Dr. Steven Gundry | The Two MOST Powerful Supplements To Look Younger?

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what happens on the inside of the gut wall is reflected on our skin and so yeah vitamin D is everybody should be taking vitamin D3 [Music] you know so you really do look amazing um you know the idea is for us one of the most important things that we talk about it is skin and so we're going to get into some of the diets and supplements and things like that but you know and we recently just interviewed Paul saladino as well so it's interesting looking at some of the the the the different takes on this um I think there's some common thematics there um you know with lectins and some of the the the the different phytochemicals um but when we talk a little bit about how they scan and kind of reversing wrinkles and things like that first of all um have you experienced de-aging you know how did you come across this maybe tell us a little bit of your story and then we can go into what you think can be uh good for our skin sure um actually one of the things that continues to shock me um just actually this week uh a new patient said I have heard about your hands but I didn't believe it and she's sitting across from me and she said let me look at your hands and she said what the heck you know it's true you know I'm I'll be 73 in a month and she said is that those don't look like 73 year old hands and I used to have pretty old looking hands um I used to have a lot of quote age spots which were on my hand so I've got I've got one left you can't see it um but I used to have a lot of them and they all dissolved by changing my diet 25 years ago and I get to see it happen in in tons of patients when they change their diet their their age spots disappear or lighten or you know their liver spots or their sun spots and they're actually as you guys know uh Advanced glycation and products which really are the combination of the proteins in us and that we eat and the sugars in us that we have or eat and heat that our body produces and that combination is called the mallard reaction so you take protein and sugar it produces one of the strongest chemical bonds that's ever been found and unfortunately it happens to us 24 hours a day it happens in our heart happens in our brain but in a way the good news is we can see it on our skin and you can manipulate forming those chemical bonds by reducing certain proteins reducing certain sugars and you can even reduce it by lowering your body temperature but that's another story so that's that's one of the easy things to do that people just always are shocked in fact in the in the plant Paradox I wrote about this couple from Oregon who are snowbirds in Palm Springs during the winter and they drive a big RV down from Oregon to Palm Springs every fall and apparently as they tell the story he's driving along this was their first year after being my patients and the wife says you know John look at your hands and he grips the steering wheel and goes like this to look at his hands and nearly goes off the road and it was because he had had a lot of these sunspots and they literally had disappeared and it's uh it's a remarkable finding that people go son of a gun I've got control of this this isn't just me getting old in your books you know I know we talk about um you know some of the harmful effects of plants but in what particular diet would you choose that would help reverse some of those age spots what do you think is one of the most powerful ingredients well um I just put my upcoming book to bed this week just finished it and it's called gut check and it'll be out January of 2024 and the interesting thing about gut check that I've I've written about before but I really um in in all deference to Paul saladino if you wanted to age rapidly and if you wanted your skin to age rapidly then you ought to follow a carnivore diet um it is the guaranteed most damaging diet to the wall of your gut to your blood vessels and it has to do I I grew up in Omaha Nebraska I have nothing against steak except trying to kill me so the there's a sugar molecule in beef lamb and pork called new 5gc uh we and Fish and Chicken have a different sugar molecule called new five a c actually they differ by only one molecule of oxygen they're otherwise identical they form this really cool lining of our blood vessels called the glycocalyx they form the lining of our blood-brain barrier they form the lining of our joints and they partially form the myelin sheath and these sugar molecules if you eat a lot of beef lamb or pork you develop antibodies to this abnormal sugar molecule and we thought that maybe you attacked your own blood vessels because of this but it gets worse than that it turns out that these sugar molecules can actually be incorporated into the lining of our blood vessels into our blood-brain barrier into our joints and we then attack actively our blood vessels our joints our blood-brain barrier and this is now scarily documented if you want even worse news cancer cells use nu5 GC to evade the immune system and we don't manufacture new 5jc and yet every Cancer tumor has new 5jc in it so the bad news is that if you want cancer and if you want to attack your blood vessels and your brain and your joints then have a grass-fed grass-finished steak and the worst part is liver