifice plays and straight up screw-ups it was truly unexpected to see the doctor face death merely by becoming too old to die young hey it's okay no astronaut on a lake a romantic operatic death no the mighty doctor just ages out i know he does still technically die of old age but this feels like having your cake and eating it too it's the same jarring feeling as when moffat commits to river and the doctor having one night on derelium before revealing that of course one night equals 24 years it would have been much more bittersweet and affecting and memorable if the 11th doctor died an old man and river and 12 really did just have that one night we might still be here talking about those moments in the same way we talk about donna's exit or even roses rtd had a much better grasp of knowing when to finish without spoiling it there is amelia the first face this face saw okay your points things don't just have to bookend because it's neat yes it's a nice neat circle to see emilia pond say hello and goodbye to the raggedy doctor but it's a moment that is made worthless by all the hoops the scene has to jump through to get us there why does 11's regeneration suddenly become the surprise and awe of an amy pons cameo russell had a much better grasp of giving the audience a shot of nostalgia before the big moment there's an onslaught of cameos preceding tens regeneration but each one of them works as their own little scene with their own surprises and payoffs the amy pond cameo is just awkwardly inserted into eleven's regeneration we're having a normal scene and then suddenly go in between every perfectly scripted line of eleven speech there's a weird cutaway to young amelia dancing around the upper levels of the tardis it's distracting and wholly unnecessary the speech and clara's interaction with the doctor is more than enough to give this incarnation the send-off he deserves instead moffat can't resist over-egging the moment he can't resist making it grandiose and epic he wants us to be awed as amy pon struts down the steps one last time he's banking on the nostalgia bait of merely seeing a character we know and love rather than the action of the scene between two characters who are meant to be there providing the emotional payoff yeah it would have been nice if amy pond had been at the doctor's side for his final moment but it wasn't meant to be i'm running to you before you fade from me that's what makes seeing the doctor move on from life of the ponds affecting in the first place what works about tenants regeneration would not have been improved by hallucination at the last second all of his favorite companions lined up against the tardis smiling back at him it would have sucked all of the immersion out of the moment and all i ever think of during this scene is what the [ __ ] is clara thinking like this must look so weird right now like he's having a [ __ ] psychotic episode as the regeneration energy slowly turns his brain to mush all of this builds to nothing it's not important because amy isn't really there it lacks the punch of 10 saluting jack because it doesn't change anything for either character it's hilarious that after three sexy years of being in doctor who with good hair both of these two end up sharing their final appearances together in wigs fun related projects karen had famously shaved her hair for nebula and matt had done it for ryan gosling's directorial debut lost river it feels cheap bringing back amy pond and a slap in the face to both clara and rory clara had just spent nine episodes trying to cement herself as the new companion with mixed results giving amy the final goodbye over clara just makes it feel like the show is admitting this companion worked better and rory he had become an inseparable part of amy's time on the tardis from as early as series five it's strange to see her paid credence but rory just gets forgotten again maybe with a bit more of a final goodbye to clara smith's doctor would have been better served having this regeneration at the top of that bell tower much like rtd drawing out ten's regeneration moffat couldn't resist just having one more scene why does every knew who doctor have to regenerate in the tardis anyway half the time the emerging doctor gets a narrative about being reunited with their tardis after blowing it up slash crashing it so why bother ushering them back to the time machine if they're only going to lose it again very shortly it would have been pretty dope if capaldi never made it back to the tardis in twice upon a time and the doctor didn't get reunited with her machine until the ghost monument in series 12. before i delve into the other big regenerations of new who i want to quickly cover the 8th and 9th i mean wardox's regeneration scenes i'm not going to go into them too much because i already said a lot of what i have to say in my day of the doctor retrospective but it is of course worth talking about them in relation to the other key regens from the series there was actually a 22-part mini-series starring mcgahn that was filmed for the 50th anniversary that was said to be better than both the sopranos and the wire combined but bbc heads realize that all anyone really gives a [ __ ] about three generation story is the regeneration scene and so reworked the entire thing fired zack snyder and released the regeneration scene is its own complete shorts instead and what short it is the night of the doctor is