The Best of the Eleventh Doctor | Doctor Who

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't want to go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] good but these new feelings what your fingers is yes hi Stern ours does that works too let me go No [Music] ginger so what's something important I'm crushers [Music] no I love you're good you guys my favorite give me okay I hate to start with bits in said it was your favorite new mouth new rules it's like eating after cleaning your teeth everything what is it what's wrong with you wrong with me it's not my fault why can't you give me any decent food you're Scottish fry something bacon bacon as maker you trying to poison me you see beans these are evil bad bad beans now you're talking I've got some carrots carrots you're insane no wait hang on I know I need I need I need I need fish fingers and custard [Music] honey a my hood funnies good what's your name Amelia pond oh just a Brit named Amelia pond like a name in a fairy tale Oh in Scotland Amelia no to move tango rubbish so what about your mum and dad then perhaps tears could have woken them I know don't have a mum and dad just soon am I don't even have an armed you're lucky I know so you're armed where's she she's at as you left all alone no scared cause you know you're not scared of anything boxfuls out the sky man falls out of the box man eats fish custard not that you just in there so you know I think what must be ed of a scary crack in your wall the earth was burning our Sun had turned on us and every other nation had fled to the skies our children screamed as the skies grew hotter and then it came like a miracle the last of the star whales we trapped it we built our ship around it and we rode on his back to safety if you wish our voyage to continue then you must press the forget button again the heart of this nation untainted if not press the other button your reign will end the star where will be released and our ship will disintegrate I hope I keep the strength to make the right decision avoid through this why would I do that because you know if we stayed here I'd be faced with an impossible choice humanity or the alien you took it upon yourself to save me from that that was wrong you don't ever decide what I need to know I don't even remember doing it who did it that's what counts I'm I'm sorry no I don't care but I'm done here you're going home [Music] why because I made a mistake one mistake I don't even remember doing it I know you're only human what are you doing the worst thing I'll ever do I'm gonna pass a massive electrical charge through the starwars brain should not have to recite functions leave it to vegetable will still fly but the whale won't feed it well be they killing it three options one I bet the star will continue in unendurable agony for hundreds more years - I kill everyone on this ship three I murder a beautiful innocent creature as painlessly as I can and then I find a new name because I won't be the doctor anything else we thought we can do some other white nobody nobody sure I don't think the state to me today this was a way out it's all the way doctor can I speak to the doctor please they're angels what's your problem I will not last much longer and the angels will be ready shortly sorry sir why are you telling me this the angels are very keen you should know before the end which is I died affair I'm sorry you told me my favor would keep me alive but I died afraid you're painting alone you made me trust you and what he wanted sorry sir the angels were very keen for you to know that oh then the Angels have made their second mistake because I'm not gonna let that pass I'm sorry you're dead Bob but I swear to whatever is left of you they will be sorry up but your trap sir and about to die yeah you know what speaking of traps this traps for a great thing for sneaking out great think what English steak huh trust me yeah always you don't trust me two more incoming we have faith sir then give me your gun I'm about to do something could it be stupid and dangerous when I do jump jump where just jump as you can come on leave a face Bishop on my signal what signal don't miss it sorry can I ask again you mentioned a mistake with name Oh big big mistake really huge didn't anyone ever tell you there's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart if you value your continued existence if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow there's one thing you never ever put in a trap and what would that be sir me [Music] who takes the Pandorica takes the universe but bad news everyone cuz guess who sent you lot grow whizzing about it's really very could you all just stay still a bit because [Applause] the question of ers who's got Pandorica answer I do next question who's coming to take him from their flat no backup no weapons worth a damn oh and something else I don't have anything to lose so if you're sitting up now and your silly little spaceship with all your silly little guns and you've got any plans on taking the Pandorica tonight just remember who's standing in your remember every black day I ever stopped you through the smog thing let somebody else try first [Applause] [Music] there's a crack in time in the wall of your bedroom and it's been eating the way of your life for a long time now happy pond all alone a girl who didn't make sense how could her it is just forget nothing is ever forgotten not really but you have to try be very big bath big back down enjoyed remember your family and they'll be there how can I remember them if they never because you're special now crack in you all that time the universe boring do you pull me back you can bring them back there you just remember you won't you have your Fermi back you only need your imaginary friend anymore Amy Rosa cry over me guess well gotcha it's from the doctor what does it say Geronimo [Music] [Music] [Music] oh okay I escaped it brilliant that's it when I do that Susy oh my god we'll need to stay back whatever happened now you do not interfere okay [Music] that's nostril that's an Apollo astronaut in the lake it's okay I know it's you what's he doing [Music] [Applause] I'm sorry [Applause] [Music] [Music] whatever that was it killed him in the middle of his regeneration cycle the body was already dead he didn't make it to the next one believe I can save you some time not know certainly is the doctor and he is most certainly dead he said you'd need this joseline a Time Lords body is a miracle even a dead one there are whole empires out there who rip this world apart but just one cell I can't leave him here or anywhere [Music] we're his friends we do what the doctors friends always do as we're told the boat we're gonna do this let's do it properly [Music] on the tube directly into the tears into that yes I have actually rebuilt the Cordish before you know I know what curry you're like a nine-year-old trying to rebuild a motorbike and he's been true and you never read the instruction but I always read the instructions my front door you has been more than positive is 700 years what's it say that's not instruction instruction at the bottom what's itself all drunk yes what do you do every single time 750 Spock's doors opens up the way I think I have earned the right for my front doors anyway I want doors have you any idea of childish that sucks I love you and not my child you know since we're talking with mouths not really an opportunity that comes along very often I just want to say you know you have never been very reliable I do have you did not take me around wanted to go no but I always took you where you needed to go you did look who's talking won't it be amazing if we could always talk even when you're stuck inside the box you know I'm not constructed that way I exist across all space and time and you talk and run around bring home sprays what if the kidneys has already failed it doesn't matter we need to finish assembling the console using a concert with our proper shell there's nobody safe but it has about 18 minutes left to live the universe Rin will reach absolute zero in three hours safe is relative then we need to get a move on they all go [Music] we are in your universe now doctor why should it matter to me in which room you die I can kill you just as easily here as anywhere fear me I've killed hundreds of Time Lords family I've cared all of them yeah you're right you've completely won oh you can kill his noodles of really inventive ways but before you do kill us allow me and my friends Amy and Rory to congratulate you on being an absolutely worthy opponent congratulations yep you've defeated as me my lovely friends here I laughed but definitely not least the TARDIS matrix herself a living consciousness you're right out of this very control room and locked up into a human body and look at her doctor she stopped breathing enough that is enough it's never enough you force the TARDIS into a body so she'd burn out safely a very long way away from this control room flesh body control the TARDIS matrix and live look at her body house and you think I should mourn her no I think you should be very very careful about what you get back into this control room you took her from her home back in the box again and she's free [Music] look alike ow look at her god that's your problem size of a planet but inside you are just so small finishing off girl [Music] doctor are you there so very dark in here I'm here I feel looking for a word a big complicated world what's so sad I found it now I lie I'm alive alive isn't sad it's sad when it's over I'll always be but this is when we talked and now even that has come to an end there's something I didn't get to say to you good boy no I just wanted to say [Music] hello doctor it's so very very nice to meet you you want [Music] hello cyber Lance so we have time for this make time I'd like more proof that you're me Simon has created by the Cybermen they killed by feeding off brainwaves okay sure there aren't any weapons they could get you like big guns and pizza yeah the guns would be good right now why would we have guns for a factory we mine [Music] I said [Music] Rory and Amy they may not trust both of us do you think he won't think inevitably I'm glad we're on the same wavelength see great my exactly so what's the plan Bob sail or humans and gangers turn all that sounds wonderful is that what