Dr Wayne Dyer - Experiencing the Miraculous - Part 1

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um it may be a very emotional afternoon um this beautiful church was uh was built uh three centuries be before saint francis was walking on this planet which means it's well over a thousand years old and um just being here in this place at this time and to share with you how much the little man who walked around the world to teach the same kind of lesson that i'm attempting to teach some thousand or so years after his that is uh it leaves me breathless but um before i go into my words and i really don't i haven't prepared a lecture like i usually do i'm just going to let it come i meditated for the last half hour or so and was told to just speak from my heart which is what i'll be doing i spoke in london just a few days ago to a wonderful audience and then left the peacock theater there in london in the theater district and flew to rome and gave a talk to the people of rome or the people of the world whoever wanted to come because people from all over the world flew to listen to a talk that i gave for three hours in the afternoon the day before yesterday one of the people that was in that audience who was not a part of this group approached me and asked if she would be given the honor to sing for you in this beautiful church a song that is on a cd that she has produced and i really felt as she asked me that that this was um saint francis at work because he's at work in my heart and in my life in ways that most of you don't even know including my children some of you will hear more about it today i'll say it in italian and she's going to sing i'm going to speak a little italian here she's going to sing a song that is really the title song for a film that was made about francesco by franco zefferelli back in 1975 called the fratello solei cirello luna how's that brother-son sister moon it's the it's the story of saint francis and she's going to sing it for you emmy come on hello everyone i just wrote down a few words [Music] to be um i feel really close to san francisco and here i use the paper because i'm italian although you know everybody tells but i passed me time i am honored to be the physical instrument that gives voice and combines this message and also wayne's message on the contemplation of beauty so it can resonate and incorporate in all of us in this special occasion [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] do you die [Music] me [Music] hey [Music] ah [Music] yes [Music] hey [Music] yes [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Applause] [Applause] beautiful those words have particular meaning for those of you who know anything about francesco and his life brother son sister moon francesco believed that we were all connected to everything that every one of us is a brother or a sister to every gift that god gives us the gift of the land the gift of the air the gift of death he called it brother death and would always refer to our connection to each other and i think about this group and um our time together here in this uh magical week or ten days of traveling to uh three of the most divine spiritually enlightening places to visit on this planet earth what a uh what a real treasure it is what a real honor it is for all of us to be able as a group to go to these places but you may think that you signed up for a program that you heard me speaking about perhaps uh had a lecture perhaps you saw it on the internet perhaps someone else told you about it or you saw a flyer for it and and you may think that you were the one deciding whether or not you should really do this whether you could afford it whether you could clear your calendar and have enough time to fit it all in whatever um but i have a very very much of a different opinion about it i have a deeper knowing about what we're all here to do and i want to share that with you because one of the things that i have learned is that there is always something bigger moving the pieces around even when we think that we're uh we're the one who are making the the choices carl jung once said that at the same moment that you are uh making choices in your life you are also the spear carrier or the extra in a much larger drama and he said in effect we are all doomed to make choices you see the paradox we're doomed we're not doing anything we're all just being done and yet within that larger context of being done we're also making choices but it really boils down to a realization that who we are who each and every one of us our our essence is is not this body that we're in and these physical choices that we're making i ask my audiences frequently uh how many how many bodies have you been in since you incarnated into this planet on this lifetime because one of the great teachers and sages of my life a man named muktananda in india was asked the question what is real swami what is real and he said that is real which never changes so anything that is changing doesn't meet the definition of being real so who are you what part of you meets that definition certainly not that body that you're in we've all been in so many bodies since we showed up we were all in a little body about this big that weighed seven or eight or nine pounds and we were all in a body that was this big a little toddler and a teenage body and a 20 year old body and for some a body that has gone on they've been in many bodies up in through the 70s and 80s like myself 71 years of age and if you think that body that you are in is real then you must have thought that about your 10 year old body as well so i invite you to go out and bring that 10 year old body in here and we'll talk to it and you smirk and laugh and so on because you realize that that's impossible because it's not real it doesn't exist does it and the same is true of the body that you walked into this beautiful church here in assisi tonight it will be different when you walk out you'll walk out of here with a different body than you walked in with so that by that definition this is all just an illusion it's just constantly changing and therefore it isn't real but there is a part of each and every one of us that can remember being in that 10 year old body and that observed it and noticed it and that you can close your eyes and be there you can do everything you did when you were 10 or 12 or 20 or 30 or whatever and so it is to that element of your consciousness of your awareness of your reality that i address this these remarks not the body not our physical possessions but our soul our spirit our divine mind whatever we call it it is it is to that that is the only thing that is real and when we learn to live from there from that that place i call it the higher place the higher self or the highest self the part of us that realizes that all of us you know the poet t.s eliot said that we shall not cease from exploration but at the end of all of our exploring will be to return to the place from which we originated but to know it for the first time the poet spoke of death i don't i believe we can return to that place from which we originated call it the dao call it god call it soul and come to know it and as my awareness of uh the man who uh this city um brought up and uh is honored by his presence uh he was actually known as god's buffoon god's fool wherever he would go he would be mocked and he was really trying to teach all of us to let go of our attachment to our possessions to our bodies to who we are in fact he believed that the only way you could get closer to god was to remove all of your uh all of your attachments to uh your stuff to what you own and instead come from a place of pure and divine love and this gathering here for this miraculous journey that we're all on began as an idea i think it was my idea but i know that something bigger is always moving the pieces around and i'm always aware that uh even though i think that uh it's me making the choices i also know that uh i'm also the spear carrier or the extra in a much much larger drama and that i am being told how to be and the more i listen to that voice that calling that um that pulls me in in a direction away from where i was in the earlier part of my life when i lived my life on the basis of my own ego and believed that uh my self-importance and my fame and my abilities to do things um had something to do with my being special and i've come to realize that it's not that way at all i've often said that true nobility is not really about being better than anyone else it's it's about being better than you used to be and i think being better than you used to be really means less and less attachment and reliance upon your stuff your body your accomplishments your reputation your accumulations less on that and more on the inner mantras see the inner mantra of the ego which i've had to learn to shed and tame is what's in it for me what's in it for me what's in it for me what's in it for me what can i do how much can i get i'm in competition with i want more more more more everything i have i own it's mine it's mine it's mine that's the mantra of the