Dr. Sadler's Bookshelf Tour

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[Music] for quite some time I've been getting many requests from viewers and subscribers and other fans that I do a bookshelf tour and talk about some of the books that I've got here up on the stacks I recently put them into what's more or less a coherent order it's better in some parts than others so this provides an excellent opportunity for me to actually fulfill that request so here is my bookshelf tour all right so we start the tour with my Loeb library editions these are the English on one side and Greek and Latin on the other side I make a lot of use out of these as a matter of fact some of them are not in particularly good shape that's Homearama the very end and that's actually not a Loeb edition that's the the Odyssey book that I had from when I did readings of that you know as a student in graduate school and you see we start off with some you know Homeric hymns and things like that and then we jump right into lots and lots and lots of Aristotle you notice that I've got quite a bit of that another author who I'm pretty fond of and I did buy some some works by is Lucien of Sam soda you also see it's some Plutarch in there Epictetus Diogenes they are taste and then the red volumes on the end are actually Cicero and I've got quite a few of those as well the Cicero continues on and I think I do actually have a few other volumes of Cicero around here in the apartment somewhere that I haven't put on the shelf but those are the ones that I use quite frequently I've also got a few other things I've picked up here and there some Ovid some Virgil some augustine again the Loeb series and then we've got some other cool things there's a bunch of varied stuff some of the Greek some of it in other languages there's the Nibelungen lead in old high german there's Grimm's fairy tales one volume of it in in German and then there's a lot of Rilke stuff there as well I had a fan who bought me those collected works that's those little almost lilac colored volumes there that you see six in a row and there's a lot of other real connects to it as well and then at the very end that blue volume is again more you know old high german and early writings a lot of cool stuff in there some of it poetry some of it some prose if i remember right it's been a while since i've taken then follow him down so now we get into the ancient philosophy all of it in english translation here on this shelf a few studies and collected essays books about ancient greek culture and then some stuff on the pre-socratics then we get some Plato stuff including two volumes of the collected dialogue so that my wife and I can both study them together so I'm Victor Goldschmidt Studies which I kind of like him on played on some other commentators as well then we get Aristotle I've got you know some of these these classic sets of essays that are quite nice and you know couple copies of the rhetoric you know different translations they do quite a bit of work on that then we have you know Lucretius in the epicurean tradition we have a bit of stoic stuff and we finish with this volume of the you know the notion of happiness starting with the ancients and going into the evils so then we have the actual medieval stuff I've got that volume on the philosophy of Judaism that includes a lot of different selections 18 Jones philosophy of the Middle Ages and in French we got some Augustine's so booth is lots and lots of stuff on and some don't surprise given that I do a lot of work and a handsome then we've got Maimonides some stuff on Bonaventure and we start getting into Thomas Aquinas I've got quite a bit of Aquinas stuff as you can see many of which are these black friars editions which I like quite a bit they have the Latin on one side and a you know critical apparatus and English translations on the other some of the English translations not so good some of them are very good I've got translations of his commentaries on the politics and the nicob McCain ethics a few studies you see echo and Jill song there then we have done SCOTUS John of the Cross we start moving into Renaissance authors an early modern authors like Montaigne Castelli on Nicolas of Cuza and then a Galileo that's what that unmarked volume is and then we have a lot of decart stuff there I'm a big fan of Descartes and I like reading him in the original Latin in French and that little volume there without us without a cover that's Hobbes is Leviathan I've read it so many times that I've pretty much worn it out [Music] so this shelf is thoroughly early moderns a little bit more of Hobbs some Pascal and then we get into Spinoza some Montesquieu some John Locke actually quite a lot of Locke there I used to really focus on him quite a bit and then Jonathan Edwards you know great American philosopher very influenced by Locke Bishop Berkeley and we get into jean-jacques Rousseau yeah and then we're moving into you know the middle part of the modern period we have Adam Smith and a lot of David Hume a little bit of read some Voltaire Federalist Papers Thomas Paine Edmund Burke Mary Wollstonecraft Lichtenberg and then we start getting into cons I've got quite a lot of that because he is somebody who I consider quite important you know so I've got a couple different translations of the critique of Pure Reason and then a few other works by him as well come to somebody who I enjoy reading but these are the works that I actually enjoy the most the moral philosophy the third critique and the religion within limits of reason alone which is philosophy of religion but really mainly ethics as well then we I've got like a little bit of Fichte and we jump right into Hegel I've got a lot of Hegel's stuff the phenomenology and a couple translations the science of logic number of the various lectures the the philosophy of write some commentaries of various sorts on on Hegel and then we've got Schopenhauer and I think he's quite important as well I think many of you know that I'm a big fan of Kierkegaard as well you notice a lot of his works on my shelf and then followed by some of the other nineteenth-century stuff there's Coleridge right there now we