Dr Wayne Dyer - Modern Wisdom from the Ancient World - Part 1

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good i was watching one of your youtube videos and i one section of it you were briefly talking about money and the relationship we have with money and there's this huge obviously disparity in the world between the haves and the have-nots and that we're reaching some tipping point and i was just wondering if you could just elaborate maybe a little bit more on i think you made it may have mentioned it as a way of a spiritual relationship with money something along those lines yes okay there's actually quite a few things i say about money one of them is that i believe that a lot of us push money away because we don't value ourselves we don't love value ourselves so we don't feel we're deserving or worthy of money that's one thing i say about money another thing i say is that we also have a belief many of us hold a belief that money is evil and that money and to have money is greedy so that's another way we push money away so i talk about that the other another thing i speak about the disparity because people ask me why there is so much poverty in the world on one hand and a lot of wealth and greed and i say that the people who actually are greedy are usually greedy because of fear so they hoard money and they feel that by sharing it with those who don't have it that there's less for them and things like that i do speak about money so i hope i covered it you did thank you very much my pleasure thank you my husband and is a mentor to the barefoot bandit and the barefoot abandoned colton harris moore who's in prison he was a feral child and he my husband told him that he is in the process of mentoring him that he is writing a book called second chances and colton said to him what about first chances and we have about 18 more months before he's released to help gird him up to face society a society that he has never experienced as a normal person and i'm wondering if you can give me some book recommendations that we can send him that would be accessible to a 23 year old mind that would help him expand his being from ex-prisoner khan convict to gird him up to to step out into society i would i would encourage him to meditate um now um every day as uh as frequently as he is yeah he's got plenty of time for that um and it's um it's that's where you'll fi that's where he'll find his piece and i mean i can give him the names of books it's like if you ask me to give names of books to give and i've written 44 of them uh it's not sort of like my kids my son came to me one day and he's in my apartment and i've you know all my books are all over the place he said there's nothing good to read in this house do you have any so um if i were suggesting you know i would suggest the impersonal life i would suggest the power of intention of the books that i've written depending upon his age your erroneous owns would probably be very helpful for i mean there's an endless number of books that many of my colleagues you know that have written but i think it's more important for him at this stage he isn't going to get it out of a book he's got to come to an inner awareness he's got to find god and and the only way that you'll ever find god is in silence you know it's the silence it's the silence between the notes that makes the music you know no creation takes place unless there is silence everything comes out of the void and so he needs to be able to get comfortable going into the void and when he does the answers will come flying out my meditations you know much of my much of the things on my resume came uh came about as a result of just being in deep and profound silence you know so that would be my recommendation would one of those books introduce to him what meditation is all about we don't get a lot of time with him to explain these things like two or three hours a month and that's it so a book to explain why or how yeah the importance of what you just said yeah it's called getting in the gap getting in the gap getting in the gap thank you so my question i think is a combination of if our life work is laid out before us already and how can we consciously tune into what it is so that we can recreate a moment similar to what you had that you felt like you took a step back and you saw the big picture and you saw yourself speaking even though you didn't see the details you knew at that moment that you had a larger purpose and that your life work that was already laid before you was somehow going to deal with teaching or speaking so how do you tune into that to know that or have that moment of awareness or to recreate that i always say i always like to keep things really simple because i'm a simple person you don't have to even know what your life work is you don't even have to be in tune with it it'll come to you all you have to do is be who you are that's all be authentic make your choices out of love love and value yourself so for example ask yourself every day when you get up and you do things am i doing this out of love am i doing this out of fear am i going to work at this particular job because i'm scared of not moving up the career ladder because i'm scared of not having money or did i choose my work because this is what i love to do this is what i'm passionate about doing so basically it's just us asking ourselves and the more that we start to become aware of how much of our lives we're doing out of fear and we start to do more from a place of love it starts to unravel itself we start to get to know who we are it's just about being authentic and being who you are being who you came here to be and shining your light as brightly as you can basically our only purpose is to be as us as we can be so all you have to do is be as you as you can be nothing more let me add to that that uh that you know most college majors when you study the there's a very high percentage of people who major in something in college end up doing something completely different i'm one of them um it's it's it's really about allowing that's i mean that's how abraham puts it it's just about allowing it's um just having having a knowing a knowing means there's a banishment of all doubt you know one of the keys to higher awareness banishing the doubt just letting go of that and just just allowing it to flow that there's an opportunity i was telling my daughter the one i spoke about earlier who's had addiction issues and so on you know who who's trying to trying to just get herself back after this program and get and get a job and she said it's just so hard to get a job i said if you just just look around you know i said just look around it you know within a mile of where you are and i and the next day she called me back and she said that she said i got a job i said what are you what are you doing she said i'm working at a motel i said what are you doing in the motel uh she said whatever it is that they want me to i just walked in there and said you know what i just went through this program and i would just like to i would just like to do something like anything at all that i can do like and all of a sudden she's carrying around keys she's she's this is her second day on the job and she's you know she's only getting paid a minimum wage it doesn't make any difference what she's being paid the idea is that there are opportunities in every moment of our life but if you're filling your mind with it can't happen it's not for me this is a tough economy things are going back if if this is the way that you think it's like what is the slogan that i'm probably best known for when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change it's a quantum truth you just change the way you look at it all and say you know you walk into a mcdonald's and you you you're working at the french fry machine and the person that i'm talking about being is thinking how how am i going to own this place i got to learn french fries first and then i got to learn how to grill the hamburger and then i got to learn so i'll just learn all of that and then i'm going to figure out a way to own this place and this this is how they're thinking their mind is constructed that way instead of looking at the things is wrong and i can't do it and it's not possible and i don't have any opportunities there are opportunities in every moment and that's why i'm going to give you this rose there you are thank you but i want to ask you about my nephew is in a medical induced coma back in pennsylvania and he has infantile cancer in a 33 year old body so he is actually i hope out doing what you were doing and traveling in the ethers but i sent him a packet a bundle of your stuff when he was first diagnosed and i just how do we compel people to hear to wake up so he's in a coma it's i can hear i'm learning i'm working like like you are i'm working like everybody in this room probably is but the people we love that come down with cancer how do we help them how do we help them find their way we help them by telling them that it's okay to express yourself one of the things that i believe when i had cancer i believed so many things i thought um if if we create our reality i must have created it with my negative thoughts so i was afraid of my thoughts i suppressed who i was another thing i believed that it was my karma it was something i'd done from a previous life and that would frustrate me like anything but when i was actually in that realm i realized that the cancer was it was like my own power my own magnificence because i had never allowed myself to express myself outward i'd never allowed my light to shine outwards it was like my own energy had turned inward and it had turned against me and i believe that cancer cells because look at what it does it's our own self attacking our self it's our own self judgment it's us eating away at ourselves it's ourselves thinking we're not good enough and i believe that everybody needs to know that we have the right to be who we are to express ourselves we have value we have a reason to be here there's a reason why we are all are made the way we are i was bullied very badly as a as a child i was discriminated against for my race and religion and so on um and that's why for me it's very important that people realize that we are all different for a reason we're not supposed to be the same we're not supposed to conform you've come here different because you have a message for the world and that's what we need to share with everybody thank you so much it's an honor it's just an honor to be here thank you a limitless realm and we return to a limitless realm one that's full of anything that we can manifest all the power that we desire all the love that exists we're born into a physical realm full of pleasure pain full of you know cancer full of joy full of love full of the stories we've heard today what are we doing here what's the point two weeks we can both answer go ahead you go first to to experience to get to know who we are in that realm of non-duality we cannot know who we are we cannot experience anything from experiencing love making relationships we can't even taste chocolate in that realm because we have no biology no no taste buds so we come here to experience physical life and actually when we come here we choose to come here because life is a gift and we get to experience contrast we can only know who we are through the contrast you can only know pleasure through pain and so we experience pain and illness and sadness and depression so that we can even know joy and happiness and really it's just for experience in my opinion the answer to that is i don't know that's a better answer it's you know in reading the impersonal life just two days ago again um this i got out of it in my eight readings this is the first time i got this out of it uh which is that the this impersonal intelligence that is in all things um works through um planting an idea so we get an idea into our head about anything all right it's just an idea it doesn't have anything more than just an idea they're popping in all the time and you your personal self doesn't get to put that idea in there it's put in there by this this intelligence that knows everything and creates infinite universes that we can't even begin to comprehend