ego you all recognize it but the mantra of the higher self the god-realized part of ourself is how may i serve how may i serve how may i serve and there is no greater model of that than the man who lived in this city walked on these very grounds that we said here today francesco francesco who was a uh a wealthy man he was a warrior he spent time in prison he was a troubadour and a man who loved to have a good time and party and there came a moment i call these moments japanese's word called satori it's a it means an instant awakening in the bible there's a story of a man who was a a killer a murderer who crucified christians his name was saul and he lived in a city not too far from here called tarsus and in one of his um voyages one of his journeys on the road to damascus he received a sign a satori an instant awakening and he became paul the author of 80 percent of the new testament from saul to paul the instant awakening my awakening hasn't been so instant i can go back and think about so many of the things that saint francis spoke about pursuit of pleasure belief in my being better than others high ego involvement in my life attachment to things and it has been a gradual process for me and this process has led me to lecture in places like this and ask you to join me on this 10-day tour that is more than a visit to three special cities i promise you it is a journey of miracles and it was put together in large part by that little franciscan the man for whom we named the city of san francisco god's buffoon god's fool had a lot to do with this i spoke to uh my friends at the hay house reed tracy we spoke about this tour for a very long time and it just seemed it would be just impossible to put together to gather this many people and to make it cost effective to get airplanes and pilots to get buses and bus drivers buses that drive through tiny little narrow streets that's got to be saint francis behind the wheel making those things happen i bless that driver every time he misses those things by this much and it just seemed like an impossible uh undertaking and yet there was something that just kept pulling us to do it um it wasn't about making money because it was going to cost more to put it together than that was going to come in as you'll see as we proceed through this you see what is involved in making it all happen but you know at the time of saint francis i when he wanted to get his message across he only he only had himself and a handful of crazy people they were all just as loony as he was dancing throwing his clothes off and walking naked in the piazza to just illustrate that uh he was giving up and wedding poverty and chastity and he he was so limited think about it it was um the 13th century it was the middle ages so you saw what it was like we all met in rome you got on that bus and you saw how long it took to get from rome to assisi he walked it he walked it in times when there were wild animals living between here and there when there were robbers in the forest when there were no highways when there was no hygiene when sickness was everywhere and death was all around think about what it would be like to just throw away everything that you have take take your clothes off and put a put a robe around yourself and and beg for food and be ready to be beaten continuously he wasn't beaten not only by robbers and murderers but he was beaten by by people who were members of of the church who told him go away from this monastery we don't want people like you you're filthy you smell bad get out of here and he would actually take his beatings and yet his vision his vision legend tells us that he heard a voice at san damiano and jesus spoke to him and said heal my church brother leo who was his constant companion said to him he must mean the roman church and he said no that isn't what he meant by church he meant the the spirit that is missing in humanity the absence of love in our hearts heal that that's what he called the church and he's seen just here in assisi and he said no and he said you mean just in italy and he said no he said it is for us to heal the whole world now i want to tell you folks i have felt the presence of saint francis so strongly in my life i even had a uh a past life regression done uh about seven or eight years ago um at a time that i was in uh indeed in deep despair my wife and i who had raised seven children had separated i was in pain she was in pain and i went and had this past life regression that is something called the 15 steps and you go through 15 steps and it took four or five hours to do this and when you reach the bottom step you're in this chamber and in this chamber you are in a hypnotized state and in this hypnotized state i was taken back and there i was with saint francis or maybe as saint francis because it just felt so real to me i mean i could just feel it and when the regression was over i i can remember because it was a it's like it's like it's like being in a deep coma and i came out of it and i was a different person i had been suffering for a couple of years because we had been separated i was on i was on maui in hawaii my children were there with me my wife was back in florida we weren't talking much she had hired lawyers paying out outrageous amounts of money by the hour by the minute lawyers who looked at wayne dyer and said this is my new yacht one of them had said that i got wayne dyer's divorce and this is going to be my yacht he actually had said that to someone who reported it to me and i got into my automobile and drove away after that and i could see it and i can see it now because i um it's it's so when we walked in here and we saw the priest who who who lives here uh the the francescan garb this francescan robe the brown robe with with just the tie around it i could see them i can see it now in my consciousness and in my meditations even today that image is always there and i haven't really shared this with anyone because it's so private but it seems like this is a place to do it because i always see that small feature of a man with dark hair with a young in his 30s and he's always with me in my meditations always and whenever that vision appears in my mental picturing an enormous sense of peace comes over me and i uh that afternoon after feeling like i was was a was in i had the heart of saint francis at that time i hesitate to be in this place and say i was saint francis uh it just isn't i i i that's just i'm i'd be too humbled to say such a thing but i was there in some way and i remember getting into my automobile and calling my wife and we hadn't been talking much and i said to her from this moment on i will not pay any funds to anyone who has their interest above ours and i'm done with it and she agreed and that was eight or nine years ago we still do not live together but we're still married and we're still close and friends and we're still the parents of of seven children eight including my first daughter tracy and um we made a decision we weren't going to divorce our children that we uh both love them and we're going to pull this off in a spirit of love and all of the animosity and all of the bitterness and all the disagreements and all of the struggles and all of the pain just seemed to go away and all we did then was to say nice things about each other to our friends and to whomever and there's still a strong spirit of of love she is with someone else i am as well that's not the issue um it's like that's what saint fr that's what francesco has done for me he has replaced suffering and pain with a welcoming a loving towards anyone and anything without judgment without criticism without condemnation and as i began to put this trip together and talk to the people who coordinated it many of whom you will be speaking to and have spoken to and got us all here it began to unfold in a perfect way and everything just seemed to work out being able to have this church is just almost an impossibility isn't it i mean it's just and yet the friars who live here said you may have it for two and a half hours on this and only on this day and we don't do this anywhere else it happened here it happened in lourdes and it happened in majigigoria we were just given access to holy places and i say this to you because i know that there is something bigger happening right here and that um i have the mic like saint francis had the mic in the when when he traveled with his ragamuffin band of people who were out there just uh begging and dancing and suffering and just and going to the po pope innocent in rome and in their filthy clothes and asking for a blessing to teach within the church the message of poverty non-attachment love for all being related to the sun and the moon and the birds and i think about um the correlation between what san francisco was attempting to do um almost 800 years ago and what we're attempting to do here today and look this morning i i got up at uh staying in this beautiful hotel and have a balcony out there and i i got up about 20 minutes to five and uh went out onto my balcony and listened to the birds just starting to chirp out there