In the Pastor's Library

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well hey everybody is pastor Kelly and hope you're having a great week it's time for our normal what would be our midweek Bible study but tonight I want to do something very different something I've never done before some of you might think this is interesting some of you might find this extremely boring and so that's okay I hope it's helpful and beneficial to you for a number of reasons what I want to do is bring you here inside my office into my library I have a lot of books and over the last few months you've seen me do a lot of video recording here with these books behind you behind me and maybe you've wondered and asked the question has he read all those books and the first answer to that is no I have not read all these books and but over a lot of these books and do I use this library do I use my books and the answer to that is yes a resounding yes any pastor that's worth his salt and preacher will have a library and make use of his library and they become your best friend but what I want to do is walk you through just some of the books that I have that I think might be beneficial and helpful to you in your walk with the Lord you know at Temple our desire is to make disciples of Jesus who think act and live like him and the first primary resource to do that and to accomplish that is the Bible is the scriptures and so these books do not replace the Bible they're supplements and they come along beside of me in the books that you have come along beside of you and God's Word to help you grow and mature as a follower of Christ and so I understand first and foremost if you're going to read any book read the Bible but there's benefit and there's wisdom in reading other books as well to help us grow as disciples of Jesus who think act and live like him so I'm standing here behind all my books I've got somewhere between seven and eight hundred books here in my library I've got about 3,000 books on my computer and a Bible study software program that I used so I'm always in books and reading and researching and studying especially as I'm preparing the sermons and Bible studies my library is laid out in a couple different sections and so what I've done is I've gone through and I've pulled off some books off of the shelf that I think might be beneficial and helpful to you in your own spiritual journey and so let me just kind of show you a broad picture of what we're going to do and some of the resources that I'm going to share with you and so you can be paying attention if there's something that maybe piques your interest over here on my right is Bibles and study Bibles I want to recommend a good Study Bible to you and then we're going to talk about some biographies and some recommendations that I have their missions church history biblical history Baptist history I'll give you some recommendations they're moving into leadership and team-building maybe in your profession you work with the team of people you have people that you lead some recommendations there some books on pastoral ministry and personal ministry if by chance somebody watches this that's outside of Temple your pastor some recommendations there I recommend to you a couple books on prayer and how to study the Bible so that I want to talk to you about I'm going to recommend to you a Bible commentary if you're interested in finding something to continue your studies and then we're going to talk about some counseling resources around the issues of marriage and family so that's how my library is laid out and so let me walk through now and talk about some particular with you that maybe will benefit you right here is my Bibles and collections of Bibles on my computer I used more of this on my computer program because I could put out different translations on my screen and look at them side-by-side but if I could recommend to you one Study Bible and I think if you can afford to have us the Bible you really should get one and save up for one if you're able and a really good study bible is the csb study Bible that stands for Christian Standard Bible a couple of things I like about this one the Christian standard Bible translation was the first translation written by Southern Baptist and so the editors who translated this the Christian standard Bible were all Southern Baptists and so we're proud of that being that we are Southern Baptists but a Study Bible gives you lots of notes and resources as you can see it's a very thick Bible but as you're reading if there's something you don't understand you can let down and there's footnotes that help provide explanation to what you're reading and so there are lots of good study Bibles I have several here John MacArthur has an excellent Study Bible I used that for years and years and years life application is another Study Bible that's been around a long time it's excellent but a more recent updated newer Study Bible that I'd recommend to you is the Christian standard Bible Study Bible I preach out of the new American Standard as you know if you go to Temple here and that's the translation that I use and I think you can also get that maybe in that translation let's stop let's talk a minute here about some biographies I've got several different up here Billy Graham CS Lewis Martin Luther sergeant York just from some history Jonathan Edwards but I wanted to give you two here that recommend we all love chick-fil-a and if you're looking for some good summer reading something that's very casual but really interesting it's doing business the chick-fil-a way by truett Cathy it's a fascinating story of how truett Cathy started the chick-fil-a company and his values and it explains a lot of the why behind the what that chick-fil-a does and so Troy Cathy is doing business that fill a way and then more on the biblical side this is a book called Paul apostle the