right so it's and it keeps track of all of these thoughts and everything it's it's it's too big a computer for us to even imagine but these ideas are placed in there now the ideas go in they go out ideas go and go out and then an idea goes in there and something is attached to that idea called the desire so now you got an idea with the desire okay now this desire is also placed in there by your impersonal self because your physical self isn't capable of a desire okay it doesn't even know what one is can't even see one we only do those our physical self deals with the senses this is beyond the senses so now we got an idea and we've got a desire and then this impersonal intelligence places in there a burning desire a desire that no matter no matter what you can't put it out it's just it stays there you might ignore it and you might try to ignore it and you've got to go a different way or you turn a different or you whatever it might be but it's still that burning desire is there okay so then that burning desire in order for it to become manifest it um it needs a word and a word is just a symbol of a thing okay so this is a bottle okay so we need a word and if you look at the opening lines of the new testament it says what in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god so the repetition of the name of god is like the ways to bring a an idea a desire a burning desire into a reality by putting a word on it by putting a symbol on it okay and then as you begin to act on that symbol that word you have a word you know the word is plastic bottle somebody has to think of it okay and you think about that word and you have a burning desire to build one or you know the as thomas troward says you know that the law of flotation was not discovered by the contemplation of the sinking of things you know when wilbur and orville wright went down to north carolina you know and they discovered that we can fly in airplanes they didn't go down there you know the law of flying was not discovered by the contemplation of the staying on the ground of things they were contemplating the getting off of the ground of things because of a word and the word is the symbol of a desire and an idea and that's how this whole process is working ideas desires burning desires words symbols symbols turned into action and that's what we get to experience here in this you know and that's how it all got created according to i don't know if that makes sense but it makes really good sense to me from ireland yes yes yes so shall i tell him my irish joke yeah i think it's important because to understand the culture of people who fly here why are there exactly 239 beans in irish stew 239 beans and iris too no well because if they added one bean it would be too foreign yes yes yes that's true that's true so my question to you is um i left my family my career as an engineer and everything um in ireland to pursue flight training so i've been doing flight training training as a helicopter pilot for the past two years and this past two months i've kind of come dislodged not enjoying it anymore and my question to you is reconnecting with passion now i'm still passionate about it but like living a life of passion is what it's about because you're really fulfilling you're happy you're making your friends your family happy but i just want your words of wisdom on reconnecting with your passion because it's been intense couple of years very competitive and all that kind of stuff so if you will right please the um the word is excitement if it excites you if it makes you feel good um it's it's in your dharma it's your purpose it's what you're here for because feeling good is the same thing as feeling god all right when uh you go into an ashram and maharishi used to say that ask people as they entered the ice rink do you know the difference between god and good and if people would say no he would go like this you know zero you know one zero there is no difference between god and good so what it is you know they if you look at uh you know enthusiasm the word enthusiasm you know and thea's in the greek and theos is god the azim within the god within so when you feel excited about something that makes you feel good like for you helicopter training and so on and doing that and there's an excitement in that when the excitement wanes and you no longer you know feel that that's generally a cube for for me that's been a cue for me that it's time to move on to something else that's just my own personal thing but i've always followed that and it's why it's why i'm here it's why i'm doing this you know i live on maui people leave oregon to come to maui i leave maui to come to oregon i don't you know i'm going to be 75 years old in a couple of weeks i i don't need to be here i don't need to make any more money i don't none of that none of that has anything to do with why i'm here i'm here because this is my excitement and when you live your excitement when you follow your excitement great things happen other people's lives get transformed that's just my advice to you nutrition is perhaps the best way to work on your inner self and to recognize that when you make a decision about what your body is going to how it's going to be treated and what you're going to feed it what you're going to put into it on a daily basis that um it isn't the effect of what happens to your body that is the result it's what happens within you when you start to recognize that you have the power to change uh and and live in a state of perfect health and you can do it in a moment and this is as good a moment as any because it's the only one you have to really start to go to work on that i drink 64 ounces a day of fresh juice i drink a green smoothie every single morning as i for breakfast never felt stronger never felt healthier never felt smarter it's and it's something that i encourage you to go to work on and think about to learn more about it i'm not a nutrition expert there are many of them out there but um i really believe it's the the inner path of recognizing that uh you've been given this incredible gift in this infinite universe for just a few moments and to treat your body as a temple um that deserves to be treated in a sacred way puts you in touch with how how much inner strength that you have to be able to to make anything happen for yourself it's got to start with how you treat your body and there's no reason in this world for any of you to be overweight for any of you to be sick all of these things are choices that we make in our lives even when i feel a sniffle or when i feel uh you know a soreness someplace i have a totally different approach to it now than i did before today i take zero medication of any kind only only some supplements not one drug goes into my body and it's been that way for a couple of years now i just walked walked it all away i watched i watched television and we have a generation of people who are being raised to believe that if you want to heal something you have to take a pill and we advertise it i mean it's just a constant inundation children are exposed to this stuff all day long every single day every time you have the television on watch all the advertisers do you know this country and new zealand are the only two countries in the world that allow advertising of prescription drugs on television we've gone from a country where getting a prescription was a rare thing when i was growing up i mean going to the to the pharmacy i mean and getting a prescription there was like it was just a really rare thing to do now the average person has seven eight nine different kinds of prescriptions that they're taking and they're being advertised continuously so it isn't so much that that we're being exposed to the idea that we have to take drugs we we have to take uh you know we have to buy this particular drug in that particular drug what we're being conditioned to and raising a whole generation of people and i have a daughter who's in that in that mess internally in her head is the belief system that you need something outside of you in order to in order to be able to resolve whatever is going on within you and you know i've seen so many people who when they change around the kinds of things that they eat and when they begin to to really exercise differently and change that you can you start tossing away the prescriptions you take more than four prescriptions and you're taking five or six because the combination of the ones working within you is another prescription that you're taking as well and the number of children young people the biggest cause of death amongst teenagers now is the overdose of prescription drugs particularly pain pills that and we're this could be a rant so i'll just have to stop me if i get too far off on this wait a minute um but it's what i get so concerned about isn't so much that that people are buying a drug for this or buying a drug for that it's the consciousness that we are raising a generation of people to believe that healing has to take place by buying something at the store and at the drugstore and putting it into your body when in fact we have our body is a pharmacy the deepak talks about this with many times we've given lectures together on this whole idea of your body is capable of producing whatever chemical chemicals it needs for taking any taking care of anything that shows up in your body it knows how to do that if you just get out of the way of it and just allow it to be the perfection that it is and so we've become a country you know in the united states particularly where you know the use of drugs for virtually every kind of thing whether your leg is restless or whether you've got depression of some kind or whether you know when uh when my wife when i told my wife about going gluten-free belly and doing a pbs show with my friend bill davis a cardiologist from milwaukee and i told her about gluten she had had five grand mal seizures and regular mini seizures for the past four or five years when she just took gluten out of her diet just took gluten out of her diet they all stopped gluten is really is a huge impact on uh on depression that if you know people that are suffering from chronic depression just just ask them to give up gluten for a month and see if there's not a huge change because it's the wheat that we're eating today is very very different than the we even we ate as in our generation when we ate wheaties you know for the breakfast of champions and so on it's not the same and all you have to do is to notice the difference in food it's just to go to europe and notice how different food tastes in europe than it tastes over here uh because they don't allow they don't allow things to be modified genetically uh and we got to look real hard at this stuff but i won't go any further all right well it's uh it's a great treat to be here isn't it this beautiful place my goodness what a ship huh can you believe that i was in the navy it was nothing like this and i was on the largest ship in the world at the time i was in the navy um in the war of 1812 i was on the uss ranger we had 4 000 men on that ship and 150 aircraft and it was a floating city like this much larger than this actually but uh my room wasn't anything like the one they gave me here i had a bunk with six other guys sleeping right on top of sleeping i had to climb a ladder to get in and and so on anyway um what i want to speak about today uh and a little bit uh tomorrow is um some of you some of you i recognize and know so some of you may have heard part of it um but i never give the same talk twice anyway so and uh and if you've heard it before you're hearing it again because you're you haven't got it yet so otherwise you wouldn't be here because everything is perfect um it's um it's basically the the essence of um what i speak about in in wishes fulfilled is the idea that there is a there's a higher place there's a place that i call higher consciousness or extraordinary awareness extraordinary levels of awareness and it seems to me that the problem that most of us face in attempting to uh really fulfill our dharma our uh our real mission here on this planet and what we're doing here is um is that we have been raised to believe in so much in our limitations and we we just haven't been raised to