just with a bathing suit on and no shirt it was cool out there but i didn't think a cold thought i only thought about saint francis and how he how he would sleep with practically nothing on in the midst of winter and say it was a blessing to be able to feel the suffering and i had i was out there i was meditating and having a just a sort of almost a connection to i felt so close to god because several miracles have taken place in my life recently and um i'll share some of those with you on this journey and as a result of those miraculous occurrences that have have taken place in my life i now awaken four hours or so earlier than i used to i used to find it easy to sleep till eight or nine o'clock in the last year or so because of this uh diagnosis i'd had of leukemia and and now i'm leukemia-free because my life can't be threatened there's no life-threatening diseases possible for me because this body is not my life it's just it's just a temporary temple it's not real because it's changing that which is eternal just keeps occupying a new one and while i was uh while i was out there this morning asking god because i now have these i awaken now at 4 00 4 a.m 3 30 4 4. this isn't to write my writing is complete right now it's um it's just to have a talk with god and in this talk with god i i hold a couple of crystals in my hand and i feel so i i used to wake up at four o'clock and that was just a call to pee you know that's that's what happens when you're 71 you know you they say the only thing they get much more of as you get older is trips to the bathroom so uh but now when i awaken at four or four 30 or whatever time it is i am so grateful and thankful for being awakened from my slumber from that that i now have this time all alone just to talk to god and i call it my talking to god time and it's so peaceful and wonderful and just blissful for me that um the thought of going back to sleep is never a part of it it's just it's just and this is a very private thing i'm sharing a very private thing here probably to millions of people um and this morning when i was asking should i prepare to give a lecture i kept hearing you don't have to prepare you don't have to write it out you don't have to think about what you're going to say you'll be guided what you need to say will be there for you i've said for many years that um you know god delivers all the speeches and writes all the books and builds all the bridges but now i know since this body isn't real and none of yours are either that there's much more truth in that because i look out into this beautiful church here and i see 162 or so people sitting here and each body looks a little bit different than the other but there's only one mind in here and we're all using it and that which listens to these words and looks out from behind your eyes is the same mind that we all share thank you it's the mind of god that god is who we are it's perfect when jesus was about to be stoned as reported in the new testament and he said why why would you stone me and they said those who were going to stone him his enemies because you blaspheme you claim to be god and you are but a man and jesus said to them is it not written in your laws that i have said you are gods and he left and saint paul writing in philippians says to the people in his letters have in you the same mind as christ jesus who being in the form of god did not consider it robbery to be equal with god you don't learn those passages real well in the in the churches but they're there even the least among you can do all that i have done and even greater things you all have it within you and it's that mind of god that all of us are that i'm addressing here and now i think about how francesco had for his ideal to go to the world and he traveled he went by boat he went on the crusades he went to places thousands of miles away acting as god's fool talking to people and attempting to get them to see this notion that god is something that is inside each and every one of us and that we need to find ourselves aligned with that which means not attached to our stuff and our things and our accomplishments and our beliefs that we're better than anybody else and i think then about his mission and i think about the mission of this group you every one of you in this room who got called to be here today and there are people here in this room from all over the world and it's not an accident we aren't all here as representative of one country there are people here from south america where are you and there are people here from africa where are you and there are people here from the united states from canada there are people here from europe there are people here from asia there are people from all over the world right here in this room imagine that what an opportunity we have there are people here in their 80s where are you there are people here in their 70s here i am there are people here in their 60s there are people here in their 50s there are people here in their 40s there are people here in their 30s there are people here in their 20s there's even teenagers here all age groups there are college educated people there are business people there are teachers there are philosophers there are secretaries there are cab drivers there are beauticians there are professors we represent the world right here it's so amazing do you see it and we have an obligation while we are here together in these 10 days on this miraculous journey that we're undertaking live what francesco asked us to live in the most minute of ways no matter what happens in the next 10 days love it if something is missing be grateful that you no longer are attached to it if something isn't going the way you want it to go be grateful for the opportunity to suffer a little bit when you extend greetings to each other whoever runs the tour or whoever is doing something that you think they shouldn't be doing love them for it show an ability to be in a state of pure love to live from what they speak about in the i am discourses the place within you where there is no condemnation no judgment and no criticism towards any of god's children any place anywhere we can as a group here 162 of us we don't just have to get good pictures and see great relics there's much more that we can do here we can demonstrate and honor the legacy of the man who brought this little village to world prominence by living it and teaching it and taking it from here and practicing it in our homes and in our businesses and preaching it and sharing it just us can elevate the consciousness of this entire planet we can do it we can live this and there will be times when we'll be called buffoons and there will be times when it will seem impossible and that the task is too big but this morning on my balcony at the hotel as i meditated i was told to say what i just said to you that this is a representation of exactly what francesco was attempting to do to take to the world which we have done eight hundred years later he didn't have the internet he didn't have television he didn't have the ways that we have today but none of that has changed in terms of who we really are it's not this physicalness that we are it's something so much more profound we can extend so much love here and practice it from the time we go to sleep at night until we awaken and every moment that we are awake we can practice it we can all be it and make miracles take place i mean i'm i guess enough of a buffoon and god's fool to believe that we have the ability to do that and it's why you know i just spent some time with my brothers who are 75 and 73 and they've been retired for 10 or 15 years and i can't even imagine the concept when people ask me when's that going to happen for you i mean how do you retire from a life's mission to teach what saint francis taught how do you how do you retire from that how do you let go of that you just in the opening of franco zepharelli's movie brother son sister moon you see francesco crawling along the ledge of the ceiling of a the roof of a building and you remember this and he's looking chasing what a butterfly a butterfly is flitting away and he is just entranced by that my children sitting here will tell you that just a few weeks ago on maui we had found a caterpillar my sweetheart where are you carrie are you where's carrie are you oh way in the back hi hiding back there she's just fascinated with um these caterpillars and she finds them and goes out and goes way out of her way you know we live on maui where gasoline is five dollars a gallon you know and she'll go through a whole tank of gas trying to find these leaves that particular leaves that these caterpillars eat and if you don't get them those leaves again and puts them in these beautiful jars and she has two little girls and she watches and she'll every day she'll say how is it going now how is it going now and the little caterpillar will get in there and this is the most amazing thing to watch i don't know if you've ever observed one of this and watched the life cycle of one of these things and how they they eat and they eat and they eat sort of