actually has the highest amount of new 5gc of any substance it is very interesting I think what the public doesn't realize so you know one thing that we look at obviously between epidemiologic studies and Interventional studies and there are a lot of causal relationships and things like that but when you guys are what you are specifically referring to is scientific Interventional studies showing these results and so I think it's important to keep this in mind for our listeners so um if those are the bad things then you know we're going to touch on collagen a little bit too collagen supplementation because it's already Brave and um you know I think there's maybe one study that partially showed some type of benefit you know it's really hard to study some of these things you know the general public doesn't realize that but if we talk about some of the nutrients that you recommend I mean if if I said all right I'm gonna sit down for my skin alone which you know obviously is a reflection of what's happening on underneath right what food should I be focusing on well I think you bring up an interesting point about collagen um collagen is you know 80 percent of of us in a way and I'm old enough to remember where uh almost every day of everybody's lives we were eating large amounts of gelatin which is collagen in the form of Jello and raspberry and I joke about this that inadvertently we every day um had bone broth uh as a dessert and the other thing we had multiple times a week was consummate which was bone broth and that was just a normal part of kind of everybody's diet you had a bowl of consummate soup at a fancy restaurant you'd start off with a bowl of consummate or jelly to consummate and it was just it was just all gelatin now we don't none of us actually hopefully eat Jello anymore but it was a great source of gelatin and gelatin can be useful or but you're right there are really poor studies that collagen if you take it as a supplement actually reconstitutes as collagen once you swallow it and somehow people think that all of these various substances aren't broken down into their original amino acids and they're absorbed as these amino acids and then there isn't a assembly form on the other side of your intestine saying hey you just ate collagen you should put this back together as collagen uh sorry it doesn't work that way we just have a bunch of amino acids and if you want to reassemble them with vitamin C to make collagen be my guess but there's no imperative to do that plus you don't need collagen to make collagen you can get the individual amino acids and I think the thing that many people don't realize is you really have to have vitamin C to complete the process and most of us are wildly vitamin C deficient and we can go into that as well so I see a lot of people paying a lot of money for collagen without really looking at well what's this really going to do for me but besides spending a lot of money understood I mean and then would you say you know do we look for fruits and that are high in vitamin C use that to our advantage hoping that it couples with you know the other amino acids well the problem with fruit as you know one of my favorite sayings is give fruit the boot um fruit has been hybridized for sugar content and um what used to be a fairly healthy form of vitamin C and polyphenols is now just really become these fructose bombs and um there's no easy way around it but vitamin C you know and I know and hopefully most people know that we're one of the few animals that don't manufacture our own vitamin C uh us new world monkeys and guinea pigs and actually it's a fascinating story there's actually five genes that manufacture enzymes that take glucose and convert it into vitamin C vitamin C is a product of glucose and we have four of those genes and the fifth Gene is turned off it's a what's called a ghost Gene and you go why did we turn that Gene off the theory is we had so much vitamin C in our diet in the jungle that we didn't need to waste glucose to make vitamin C we could use glucose to survive and so if you had were very efficient creatures so what the heck let's just turn that off why is that so important well we know when animals are under stress that they their vitamin C manufacturer goes through the roof um Linus Pauling was the vitamin C doctor because of that observation but what's interesting is um because we don't manufacture it yes we can swallow it but vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and we get rid of it in really about four hours there's not much left anymore Bill Sardi who used to be the owner of longevonix and I were good friends before he died of covid last year Bill Sardi was fascinated with vitamin C and he did some really cool experiments with mice you can genetically engineer mice to carry the human vitamin G vitamin C sequence with a ghost cheek and those mice who carry the human ghost Gene uh live only half as long as mice who can manufacture vitamin C now what's really cool is you take those mice who only live half as long and put vitamin C in their drinking water and they will live exactly as long as a normal Mouse which is good news now Bill Sardi was want to say that if we extrapolated that data to humans then a human being would potentially live 250 years just by having a continuous supply of vitamin C uh yeah so