believe that we are god that we that we are pieces of god um it's all over the it's all over the spiritual literature whether it's the bhagavad-gita or the or the doubt of qing or or the koran or the old testament and the the torah the book of torah or the or the new testament and the words of jesus it's it's all throughout it you know you've all been told you are god but we've all been raised to believe or most of us have been raised to believe that um that's something outside of us that's uh and that we've created these great organizations i always love gandhi's comment when they asked him about christianity he said i don't very much like your christianity he said but i love your christ making a huge distinction between you know i used to say years ago that it and they asked me about organized religion that the truth is the truth until you organize it and then it becomes a lie because so much of the problem so much of the difficulty the struggle the conflict that we see on our planet is all done in the name of god which is so absurd isn't it and yet that's what's going on and as i told you yesterday in in studying just just the 13th century uh for the last 10 days or so in preparation for what we're going to do in ephesus um it's just it's just one big conflict after another and it's i mean it's not just conflict the way um you know it's it's not just wars i mean it's like it's it's things like crusades that are just something so vicious and you know going through village after village after village and just if there's 60 000 people just killing every single one of them for god so that god would be happier if we do that just and i was talking to my friend this morning elizabeth we're having breakfast and she said well at least we're more civilized now than we were then we don't go around doing that and i said well just we've just created newer ways to uh and newer terms to define our abilities i mean our technology is almost always based on uh on weaponry and killing each other and now we've just we just have to push buttons and air-conditioned booths and we're much more civilized but we can knock out millions of people at a time at least in those days he had to go kill every one of them you know now it's just so it's no we're not in the 20th century was the was the bloodiest century in the history of humanity more people killed than those in those wars in world war one world war ii so uh and i really feel that um i incarnated into this planet um to do something about that and in in writing uh you'll see the this whole uh past summer i can see clearly now as i look through the things that were happening to me and i'll be sharing some of those with you a little bit later this week the the things that i was uh being directed to do um and i don't think that i'm any more special than anyone else and and and deserve any more credit for any of it i just seem to um i seem to have been selected for some reason to i call it ascended master training in fact i i read an entire book by saint germain called ascended master training and every time i would read it i'd say well i've been in this it doesn't say mastery i'm i'm not talking about that at all i know i haven't mastered any of this um but i was um i mean i've been at this since i was a little boy and i and realizing it and even though i've been encountering difficulties with organizations and with institutions and with customs and so on all things which i've much attention to um it's just there's just something in me and i think about it because um my mother told me the um the day that i was conceived because she was um she was basically raped um by my father um in one of his regular uh things that he did when when my mother was with him he um he would come in drunk and then [Music] you know they were married so it's not considered rape but he would force himself on her and she had had two children one just who was three and a half and one who was only 15 months old and at that time when i was conceived was only seven months old um so i was conceived on the first of september 1939. and she remembers it and um she was horrified that she was pregnant again it was a depression going on it was a crazy time in the world and i don't know if any of you know what that date was the significance of that date september the 1st 1939 anybody know what happened on that day at the beginning of world war ii you know it was the day that hitler invaded poland and uh world war ii started and uh and i've always had a sense of uh that you know i know i i know we show up here uh not in the ways we we have a tendency to think that this is you know it's our mother and our father and that's how it all works and but i but i really know better i have eight children um i really know better if any of you have read the wisdom of the ages um the last chapter in wisdom of the ages i talk about the conception of my last daughter which was an absolute impossibility there was just no way that that child could get into this world we had seven children five in eight years um i was 50 years old there was just um and we were in a place called brisbane in us in australia and at the hilton hotel and it was four o'clock in the morning i didn't know i was going to tell this but i i often tell her when she's in the room and she goes crazy her name is sage sage ikus and it was four o'clock in the morning um it was actually 407 as i looked at the because there was just something strange going on in the room it was like my wife was in the bed next to me with our son who was she was nursing he was only a year and a half or so old i was in the other bed with my daughter serena who was like three she's here in the room probably just gagging that i'm telling this story are you in here serena did you or did you leave oh there she is yeah you're not throwing up or anything about to she's now 27 and um and all of a sudden the uh the furniture is uh being rearranged in the room and my wife is up and she's takes she takes uh our son and puts him in the bed and then picks up serena by herself and the three and a half year old child and puts her in the bed and then gets into bed with me now this is something she had never done in her life so she proceeded to get into bed next to me and start doing things that she had never ever done i mean when all of those things happened that was me doing that you know moving things around and trying to talk her into this and all of that that was not her it was not her nature and and my wife had had surgery and she had had one ovary removed and she had had a half of the other one removed because she had a tumor on it she hadn't had a period in 10 years because she had been either pregnant or nursing for the previous nine or ten years so she was always she used to say in one decade i went from a a 30 a 32 long i know of a 32 c to a 32 long or something and i was like 34 i'm sorry i don't mean to insult her anyway um but she always had a great sense of humor about it so i mean the idea of her getting pregnant was absolutely impossible but just to be absolutely certain that that didn't happen i just withdrew at that moment you know to make sure and um i was going to call my daughter withdrew so like what what what happened there i mean it's like and it's this is where i when i was speaking the other morning about um you get us you get to a place in your life where you get to begin to realize that there is something bigger moving the these pieces around and that who we are are are not really the product of our parents you know that they're just sort of intermediaries in this whole thing and that and so when i think about when you think about when you came into this world um you came in at the time that you opted to come into this world and it's a hard thing to get my daughter serena sitting over there i used to uh say to her when she would get upset with me because you know she used to have this whole line you know it's like if i would raise my voice i wonder what all those people out there would think of mr positive if they could see him here this morning you know she'd have to ask her sister would you buy a book from someone who yells at his 11 year old daughter i wouldn't so but anyway you get you you you get to this uh this sense where you begin to realize that there is something moving these pieces around and that it's uh and then it's not you you know my friend ramdas often says all my life i wanted to be somebody now i'm finally somebody but it isn't me and that um you know when we look at quantum physics and and and look at you know where we began we realized that that we're not really here as human beings having having a spirit we're we're spiritual beings infinite spiritual beings and it's such a hard concept for us to get to wrap our our heads around in our minds around this idea and the doubt of qing lao tzu says that you're doing nothing you're just being done all of us are just being done and in reading roomie and in studying what i've been studying and writing what i've been writing the past couple of months it's um this enormous awareness has has come over me that um that really our mission is really nothing more than to just uh reconnect to that source from which we all originated you know t.s eliot said we shall not cease from exploration but at the end of all of our exploring will be to return to the place from which we originated and to know it for the first time to know it to absolutely know it and um he was speaking about death and when we die when we leave our bodies um i'm not here today in this week i'm speaking about something very different that we can we can while we're in these bodies we can there is a there is something available to us wishes fulfilled was my effort to just speak to that and to try to delineate it and to make it specific about the kinds of things that we can do to reconnect to our source and to know to come to know god not as something external to ourselves but to know this highest place within ourselves to absolutely know it so what i encourage you to do in the next week on this boat is to um one day by yourself or with someone that you're close to someone that that you may have you know come on this trip with and go to the stern that's the back the side the place that isn't going forward that's that one back there and to just um go there and and lean over the rail if there is one this is the first time i've been on this ship but there's usually a railing back there and just uh observe what you see happening and just look down at the water now i'm telling you i did this uh i was on on board ship for almost two years in the navy when i was in uh 18 19 and almost 20. and i spent a lot of hours late at night by myself looking at that big ocean i was where i was in the pacific ocean and uh it just goes forever you know i saw a discovery channel story of uh how the earth was formed you know going back billions of years and so on and they said these oceans were formed because it rained for a billion years that's a long rain rain for a billion years to fill this planet with why i'm not sure i mean they were explaining all of that but uh so you look at this huge ocean that we're in and uh and just look down at the water and ask yourself what do you see as you're looking at the water just please try to do this um and what you will see is something that has a name that we call it in english it's called the wake the wake and ask yourself three questions about the wake but this is a metaphor for your life because this ship is a symbol of your life you are this big physical thing that is moving through the through the atmosphere moving through the world and so just imagine yourself as the ship and you're looking down in there and ask yourself these three questions first of all what is the wake what is it that you're looking at you'll see that white bubbly water and you'll see it uh and you just keep looking at it and looking at it you can stay out there for hours and hours and the i'll give you the answer the the answer is the wake is the trail that is left behind okay that's what it is and it's hard anyone in here can dispute that is that correct i mean we all have agreement that the wake is the trail that is left behind boat's going this way the wake is back there and it's just a trail