start getting into the English authors you know the utilitarians like John Stuart Mill Cardinal Newman you even see some Malthus in there and I've got some de Tocqueville French author a very important one as far as I'm concerned and then we get to you know the left two galleons like Feuerbach and and now we get into Marx there's a little bit more of Marx there and then you can tell that my clasificado a system starts to break down because there's so much twentieth century and even 19th century stuff that I've got and it doesn't all fit nicely into a chronological perspective so now I'm starting to place things sort of by there you might say tradition and so this is the Marxist influenced stuff we've got you know or critical theory we've got Rosen's like Lukesh Horkheimer Adorno mark who's Habermas a few other things here and there including a book by my old mentor Garth Gill and rising from the ruins and then we've got some Jameson stuff and then finally at the very end of that I've got a few things that are there within the Marxist perspective you know Lana and Stalin and Communist Chinese stuff and I shoved it in there so that's that's that shelf another very important tradition is what we can call the phenomenological and hermeneutical tradition and I've got quite a few of that you see who Cyril kicking it off and then I've got quite a bit of mock Schaller stuff and hide-a-goose stuff you know those are really the three key figures in early phenomenology a lot of Heidegger stuff in there quite frankly and then we've got maurice merleau-ponty another great thinker some Gabrielle Marcel and I actually think I've got some other Marcel around here that I haven't put on the shelf I shoved Marianas guide without being in there just to have it in the phenomenological tradition even though it's a little bit out of sequence and then we've got a manual loving us and a few of his works as well so we continue that tradition with some books by dietrich von Hildebrand a really important Schaller student gadamer's truth and Method and a bunch of stuff by paul ricoeur big fan of his also a number of things by Hana rent there's a fun own thing in there and then a ton of Derrida because I used to be really really into Derrida so I've actually got quite a few of his works including to that that my mom bought for me while she was in France knowing that I was you know reading stuff in the original that writing and difference and on Gromit ology those are some some of my favorite things because you know I remember her buying them for me so a little bit out of order but I wanted to place this in here then we've got what we can call the existentialism shelf with Unamuno and ortega y gasset bear jaya have chest a good bit of SART stuff some Simone de Beauvoir I've got you know some some Tillich and some Simone vay and Boober in there as well and then a good bit of Camus stuff and then a number of different studies on existentialism that you know some of them are quite good some of them I just have sort of as reference points that I'll use later on and then here's a shelf of stuff that I think a lot of my viewers are not going to be very well aware of but which is quite important for me so I picked up a number of Baird sone volumes and the big fan of honoree barracks on actually and then we have Maurice blown dal the guy who I wrote my dissertation on very important 20th century French Catholic thinker influenced a lot of different people including Peter Russo lo whose intelligence you see there got some Edith Stein I've got some Jacques Maritain got got quite a bit of a tea and Jill's so so these are all important French thinkers of the 20th century then we have a shelf that has a number of things from the psychoanalytic tradition and some things from some other modes of psychotherapy you start out with a lot of Freud including the collected works then we have some some Freudians right we have young and we have right and then the other right and then you notice that we we get into Lacan and I've got a lot of Jacques Lacan stuff because I make sure a big fan of his might surprise some people then we've got some stuff from the cognitive revolution you can say although we also have some you know beta hime they're good to read as well and a number of different interesting things so the psychological literature spills over into the next shelf and then we've got a number of different things there's a little bit more heterogeneous we've got a lot of meetcha literature there including in some cases multiple translations a few bits high works some baudrillard some leotard some Deleuze and to losing qatari a lot of eigem been somebody who's a contemporary author who i like quite a bit so may dream pepper Zach you know that's really a change of pace for those of you who know their works and at the end and rounding it up ggx book on violence most of our gjx stuff is actually hacked up in one place or another a lot of different things on this shelf we start out with Bakhtin including a book by val ocean off whose turns out is Bakhtin then we have some structuralist stuff the you know disel sir cordage language TV genre which is really great grass a little bit of other stuff on structuralism some claude lévi-strauss some roland Bart then we get into like you know post-structuralist stuff with Foucault I got a lot of Foucault stuff that I've collected over the years he's an author that I actually enjoyed quite a bit and drawn quite a bit well on this shelf I have a number of different things all kind of smooshed together so we've got American philosophy Emerson through row purse Royce some James stuff and then some some white head and and white head is actually good transitional figure given that he you know is kind of an American philosophy but also kind of in the you know brutish analytic tradition as well given his collaborations with Russell so we've got some more plenty of Russell's some Vidkun Stein popper although you know I had to put some other things in there that don't necessarily fit that well so Nosek is up there and and Iris Murdoch and and a few other things as well [Music] and speaking of stuff that doesn't all fit in together this shelf is