that's interesting so I personally take time to release vitamin C twice a day Bill Sardi said hey just carry around some 500 milligram vitamin C's in your pocket and four times a day munch on one um and that'll do you just fine I've written about uh smokers in vitamin C and heart disease extensively now I'm again old enough to have operated on most people with coronary artery disease early on were smokers and it was wonderful for us for many reasons number one they were skinny number two their blockages were in them top part of their blood vessels where they flexed and once past those blockages their blood vessels were gorgeous I mean perfect pristine and so once you jump past there you have this gorgeous blood vessel just so too they were skinny and man we just it was great now most of the people we operate on are insulin resistant pre-diabetic diabetics and their entire blood vessels are just crud so why did why did this happen to smokers well smokers get a lot of oxidative stress from tobacco smoke and vitamin C is used up in quelling oxidative stress now what's interesting is where blood vessels flex and you guys know this collagen is the rebar that kind of holds our blood vessels together and holds our skin together that's why we get wrinkles and that's why smokers get a lot more wrinkles than anybody else so as collagen flexes you get these breaks in collagen and it literally sticks out into our blood vessels if you got vitamin C you re-build those bonds and it all quiets down if you don't have vitamin C the collagen sticks out and then we put spackling compounds cholesterol to cover it up and that actually explains why smokers had these discrete lesions where the bends were and they didn't have any lesions elsewhere interesting so long-winded is we got to have vitamin C and essential yeah so obviously if we give fruit the boot we're not looking at getting vitamin C from our you know that portion of the diet um but we can't get from other sources we are there any other foods that you would recommend turns out that olive oil and the polyphenols in olive oil hydroxy tyrosol as shown to boost vitamin C production double vitamin C levels in humans and I think it's intriguing that the meditation Iranian diet excuse me is you know loaded with olive oil and hydroxy tyrosol and it may be one of the factors that makes the Mediterranean diet so intriguing as a long-term diet I'm not curious about something you spoke about these age spots earlier and and you've reversed them over the past 25 years and I know the listeners for our podcasts are always very into you know cosmetic procedures and their appearance and and obviously we have a lot of lasers that remove these spots but um what foods do you recommend what are let's let's just say two of the best secret weapons to a healthy skin obviously you don't have to say two you can make it more but I'd love to take you know hear your take on this well again there's lots of ways to measure aging but Advanced glycation and product can be measured and we can do that with the tests that most doctors get routinely which is hemoglobin A1c and uh you know every commercial now oh I got my A1C down oh well that looks at Advanced glycation end products that are bonded to the hemoglobin molecule in red blood cells and red blood cells last about two months in circulation until we grind them up and reuse them so hemoglobin A1c is actually a pretty good way of following how you're making Advanced glycation end products and it's sexually pretty easy to do because most doctors are going to measure it um and so again there's really two factors that that influence this the amount of sugars and or things that rapidly turn into sugar certain starches and the amount of protein that we eat you gotta have those two factors now Walter Longo from USC and I are gonna the sole proponents of a fairly low animal protein diet to take that protein factor out of that picture and the evidence is actually pretty strong both his and mine the other way that you can also measure how this is going on is insulin-like growth factor one igf-1 which we measure in our Clinic every three months so as far as we can tell so far the best way to look at whether you're activating mtor or not and we can go down that rabbit hole if we want but the bet the best way of deciding whether mtor is activated or not is insulin like growth factor one igf-1 why would we be interested in that if you look at super old people and I have a lot of them in my practice in Palm Springs uh God's waiting room um that you super old people late 90s early 100s who are really thriving run very low insulin-like growth factors um just to give you the number 50 to 70. and there's three factors that have been shown to influence this number uh number one is the amount of sugars or things that turn into sugar that we eat the less of that we eat the lower insulin high growth factor goes number two animal protein and it could be a fish it could be a chicken it could be an egg the more animal protein you eat the higher insulin like growth factor goes the less you eat the lower it goes but to me the the exciting study came out a couple years ago with Italian athletes they were cyclists and they took these cyclists they put them on a training table they all had to eat the exact same food for three months one group ate their