that is left behind and the second question to ask yourself is what's driving the boat that is what's making this boat go in this direction and i'll also give you the answer to that that um it's the present moment energy being generated by the engine and nothing more that is driving the boat and the third question to ask yourself about this and the most important question to ask is it possible for the wake to drive the boat okay so that the wake is a trail that is left behind can the trail that is left behind make the boat go forward so now you have to look at your life and all of the things that have transpired in your life and ask yourself what's making your life go in the direction that it's going well it's the present moment energy that is being generated by your mind by your thoughts that is making your and one of the great ironies i've been studying uh uh some of the teachings of a man named bashar anybody in here ever hear of bashar fascinating kind of a weird guy but but it very very interesting information i'm going to be in one of the satsangs i'm going to give you a couple of readings from he's channeling very much like abraham hicks and so on channeling information and when he talks about these different dimensions of being he calls them densities so in this third dimension or the third density we have something called cause and effect you do this and it creates this okay and we have a tendency to believe that when i do this it makes this happen and then he said we move into the fourth density i'm not going to go into all of this now but into the fourth density in which there is no cause and effect in which every single moment is disconnected from the next moment and that the present is not created by the past this is just something to really ponder because it's going to get really good when we get to this outside the present is not created by the past the past is created by the present in the fourth density in the force in the fourth dimension and that's the dimension where you leave the world of cause and effect and you realize that everything that ever happened to you up until this moment happened to you in the present and in quantum physics teaches us that there is no such thing as time and it does that it's all one especially in the world of spirit in the world of god it's all one then the past is something that we are creating now and the idea this exciting exquisite idea that you can change the past by becoming something different in the present becomes a reality now you're all saying that's just too far out i can't do that that's just too weird i can't do that but the truth of it is for third of your entire life here on this planet while you are asleep you're able to do just what i just described you can create any past that you want and you have left this dead thing laying on the bed it's just you just left life has left it it's just there and you're off someplace else creating the past that you want right and creating the future that you want i had a dream recently in which my wife was waiting in a van with five of our children who are the age they are now 30s you know 33 31 29 27 25 23 19 14 12 11 it just goes forever whenever i have eight children okay so anyway they she the van was and all of them uh were in there and i was coming out to meet her to get into the van with her she was driving we were gonna go someplace and i was saying goodbye and telling each one of my children in this room who were three and five and seven and nine and eleven and then i left them and went from that moment right into this moment where they were 25 27 29 31 30 all in the same dream it was all and the night the interesting thing about these dreams is that all of it made perfect sense you relate to that can you see what i'm saying that where higher consciousness is something in which we can create a whole new way of being when we get past and then he talks that's the fourth to the fourth density or the fourth dimension where you begin to realize that there is no cause and effect that everything is just one moment is not connected to the next what you did a month ago is not connected to what you are doing today even though this linear mind of yours has convinced you that it's absolutely why this happened the fact is in a quantum sense everything is being recreated every moment every moment your whole body is being recreated every moment every moment and now this may not seem like an important thing for you to to know but when you get a hold of this idea it's like one of the elements that you need in order to reach a higher level of consciousness is you've got to give up your personal history you've just got to give it up i have a quote over here from castaneda he said one day i finally realized that i no longer needed a personal history and just like drinking i gave it up and that and only that has made all the difference in my life if you can just give up this idea that what happened to you in the past is why you are the way you are it's akin to saying that the thing that is moving this ship is the wake which is nothing more than a trail that is left behind and you can change that wake which we don't think we can do but remember for one third of your life you're able to do it and to me higher consciousness is what thoreau said it's becoming a waking dreamer it's what an alchemist is someone who can an alchemist isn't someone who takes uh something that is bad and throws it out and then brings something good in an alchemist is someone who takes something that is bad like lead and turns it into gold it's what francesco saint francis said when he where there is hatred let me bring love where there is darkness let me bring light in other words become an alchemist change being able to change what is into that which is aligned with your source your source of being all right so i know that sounds a little out there and far out i want to uh do one little reading from roomie since the theme of this whole um conference this whole week is in the in the trail of our uh our ancestors and being in these places where you're going to go when you go into athens and uh and look at some of these things that were built 2000 years ago and when you're in when you're in rome which i hope you'll spend a few days in and uh and and and rumi of course was in the in the 13th century so let me read something to you it's from the the math no way that's the poem i mentioned to you yesterday that is 64 000 lines long i would like to write a poem 64 000 lines long 45 000 verses and some consider it the greatest thing ever written you know like about half the people on the planet maybe a third of the people on the planet consider it you know divine teachings so this is a it's on something called the purification of the soul and then i'll move into something you're a little more familiar with it's the story of the discussion between the byzantines who were considered to be the people who had nothing and the chinese who were considered to be the people who were educated and way beyond the byzantines the byzantines were like these low-level people there's a lot in this and it's a little bit long not too long take a few minutes so the this is from directly from the uh matin away the chinese said we are the best artists the byzantine said to us belong the power and the perfection i will put you on to trial said the sultan and i will see which of you is right in your presentation the chinese and the byzantine started to discuss but the byzantines left the debate the chinese then said give us a room and give the byzantines one too there were two rooms whose doors faced each other the chinese took one and the byzantines the other the chinese asked the king to give them a hundred colors the king opened his treasure in order that they might have exactly what they wanted each morning through his generosity more colors were taken from his treasures by the chinese the byzantines declared no tint or color is necessary for our work we need only to take the rust off of the walls they closed the door and started to polish the walls which became as clear and pure as the sky there is a distance between colorful and the absence of color the color is like the clouds the absence of color is like the moon whatever light and splendor you see in the clouds know that they come from the stars the moon and the sun when the chinese finished their task they started to beat their drums with joy the king came in and saw the paintings this vision when he saw it ravished his mind then he went to the byzantines they took away the curtain which was separating the two rooms the reflection of the paintings of the chinese struck the walls which had been purified everything the sultan had seen in the room of the chinese was more splendid here it ravaged his entire being the byzantines oh my father are the sufis they are not scholarly they have no books no erudition but they have polished their hearts and they have purified them from desire from avidity from avarice and hatred the purity of the mirror is without doubt the heart which receives innumerable images this moses keeps inside him the infinite form without form of the reflected invisible in the middle of his heart and although his form is not contained in the sky or the firmament neither in the sphere or the stars nor on the globe that reposes for the pisces for all these things are limited and known know that the mirror of the heart has no limits here the understanding becomes silent otherwise it will lead you into error for the heart is with god or more accurate still the heart is god the reflection of each image shines eternally from the heart alone in the multiplicity as much as outside it those who have polished their hearts have escaped from the perfumes and the colors they contemplate beauty ceaselessly they have abandoned the form and the shell of knowledge they have deployed the flag of certitude since the forms of the eight paradises have shown they have found the tablets of their hearts to be receptive to them from the firmament from the starred sphere and from the void they receive 100 impressions what impressions what can i say the vision of god himself i don't know how does that make you how does that i read that and i just want to cry it's um it's the purification of the soul that i that that roomy has uh placed in my heart it's this idea that um we're all just mirrors we're all just reflections and and most of us don't understand our soul and that's what i want to start this presentation out with what is this thing called your soul it's the it's the invisibleness within you see we can't really get to this place where we move into extraordinary levels of consciousness and let me use as i i speak up here this um when i have my hand up here i'm speaking about elevated levels of consciousness in which all things are possible because right from the new testament jesus said it so clearly with god all things are possible now i look that up and that leaves nothing out all things are possible instantaneous healings are possible peace on this planet is possible i know it's possible peace in our hearts is possible manifesting anything we put our attention on absolutely possible i'm doing it all the time now it's just one of them one of them weirder things in my life because all my life i just wanted so much i wanted to go after things and then now i don't even have to go after things and they're just there and then i get them and i don't even want them i just passed them out and i've got all my kids over there who are so happy to help me to relieve me of any of this extra that comes into my life but it's like it's like it's just well anyway extraordinary level of consciousness and over here at my waist level when i use my hand this way i'm referring to ordinary ordinary levels of consciousness now you can't get here to this place where you move through ordinary because um i think it's like jesus put it this way it's like be in this world i am in this world you know be in this world i really am in this world i fill out the forms i pay my taxes i do all the things that you do at an ordinary you know ordinary levels of consciousness you do it all you know obey the rules get along be nice to people all of those things but you're in this world but you're