you were thinking yes it's just so inspiring to him me say it so what now doctor well time to get cracking da meter sorry but we had to establish a few ground rules formulated protocol protocol proportion a protocol between O's otherwise it's horribly embarrassing potentially confusing okay well I'm glad you solve the problem of confusing that's not a species very good at sarcasm Bri what we have to get your other side and the gangers to sorry would you like a memo from the last meeting they are trying to kill her doctor we're trapped in here right see I don't think so the fresh bodies fed by cabling from above but where are the earthing conduits what is piping must go down into a tunnel or a shower so yes with us yowza not a statement you know I'm trying to get a sense of just how impressive it is to hang out with me do you tend to say yowza as enough let it go okay we're under stress just tell em River those reports of the sunspots on the solar flares they're wrong there aren't any it's not the Sun it's you the sky is full of a million million voices saying yes of course we'll help you've touched so many lives saved so many people did you think when your time came you'd really have to do more than just ask you've decided that the universe is better off without you but the universe doesn't agree River no one can help me a fixed point has been altered time is disintegrating I can't let you die I have to die shut up I can't let you die without knowing you are loved by so many years so much and by no one more than me you and I we know what this means you know we are ground zero of an explosion that will engulf all reality billions on billions will suffer and die and suffer if I have to kill more than every living thing in the universe yes River and why do you have to be this melody pond your daughter I hope you're both proud I'm not sure I completely understand um we got married and had a kid in that sir okay ami uncuffed me now [Music] okay I need a strip of cloth back foot long anything will do never mind River take one end of this graphic around your hand and hold it out to me what am i doing how's your talk no in the middle of a combat zone so I'll have to do the quick version captain way and say I consent and gladly give towards just say it please I consent and gladly give need you'd say it to mother of the bride I consent and gladly give no River I'm about to whisper something in your ear and you have to remember it very very carefully and tell no one or I said [Music] I just told you my name now they go River soul melody pond although he married me [Applause] and wife I have a request this world is dying and it's my fault and I can't bear it another day please help me there isn't another way then you may kiss the bride but make a curve all you pattern [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] and you are forgiven always completely forgiven [Music] but that's really sure how long two years okay FairPoint so you're not dead and a Happy New Year Weaver told us well of course she did she's a good girl well I'm not gonna hug first nor mine [Music] mr. part we're about to have Christmas dinner joining us if it's no trouble was a play set for you we didn't know I was coming why would you set me up because we always do Christmas young [Music] [Applause] [Music] you think it's been 10 years not for you or earth but for us 10 years older 10 years of you on and off how could you know all grown up kid secured there are soldiers all over my house and I'm in my pants my whole life I've dreamed of saying that and I miss it by being someone else all these muscles and they still don't know how to know sorry about the raucous entrance spike in artron energy reading at this address in the light of the last 24 hours we had to check it out and the dogs do love a run out hello Kate Stewart had a scientific research at unit and with dress sense like that you must be the doctor I hoped it'd be you tell me since when did science run the military gate since me units been adapting well I dragged them along kicking and screaming which which made it sound like more fun than it actually was what do we know about these kids far less than we need to we've been fretting them in from around the world for testing so far we've subjected them to temperatures of plus and minus 200 Celsius simulated a water depth of five miles dropped one out of a helicopter at 10,000 feet and rolled our best tank over it always in terrace impressive I don't want them to be impressive I want them vulnerable with a nice Achilles heel we don't know how they got here what they're made of or why they're here and all around the world people are picking them up and taking them out like iPads have dropped out of the sky taking them to work taking pictures making films posting them on Flickr and YouTube within three hours the cubes had a thousand separate Twitter accounts Twitter I've recommended we treat this as a hostile incursion gather them all up and lock them in a secure facility but that would take massive international agreement and cooperation we need evidence the cubes arrived in plain sight in vast quantities as the Sun rose so what does that tell us