the perfect bookend for mcgann's doctor giving us one more awesome on-screen appearance as well as cleverly canonising all of his audio adventures charlie carey's lucy terms in molly threatens companions i know he salute you and rather than began getting a weepy about the prospect of changing for two hours his doctor is presented with an exciting conflict in little over eight minutes die the doctor or change one more time and aid the fight in the time war the doctor learns that his refusal to engage with the horrors of the war make him complicit in them by proxy that cassie's life might have been saved had he made himself the warrior the galaxy needed that little bit sooner she would beg your help as we beg your help now whether or not he is right or wrong to do this whether or not the galaxy needs a warrior or a doctor is not for him to decide in this shorts but poses a question that is answered in the 50th special instead this scene works as a regeneration and final goodbye to the eighth incarnation but it also gives us a neat vertical slice of everything mcgann's doctor could have been on screen i like that there is an actual weighty conflict the idea of changing and living another new life a notion further explored in moffat's final regeneration story and mcgann has to get one of the most badass final lines of any doctor come on physician of course once the warrior incarnation completes his introspective arc and proclaims i am the doctor again it's time for the thread started by night of the doctor to reach its very satisfying conclusion the war doctor existed to tell one very specific story and when that is complete there is nowhere else for this character to go than forwards often in regeneration even the regenerations i like there is a recurring theme of lost time i was going to take you to so many places barcelona not the city barcelona the planet barcelona the doctor ponders what might have been should they be allowed to stay in the body they had what more they could have done and who they could have spent it with so it's refreshing to see the war doctor feel that he has accomplished everything he had to in that body and satisfied with his success proclaims his current form is wearing him it makes sense for this doctor to be the one who is most at peace with changing his face and i think it would be really nice if a mainline doctor in the series enjoyed this kind of catharsis before merely moving on regenerating with a smile is so much more affecting to me than weeping at the very end john hurt is the only doctor in new who to pass away since his regeneration and this is one of the few regeneration scenes that doesn't opt to emphasize the actor's personal goodbyes but i think it's perfect the way it is john hurt forever changed who in little under 75 minutes regenerated with a smile and further cemented his place as one of our very greatest thespians the 12th doctor's regeneration feels like a poor man's version of the 11th doctor's regeneration with a dash of tens regeneration in there just for good measure as capaldi uncharacteristically explodes energy and destroys the tardis just as sure as tenant did where the regeneration differs is in the preamble and it reveals a lot about the contrast in davies and mother providing closure both 10 and 12 get an amnesia related companion exits back at the end of series four donna noble was forced to forget the doctor and her adventures in order to essentially save her sanity the inverse happened when clara left at the end of series nine clara remembered the doctor but the doctor had any trace of her memories scrubbed when it was announced that donna would be appearing in the end of time it seemed likely that this decision was going to be reversed thankfully davies knew better than to undo the consequences of the last series donet appears but the status quo remains the doctor gives her a new life of a winning lottery ticket he gets to say his goodbyes to wilf and he walks off into the distance with the pain of donna's amnesia and their lost bond indefinitely when i see wolf crying as he salutes the doctor it's not just a teary goodbye it's a reminder of what he and donna have forever lost it's bittersweet and it stays with you because it is inherently unsatisfying no doctor turn back around think of something fix it don't let it end this way please but then if it instead gave in to providing audience satisfaction if it reunited the doctor and donna and gave her her memories back because [ __ ] it it's christmas all of the impact from her exits would be null and void donna i was just going yeah see ya when we wish things could change for the characters we care about and we are powerless to do so their pain stays with us in the case of 12 situation he gets not only an extra goodbye with his series 10 companions after already saying goodbye to them but whatever the real kicker comes when not clara comes out of thin air and the doctor's memories are all restored everything tied up in a neat little bow none of the tragic irony of saving someone you don't remember nothing is bittersweet it's all sakura in hooray but this is right i accept it i can't we just didn't need it did we for all of the end of times faults i am still impressed to this day that they resisted undoing donna's final story and twice upon a time just proves that it was the right decision because i feel nothing when pain is fixed with a magical reset button