like that you know you have to have some place where you put the things that you can't find places for on other shelves and so we've got you know quite a bit of stuff from contemporary continental you might say some stuff focused specifically on gender and philosophy even some stuff within you know the broadly socialist Marxist radical tradition that just didn't fit on that shelf you had to go down somewhere else and towards the end we've got things from the Christian philosophy debates that I I had to shove somewhere as well so here on this shelf we have stuff that's really within the realm of social and political philosophy we start out with studies that focus specifically on fascism and other similar movements then we've got things that kind of fit in with with the conservative ways of thinking and then there's there's quite a bit of variety there then then we start getting into just stuff that fits into social political theory broadly and it's a quite a mix you know we've got look back there and as a military theorist got a captive mind you know and at the very end you see that we've got Lord Acton essays on freedom and power a lot of other cool stuff and that's that's gene Hamptons book on political philosophy there at the end then we have some stuff from the classic sociological tradition Durkheim Weber I actually threw mank in him because he's really a sociological observer reiative Adlon and now it starts to become just sort of a mix of stuff that has to do with history or you know ideas over time and it's kind of a mishmash and then you know there's towards the end I just started throwing things on the shelf that I hadn't found other places for and and some of that's great stuff I mean I like Fukuyama and robert nichols political parties is there there's even a book called the protestant crusade which is quite interesting about what took place in the Americas in the 1800s [Music] on one of the upper shelves they have cobblestones history of philosophy the volumes I was trying to find those whenever I can and then a lot of what we can call MIDI V alia you know stuff that has to do with the medieval period in one way or another that didn't fit very well into everything else that we already had on the Shelf you see blue box medieval exegesis they're wonderful stuff the feel of kaalia and a number of other volumes and then we finish up with some stuff that has to do with Judaism and Judaic thought I did manage to devote one shelf primarily to Alistair McIntyre you see some Palani in there as well in a copy of the Lord of the Rings but you see a lot of McIntyre stuff including two copies of after virtue different editions you know the entire thing and then some works on McIntyre as well here on this shelf in addition to an old family Bible you see the collected works of the anta and post Nicene Church Fathers lots of really cool stuff in there I bought that that entire lot a long long time ago and I've transported it with me all over my travels and and I do draw on it quite a bit so I've got a good bit of fiction and literature on my bookshelf as well not in any particular order so you see Shakespeare locked in you know next to Arthur Conan Doyle next to have even Lanois I didn't try to put these in order at this point in time because I just you know didn't see the the need for it but you can see some of the stuff that I've held on to because I've actually gotten rid of most of my literature stuff in the last move now this I think you'll find interesting there's an entire shelf devoted to dictionaries and lexicons and grammars and stuff like that from the various languages that I've either learned or tried to learn at one point in time and then as we go back up we see more literature stuff collected works of O'Henry complete works of Edgar Allen Poe and then all of these anvil books I needed a place to put them and that was the shelf you think you can tell a common theme as we get closer and closer to the end there's less and less good organization and I'm not gonna try to do the Ken Burns effect and lead you through stuff here you can see lots and lots of fiction books piled up here a lot of stuff that I'll be reading I haven't gotten rid of any of it yet I hold on to it there's also quite a bit of the you know religious studies materials here and and some you know philosophy of language philosophy of religion and you can even see that I've held on to some journals and some textbooks that that I've accumulated in my time but quite frankly I have gotten rid of way more books than I have held on to over the course of the last probably two years all right so there you have it that is the tour of our bookshelves at present after I put them into more or less order orderly in some places are still a little bit disorganized in some other places a little bit of work yet to do but you can tell where my priorities really lie by what it is that I've held on to you know we came here to to Milwaukee with about 90 bankers boxes full of books and we had to trim those down mercilessly forcing you know for me as a scholar as somebody who does research somebody would love to hold onto books a bibliophile a kind of crisis where I had to think about am I actually going to ever read this book again or am I just keeping it on the shelf and and in some way holding myself back so I'm pretty happy with the bookshelf as we have it and I and I found it even though I spent an entire day going through them and sorting them and placing them where where they were I found it it kind of a liberating exercise to do so I hope you enjoyed the little tour and you can leave your comments below don't send me any books unless you know you want me to review them because I've already got quite a few and we actually try to avoid going to use bookstores and the like because we don't want to add too many new books to the shelves but that's it so there's there's the whole book [Music]
Channel: Gregory B. Sadler
Views: 23,674
Rating: 4.9780703 out of 5
Keywords: Lecture, Lesson, Talk, Education, Sadler, Philosophy, Learning, Reason
Id: wCsLFSR_Y94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 31 2018
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