not of this world and the truth of it is that's true of every single person in this room and everybody watching this you are all in this world and none of you are of this world you're not of this world i guarantee you you're not of this world my beautiful mother who got her family back together again after my father walked out on three little boys and my mother in the middle of a depression 1940 when i was born um i never came back i never made a phone call i only met him at his grave many years after he died and she had to place myself and my next oldest brother in an orphanage and and foster homes and live a divided life she worked as a candy girl selling candy at at kreske's and five and ten cent store in in the east side of detroit and became a secretary at chrysler and just worked and worked and worked to try to get her family back together again but i was 10 years in an orphanage and and it was um it was what i signed up for just like my daughter sage who shined up it's like if you guys aren't going to get it on you know then i'm going to just have to take care of this myself i guess because i'm coming here and you are the one that i picked and you are the one that i picked so wake up and move up you know get over there and get going you know i know that sounds so silly but there's like this whole awareness that uh it's like it's this is what rumi has taught me this is why i'm so poetic here today so i guess because it's like it's it's it's just is this aware it's all about surrender it's all about surrender every bit of it it's about letting go of this ego letting go of this body letting go of your possessions letting go of all of that and really understanding what it means to be in this world but not of it so my beautiful mother got us all back together again in 1949 and um i was just nine years old and and married my father again in a different body the same same guy in a different body a guy who was drunk and didn't wasn't responsible and just but it was it was the price she knew she had to pay in order to get her family back together and he was gone after a while but anyway she struggled and worked and finally got us all back together we lived in a box tiny tiny little house um five of us and and she worked all these years and and she just died just um just eight weeks ago yeah it was a it's uh i just didn't think it would be very difficult and uh and truth it isn't the i said this at that dinner last night it's like i actually envy her i really do because she's in the mystery now she she's she knows it when we do roomie in ephesus i will read to you um what he said about what he wanted said about him after he died and i will read to you how he saved the city of konya in turkey not too far from where we'll be in ephesus and having just um written the forward to a book that i really hope all of you read or have read will read it's anita morgiani's dying to be me i won't go into it now because i'm just conscious of the time and i haven't even gotten started yet we got all weak though so my mother was 96 years old in her 97th year and on july the 22nd i was in hawaii and she played bingo two days before um but it was just and she knew because i talked to her about it every day how excited she must be and she had read dying to be me she was like telling everybody in this he was in a a center for assisted living for people in their 90s and so on she uh would make all of them read it and she'd read to them and like what are you afraid of and it's just it's a wonderful book wonderful book it's got a limited audience it's only for people who are going to die and i think it's the book that whenever someone does die and you go to a um a funeral that you'll take it because who knows what to say at a funeral right and uh he was nice and you don't know what just you'll just take this and then whoever it is that misses the person that is left will just be so grateful that you gave them this wonderful wonderful book i wrote the forward to it anyway so my mother passed away on july the 22nd and on july the 24th they put her into a bag her body into a bag and they cremated her and they gave us a little bag a little a little vial of dust surely that's not my mother emily dickinson the famous american poet holding up a handful of dust this quiet dust was gentlemen and ladies and lads and girls was laughter and ability and sighing and frocks and curls this passive place a summer's nimble mansion where bloom and bees fulfilled their oriental circuit then ceased like these so if my mother is not this dust and the ashes that came from the body that she was in for the 96 years that she was on this planet who is she and it's the question you've got to be able to ask yourself an answer for yourself and who you are is a question most people cannot answer and because we can't answer it we accept what other people have told us who we are and what other people have told us who we are comes from people who told them who they are because they couldn't figure out who they were either because they were so terrified and so believing in what their senses told them that who you are is this thing called your body now i'm in a 72 year old body today i have been in a lot of bodies and so is my mother i mean i have pictures of my mother all over my apartment on the walls you know there's a picture of her when she was six years old in 1922. there's a picture of her in 1928 when she moved from canada to america and wrote a little poem about the election of 1928 smith or hoover who will it be both are running for the presidency smith is the lean one hoover's the fat my such an uproar where are we at that was my mother at 10. and she wrote a ton of poetry beautiful poetry so i see a picture of her 10 i see a picture of myself at 10 i see i remember being in a 20 year old body and um and a 30 year old body and a 40 year old body and you can't find one cell of the body that i was in when i was 20 years old 50 years ago there's not one cell left you go out there and i can't find it it had all kinds of flowing stuff coming out of my head and you know it's like it's gone instead it's it's growing in my ears what's going on here and in my nose i mean what what do i need it there for no lao tzu said you're not doing anything you're just being done when you look at your body you have a real sense of an awareness of that don't you when you look at your body you know that you know i mean you can fix them and you can change them but you know that like if they're drooping it's like whatever and it's like if your hair turns a certain color you can change the color of it and and you can mask all of that but you really know deep inside you're not doing anything you're just being done that's one of the things that the tao says that the tao is just another term for god for god the doubt does nothing it leaves nothing undone leaves nothing undone makes the planet stay in alignment the sun comes out the oceans are filled there's a life that goes on fish reproduce themselves roses show up and there's nobody out there doing anything it does nothing my son has mastered this by the way he's a taoist master he's 25. i say sans come on get help let's go do something we got work to do here come on i do nothing i leave nothing undone he has a t-shirt that says don't just do something stand there so the question of who we are is um can't be answered in physical terms and it can't be answered with the senses your senses will lie to you they will tell you something and it's just not true you know i mean our senses even tell us right now that we're sitting still when we're hurling through this ocean right at 20 knots but we're also so is the whole ocean hurling through space at something like 11 or 12 000 miles an hour and it's also it's also orbiting around the sun and turning on its axis so it's turning orbiting and hurling all at the same moment and your senses are saying i'm just sitting here william blake the great english poet 1777 to see the world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower to hold eternity in the palm of your hand and infinity in an hour we are all led to believe a lie when we see with not through the eye which was born in a night to perish in the night while the soul slept in beams of light your eyes were born in a night to perish in a night you have to don't you don't see with your eyes you have to see through your eyes the part of you that is processing what i'm saying here right now has no form to it has no beginning it has no end there's an infinite part of you there's an invisible part of you and until you're comfortable with it and know it and understand that it is the creator the creation takes place through this creative process in a in within you called your mind called your thoughts called your spirit called your soul and one of the things that i have learned is that it's it's it's necessary to understand what your soul is to follow your excitement now hear this your excitement is who you are just let that in we're getting very philosophical i love it when we get like this especially when i know we have lots of time so we can just take it you know just your excitement is who you are you're not this body my friend ramdas you all know ramdas he lives on maui with me and um i put something in one of my books called inspiration because he had a stroke in 1997 and he couldn't take care of himself anymore and he had donated everything he'd ever earned to charity to the sabre foundation just to help little blind children in nepal get eyesight and so on his book be here now he didn't take any royalties for it he never was paid for any of his lectures he just he was just one of those people his teacher in india neem karoli baba told him just serve people trust god serve people give give what you have away don't hold on to any of it and he took it very seriously his father didn't understand it his father called him rum-dum so i put out a plea in my books and on the internet and so on and people came in and several million dollars came in for ram does he has a home he just turned 80 in april um and i was at his dinner and all so many of his devotees and just people that have known him and he's very we're very very close i love this man so much and he has trouble speaking now and he speaks a little slower but every time i do a seminar in maui he comes out there and he speaks to them and he gets a standing ovation he speaks slowly he's in a wheelchair so we all went around the table and we were asked to say something to him on his 80th birthday and i gave a couple of lines from an irish poet named william butler yates in a collection of poetry called the sailing to byzantium i just talked about the byzantines i said ramdas an aged man is but a paltry thing a tattered coat upon a stick unless soul claps its hands and sings and louder sings for every tatter in its mortal dressed or just tattered coats on a stick it's the soul it's this invisibleness it's what causes you to feel passion it's following your excitement and it's something you can do at any time and when you do i guarantee you these two things it will be effortless and you will always be supported it's always an effort when you are not following your excitement what is it in here what is that creative spark that just makes you want to do something or you just feel drawn to do it and the more you pay attention to this spark this inner excitement the more it will it will support you and you'll find yourself doing amazing things like really amazing things here's what uh patanjali the great uh third century bc indian scholar great beautiful soul who was the uh the father of meditation one who taught me the joppa meditation than the i am meditation he said when you are inspired inspired means in spirit when you are inspired that means when you are following your excitement when you are inspired by some great projects some extraordinary projects all of your thoughts break their bonds your mind transcends limitations your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new and a great and a wonderful world and then he said and this is what i mean by being effortless he said dormant forces faculties and talents come alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be or i say were ever taught that you could