like what we do on this trip you know the bread and the wonderful great italian food and the pasta and everything that's it anyway maybe we're all getting prepared to be butterflies i don't know but um and then they eat and they gorge themselves and they go from these tiny little crawly things to get bigger and fatter and fatter and fatter and fatter and then they start crawling up the side of the jar and there's a little screen that we have at the top and they get up to the screen and they hang there and then within somehow inside of themselves they weave a chrysalis something that if something comes out of their little caterpillar mouth and it sticks some sticky stuff like super glue comes out of their mouth and they attach themselves to it and then they start a web and how does how does a caterpillar know how to spin a web i thought spiders did that you know and it spins and spins and spins and spins and spins and then it comes and hangs it and then it turns into a j an upside down j and then you watch it and things start to form inside of it and it gets a little darker inside and then one morning you're watching and it just it bursts and there's a butterfly the symbol of transformation from a you know what the average person calls to a caterpillar is called death but to an enlightened being it's called a butterfly it's a butterfly and francesco is so taken in by this by this butterfly that he's chasing a sister butterfly that kind of love that kind of love and when i was listening this morning to uh what should i say how should i say it and will the words be there will i be able to pull this off i always remember what it says in the course in miracles and i think about it as my children were introducing me here this morning this afternoon if you knew who walked beside you that means if you had no doubt if you knew who walked beside you on this path that you have chosen you could never experience fear or doubt again and that's how i picked up the microphone knowing that this thing called my body is not who i am that god delivers all the speeches and i thank him for delivering this part let's take a short break [Applause] oh wow here's the butterfly that we just saw that i just spoke about here it's on my daughter's phone i don't know if the camera can pull up on that can you pull up on that but um this is what we watched my daughter took a picture of it as it emerged and it was on my finger i was actually talking to it got a little mouth on it i i swear was talking to me i know i know but when you're when you don't mind being called that god's fool but it just looked like it was just saying something like thank you for letting me get out of this place did it go up there it is can you imagine that that that that is a symbol [Music] sorry thank you sagee that is a symbol that uh little butterfly and if you didn't get it maybe we can take a picture of it later uh of uh of what francesco believed we could become and what i have come to know in my own life and as as i look back on the experiences that have brought me here i think about several miraculous things that have happened one of them i spoke about in rome the other night was related to the finding of my father my father walked out on his family when i was just a baby and my two brothers were two and four and he just abandoned his family never looked back never made a phone call never paid any support just didn't have anything to do with us he just walked away and i grew up with an enormous amount of hatred and anger and bitterness towards this man wondering how could he treat my mother this way and leave his three children and just never even make contact and as i grew up i spent the first nine years or so of my life in a series of foster homes and orphanages and then my mother managed to get her family all back together again my oldest brother lived with my grandmother my other brother david and i went to all these different homes together and i was filled with rage and i i look back and i know that there was some very powerful reason for me to go through those i often say that we all have we all have the parents that we have because they are what we need and it's almost as if god said to me before i showed up here what do you want to do in this lifetime and i said i'd like to teach self-reliance and god said you want to spend a whole lifetime speaking seek teaching self-reliance and i said yes and god said then we better get your little ass into an orphanage and you will learn to rely upon yourself there that's as good a place as any and then no one will ever be able to dissuade you that you have within you the ability to overcome virtually anything and that's been a lesson that i've known and my children will tell you it's like i just my daughter gave me a plant my daughter sage sitting here in the front gave me a plant about three years ago it's a uh it's a plant that grows out of a rock i just love it i named it impossible and i just have to water it and it just keeps growing and it's just there's no there's no soil there it's just growing out of a rock and i look at that thing and think if that plant can grow out of a rock i can do anything i've just always known that uh you just make things happen you don't come up with excuses i've written books about it you know excuses be gone look within and make it happen and ask for divine guidance and if you've got addictions or you've been overweight or you've been poor or you're troubled in rel and relationships or whatever it might be look within identify yourself as uh as a piece of god and know that with god all things are possible you tell me what that leaves out what does all things are possible leave out nothing all things mean all things if you can visualize it and put your attention on it you can make it happen and we are in a a temple that sits on the grounds that celebrates the life of a man who absolutely knew that and was declared a saint less than two years after his death when it used to take centuries for such things to happen so i ended up through a series of just bizarre circumstances at my father's grave ten years after his death when i found out he had died he's buried down in biloxi mississippi as an indigent and i stood there on his grave in 1974 in august 27th and i went there to curse him i went there because i was angry at him i went there to see if i could talk to this person who i just couldn't fathom how could he have left and walked away and no knowing that he had three children at a time when the world was in depression and there was a war going on but it was more important for him to go drink and womanize and abandon his uh responsibilities i couldn't i couldn't grasp it as a young boy i couldn't grasp it as a young man i couldn't grasp it i get it now one of my more recent books change your thoughts change your life is dedicated to him as my greatest teacher because that day on his gravesite just before i was to leave i went back something pulled me back and sat me down and said you haven't completed your journey what you're here for and suddenly out of my mouth came the words from this moment on i send you love from this moment on i have no more rage in my heart and i walked away as if a huge burden had been just lifted from my shoulders and i went up to new york where i was a professor and i still had two and a half or three weeks before the fall semester was to begin in 1974 i went down to fort lauderdale florida rented a motel room and wrote a book called the erroneous owns tussonaceronius erroneous zones in so many languages it's in 47 languages don't even know how many books are in print of that edition something like 55 to 60 million it's touched the lives of people all over the world my entire life changed i started getting myself back in shape i stopped eating bad foods i got rid of addictions that i had been experiencing attracted the right people into my life my writing took off my life soared because i got the hatred out of my heart mark twain said that forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it and that was an amazing miracle for me and then i came here to this city in the year 2000 with my wife and 25 other people that we brought to tour here in lourdes and it's why i've come back and i keep coming back here and if you've seen my film the shift i tell the story in there of what happened when we were at san damiano and we were walking up the stairs the circular staircase to see if we could go to the room where saint claire's bedroom where she had lived was as it had appeared in the 13th century and on that trip was a young man named john who had a muscular dystrophy and he wore braces on his legs and as we were going up this circular staircase we would have to take one leg then we'd have to take the other leg like this in order to get up the steps but as we went around and around and around and it got they got the walls got narrower and narrower he couldn't lift his leg out and he couldn't go up and he couldn't go back and he said to me he said dr dyer he said i i don't know what i'm going to do i can't go up any further i can't go down and and in