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- Hello everyone, it's Barry here, welcome to my virgin kitchen. I hope you are well, now today, well not today. This is weird, tomorrow we are making Dr Pepper pulled pork. This is different for a few reasons. First up, I've never really done a video in here. Luckily it's a very bright evening because it's actually eight o'clock at night right now and that's pretty late. Normally I get quite bad light here in the kitchen but we're getting away with it. It's pretty cool 'cause also the steps right here at this stage are very minimal indeed. We're needing the slow cooker, which I don't use very often. And secondly which doubles up as today's video shout out is my friend Lettuce, who's also a very skilled photographer and in fact I've and factor cameoed in some of his pictures on his Instagram right there. That's a shady looking Barry right there, oh yes. So the weird thing is he is actually a vegan as well. So I can't get why a vegan has said, "Oh my gosh, this pulled pork looks delicious, "you must make it." Because I'm actually seeing him tomorrow doing a podcast the my virgin kitchen podcast and he's appearing in it and I was gonna take some with him, with me, but I can't. So I'm just gonna make it. This is kind of new territory for me because I'm just gonna do the steps now and then I'm gonna turn the slow cooker on just before I go to bed, this is quite good, and then I'll walk the dogs. They're down there chilling out at the moment. Then I might try and watch a few episodes of Walking Dead. But what will happen is I'll watch one episode then fall asleep, but before I go to bed, I'll switch the slow cooker on. And then we'll see what it's like in the morning. All I'm gonna do, I'm gonna grab an onion and we're gonna just slice this up. The house phone's ringing. See this is what happens this time of night. Hello? - [Woman] Hi Barry. - Hi, how are you? - [Woman] What was in the cream? - Just whipped cream and a bit of applesauce. - [Woman] You were right. They were very nice. - That was just my mother-in-law critiquing the cones, the cream horns that I made, in fact this morning, hence why I'm wearing the same T-shirt. That's on the same day as I sent. So I'm just peeling my onion like so, I only do it roughly, 'cause I'm gonna use my trusty kitchen gadget. Go like that, boom, down, love this thing. I need to get one with Barry on it. Boom. So what we do is just take that out for safety reasons, chopped onions. So this is my slow cooker. A bit big, see, but then we lift it off this plate for now put out one way. That base actually stores inside of it, it's pretty neat actually. So the onions are going in there. Onions, shaky, shaky, shaky. There's my pork shoulder joint, right there. If we want, we can trim this bit of fat off. I think we might. So I've turned it into a convertible. I've taken the fatty roof off it, but you can keep it on if you wish. It does make it easy to peel off then and also you can chop that up and fry it and turn it into pork scratchings, which is pretty cool, but it's all about this. Alright, so this is some molden smoke salt. So it's like flaky salt, but it's been smoked a little bit. So it's got a real nice flavour to it, smokiness, edge. It's not white like normal salt, it's got a bit of a slight fake tany vibe going on. Trying to do one hand to touch the pork and the other hand to be my clean one. But if you get completely messy, you can always wash your hands in between. This is some garlic powder. Just get that on there. Rubby, rub with that hand. Oh, it smells good. Nice and coated on there. Then a good old grind of black pepper on both sides again. So get it all nice and seasoned. If I drag it along as well to scrape up any extra seasoning on the board on the sides, and that is the pork done. Alright, so slow cooker with a bed of onions and we just sit the pork shoulder in there. I'm gonna wash my hands a minute. Alright, so I have a bottle of Dr Pepper here. It's about 600 mills in this one, but we only need about 400. Oh wow, check that out. Boom, I wasn't expecting to be poured into a slow cooker onto the pork. Wow, a little bit more like so. Now we don't actually add the barbecue sauce yet at this stage, we now need to basically slow cook it. So I'm gonna wait around for a few hours before going to bed and the barbecue sauce will be added in the morning. It does smell blimming good though. I reckon it's gonna caramelise up and be really sweet and complement the tangy barbecue sauce really well. Anyhow, I'm just saying. I'm gonna walk the dogs and I'll show you me turning it on before bed. Hello, it's half past 12 at night, let's go. Alright, I'll see you in the morning. Good morning, I hope you slept well. Walking Dead, I go about one and a half episodes into that fell asleep, and it was time to put this baby on. So let's have a look, but also, I found a kitchen gadget which I've never really had the chance to use. It's been there for ages, called meat claws which we'll use to shred up the pork. In we go. Just get it out, oh yes. Alright, what do I do with this thing? Kinda drippy. I haven't done that many pulled pork recipes before, but I was kinda thinking more of the fluid would evaporate, but it hasn't, but I can feel this here. See this just wants to pull apart. I was gonna shred it in here, but I thought that I'd scratch it in doing stuff like that so we're gonna take it out, without fork and use these claws. Of course, if I was Father Christmas, I would use Santa claw. Alrighty, boom, there it goes. I lifted it off with a spatula and it's got slots in it. It kinda let some of the juices seep out because I don't have a lift board here, and it might go a little bit everywhere, but let's shred it. That instantly made me think of ninja turtles and shredder. Today's random shout out goes to just Hollywood on Snapchat the last person to send me a snap. I'm fan girling a bit here. Love, love, love your videos and the pugs. Nice one just Hollywood, you've made my entire month. Hopefully I've made another month now. Wow. Nothing else in the box. Shred handle transfer meat claws, pork poultry and beef. Use the claws for shredding