meals in a 12 hour eating window now by that I mean they breakfast eight o'clock in the morning they had lunch at one o'clock in the afternoon they had to finish dinner at eight o'clock at night 12 hours of eating the other group exact same food ate in a seven hour eating window they had break fast at one o'clock in the afternoon they had lunch at four o'clock in the afternoon and they had to finish dinner at eight o'clock then they had to eat the exact same food what's fascinating is only The Seven Hour eating window guys lost weight the other guys didn't lose any weight but the insulin-like growth factor of The Seven Hour eating Windows plummeted the other guys that didn't change a bit even though they were eating the same thing and I've seen this in my clinic if you you know a lot of people hey I still want to eat protein thank you very much and hey I still want to have carbohydrates thank you very much but I'm willing to eat that in a compressed window and let's see what happens and sure enough when they do that it's a powerful way of dropping insulin-like growth factor so there's all sorts of ways to skin a cat sure so intermittent fasting yeah I've been all the Rave and and you know I think some of the top trends obviously even for beauty you know have been intermittent fasting cold plunge pools um you know and and supplementation I think that may bring us into the next kind of category you know supplements is a multi-billion dollar industry you know and some of them go completely unchecked you know Paul salvino he said art and soil you eat you know your freeze-dried beef and liver organs uh or be a liver and kidney um we've got uh David Sinclair saying hey you know take down some NAD we want to activate your twins you know Resveratrol all these different things and even metformin um what kind of supplementation should we be looking at here I mean it used to be that a multivitamin was something that everybody had to take and then there was the the silver multivitamin for those who are older and you know I think there's no justification as to why you know certain individuals maybe not know but they're very little uh justification why older individuals need to take certain things versus others I think we made these random numbers I mean that they're and so uh what type of supplementations and supplementation do you recommend for our listeners and if you were gonna like really simplify it because again some people need more of others but if if you were going to have a young young let's say 50 something year old patient that said I want to take three supplements what are the most important ones vitamin D has got to be at the top right yep you know vitamin D's got to be a top um we are so vitamin D deficient it's uh scary and for years we were trained that uh vitamin D was toxic if you got above 80 nanograms per milliliter um that's not true the University of California San Diego which has a very large vitamin D research group thinks the average American should be taking 9600 international units of vitamin D3 a day that's 10 000 international units they've never seen vitamin D toxicity at 40 000 international units a day I've never seen vitamin D toxicity 50 000 internationally and it's a day and some of my patients it yeah it's it's critically important for the functioning of our microbiome I've written in the new book goes into further detail it's critically important to activate stem cells in the lining of our gut wall and as our gut wall deteriorates so do we and so keeping that gut wall intact and healthy it should be actually our big job and as you guys know who are inside of our walls our skin turned inside out or the other way around uh and so what happens on the inside of the gut wall is reflected on our skin and so yeah vitamin D is everybody should be taking vitamin D3 and you take you take go after oh no I was just going to say it would you recommend a hybrid of a deep rek2 or just yeah I know I like K2 a lot um you don't need much K2 and people obsess over whether it should be MK4 or mk7 my particular K2 has both but just take 100 micrograms or so of K2 and you know don't worry about it and what what dose vitamin D are you taking first well so I take 10 000 international units a day um and that's what I really have most of my patients on and again we measure vitamin D um every three months and so we'll know exactly where anybody is on the scale and we have people a huge amount of my practices autoimmune disease now and some of these people have such leaky gut I first of all I've never seen an autoimmune patient who has a normal vitamin D pure I've never seen a patient with leaky gut who has a normal vitamin D and so you gotta repair the gut wall and vitamin D is a great way to start awesome exactly and then and then when I when I asked earlier is what are a couple more supplements that you think are really necessary because I know everyone says vitamin D and I take that every day as well but I don't really take a ton of other supplements um I know Dr Lakey does um and I'm just wondering what you would recommend to people that are listening well you know when I met Big Ed the guy who changed my life over 25 years ago I thought supplements made expensive urine um I really did and even though I was using supplements to keep Hearts Alive for heart transplantation sitting