that instant i did something that changed my life because prior to that trip i had had a diagnosis on this knee and this right knee that it had bone on bone and it was going to have to ultimately be replaced i wore braces wherever i went a brace on this knee um i could i could hardly play tennis on it anymore and even walking on it would cause great pain and the orthopedics doctor said that ultimately that will have to be replaced i didn't have a brace on that day because i didn't think we were going to be doing much walking and i said john just strap yourself onto my back and i'll take you up the steps and i strapped him on a big hulk of a man as big as i am with braces on his legs and i started walking up the steps and i got about seven or eight steps and this right knee started to collapse and i start this and i realize i have no strength in this knee at all and i had a vision of what the newspapers were going to say in the assisi daily news the next morning spiritual teacher from america collapses 40 people dead at the bottom of the stairs i didn't and at that instant and i feel saint francis here now i saw a vision of him and he didn't say a word he just looked at me and right took both of his hands and went like this it's just a flash and i can see it now and i uprighted myself and i started walking up the steps and i started walking up the steps and then i started running up the steps and then i started running faster and john was on my back and i was running and running and running and running and running and i got up to the top three flights up and my wife was standing there and said what is going on everybody else is huffing and puffing and out of breath and you're running and you've got john on your back how did you do that i'd said i just was a miracle i don't know i don't know what else to say and i went over to give thanks and um someone snapped a picture it became the cover picture on a book called the spiritual solution to every problem and since that day that wasn't that was 11 or 12 years ago i've never had anything done to this leg what's up threw away my braces i now do bikram yoga four or five times a week um all of the poses i walk every day at least at least four or five miles a day i swim every day and it's never been a problem thank you thank you thank you that's another one of those miracles and what happens as you what has happened for me i should say as i have begun to understand my calling and what i'm here for what i'm to do what my life is to be i have encountered other miracles as well and it's like i said to people often carl jung the great uh teacher it was to be my training to work as a jungian animals he used to uh he coined a term called synchronicity which is a term that sort of uh identifies what happens to you as you start to elevate your consciousness and to live more a god-realized life and to push back the ego things of pleasure seeking and only thinking of yourself and begin to serve more and reach out more as that big as you begin to think and act like god thinks then you start getting the guidance the right people start to show up and whereas at one time you'd it would happen and you'd go booga booga booga what's going on i was having this thought and then all of a sudden it just showed up what happens is you start to say of course the right people do show up the right events do take place the financing does happen i assure you that there are people here on this trip who had to figure out a way to come up with the financing to do it and we're concerned about it perhaps right up until uh a week or so before there's other people like that in here in the room who get and some somehow you're here you know and it's like it works you know you're supposed to be here and you just sort of turn it over and it's like and that kind of thing begins to happen and then for me i begin to realize that everything that shows up in my life the uh the separation from my wife the pain the depression the stress my kids will tell you how hard that is you know to to break up a family you know where we all love each other so much um it's almost unbearable you wonder how you'll get through the hour and yet elizabeth kubler-ross a dear friend of mine before she passed away she said if you shield the mountain from the windstorms you'll never see the beauty of the carvings the storms of our life allow us to produce the beauty the book the power of intention i wrote in the midst of that horrifying experience some of the most beautiful people have come into my life as a result of that and i've come to a place where i realized that what francesco was speaking about the suffering the suffering is something to be blessed not to be afraid of so a couple of years ago i get diagnosed with something that i didn't think could happen to me leukemia cancer i don't do cancer i help other people overcome it i don't do that and there i was with it wonderful people have come into my life one of them is sitting there pam mcdonald who has helped me so much with uh changing my diet around and teaching me how to think differently her wonderful book the perfect gene diet which i wrote the forward to but something even more profound than that happened a woman who was a medical doctor in california an eye doctor her name is rayna piskova medical doctor heard about my diagnosis and i didn't know her but she came to maui and went to a seminar and said that she knew i could be healed and that my being healed was really important not for her but for the world and she felt a calling to tell me about it she invited me to go down to a place in brazil called abadianya where a man lives there who has entities enter his body and does surgery without anesthetics has done it for 25 or 30 million people over the past 40 years in brazil never charges anybody anything they've sent harvard trained doctors down there to figure out how could this be happening and their only comment is it's outside of my world view i just i don't know how to comment on it i'm watching it there's no anesthesia there's no antiseptic and there's still no disease and in over 25 million surgeries there's never been a report of any infection people go down and are healed and dr piscova invited me to go down there with her and i had said that i would go but at the last minute or so i decided against it because i had a writing schedule and i didn't think that i could complete my writing schedule and still take the two weeks that it would be required for me to be down there so she went anyway and when she got down there she still felt such an incredible calling that she asked me to have four photographs of me taken in dressed in white from the front from the back both sides remember serena she did them for me and she sent the photographs down there by email and reina went to john of god and asked could he do the surgery from a distance and he looked at the photographs and said no i cannot do surgery on him he's not taking the herbs he needs to be taking the blessed herbs that are blessed by the saints that are down there and who knows it may be francesco as you enter into the doors at the casa in abediana there's a sign up there from saint loyola said ignatius rather of loyola that says to those who believe no words are necessary to those who don't believe no words are possible and some won't believe some will find what i'm about to say difficult to accept because they have been trained to believe something different she went to a fedex office got the herbs that were blessed fedex them up to me it took three days to get there i took the herbs for two days had my daughter serena sitting here take the photographs again and send them down to her she took the photographs the second set of photographs which looked just like the first ones to me and looked at him he said yes the surgery will be thursday morning at 7 00 am it was the day of my mother's 95th birthday april the 21st i was told the surgery would be at 7am and that when i awoke i would have the surgery and i would have to go back to bed for 24 hours the spiritual part of me believed that this was all possible the ego part of me said wait a minute here i just slept for eight hours i'm not going to be going back to sleep for 24 hours and this guy's in brazil and i'm in hawaii that's ten thousand miles apart uh no i you know how the ego works it's just so about quarter after seven that morning i decided i would go for a walk and i was told she told me reina told me you've had surgery you're not going to be able to walk you're going to have to sleep for a week and you're not going to be able to write and you're not going to be able to swim and you can't do uh any of the kinds of things that you use you're just going to have to rest and meditate and be with jesus christ that's what you're going to have to do and i went to try to go for a walk and i got about 100 yards from where i live and i collapsed and i called back i was so sick and i got into bed and i stayed there for a week getting up occasionally to have some soup that my children took care of they were there fortunately to take care of me and to help