become because you were not raised to believe in your divinity you were raised as as rumi said in that thing i read between the chinese and the byzantines you were raised to believe in your limitations and you don't know that within you you have god you are god god is not an external concept it's what the ego has taught us that it is so that if you can answer the question who am i who am i and understand that who you are is a divine a divine speck if you will a divine fragment of the universal consciousness and that everything else about you that you own that you've done that you've accomplished that other people think of you all of that stuff is just like it's just dust this is not my mother this is not my mother and you want to know something i'll tell you this my mother came to me two weeks ago i was in glasgow scotland getting ready to give a talk my mother's mother my grandmother's maiden name was mcmillan and her mother was from from glasgow from scotland and nancy and um michelle in in when they were in scotland they went out i don't know how they did it but they went to some store and they got the scottish clan tartan and you can go on the internet on my webs on my facebook and you can see it and i i wore it when i went out there um i didn't even know there was such a thing as a clan but i guess they knew each other by the by the plaids that they wore in scotland remember braveheart that's one of the really great movies uh about what those you know the fierce kind of people that they were up there in scotland and the night before i was giving a speech it was uh i was i had come from maui to washington dc gave a lecture in washington and went from washington to scotland now i don't know if you've looked at a map lately but that's halfway around the world and that's that's 11 time zones so that's literally when you're going to sleep i was getting up and vice versa was a total reversal of time so i was in that state where you're sort of sleeping and you're not and you're not sure and all that it's like you know what it's like when you do especially when you do a 12-hour reversal in just a couple of days so i was asleep and i was awake and i talked to my mother about this before she died about coming to me and making a sign the day before she died because she knew that she was with hospice hospice that said this was you know her body was shutting down and i was driving into the home that we uh lived in from when i was 10 until i was about 17 and i had all of these keys in my pocket and i couldn't get the key i couldn't get the key into the this is a very common dream i've since learned um especially when someone has departed and comes back and and i put the this key in and it wouldn't work and i put then i reached in and you know it's like an endless string of keys just so many keys but i couldn't get anything to work and i was just so pissed off and nothing's working here and all of a sudden the door opens and then there's a screen door and she opens the screen door and she holds her hands out and she's my mother was beautiful woman she looked uh she looked a lot like elizabeth taylor looked in her heyday okay and she was about 45. i say it because it just seems like that's the number that came to me she was about 45 years old and she just looked at me and it was so real it was just and now i was awake and she was there and she and i said to her you know this was the mistake i made i said you're not you're and i didn't say it but i was thinking it like i was thinking you're dead what are you doing in the house you're dead you're supposed to be dead and that was my thoughts and she could read that because in the fifth and beyond dimensions there's 12 of them when you get fifth sixth seventh dimensions and so on this physical stuff is just you know you don't have to even bother with it at all your thoughts are just transmitted to each other you know carl you can call this like synchronous a synchronicity of thought and so on you know this is where you can communicate telepathically and so on well there it's this ins it's instantaneous higher awareness is i'm getting ahead of myself here but higher awareness is when you place your thought upon something that you would like to have manifest into your life no matter what it is and it instantaneously shows up which is what happens in your dream state so there's not this long cause and effect thing i have a thought and now i got to go to work i got to get up and i could do all of this stuff and make it happen and all that which is what we do in this dimension in this dimension that we're going for this week you put your attention on something it's called it's called in india they call it city consciousness city s-i-d-d-h-i city consciousness it's like it's instantaneous there it is it's called christ consciousness rumi has one of his poems in there where they they talk about someone he he's trying to get in in the in the mouth he's telling trying to convince somebody to come and they said jesus is here he speaks about jesus a lot in his poetry when rumi died people from all over the world came you know whether they were buddhists whether they were muslims whether they were catholics whether they were jews whatever the people that i mean he was so revered as god on earth truly and he is saying in one of his poems um a man said i can't go i'm sick i'm dying and he said well jesus needs you jesus needs you he needs a corpse that he can make come alive so he's speaking like this at this uh this elevated level of consciousness that that all of us have the capacity to do and we've all had we've all been given that's why we sleep so we've been given this opportunity to enter into this world where whatever we place our thoughts on is instantaneously there and it's and it's not like you know you wake up and say oh that wasn't real the only way you know it isn't real is when you wake up lao tzu said i went to sleep and i dreamt that i was a butterfly and then i awoke and now i don't know am i a man who dreamt he was a butterfly or am i a butterfly dreaming that i'm a man it could be either way because it's so you're so convinced of it and i'm saying to you that higher awareness is that state of consciousness in which you can and so there was my mother and and i looked at her and she had this beautiful she had like a black dress on with a buckle buckle up here i can tell you what the room looked like i can tell you where she was standing this was like this was this wasn't just a thought i mean it's like you know some you have a dream and then you can't remember it so quickly how that happens all the time this wasn't like that at all this was there she was she was she was definitely sending me something and i was thinking you're dead you're dead you can't be you're dead and i went to grab her arms and as i was thinking you're dead you're dead her arms started turning into the 97 year old woman that she was which her arms were sort of wrinkled up and you know and she and she shriveled up because she was about six inches shorter than she was when she was in her 40s and and then her face morphed and she just dissolved and i was telling louise hey about this at dinner in london and she said the next time it happens don't think you're dead don't think those thoughts and don't say those words don't they because you can't communicate with someone who's living in an infinite space and talk about death because death talks about beginnings and ends and you are in a universe that is endless and the interior the what i call the your interiority within you has no form to it and this is basically the essence of what i wanted to say here to you this afternoon which is that your soul is your excitement your excitement is that inner feeling it's just a thought in the in in in greece in greek the word the word enthusiasm breaks down to and theos god within the god within you see it i've checked all of this stuff out on the internet all over the place you know when i was doing the etymology of all of this to write about it you know that that it's um so the god within you is your enthusiasm it's your passion it's your bliss it's your it's your excitement and when you are acting on that i don't know if you've seen the shift how many have seen this shift oh wow you've all seen the shift um in the shift that story of ivan ilich is such a profound story of leo tolstoy's the death of ivan ellis where he's he's he was a judge in uh in moscow and he hated his life and he hated his wife particularly he hated his wife because he was so angry at his wife because she had made pulled all the strings and arranged everything for him to get this first to get into law school and then to become a lawyer and then to become a judge and she was always because she came from a place where she had that kind of pull so here he was he was a very respected judge and he hated his life he hated everything about his life and he's uh and you know the end of the story you know what's going to happen that's by the title it's the death of ivan ellich and he's lying on his deathbed and he's got his holding his wife's hand this woman that he has despised his whole life because he was a poet and he wanted to he wanted he wanted to just be a poet and he couldn't do that because he was so forced into this other life that he had allowed to take place and he's looking up into his wife's eyes and the last thing he says to her as he closes his eyes and dies what if my whole life has been wrong then he died i was 19 when i read that and i wrote myself a note on a pad of paper it said dear wayne don't die with your music still in you don't die with your music still in you that is there's not a person in this room there's not a person watching this anywhere who doesn't have and something internally within them that excites them and and nobody else has to get it nobody else has to understand it nobody else to agree with it nobody has to go along with it there's something inside of us and when we are not living our excitement we are not supported by the universe it becomes sticky it becomes hard work it's like nothing seems to work it's just it's just uh you're always running into obstacles but when you are following your excitement whatever it is like i gotta guarantee you that right now here in this moment today right now it's the only moment there is now this is my excitement this is my excitement this is this this is why i'm here i'm not here because of what i get paid i'm not here because of any prestige that i that comes my way i'm not here to impress anybody i'm not here for anything other than this is this is who i am this is who i am writing speaking this is not what i do this is not what i do you can tell it's just what i am and i know why i showed up here on the first of september 1939. by the way that's when william butler yates died he saw it coming the great irish poet september 1st 1939 and just left it's too much for him he was such a man of peace so this thing called your soul or your interiority the invisibleness that has occupied how many bodies you think you've been in since you showed up here you know one this big one this big one that did this one that stands like this you know one that's a and it's like you've been in all of these bodies and you just keep occupying new bodies and new bodies and uh and what happens is that we take on um we take on this thing called an ego and the ego is um what we forget as we take on this ego muktananda called the ego uh the false self we really have come to believe we william blake was right we have all been we've been led to believe a lie we've taken on a false self and this false self says that who i am is what i have what i accomplish what i do what i own who i am is what other people think of me who i am as my reputation who i am is all of my stuff who i am is separate from everybody else and so i have to compete with everybody else and go to war with everybody else because i've described this belief that we're all separate from each other in the united states of america one soldier a day commits suicide on active duty one a day every day in afghanistan a soldier is committing suicide there's a time magazine had a cover story one a day it was called why is one soldier a day killing himself because he has been forced