in a bucket of ice water for 48 hours and I was using to them to protect the Heart during heart surgery and it really never occurred to me to swallow these things um and when we measure the effects of supplements particularly polyphenols on people's flexibility in blood vessels on people's stickiness on the inside of their blood vessels we can see and I've published this data of people who we put on some simple but just giving it one example grape seed extract and we can see that their blood vessels become more flexible and they're not the blood vessels are not sticky and then a lot of people when they get a good result go oh good all right that's fixed I don't have to take that anymore and they stop it and then we see them the next three months and you know it's Things Are Back Being sticky and they're not flexible and we go what the heck you know what happened and they said oh well I was fine so I didn't need that anymore and then we got we go um would you start taking that again please and let's see what happens yeah just yesterday um saw patients from Vancouver who decided yeah uh I don't like taking supplements anymore and I'm just going to stop them and you know I'm looking at this blood work I'm going you know what the heck uh what happened because his homocysteine went through the roof is C-reactive protein went through the roof uh his Vitamin D plummeted his B12 plummeted his folate plummeted and I said what the heck he said oh uh I don't like supplements they don't do anything well I said you see all these red marks um you see your previous tests these were green he said that was the supplements and I said yeah Hey listen I thought they made expensive urine and they are not making expensive urine in you get back on them please love how that works so grip sheet extract for sure guys listen up it'll make a lining of your your blood vessels not as stinky yeah and again time release vitamin C it's it's really easy to do I mean we if we just been you guys you know skin doctors vitamin C is the way we you know protect our collagen and get rid of our wrinkles and why not definitely you know we're big wait a minute you guys don't want to do that because you know you'd be out of business yeah just add the time release vitamin C with the Botox and it acts even better yeah it makes our results look better so we definitely have proponents there's no doubt um when we talk about the the future of Aging I mean listen there are so many different studies there's so many different things in the works and obviously I think that regenerative medicine uh DNA manipulation and all these things are going to play a role at some point you know they're closer than you think and where do you see longevity uh in the future you know what is the future of Aging look like and especially you know I'm imagining that it'll be tied to our intake what are your thoughts yeah um it's more than that in the the new book is is really Hippocrates 2500 years ago you know the father of medicine said all disease begins in the gut and uh the guy was right I'm I'm still I spent 25 years trying to figure out why he was right and I'm getting closer every year another way of paraphrasing that is death begins in the gut and we now know that if you look at these super old people who were 109 and thriving and you look at their microbiome their microbiome number one is very diverse it has the diversity of a healthy 30 year old most older people's microbiome is disasters and they have certain Cornerstone keystone species that um more and more appear to be critical what's even more interesting is that I write about in the new book is these people there got microbiome has evolved to handle xenobiotics now xenobiotics are all these Plastics and forever chemicals and believe it or not the microbiome is really good at eating things um I mean we now have a microbiome that can eat oil slicks they they just like carbon atoms and so what's really cool about this new study is These Guys these super agers they've got a microbiome that is is ready for anything that we can throw at it and my personal feeling is you know longevity medicine should be focused on the wall of our gut and our microbiome and with each passing year the human microbiome project finished in 2017. and with each passing Year we're getting more and more you know exciting news about these individual bacterial species that seem to have an incredible effect on our brains on our moods on the wall of our gut and certainly an experimental animal data the death begins as the wall of the gut begins to fail it begins to fall apart and as long as that wall is intact you know go for it you're not going to die so yeah I mean what what's a heart surgeon doing interested in the gut I mean what a joke um I mean what's what's David Perlman or a neurologist interested in the gut well we joke around I said geez you know we're all coming down and visiting what Hippocrates talked about it is interesting how medicine is is now focusing in that area because uh you know I even just listened to one of the studies on um where they had done trunk of the economies where you you cut the Vegas those individuals you know what happens with feeding someone you know chemicals and never reaches the brain it was it was very interesting to me so I think you know you're right the gut's going to be the