me and they then said a week later you will have the sutures removed and that was to be the 28th of april he said it will happen at 11 o'clock at night so i went to bed at 11 o'clock dressed in white drinking the water taking the herbs doing everything that i was instructed to do i was much more of a believer now and i came out the next morning and a watch that i had purchased a few weeks before that was guaranteed to never gain or lose a second a panerai watch that my daughter convinced me to buy because she wanted to get my other one which she now is wearing and during the night when i came out in the morning my watch had stopped for 80 minutes i had lost 80 minutes on my watch when i came out my son sans looked at me and said what have you been doing in that room you have scrape marks on your eyes you have no pupils and you look as if you've just seen a ghost i said i don't know but i just think you're so beautiful remember i said come here give your daddy a hug you're just the most beautiful thing i've ever seen he said get away from me what has happened to you i went to my other daughter i said look at you you're just radiant and something happened that night because a few days later now i hadn't done yoga in 11 months because i was told with this leukemia that you can't have heat you can't get overheated and sure enough i believed that and i started to get sick when i would do yoga and i had to stop and i stopped for 11 months until one morning a few days after the suture removal from john of god i heard a voice then the voice said to me don't walk today go to yoga you can do it now i called kerry i said honey i'm going to yoga she said are you sure you're going to get sick i said i'm going to yoga i went to yoga and now i'm back doing it five times a week better than i did it before doing postures and that i couldn't even do a year before the heat doesn't affect me at all but and i could go on and tell you some of the things that have happened to me and how i feel and the energy levels that have taken place in me but the biggest thing that happened to me and why i'm talking to you about it here because i feel saint francis here with me right now very strongly saying i was there i was infused with a kind of love that um in 71 previous years of living i hadn't known i was in the midst of a lawsuit somebody was suing me over a book that i had written and wanted to uh you know claim ownership of some stuff that just didn't make any sense to me but i was filled with kind of rage about how that's the most outrageous kind of lawsuit but people file lawsuits because they know that you're not gonna go to trial and you'll settle and give them some money it's sort of an occupation these days and i just started surrounding this person with love and it's about to be settled um i don't have any enemies i don't have anyone on this planet that i have nothing but love for it has been a transcendent experience but since that time even even more dramatic is that people have been coming to me and my children will tell you this that i now live this that i meet people virtually every day that need me one morning i heard um as i was getting ready to go to yoga something inside of me in my moments of talking to god said don't go to yoga today walk and leave at exactly 7 30 am and don't walk for an hour like you usually do walk for 90 minutes and you will know then what to do i walked at 7 30 exactly for an hour and i knew i still had 30 minutes to walk and i walked this way and that way and jigsaw this way and went around and went until the 90 minutes were up and nine o'clock i returned back to my home and i looked around and said well it must have been not a real voice and all of a sudden a couple from el dorado hill california were born in india and the woman approached me and she said are you dr dyer i saw you yesterday and i i didn't i was afraid to approach you but something told me i had to if i saw you again and i just happened to be out here right now usually i'm not out here at this time and i'm never out there at that time at that place ever and she started and i asked her if she had seen the film the shift and she said no and i invited her and her husband to come up my kids were still asleep it was nine o'clock and i uh they were just getting into bed basically from the night before and i invited them up into the uh into my uh home and i gave them a movie i said well this must be what it is uh maybe i was just supposed to do something nice for them i gave them a book i gave them a movie i signed them they were very happy and as we walked down the stairs the woman started tears started flowing and she said you just don't know what this means to me but she said i have a son and his name is samir and he's handicapped he's handicapped mentally and he's handicapped physically and it's such a burden he's 22 years old and i just don't know if i can go on with it any longer it's just so painful that i walked back up and i gave her something to read that i had written about this and i said look you read this and this afternoon you call me and we'll talk and they called about two o'clock and i said look i can't see you now because i had something to do with the children and i said but come tonight and she said you know samir is here she said could i bring him and i said yes you can and at exactly seven o'clock this man and woman and this young man 22 years old stood about this high braces on both of his legs no joints in his hands fingers feet obviously physically handicapped but um and had to sort of be balanced there and i invited them to come in and sage was there with her friend ally and they sat there and watched what unfolded and the woman said the mother said is she said samir you wanted to ask dr dyer something what is it you wanted to ask him and he said in his halting voice he said dr dyer why is it that god allows some people to have to suffer so much like my mom and me you remember honey and i said something to him that i didn't even know i knew because it wasn't me speaking i said you suffer samir because you identify with your body and you believe that's who you are but it's not i said there are six of us here in this room but there's only one mind and each of us get to use it in the way that we choose to use it and our bodies are nothing more than our curriculum to god and this is the curriculum that you have this time but you have the mind of god within you and if you can re-identify yourself with this and become this instead of what you see here your suffering will be over and the mother looked at me as if a veil of pain had been lifted from her heart and she smiled and samir stood up so proud and i gave him some tapes and things to listen to and sage was going to give him everything she owned she had just got a new pair of headphones that she was so proud of that she had just ordered over the internet that she just wouldn't even let me touch and she said would you like to have these she just was so moved by the love as was allie as was i and that's only one day since the surgery since the removal of the sutures since the freedom from the leukemia and i haven't even had my blood tested and i'm not interested i don't need any validation of by any numbers on a medical term i know how i feel i know what i'm about it's all about love and one other example as i was out walking after this happened and a mother and a daughter stopped me and the mother said i came here from vancouver hoping that i would run into you then you happened to be out here again it was a time i normally don't walk in the middle of the day because i don't want the sun all over me i usually walk either early in the morning or in the evenings when i swim and she said my daughter and her daughter was there this beautiful girl 20 years old her name was nicolette and she looked beautiful but her whole face was just all totally distorted and the left side of her face was entirely paralyzed and her mother didn't even have to say anything to me i just reached up and i said what's this about and she said it just happened two days ago and it's getting worse i've been to a doctor and i've got some kind of palsy or something and my whole left side is not only paralyzed but it just seems to be getting worse i can't get words out my lip and she would one only one side of her i said come with me come upstairs and i brought her to the same place where i brought samir and i counseled her for an hour about the book that i'm just have just completed called wishes fulfilled but how to put into your imagination what it is and to live from that and you'll hear me speak more about this throughout this trip and how to make this your reality and ignore the the evidence of your senses and and i counseled with her and worked with her and had made her say i am paralysis free i am because i am two very important words they mean what god i am that i am that is my name and my name for all future generations is out of the torah the book of exodus i am paralysis free more about that in lured and then i had by coincidence a friend of mine that i had flown over to spend five