into being something that he is not what is his original nature what is all of our original nature see if i brought that with me yes i did it's from the course in miracles it's one of my favorite quotes from the course in miracles so i know it but i want to make sure i don't misquote it the memory of god it's god is really like as like a memory it's like remembering where you came from what is your original nature lao tzu called these our original nature the memory of god comes to the quiet mind it cannot come where there is conflict a mind at war with itself remembers not eternal gentleness what you remember is a part of you for you must be as god created you let all this madness be undone for you and return in peace to the remembrance of god still shining in you in your quiet mind isn't that great we we take young people and we give them guns and we tell them to go kill go kill those people the native americans used to say that no tree has branches so foolish as to fight among themselves they knew that we're all branches on a tree called humanity what are we doing telling people that these are your enemies we all come from the same place we all return to the same place we all share the same tree there's no there's not muslims out there and and jews and catholics and buddhists and so on there's not greeks and romans and asians and spanish and americans and canadians and spanish and italians we're just so connected we're so attached to this stuff that we have been handed to us forever that who we are are these labels that we've placed on ourselves when in fact we're we there's there's only there's only oneness god is only oneness and whenever we let go of our oneness and try to get to in the doubt you know most of you know i went to the day i turned 65 the day after i turned 65 may 11 2005 i gave up everything i owned everything 20 000 books all of my clothes all of my furniture all the everything everything i just and my secretary she's in the back her name is maya you you probably some of you will talk to her i handed her the key i said maya i'm gone give it all away who do i give it to i said take the all those beautiful clothes that that so many people have given me and give it to the homeless people living under the bridge give my furniture away give it all away i went to i went to maui and for one full year i lived the dao da ching dao tao it means the great way in ancient chinese two thousand five hundred years ago the great way t e means the virtue of chin in ancient chinese means book the book of living the virtue of the great way there are 81 verses in the daoda chain each of them on one page some of them only four lines long some call it the wisest book ever written and i decided to take each one of those verses and live it and then write my essay on how to apply it in the year 2006. it's called change your thoughts change your life if you haven't read it the doubter ching and the opening line of the doubted qing the tao that can be named is not the tao because it's like our linear minds cannot grasp the concept of oneness because we're so embroiled in two-ness on fourness and tennis the dow that can be named is not the is not the dial the minute that you put a name on something you have two you have the thing and you have the label the great danish theologian soren kierkegaard once said once you label me you negate me once you put a label on me you negate me and the tao is filled with that god in reading rumi this was this last week so i mean i felt like he and lao tzu must have been brothers and then i find out that uh he was uh he was a friend of charms of tabriz that rumi and and and charms and saint francis and lao tzu and jesus and buddha they're all telling us the same thing someone sent me a book that said jesus and lao tzu and on the left hand side of the page was all the sayings of lao tzu and on the right hand side was all the sayings of jesus they were almost identical and jesus came along 500 years after lao tzu i'm not saying he was plagiarizing but i'm saying is that there are eternal truths so the soul the soul the invisible part of you is the part of you that is infinite now this is like this is really the crux of what i've been came up here to speak about this afternoon the invisible part of you the part of you that's watching part of you that is not what you have what you do and what other people think of you that's the ego remember the ego is edging god out ego edging god out in the first nine months of your life while you're inside your mother's womb there was nothing for you to do there was nothing for your mother to do something was taking care of everything you didn't have to say oh my god i hope my nose doesn't come in over here in the back of my head and i hope it's like it was all just being taken for you just being done everything and then you came into this world popped out then your parents said great work god will take over from here and in the process of taking over they taught you your false self and the culture that you were immersed in and only a handful of us wow i didn't even know i included myself in there but i guess by now i'm starting to only a handful have ever really grasped the message that there are no limitations that that which is infinite has no limitations so hear this really hear this your soul the invisible part of you your excitement is who you are it's who you are not this thing this dust who you are resist anything that tries to make it finite what does finite mean it means it stops someplace it's finite this microphone starts here and it ends here it's like it's finite this big boat that we're on is finite the clothes that you wear the body that you have it's finite it begins and it ends it's finite the part inside of you that is just occupying this finiteness is infinite and what does infinite mean infinite mean it means it doesn't stop anyplace as soon as you stop at some place it's finite how are you going to stop your excitement how you're going to stay there that's it it doesn't exist anymore can't turn it off it's who you are and your soul this is what i wrote the ideal of the soul the thing that it asks for is neither knowledge or light or happiness the ideal of the soul is space immensity the one thing it needs is to be free to expand and to reach out and to embrace the infinite the ideal of the soul is infinity because that's what it is it is miserable when it is circumscribed to say that carefully i've mis-said that several times it is miserable when it is circumscribed or restricted okay once you understand this see before i had children i had eight theories about how to raise children now i have eight children no theories okay so the one thing i've learned as a parent is that nobody likes being told what to do have you noticed that parents and if you're not parents have you noticed how you react to your parents when they tell you what to do or what to be or how to think or what you can do or what you can't do this is like a universal thing i see heads nodding everybody knows that this is a universal thing that the ideal of the soul is infinity because it's your excitement it can't stop any place as soon as you try to put it into a box as soon as you try to circumscribe it as soon as you try to tell it what it is your soul will cry out with don't tell me what to do don't tell me what i can be i don't want to hear it from you i don't want to hear it from i don't want to hear it from any books that you give me i don't want to hear it from the church i don't want to hear it from my culture i don't want to hear it from this is true of everyone it's your soul crying out and saying for god's sakes don't fence me in oh give me land lots of land and the starry skies above let me ride through the wide open spaces that i love that's your souls that's its theme song i'm going to write a book on that i am it's the next thing i'm going to write if i finish this i can see clearly now it's called don't fence me in and what i mean don't fence me it is don't put any labels on me don't tell me what i can't do don't insist that and it's why it's why relationships don't work they just don't work by and large they don't work because and it's like it's like all of the great spiritual masters it's never a surprise that none of them were in relationships now they're telling us jesus was married i doubt it i don't mean they can't but i mean loving somebody really means you know really loving someone it means i love you so much that i allow you to be whatever you choose to be no matter how much it conflicts what i think you should be or what i would like you to be i love you for that and i impose no restrictions no conditions i put no boxes that you you're going to fit into i don't do that because i don't want to stultify your soul my children every single one of them they will tell you serena over here she will tell you when she applied to law school and busted my chops to help her to get into law school and to you know write the letters for him and all of that and she got there for two weeks and just decided this is not what i want to do i can't do this i can't that's not some where are you serena get the microphone come on up here tell them grab it it's right there she'll tell you she's writing a book about this this is serena my beautiful 27 year old daughter hello come on up here he did not tell me what your father tells you to do i'm not writing a book about law school you don't correct your father what'd you say tell you tell them what tell them like um you know when you just when you decided that wasn't what you wanted to do and all the changes you've made in your life how were you raised well i decided i wanted to go to law school and i applied and got a scholarship and a partial scholarship and yeah the other one was wayne dyer's scholarship and i went and i was there for um about six weeks and i just really felt like everything i was being told in the classroom was the opposite of how i felt and it got to a point where i would actually pull up to the school and it wasn't that i didn't like school because i have a master's degree and i loved every minute of that it was that i didn't like um i didn't like being told that that uh right or wrong is based on what is written in a book and not based on the person or the experience and they would give an example of a case like i can think of one quickly that was a contracts law in this contract uh classroom and this man's house was burning down and he was in his 70s and his wife was inside and he got out and his house was burning and he screamed out there was a crowd that had gathered outside and he screamed out if anybody can help me get my wife out i'll give you anything and a man came up and said really you'll give me anything if i can get your wife out no this is a true case and he said yes i'll give you a hundred thousand dollars if you get my wife out this man goes in he happens to be an off-duty firefighter and he carries his wife out and his wife had passed away and the off-duty firefighter took him to court and said i want that hundred thousand dollars and now the contracts professor said now who agrees that he should get that hundred thousand dollars or who doesn't agree and i was the only person that raised my hand and everybody else said no no he you know it was a contract and he should get it that's the way the world works and i was like no he should not get this money this is an accident you know he didn't mean this wasn't a binding contract anyways when i realized i was like the only person at this catholic law school that thought that we should always side with like humanity and not the law i realized that it wasn't the place for me so i left but i called my dad before i left actually i text messaged him and i said because i hadn't really quit anything before besides like sports and i said in my text um this isn't for me and i feel sick every day that i go now i know there are good lawyers probably in this room so i'm not trying to knock it it just wasn't for me and um would you be mad if i left and what'd you say back i don't remember what did i say you said you got the mic you're taking over i'm just gonna go sit down wow you said um serena you have a dharma you have a place inside of you that knows exactly what you should