davies likes to tap into our impermanence as human beings we cannot hold onto the things and the people we love forever but that pain is what helps us to continue on and strive to prosper her name was rose mother on the other hand he doesn't like endings rose martha and donna carve out lies to themselves and accept that they will grow old you'll grow old at the same time as me together clara and bill gain cosmic status as beings that she'll remain in their youthful current forms even though clara must one day return to her death and bill's human form technically no longer remains both can get to stay exactly as they appear and live on out across the stars indefinitely none of them can return to normality and live with their pain and experiences they have to keep going and make new ones never aging never letting the doctor see them age never ever let him see you age moffat just can't resist dodging endings true endings because to him endings are always sad davies accepts pain and sadness as inevitable and instead is compelled by stories where characters work through their pain and their sad endings she was the most important woman in the whole world she still is on the flip side i think it makes moffat quite suited to writing regenerations because he doesn't like to frame it as an ending to the character through regeneration moffat doesn't have to see the doctor age either the decision to regenerate is framed as death intense final story in 12's final story the decision to regenerate represents the continuation of life yes yes i know they'll get it all wrong without me i find it quite sweet that he's talking to the tardis at the very start it's a smaller moment and capaldi delivers his lines with the appropriate warmth and affection for his longest standing companion and it's sweet to imagine the tardis telling the doctor that they'll get it all wrong without him i like it i don't so much like the big overblown speech to the next doctor it's not as egregious as tenant pretending his next regeneration is an entirely separate entity and once again it does embrace change the same way eleven did i just think it's a bit cringe and doesn't really go anywhere the doctor just drops platitude off to platitude and i can never escape the feeling that a we're filling time and b hitting a box on the regeneration checklist well the last one had a speech so i guess this one needs a speech thing is i don't think he really needed a speech no one else is in the tardis for starters so it just feels weird and unnecessary for him to crack all this life advice out if clara wasn't there to bounce off of 11 in his final speech i think those words would have had lost a lot of their impacts too it's the fact that eleven is saying it's to clara his companion his friends that makes it a dialogue an exchange between two people no no no take the companion away and you're left with an overblown monologue that feels like it's only serving the audience watching i like it when the doctor looks the camera for that one instance just to say i will always remember when the doctor was me i know he's not directly breaking the fourth wall but without that all-important companion ingredient he may as well be there's no conflict for him to bounce off of which is why you can get away with the doctor being alone in something like heaven sense here he's just talking and talking about i don't know how love is wise and never eat pears we get it some of these lines are helpful words of advice but they lack the punch and coherence of smith's speech if you can't top it don't try to i think capaldi would have been far far better served walking into the tardis as tended silently lamenting the end of this body before proclaiming doctor bam regenerate regenerate that's it we don't need all this other stuff less is more with regeneration and it can so easily just evolve into melodrama which i think is the problem with 12th regeneration really of course we didn't need this entire special to begin with twice upon a time was hastily written as the 12th doctor swan song to try and save the annual christmas special chippenhall wanted to start from series 11 and moffat was determined not to let that all-important slot die it's a shame that his efforts were in vain but then again losing the christmas special turned out to be the least of our worries when you take a look at all the damage chibnall's done to the series the child is you nope nope deleting that from my brain once again that bull never happened no no no nope never happened it's gone it's a fugazi it's a fugazi it's fairy dust this regeneration scene should have come at the end of the dr falls in what would have been the best regeneration story since parting of the ways god knows it's not because it's easy it's not even because it works because it hardly ever does i do what i do because it's right speaking of parting of the ways it's now time for the best regeneration ever of course it's the night for doctors regeneration in first place it's the daddy do i even need to explain why oh i do yeah i guess i do need to explain why it would be a pretty disappointing end to the video if i didn't every other doctor of new who has had their swan song planned the moment had been prepared for but when the bbc announced chris eccleston was leaving the role after just one series it meant that the series one finale would simultaneously double as the ninth doctor's regeneration story