days with me to give me what is called cranial sacral therapy which some people when they do it you don't get anything but this woman is a master she's the best in the world at it in my estimation and it's a way of moving the energy between the cranium and the sacrum and flanking that energy flow and she's skilled and she's not only skilled at it but she's here on this trip and um not only is she here on this trip but um i'm going to bring her up here in just a moment and what um i said to nicolette and her mother is i want you to have a session with this woman who was brought to me by pam mcdonald a few uh a year or so before that uh all by quote coincidence and she had one session with her why don't you come up this is kate mckinnon she's a craniosacral therapist i'm gonna go here and um kate we just have a few moments but i'd like you to uh just tell the people here what you experienced when you worked with her when you did that one hour session with her and what has happened to her since so i met with glass and she seemed very nervous she'd never heard of psychotherapy before she never knew and um she laid down her table and explained that she'd been able to stress that she had college exams universities she had accommodation changes to make she wanted to get into mcgill university she had a lot going on and when this paralysis started on the left side of her face and um she felt that she was handling it but since the stress excuses one side of her face she um i pointed out to her that maybe something more was going on when she realized she lay down a table and i was drawn to her sunferry and as i started to deal into that era i asked her nicolas is there anything that you noticed in here and she said that i have had a lot of pain here some types of medications for the belt holder and as she starts to feel into that and it asks what do you feel and what you know is there anything that comes to anything that you see should i see yellow light and it's oval shaped he said well just bring your attention to that you know over the light and see what happens and as we worked on that something kind of just dissolved from her her whole body starts to soften her back to dressed up on bed and afterwards when i asked her about that she said that the oval light just shattered until i can really increase it it just disintegrated now that's integrated she knew then that she'd feel that she was in control of her body rather feeling her body was controlling her sense of power and then we went up and worked on the facial area a very soft blue light like a sponge-like light that she brought into that area that was her healing energy that would be energy she was bringing in to to heal their brightness and afterwards she wanted to recall that blue light and use that and then she felt stress and tension and maybe doubt that she was going to heal from the paralysis so i think um what she left the session feeling a lot more empowered and was able to go straight back to university within two weeks back for exams [Music] she got this amazing job uh her mother was so surprised that she once went back to university um to get the exams when still she had to go across as she was trying to take her eye at night and she couldn't taste she couldn't smile and within six weeks um she was proud of the screen which was a very rapid recovery from such a severe palsy that she was told maybe that it even wouldn't completely clear up because it was that possibility that she after right now she had been told by the doctors because we have the doctor's report i'm writing this as the introduction to my new book that um that it would be a minimum of two years if it did it heal up and it was a good chance that this the severity of this kind of palsy would last uh for her lifetime that she was exposed she was in vancouver i talked to her she said i'm paralysis free and i she said to me i have been saying my affirmation over and over again i am paralysis free not i will be because i will be means i am not and i am is the key word i am as the word of god i am god says paralysis free and you ignore all the other evidence she flew out to calgary where i was giving a lecture to several thousand people she stood up on that stage and announced to them i am paralysis free and she did it in just a matter of weeks using the techniques that i'm speaking about here and the work of kate mckinnon thanks kate kate is a cranial sacral therapist if any of you on this trip would like to encounter what her work is that's how she is paying for this trip so uh she for a hundred euros for a one hour session if you're interested in experiencing that and i'm telling you um this is the best in the world each one of my kids have already signed up louise is going to have it done and she's the person that when she puts her hands even close to you you begin to feel the thing so you can contact her she'll be with us right through medjugorje obviously there's 160 people here you're not going to all be able to do it but if there's any of you particularly who have areas in your heart or in your soul that you feel need to be healed but you will be working with me every day so you don't get my sessions saint francis just said give him away what am i saying so we have um a short time left what has happened for me since these miracles that i've expressed to you with my father and the way that i got to my father in itself it would take all the time we have to explain how impossible it would be for me to find my father and his grave the miracle of the healing that took place for me in assisi in the year 2000 um and i've been since drawn back here this is my third time coming back uh because it's this place just and every time i come and there will be miraculous healings taking place here in this uh this group especially if we can stay aligned the way i have been speaking about here today as not just loving people but as love love being loved and for me every day every morning in my talks with god i am given some kind of another assignment or opportunity to reach into someone's life and to touch it in a profound way and it just seems to be the shift that has taken place in my life and what i wanted to do here is share something with you from from one of probably my all-time favorite book i'm in the process of reading it for the third time um it was written by uh nicostenzakis the greek writer who wrote the last temptation of christ and zorba the greek and saint francis he wrote a fictional account based upon everything that is known about francesco and it's one of those books even as he wrote it in the forward to the book i loved this because i know what this is like because after i came back and had the experience with um john of god i had to put my writing away for uh for that two week period because i just couldn't i couldn't even walk uh or swim or do anything let alone sit down and write but when i went back to the writing after that in uh in may my handwriting was different it was as if someone else was writing my my editor when i because i write everything by hand i don't use a computer um or a typewriter i just write it out by hand and she called me and she said who wrote this out for you i said what what do you mean she said well the handwriting is different the slant on the letters is different there's no crossing out of anything because i'll be writing and then i'll cross something out and i'll write it down from the side of just 11 12 13 pages as i wrote the john of god experience that i've told you about here um unfolded with uh with new handwriting in a new way and a clarity she said i can't even edit this i said no you won't be needing to edit it because it wasn't being written by me it was me and here's what here's the prologue by nico scott he says if i admitted if i have omitted many of francis's sayings and deeds and if i have altered others and added still others which did not take place but which might have taken place i have done so not out of ignorance or impudence or irreverence but from a need to match the saints life with his myth bringing that life as fully into accord with his essence as possible art has this right and not only the right but the duty to subject everything to the essence it feeds upon the story then assimilates it slowly cunningly and turns it into a legend while writing this legend which is truer than truth itself i was overwhelmed by love reverence and admiration for francis the hero and great martyr often large teardrops smeared the manuscript often a hand hovered before me in the air a hand with an eternally renewed wound someone seemed to have driven a nail through it it seemed to be driving a nail through it for all eternity everywhere about me as i wrote i sense the saints invisible presence because for me saint francis is the model of the dutiful man the man who by means of ceaseless supremely cruel struggle succeeds in fulfilling our highest obligation something higher even than morality or truth or beauty the obligation to trans substantiate the matter which god entrusted to us and turn it into spirit that's uh and i'd like to read you