heart set free by F F Bruce the Apostle Paul is one of the most fascinating characters in all the Bible and this is a very technical book but an excellent book that not only really goes in-depth about the life of the Apostle Paul but in so doing it really gives you a span of much of the New Testament since Paul wrote so many books of our New Testament so Paulie possibly heart set free is an excellent book if you really want to get into the life and the Ministry of the Apostle Paul down in this section I have books on world religion I have a book of Mormon not that I'm studying it to preach but for the purposes of knowing what other people believe looks on other religions Islam and if you'd like that recommendation on studying any of those particular areas reach out to me and I'll be happy to give you some recommendations but really a classic book this is a revised edition of it around the area of missions is a book by John Piper called let the nation's be glad the supremacy of God in missions John Piper anything by Piper is is excellent I don't agree with everything about his theology but I agree with most things about his theology and so let the nation's be glad is an excellent excellent book I had some recommendations here for some books but if you're interested in philosophy I just put it that way my undergrad was in philosophy history that is a couple of things there the City of God by Dustin homer's iliad is excellent there and if somebody has a particular interest in that I'd be happy to give you some suggestions down here is church history and Baptist history there's a book that was written last year I think it might have been the year before it's a fairly new book and it's SBC FAQ so the frequently asked questions of the Southern Baptist Convention a ready reference many of you in our church are new to the Southern Baptist denomination and we are Southern Baptist Church and there's Southern Baptist churches there's Methodist churches Presbyterian churches non-denominational churches and you know for me personally there's a reason that I am a Baptist in particular there's reasons I'm a Southern Baptist and it goes back to theology and so the the SPC frequently asked questions is an excellent book and resource to help you learn more about our convention how we work together the purposes of the convention but its role as it relates to the local church and so if that's something that particularly interests you maybe you're new as I said to Southern Baptists life being a part of a Southern Baptist Church that's a helpful helpful resource coming over here to this section as I said earlier this section is a lot of books on leadership church growth and church health and in particular since church growth may not be something the interest use as much as it does me I wanted to give you some other recommendations from this section this book is a book by Andy Andrews called the little things some excellent book helping us to understand how little what we might think are mundane routine habits in our life that often we think are insignificant can actually be very significant as we relate to other people as we serve other people as we build relationships and so this is a really good book by Andy Andrews anything by any injuries is really good John Maxwell is one of my favorite writers in the area of leadership John Maxwell used to be a pastor and God kind of redirected his ministry but God has used to him in a tremendous way for the kingdom and two particular books a lot of things these written are great but two--this had a big impact on my life is this book right here 25 ways to win with people you No as a pastor I'm in the people business I'm a people person but we're all people people says I may exist but it's true we all are in the people business and this book is just a great reminder it's not very long it's really good about people skills and how to relate with people and how to win with people just as the title says and so he talks about our intentions in in relationships and you know how important names are and and why it's important to remember a person's name and and things like that so I'm just a book about relationships and connecting to people and then this one here another one by Maxwell called the difference maker it's all about attitude you know the longer I live the more I'm convinced that so much of her life revolves around our attitude and attitude influences you've maybe heard this before attitude influences altitude and so whether you soar in life or whether you bottomed out in life so much of that revolves around your attitude and Maxwell does a really good job in this book the difference maker making your attitude your greatest asset so I'm not trying to sell books to you for anybody here I'm just recommending some resources to you from my library things that have been beneficial to me that may benefit you as well so that's a couple resources a couple resources there if you are watching by chance and you're in pastoral ministry to books that have really challenged me is this book by Paul Tripp called dangerous calling it's an excellent excellent book I think every pastor needs to read this book really challenged me in my own calling and following Christ and then this look here I read more recently by Lance wit called replenish leading from a healthy soul let's just be honest no matter what we do whether you're a pastor or a teacher a business owner because to work or whatever you do we all face seasons of burnout and and discouragement that's just a part of life and the enemy's real and he likes to attack us and it's really easy sometimes we just get one down and when we get one down we get worn out we get discouraged and this book is a really good book to help with that and so replenish leading from healthy so now those more are a little more focused on leadership and and ministry related so