center of of what happens we originally thought it was the brain now it's right it's it's moved for the other a completely different area any um you know what about biohacking hacks you know what does that mean when people are talking about um you know biohacking yeah what's what's your take on that considering we talked about supplements which is a little different um biohacking is a little quote unquote more serious um what are your takes on it well one of the things I like to remind my patients is that these super super old people um number one they're not on bioidentical hormones um sorry they're not um they're they're not sitting in tubs of cold ice water um they're but you know I I grew up in the Upper Midwest and cold exposure well it's certainly resonated there are a lot of you know really old healthy people in the Midwest and I have nothing against cold exposure I think the other thing having lived in Palm Springs for a number of years is that heat exposure um saunas um living in Palm Springs in the summer or in the summer there's something in you know Arizona in the summer there is clearly something there and we we can measure what that something is and that's what I wrote the last two books about and that's mitochondrial and coupling and so all so many of these hacks really are because of mitochondrial and coupling and that that's too crazy a thing to talk about today but um if you look and generalize I mean I think it's more of putting your body under stress I mean it's extreme temperatures you know I'm a Midwestern boy too I'm a Wisconsin boy but uh don't you know yes I definitely know and even in Chicago for a long time so we definitely know the winters um but I think you know it's probably those extremes that are doing something and uh I don't know I just uh sorry to interrupt it was no that's true you know these sort of extremes and I've had them off on my podcasts and so these you know these extreme they're they're activating heat shock proteins and I wrote a lot about that in my career as a heart surgeon you activate heat shop proteins and it sets up protective mechanisms to protect mitochondria then these mechanisms are actually mitochondrial and coupling uh one of the things that I've got a PBS special out right now called just one thing and that just one thing is mitochondrial and coupling the example I like to use is there's a there's a there's several theories of aging and one of the theories of Aging is uh kind of oh the wear and tear or the the the work of Aging is it's just it'll eventually wear you down and one of that theories is okay the smaller the animal the higher its metabolic rate and the shorter its lifespan the bigger the animal the slower the metabolic rate the longer its lifespan and that pretty much is true the exception of that is birds birds are very tiny but birds actually have incredibly long lifespan a parent can live 80 to 100 years um hummingbirds in captivity can live uh 12 years like our dogs and yeah you know hummingbird's heart rate is like 1100 1200 beats a minute yeah and how the heck do they live this long um and I joke I love the joke when I was at Loma Linda I wanted to get a cockatoo and there's a bird lady in the town next door who sells birds so I go in I was about 40 years old and I said hey you know I want a cockatoo I used to have lovebirds in college and she said yeah okay now you're a bird person uh all right I'll sell you a cockatoo um who's gonna take care of the cockatoo after you die and I go yeah and she said well this bird is going to outlive you and I go huh and she said yeah you're 40 years old you know maybe this bird you know is going to need somebody after you and I want to know who you're appointing to take care of this bird you are crazy lady it turns out she went crazy at all and so how is this cockatoo live so long well birds have the most uncoupled mitochondria of of any organism and that's how they beat age and a long story short on coupling mitochondria makes these energy producing power plants not work as hard they literally kind of blow blow off steam like a pressure cooker and the mechanisms to do that is what I write my books about and it just so happens that polyphenols are a great way of uncoupling mitochondria so I'm having some green tea and coffee is a great way of uncoupling mitochondria and so let's you know we just sit around you can bring your coffee cup back on this yeah but that's how birds do it the young couple they're mitochondria so before we start off with you I have a question for you um just out of curiosity what is your um schedule for today when it comes to breakfast lunch and dinner and what do you eat for all our listeners because I think they're fascinated with your knowledge all of your books all of your experience um so we feel like yeah let's just do as you do um gets you to you know get everyone to where you are yeah um so I've written about this for for a lot so during the winter and that I Define it's from January 1st to June 1st I only eat one meal a day um so I didn't have any breakfast I won't have any lunch I'll eat all my calories between five and seven o'clock tonight and I've been doing that now for I think this is my 24th year of doing that and interestingly enough why do I do it um well and actually as far as I know no one's corrected me yet I'm the first person