one little story francesco was terrified of lepers in the 13th century lepers had to wear bells so that they would be identified so you wouldn't get close to them and and contact the contagion of the leprosy and he was terrified of them it was his biggest fear and everything that francesco feared he felt he had to experience and this is a story that is told out of legend but also out of fact of francesco the story this whole book is this whole book is uh told through the eyes of brother leo you'll see brother leo's grave here probably this evening um brother leo was one of the fir was the first person to accompany him and was always the person who wanted to eat when he wanted to fast they're always the person who wanted to drink wine when he wanted to give whatever they had away um and he tells the story of uh what it was like to live with a saint but be a man but try to becoming one himself wake up brother leo francis called prodding me with his toe wake up wake up the day has begun it's still dark out brother francis i answered sleepily what's your hurry i'm not in a hurry brother leo it's him it's god wake up i rose did you have a dream no i couldn't sleep the whole night when dawn came i closed my eyes and prayed to god father i said let me go to sleep i'm a worker a worker in thy service i did what thou ordered me to do i repaired san damiano i danced and became a laughing stock in assisi i abandoned my mother and my father why does thou not let me sleep what more does thou want from me wasn't that enough and then i heard a savage voice above me no not above me inside me it was not enough i swear to you i was leaping brother leo it wasn't a dream perhaps everything else is a dream you and i and this cave and the rain that voice however that voice was not a dream not enough i shouted in terror what more then does thou want from me it is day now get up and start on your way i shall stop the rain just for your steak start on your way and soon you shall hear some bells it will be a leper sent to you by me run to him embrace him kiss him do you hear you act as though you didn't hear me why don't you answer i couldn't restrain myself any longer thou art not a father i cried thou dost not love mankind thou art merciless and all-powerful and thou placed with us just now thou heardest me tell my companion while we were on the road that i could not bear to touch a leper and immediately thou wishes to throw me into leprosy's embrace does this mean there is no other road no easier more convenient road for poor wretched men to take in order to come and find thee someone inside me laughed tearing my entrails into there is none said the voice after a moment and then it was abruptly silent francis was standing unsteadily near the mouth of the cave gazing out fearfully through the opening his words had sent shutters through my body and now i ask looking at him with deep deep sympathy he did not hear and now i repeated this time he turned stop talking about now he said frowning there's no such thing as now get up that we can go find him who francis lowered his voice i sensed that his entire tormented body was trembling the leper he answered softly we we emerged from the cave it was growing bright outside the rain had stopped in the sky the clouds rolled along and fled as though pursued by the breath of god on every leaf there hung a glistening drop of water and displayed within the drop was the entire rainbow setting out we headed down toward the plain which was still asleep blanketed by the morning myths francis went in front walking with giant strides he was in a hurry the sun rose above the mountains the earth grew warm and so did we far below and back of the pine trees we spied a large city what city is that brother leo francis asked i'm all confused brother francis i feel like i'm seeing everything for the first time it's ravenna i think suddenly francis stopped and grasped my arm he was deathly pale do you hear he asked in a low voice no what bells and he said this i actually did hear the sound of bells coming from the plane still far in the distance we both stood still francis's lower jaw was quivering the bells came continually closer he's coming stanford stammered francis leaning upon me for support his whole body was quaking now let's get away let's escape i cried and i clasped francis around the waist in order to carry him to safety where can we go escape escape from god but how my poor unhappy brother leo how we can take another road brother francis there will be a leper on every road we take you'll see the streets will become filled with them they will not disappear until we have fallen into their arms so brother leo put on a bold front we're going forward the bells could be heard near us now just behind the trees courage francis my brother i said god will give you the strength to endure it but francis had already darted forward the leper had emerged from the clump of trees in his hand he held a staff covered with bells which as he shook the staff warned passers-by to flee as soon as he saw francis running toward him without spread arms he uttered a shrill cry apparently from fright and halted his knees giving way beneath him as though sudden exhaustion prevented him from continuing i came close and gazed at him with horror half of his protestant nose had fallen away his hands were without fingers just stumps and his lips were an oozing wound throwing himself upon the leper francis embraced him then lowered his head and kissed him upon the lips afterward he lifted him in his arms and covered in him with his robe began to advance slowly with heavy steps toward the city surely there would be some nearby lazaretto where we could deposit him he walked and walked i followed behind my eyes filled with tears god is severe i reflected exceedingly severe he has no pity for mankind what was it that francis had just finished telling me that god's will was supposed to be our own deepest unknown will no no god asked us what we don't want and then says that's what i want he asks us what we hate and then says that's what i love do what displeases you because that is what pleases me and you see here was poor francis carrying the leper in his arms having first kissed him on the mouth the sun had risen nearly to the center of the sky when we felt the large scattered drops of an autumn sun shower the city which had grown larger now suddenly loomed before us in the sunlight its towers churches and houses glistening we were drawing near suddenly i saw francis stop abruptly he bent down and drew aside the robe in order to uncover the leper but all at once he uttered a loud cry the robe was empty francis turned and looked at me opening and closing his lips in a vain effort to speak but his face was resplendent ablaze his mustache whiskers nose mouth everything had vanished in the conflagration the tears flowing from his eyes he fell prostrate on the ground and began to kiss the soil i remained standing above him trembling it wasn't a leper it was christ himself who had come down to earth in the form of a leper in order to test francis a villager came along seeing francis sprawled out on the ground in the rain weeping he stopped what happened to him he asked why is he crying did brigands attacked and give him a beating is that it no i answered a moment ago christ came by here he saw him and he is weeping from joy the villagers shrugged his shoulders laughed and continued hastily past us francis opened his eyes he gazed at the cloudy sky at the scattered sheets of rainfall that would be dimming the air looking down again he saw me he was still unable to speak he smiled at me and i fell immediately to the ground in the middle of the road next to him and began to kiss him and to stroke his face tenderly trying to solve the effects of the divine thunderbolt which had fallen upon him his body was still steaming i cannot say how long how many hours we remained there stretched out in the middle of the road not speaking a word but when we got up and looked around us the sun was setting the power of speech had returned to francis did you see brother leo did you understand i saw brother francis but the only thing i understood was that god is playing games with us this brother leo is what i understood all lepers cripples sinners if you kiss them on the mouth he stopped afraid to complete his thought enlighten me please brother francis enlighten me do not leave me in the dark finally after a long silence he murdered he murmured with a shudder all these if you kiss them on the mouth oh god forgive me for saying this they they all become christ god bless you [Applause] uh [Music] ugh can you feel him do you feel it can you feel it he's here words escape me i have nothing to say uh make me an instrument of thy peace there is hatred and let me bring love that's the words of saint francis that's all you
Channel: The Ultimate Life
Views: 9,625
Rating: 4.9789472 out of 5
Id: 74SpaQLWfKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 2sec (7082 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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