maybe they wanted to be seen knowest or more than that they want to be observed so we observe them stay with them round-the-clock watch the cubes day and night the court absolutely everything about them team cube bid it together for days nothing nothing not a single change in any cube anywhere in the world for days and I am still in your lounge you were the one who wanted to observe them yes why feel they do something didn't I not just sit there while everyone extend listeria you said we had to be patient you you not me I hate being patient patience is for wimps con live like this don't make me I need to be busy fine be busy well what's the cute [Music] got it 2,900 on me [Music] minion 999 five million nothing like a bit of activity to pass the time how long was it gone by an hour can't do it really doctor a motorbike it hardly seems like you I wrote this in the antigrav Olympics 2074 I came last building is in lockdown I'm afraid you're not coming here did you even hear the word antigrav [Music] sir-sir you can do it can really actually do that [Music] [Music] I think that was your office excuse me I believe for someone to see me [Music] do come in download her sorry about the draft download her back into her body right now I can't yes she can she's a fully integrated part of the data cloud now she can't be separated then download the entire cloud everyone you've trapped is that you realize what would happen yes those still with bodies to go home to would be free a tiny number most would simply die they'd be released from a living hell it's the best you can do for them so give the order and why would I do that cuz I'm going to motivate you any second now you read Nikolas man why did you even come here whatever for I didn't what I'm still in the cafe I'm finishing my coffee lovely spot what are you talking about you had people but me I'm old-fashioned I have technology here's your motivation [Music] she's fully integrated now better download into our cloud can't do that no we can't [Music] [Music] [Applause] she says [Music] [Music] No my [Music] okay that's what I'll do I'll tell you a story [Music] [Music] [Music] can you hear all these people who lived in terror review in your judgement all these people whose ancestors devoted themselves sacrificed themselves to you I am singing [Music] oh you right think you're God not a god you're just a parasite eat now the jealousy and envy longing or the lives of others you love and lost and birth and death and joy and sorrow so-so [Music] take my memories oh you've got a big appetite and I've seen a few things [Music] [Applause] away from the last great time war I mark the passing of the Time Lords I saw the birth of the universe and I watched as time ran out moment by moment until nothing remained no time no space just me I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind my my [Applause] what universe is breeze and creations bad I have seen things you would have believed I have lost things you will never understand and I know things secrets that has never be told knowledge that must never be spoken night parasite God [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know where I am I don't know where I'm going or where I've been I was born to save the doctor but the doctor is safe now I'm the impossible girl and my story is done doctor [Music] Clara you can hear me I know you can see and everywhere you're inside my time screen everything around you is me I can see you we're different faces they're here those are my coasts my past every good day every bad day I'm inside my own time stream it's collapsing in on itself not until I've got you you're my impossible girl I'm sending you something not from my past from yours look up look this is you the flower everything you were or will be take it you blew into the world on this leaf all tight it'll take you home come up come up to me now you can do it I know you can how because it's impossible and you're my impossible girl how many times have you saved me from justice what just for the hell of it let me save you you have to trust me Clara I'm real just one more step like Laura [Music] he's that never mind let's get back her who is he he's me there's only me here that's the point now let's get back I never saw that one I saw all of you 11 faces all of them of you you're the eleventh Doctor's I said he was me I never said he was the doctor eyes to understand my name my real name that is not the point the name I chose is the doctor the name you choose it's like it's like a promise you make he's the one who broke the promise para Clara he is my secret what I did I did without choice I know in the name of peace and sanity but not in the name of the doctor [Music] this is why we called you in again interesting the broken glass no where is broken from look at the chateau pattern grass and all these paintings has been broken from inside as you can see all the paintings of landscapes no figures of any kind so there used to be some days go out the paintin lots of some things dangerous this whole place has been searched there's nothing here that shouldn't be and nothing's got out oh no now doctor what is it no not now I'm busy is it