do and you came here to live a dharma if this is in it go find it but i will never be mad at you for going after that yeah yeah now thank you honey what's interesting though and what i want you to do i want them to hear come over here what i want them to hear is what you felt like when your excitement was something that you could no longer follow what was going on to your body what was happening to you i got pneumonia i got really sick and um i had gone to the doctor actually the week before because i was feeling so sick and i felt like you know maybe if i am not liking law school um so much i'm actually having a physical reaction to doing something that doesn't agree with my soul and that was kind of like the way that we were raised if you're feeling you're actually getting sick physically sick and i had like fluid in my lungs so i really was physically sick if you're getting sick doing something that doesn't feel natural to you you should stop doing it right you're so cute come over here get off of my stage great job siri she had no idea i was going to call her up here that wasn't planned at all so i was in um maui and i have a a dear friend her name is carrie and she has uh two daughters one daughter's name is kylie and she was six she's now 14 but she was six then and she has a sister named kamali who's four and um and my grandson uh was was there also named carter and he calls me pampa uh at four is what so um so carrie said to me she said i'd really like to go shopping you know and i never get a break from these kids um she said do you think you could watch them for a couple of hours and i'll uh i promise i'll be back as fast as i can i said take the whole day i said what is the problem she she said yep no you don't understand my girls she said they fight all the time over everything you know i said but they're four and six you know i had with five and eight years i mean kids everywhere uh and all of their friends i mean a house is just my house has just been kids forever um so i said just go shopping just go she said but you don't understand it's going to be it's going to be hectic i don't take i can't even take them to restaurants i can't even because they just fight all the time these kids are just always fighting i said well if i'll just handle it you know so she went and they went off to the pool and all three of them over to the pool and within seven or eight minutes of kerry being gone kylie comes running over to me and she says kamali just pushed me come on leave her splash me that's not right she's always doing that she's always she's so bad she's just splashing me i said whoa whoa whoa wait a minute i said honey i'm only here to make sure you don't drown you know i put my hand up i said said splashing at a pool it's in the way of things she looked at me like i had six heads like i said i'm really not interested in this at all she said but you don't understand i said oh i said no i said um i'm a taoist master you have the anchor of the universe located within you you're gonna have to resolve this yourself she went away shaking her head like oh my god she went back to the pool before five more minutes later her younger sister's coming over sobbing tears running down her bed carter carter pushed me and again kylie isn't even talking to me and it's not fair i don't like this and they never do it they'll never treat me right that's not right i don't know kamali honey kamali hold it right there hold it what what i said i want you to try to imagine how little i care she just looked at me and like i don't know and then five more minutes later my grandson he comes running at me but both of them he looked at me and he knows because he's been around me enough he just went oh he doesn't give a about this stuff at all and off they went and basically i have one philosophy of raising children which is guide then step aside guide then step aside i am not here to solve every dispute of yours and you have the capacity within you to resolve all of this it is not going to be i am not going to be dragged into this kind of a a way of being that um and this is what this is what serena was speaking about is like my children have always known that they are not here they will they will tell you they they didn't even bring their report cards home to me because i i really don't care about whether they get a b or a c or an a or whether they get into that school or this school i went to a school that nobody ever even heard of you know it's like i used to tell my kids i went to wayne state university i had them convinced for 10 years that they named it after me but we all have this within us we all have the anchor of the universe located within us and when you know the great lebanese poet khalil gibran said your children are not your children they are the products of life's longing for itself they come through you but not for you they come through you and in relationships he said let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the oceans roar in those spaces what does that mean it means you have to allow if you're going to be in a love relationship with somebody else you can't put them into a box you can't you gotta love them for what they are and if loving them if loving them means loving them when they decide not to love you that's the kind of love you have to have that's divine love that's the love that jesus wrote about you know when osama bin laden was killed and you saw people jumping up and down in the streets and celebrating and when they got gaddafi and they and i was on my radio show and and even when my children my son was talking about how happy he was and everything and i said no read the tao and the tao it says that a victory in war is to be celebrated by morning because it still gives evidence that we have not found our divine nature if you love those who love you what virtue lies in that even the morally weak love those who love them and if you're good to those who are good to you what virtue lies in that even the morally weak do that love your enemies be good to them share with them without expecting anything in return then your reward will be rich and you will be sons of the most high he is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked be compassionate like your father how much of that do we practice on our planet divine love is is a is a love that we have inside of us because it's the only thing we have to give away that's all we can give away again patanjali when you are steadfast this is who jesus was this is who rumi was this is who shams of tabriz was this is who muhammad was this is who buddha was when you are steadfast which means it's there's no ego when you are steadfast in your abstention of thoughts of harm directed towards yourself and others that all living creatures will cease to feel fear in your presence that's who saint francis was i've been to assisi many of you who some of you were there with me how many who was there look so many of you were there with us last year just a year ago a little over a year ago do you remember the lecture in assisi when i stood there in saint francis just entered my body and literally i just lost it i couldn't speak for seven eight minutes it was just it was overwhelming the love and everyone in the room just stood up and just held their hands out it was you can reach this level of consciousness there's a great indian poet his name was tagore rabindranath tagore in 1927 he wrote a collection of poetry called the gatanjali this is what he said about the ego i went out alone on my way to my tryst but who is this me in the dark i step aside to avoid his presence but i escape him not he makes the dust rise from the earth with his swagger he adds his loud voice to every word i utter he is my own little self my lord he knows no shame but i i am ashamed to come to thy door in his company that's the ego that's the part of us that we have to transcend that's where we have to go within and recognize who we truly are and who we are is divine love when jesus was asked who is god he said god is love and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in me and i in him it's just love that's all rumi is about when we go to ephesus next week or this week whenever it's about love it's about love for the beloved love for the divine love for that that place within us that is uh that is our excitement it is our god it is it is it's what god is whatever excites you is the part of you that is saying this is my dharma this is what i'm here for and you know what it's always about it's always about serving the miser who loves his gold gets no love from the gold there's no love in gold the reason the miser is so exquisitely happy with his gold is because of the outpouring of love that he has for it that's what he feels when you feel so good about your mercedes or you felt so good about this ship or you feel so good about your great paintings as i read to you at the beginning of today the chinese versus the byzantines when you feel so great about these great accomplishments and all that you have and all that you own and all that you've defeated and all the winds that you've had it's nothing to do with any of that stuff external to you it's the outpouring of love that you are giving to it and you can't you can't have love in your life and you can't give it away unless that's what you have inside i used to give this example and i'd have kids sitting out speaking to thousands of people there'd be a few kids sitting here in the front row and i'd i'd i'd always come out with an orange and i'd throw the orange up and catch it and throw the orange up and catch it and i would say to one of the the young children sitting in the front if i take this orange and i squeeze it between my hands right up here and i squeeze this as hard as i can squeeze it what's going to come out and they'd always say juice of course juice and i'd say wait a minute why why when you squeeze an orange as hard as you can squeeze it does juice come out and they'd say well it's an orange so i said it's not just juice because you don't get apple juice if you squeeze this right you're not going to get grape juice right you're not going to get you know lemon juice you're not going to get any of that the only thing you can get out of it is whatever it is they'd say yeah orange juice orange juice i said yeah but why when you squeeze an orange do you get orange juice out of it and finally one little kid over here would just go ah that's so dumb you know because that's what's inside i said well of course it's because that's what's inside and someone squeezes you and someone puts pressure on you and someone tells you that you're bad or that you're evil or they don't like you or that you're wrong or that you're miserable or that you're any of these things and someone does this to you and out of you comes anger and hatred and bitterness fear tension stress revenge bitterness it's not because of who did the squeezing you don't get orange juice out of an orange because of who did the squeezing or what instrument they use or how they squeeze it that's not why you get it it's because that's what's inside and if you don't have that inside and you won't have it inside if you're following your excitement because when you're following your excitement you are aligned with god it's who you are and who you are who you are is god so all you have to do is follow your excitement follow your passion and some will say but if my excitement is to make other people unhappy or if it's to kill other people or to do these kind of things and you see that that's a violation of your original nature so the only caveat on your excitement is that it has to be aligned with god because that's what it is and god is love so if it's not love it's really not your excitement it's really not god you've moved away from where you originated because all you have to do is look at a newborn child look at a new baby and they are just pure love just pure love any questions see you tomorrow god bless you good night thank you thank you thank you namaste lots to think about you
Channel: The Ultimate Life
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Length: 136min 42sec (8202 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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