kind of let's go back to some things that may be more applicable to majority of you watching this video all of us need to properly read and understand and interpret the Bible we need to read the scriptures and we need to know and understand the scriptures there's a right way and there's a wrong way to read and interpret and apply the Bible and this book here by Howard Hendricks living by the book the art and science of reading the Bible it's probably the most popular the best book out there Howard Hendricks was professor in Texas a seminary professor just a fantastic ministry God used him to train so many pastors some of you have read this book I know we've talked about it but that's an excellent book to help you understand how to read the Bible how to study the Bible and how to interpret the Bible so often when we read the Bible we read something and we say well how does this apply to me well we can't start with that question that questions okay we need to ask that question but that's not the leading question and so Howard Hendricks helps walk you through a process of accurately reading and studying and applying the scriptures and so I would commend that book to you here are two books that are on prayer one is by Andrew Murray it's called living a prayerful life it's written a native for Matt Andrew Murray has someone who wrote years and years ago he was born in South Africa and in the early 1800s he read a lot of stuff on prayer this is really a classic classic work on prayer and he talks about how prayer is the pulse of spiritual life and so that's an excellent book as you can see it's a small book on prayer but I would recommend that to you a more modern book as I said this was in the eighteen hundreds more modern book is by Ken Hemphill called the prayer of Jesus Kim Hempfield walks through the Lord's Prayer the model prayer and gives some practical resources on how to appropriate that prayer in our life but also into our habit and our pattern of pray so if you're interested in learning more about prayer and strengthening your own prayer life then I would recommend to you this book by Ken hem fill the prayer of Jesus when he hit the rectus he was president of Southwestern Seminary in Texas when he wrote that and then down here these are kind of generalized books that maybe don't fit into a particular section this is a book by one of my favorite preachers who's now with the Lord Adrian Rogers and it's a book called what every Christian ought to know solid grounding for growing faith and now this book is a series of messages that even Rogers preached that was kind of transcribed and put into a book format and it walks us through key Christian beliefs and doctrines in a very practical way Adrian Rogers was someone who could take deep theological truths and put them on the bottom shelf for all of us to understand and so just an excellent look there what every Christian ought to know by Adrian Rogers all right we move on over here this is a section on theology books if that's something that interests you let me know I can give you some resources these are commentaries particular Old Testament commentaries and so when I'm preaching from Old Testament passages I have more on my computer than I do here in regards to the Old Testament but a lot of these resources here then over here this is all of my New Testament commentaries so I wanted to pull just one that I could recommend to you because I realized that not everybody can have commentaries like this in their home and so if you say pastor what is one commentary that would help me you know have my Bible I have a Study Bible but then is there another resource that I could just really have right there to come along and help me as I'm reading the scriptures if there's something I don't know or don't really understand that could help provide some insight and this would be that one this is called a one-volume commentary and so it is a commentary on the whole Bible and so this is the believers Bible commentary it was written by William MacDonald if you look it up it's probably going to look different this is an older older edition but the believers Bible commentary is an excellent excellent resource and I would encourage you to get it with $30 when I bought it probably 15 years ago and so I'm sure it's cheaper now and then down here this section we're starting to wrap up this section down here is all of my books on discipleship and the area of disciple making and you know that's a big passion of mine and a calling in my life and so I cannot speak of that without recommending one of my top books to you growing up by Robbie Galilee many of you many of you that are members of Temple have read this if you're in our D groups most of you have read growing up how to be a disciple who makes disciples so I cannot stress that book to you enough and if you're a new believer you definitely should read this book then a book to be helpful and encourage you in regards to spiritual disciplines you know Paul tells us and Timothy that bodily exercise profits little but godliness profits in all things and so we should discipline ourselves Paul says in that passage to discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness and so spiritual disciplines that's what they are they're disciplines that we practice in our life as we pursue godliness as we pursue holiness and so an excellent book in that regard is a book by Richard Foster called the celebration of disciplines richard Foster walks through a spiritual disciplines and and and the thing I like about Foster is he walks through some disciplines that we maybe don't think of we know that prayers of spiritual discipline we know that fasting is a spiritual discipline we know that Bible reading is a spiritual discipline but he talks about disciplines like simplicity and solitude service he says that worship is a spiritual discipline but