because of this and because of the shorter amount of time we had with this doctor parting of the ways doesn't play out like all the other mainline examples in this video we just get a fantastic dr v dalek story that happens to end with the doctor making a deathly decision there's no excessive meditation on what it means to end this run do that for me rolls have a fantastic life the drama of the episode instead pulls the character to and fro right up until his final moments coward any day perhaps it would have been an overblown send-off more akin to tenants had eccleston had the same longevity but his relatively short run dictated that it wouldn't have any of the pomp and circumstance of the regenerations that would follow him [Applause] david mamet says something that i think all the other regeneration scenes could really benefit from he says that drama is born out of restraints the drama comes from seeing characters put under terrible stressful situations and seeing them hold back seeing them act normally looks the other new hulu generations rife with teary-eyed doctors and grand dramatic speeches designed to make you feel this scene doesn't do that the entire thing hangs on the fact that nine is trying to smooth the situation over he's trying to be the opposite of dramatic he's trying to keep rose cheerful and calm and stop her being afraid and it's so much sadder to see a character experience this traumatic death slash rebirth process and instead of waxing lyrical about his emotions or never eating pears or having a trip down memory lane the doctor does the hardest thing he acts selflessly and helps another person against all the odds in this case he helps rose get through like a really stressful situation imagine if you've never seen regeneration before and someone you knew and trusted and loved just suddenly different person that would be stressful that's weird the doctor does the right thing here it's great it's not an overblown meta monologue or a way of implicitly saying goodbye to the actor and it doesn't cling to the moment in a way that makes you hate the idea of the fresh-faced doctor who's are coming at any moment it's the polar opposites to the way 10 handle regeneration sure nine does refer to his upcoming new face in the third person but it's framed as more of a way of explaining the concepts to rose and the audience who at the time had likely never seen a regeneration but where it crucially differs from the tenant scene alone is that nine fully embraces his fate when the doctor embraces the change it helps us to embrace the change the doctor's final story should be sad but the doctor should never be sad about it they should never treat it like they are dying like that change will be bittersweet their final scene should be a celebration of their time as the doctor a celebration of the doctor that is about to arrive there should be something sad about it of course but it's not up to the doctor to make us feel that the ninth doctor's regeneration is bar none the very best regeneration scene of the series nothing else tops it for striking the perfect balance of melancholy levity heart and drama without overstating or understating the weight of this change or the character dynamics that will forge to get us here it embraces change the fundamental principle that has kept the show alive since 1963 ushering in the next doctor in the most positive way possible and to think it's in one of the best finales of the series that totally deserves its own video i do suppose there is something cathartic in seeing that even our heroes must one day come to an end but through tying regeneration to life and confronting change as opposed to misery and missed opportunity doctor who teaches us that all the people that have gone in our lives including our old selves stay with us as we grow i don't think you should suppress your emotions or your emotional honesty but the drama is born out of the doctor's affection for rose before i go i just want to tell you you were fantastic he remains calm and positive because it will make this situation easier for her and you know what he is a heroic selfless figure to the final turn what better an end and new beginning for the doctor so was i hi guys matt here thank you for watching another full fat video don't forget to click that subscribe button and hit the bell so you know when a new video drops if you'd like to get in touch with me why not follow me on twitter at full fat videos or on instagram at full underscore fat underscore videos a big personal thank you to our full fat tia patrons dr chike jax merrick and cyrus salker your ongoing support keeps the lights on until next time keep it full fat
Channel: Full Fat Videos
Views: 584,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor who the greatest regeneration ever, best regeneration ever, Doctor who best regeneration story, full fat videos doctor who, the doctor regenerates, doctor who video essay, bbc, bbc worldwide, bbc one, doctor who, dr who, the doctor, doctor, who, tardis, whovian, william hartnell, tom baker, peter davison, colin baker, paul mcgann, john hurt, christopher eccleston, david tennant, matt smith, peter capaldi, first, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, regeneration, Regenerate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 10sec (2110 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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