to write about intermittent fasting and my first book back in 2006 and it's a funny subject if we have the time uh my first book was Dr gundry's diet Evolution and it was done by Random House in my I had an entire chapter on time restricted eating and my editor said this is nuts this is crazy your book is crazy enough but I'm not going to let you do this because you know you're a whack job I said but look I'm telling you you know the research is powerful it's you know it's well documented and I've been doing it myself for several years and we went back and forth she said all right I'll give you two pages to make your case and if anybody picks up the book they'll find the two pages I was talking at the big conference in Arizona a couple years ago and who would be in the audience within my editor Heather Jackson and she walks up to me she said I gotta apologize you were so right I should have listened to you so right about you know intermittent fasting and I should could I give you the chapter back I said hey it's all right but she said I should have known you were right wow pioneered that's great so and so what did I have last night well I had a handful of pistachios I had a glass of pinot noir red wine and then um we actually uh cooked a some pastured uh chicken thighs with sage oregano and rosemary and olive oil and some white wine and that's what we had for dinner oh and uh artichoke hearts so that was wow that sounds amazing and and throughout and and you do drink coffee and tea yeah so I drink I drink about four four cups of tea a day I drink about three cups of coffee in the morning black me too my tea has all sorts of weird stuff in it um mint and just crazy um so there's a there's an interesting study recently published out of um Italy called the the green Med diet and the green Med diet is a Mediterranean diet with the addition in these volunteers of three cups of green tea four cups of green tea a day with the addition of a funny algae that's called duckweed and duckweed is and so these people had to have some duckweed and they showed that compared to a Mediterranean diet which is pretty doggone good the green Med diet actually had improved markers of vessel Health compared to a Mediterranean diet improved markers of heart health and it turns out it's pretty much the diet that I give my patients so and I know a lot of people do these these so-called you know diets or and then they say they have a cheat day or a sheet meal do you believe in that or do you just believe in keeping your regimented horse throughout um do you ever cheat for example you know if you're in Italy with a nice pesto pasta or something like that yeah so one of the things we've noticed is um glyphosate Roundup is in everything that we eat here in the United States it's pretty much banned in Europe and we'll have a ton of my patients who have an autoimmune disease or multiple autoimmune diseases and they go into remission and they go to France or Italy and they have the pasta or they have the bread and they don't react and they to a person they go ah you know Dr gundry's cured me I can have these things again and they come back to the United States and they have our pizza or our bread and within a week they're on the phone going oh my gosh you know my psoriasis is back or oh my gosh you know I've got diarrhea and you know blood in my stool what the heck I said well you weren't cured you ate things that didn't have glyphosate in them and glyphosate is a really great way to actually cause leaky gut to kill all your gut microbiome off and yeah and I find that to be true with me in Italy I'm I'm pretty safe over there but if I try to do it over here so no cheating in the states just out of the states no yeah really don't do it here it's not worth it um I've got a patient in in Santa Barbara who there's a pizza place that ferments their doubt sounds like a great idea and one of my patients who's got bad arthritis and who had been doing well with so wow you know now I can have my pizza and she goes and that night you know she's all achy and she said what the heck and I said that's because they're using our flower and our flowers full of glyphosate and fermentation isn't going to fix that yeah it's interesting I've heard exactly that from people from our own patients that say you know I I have these food type of sensitivities or intolerance in the states I go abroad and I can eat everything even cheap and I'm and I'm lactose you know intolerant but it only in the states the lactose is fine for me in other places which is interesting because it doesn't make sense but it's what you say it does so well and it's casing a two milk over in France and Italy in its casein a one milk here in the United States so and there's plenty of lactose in the gelato in France and Italy it's a casein that they're reacting to [Music]
Channel: Forever Young Podcast
Views: 28,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board certified plastic surgeon, board certified, plastic surgery, health, skin, aging, age, nutrition, clear skin, vitamins, vitamin d, vitamin c, diet, gut, gut health, skin tags, acne, face, hands, fitness, supplements, food
Id: lbJlGy6cXno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 27sec (3027 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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