to do with a painting no no this is different I remember this almost remember oh of course this is where I come in [Music] who is this man this is what I was wondering a very skinny that is proper skinny I've never seen it from the outside it's like a special effect boy matchstick man regeneration it's a lottery no he's cool isn't he cold I'm the doctor and I'm on call oops I'm wearing Sancho's are you doing here I'm busy old busy I see is that what we're calling it hey hey hello ladies stop dissing what you could have to the privacy of your own regeneration is your business is a Saigon I'm not judging you [Music] Oh your Majesty's probably a good time to run that creature Elizabeth whichever one of you is the real one turn and run in the opposite direction to the other one of course my love say alike my love I am not done with you yet thanks big I understand live for me my darling we shall be together again well with every nice one of those was a cycle yeah big red rubbery thing covered in suckers yeah venom sexing the time I'm getting the point thank you nice doctors thank you yeah it's me we can hear you where are you where are we inland 1562 are you talking to myself can you come back through physical passage may not be possible in both directions if ah hang on Fez incoming nothing here it's where to go [Music] who's he talking to he said him solo transit roads where you're going oh never say nothing anyway good to know my future is in safe hands keep it tight hold on it Clara on it trenzalore really the new destination because I don't want to go [Music] you assess them need a moment alone with your painting how did you know there's big sad eyes I always know oh by the way there was an old man looking for you I think it was the curator I could be a curator I'd be greater curating I'd be the great curator I could retire do that I could retire and be the curator of this place you know I really think you might I never forget a face I know you don't and in years to come you might find yourself revisiting a few but just the old favorites you were curious about this painting I think I acquired it in remarkable circumstances what you make of the title which title this tomb no more or Gallifrey Falls oh you see that's but everybody's wrong it's all one title Gallifrey Falls no more what would you think that means the Gallifrey didn't fall it worked it's still out there I wanted a humble curator I'm sure I wouldn't down then where is it where is it indeed it's lost perhaps things to get lost you know now you must excuse me do I is that what I'm supposed to do now go looking for Gallifrey it's entirely up to you your choice I can only tell you what I would do if I were you oh if I were you perhaps I was you of course you are me congratulations a very much or perhaps it doesn't matter either way who knows [Music] [Music] sorry I love it no they don't they're my best right now I'm dying you've been trying to kill me for centuries and Here I am going old age if you want something done do it yourself you still can't work up the courage to shoot me you can yo you still worry I've got something up my sleeve no you knock yourself out boys got nothing this time [Applause] [Music] what did you say did you mention the rolls now listen bit of much tell me the truth if you big funeral em down the law if you're feeling crane darlings [Music] stop [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] doctor hello you're young again you're okay you don't even change your face ah start it I can't stop it now this is just the reset Paul new regeneration cycle taking a bit longer just breaking it in Oh all just disappears doesn't hit everything you are gone in a moment like breath on a mirror any moment now is a-comin who's coming the doctor you are the doctor yep and it always will be but times change and so must I Amelia who is Amelia first face this face saw [Music] we all change when you think about it we're all differently all through our lives and that's okay that's good you've got to keep moving so long as you remember all the people that you used to be I will not forget or line of this not one day I swear I will always remember when the doctor was me [Music] Rock edema [Music] goodnight [Music] No [Music] pshh how can do kidneys don't like the color of your kidneys just one question do you happen to know how to fly this thing don't forget to click below and subscribe to the official Doctor Who YouTube channel [Music]
Channel: Doctor Who
Views: 2,675,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor who, the doctor, dr who, bbc, doctor who bbc, matt smith, matt smith doctor who, doctor who eleventh doctor, doctor who eleventh hour, doctor who eleventh doctor theme, doctor who eleventh doctor regenerates, doctor who eleventh doctor speech, doctor who eleventh doctor meets tenth, doctor who eleven and clara, eleventh doctor, eleventh doctor regenerates, eleventh doctor best moments, eleventh doctor theme, eleventh doctor speech, doctor who matt smith
Id: rjfZ1Zmq7LQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 1sec (3721 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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