pork, ham and poultry or removing virtually any meat from the grill. Oh so you can actually lift with it, look at that. Great for handling anything hot in the kitchen. Where you'd rather not use your hands. I wouldn't really trust that to do something, lift something hot. Alright, just giving them just a bit of a wash. These are awesome, they're like bear claws. I feel like Wolverine. Here we go. Oh, look at that. Oh, wow, it's shredding it like a boss, like a boss. Look at this. Of course you could use forks, but oh wow look. That's amazing. That is actually really, really good. I'm not getting any mess on my hands. Of course you can use forks, but I'm feeling like a bear. I am feeling like Yogi, no, Winnie the Pooh, no he's a bear, was he a bear? No, he's a good bear. Bear Grills. I've only put bits of onion in it as well. Oh, so good. Honestly, I am really impressed with that. That has taken me like seconds. My hands are so clean. Really, really good and look. Famous bears, polar bear, no, no, no. Oh, Baloo from the Jungle Book. It's my Ted inspired pull pork gadget claws, amazing. These are cool, these are cool. Alright, let's bring back the pulled pork pan, slow cooker base, or the Dr Pepper and the juice is in there and of course the onions. And I am just pushing that pulled pork back in to those juices, wow. It's like leaping off a big diving board, the best swimming pool ever. Like going, "Hey, check this out. "It's amazing in here." This is some barbecue sauce that I was recommended. We can't get too many of them the UK, but this was on the list of one of a American friend's favourite one, so luckily I found that in a store. I'm gonna go for about half a bottle, which is about 250 grammes in there. Oh my gosh, but I think you could probably add more or less to make it more tangy, thicker, or just keep it a bit more. Pulled pork is traditionally, oh that was a nice noise, served not even with barbecue sauce, a lot of people have it without, just the shredded pork. The applesauce with it, as seen in the cream horn video, the last video would go very well indeed. So just give this a big stir around, oh my gosh. Yes, I'm gonna add a bit more barbecue sauce. Yeah, only add in half the bottle, it didn't have quite enough tang in there, but I'm thinking of this, oh yeah, it's thickening up a little bit more as well. I want that nice balance between not being too tangy but still having a little bit of barbecue kick in it. Plus you got the smokiness of the salt in it that you put on the pork as well. Alright, so let's get that back on the heat for about 30 minutes just to warm it through. Okay then, back on there. On low, lid on. Yeah, just leave it about 30 minutes, just to warm through, let those flavours mingle while my solitary fork over here just goes, "Oh, I really wanted to join in." I've just seen one of my favourite chefs of all time, who I'd love to do a video with someday, let's make it happen, one one-day, Alton Brown, he did a review of these and I don't think he liked them that much. He was a bit critical of them. But in a comical way, so that's fine. Perhaps there was a clause in his contract, where he had to say. Alright then folks, I actually turned it up to high in the end. So that still has been half an hour, 'cause it's not really high high is it. You see it sort of bubbling away there, looking gorgeous. So those flavours have nice and mingled, let's serve it up. So I got myself a lovely crusty roll, which I'm just gonna slice. Hello, please fill me with delicious food. That's a little bit naughty, this is optional. Just like everything in life is optional folks. I mean you don't have to wake up in the morning, you could lie in bed and be like, "No, I'm staying in bed." That's a bad example, but you are choosing to watch this video and I thank you for that. That's a better example. And my point is that I'm just buttering my roll, just because I like that. You don't have to do that at all. Sitting my pulled pork behind me right here, oh yeah. I'm gonna use a slotted spoon to lift up, oh my gosh. Actually I need to bring this forward so you can see it. Oh my gosh. Alright, normal service is resumed. I'm just lifting up some of this pulled pork. Oh my gosh, you see that? Can we go one more? Yes we can, just a tiny bit more I think. The heat of that pulled pork will just melt that butter and just oh it's a good thing, it's a good thing. Look at that, what a beast. Oh my gosh. Put some coleslaw on top. Look at that mountain. And then we just sit our lid down, not too much. Let it see the layers. Beauty. Gosh that sounded Australian. Oh, you delicious thing. That is gonna be used for my thumbnail. Pretty certain of that, breakfast time. So I was just doing all my Snapchats and Instagramy bits then, but it's time to eat it. It's so warm, yes. Oh my gosh, here we go. Some of it dribbled on the floor. Use a plate normally okay? Oh my gosh, that is like breathtaking. That is like stonking. Starting to get really messy in this. You got a real tang of the barbecue sauce, the smokiness of it too. But of course the sweet caramelization with the Dr Pepper, I absolutely love that. So if you do try the recipe, don't forget to send me a picture at my virgin kitchen. Follow me on social media for loads of behind-the-scenes bits and bobs and subscribe for regular recipes and food fun. Congratulations, you've made it to the end of the video, here is your pug pause. And you believed me right now, wanting some pulled pork.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 208,275
Rating: 4.8372426 out of 5
Keywords: Dr Pepper Slow Cooker Pulled Pork Recipe, slow cooker pulled pork, dr pepper pulled pork, crockpot pulled pork, bbq pulled pork, dr pepper, slowcooker recipes, how to make pulled pork, pulled pork recipe, barry lewis, my virgin kitchen recipes, DIY pulled pork, pulled pork burgers, coleslaw, buns, burgers, my virgin kitchen, what is pulled pork, tutorial, instructions, lesson, overnight, best pulled pork recipe, kitchen gadgets, gadget testing, pulled pork kitchen gadget claws
Id: wDf0z_souhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2017
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