then he also talks about celebrating the disciplines in our life and so he goes beyond and just steps out of some of what we typically think of spiritual disciplines and and includes some of the areas that are really helpful and then another book here that I would recommend to you is this book called an infinite journey growing toward Christlikeness by Andrew Davis Andy Davis is actually the pastor at First Baptist Church in Durham so not too far up the road a brilliant brilliant thinker he has memorized gosh he's memorized over 20 books of the Bible yes he heard me say that right he's memorized over 20 books of the Bible but Andy Davis read this book an infinite journey it's really a book all about sanctification and growing more like Christ and it's it's a little longer book it's 400 plus pages but if you're up for the child it will benefit you tremendously in your walk with Christ and I would I would encourage that before you and let me wrap this up this section is booked some counseling parenting marriage counseling matters depression all those things but I wanted to pull off a couple resources in the area of marriage I don't loan my books out too often for the reason that they don't always make their way back to me and this is the case I wanted to recommend to you this book called sacred marriage I can't hold the book up because I must have let somebody borrow it and didn't get it back and so instead I'm holding up the dvds of the teaching series based on the book from the author Gary Thomas but sacred marriage is a classic book it's been around a long time but the premise of his book is that God did not design marriage to make you happy he designed marriage to make you holy some books are just timeless and sacred marriage is one of those books that's timeless so I would commend that to you and you can bind videos of him teaching through that another classic five love languages you know people might think that no we're beyond that but it surprises me how many people have not read and haven't heard of the five love languages Gary Thomas when I gave Thomas Gary Chapman local North Carolina guy he serves on staff at Calvary Baptist Church in winston-salem has been there for years and years and years write this book I don't know how many years ago but an excellent resource if you're married in knowing how you should speak the love language of your wife and as Gary Tom or Gary Chapman tells us in the book so often some of our problems in marriage is that we think we're speaking our spouses level in which when we're not and so we might be speaking our love language not our spouses and so we have to learn what our spouses love language is and how to speak that language and so it's an excellent book and I would come in that to you if you're married if you haven't read it before you really should and then for all families what I put up with this one a book by Ken Sandy called peacemaking for families a biblical guide the men managing conflict in your home how do I say this you got a family you got conflict anytime you got people anytime you have people together you have conflict relationships consist of sinners who sin even though we're saved we're not perfect we still fall short of the glory of God but Ken sandy has given a really great book practical helpful book on how to be a peacemaker not a peace faker you know there's different types of people when it comes to conflict and relationships some people run away from conflict that's wrong some people like to run to conflict well that's not healthy either so what do you do you need to be there in the middle you need to be a peace maker and so this is an excellent book if you're facing some challenges in your home with your spouse your children other relationships in your life there's may be some conflict I would definitely encourage and recommend this book to you so just wanted to walk you through and kind of let you come into my life a little bit into my ministry into my prep time into my library the books that I have here and I hope that something is just resonated with you you have maybe a little bit more time right now if you're still furloughed from work or maybe going on vacation you want to take something to read hopefully something sparked an interest here for you today that would encourage you and help you to continue to grow as a disciple of Jesus to think act and live like him so if you have any questions if there's something particular you'd like a recommendation home send me a Facebook message call us at the church offers ship you email be happy to reach out to you but that's it for tonight very different for what we normally do on Wednesday evenings but I hope it's helpful and beneficial to you look forward to seeing you this Sunday on or here in Camden person as we kick off this new series I'm really excited about it called weigh maker and we are taking the song i dont preach songs i preach the Bible but we're taking the song weigh maker because the course of that song really speaks to the attributes of God he's waymaker miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness we're gonna work our way through those seeing what the Bible has to say and this Sunday we're starting with that very first one way maker we're gonna be in the Old Testament The Book of Daniel chapter 3 and we're gonna be studying about Shadrach Meshach Abednego and how God was the waymaker as he brought them through the fiery furnace and how God is the waymaker in your life whatever you're facing right now he will make a way for you just as he did for them so I hope you'll join me this Sunday here at Temple have a great rest of the week and we'll see you soon
Channel: Temple Baptist Church; Fayetteville, NC
Views: 5,777
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Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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